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Seven GC-rich (group I) and three AT-rich (group II) microbial genomes are analyzed in this paper. The seven microbes in group I belong to different phylogenetic lineages, even different domains of life. The common feature is that they are highly GC-rich organisms, with more than 60% genomic GC content. Group II includes three bacteria, which belong to the same subdivision as Pseudomonas aeruginosa in group I. The genomic GC content of the three bacteria is in the range of 26-50%. It is shown that although the phylogenetic lineages of the organisms in group I are remote, the common feature of highly genomic GC content forces them to adopt similar codon usage patterns, which constitutes the basis of an algorithm using a set of universal parameters to recognize known genes in the seven genomes. The common codon usage pattern of function known genes in the seven genomes is GGS type, where G, G, and S are the bases of G, non-G, and G/C, respectively. On the contrary, although the phylogenetic lineages of the three bacteria in group II are quite close, the codon usage patterns of function known genes in these genomes are obviously distinct. There are no universal parameters to identify known genes in the three genomes in group II. It can be deduced that the genomic GC content is more important than phylogenetic lineage in gene recognition programs. We hope that the work might be useful for understanding the common characteristics in the organization of microbial genomes.  相似文献   

Shaokui Yi  Yanhe Li  Weimin Wang 《Genomics》2018,110(2):134-142
Neutrality plots revealed that selection probably dominates codon bias, whereas mutation plays only a minor role, in shaping the codon bias in three loaches, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, M. mohoity, and M. bipartitus. These three species also clearly showed similar tendencies in the preferential usage of codons. Nineteen, nine, and 14 preferred codon pairs and 179, 182, and 173 avoided codon pairs were also detected in M. anguillicaudatus, M. bipartitus, and M. mohoity, respectively, and the most frequently avoided type of cP3-cA1 dinucleotide in these species was nnUAnn. The expression-linked patterns of codon usage revealed that higher expression was associated with higher GC3, lower ENC, and a smaller proportion of amino acids with high size/complexity (S/C) scores in these three species. These results elucidate selectively driven codon bias in Misgurnus species, and reveal the potential importance of expression-mediated selection in shaping the genome evolution of fish.  相似文献   

现有92株芜菁花叶病毒(TuMV)的全基因组序列已在GenBank报道,据分析报道其中58株不含重组序列。利用系统聚类法对92株TuMV的全基因组序列和58株TuMV全基因组序列的相对密码子频率RSCU值进行聚类分析。同时利用系统发育分析方法分析了这92株和58株TuMV全基因组序列。结果发现,92株芜菁花叶病毒株的密码子偏性聚类树与其系统进化树的一致度很低;而不含重组序列的58株芜菁花叶病毒株的密码子偏性聚类树与其系统进化树的一致度却非常高,且与寄生宿主类型基本对应。这表明在不存在重组的情况下,TuMV密码子频率的偏性可能是宿主内的一种选择压力,影响TuMV基因组的点突变进化方向,促使TuMV适应宿主内环境。  相似文献   

Chromohalobacter salexigens, a Gammaproteobacterium belonging to the family Halomonadaceae, shows a broad salinity range for growth. In order to reveal the factors influencing architecture of protein coding genes in C. salexigens, pattern of synonymous codon usage bias has been investigated. Overall codon usage analysis of the microorganism revealed that C and G ending codons are predominantly used in all the genes which are indicative of mutational bias. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that the genes are separated along the first major explanatory axis according to their expression levels and their genomic GC content at the synonymous third positions of the codons. Both NC plot and correspondence analysis on Relative Synonymous Codon Usage (RSCU) indicates that the variation in codon usage among the genes may be due to mutational bias at the DNA level and natural selection acting at the level of mRNA translation. Gene length and the hydrophobicity of the encoded protein also influence the codon usage variation of genes to some extent. A comparison of the relative synonymous codon usage between 10% each of highly and lowly expressed genes determines 23 optimal codons, which are statistically over represented in the former group of genes and may provide useful information for salt-stressed gene prediction and gene-transformation. Furthermore, genes for regulatory functions; mobile and extrachromosomal element functions; and cell envelope are observed to be highly expressed. The study could provide insight into the gene expression response of halophilic bacteria and facilitate establishment of effective strategies to develop salt-tolerant crops of agronomic value.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of codon usage in certain coliphages are adapted to expression inEscherichia coli. Bacteriophage T4 may be an exception to test the rule, as it produces eight tRNAs with specificities that are otherwise rare inE. coli. A database of all known T4 DNA sequences has been compiled, comprising 174 genes and a total of 115 kb (approximately 70% of the T4 genome). Codon usage has been examined in all T4 genes; some of these are known to be expressed before, and some after, the production of phage tRNAs. The results show two different patterns of codon usage: by comparison with the early genes, the late genes exhibit a shift in preference toward those codons recognized by the phage-encoded tRNAs. The T4 tRNAs translate A-ending codons, and it is possible that the phage acquired the tRNA genes because the mutation bias of the T4 DNA polymerase forces the T4 genome toward A+T-richness.Presented at the NATO Advanced Workshop on Genome Organization and Evolution, held in Spetses, Greece, September 1990  相似文献   

