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Oeffinger M 《Proteomics》2012,12(10):1591-1608
Cellular functions are defined by the dynamic interactions of proteins within macromolecular networks. Deciphering these complex interplays is the key to getting a comprehensive picture of cellular behavior and to understanding biological systems, from a simple bacterial cell to highly regulated neuronal cells or cancerous tissue. In the last decade, affinity purification (AP) coupled to mass spectrometry has emerged as a powerful tool to comprehensively study interaction networks and their macromolecular assemblies. This review discusses recent advances in AP approaches, from cell lysis to the importance of sample preparation and the choice of AP matrix as well as the development of different epitope tags and strategies to study dynamic interactions, with an emphasis on RNA-protein interaction networks.  相似文献   

Microglia are major immune cells in the central nervous system. A characterization of microglia proteome would facilitate on the study of microglial functions in association with various neurodegenerative diseases. To build a reference proteome, we established a BV‐2 microglial proteome to a depth of 5494 unique protein groups using a novel strategy that combined FASP, StageTip‐based high pH fractionation, and high‐resolution MS quickly and cost efficiently. By bioinformatics analysis, the BV‐2 proteome is a valuable resource for studies of microglial function, such as in the immune response, inflammatory response, and phagocytosis. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000168.  相似文献   

Co-affinity purification mass spectrometry (CoAP-MS) is a highly effective method for identifying protein complexes from a biological sample and inferring important interactions, but the impact of the solid support is usually not considered in design of such experiments. Affinity purification (AP) experiments typically utilize a bait protein expressing a peptide tag such as FLAG, c-Myc, HA or V5 and high affinity antibodies to these peptide sequences to facilitate isolation of a bait protein to co-purify interacting proteins. We observed significant variability for isolation of tagged bait proteins between Protein A/G Agarose, Protein G Dynabeads, and AminoLink resins. While previous research identified the importance of tag sequence and their location, crosslinking procedures, reagents, dilution, and detergent concentrations, the effect of the resin itself has not been considered. Our data suggest the type of solid support is important and, under the conditions of our experiments, AminoLink resin provided a more robust solid-support platform for AP-MS.  相似文献   

There is significant interest in characterization of the human plasma proteome due to its potential for providing biomarkers applicable to clinical diagnosis and treatment and for gaining a better understanding of human diseases. We describe here a strategy for comparative proteome analyses of human plasma, which is applicable to biomarker identifications for various disease states. Multidimensional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been applied to make comparative proteome analyses of plasma samples from an individual prior to and 9 h after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration. Peptide peak areas and the number of peptide identifications for each protein were used to evaluate the reproducibility of LC-MS/MS and to compare relative changes in protein concentration between the samples following LPS treatment. A total of 804 distinct plasma proteins (not including immunoglobulins) were confidently identified with 32 proteins observed to be significantly increased in concentration following LPS administration, including several known inflammatory response or acute-phase mediators such as C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and A2, LPS-binding protein, LPS-responsive and beige-like anchor protein, hepatocyte growth factor activator, and von Willebrand factor, and thus, constituting potential biomarkers for inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Protein constituents of the postsynaptic density (PSD) fraction were analysed using an integrated liquid chromatography (LC)-based protein identification system, which was constructed by coupling microscale two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2DLC) with electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and an automated data analysis system. The PSD fraction prepared from rat forebrain was solubilized in 6 m guanidium hydrochloride, and the proteins were digested with trypsin after S-carbamoylmethylation under reducing conditions. The tryptic peptide mixture was then analysed with the 2DLC-MS/MS system in a data-dependent mode, and the resultant spectral data were automatically processed to search a genome sequence database for protein identification. In triplicate analyses, the system allowed assignments of 5264 peptides, which could finally be attributed to 492 proteins. The PSD contained various proteins involved in signalling transduction, including receptors, ion channel proteins, protein kinases and phosphatases, G-protein and related proteins, scaffold proteins, and adaptor proteins. Structural proteins, including membrane proteins involved in cell adhesion and cell-cell interaction, proteins involved in endocytosis, motor proteins, and cytoskeletal proteins were also abundant. These results provide basic data on a major protein set associated with the PSD and a basis for future functional studies of this important neural machinery.  相似文献   

Affinity purification coupled to mass spectrometry (AP-MS) represents a powerful and proven approach for the analysis of protein-protein interactions. However, the detection of true interactions for proteins that are commonly considered background contaminants is currently a limitation of AP-MS. Here using spectral counts and the new statistical tool, Significance Analysis of INTeractome (SAINT), true interaction between the serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) and a chaperonin, heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), is discerned. Furthermore, we report and validate a new interaction between PP5 and an Hsp90 adaptor protein, stress-induced phosphoprotein 1 (STIP1; HOP). Mutation of PP5, replacing key basic amino acids (K97A and R101A) in the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) region known to be necessary for the interactions with Hsp90, abolished both the known interaction of PP5 with cell division cycle 37 homolog and the novel interaction of PP5 with stress-induced phosphoprotein 1. Taken together, the results presented demonstrate the usefulness of label-free quantitative proteomics and statistical tools to discriminate between noise and true interactions, even for proteins normally considered as background contaminants.  相似文献   

