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Summary Based on a simulation model of the structure of and distribution of O2 within infected cells of soybean nodules, gradients of concentration of dissolved O2 ([O2]) have been calculated within and between symbiosomes embedded in host cytoplasm, through which the flux of O2 to the symbiosomes is facilitated by leghaemoglobin. As a consequence of facilitation, gradients of [O2] in cytoplasm between symbiosomes are very small. Within symbiosomes, from which leghaemoglobin is considered to be absent, respiration by bacteroids generates steeper gradients of [O2], thus restricting respiration and N2 fixation. However, if bacteroid mass is considered to be randomly distributed within a symbiosome, about 80% of this mass lies within about 0.6 m of the surface (the peribacteroid membrane). Consequently, respiration within a symbiosome was calculated to be between 65% and 92% of that attained if bacteroids were directly in contact with the cytoplasm. For N2 fixation, the corresponding values were 44% to 91%. In cytoplasm, near the surface of a symbiosome, there is a boundary layer in which equilibrium between O2, leghaemoglobin and oxyleghaemoglobin is perturbed by O2 consumption within. Calculations of the thickness of the boundary layers gave values of only 3.65 to 3.75×10–9 m, thus they had little effect on calculated gradients of [O2] in cytoplasm. In contrast, perturbations of the leghaemoglobin oxygenation equilibrium affected layers of cytoplasm beneath intercellular spaces to a depth of 0.15 to 0.3×10–6 m in the physiological range of volume average [O2]. This affected gradients of [O2] in the cytoplasm near intercellular spaces. Revisions have been made to the model cell, incorporating these new calculations. Results suggest that infected nodule cells may be able to withstand 1–2 M O2 in the outermost layers of cytoplasm without inhibition of N2 fixation caused by excessive O2 within the symbiosomes.Abbreviations Lb leghaemoglobin - LbO2 oxyleghaemoglobin - [O2] concentration of free, dissolved O2 - Y fractional oxygenation of Lb - Y av volume averagedY  相似文献   

F. J. Bergersen 《Protoplasma》1994,183(1-4):49-61
Summary A simulation model is presented for the distribution and consumption of O2 in infected cells of soybean root nodule central tissue. It differs from earlier models in closer adherence to observed structure and embodies new morphometric data about the distribution of > 12,000 mitochondria per cell and about the geometry of the gas-filled intercellular spaces near which the mitochondria are located. The model cell is a rhombic dodecahedron and O2 enters only through interfaces (totalling 26% of the cell surface) with 24 gas-filled intercellular spaces. These spaces are located at the edges of each rhombic face of the cell, forming an interconnected network over the cell suface. Next, O2 is distributed through the cytoplasm by a leghaemoglobin-facilitated diffusive process, initially between the mitochondria and amyloplasts in the outer layers of the cell and then between > 6,000 symbiosomes (each containing 6 bacteroids) towards the central nucleus. The symbiosomes and mitochondria consume O2, but impede its diffusion; all O2 entering symbiosomes is considered to be consumed there. For the calculations, the cell is considered to consist of 24 structural units, each beneath one of the intercellular spaces, and each is divided into 126 layers, 0.2 m thick, in and through which O2 is consumed and diffused. Rates of consumption of O2 and of N2 fixation in each diffusion layer were calculated from previously-established kinetics of respiration by mitochondria and bacteroids isolated from soybean nodules and from established relationships between bacteroid respiration and N2 fixation. The effects of varying the O2-supply concentration and the concentration and type of energy-yielding substrates were included in the simulations. When the model cell was supplied with 0.5 mM malate, mitochondria accounted for a minimum of 50% of the respiration of the model cell and this percentage increased with increased concentration of the O2 supply. Gradients of concentrations of free O2 dissolved in the cytoplasm were steepest near the cell surface and in this location respiration by mitochondria appeared to exert a marked protective effect for nitrogen fixation in layers deeper within the cell. Estimates of N2 fixation per nodule, calculated from the model cell, were similar to those calculated from field measurements.Abbreviations Lb leghaemoglobin - LbO2 oxyleghaemoglobin - [O2] concentration of free, dissolved O2 - e.m. electron micrograph Dedicated to the memory of Professor John G. Torrey  相似文献   