We introduce a new approach to investigate the dual nucleotides compositions of 11 Gram-positive and 12 Gram-negative eubacteria recently studied by Sorimachi and Okayasu. The approach firstly obtains a 16-dimension vector set of dual nucleotides by PN-curve from the complete genome of organism. Each vector of the set corresponds to a single gene of genome. Then we reduce the 16-dimension vector set to 2-dimension by principal components analysis (PCA). The reduction avoids possible loss of information averaging all 16-dimension vectors. Then we suggest a 2D graphical representation based on the 2-dimension vector to investigate the classification patters among different organisms.  相似文献   

Suo G  Chen B  Zhang J  Duan Z  He Z  Yao W  Yue C  Dai J 《Plant cell reports》2006,25(7):689-697
Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) has great potential in therapeutic applications. We are working on generating transgenic plants as a bioreactor to produce BMP2. We have studied the effects of codon optimization on the expression of human BMP2 (hBMP2) in tobacco plants. Three modified hBMP2 genes were transformed into tobacco under the control of either cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (CaMV35S) promoter or double-CaMV35S promoter plus alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) enhancer. The fused β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene was used to facilitate the assay of protein expression. The results indicated that codon optimization could increase the protein expression level obviously under CaMV35S promoter. However, under relatively stronger initiation condition (double-CaMV35S promoter plus AMV enhancer), only the gene with the lowest degree of codon optimization could increase the protein expression level. Our findings suggest that the action of codon optimization may be influenced by the factors of promoter strength and A+T content in tobacco plants.  相似文献   

Synonymous codon usage patterns of bacteriophage and host genomes were compared. Two indexes, G + C base composition of a gene (fgc) and fraction of translationally optimal codons of the gene (fop), were used in the comparison. Synonymous codon usage data of all the coding sequences on a genome are represented as a cloud of points in the plane of fop vs. fgc. The Escherichia coli coding sequences appear to exhibit two phases, "rising" and "flat" phases. Genes that are essential for survival and are thought to be native are located in the flat phase, while foreign-type genes from prophages and transposons are found in the rising phase with a slope of nearly unity in the fgc vs. fop plot. Synonymous codon distribution patterns of genes from temperate phages P4, P2, N15 and lambda are similar to the pattern of E. coli rising phase genes. In contrast, genes from the virulent phage T7 or T4, for which a phage-encoded DNA polymerase is identified, fall in a linear curve with a slope of nearly zero in the fop vs. fgc plane. These results may suggest that the G + C contents for T7, T4 and E. coli flat phase genes are subject to the directional mutation pressure and are determined by the DNA polymerase used in the replication. There is significant variation in the fop values of the phage genes, suggesting an adjustment to gene expression level. Similar analyses of codon distribution patterns were carried out for Haemophilus influenzae, Bacillus subtilis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and their phages with complete genomic sequences available.  相似文献   



There is a significant difference between synonymous codon usage in many organisms, and it is known that codons used more frequently generally showed efficient decoding rate. At the gene level, however, there are conflicting reports on the existence of a correlation between codon adaptation and translation efficiency, even in the same organism.


To resolve this issue, we cultured Escherichia coli under conditions designed to maintain constant levels of mRNA and protein and subjected the cells to ribosome profiling (RP) and mRNA-seq analyses. We showed that the RP results correlated more closely with protein levels generated under similar culture conditions than with the mRNA abundance from the mRNA-seq. Our result indicated that RP/mRNA ratio could be used as a measure of translation efficiency at gene level. On the other hand, the RP data showed that codon-specific ribosome density at the decoding site negatively correlated with codon usage, consistent with the hypothesis that preferred codons display lower ribosome densities due to their faster decoding rate. However, highly codon-adapted genes showed higher ribosome densities at the gene level, indicating that the efficiency of translation initiation, rather than higher elongation efficiency of preferred codons, exerted a greater effect on ribosome density and thus translation efficiency.


