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The structures of RNA-aptamer-ligand complexes solved in the last two decades were instrumental in realizing the amazing potential of RNA for forming complex tertiary structures and for molecular recognition of small molecules. For GTP as ligand the sequences and secondary structures for multiple families of aptamers were reported which differ widely in their structural complexity, ligand affinity and ligand functional groups involved in RNA-binding. However, for only one of these families the structure of the GTP-RNA complex was solved. In order to gain further insights into the variability of ligand recognition modes we are currently determining the structure of another GTP-aptamer—the so-called class II aptamer—bound to GTP using NMR-spectroscopy in solution. As a prerequisite for a full structure determination, we report here 1H, 13C, 15N and partial 31P-NMR resonance assignments for the class II GTP-aptamer bound to GTP.  相似文献   

In vitro selection has been used to isolate several RNA aptamers that bind specifically to biological cofactors. A well-characterized example in the ATP-binding RNA aptamer family, which contains a conserved 11-base loop opposite a bulged G and flanked by regions of double-stranded RNA. The nucleotides in the consensus sequence provide a binding pocket for ATP (or AMP), which binds with a Kd in the micromolar range. Here we present the three-dimensional solution structure of a 36-nucleotide ATP-binding RNA aptamer complexed with AMP, determined from NMR-derived distance and dihedral angle restraints. The conserved loop and bulged G form a novel compact, folded structure around the AMP. The backbone tracing of the loop nucleotides can be described by a Greek zeta (zeta). Consecutive loop nucleotides G, A, A form a U-turn at the bottom of the zeta, and interact with the AMP to form a structure similar to a GNRA tetraloop, with AMP standing in for the final A. Two asymmetric G. G base pairs close the stems flanking the internal loop. Mutated aptamers support the existence of the tertiary interactions within the consensus nucleotides and with the AMP found in the calculated structures.  相似文献   

Aptamers, an emerging class of therapeutics, are DNA or RNA molecules that are selected to bind molecular targets that range from small organic compounds to large proteins. All of the determined structures of aptamers in complex with small molecule targets show that aptamers cage such ligands. In structures of aptamers in complex with proteins that naturally bind nucleic acid, the aptamers occupy the nucleic acid binding site and often mimic the natural interactions. Here we present a crystal structure of an RNA aptamer bound to human thrombin, a protein that does not naturally bind nucleic acid, at 1.9 A resolution. The aptamer, which adheres to thrombin at the binding site for heparin, presents an extended molecular surface that is complementary to the protein. Protein recognition involves the stacking of single-stranded adenine bases at the core of the tertiary fold with arginine side chains. These results exemplify how RNA aptamers can fold into intricate conformations that allow them to interact closely with extended surfaces on non-RNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

'Locked nucleic acids' (LNAs) are sugar modified nucleic acids containing the 2'-O-4'C-methylene-β-D-ribofuranoses. The substitution of RNAs with LNAs leads to an enhanced thermostability. Aptamers are nucleic acids, which are selected for specific target binding from a large library pool by the 'SELEX' method. Introduction of modified nucleic acids into aptamers can improve their stability. The stem region of a ricin A chain RNA aptamer was substituted by locked nucleic acids. Different constructs of the LNA-substituted aptamers were examined for their thermostability, binding activity, folding and RNase sensitivity as compared to the natural RNA counterpart. The LNA-modified aptamers were active in target binding, while the loop regions and the adjacent stem nucleotides remained unsubstituted. The thermostability and RNase resistance of LNA substituted aptamers were enhanced as compared to the native RNA aptamer. This study supports the approach to substitute the aptamer stem region by LNAs and to leave the loop region unmodified, which is responsible for ligand binding. Thus, LNAs possess an encouraging potential for the development of new stabilized nucleic acids and will promote future diagnostic and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

RNA aptamers against bovine prion protein (bPrP) were obtained, most of the obtained aptamers being found to contain the r(GGAGGAGGAGGA) (R12) sequence. Then, it was revealed that R12 binds to both bPrP and its β-isoform with high affinity. Here, we present the structure of R12. This is the first report on the structure of an RNA aptamer against prion protein. R12 forms an intramolecular parallel quadruplex. The quadruplex contains G:G:G:G tetrad and G(:A):G:G(:A):G hexad planes. Two quadruplexes form a dimer through intermolecular hexad–hexad stacking. Two lysine clusters of bPrP have been identified as binding sites for R12. The electrostatic interaction between the uniquely arranged phosphate groups of R12 and the lysine clusters is suggested to be responsible for the affinity of R12 to bPrP. The stacking interaction between the G:G:G:G tetrad planes and tryptophan residues may also contribute to the affinity. One R12 dimer molecule is supposed to simultaneously bind the two lysine clusters of one bPrP molecule, resulting in even higher affinity. The atomic coordinates of R12 would be useful for the development of R12 as a therapeutic agent against prion diseases and Alzheimer''s disease.  相似文献   

