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The attraction of female tabanids to Malaise traps and canopy traps baited with aged horse urine, 1-octen-3-ol, or a combination of aged horse urine and acetone was studied in the Kopacki rit Nature Park in Eastern Croatia. Malaise traps captured very few tabanids relative to canopy traps. The number of females of Tabanus tergestinus and Haematopotapluvialis collected from 1-octen-3-ol baited canopy traps differed significantly from traps baited with aged horse urine. However, the number of females of Tabanus bromius, Atylotus loewianus, and Tabanus maculicornis collected from canopy traps baited with 1-octen-3-ol and aged horse urine did not differ significantly. Canopy traps baited with aged horse urine collected significantly more Tabanus sudeticus than did traps baited with 1-octen-3-ol. Canopy traps baited with 1-octen-3-ol collected eight times more tabanids than unbaited traps, whereas canopy traps baited with aged horse urine and a combination of aged horse urine and acetone collected seven and four times as many tabanids, respectively, as did unbaited traps. It appears that 1-octen-3-oland aged horse urine are very effective attractants for tabanids in this part of Europe. Tabanus bromius was the most abundant species with 53.14% in the sample collected by canopy traps.  相似文献   

Synthetic and natural attractants in traps are used in many parts of the world to attract female tabanids. Certain attractants in different geographic regions may be ineffective or effective under different environmental conditions for horseflies. One‐octen‐3‐ol, as a compound present in bovine emanations, has a behavioural effect on many horsefly species and together with other phenolic compounds makes very effective attractant for this group of insects. As the attractiveness of the mixture of three chemicals (1‐octen‐3‐ol, acetone and ammonia solution in the proportions 5 : 3 : 2), aged donkey urine, lactic acid and fresh human urine is not yet known, it was studied in Eastern Croatia. The combination of those three chemicals and efficiency of natural attractants offers promising results. Tabanus was the most represented genus with 83% of the total collected tabanids. The chi‐squared analyses of the trapping data for canopy traps revealed that each of the attractants (mixture of three chemicals, aged donkey urine, lactic acid and fresh human urine) significantly increased the number of collected horseflies in comparison to those collected in unbaited canopy traps. Some species differences in relative response to different attractants were noted. Significantly, more specimens of Haematopota pluvialis were collected from canopy traps baited with the mixture of three chemicals when compared with traps baited with other attractants. Canopy traps baited with aged donkey urine collected significantly more Atylotus loewianus females than did traps baited with the mixture. The Ftest analysis of the trapping data for the genus Tabanus showed that there is significant difference between average number of collected specimens between mixture of three chemicals and other used attractants (lactic acid and human urine) except aged donkey urine. Finally, traps baited with the mixture of three chemicals (1‐octen‐3‐ol, acetone and ammonia solution) collected 14.5 times more tabanids than unbaited traps, whereas aged donkey urine, lactic acid, and fresh human urine‐baited traps collected 12, 3.9 and 2.5 times as many tabanids, respectively, than did unbaited traps. The mixture of three chemicals (1‐octen‐3‐ol, acetone and ammonia solution) and aged donkey urine appear to be very effective attractants for tabanids.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from southern, central and eastern regions of Saudi Arabia using Malaise traps and sweep nets. Nine species of Tabanidae were identified, two for the first time from Saudi Arabia, Hybomitra peculiaris (Szilády) and Atylotus pulchellus (Loew).Therefore, the total number of Tabanidae in Saudi Arabia is 31 species. Remarks of the species recorded in this study were given. A key to the genera of Tabanidae occurring in the Arabian Peninsula is also provided. Available literature for Saudi Arabian Tabanidae is summarized and provided. It is concluded that the tabanid fauna of Saudi Arabia is more similar to that of the Palaearctic region than to the Afrotropical region.  相似文献   

The efficiency and the potential species preference for six different horsefly trap types was studied. A total of 2401 horseflies were collected during this study. The most effective trap was the modified box trap with (27.9%), followed by the Nzi trap with (24.5%), Malaise trap (Townes design 1972) with (22.5)%, canopy trap with (17.9%), modified small canopy trap with (7.0%) and Malaise trap (Townes design 1962) with (0.2%). The Nzi and Malaise trap (Townes design 1972) did not differ significantly in the number of collected horseflies. The comparison of all other traps revealed significant differences in the number of collected horseflies. Tabanus bromius was the most abundant species with (58.6%) of the collected sample. The modified box trap was the most successful in collecting of T. bromius, while the Malaise trap (Townes design 1972) was the most successful in collecting the species Haematopota pluvialis, T. maculicornis and T. tergestinus. This study demonstrated that different trap designs influenced the quantity, species and taxonomic diversity of horseflies that were collected. Variables in the trap design included cloth type and colour and size and shape of trap. More detailed studies should be done to determine which factor or factors are most significant.  相似文献   


The literature on the fauna of the family Tabanidae (Diptera) of Yakutia is analyzed. The distribution of 37 species of horseflies over 7 natural regions of Yakutia is considered. Seven taxa of horseflies previously known by erroneous records are excluded from the fauna of Yakutia.


