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Kinetic effects of simultaneous inhibition by substrate and product   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The starting point for the present investigations was the finding that increasing influent concentrations from 10 to 380 mmol/L glucose decreased the attainable growth rate of an acidogenic population in continuous culture from 0.52 to 0.05 h(-1) To account for this phenomenon, a new kinetic model is developed that combines substrate and product inhibition. Both effects are connected through the product yield, giving rise to a complex dependency of the growth rate on the substrate concentration. As a main feature, the maximum attainable growth rate decreases almost hyperbolically above some optimal substrate concentration in the influent. Furthermore, under certain conditions the kinetic model predicts the existence of three steady states: a high-conversion and a low-conversion state that are both stable and a metastable intermediate state. The latter states from the multiple-steady-state region are to be avoided, and eventual transitions to these states may have important consequences for the stability and the operation of such reaction systems. Substrate as well as product inhibition is reported for Propionibacterium freundenreichii and recently could be demonstrated for the above-mentioned acidogenic population. The proposed model allows optimization of anaerobic wastewater treatment processes and is applicable also to other fermentations.  相似文献   

In this study, the thermodynamic properties of substrate-ribozyme recognition were explored using a system derived from group II intron ai5gamma. Substrate recognition by group II intron ribozymes is of interest because any nucleic ac?id sequence can be targeted, the recognition sequence can be quite long (>/=13 bp), and reaction can proceed with a very high degree of sequence specificity. Group II introns target their substrates throug?h the formation of base-pairing interactions with two regions of the intron (EBS1 and EBS2), which are usually located far apart in the secondary structure. These structures pair with adjacent, corresponding sites (IBS1 and IBS2) on the substrate. In order to understand the relative energetic contribution of each base-pairing interaction (EBS1-IBS1 or EBS2-IBS2) to substrate binding energy, the free energy of each helix was measured. The individual helices were found to have base-pairing free energies similar to those calculated for regular RNA duplexes of the same sequence, suggesting that each recognition helix derives its binding energy from base-pairing interactions alone and that each helix can form independently. Most interestingly, it was found that the sum of the measured individual free energies (approximately 20 kcal/mol) was much higher than the known free energy for substrate binding (approximately 12 kcal/mol). This indicates that certain group II intron ribozymes can bind their substrates in an antagonistic fashion, paying a net energetic penalty upon binding the full-length substrate. This loss of binding energy is not due to weakening of individual helices, but appears to be linked to ribozyme conformational changes induced by substrate binding. This coupling between substrate binding and ribozyme conformational rearrangement may provide a mechanism for lowering overall substrate binding energy while retaining the full information content of 13 bp, thus resulting in a mechanism for ensuring sequence specificity.  相似文献   