These findings indicate that evolutionary pressure on highly expressed genes influenced both codon bias and translation initiation efficiency and therefore explains contradictory findings that codon usage bias correlates with translation efficiency of native genes, but not with the artificially created gene pool, which was not subjected to evolution pressure.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1115) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

流感病毒基因的密码子偏好性及聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐利娟  钟金城  陈智华  穆松 《生物信息学》2010,8(2):175-179,186
流行性感冒病毒是一种造成人类及动物患流行性感冒的RNA病毒,它造成急性上呼吸道感染,并由空气迅速传播,在世界各地常有周期性的大流行。根据该病毒的基因组CDS序列,探讨了基因组序列密码子的使用模式和特性,并进行了病毒间的聚类分析。结果表明:流感病毒的G+C含量均低于A+U含量,偏向使用以A、U结尾的密码子的程度比使用以G、C结尾的较高,CUG、UCA、AGU、AGC、AGA、AGG、GUG、CCA、ACA、GGA、GCA、AUU、UGA、CAU、CAA、AAU、AAA、GAA等18个密码子为流感病毒共有的偏好性密码子,且以A结尾的居多,尤其偏爱AGA、GGA。聚类结果表明首先亚洲流感病毒H2N2和香港流感病毒H2N2聚为一类,亚洲流感病毒H1N1和俄罗斯流感病毒H1N1聚为一类,1997年和2003年~2004年发生的人禽流感聚为一类,说明它们的密码子使用的偏好性相似;而2009年爆发的甲型H1N1流感和任何一个流感的距离都比较远,说明甲型H1N1流感病毒是一种新型的病毒,不同于以往任何一种流感病毒。  相似文献   

Optimality of codon usage in Escherichia coli due to load minimization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The canonical genetic code is known to be highly efficient in minimizing the effects of mistranslational errors and point mutations, an ability which in term is designated "load minimization". One parameter involved in calculating the load minimizing property of the genetic code is codon usage. In most bacteria, synonymous codons are not used with equal frequencies. Different factors have been proposed to contribute to codon usage preference. It has been shown that the codon preference is correlated with the composition of the tRNA pool. Selection for translational efficiency and translational accuracy both result in such a correlation. In this work, it is shown that codon usage bias in Escherichia coli works so as to minimize the consequences of translational errors, i.e. optimized for load minimization.  相似文献   

Summary We searched the complete 39,936 base DNA sequence of bacteriophage T7 for nonrandomness that might be attributed to natural selection. Codon usage in the 50 genes of T7 is nonrandom, both over the whole code and among groups of synonymous codons. There is a great excess of purineany base-pyrimidine (RNY) codons. Codon usage varies between genes, but from the pooled data for the whole genome (12,145 codons) certain putative selective constraints can be identified. Codon usage appears to be influenced by host tRNA abundance (particularly in highly expressed genes), tRNA-mRNA interactions (one such interaction being perhaps responsible for maintaining the excess of RNY codons) and a lack of short palindromes. This last constraint is probably due to selection against host restriction enzyme recognition sites; this is the first report of an effect of this kind on codon usage. Selection against susceptibility to mutational damage does not appear to have been involved.  相似文献   



The analysis of codon usage is a good way to understand the genetic and evolutionary characteristics of an organism. However, there are only a few reports related with the codon usage of the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori (B. mori). Hence, the codon usage of B. mori was analyzed here to reveal the constraint factors and it could be helpful to improve the bioreactor based on B. mori.


A total of 1,097 annotated mRNA sequences from B. mori were analyzed, revealing there is only a weak codon bias. It also shows that the gene expression level is related to the GC content, and the amino acids with higher general average hydropathicity (GRAVY) and aromaticity (Aromo). And the genes on the primary axis are strongly positively correlated with the GC content, and GC3s. Meanwhile, the effective number of codons (ENc) is strongly correlated with codon adaptation index (CAI), gene length, and Aromo values. However, the ENc values are correlated with the second axis, which indicates that the codon usage in B. mori is affected by not only mutation pressure and natural selection, but also nucleotide composition and the gene expression level. It is also associated with Aromo values, and gene length. Additionally, B. mori has a greater relative discrepancy in codon preferences with Drosophila melanogaster (D. melanogaster) or Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) than with Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana), Escherichia coli (E. coli), or Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans).