The horse fly fauna of Jordan consists of 24 species belonging to seven genera. The present study adds two new records; Tabanus unifasciatus and Tabanus lunatus. Keys and illustrations for the horse flies of Jordan are presented based on examined materials. Distribution and geographic ranges for each species is also given.  相似文献   

Although dipteran communities play a fundamental role in the ecosystem, little is known about their diversity, richness and abundance in different environments. In spite of the importance of Natural Protected Areas (NPAs) as reservoirs of biological diversity, information about community parameters of most insects, including Diptera, are practically unknown in these areas. In this study, we described and compared the composition and structure of Dipteran communities (considering Tabanidae, Asilidae and Syrphidae families) within six (NPAs) of Yucatan, Southeast Mexico, comprising four main vegetation types: seasonally flooded forest, tropical deciduous forest, semi-deciduous tropical forest and coastal dune. We used Malaise-traps to collect samples during a period of two days, twice a month, for one year (2006–2007) within each NPAs. A total of 6 910 specimens belonging to 33 genera and 78 species/morphospecies were recorded. Our results show that the four vegetation types host a vast diversity of dipterans. However, species richness, abundance, diversity and similarity were higher in the communities of tropical deciduous forests compared with those from semi-deciduous forests and coastal dune vegetation, probably as a result of microhabitat differences between sites. We highlight the role of tropical deciduous forests as a refuge for Diptera species and the importance of these forests for conservation of dipteran communities.  相似文献   

Tabanus spp. or horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) are haematophagous flies of medical and veterinary importance. They are known to cause trypanosomosis or surra in domestic and wild animals in Thailand. This study conducted an entomological survey of horse flies from different sites in Thailand. Horse flies were collected from three different habitats: primary forests, secondary forests and villages using Nzi traps between April 2012 and December 2016. A total of 1835 female horse flies were collected and 45 species were identified. The five most abundant species were T. striatus (25.45%), followed by T. megalops (21.36%), T. rubidus (14.82%), T. tamthaiorum (7.90%) and T. oxybeles (6.38%). The highest proportion of horse flies was collected in villages (39.13%), followed by primary forests (34%) and secondary forests (26.87%). The species diversity of horse flies in primary forests was higher than in other habitats. The results of this study may be used for a horse fly control program.  相似文献   

Krčmar S 《ZooKeys》2011,(117):73-82
Thirty six species of horse flies (Tabanidae) were previously known from Serbia (Europe). The present faunistic study of horse flies (Tabanidae) has resulted in the recording of the 4 new species Atylotus fulvus (Meigen, 1804); Tabanus miki Brauer in Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1880; Tabanus unifasciatus Loew, 1858; and Heptatoma pellucens (Fabricius, 1776), in the fauna of Serbia. The genus Heptatoma Meigen, 1803 is cited for the first time in the fauna of Serbia. 40 species are currently known from Serbia, belonging to nine genera. The fauna can be considered relatively poorly studied. Most of the species belong to the Boreal-Eurasian type of fauna 23, followed by the South European group with 8 species, the Mediterranean group with 6 species, European group with 2 species and Central European group with 1 species.  相似文献   

Twenty-one species of Tabanidae from four genera were recorded. Where samples were large enough, the preferred alighting sites were determined for the tabanids, and differences in such sites were found for species in three genera. The lower legs of the bait ox were the preferred alighting site for 61.8% of the flies. In the season of peak fly numbers, the bait ox was under stress from the tabanids.  相似文献   