Bacteroids of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain CB1809, unlike CC705, do not have a high level of constitutive nitrate reductase (NR; EC in the soybean (Glycine max. Merr.) nodule. Ex planta both strains have a high activity of NR when cultured on 5 mM nitrate at 2% O2 (v/v). Nitrite reductase (NiR) was active in cultured cells of bradyrhizobia, but activity with succinate as electron donor was not detected in freshly-isolated bacteroids. A low activity was measured with reduced methyl viologen. When bacteroids of CC705 were incubated with nitrate there was a rapid production of nitrite which resulted in repression of NR. Subsequently when NiR was induced, nitrite was utilized and NR activity recovered. Nitrate reductase was induced in bacteroids of strain CB1809 when they were incubated in-vitro with nitrate or nitrite. Increase in NR activity was prevented by rifampicin (10 g· ml-1) or chloramphenicol (50 g·ml-1). Nitrite-reductase activity in bacteroids of strain CB1809 was induced in parallel with NR. When nitrate was supplied to soybeans nodulated with strain CC705, nitrite was detected in nodule extracts prepared in aqueous media and it accumulated during storage (1°C) and on further incubation at 25°C. Nitrite was not detected in nodule extracts prepared in ethanol. Thus nitrite accumulation in nodule tissue appears to occur only after maceration and although bacteroids of some strains of B. japonicum have a high level of a constitutive NR, they do not appear to reduce nitrate in the nodule because this anion does not gain access to the bacteroid zone. Soybeans nodulated with strains CC705 and CB1809 were equally sensitive to nitrate inhibition of N2 fixation.Abbreviations NR nitrate reductase - NiR nitrite reductase - Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   

Four local rhizobia isolates selected after two screening experiments and five USDA Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains were estimated for N2 fixation in soybean using the 15N isotope dilution technique. Strain USDA 110 was superior to the local isolates in nodulation and N2 fixation when inoculated onto soybean cv TGX 1497-ID in a Nigerian soil and could therefore be used as an inoculant for enhanced N2 fixation in soybean in Nigeria.  相似文献   

J. T. Trevors 《Plant and Soil》1984,77(2-3):285-293
Summary Dehydrogenase activity was measured in a sandy loam soil under a variety of incubation conditions using the reduction of 2-(p-iodophenyl-3-(p-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride (INT) to iodonitrotetrazolium formazan (INT-formazan). There was a high positive correlation between dehydrogenase activity and substrate concentration, incubation temperature, and soil pH. Dehydrogenase activity also displayed a high negative correlation with O2 concentrations. Ammonium sulfate at concentrations from 40 to 120 g/g soil had no significant effect on dehydrogenase activity. However, at concentrations of 160 and 200 g/g, dehydrogenase activity was significantly reduced. Potassium nitrate at concentrations ranging from 40 to 200 g/g had no significant effect on soil dehydrogenase activity, whereas sodium nitrite significantly inhibited activity at concentrations of 120 and 160 g/g soil.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 enhances photosynthesis and growth of plants, but the enhancement is strongly influenced by the availability of nitrogen. In this article, we summarise our studies on plant responses to elevated CO2. The photosynthetic capacity of leaves depends not only on leaf nitrogen content but also on nitrogen partitioning within a leaf. In Polygonum cuspidatum, nitrogen partitioning among the photosynthetic components was not influenced by elevated CO2 but changed between seasons. Since the alteration in nitrogen partitioning resulted in different CO2-dependence of photosynthetic rates, enhancement of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 was greater in autumn than in summer. Leaf mass per unit area (LMA) increases in plants grown at elevated CO2. This increase was considered to have resulted from the accumulation of carbohydrates not used for plant growth. With a sensitive analysis of a growth model, however, we suggested that the increase in LMA is advantageous for growth at elevated CO2 by compensating for the reduction in leaf nitrogen concentration per unit mass. Enhancement of reproductive yield by elevated CO2 is often smaller than that expected from vegetative growth. In Xanthium canadense, elevated CO2 did not increase seed production, though the vegetative growth increased by 53%. As nitrogen concentration of seeds remained constant at different CO2 levels, we suggest that the availability of nitrogen limited seed production at elevated CO2 levels. We found that leaf area development of plant canopy was strongly constrained by the availability of nitrogen rather than by CO2. In a rice field cultivated at free-air CO2 enrichment, the leaf area index (LAI) increased with an increase in nitrogen availability but did not change with CO2 elevation. We determined optimal LAI to maximise canopy photosynthesis and demonstrated that enhancement of canopy photosynthesis by elevated CO2 was larger at high than at low nitrogen availability. We also studied competitive asymmetry among individuals in an even-aged, monospecific stand at elevated CO2. Light acquisition (acquired light per unit aboveground mass) and utilisation (photosynthesis per unit acquired light) were calculated for each individual in the stand. Elevated CO2 enhanced photosynthesis and growth of tall dominants, which reduced the light availability for shorter subordinates and consequently increased size inequality in the stand.  相似文献   