Detailed characterization of phosphoproteins as well as other post-translationally modified proteins such as glycoproteins, is required to fully understand protein function and regulatory events in cells and organisms. Therefore, an experimental strategy for the isolation of phosphoproteins using a new immobilized metal ion affinity chromatograph (IMAC) material on the basis of cellulose has been developed and characterized. Different approaches have been used to test the material. Recovery rates were determined by 32P labelling of a myelin basic protein fragment and by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry using a tryptic digest of the model protein bovine beta-casein. Selectivity was demonstrated by enrichment and separation of phosphopeptides from different samples, such as from a digest of horse myoglobin as well as from a digest of in vitro phosphorylated extracellular signal regulates kinase 2 (ERK2) mixed with synthetic phosphopeptides, phosphorylated on different amino acid residues. Furthermore, simplification and optimization of sample pretreatment was achieved by combining the separating (IMAC) and desalting (C18) step during preparative high performance liquid chromatography. The comparison between our material and a commercially available IMAC system (POROS 20 MC; Perspective BioSystems) emphasizes the competitiveness of the cellulose. Confirmed by the obtained data, the cellulose material performed as well as the commercially available sorbent, however with the advantage, that it can be produced rather easily and at very low cost.  相似文献   

A reversed-phase HPLC method with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation MS detection has been developed for the separation and identification of coumarins in plants of Peucedanum palustre L. (Moench) and Angelica archangelica (L.) var. archangelica. The Turbo Method Development program was utilised to optimise the mobile phase with two organic solvents (acetonitrile and methanol) and two aqueous solutions (1.0% formic acid and 10 mM ammonium acetate). Optimisation of the solvent gradients for the method was performed with the aid of the DryLab program. Analyses were carried out using a Phenomenex Prodigy RP C18 column. Fifty-two peaks (14 of which were associated with coumarins) were separated in 30 min from extracts of P. palustre, and 48 peaks (15 associated with coumarins) from extracts of A. archangelica. A total of 21 different coumarin-type compounds were identified in the aerial and the underground parts of the title plants. Isopimpinellin and pimpinellin were found for the first time in P. palustre and were identified by comparison of retention times and MS data obtained following the analysis of pure standards. This is the first report of the coumarin composition of the umbels of P. palustre.  相似文献   

In this study we systematically analyzed the elution condition of tryptic peptides and the characteristics of identified peptides in reverse phase liquid chromatography and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (RPLC-MS/MS) analysis. Following protein digestion with trypsin, the peptide mixture was analyzed by on-line RPLC-MS/MS. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used to optimize acetonitrile (ACN) elution gradient for tryptic peptides, and Cytochrome C was used to retest the gradient and the sensitivity of LC-MS/MS. The characteristics of identified peptides were also analyzed. In our experiments, the suitable ACN gradient is 5% to 30% for tryptic peptide elution and the sensitivity of LC-MS/MS is 50 fmol.Analysis of the tryptic peptides demonstrated that longer (more than 10 amino acids) and multi-charge state ( 2, 3) peptides are likely to be identified, and the hydropathicity of the peptides might not be related to whether it is more likely to be identified or not. The number of identified peptides for a protein might be used to estimate its loading amount under the same sample background. Moreover, in this study the identified peptides present three types of redundancy, namely identification, charge, and sequence redundancy, which may repress low abundance protein identification.  相似文献   