An analytical model is developed to describe the performance of a packed-bed immobilized enzyme reactor in which parallel processes take place. In particular, two-substrate reaction, inhibition of the enzyme by one of the reaction products, and binding of one substrate and/or one product to an added ligand are taken into account. In addition, substrates and product diffusion into the porous catalyst are also considered. Using this model, numerical simulations were performed. The results point to the fact that, when all the above processes occur concomitantly, a variety of performance characteristics can be obtained, depending on the particular values of the related parameters. Moreover, under certain conditions, the reactor performance can be improved by controlled addition of ligand.List of Symbols A total concentration of ligand - C 1,i concentration of Substrate-1 in the pores of stage i - C 2,i concentration of Substrate-2 in its free form in the pores of stage i - 2,i concentration of the Substrate-2-Ligand Complex in the pores of stage i - total concentration of Substrate-2 in the pores of stage i - i concentration of the Product-Ligand Complex in the pores of stage i - concentration of the free Product in the pores of stage i - total concentration of the Product in the pores of stage i - internal (pore) diffusion coefficient for the Substrate-Ligand Complex - D 1 internal (pore) diffusion coefficient of Substrate-1 - D 2 internal (pore) diffusion coefficient of Substrate-2 - effective (pore) diffusion coefficient for Substrate-2 - internal (pore) diffusion coefficient for the Product - internal (pore) diffusion coefficient for the Product-Ligand Complex - effective (pore) diffusion coefficient for the Product - K thermodynamic equilibrium constant for binding Substrate-2 to Ligand - K m,1,K m,2 Michaelis constants for Substrates-1 and 2, respectively - effective Michaelis constant for Substrate-2 - K p thermodynamic equilibrium constant for binding the reaction Product to Ligand - effective equilibrium constant for binding Substrate-2 to Ligand - effective equilibrium constant for binding the reaction Product to Ligand. - K b inhibition constant - K q inhibition constant - effective inhibition constant - effective inhibition constant - k a, k d association and dissociation rate constants for Substrate-2 — Ligand complex - association and dissociation constants for Product —Ligand complex - n total number of elementary stages in the reactor - Q volumetric flow rate throughout the reactor - R j,i reaction rate of Substrate-j in stage i, in terms of volumetric units - S 1,0 concentration of Substrate-1 in the reactor feed - total concentration of Substrate-2 in the reactor feed - S 1,i–1,S 1,i concentration of Substrate-1 in the bulk phase leaving stages i–1 and i, respectively - S 2,i concentration of Substrate-2 in its free form, in the bulk phase leaving stage i - 2,i–1, 2,i concentration of Substrate-2 in the bulk phase leaving stage i–1 and i, respectively - total concentration of Substrate-2 in the bulk phase leaving stages i–1 and i, respectively - i concentration of the Product-Ligand Complex in the bulk phase of stage i - concentration of free Product in the bulk phase of stage i - total concentration of Product in the bulk phase of stage i - V total volume of the reactor - V m maximal reaction rate in terms of volumetric units - y axial coordinate of the pores - y 0 depth of the pores Greek Symbols 1 dimensionless parameter - dimensionless parameter - dimensionless parameter - 1 dimensionless parameter - dimensionless parameter - 1,i dimensionless concentration of Substrate-1 in pores of stage i - dimensionless total concentration of Substrate-2 (in both free and bound form) in pores of stage i - dimensionless total concentration of the reaction product in the pores of stage i - 1 dimensionless parameter - dimensionless parameter - dimensionless parameter - dimensionless parameter - dimensionless parameter - dimensionless position along the pore - volumetric packing density of catalytic particles (dimensionless) - porosity of the catalytic particles (dimensionless) - 1,i dimensionless concentration of Substrate-1 in the bulk phase of stage i - dimensionless total concentration of Substrate-2 (in both free and bound form) in the bulk phase of stage i  相似文献   

The current kinetic model for the nitric oxide reductase reaction (Girsch, P., and de Vries, S. (1997) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1318, 202-216) does not involve the concentration of an electron donor. Here we introduce this variable and show, both theoretically and experimentally, its role in determining the extent of substrate inhibition by the excess of nitric oxide. NO is found to inhibit competitively with the electron donor, possibly by binding to the oxidized form of the enzyme. The observed partial character of the inhibition is tentatively explained by a slow reduction of the non-productive NO complex.  相似文献   

Kinetic consequences of covalent linkage of DNA binding polyamides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Polyamides composed of N-methylpyrrole (Py) and N-methylimidazole (Im) subunits can bind in the minor groove of DNA at predetermined sequences with subnanomolar affinity and high specificity. Covalent linkage of polymer subunits using a gamma-aminobutyric acid linker has been shown to increase both the affinity and specificity of polyamides. Using a fluorescence detected stopped-flow assay, we have studied the differences in association and dissociation kinetics of a series of polyamides representing unlinked, hairpin and cyclic analogues of the four ring polyamide ImPyPyPy-beta-Dp. Whereas the large differences seen in the equilibrium association constants between the unlinked and covalently linked polyamides are primarily due to higher association rate constants, discrimination between matched and mismatched sites by each polyamide can be ascribed in large part to differences in their dissociation rate constants. The consequences of this kinetic behavior for future design are discussed.  相似文献   

Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) cycles between the Mn(II) and Mn(III) states during the catalyzed disproportionation of O(2)(*-), a catalysis that is limited at micromolar levels of superoxide by a peroxide-inhibited complex with the metal. We have investigated the role in catalysis and inhibition of the conserved residue Trp161 which forms a hydrophobic side of the active site cavity of MnSOD. Crystal structures of mutants of human MnSOD in which Trp161 was replaced with Ala or Phe showed significant conformational changes on adjacent residues near the active site, particularly Gln143 and Tyr34 which in wild-type MnSOD participate in a hydrogen bond network believed to support proton transfer during catalysis. Using pulse radiolysis and observing the UV absorbance of superoxide, we have determined rate constants for the catalytic dismutation of superoxide. In addition, the rates of formation and dissociation of the product-inhibited complex of these mutants were determined by direct observation of the characteristic visible absorption of the oxidized and inhibited states. Catalysis by W161A and W161F MnSOD was associated with a decrease of at least 100-fold in the catalytic rate of reduction of superoxide, which then promotes a competing pathway leading to product inhibition. The structural changes caused by the mutations at position 161 led to small changes, at most a 6-fold decrease, in the rate constant for formation of the inhibited complex. Solvent hydrogen isotope effects support a mechanism in which formation of this complex, presumably the peroxide dianion bound to the manganese, involves no rate-contributing proton transfer; however, the dissociation of the complex requires proton transfer to generate HO(2)(-) or H2O2.  相似文献   

The optimal substrate feeding policy for the fed batch fermentation which is governed by product and substrate inhibited kinetics is presented. The conjunction point between nonsingular and singular arcs and the feeding policy along the singular arc are derived analytically in terms of the concentrations of substrate and product and the liquid volume. Thus, it is possible to determine the feeding rate by monitoring the state variables (i.e., closed loop control). As a specific example, an optimization study of the fed batch fermentation for ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae is presented. It is shown that the optimal feeding patterns are heavily dependent upon the initial conditions. The point selectivity provides the guideline for predicting the optimal feeding patterns and explaining the results of rigorous mathematical analysis.  相似文献   

The class C beta-lactamase of Enterobacter cloacae P99 is known to catalyze the hydrolysis of certain acyclic (thio)esters. Previous experiments have employed thioglycolate, m-hydroxybenzoate, and phenylphosphate leaving groups. The relative effectiveness of these leaving groups has now been quantitatively assessed by employment of a series of compounds with common acyl groups, and found to rank in the order phenylphosphate >m-hydroxybenzoate >thioglycolate. Structural models suggest that these leaving groups interact during acylation principally with Tyr 150, Lys 315, and Thr 316 of the beta-lactamase active site. The positions of the leaving group carboxylates in these models is compared with those in published crystal structures of complexes of class C beta-lactamases with beta-lactams. The particular effectiveness of the acyl phosphate indicates the positions of two oxyanions that strongly interact with the active site. This information should be useful in the design of inhibitors of class C beta-lactamases.  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis of a substrate cycle in which one of the two steps was substituted by a chemical reaction has been made. The model is illustrated by the amplified determination, in a continuous assay, of phenolic compounds at low concentrations using the enzyme tyrosinase and β-NADH to reduce the o-quinone product of catalytic activity. Progress curves corresponding to β-NADH disappearance were not linear and followed first-order kinetics. Knowledge of the kinetics of the reaction has allowed us to achieve detection limits as low as 50 nM in a simple 10-min assay. There is no analytical solution to the non-linear differential equation system that describes the kinetics of the reaction, therefore, computer simulations of its dynamic behaviour are also presented, good agreement with the experimental results being obtained. The method is applicable to the measurement of any other metabolite, and its amplification capacity as well as the simplicity of determining kinetic parameters enable it to be implemented in a bioreactor for automation purposes.  相似文献   

Poly(A) polymerases were identified almost 50 years ago as enzymes that add multiple AMP residues to the 3' ends of primer RNAs without use of a template from ATP as cosubstrate and with release of pyrophosphate. Based on sequence homology of a signature motif in the catalytic domain, poly(A) polymerases were later found to belong to a superfamily of nucleotidyl transferases acting on a very diverse array of substrates. Enzymes belonging to the superfamily can add from single nucleotides of AMP, CMP or UMP to RNA, antibiotics and proteins but also homopolymers of many hundred residues to the 3' ends of RNA molecules. The recently reported structures of several nucleotidyl transferases facilitate the study of the catalytic mechanisms of these very diverse enzymes. Numerous structures of CCA-adding enzymes have now revealed all steps in the formation of a CCA tail at the 3' end of tRNAs. In addition, structures of poly(A) polymerases and uridylyl transferases are now available as binary and ternary complexes with incoming nucleotide and RNA primer. Some of these proteins undergo significant conformational changes after substrate binding. This is proposed to be an indication for an induced fit mechanism that drives substrate selection and leads to catalysis. Insights from recent structures of ternary complexes indicate an important role for the primer molecule in selecting the incoming nucleotide.  相似文献   

