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Encephalitozoonidae are microsporidia associated with human infections including hepatitis, encephalitis, conjunctivitis, and disseminated disease. Microsporidia produce a small resistant spore containing a polar tube which serves as a unique vehicle of infection. Polar tube proteins (PTPs) from Encephalitozoon hellem. Encephalitozoon (Septata) intestinalis, and Encephalitozoon cuniculi were purified to homogeneity by HPLC. By SDS-PAGE, the Mr of E. hellem PTP was 55 kDa, while the Mr of E. intestinalis and E. cuniculi PTP was 45 kDa. Polyclonal rabbit antiserum to these purified PTPs localized to polar filaments by immunogold electron microscopy and immunofluorescence, and demonstrated cross-reactivity by both immunoblotting and immunogold electron microscopy. These PTPs have similar solubility properties, hydrophobicity, and proline content to a 43-kDa PTP we have previously purified from Glugea americanus, a fish microsporidium. As the polar tube is critical in the transmission of this organism, further study of PTPs may lead to the development of new therapeutic strategies and diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are intracellular eukaryotic parasites that can infect a wide range of animal hosts with several genera causing opportunistic infections in immunodeficient patients. Their spore wall and their unique extrusion apparatus, which has the form of a long polar tube, confer resistance of these parasites against the environment and during host-cell invasion. In contrast to parasites of vertebrates, the spore-wall and polar-tube proteins of many microsporidia species still remain to be characterized, even though a great number of microsporidia infect invertebrates. Here, we have identified one spore-wall protein and three polar-tube proteins of the microsporidia Paranosema grylli that infects the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Incubation of intact spores with an alkaline-saline solution resulted in the selective extraction of a major 40 kDa protein. A wash of the discharged (or destroyed) spores with SDS and the following solubilization of their polar tubes with 50-75% 2-mercaptoethanol extracted a major protein of ca. 56 kDa. When the polar tubes were solubilized in the presence of SDS, two additional proteins of 46 and 34 kDa were extracted. Antibodies specific for these extracted proteins were generated and isolated by incubation of immune sera with the protein bands that had been transferred to nitrocellulose. Western blotting demonstrated the cross-reactivity of the anti-p46 and anti-p34 antibodies. Immuno-electron microscopy with the anti-p40 antibody revealed specific decoration of the microsporidia exospore. The 56, 46 and 34 kDa proteins were characterized as polar-tube components due to the clear antibody labeling of the polar filament.  相似文献   

All microsporidia share a unique, extracellular spore stage, containing the infective sporoplasm and the apparatus for initiating infection. The polar filament/polar tube when exiting the spore transports the sporoplasm through it into a host cell. While universal, these structures and processes have been enigmatic. This study utilized several types of microscopy, describing and extending our understanding of these structures and their functions. Cryogenically preserved polar tubes vary in diameter from 155 to over 200 nm, noticeably larger than fixed‐sectioned or negatively stained samples. The polar tube surface is pleated and covered with fine fibrillar material that projects from the surface and is organized in clusters or tufts. These fibrils may be the sites of glycoproteins providing protection and aiding infectivity. The polar tube surface is ridged with 5–6 nm spacing between ridges, enabling the polar tube to rapidly increase its diameter to facilitate the passage of the various cargo including cylinders, sacs or vesicles filled with particulate material and the intact sporoplasm containing a diplokaryon. The lumen of the tube is lined with a membrane that facilitates this passage. Careful examination of the terminus of the tube indicates that it has a closed tip where the membranes for the terminal sac are located.  相似文献   

Spinal and cranial ganglia of American angler fish, Lophius americanus, are often infected with microsporidia. This protozoon elicits the formation of large, spore-filled, hypertrophied host cells, cysts. Previous reports of microsporidia in European lophiids identify the parasite as Spraguea lophii, a genus which has recently been shown to be dimorphic. The spores from L. americanus are monomorphic (2.8 X 1.5 micron) and uninucleate. Each spore contains a polar tube that forms six to nine coils. Spraguea lophii differs from the microsporidium described in L. americanus in several ways. Spraguea lophii has two spore types: a large spore (4.0 X 1.25 micron) containing a diplokaryon and three to four polar tube coils and a smaller uninucleate spore (3.5 X 1.5 micron) with five to six polar tube coils. Because of these major differences, the microsporidium from L. americanus is removed from the genus Spraguea and returned to its original genus, Glugea, as a new species, G. americanus n. sp. Other ultrastructural characteristics of G. americanus are included: the posterior vacuole encloses two distinct membranous structures; one is tubular and resembles a "glomerular tuft" and the second is lamellar and composed of concentric membrane whorls, additionally, the straight or manubroid portion of the polar tube proceeds beyond the posterior vacuole before it turns anteriorly and begins to coil.  相似文献   