The use of uniform 13C,15N labeling in the NMR spectroscopic study of RNA structures hasgreatly facilitated the assignment process in small RNA oligonucleotides. For ribose spinsystem assignments, exploitation of these labels has followed previously developed methodsfor the study of proteins. However, for sequential assignment of the exchangeable andnonexchangeable protons of the nucleotides, it has been necessary to develop a variety of newNMR experiments. Even these are of limited utility in the unambiguous assignment of largerRNAs due to the short carbon relaxation times and extensive spectral overlap for all nuclei.These problems can largely be overcome by the additional use of base-type selectively13C,15N-labeled RNA in combination with a judicious use of related RNAs with basesubstitutions. We report the application of this approach to a 36-nucleotide ATP-binding RNAaptamer in complex with AMP. Complete sequential 1H assignments, as well as the majorityof 13C and 15N assignments, were obtained.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aminoglycoside antibiotics can target RNA folds with micromolar affinity and inhibit biological processes ranging from protein biosynthesis to ribozyme action and viral replication. Specific features of aminoglycoside antibiotic-RNA recognition have been probed using chemical, biochemical, spectroscopic and computational approaches on both natural RNA targets and RNA aptamers identified through in vitro selection. Our previous studies on tobramycin-RNA aptamer complexes are extended to neomycin B bound to its selected RNA aptamer with 100 nM affinity. RESULTS: The neamine moiety (rings I and II) of neomycin B is sandwiched between the major groove floor of a 'zippered-up' G.U mismatch aligned segment and a looped-out purine base that flaps over the bound antibiotic. Specific intermolecular hydrogen bonds are observed between the charged amines of neomycin B and base mismatch edges and backbone phosphates. These interactions anchor 2-deoxystreptamine ring I and pyranose ring II within the RNA-binding pocket. CONCLUSIONS: The RNA aptamer complexes with tobramycin and neomycin B utilize common architectural principles to generate RNA-binding pockets for the bound aminoglycoside antibiotics. In each case, the 2-deoxystreptamine ring I and an attached pyranose ring are encapsulated within the major groove binding pocket, which is lined with mismatch pairs. The bound antibiotic within the pocket is capped over by a looped-out base and anchored in place through intermolecular hydrogen bonds involving charged amine groups of the antibiotic.  相似文献   

Koizumi M  Breaker RR 《Biochemistry》2000,39(30):8983-8992
Two classes of RNA aptamers that bind the second messenger adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP; 1) were isolated from a random-sequence pool using in vitro selection. Class I and class II aptamers are formed by 33- and 31-nucleotide RNAs, respectively, and each is comprised of similar stem-loop and single-stranded structural elements. Class II aptamers, which dominate the final selected RNA population, require divalent cations for complex formation and display a dissociation constant (K(D)) for cAMP of approximately 10 microM. A representative class II aptamer exhibits substantial discrimination against 5'- and 3'-phosphorylated nucleosides such as ATP, 5'-AMP, and 3'-AMP. However, components of cAMP such as adenine and adenosine also are bound, indicating that the adenine moiety is the primary positive determinant of ligand binding. Specificity of cAMP binding appears to be established by hydrogen bonding interactions with the adenine base as well as by steric interactions with groups on the ribose moiety. In addition, the aptamer recognizes 8,5'-O-cycloadenosine (2) but not N(3), 5'-cycloadenosine (3), indicating that this RNA might selectively recognize the anti conformation of the N-glycosidic bond of cAMP.  相似文献   

We have developed RNA-based quencher-free molecular aptamer beacons (RNA-based QF-MABs) for the detection of ATP, taking advantage of the conformational changes associated with ATP binding to the ATP-binding RNA aptamer. The RNA aptamer, with its well-defined structure, was readily converted to the fluorescence sensors by incorporating a fluorophore into the loop region of the hairpin structure. These RNA-based QF-MABs exhibited fluorescence signals in the presence of ATP relative to their low background signals in the absence of ATP. The fluorescence emission intensity increased upon formation of a RNA-based QF-MAB·ATP complex.  相似文献   

