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During development, diffusible ligands, known as morphogens, are thought to move across fields of cells, regulating gene expression in a concentration dependent manner. The case for morphogens has been convincingly made for the Decapentapleigic (Dpp), Wingless (Wg) and Hedgehog (Hh) proteins in the Drosophila wing. In each case, the concentration of the morphogen's receptor plays an important role in shaping the morphogen gradient, through influencing ligand transport and/or stability. However, the relationships between each ligand/receptor pair are different. The role of heparan sulfated proteoglycans, endocytosis and novel exovesicles called argosomes in regulating morphogen distribution will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The first direct studies of morphogen gradients were done in the end of 1980s, in the early Drosophila embryo, which is patterned under the action of four maternally determined morphogens. Since the early studies of maternal morphogens were done with fixed embryos, they were viewed as relatively static signals. Several recent studies analyze dynamics of the anterior, dorsoventral, and terminal patterning signals. The results of these quantitative studies provide critical tests of classical models and reveal new modes of morphogen regulation and readout in one of the most extensively studied patterning systems.  相似文献   

The signaling molecules Hedgehog (Hh), Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Wingless (Wg) function as morphogens and organize wing patterning in Drosophila. In the screen for mutations that alter the morphogen activity, we identified novel mutants of two Drosophila genes, sister of tout-velu (sotv) and brother of tout-velu (botv), and new alleles of tout-velu (ttv). The encoded proteins of these genes belong to an EXT family of proteins that have or are closely related to glycosyltransferase activities required for biosynthesis of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). Mutation in any of these genes impaired biosynthesis of HSPGs in vivo, indicating that, despite their structural similarity, they are not redundant in the HSPG biosynthesis. Protein levels and signaling activities of Hh, Dpp and Wg were reduced in the cells mutant for any of these EXT genes to a various degree, Wg signaling being the least sensitive. Moreover, all three morphogens were accumulated in the front of EXT mutant cells, suggesting that these morphogens require HSPGs to move efficiently. In contrast to previous reports that ttv is involved exclusively in Hh signaling, we found that ttv mutations also affected Dpp and Wg. These data led us to conclude that each of three EXT genes studied contribute to Hh, Dpp and Wg morphogen signaling. We propose that HSPGs facilitate the spreading of morphogens and therefore, function to generate morphogen concentration gradients.  相似文献   

Patterning of multicellular fields requires mechanisms to coordinate developmental decisions made by populations of cells. Evidence is accumulating that the necessary information is provided by localized sources of secreted signalling proteins which act as morphogens. We review evidence that Wingless, Dpp and Hedgehog proteins act as morphogens in the developing wing of Drosophila and discuss recent work illustrating that signalling helps to shape their activity gradients by regulating ligand distribution and by modulating the responsiveness of target cells. These studies suggest that there is more to being a morphogen than formation of a ligand gradient by passive diffusion.  相似文献   

In the early Drosophila embryo, BMP-type ligands act as morphogens to suppress neural induction and to specify the formation of dorsal ectoderm and amnioserosa. Likewise, during pupal wing development, BMPs help to specify vein versus intervein cell fate. Here, we review recent data suggesting that these two processes use a related set of extracellular factors, positive feedback, and BMP heterodimer formation to achieve peak levels of signaling in spatially restricted patterns. Because these signaling pathway components are all conserved, these observations should shed light on how BMP signaling is modulated in vertebrate development.  相似文献   

The adult abdomen of Drosophila is a chain of anterior (A) and posterior (P) compartments. The engrailed gene is active in all P compartments and selects the P state. Hedgehog enters each A compartment across both its anterior and posterior edges; within A its concentration confers positional information. The A compartments are subdivided into an anterior and a posterior domain that each make different cell types in response to Hedgehog. We have studied the relationship between Hedgehog, engrailed and cell affinity. We made twin clones and measured the shape, size and displacement of the experimental clone, relative to its control twin. We varied the perceived level of Hedgehog in the experimental clone and find that, if this level is different from the surround, the clone fails to grow normally, rounds up and sometimes sorts out completely, becoming separated from the epithelium. Also, clones are displaced towards cells that are more like themselves: for example groups of cells in the middle of the A compartment that are persuaded to differentiate as if they were at the posterior limit of A, move posteriorly. Similarly, clones in the anterior domain of the A compartment that are forced to differentiate as if they were at the anterior limit of A, move anteriorly. Quantitation of these measures and the direction of displacement indicate that there is a U-shaped gradient of affinity in the A compartment that correlates with the U-shaped landscape of Hedgehog concentration. Since affinity changes are autonomous to the clone we believe that, normally, each cell's affinity is a direct response to Hedgehog. By removing engrailed in clones we show that A and P cells also differ in affinity from each other, in a manner that appears independent of Hedgehog. Within the P compartment we found some evidence for a U-shaped gradient of affinity, but this cannot be due to Hedgehog which does not act in the P compartment.  相似文献   