Six promiscuous soybean genotypes were assessed for their ability to nodulate with indigenous root-nodule bacteria in Ghana, with Bradyrhizobium japonicum WB74 serving as positive control. Although the results revealed free nodulation of all six genotypes in both inoculated and uninoculated plots, there was a marked effect of inoculation on photosynthetic rates and whole-plant C. Inoculation also increased stomatal conductance in TGx1485-1D, TGx1448-2E, TGx1740-2F and TGx1445-3E, leading to significantly elevated transpiration rates in the last two genotypes, and a decrease in TGx1485-1D, TGx1440-1E and Salintuya-1, resulting in reduced leaf transpiration and decreased C accumulation. Nodulation, total plant biomass, plant N concentration and content also increased and ∂15N of the six genotypes, except for TGx1448-2E decreased. Significantly higher %Ndfa resulted in all the soybean genotypes tested (except for TGx1485-1D), and the symbiotic N yield in TGx1740-2F and TGx1448-2E doubled. PCR-RFLP revealed 18 distinct IGS types present in root nodules of the six promiscuous soybean genotypes, with IGS type II being isolated from all six genotypes, followed by IGS types X and XI from five out of the six genotypes. Marked differences in strain IGS type symbiotic efficiency were revealed. For example, as sole nodule occupant, IGS type XI produced high symbiotic N in TGx1445-3E, but low amounts in TGx1448-2E. Inoculated Salintuya-1, which trapped nine strain IGS types in its root nodules, was the most promiscuous genotype, but produced less symbiotic N compared to genotypes with fewer strains in their root nodules.  相似文献   

Four new ligands containing a pyridine or thiazole group and one or more N-(diphenylphosphinomethyl)amine functions have been prepared and employed for the synthesis of Mo(0) and W(0) carbonyl and dinitrogen complexes. For comparison coordination of the literature-known ligand N,N-bis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)-methylamine (PNP, 1) to such systems has been investigated as well. Two new ligands are N,N-bis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)-2-aminopyridine (pyNP2, 2) and N,N′-bis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)-2,6-diaminopyridine (PpyP, 3). In a third new ligand, N-diphenylphosphinomethyl-2-aminothiazole (thiazNP, 4), the pyridine group is replaced by thiazol. Finally, the pentadentate ligand N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)-2,6-diaminopyridine (pyN2P4, 5) has been synthesized. Coordination of ligands 2, 3 and 4 to low-valent metal centers is investigated on the basis of the three molybdenum carbonyl complexes [Mo(CO)3(NCCH3)(pyNP2)] (6), [Mo(CO)4(PpyP)] (7) and [Mo(CO)4(thiazNP)] (8), respectively, all of which are structurally characterized. Moreover, employing ligands 1 and 2 the two dinitrogen complexes [W(N2)2(dppe)(PNP)] (9) and [Mo(N2)2(dppe)(pyNP2) (10), respectively, are prepared. Both systems are investigated by vibrational and NMR spectroscopy; in addition, complex 10 is structurally characterized.  相似文献   