Efficient and high resolution separation of the protein mixture prior to trypsin digestion and mass spectrometry (MS) analysis is generally used to reduce the complexity of samples, an approach that highly increases the probability of detecting low‐copy‐number proteins. Our laboratory has constructed an affinity ligand library composed of thousands of ligands with different protein absorbance effects. Structural differences between these ligands result in different non‐bonded protein–ligand interactions, thus each ligand exhibits a specific affinity to some protein groups. In this work, we first selected out several synthetic affinity ligands showing large band distribution differences in proteins absorbance profiles, and a tandem composition of these affinity ligands was used to distribute complex rat liver cytosol into simple subgroups. Ultimately, all the fractions collected from tandem affinity pre‐fractionation were digested and then analyzed by LC‐MS/MS, which resulted in high confidence identification of 665 unique rat protein groups, 1.8 times as many proteins as were detected in the un‐fractionated sample (371 protein groups). Of these, 375 new proteins were identified in tandem fractions, and most of the proteins identified in un‐fractionated sample (290, 80%) also emerged in tandem fractions. Most importantly, 430 unique proteins (64.7%) only characterized in specific fractions, indicating that the crude tissue extract was well distributed by tandem affinity fractionation. All detected proteins were bioinformatically annotated according to their physicochemical characteristics (such as MW, pI, GRAVY value, TM Helices). This approach highlighted the sensitivity of this method to a wide variety of protein classes. Combined usage of tandem affinity pre‐fractionation with MS‐based proteomic analysis is simple, low‐cost, and effective, providing the prospect of broad application in proteomics. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel lectin from the mushroom Marasmius oreades (MOA) has been shown to bind to human blood group B oligosaccharides [1]. In the present work we examine the binding of a series of analogues of the blood group B-trisaccharide, Gal(1-3)[Fuc(1-2)]Gal-OR (1, R = (CH2)8COOMe). MOA was biotinylated and immobilized on a micro column (9.8 L) for evaluation by Frontal Affinity Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (FAC-MS) [2]. The trisaccharide 1 was found to be the epitope needed for maximum recognition (K d = 3.6 M). A series of synthetic deoxygenated and O-methylated analogues of the B-trisaccharide (R = OMe) were then screened against the lectin, and the key structural elements for binding were determined. OH-4 of the -Gal residue and OH-2 of the -Gal residue were found to be critical for recognition. The FAC-MS technique also proved powerful in evaluating mixtures of compounds. Since the solution NMR structure and crystal structure of the B-trisaccharide are known [3], we propose the specific surface of the trisaccharide that is recognized by the lectin. Published in 2003.  相似文献   

The volatile organic compounds of different ground hay samples from Austria, Italy and Switzerland were collected at 50 degrees C on a Supelco Carbowax Divinylbenzene headspace solid-phase microextraction fibre, separated by capillary gas chromatography on an HP5-ms column running a temperature programme and using helium as carrier gas, detected with a mass sensitive detector and studied with principal component analyses after autoscaling selected variables. The analytes, mainly mono- and sesquiterpenes, were able to cluster differences resulting from the site of production. Coumarin can be used to differentiate hay grown north and south of the main chain of the Alps. Acetic acid is appropriate for distinguishing between hay from Kastelruth and Passeier Valley, two South Tyrolean regions. The average linalool content in aftermath is higher than in hay.  相似文献   

Here we report a new method for oxosteroid identification utilizing “tandem mass tag hydrazine” (TMTH) carbonyl-reactive derivatisation reagent. TMTH is a reagent with a chargeable tertiary amino group attached through a linker to a carbonyl-reactive hydrazine group. Thirty oxosteroids were analysed after derivatisation with TMTH by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and were found to give high ion-currents compared to underivatised molecules. ESI-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis of the derivatives yielded characteristic fragmentation patterns with specific mass reporter ions derived from the TMT group. A shotgun ESI-MS method incorporating TMTH derivatisation was applied to a urine sample.  相似文献   

Chiral considerations are found to be very much relevant in various aspects of forensic toxicology and pharmacology. In forensics, it has become increasingly important to identify the chirality of doping agents to avoid legal arguments and challenges to the analytical findings. The scope of this study was to develop an liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LCMS) method for the enantiomeric separation of typical illicit drugs such as ephedrines (ie, 1S,2R(+)‐ephedrine and 1R,2S(?)‐ephedrine) and pseudoephedrine (ie, R,R(?)‐pseudoephedrine and S,S(+)‐pseudoephedrine) by using normal phase chiral liquid chromatography–high‐resolution mass spectrometry technique. Results show that the Lux i‐amylose‐1 stationary phase has very broad and balancing‐enantio‐recognition properties towards ephedrine analogues, and this immobilized chiral stationary phase may offer a powerful tool for enantio‐separation of different types of pharmaceuticals in the normal phase mode. The type of mobile phase and organic modifier used appear to have dramatic influences on separation quality. Since the developed method was able to detect and separate the enantiomers at very low levels (in pico grams), this method opens easy access for the unambiguous identification of these illicit drugs and can be used for the routine screening of the biological samples in the antidoping laboratories.  相似文献   