C A Rushlow  K Han  J L Manley  M Levine 《Cell》1989,59(6):1165-1177
The maternal morphogen dorsal (dl) plays a key role in the establishment of dorsal-ventral polarity in Drosophila. We present evidence that the graded distribution of dl protein is initiated by selective nuclear transport. The dl protein is uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm of early embryos, but approximately 90 min after fertilization, dl protein present in ventral but not dorsal regions is selectively transported to the nucleus. Mutations in maternally active genes that regulate dl disrupt this transport process, resulting in an inactive, cytoplasmically localized form of the dl protein. Selective nuclear transport of dl protein was reproduced in tissue culture cells. The wild-type dl protein is largely restricted to the cytoplasm, while truncated proteins are predominantly localized within the nucleus. Transient cotransfection assays suggest that dl activates expression from several promoters in an apparently sequence-independent manner. We discuss the role of nuclear transport as a regulated process in gene expression and development.  相似文献   

Drosophila Wingless (Wg) is the founding member of the Wnt family of secreted proteins. During the wing development, Wg acts as a morphogen whose concentration gradient provides positional cues for wing patterning. The molecular mechanism(s) of Wg gradient formation is not fully understood. Here, we systematically analyzed the roles of glypicans Dally and Dally-like protein (Dlp), the Wg receptors Frizzled (Fz) and Fz2, and the Wg co-receptor Arrow (Arr) in Wg gradient formation in the wing disc. We demonstrate that both Dally and Dlp are essential and have different roles in Wg gradient formation. The specificities of Dally and Dlp in Wg gradient formation are at least partially achieved by their distinct expression patterns. To our surprise, although Fz2 was suggested to play an essential role in Wg gradient formation by ectopic expression studies, removal of Fz2 activity does not alter the extracellular Wg gradient. Interestingly, removal of both Fz and Fz2, or Arr causes enhanced extracellular Wg levels, which is mainly resulted from upregulated Dlp levels. We further show that Notum, a negative regulator of Wg signaling, downregulates Wg signaling mainly by modifying Dally. Last, we demonstrate that Wg movement is impeded by cells mutant for both dally and dlp. Together, these new findings suggest that the Wg morphogen gradient in the wing disc is mainly controlled by combined actions of Dally and Dlp. We propose that Wg establishes its concentration gradient by a restricted diffusion mechanism involving Dally and Dlp in the wing disc.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) have been implicated in regulating the signalling activities of secreted morphogen molecules including Wingless (Wg), Hedgehog (Hh) and Decapentaplegic (Dpp). HSPG consists of a protein core to which heparan sulfate (HS) glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains are attached. The formation of HS GAG chains is catalyzed by glycosyltransferases encoded by members of the EXT family of putative tumor suppressors linked to hereditary multiple exostoses. Previous studies in Drosophila demonstrated that tout-velu (ttv), the Drosophila EXT1, is required for Hh movement. However, the functions of other EXT family members are unknown. We have identified and isolated the other two members of the Drosophila EXT family genes, which are named sister of tout-velu (sotv) and brother of tout-velu (botv), and encode Drosophila homologues of vertebrate EXT2 and EXT-like 3 (EXTL3), respectively. We show that both Hh and Dpp signalling activities, as well as their morphogen distributions, are defective in cells mutant for ttv, sotv or botv in the wing disc. Surprisingly, although Wg morphogen distribution is abnormal in ttv, sotv and botv, Wg signalling is only defective in botv mutants or ttv-sotv double mutants, and not in ttv nor sotv alone, suggesting that Ttv and Sotv are redundant in Wg signalling. We demonstrate further that Ttv and Sotv form a complex and are co-localized in vivo. Our results, along with previous studies on Ttv, provide evidence that all three Drosophila EXT proteins are required for the biosynthesis of HSPGs, and for the gradient formation of the Wg, Hh and Dpp morphogens. Our results also suggest that HSPGs have two distinct roles in Wg morphogen distribution and signalling.  相似文献   