This paper presents, for the first time, documentation by detailed scanning electron microscopy of the life cycle of microsporidia of the genus Encephalitozoon. Phase 1 is represented by the extracellular phase with mature spores liberated by the rupture of host cells. To infect new cells the spores have to discharge their polar filament. Spores with everted tubes show that these are helically coiled. When the polar tubules have started to penetrate into a host cell they are incomplete in length. The infection of a host cell can also be initiated by a phagocytic process of the extruded polar filament into an invagination channel of the host cell membrane. After the penetration process, the tube length is completed by polar tube protein which passes through the tube in the shape of swellings. A completely discharged polar tube with its tip is also shown. The end of a polar tube is normally hidden in the cytoplasm of the host cell. After completion of the tube length the transfer of the sporoplasm occurs and phase 2 starts. Phase 2 is the proliferative phase, or merogony, with the intracellular development of the parasite that cannot be documented by scanning electron microscopy. The subsequent intracellular phase 3, or sporogony, starts when the meronts transform into sporonts, documented as chain-like structures which subdivide into sporoblasts. The sporoblasts finally transform directly into spores which can be seen in their host cell, forming bubble-like swellings in the cell surface.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are unicellular and obligate intracellular spore-forming parasites. The spore inoculates the host cell with its non-motile infectious content, the sporoplasm, by way of the polar tube--the typical invasive apparatus of the microsporidian spore. Molecules involved in host cell invasion were investigated in Encephalitozoon intestinalis. Mouse polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies were raised against spore proteins and their reactivity was tested by Western-blotting and immunolocalization techniques, including electron and confocal microscopy. The antibodies thus generated could be divided into two major groups. One group reacted to the surface of the parasite at different developmental stages, mostly presporous stages and mature spores, whereas the other group recognized the polar tube. Of the antibodies reacting to the spore wall, one identified an exospore protein at 125 kDa while all others recognized a major doublet at 55-60 kDa, and minor proteins present at the surface of sporogonic stages and in the endospore. All antibodies recognizing spore wall proteins reacted also to the material forming septa in the parasitophorous vacuole. A major polar tube protein at 60 kDa was identified by another group of antibodies.  相似文献   

Long adaptation of microsporidia, a large group of fungi-related protozoa, to intracellular lifestyle has resulted in drastic minimization of a parasite cell. Thus, diversity of carbohydrates in microsporidia glycoproteins and proteoglycans is expected to be restricted by O-linked manno-oligosaccharides because three genes involved in O-mannosylation of proteins and no components of N-linked glycosylation machinery were found in genome of human pathogen Encephalitozoon cuniculi. In this study we investigated glycosylation of spore proteins of microsporidia Paranosema (Antonospora) grylli infecting crickets Gryllus bimaculatus. Using periodic acid-Shiff reagent staining we have demonstrated that some P. grylli spore proteins are highly-glycosylated. The major polar tube protein (PTP1) of 56 kDa was shown as the most intensively decorated band. The experiments with N-glycosidase F and WGA lectin did not reveal any N-glycosylated proteins in P. grylli spores. At the same time, incubation of major spore wall protein of 40 kDa (p40) with mannose specific lectin GNA resulted in specific binding that was reduced by pretreatment of the protein with mannosidases. Interestingly, in spite of PTP1 glycosylation, polar tube proteins extracted from P. grylli spores were not precipitated by GNA-agarose. Since P. grylli and E. cuniculi are distantly related, our data suggest that dramatic reduction of protein glycosylation machinery is a common feature of microsporidia.  相似文献   