The effects of serum, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, and medium pH on hybridoma cell physiology were examined in a controlled batch bioreactor using a murine hybridoma cell line (167.4G5.3). The effect of serum was also studied for a second murine hybridoma cell line (S3H5/gamma 2bA). Cell growth, viability, cell density, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism, respiration and energy production rates, and antibody production rates were studied. Cell growth was enhanced and cell death was decreased by increasing the serum level. The growth rates followed a Monod-type model with serum being the limiting component. Specific glucose, glutamine, and oxygen uptake rates and specific lactate and ammonia production rates did not change with serum concentrations. Amino acid metabolism was slightly influenced by the serum level. Cell growth rates were not influenced by DO between 20% and 80% air saturation, while the specific death rates were lowest at 20-50% air saturation. Glucose and glutamine uptake rates increased at DO above 10% and below 5% air saturation. Cell growth rate was optimal at pH 7.2. Glucose and glutamine uptake rates, as well as lactate and ammonia production rates, increased above pH 7.2. Metabolic rates for glutamine and ammonia were also higher below pH 7.2. The consumption or production rates of amino acids followed the glutamine consumption very closely. Cell-specific oxygen uptake rate was insensitive to the levels of serum, DO, and pH. Theoretical calculations based on experimentally determined uptake rates indicated that the ATP production rates did not change significantly with serum and DO while it increased continually with increasing pH. The oxidative phosphorylation accounted for about 60% of total energy production. This contribution, however, increased at low pH values to 76%. The specific antibody production rate was not growth associated and was independent of serum and DO concentrations and medium pH above 7.20. A 2-fold increase in specific antibody production rates was observed at pH values below 7.2. Higher concentrations of antibody were obtained at high serum levels, between 20% and 40% DO, and at pH 7.20 due to higher viable cell numbers obtained.  相似文献   

Experimental findings indicate that, in terrestrial ecosystems, nitrogen cycling changes under elevated partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 (pCO2). It was suggested that the concentration of N in plant litter as well as the amount of litter are responsible for these changes. However, for grassland ecosystems, there have been no relevant data available to support this hypothesis. Data from five years of the Swiss FACE experiment show that, under fertile soil conditions in a binary plant community consisting of Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens L., the concentration of litter N does not change under elevated atmospheric pCO2; this applies to harvest losses, stubble, stolons and roots as the sources of litter. This is in strong contrast to the CO2 response of L. perenne swards without associated legumes; in this case the above-ground concentration of biomass N decreased substantially. Increased symbiotic N2 fixation in T. repens nodules and a greater proportion of the N-rich T. repens in the community are regarded as the main mechanisms that buffer the increased C introduction into the ecosystem under elevated atmospheric pCO2. Our data also suggest that elevated atmospheric pCO2 results in greater amounts of litter, mainly due to increased root biomass production. This study indicates that, in a fertile grassland ecosystem with legumes, the concentration of N in plant litter is not affected by elevated atmospheric pCO2 and, thus, cannot explain CO2-induced changes in the cycling of N. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Jongruaysup  S.  O'Hara  G. W.  Dell  B.  Bell  R. W. 《Plant and Soil》1993,(1):345-348
In legumes, both increases and decreases in nodule number in response to Mo deficiency have been reported, but reasons for the different responses have not been proposed. The present study examined nodule initiation and development in black gram seedlings using two levels of seed Mo to induce Mo deficiency. In the first 11 days after inoculation, low levels of Mo in seed had no effect on nodule initiation or the number of nodules. At 13 days after inoculation, low Mo in seed depressed bacteroid concentration, leghaemoglobin concentration, nodule number and nodule fresh weight. Acetylene reduction activity was delayed by 2 days in plants grown from low Mo seed. We suggest that the delay in N2 fixation in plants grown from low Mo seed was due to slower incorporation of Mo of soil origin into nitrogenase. We further suggest that restricted supply of essential metabolites to the nodules on plants from low Mo seed resulted in the slower maturation of early initiated nodules and the repression of formation of new nodules.  相似文献   