Morphogen gradients are crucial for the development of organisms. The biochemical properties of many morphogens prevent their extracellular free diffusion, indicating the need of an active mechanism for transport. The involvement of filopodial structures (cytonemes) has been proposed for morphogen signaling. Here, we describe an in silico model based on the main general features of cytoneme-meditated gradient formation and its implementation into Cytomorph, an open software tool. We have tested the spatial and temporal adaptability of our model quantifying Hedgehog (Hh) gradient formation in two Drosophila tissues. Cytomorph is able to reproduce the gradient and explain the different scaling between the two epithelia. After experimental validation, we studied the predicted impact of a range of features such as length, size, density, dynamics and contact behavior of cytonemes on Hh morphogen distribution. Our results illustrate Cytomorph as an adaptive tool to test different morphogen gradients and to generate hypotheses that are difficult to study experimentally.  相似文献   

As early as 1964 it was suggested that simple diffusion of morphogens away from their secretion source did not provide an adequate explanation for the formation and maintenance of morphogen gradients. Involvement of the endosome in morphogen distribution models provides an explanation for the slow, directional movement of morphogens, as well as their abilty to form intracellular and extracellular gradients independent of morphogen production rates. Drosophila melanogaster morphogens Wg and Dpp form stable, steep, long-range gradients that specify the polarity of the wing disc. The process of endocytosis is imparative to the two central themes in gradient formation; active transport facilitating long-range signalling, and degradation of morphogen to sustain gradient shape. This review investigates the endomembrane mediated processes of re-secretion, degradation, and argosome transport of Wg and Dpp in the hope that a better understanding of the endomembrane system will contribute to a more accurate and comprehensive model for morphogen gradient formation and maintenance.  相似文献   

Erickson JL 《Fly》2011,5(3):266-271
As early as 1964 it was suggested that simple diffusion of morphogens away from their secretion source did not provide an adequate explanation for the formation and maintenance of morphogen gradients. Involvement of the endosome in morphogen distribution models provides an explanation for the slow, directional movement of morphogens, as well as their ability to form intracellular and extracellular gradients independent of morphogen production rates. Drosophila melanogaster morphogens Wg and Dpp form stable, steep, long-range gradients that specify the polarity of the wing disc. The process of endocytosis is imperative to the two central themes in gradient formation: active transport facilitating long-range signaling and degradation of morphogen to sustain gradient shape. This review investigates the endomembrane-mediated processes of re-secretion, degradation and argosome transport of Wg and Dpp in the hope that a better understanding of the endomembrane system will contribute to a more accurate and comprehensive model for morphogen gradient formation and maintenance.  相似文献   

Growth factors are secreted into the extracellular space, where they encounter soluble inhibitors, extracellular matrix glycoproteins and proteoglycans, and proteolytic enzymes that can each modulate the spatial distribution, activity state, and receptor interactions of these signaling molecules. During development, morphogenetic gradients of these growth factors pattern fields of cells responsive to different levels of signaling, creating such structures as the branched pattern of airways and vasculature, and the arrangement of digits in the hand. This review focuses specifically on the roles of proteolytic enzymes and their regulators in the generation of such activity gradients. Evidence from Drosophila developmental pathways provides a detailed understanding of general mechanisms underlying proteolytic control of morphogen gradients, while recent studies of several mammalian growth factors illustrate the relevance of this proteolytic control to human development and disease.  相似文献   

Quantitative information about the distribution of morphogens is crucial for understanding their effects on cell-fate determination, yet it is difficult to obtain through direct measurements. We have developed a parameter estimation approach for quantifying the spatial distribution of Gurken, a TGFalpha-like EGFR ligand that acts as a morphogen in Drosophila oogenesis. Modeling of Gurken/EGFR system shows that the shape of the Gurken gradient is controlled by a single dimensionless parameter, the Thiele modulus, which reflects the relative importance of ligand diffusion and degradation. By combining the model with genetic alterations of EGFR levels, we have estimated the value of the Thiele modulus in the wild-type egg chamber. This provides a direct characterization of the shape of the Gurken gradient and demonstrates how parameter estimation techniques can be used to quantify morphogen gradients in development.  相似文献   

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