Analysis of intracellular metabolites in bacteria is of utmost importance for systems biology and at the same time analytically challenging due to the large difference in concentrations, multiple negative charges, and high polarity of these compounds. To challenge this, a method based on dispersive solid phase extraction with charcoal and subsequent analysis with ion-pair liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry was established for quantification of intracellular pools of the 28 most important nucleotides. The method can handle extracts where cells leak during the quenching. Using a Phenyl-Hexyl column and tributylamine as volatile ion-pair reagent, sufficient retention and separation was achieved for mono-, di-, and triphosphorylated nucleotides. Stable isotope labeled nucleotides were used as internal standards for some analytes. The method was validated by determination of the recovery, matrix effects, accuracy, linearity, and limit of detection based on spiking of medium blank as well as standard addition to quenched Lactococcus lactis samples. For standard addition experiments, the isotope-labeled standards needed to be added in similar or higher concentrations as the analytes. L. lactis samples had an energy charge of 0.97 ± 0.001 which was consistent with literature, whereas some differences were observed compared with legacy data based on 33P labeling.  相似文献   

The options available for processing quantitative data from isotope coded affinity tag (ICAT) experiments have mostly been confined to software specific to the instrument of acquisition. However, recent developments with data format conversion have subsequently increased such processing opportunities. In the present study, data sets from ICAT experiments, analysed with liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), using an Applied Biosystems QSTAR Pulsar quadrupole-TOF mass spectrometer, were processed in triplicate using separate mass spectrometry software packages. The programs Pro ICAT, Spectrum Mill and SEQUEST with XPRESS were employed. Attention was paid towards the extent of common identification and agreement of quantitative results, with additional interest in the flexibility and productivity of these programs. The comparisons were made with data from the analysis of a specifically prepared test mixture, nine proteins at a range of relative concentration ratios from 0.1 to 10 (light to heavy labelled forms), as a known control, and data selected from an ICAT study involving the measurement of cytokine induced protein expression in human lymphoblasts, as an applied example. Dissimilarities were detected in peptide identification that reflected how the associated scoring parameters favoured information from the MS/MS data sets. Accordingly, there were differences in the numbers of peptides and protein identifications, although from these it was apparent that both confirmatory and complementary information was present. In the quantitative results from the three programs, no statistically significant differences were observed.  相似文献   

A new sensitive and accurate analytical method has been developed for quantification of intracellular nucleotides in complex biological samples from cultured cells of different microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli, and Penicillium chrysogenum. This method is based on ion pair reversed phase liquid chromatography electrospray ionization isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry (IP-LC-ESI-ID-MS/MS. A good separation and low detection limits were observed for these compounds using dibutylamine as volatile ion pair reagent in the mobile phase of the LC. Uniformly 13C-labeled isotopes of nucleotides were used as internal standards for both extraction and quantification of intracellular nucleotides. The method was validated by determining the linearity, sensitivity, and repeatability.  相似文献   

Ihling C  Sinz A 《Proteomics》2005,5(8):2029-2042
The basic problem of complexity poses a significant challenge for proteomic studies. To date two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) followed by enzymatic in-gel digestion of the peptides, and subsequent identification by mass spectrometry (MS) is the most commonly used method to analyze complex protein mixtures. However, 2-DE is a slow and labor-intensive technique, which is not able to resolve all proteins of a proteome. To overcome these limitations gel-free approaches are developed based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). The high resolution and excellent mass accuracy of FT-ICR MS provides a basis for simultaneous analysis of numerous compounds. In the present study, a small protein subfraction of an Escherichia coli cell lysate was prepared by size-exclusion chromatography and proteins were analyzed using C4 reversed phase (RP)-HPLC for pre-separation followed by C18 RP nanoHPLC/nanoESI FT-ICR MS for analysis of the peptide mixtures after tryptic digestion of the protein fractions. We identified 231 proteins and thus demonstrated that a combination of two RP separation steps - one on the protein and one on the peptide level - in combination with high-resolution FT-ICR MS has the potential to become a powerful method for global proteomics studies.  相似文献   

We report the development of a robust interface for off-line coupling of nano liquid chromatography (LC) to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) and its application to the analysis of proteolytic digests of proteins, both isolated and in mixtures. The interface makes use of prestructured MALDI sample supports to concentrate the effluent to a small sample plate area and localize the MALDI sample to a predefined array, thereby enriching the analyte molecules and facilitating automated MALDI-MS analysis. Parameters that influence the preparation of MALDI samples from the LC effluent were evaluated with regard to detection sensitivity, spectra quality, and reproducibility of the method. A procedure for data processing is described. The presented nano LC MALDI-MS system allowed the detection of several peptides from a tryptic digest of bovine serum albumin, at analyzed amounts corresponding to one femtomole of the digested protein. For the identification of native proteins isolated from mouse brain by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, nano LC MALDI-MS increased the number of detected peptides, thereby allowing identification of proteins that could not be identified by direct MALDI-MS analysis. The ability to identify proteins in complex mixtures was evaluated for the analysis of Escherichia coli 50S ribosomal subunit. Out of the 33 expected proteins, 30 were identified by MALDI tandem time of flight fragment ion fingerprinting.  相似文献   

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