Nucleoside analog inhibition studies have been conducted on thyroidal purine nucleoside phosphorylase (purine-nucleoside:orthophosphate ribosyltransferase, EC which catalyzed an ordered bi-bi type mechanism where the first substrate is inorganic phosphate and the last product is ribose 1-phosphate. Heterocyclic- and carbohydrate-modified nucleoside inhibitors demonstrate mixed type inhibition suggesting such analogs show an affinity (Ki) for the free enzyme. A kinetic model is proposed which supports the observed inhibition patterns. These studies together with alternate substrate studies indicate that nucleoside binding requires a functional group capable of hydrogen bonding at the 6-position of the purine ring and that the orientation of the bound substrate may be syn. Proper geometry of the phosphate is dependent upon the 3'-substituent to the orientated below the furanose ring. The 5'-hydroxyl group is required for substrate activity. The proposed rate limiting step of the phosphorylase mechanism is the enzymatic protonation of the 7-N position of the nucleoside.  相似文献   

The inhibition by m-coumaric acid of oxidation of L-dopa by epidermis tyrosinase (monophenol,dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC is characterized by a prolonged transient phase. Kinetic data correspond to that for a postulated mechanism that involves rapid formation of a reduced enzyme-m-coumaric acid complex that subsequently undergoes a relatively slow reversible reaction. An overall inhibition constant for m-coumaric acid of 0.05 mM was calculated. The value of the Ki for the dissociation of m-coumaric acid from the rapidly formed complex was calculated as 0.53 mM. The first-order rate constants for the slow isomerization of the enzyme-inhibitor complex were calculated as 3.0 +/- 0.1 min-1 for the forward step and 0.31 +/- 0.06 min-1 for the reverse step.  相似文献   

Carvone has previously been found to highly inhibit its own production at concentrations above 50 mM during conversion of a diastereomeric mixture of (−)-carveol by whole cells of Rhodococcus erythropolis. Adaptation of the cells to the presence of increasing concentrations of carveol and carvone in n-dodecane prior to biotransformation proved successful in overcoming carvone inhibition. By adapting R. erythropolis cells for 197 h, an 8.3-fold increase in carvone production rate compared to non-adapted cells was achieved in an air-driven column reactor. After an incubation period of 268 h, a final carvone concentration of 1.03 M could be attained, together with high productivity [0.19 mg carvone h−1 (ml organic phase)−1] and high yield (0.96 g carvone g carveol−1).  相似文献   

Until now, workers in the field of fatty acid metabolism have suggested that the substrates are isopotential with the enzymes and that the reactions are forced to completion by the formation of charge-transfer complexes [Gustafson, W. G., Feinberg, B. A., & McFarland, J. T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7733-7741]. To date, no experimental evidence for this hypothesis exists. The work presented here shows that the butyryl-CoA/crotonyl-CoA couple is not isopotential with the enzymes with which it interacts. The potential of the butyryl-CoA/crotonyl-CoA couple (E ' = -0.013 V) is significantly more positive than the potential of either of the enzymes with which it interacts, bacterial butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (E ' = -0.079 V) and mammalian general acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (E ' = 0.133 V). These data imply that the regulation of enzyme potential is essential for any electron transfer from substrate to enzyme to occur in mammalian or bacterial systems. In support of this assertion, a significant shift in potential for bacterial butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (an analogue of the mammalian enzyme) in the presence of butyryl-CoA and crotonyl-CoA is reported. The potential is shifted positive by 60 mV. Larger potential shifts will undoubtedly be observed with the mammalian enzyme, which would be consistent with the catalytic direction of electron transfer.  相似文献   

A mixed culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli was established in a stable coexistence steady state in a chemostat under constant operating conditions. The species competed for glucose, the growth-limiting resource, and produced acetate and ethanol. The acetic acid was shown to be very inhibitory to E. coli in pure culture at pH 5 while ethanol inhibition was only marginal. No significant inhibition of S. cerevisiae growth was observed by either acetate or ethanol. Pure culture parameters were measured and used in the analysis. Linearized stability analysis for the case when both organisms produce the inhibitor showed that a transition through three stable outcomes was possible as the feed concentration is lowered. Experimental studies verified these predictions, and successive transitions from a yeast growth steady state, to a coexistence steady state, and to an E. coli growth steady state were obtained by lowering the glucose concentration in the feed from 10 to 5 to 2.5 g/L, respectively. This dynamic behavior is distinct from the outcomes of other competition-inhibition combinations and experimentally demonstrates for the first time that coexistence is possible due to substrate competition and product inhibition.  相似文献   