Soybean is the most important leguminous crop in Brazil and the nitrogen required for plant growth is supplied byBradyrhizobium bacteria through the symbiotic relation established by the inoculation process. Since 1992, two new strains, CPAC 7 and CPAC 15, which have been shown to increase yields in several field experiments, have been recommended in Brazilian commercial inoculants. CPAC 15 is a natural variant of theB. elkanii SEMIA 566 strain, and was isolated after several years of adaptation to a Brazilian Cerrado soil, while CPAC 7 is a variant ofB. japonicum strain CB 1809, selected under laboratory conditions for higher nodulation and yield. The comparison between parental and variant strains, under greenhouse conditions, showed that both CPAC 15 and CPAC 7 increased N2 fixation rates in relation to the parental strains. The better performance of CPAC 15 was related to an increase in nodule efficiency (mg N2 fixed mg-1 nodule) while with CPAC 7 the higher N2 fixation rates were due to increased nodulation. Both CPAC 15 and CPAC 7 increased nodule occupancy, when co-inoculated at a ratio of 1:1 withB. elkanii 29w, in relation to their parental strains. Variant strains also differed from parental in their ability to increase numbers of root hairs (Hai phenotype) either when inoculated onto plants, or when supernatants of bacteria exposed to seed exudates were used as inoculants. This results lead to the hypothesis that a modification in some of the “common” nodulation genes had occurred. However, the increase in Hai phenotype with CPAC 7 was dependent on the soybean cultivar, indicating a possible alteration in some genotypic specific nodulation gene. Apparently, there were no differences in Nod metabolites produced by strains CPAC 15 and SEMIA 566, but a more detailed chemical analysis would be required to rule out subtle differences. On the contrary, significant differences were found between CPAC 7 and the parental strain CP 1809, in the profile of Nod metabolites. Consequently, it may be possible that diffusable molecules, responsible for Hai phenotype, would be related to nodulation ability, competiviveness, and N2 fixation, resulting in the higher yields that have been associated with CPAC 7 and CPAC 15. For the CPAC 7 strain, the increase in Hai phenotype could be atributed to the differences found in the Nod molecules. Consequently, a high degree of physiological and genetic variability can result from the adaptation of rhizobial strains to the soil. Also, this variability can be found under laboratory conditions, when searching single colonies with specific properties. ei]Section editor: R O D Dixon  相似文献   

Summary A field experiment was performed to assess the effects of Rhizobium inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer (100 kg N ha–1) on four cultivars of Phaseolus beans; Carioca, Negro Argel, Venezuela 350 and Rio Tibagi. In the inoculated treatment 2.5 kg N ha–1 of15N labelled fertilizer was added in order to apply the isotope dilution technique to quantify the contribution of N2 fixation to the nutrition of these cultivars.Nodulation of all cultivars in the uninoculated treatments was poor, but the cultivars Carioca and Negro Argel were well nodulated when inoculated. Even when inoculated, nodulation of the cultivars Venezuela 350 and Rio Tibagi was poor and these cultivars showed little response to inoculation in terms of nitrogen accumulation or grain yield. The estimates of the contribution of N2 fixation estimated using the isotope dilution technique, for the Carioca and Negro Argel cultivars, amounted to 31.7 and 18.4 kg N ha–1 respectively. These two cultivars produced 991 and 883 kg ha–1 of grain, respectively, when inoculated and 663 and 620 kg ha–1 with the addition of 100 kg N ha–1 of N fertilizer. The response to nitrogen was particularly poor due to high leaching losses in the very sandy soil at the experimental site.The Venezuela 350 and Rio Tibagi cultivars only responded to N fertilizer and not to inoculation with Rhizobium which stresses the great importance of selecting plant cultivars for nitrogen fixation in the field.  相似文献   