The codon usage bias in B. mori is relatively weak, and many influence factors are found here, such as nucleotide composition, mutation pressure, natural selection, and expression level. Additionally, it is also associated with Aromo values, and gene length. Among them, natural selection might play a major role. Moreover, the “optimal codons” of B. mori are all encoded by G and C, which provides useful information for enhancing the gene expression in B. mori through codon optimization.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1596-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Analysis of approximately 17 kbp of nucleotide sequences from three different regions of the genome of Pasteurella haemolytica A1 showed that the mol% G+C of P. haemolytica A1 DNA is 38.5%. When only the coding sequences (approx. 10 kbp) were analysed, a similar value of 38.8% was obtained. A comparison of the relative synonymous codon usage values of the cloned genes showed that P. haemolytica A1 has a very different codon usage pattern from that of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Current models of codon substitution are formulated at the levels of nucleotide substitution and do not explicitly consider the separate effects of mutation and selection. They are thus incapable of inferring whether mutation or selection is responsible for evolution at silent sites. Here we implement a few population genetics models of codon substitution that explicitly consider mutation bias and natural selection at the DNA level. Selection on codon usage is modeled by introducing codon-fitness parameters, which together with mutation-bias parameters, predict optimal codon frequencies for the gene. The selective pressure may be for translational efficiency and accuracy or for fine-tuning translational kinetics to produce correct protein folding. We apply the models to compare mitochondrial and nuclear genes from several mammalian species. Model assumptions concerning codon usage are found to affect the estimation of sequence distances (such as the synonymous rate d(S), the nonsynonymous rate d(N), and the rate at the 4-fold degenerate sites d(4)), as found in previous studies, but the new models produced very similar estimates to some old ones. We also develop a likelihood ratio test to examine the null hypothesis that codon usage is due to mutation bias alone, not influenced by natural selection. Application of the test to the mammalian data led to rejection of the null hypothesis in most genes, suggesting that natural selection may be a driving force in the evolution of synonymous codon usage in mammals. Estimates of selection coefficients nevertheless suggest that selection on codon usage is weak and most mutations are nearly neutral. The sensitivity of the analysis on the assumed mutation model is discussed.  相似文献   

Mukhopadhyay P  Basak S  Ghosh TC 《Gene》2007,400(1-2):71-81
Synonymous codon usage and cellular tRNA abundance are thought to be co-evolved in optimizing translational efficiencies in highly expressed genes. Here in this communication by taking the advantage of publicly available gene expression data of rice and Arabidopsis we demonstrated that tRNA gene copy number is not the only driving force favoring translational selection in all highly expressed genes of rice. We found that forces favoring translational selection differ between GC-rich and GC-poor classes of genes. Supporting our results we also showed that, in highly expressed genes of GC-poor class there is a perfect correspondence between majority of preferred codons and tRNA gene copy number that confers translational efficiencies to this group of genes. However, tRNA gene copy number is not fully consistent with models of translational selection in GC-rich group of genes, where constraints on mRNA secondary structure play a role to optimize codon usage in highly expressed genes.  相似文献   

Cholera remains a heavy burden to human health in some developing countries including India where sanitation is poor and health care is limited. After the publication of the complete genome sequence of Vibrio cholerae, the etiological agent of cholera, extensive possibilities, earlier unavailable, have opened up to understand the genetic organization of V. cholerae. In the present study, we analyzed all the pathogenic non-horizontally transferred genes of V. cholerae to know the ancestral relationship and how the pathogenic genes have been evolved in V. cholerae genome. We observed that protein domain has important role in developing pathogenicity, and codon usage pattern of the pathogenic protein domain is also subject to selection. The present study unambiguously depict that the patterns of synonymous codon usage within a protein domain can change dramatically during the course of evolution to give rise to pathogenicity.  相似文献   

In this article we describe and demonstrate the versatility of a computer program, GENOME MAPPING, that uses interactive graphics and runs on an IRIS workstation. The program helps to visualize as well as analyse global and local patterns of genomic DNA sequences. It was developed keeping in mind the requirements of the human genome sequencing programme, which requires rapid analysis of the data. Using GENOME MAPPING one can discern signature patterns of different kinds of sequences and analyse such patterns for repetitive as well as rare sequence strings. Further, one can visualize the extent of global homology between different genomic sequences. An application of our method to the published yeast mitochondrial genome data shows similar sequence organizations in the entire sequence and in smaller subsequences  相似文献   

The fungal genus Puccinia, comprising of several menacing pathogens, has been a persistent peril to global agriculture. Genome sequencing of various members of Puccinia offers a scope to excavate their genomic riddles. The present study has been addressed at exploring the complex niceties of codon and amino acid usage patterns and subsequent elucidation of the determinants that drive such behavior. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed a complex interplay of natural selection for translation and compositional bias to be operational on the codon usage patterns. Gene expression level was observed to be the most competent factor governing codon usage behavior of the genus. In spite of subtle AT richness of the genus, potential highly expressed gene sets were found to preferentially employ GC rich optimal codons. Estimation of relative dinucleotide abundance revealed preference toward the employment of GpA, CpA, TpC, and TpG dinucleotides and restraint from using TpA dinucleotide among the members of the genus. Extensive codon context analysis revealed that codon pairs with GpA, CpA, TpC, and TpG dinucleotides were over-represented and codon pairs with TpA dinucleotide were extensively avoided at the codon–codon (cP3–cA1) junctions. Amino acid usage signatures of the genus were found to be influenced considerably by several imperative factors like aromatic and hydrophobic character of the encoded gene products, genomic compositional constraint, and gene expressivity. Detailed know-how of the potential highly expressed gene sets and associated optimal codons in the genus promise to be informative for the scientific community engaged in combating Puccinia pathogenesis.  相似文献   

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