Flavin recognition by an RNA aptamer targeted toward FAD   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is one of the primary cofactors in biological redox reactions. Designing cofactor-dependent redox ribozymes could benefit from studies of new RNA-cofactor complexes, as would our understanding of ribozyme evolution during an RNA World. We have therefore used the SELEX method to identify RNA aptamers that recognize FAD. Functional analysis of mutant aptamers, S1 nuclease probing, and comparative sequence analysis identified a simple, 45 nt helical structure with several internal bulges as the core-binding element. These aptamers recognize with high specificity the isoalloxazine nucleus of FAD but do not distinguish FAD from FADH(2), nor are they removed from an FAD resin with UMP (which shares a pattern of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors along one face). Thus, these aptamers are structurally and functionally distinct from previously identified FMN and riboflavin aptamers. Circular dichroism data suggest a conformational change in the RNA upon FAD binding. These aptamers require magnesium and are active across a wide pH range (4.5-8.9). Since general acid-base catalysis plays a role in some flavin-dependent redox reaction mechanisms, these aptamers may be particularly well-suited to the design of new redox ribozymes.  相似文献   

Prion proteins (PrPs) cause prion diseases, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy. The conversion of a normal cellular form (PrPC) of PrP into an abnormal form (PrPSc) is thought to be associated with the pathogenesis. An RNA aptamer that tightly binds to and stabilizes PrPC is expected to block this conversion and to thereby prevent prion diseases. Here, we show that an RNA aptamer comprising only 12 residues, r(GGAGGAGGAGGA) (R12), reduces the PrPSc level in mouse neuronal cells persistently infected with the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy agent. Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis revealed that R12, folded into a unique quadruplex structure, forms a dimer and that each monomer simultaneously binds to two portions of the N-terminal half of PrPC, resulting in tight binding. Electrostatic and stacking interactions contribute to the affinity of each portion. Our results demonstrate the therapeutic potential of an RNA aptamer as to prion diseases.  相似文献   

The formation of the C-U base pair in a duplex was observed in solution by means of the temperature profile of (15)N chemical shifts, and the precise geometry of the C-U base pair was also determined by NOE-based structure calculation. From the solution structure of the RNA oligomer, r[CGACUCAGG].r[CCUGCGUCG], it was found that a single C-U mismatch preferred being stacked in the duplex rather than being flipped-out even in solution. Moreover, it adopts an irregular geometry, where the amino nitrogen (N4) of the cytidine and keto-oxygen (O4) of the uridine are within hydrogen-bonding distance, as seen in crystals. To further prove the presence of a hydrogen bond in the C-U pair, we employed a point-labeled cytidine at the exocyclic amino nitrogen of the cytidine in the C-U pair. The temperature profile of its (15)N chemical shift showed a sigmoidal transition curve, indicating the presence of a hydrogen bond in the C-U pair in the duplex.  相似文献   

The ribonucleoprotein enzyme ribonuclease P (RNase P) processes tRNAs by cleavage of precursor-tRNAs. RNase P is a ribozyme: The RNA component catalyzes tRNA maturation in vitro without proteins. Remarkable features of RNase P include multiple turnovers in vivo and ability to process diverse substrates. Structures of the bacterial RNase P, including full-length RNAs and a ternary complex with substrate, have been determined by X-ray crystallography. However, crystal structures of free RNA are significantly different from the ternary complex, and the solution structure of the RNA is unknown. Here, we report solution structures of three phylogenetically distinct bacterial RNase P RNAs from Escherichia coli, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and Bacillus stearothermophilus, determined using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) analysis. A combination of homology modeling, normal mode analysis, and molecular dynamics was used to refine the structural models against the empirical data of these RNAs in solution under the high ionic strength required for catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation studies and spectroscopic studies were employed to investigate the secondary structure and stability of an RNA-PEG conjugate commercially called Macugen. The RNA aptamer is conjugated to a pegylated moiety, and the majority of its 2'-hydroxyl groups are methylated or otherwise modified. UV optical melting studies and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were carried out under different conditions to evaluate the effects of Na+ and oligomer concentrations on the stability of the secondary structure of the RNA oligomer. The results of these studies indicated that the T(m) of the RNA is independent of oligomer concentration but dependent on the salt concentration, in a predictable fashion. Further, the DSC melting profiles obtained under all conditions were highly reversible. Circular dichroism (CD) studies were determined under different salt concentrations, various RNA concentrations, and temperatures as well. Together, the thermal denaturation and CD studies provide evidence that the secondary structure of the RNA oligonucleotide is a stable hairpin at 25 degrees C and that the thermally induced hairpin to single strand transition is highly reversible.  相似文献   

Ribonucleopeptide (RNP) is a new class of scaffold for modular fluorescent sensors. We report here a short RNA motif that induces an efficient communication between the structural changes associated with the ligand-binding event of RNA aptamer and an optical response of a fluorescent RNP module. An optimized short RNA motif was used as a communication module for the rational design of modular RNP sensors. A modular combination of a GTP-binding RNA aptamer, the short RNA motif and the fluorophore-labeled RNP module afforded a fluorescent GTP sensor that retain the ligand-binding affinity of the parent aptamer.  相似文献   

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