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We present a generalised framework for analysing structural robustness of metabolic networks, based on the concept of elementary flux modes (EFMs). Extending our earlier study on single knockouts [Wilhelm, T., Behre, J., Schuster, S., 2004. Analysis of structural robustness of metabolic networks. IEE Proc. Syst. Biol. 1(1), 114-120], we are now considering the general case of double and multiple knockouts. The robustness measures are based on the ratio of the number of remaining EFMs after knockout vs. the number of EFMs in the unperturbed situation, averaged over all combinations of knockouts. With the help of simple examples we demonstrate that consideration of multiple knockouts yields additional information going beyond single-knockout results. It is proven that the robustness score decreases as the knockout depth increases.We apply our extended framework to metabolic networks representing amino acid anabolism in Escherichia coli and human hepatocytes, and the central metabolism in human erythrocytes. Moreover, in the E. coli model the two subnetworks synthesising amino acids that are essential and those that are non-essential for humans are studied separately. The results are discussed from an evolutionary viewpoint. We find that E. coli has the most robust metabolism of all the cell types studied here. Considering only the subnetwork of the synthesis of non-essential amino acids, E. coli and the human hepatocyte show about the same robustness.  相似文献   

Elementary flux mode analysis is a promising approach for a pathway-oriented perspective of metabolic networks. However, in larger networks it is hampered by the combinatorial explosion of possible routes. In this work we give some estimations on the combinatorial complexity including theoretical upper bounds for the number of elementary flux modes in a network of a given size. In a case study, we computed the elementary modes in the central metabolism of Escherichia coli while utilizing four different substrates. Interestingly, although the number of modes occurring in this complex network can exceed half a million, it is still far below the upper bound. Hence, to a certain extent, pathway analysis of central catabolism is feasible to assess network properties such as flexibility and functionality.  相似文献   

Elementary flux modes give a mathematical representation of metabolic pathways in metabolic networks satisfying the constraint of non-decomposability. The large cost of their computation shifts attention to computing a minimal generating set which is a conically independent subset of elementary flux modes. When a metabolic network has reversible reactions and also admits a reversible pathway, the minimal generating set is not unique. A theoretical development and computational framework is provided which outline how to compute the minimal generating set in this case. The method is based on combining existing software to compute the minimal generating set for a “pointed cone” together with standard software to compute the Reduced Row Echelon Form.  相似文献   

Interactions between the structure of a metabolic network and its functional properties underlie its evolutionary diversification, but the mechanism by which such interactions arise remains elusive. Particularly unclear is whether metabolic fluxes that determine the concentrations of compounds produced by a metabolic network, are causally linked to a network's structure or emerge independently of it. A direct empirical study of populations where both structural and functional properties vary among individuals’ metabolic networks is required to establish whether changes in structure affect the distribution of metabolic flux. In a population of house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus), we reconstructed full carotenoid metabolic networks for 442 individuals and uncovered 11 structural variants of this network with different compounds and reactions. We examined the consequences of this structural diversity for the concentrations of plumage‐bound carotenoids produced by flux in these networks. We found that concentrations of metabolically derived, but not dietary carotenoids, depended on network structure. Flux was partitioned similarly among compounds in individuals of the same network structure: within each network, compound concentrations were closely correlated. The highest among‐individual variation in flux occurred in networks with the strongest among‐compound correlations, suggesting that changes in the magnitude, but not the distribution of flux, underlie individual differences in compound concentrations on a static network structure. These findings indicate that the distribution of flux in carotenoid metabolism closely follows network structure. Thus, evolutionary diversification and local adaptations in carotenoid metabolism may depend more on the gain or loss of enzymatic reactions than on changes in flux within a network structure.  相似文献   

Fluxes through metabolic networks are crucial for cell function, and a knowledge of these fluxes is essential for understanding and manipulating metabolic phenotypes. Labeling provides the key to flux measurement, and in network flux analysis the measurement of multiple fluxes allows a flux map to be superimposed on the metabolic network. The principles and practice of two complementary methods, dynamic and steady-state labeling, are described, emphasizing best practice and illustrating their contribution to network flux analysis with examples taken from the plant and microbial literature. The principal analytical methods for the detection of stable isotopes are also described, as well as the procedures for obtaining flux maps from labeling data. A series of boxes summarizing the key concepts of network flux analysis is provided for convenience.  相似文献   