Steady state kinetic analysis at pH 7.0 of the reduction of DL-glyceraldehyde by pig muscle aldose reductase showed that the enzyme follows a sequential ordered mechanism with NADPH binding first. However, the "off constant" for NADP+ in the forward direction was 1 order of magnitude less than the kcat. Analysis of this anomaly by pre-steady state kinetics using stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy showed that this could be accounted for by isomerization of the enzyme-NADP+ complex and that the rate of isomerization is the rate-limiting step. The rate constant for this step was of the same order of magnitude as the kcat for the forward reaction. Fluorescence emission spectra of free and NADP(H)-bound enzyme suggested a conformational change upon binding of coenzyme. In the reverse direction (oxidation of glycerol) pre-steady state and steady state kinetic analyses were consistent with the rate-limiting step occurring before isomerization of the enzyme-NADPH complex. We conclude, therefore, that during the kinetic mechanism of the reduction of aldehydes by aldose reductase, a slow (kinetically detectable) conformational change in the enzyme occurs upon coenzyme binding. Since NADPH and NADP+ bind to the enzyme very tightly, this has implications for the targeting and binding of drugs that are aldose reductase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The interaction of Escherichia coli agmatinase (EC with the substrate guanidinium group was investigated by kinetic and site-directed mutagenesis studies. Putrescine and guanidinium ions (Gdn+) were slope-linear, competitive inhibitors with respect to agmatine and their bindings to the enzyme were not mutually exclusive. By site-directed mutagenesis, the E274A variant exhibiting about 1-2% of wild-type activity was obtained. Mutation produced a moderate, but significant, increase in the Km value for agmatine (from 1.1 +/- 0.2 mM to 6.3 +/- 0.3 mM) and the Ki value for competitive inhibition by Gdn+ (from 15.0 +/- 0.1 mM to 44.2 +/- 2.1 mM), but the Ki value for putrescine inhibition (2.8 +/- 0.2 mM) was not altered. The tryptophan fluorescence properties (lambdamax = 342 nm) and circular dichroism spectra were not significantly altered by the Glu274 --> Ala mutation. The dimeric structure of the enzyme was also maintained. We conclude that Glu274 is involved in binding and positioning of the guanidinium moiety of the substrate for efficient catalysis. A kinetic mechanism involving rapid equilibrium random release of products is proposed for E. coli agmatinase.  相似文献   

To assess the relative importance of binding to enzyme-substrate complex (E.S) and to acetylenzyme (EA), noncompetitive inhibition has been studied in hydrolysis by acetylcholinesterase (AcChE) of cationic and uncharged substrates - acetylcholine (AcCh), 3,3-dimethylbutyl acetate, n-butyl acetate, 2-(methylammonio)ethyl acetate, 2- (N,N-diethyl-N-n-butylammonio)ethyl acetate (DEBAAc) and 2-(methylsulfonyl)ethyl acetate. For the N-trimethyl quaternary ions related to AcCh, tetramethylammonium ion, choline and choline ethyl ether, noncompetitive inhibition (Ki(nonc) is more favorable with the slower substrates than with AcCh, i.e., when E.S greater than EA, and is attributed to formation of enzyme-substrate-inhibitor complexes, E.S.I'. Noncompetitive inhibition by tetraethyl-, tert-butyl- and isopropylammonium ions, and acetamidocholine and its lower dimethyl analogue, is also attributed to E.S.I' complexes. Peripheral binding of these inhibitors decreases acylation more than deacylation. Some tertiary dimethylamonio ions have more favorable Ki(nonc) values with AcCh, decreasing deacylation more than acylation. The substrate DEBAAc is a more effective noncompetitive than competitive inhibitor in hydrolysis of AcCh, indicating that it binds more strongly in a peripheral site than in the active site of the free enzyme. In its hydrolysis by AcChE, it acts as its own noncompetitive inhibitor, by this non-productive binding. Formation of E.S.I' complexes is a general characteristic of hydrolysis by AcChE and decrease in rates at high concentrations of AcCh and related substrates is attributed to peripheral regulatory site binding, formation of E.S.S' complexes, rather than to binding to the acetylenzyme.  相似文献   

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