The relationship between ammonium assimilation and ammonium export has been studied in free-living, N2-fixing Rhizobium sp. 32H1. After 55 to 67 h of microaerobic growth under a gas phase of 0.2% O2 – 1.0% CO2 – 98.8% Ar high levels of nitrogenase were observed concomitant with a slightly adenylylated glutamine synthetase (GSI) and some glutamine synthetase (GSII) activity. However, after growth of 89 h, or longer, GSI became adenylylated and the level of GSII had decreased. When the gas phase was shifted to 0.2% O2 – 1.0% CO2 – 98.8% N2, a lag was observed before ammonium export could be detected in the 55 to 67 h cultures. No lag in ammonium export was observed in the cultures previously grown for 89 h. The onset of ammonium export in the 55 to 67 h cultures was found to correlate with the adenylylation state of GSI. There appeared to be no correlation between the level of GSII and the export of ammonium. Neither an increase in the adenylylation level of GSI nor ammonium export was observed when the 55 to 67 h cultures were maintained under the Ar gas mixture.Abbreviations GOGAT Glutamate synthase - GS glutamine synthetase - BES [N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid] - CTAB cetyltrimethylammonium bromide - MES [2-(N-morpholino)-ethane sulfonic acid]  相似文献   

Summary The 1H, 15N and 13C backbone and 1H and 13C beta resonance assignments of the long-chain flavodoxin from Azotobacter chroococcum (the 20-kDa nifF product, flavodoxin-2) in its oxidized form were made at pH 6.5 and 30°C using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Analysis of the NOE connectivities, together with amide exchange rates, 3JHnH coupling constants and secondary chemical shifts, provided extensive solution secondary structure information. The secondary structure consists of a five-stranded parallel -sheet and five -helices. One of the outer regions of the -sheet shows no regular extended conformation, whereas the outer strand 4/6 is interrupted by a loop, which is typically observed in long-chain flavodoxins. Two of the five -helices are nonregular at the N-terminus of the helix. Loop regions close to the FMN are identified. Negatively charged amino acid residues are found to be mainly clustered around the FMN, whereas a cluster of positively charged residues is located in one of the -helices. Titration of the flavodoxin with the Fe protein of the A. chroococcum nitrogenase enzyme complex revealed that residues Asn11, Ser68 and Asn72 are involved in complex formation between the flavodoxin and Fe protein. The interaction between the flavodoxin and the Fe protein is influenced by MgADP and is of electrostatic nature.Abbreviations SQ semiquinone - FMN riboflavin 5-monophosphate; nif, nitrogen fixation - TSP 3-(trimethylsilyl)propionate sodium salt - DSS 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate sodium salt Supplementary Material is available on request, comprising a Materials and Methods section for the expression and purification of the A. chroococcum flavodoxin, a Table S1 containing the parameters of the titration of A. chroococcum flavodoxin with the Fe protein, and a Table S2 containing the 15N, HN, 13C, 1H, 13C, 1H and 13CO chemical shifts.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

This article tries to rationalize the shortcomings of various model compounds and discusses requirements that a low-molecular compound must fulfill in order to become a potentially competitive catalyst for nitrogenases. For fundamental reasons, such a synthetic catalyst cannot be a precise structural duplicate of the active centers of nitrogenase. Results obtained with iron-sulfur carbonyl and diazene complexes further indicate that (1) the coupling and chronology of proton and electron transfer steps, (2) invariance of iron-sulfur distances within a wide range of electron density changes at the iron centers, and (3) Brönsted basic thiolate donors favoring the protonation of metal-sulfur cores and the formation of N–H···S bridges may be essential in order to reduce N2 via N2H2 and N2H4 to NH3 under mild conditions.  相似文献   