The polar filaments within microsporidian spores discharges as tubes with subsecond velocity. Populations of discharging tubes of Glugea hertwigi spores pulse-labeled with latex particles for 1-3 s were consistently devoid of label at the distal ends; discharging tubes were completely labeled after 30- to 60-s exposure to latex. This experiment indicates that discharge tubes grow at the tip. Completely assembled discharge tubes consisted of single, empty cylinders; however, incompletely discharged tubes had a cylinder-within-a-cylinder profile at the distal ends. This observation indicates that the discharge tube material emerges at the distal end by an eversion process. Finally, studies with cinematic Nomarski interference optics of spore tubes extruding across a water-air interphase indicate that all the material emerging from the growing tip of the tube is incorporated into the wall of the discharge tube. Evidence indicates that the polar filament of undischarged spores is a homogeneous coil of polar tube protein equivalent to the polar tube protein in discharged tubes.  相似文献   

To understand the discharge mechanism of Myxozoan polar capsule (cnida) it is necessary to verify the role of major cytoskeletal proteins in the process. With this aim F-actin and beta-tubulin localization in spores of myxosporean developmental phase (in myxospores) of Myxobolus pseudodispar Gorbunova, 1936 has been studied under confocal scanning laser microscope using phalloidin fluorescent staining of F-actin and indirect anti-beta-tubulin immunostaining. F-actin has been detected in walls of the stinging tube invaginated into the polar capsule of myxospore. The fact suggests the contractile proteins involvement in the process of myxozoan polar capsule extrusion. In addition, the cytoplasm of amoeboid sporoplasm inside the spore cavity is stained by phalloidin. A polar cap with strong beta-tubulin immunoreacton is observed at the front pole of fully mature myxospore above the outlets of the polar capsule discharge channels. The role of the beta-tubulin cap is supposed to be similar to that of the cnidarian cnidocil made of microtubules. The weaker beta-tubulin immunoreactivity has been found in stinging tubes, in polar capsule walls as well as in the suture line of spore walls and in the cytoplasm of amoeboid sporoplasm. The involvement of cytoskeletal proteins in the process of polar capsule extrusion is discussed. A hypothesis on the myxozoan polar capsule discharge mechanism is suggested. The mechanism of myxozoan cnida discharge is compared with that of cnidaria.  相似文献   

Microsporidia can form small spores with a unique invasive apparatus featuring a long polar tube whose extrusion allows entry of infectious sporoplasm into a host cell. The reactivity of mouse polyclonal antibodies raised against sporal proteins from two microsporidian species belonging to different genera ( Glugea atherinae and Encephalitozoon cuniculi ) was studied by western blotting and indirect immunofluorescence. Whole protein antisera provided a few cross-reactions relatable to some proteins of the spore envelope or polar tube. Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry with murine antibodies against protein bands separated by sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis allowed the assignment of several proteins to the polar tube (34, 75 and 170 kDa in Glugea , 35, 55 and 150 kDa in Encephalitozoon ). Antigenic similarities were detected for the Glugea 34 kDa and Encephalitozoon 35 kDa polar tube proteins. Species-specific proteins were shown to be located in either the lamellar polaroplast of Glugea or the spore envelope of Encephalitozoon.  相似文献   

The microsporidian polar tube: a highly specialised invasion organelle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All of the members of the Microsporidia possess a unique, highly specialised structure, the polar tube. This article reviews the available data on the organisation, structure and function of this invasion organelle. It was over 100 years ago that Thelohan accurately described the microsporidian polar tube and the triggering of its discharge. In the spore, the polar tube is connected at the anterior end, and then coils around the sporoplasm. Upon appropriate environmental stimulation the polar tube rapidly discharges out of the spore pierces a cell membrane and serves as a conduit for sporoplasm passage into the new host cell. The mechanism of germination of spores, however, remains to be definitively determined. In addition, further studies on the characterisation of the early events in the rupture of the anterior attachment complex, eversion of the polar tube as well as the mechanism of host cell attachment and penetration are needed in order to clarify the function and assembly of this structure. The application of immunological and molecular techniques has resulted in the identification of three polar tube proteins referred to as PTP1, PTP2 and PTP3. The interactions of these identified proteins in the formation and function of the polar tube remain to be determined. Data suggest that PTP1 is an O-mannosylated glycoprotein, a post-translational modification that may be important for its function. With the availability of the Encephalitozoon cuniculi genome it is now possible to apply proteomic techniques to the characterisation of the components of the microsporidian spore and invasion organelle.  相似文献   