本文报道了我国祁连山地麻虻属Haematopota 1新种:祁连山麻虻Haematopota qilianshanensis He,Liu et Xu,sp.nov.,并记录了祁连山地虻科4属13种。新种正模和42♀♀副模保存在兰州军区疾病预防控制中心昆虫标本室,10♀♀副模保存在军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆。祁连山麻虻Haematopota qilianshanensis He,Liu et Xu,新种(图1~3)主要特征:体灰黑色,体长10~12mm。额灰黑色,侧点半圆形,与复合眼明显分离;额胛亮褐黑色,表面凹凸不平,两端略后突,中部明显后突,形如笔架,两侧与复眼明显分离。触角柄节粗壮,由基部向亚端部明显膨大,长为直径的2.4倍,梗节较小,具大的拇指状背突。足基节灰黑色,转节亮褐色,股节棕黄色,前足胫节基部棕黄色,端部棕黑色,中、后足胫节棕黑色,具2个明显的棕黄环。翅灰色,翅长8~9mm,具云朵状花纹,翅端灰色,第2、3、5或2、3、4、5后缘室具白斑,翅端带单一,波形。本新种接近土麻虻Haematopota turkestanica(Krober),但后者翅端部及后缘具连续白色边緣;触角柄节粗短、圆柱形,背缘近端部具深的凹陷。也与甘肃麻虻Haematopota kansuensis(Krober)相近,但后者额基胛呈穹形带状,中央无突起或突起不明显,两侧与眼略有接触;侧点圆形,与眼相接触;前足股节灰白色,中、后足股节浅棕白色;翅棕色,具白色点状斑纹,翅尖带单一,细波形。正模:♀,祁连山甘肃省肃南县铧尖乡,1991-Ⅵ-24,刘增加。副模:17♀♀,同正模;29♀♀,产地同正模,1991-Ⅵ-30,刘增加;5♀♀,产地同正模,1991-Ⅵ-25,刘增加;1♀,产地同正模,1991-Ⅵ-19,刘增加。  相似文献   

刘维德 《昆虫学报》1959,(4):388-392
一、序言 黄虻亚属(Subgenus Ochrops Szil.)隶属双翅目的虻科虻属(Tabanus,Tabanidae),主要分布于旧北区,已知约30余种,本亚属虻类具有以下几个特征;1.体色黄绿、灰黑或近金黄色;2.复眼中部有一条显著而细窄的黑带;3.额板(Callus)一般不大,中额板(middle callus)与之远离,额板和中额板的轮廓常不固定;4.触角各节都呈黄色;5.盾片无纹饰;6.r_4脉皆有坿枝。本亚属的虻类中有几种  相似文献   

Hovering aggregations of male salt marsh greenheads Tabanus nigrovittatusand the sibling species T. conterminuswere observed on marshes in southern New Jersey. T. nigrovittatusmales hovered over expanses of short marsh grasses, while T. conterminushovered over tidal creeks and near other prominent landmarks. T. nigrovittatusexhibited two distinct daily hovering periods. The timing of these periods varied daily but showed a strong negative correlation with ambient temperature. A principal-components analysis identified a combination of ambient temperature, black-body temperature, and light intensity as most predictive of hovering onset. T. conterminushovered during a time period which was generally intermediate to the two hovering periods of T. nigrovittatus.Temporal partitioning of hovering windows may represent a premating isolating mechanism.  相似文献   

The fossil record of the Tabanidae is sparse when compared with other families of Diptera. Even in amber they are rare, probably because of their size and specific flight behavior. Horseflies from amber are only known from Cretaceous age New Jersey amber as well as from the Tertiary age Baltic and Dominican amber, but are herein described for the first time, with Stenotabanus oleariorum sp. n., from Mexican amber. The new species is compared to the fossil horseflies of the same genus S. brodzinskyi Lane, Poinar and Fairchild 1988 and S. woodruffi Lane and Fairchild 1989 from Dominican amber.  相似文献   

Agasoi  V. V. 《Entomological Review》2021,101(3):303-307
Entomological Review - A technique of preparation and storage of the genital apparatus of horseflies is developed. It is proposed to use 70% alcohol along with potassium hydroxide to soften the...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Horseflies of the Tabanus cordiger species group from Korea is revised taxonomically. A total of four species are arranged herein: T. divulsus sp. nov., T. fulvimedioides, T. kinoshitai and T. loukashkini. A key to discriminate species, annotated check lists of domestic records, and collection data for each species are provided.  相似文献   

The host-seeking behavior of hematophagous arthropods can be altered by symbiotes, thereby biasing sampling techniques and inaccurately reflecting symbiote or vector prevalence. Knowledge of any altered vector behavior is essential in vector control and monitoring. Species of Chrysops are vectors of human and animal pathogens. Six species of Chrysops were collected at two locations in South Carolina to determine if diurnal host-seeking behavior was influenced by trypanosomatid infection. Fifty-five percent of the host-seeking Chrysops were infected with trypanosomatid parasites. Prevalence of infection in host-seeking Chrysops were statistically indistinguishable during both the morning and evening at both sites. The results indicate that the prevalence of parasites among wild host-seeking Chrysops might not be influenced by infection status.  相似文献   

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