Bacteria of the genus Azospirillum are considered to be plant-growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) and stimulate plant growth directly either by synthesising phyto-hormones or by promoting nutrition by the process of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). Although this genus extensively studied, the effects of inoculation and the possible BNF contribution of the Azospirillum amazonense specie are very scarce. The aim of this study was to isolate, characterise and evaluate auxin production and nitrogenase activity of this species and to select, by inoculation of rice plants, promising isolates based on their ability to improve plant growth, yield and the BNF contribution. One hundred and ten isolates obtained from rice were characterised and grouped according to colony features. Forty-two isolates, confirmed as A. amazonense by the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique, were tested for auxin production and nitrogenase activity in vitro. Subsequently plant growth promotion related to plant nutrition effect was evaluated, in vitro and in greenhouse experiments. The BNF contribution to plant growth was evaluated using the 15N isotope dilution technique. All A. amazonense strains tested produced indoles, but only 10% of them showed high production, above 1.33 μM mg protein−1. The nitrogenase activity also was variable and only 9% of isolates showed high nitrogenase activity and the majority (54%) exhibited a low potential. The inoculation of selected strains in rice under gnotobiotic conditions reduced the growth of root and aerial part when compared to the control, showing the negative effects of excess of phytohormone accumulation in the medium. However, in the greenhouse experiment, inoculation of strains of A. amazonense increased grain dry matter accumulation (7 to 11.6%), the number of panicles (3 to 18.6%) and nitrogen accumulation at grain maturation (3.5 to 18.5%). BNF contributions up to 27% were observed for A. amazonense Y2 (wild type strain). The data presented here is the first report that the PGPR effect of A. amazonense for rice plants grown under greenhouse conditions is mainly due the BNF contribution as measured by 15N isotope dilution technique, in contrast to the hormonal effect observed with other Azospirillum species studied.  相似文献   

The use of periphyton nitrogenase activity (biological N2 fixation) as an indicator of wetland P impact was assessed using patterns of nutrient content (C, N, P, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn) and acetylene reduction (AR) in floating cyanobacterial periphyton mat (metaphyton) communities of a P-enriched portion of the Florida Everglades, USA (Water Conservation Area-2A, WCA-2A). Spatial patterns of nutrients indicate the enrichment of floating mat periphyton N, P, Fe, and K, and the reduction of Mn and TN:TP in enriched marsh areas. In highly enriched areas, floating mat periphyton AR was approximately threefold greater than that in less enriched, interior marsh zones. Multiple regression models indicated AR dependence on P in eutrophic WCA-2A areas while the AR of more interior marsh periphyton mats was more closely related to tissue levels of Ca and Fe. Nitrogenase activity of floating mat periphyton from P-loaded mesocosms revealed a significant enhancement of N2 fixation in samples receiving approximately 2–3 mg P m−2 of cumulative P dosing or with biomass TP content of 100–300 mg kg−1. At P contents above the optimum, mat periphyton AR was suppressed possibly as a result of changes in species composition or increased levels of NH4+. After 3 years of dosing, consistently high AR occurred only at low rates of P enrichment (0.4–0.8 g P m−2 yr−1), and the patterns appeared to be seasonal. These findings agree with the hypothesis that P availability is a key determinant of nitrogenase activity in aquatic systems, and thus, may support the use of periphyton nitrogenase to indicate P impacts in P-limited systems. These results also demonstrate the potential existence of a P threshhold for biogeochemical alteration of periphyton mat function in the Everglades, and that cumulative loading of limiting nutrients (i.e., P), rather than instantaneous concentrations, should be considered when evaluating nutrient criteria.  相似文献   

The effects of growing seedlings of red oak (Quercus rubra) and red ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) with Hoagland solutions containing five N-regimes, differing in the N-forms (NH4, NO3) and concentrations (High and Low), in relation to light intensity were investigated by the utilization of enzymatic markers of the N assimilation pathway, nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS). Red oak and red ash showed different patterns of N-assimilation. Red oak seedlings assimilated NO3 in low amounts in their roots and leaves, whereas red ash seedlings assimilated high amounts of NO3, mostly in the leaves. A significant amount of constitutive NR activity was found in red oak seedlings supplied with NH4 N-regime. This could be characteristic of a species adapted to soils that are poor in nitrogen. Root GS activity was lower in red oak seedlings than in red ash seedlings, indicating that the rate of NH4 assimilation differed in these two hardwood species. Low irradiance reduced growth of both hardwood species, but greatly affected the specific leaf area of red ash and reduced NO3 assimilation (when data are expressed per leaf area). Both species reacted similarly to N-regimes in terms of relative growth rate.  相似文献   

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