After a very brief introduction to a mechanistic and statistical theory of molecular fluctuations in chemical reactions developed by Joel Keizer, we explore the robustness of a circadian rhythm model by using the theory and the exact stochastic simulation (ESS). The comparative study shows that the theory reflects the effects of the dynamics of the model on the robustness more than ESS does. Even though the theory is a macroscopic one, the robustness of the model compares well with that computed from the ESS when the system size is larger than 50. The robustness increases nonlinearly with the system size and it reaches an asymptotic value at higher system sizes. As we can expect from the dynamics of the system, the robustness is minimum near the bifurcation point and as the most sensitive parameter increases away from the bifurcation point the robustness according to the theory as well as the ESS increases and then reaches to a steady value.  相似文献   

Metabolic networks supply the energy and building blocks for cell growth and maintenance. Cells continuously rewire their metabolic networks in response to changes in environmental conditions to sustain fitness. Studies of the systemic properties of metabolic networks give insight into metabolic plasticity and robustness, and the ability of organisms to cope with different environments. Constraint-based stoichiometric modeling of metabolic networks has become an indispensable tool for such studies. Herein, we review the basic theoretical underpinnings of constraint-based stoichiometric modeling of metabolic networks. Basic concepts, such as stoichiometry, chemical moiety conservation, flux modes, flux balance analysis, and flux solution spaces, are explained with simple, illustrative examples. We emphasize the mathematical definitions and their network topological interpretations.  相似文献   

花强  杨琛 《生物工程学报》2009,25(9):1303-1311
细胞内代谢反应流量在系统理解细胞代谢特性和指导代谢工程改造等方面都起着重要的作用。由于代谢流量难以直接测量得到,在很多情况下通过跟踪稳定同位素在代谢网络中的转移并进行相应的模型计算能有效地定量代谢流量。代谢流量比率分析法能够高度体现系统的生物化学真实性、辨别细胞代谢网络的拓扑结构,并且能够相对简单快速地定量反应速率等,因此受到代谢工程研究者越来越多的重视。以下着重介绍并讨论了利用代谢物同位体分布信息分析关键代谢节点合成途径的流量比率、基于流量比率的代谢流量解析、以及应用于代谢工程等的相关原理、实验测量、数据分析、使用条件等,以期充分发挥代谢流量比率分析法的优势,并将其拓展推广至更多细胞体系的代谢特性阐明和代谢工程改造中去。  相似文献   

Rational engineering of metabolism is important for bio-production using microorganisms. Metabolic design based on in silico simulations and experimental validation of the metabolic state in the engineered strain helps in accomplishing systematic metabolic engineering. Flux balance analysis (FBA) is a method for the prediction of metabolic phenotype, and many applications have been developed using FBA to design metabolic networks. Elementary mode analysis (EMA) and ensemble modeling techniques are also useful tools for in silico strain design. The metabolome and flux distribution of the metabolic pathways enable us to evaluate the metabolic state and provide useful clues to improve target productivity. Here, we reviewed several computational applications for metabolic engineering by using genome-scale metabolic models of microorganisms. We also discussed the recent progress made in the field of metabolomics and 13C-metabolic flux analysis techniques, and reviewed these applications pertaining to bio-production development. Because these in silico or experimental approaches have their respective advantages and disadvantages, the combined usage of these methods is complementary and effective for metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

In macroscopic dynamic models of fermentation processes, elementary modes (EM) derived from metabolic networks are often used to describe the reaction stoichiometry in a simplified manner and to build predictive models by parameterizing kinetic rate equations for the EM. In this procedure, the selection of a set of EM is a key step which is followed by an estimation of their reaction rates and of the associated confidence bounds. In this paper, we present a method for the computation of reaction rates of cellular reactions and EM as well as an algorithm for the selection of EM for process modeling. The method is based on the dynamic metabolic flux analysis (DMFA) proposed by Leighty and Antoniewicz (2011, Metab Eng, 13(6), 745–755) with additional constraints, regularization and analysis of uncertainty. Instead of using estimated uptake or secretion rates, concentration measurements are used directly to avoid an amplification of measurement errors by numerical differentiation. It is shown that the regularized DMFA for EM method is significantly more robust against measurement noise than methods using estimated rates. The confidence intervals for the estimated reaction rates are obtained by bootstrapping. For the selection of a set of EM for a given st oichiometric model, the DMFA for EM method is combined with a multiobjective genetic algorithm. The method is applied to real data from a CHO fed-batch process. From measurements of six fed-batch experiments, 10 EM were identified as the smallest subset of EM based upon which the data can be described sufficiently accurately by a dynamic model. The estimated EM reaction rates and their confidence intervals at different process conditions provide useful information for the kinetic modeling and subsequent process optimization.  相似文献   

This work introduces the use of an interval representation of fluxes. This representation can be useful in two common situations: (a) when fluxes are uncertain due to the lack of accurate measurements and (b) when the flux distribution is partially unknown. In addition, the interval representation can be used for other purposes such as dealing with inconsistency or representing a range of behaviour. Two main problems are addressed. On the one hand, the translation of a metabolic flux distribution into an elementary modes or extreme pathways activity pattern is analysed. In general, there is not a unique solution for this problem but a range of solutions. To represent the whole solution region in an easy way, it is possible to compute the alpha-spectrum (i.e., the range of possible values for each elementary mode or extreme pathway activity). Herein, a method is proposed which, based on the interval representation of fluxes, makes it possible to compute the alpha-spectrum from an uncertain or even partially unknown flux distribution. On the other hand, the concept of the flux-spectrum is introduced as a variant of the metabolic flux analysis methodology that presents some advantages: applicable when measurements are insufficient (underdetermined case), integration of uncertain measurements, inclusion of irreversibility constraints and an alternative procedure to deal with inconsistency. Frequently, when applying metabolic flux analysis the available measurements are insufficient and/or uncertain and the complete flux distribution cannot be uniquely calculated. The method proposed here allows the determination of the ranges of possible values for each non-calculable flux, resulting in a flux region called flux-spectrum. In order to illustrate the proposed methods, the example of the metabolic network of CHO cells cultivated in stirred flasks is used.  相似文献   

Elementary flux mode analysis is a powerful tool for the theoretical study of metabolic networks. However, when the networks are complex, the determination of elementary flux modes leads to combinatorial explosion of their number which prevents from drawing simple conclusions from their analysis. To deal with this problem we have developed a method based on the Agglomeration of Common Motifs (ACoM) for classifying elementary flux modes. We applied this algorithm to describe the decomposition into elementary flux modes of the central carbon metabolism in Bacillus subtilis and of the yeast mitochondrial energy metabolism. ACoM helps to give biological meaning to the different elementary flux modes and to the relatedness between reactions. ACoM, which can be viewed as a bi-clustering method, can be of general use for sets of vectors with values 0, +1 or −1.  相似文献   

The chemolithotroph Cupriavidus necator H16 is known as a natural producer of the bioplastic-polymer PHB, as well as for its metabolic versatility to utilize different substrates, including formate as the sole carbon and energy source. Depending on the entry point of the substrate, this versatility requires adjustment of the thermodynamic landscape to maintain sufficiently high driving forces for biological processes. Here we employed a model of the core metabolism of C. necator H16 to analyze the thermodynamic driving forces and PHB yields from formate for different metabolic engineering strategies. For this, we enumerated elementary flux modes (EFMs) of the network and evaluated their PHB yields as well as thermodynamics via Max-min driving force (MDF) analysis and random sampling of driving forces. A heterologous ATP:citrate lyase reaction was predicted to increase driving force for producing acetyl-CoA. A heterologous phosphoketolase reaction was predicted to increase maximal PHB yields as well as driving forces. These enzymes were then verified experimentally to enhance PHB titers between 60 and 300% in select conditions. The EFM analysis also revealed that PHB production from formate may be limited by low driving forces through citrate lyase and aconitase, as well as cofactor balancing, and identified additional reactions associated with low and high PHB yield. Proteomics analysis of the engineered strains confirmed an increased abundance of aconitase and cofactor balancing. The findings of this study aid in understanding metabolic adaptation. Furthermore, the outlined approach will be useful in designing metabolic engineering strategies in other non-model bacteria.  相似文献   

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