Nosema bombycis (Nb) is a deadly species of microsporidia capable of causing pébrine, leading to heavy losses in sericulture. Germination is an important biological event in the invasion process of microsporidia. Septins, a family of membrane‐associated proteins, play a critical role in tissue invasion and have been recognized as a virulence factor in numerous pathogens. Previous work in our laboratory has shown that Nosema bombycis septin2 (Nbseptin2) interacts with subtilisin‐like protease 2 (NbSLP2). Herein, we found that Nbseptin2 was mainly associated with the plasma membrane in spores. Following spore germination, Nbseptin2 was found to co‐localize with polar tube protein 1 (NbPTP1) at the polar cap and proximal zone of the polar tube. Co‐immunoprecipitation and yeast two‐hybrid analysis further confirmed that Nbseptin2 interacted with NbPTP1. The translocation and interaction of Nbseptin2 in the spores suggest that Nbseptin2 may play a significant role in microsporidia polar tube extrusion process. Our findings improve understanding of the mechanisms underlying microsporidia germination.  相似文献   

The extrusion apparatus of the microsporidian parasitic protozoan Nosema michaelis discharges an invasion (or polar) tube with a velocity suitalbe for piercing cells and injecting infective sporoplasm. The tube is composed of a polar tube protein (PTP) which consists of a single, low molecular weight polypeptide slightly smaller than chymotrypsinogen-A. Assembled PTP tubes resist dissociation in sodium dodecyl sulfate and brief exposures in media at extreme ends of the pH range; however, the tubes are reduced by mercaptoethanol and dithiothreitol. When acidified, mercaptoethanol-reduced PTP self-assembles into plastic, two-dimensional monolayers. Dithiothreitol-reduced PTP will not reassemble when acidified. Evidence is presented which indicates that PTP is assembled as a tube within the spore; that the ejected tube has plasticity during sporoplasm passage; and, finally, that the subunits within the tube polymer are bound together, in part, by interprotein disulfide linkages.  相似文献   

Henneguya rhamdia n. sp. is described in the gill filaments of the teleost fish Rhamdia quelen, collected from the Peixe Boi River, State of Pará, Brazil. This myxosporean produced spherical to ellipsoidal plasmodia, up to 300 microm in diameter, which contained developmental stages, including spores. Several dense bodies up to 2 microm in diameter were observed among the spores. The spore body was ellipsoidal (13.1 microm in length, 5.2 microm in width, and 2.5 microm in thickness) and each of the two valves presented a tapering tail (36.9 microm in length). These valves surrounded the binucleated sporoplasm cell and two equal ellipsoidal polar capsules (4.7 x 1.1 microm), which contained 10-11 (rarely 12) polar filament coils. The sporoplasm contained sporoplasmosomes with a laterally eccentric dense structure with a half-crescent section. Based on the data obtained by electron microscopy and on the host specificity, the spores differed from previously described Henneguya species, mainly in their shape and size, number and arrangement of the polar filament coils, and sporoplasmosome morphology.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The structure and cytochemistry of spores of Myxobolus sp. from plasmodia which occur in the gill filaments of the common shiner Notropis cornutus were studied by light microscopy and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The thin-walled valves of the pyriform spores are thickened in the lateral sutural and apical regions. Mucous material is associated predominantly with the posterior end of many spores. The plasmodium is surrounded by a syncytial wall bounded by 2 membranes. Pinocytotic channels are formed by the inner membrane and numerous dense vesicles are pinched off at the distal ends of the channels. Sporogenesis is initiated by the envelopment of one vegetative cell by another. The larger, enveloped cell divides to form a disporous pansporoblast, which contains 2 pairs of capsulogenic and valvogenic cells and 2 binucleate sporoplasm cells. Each capsular primordium and connecting external tubule gives rise to a polar capsule which houses a helically coiled polar tubule. The apical end of each polar capsule is plugged by a stopper. The valvogenic cells surround the capsulogenic and posteriorly situated sporoplasm cells to form the spore valves. Iodinophilic (glycogen) inclusions were not seen in spores stained with iodine or Best's carmine. A darkly stained band was observed around the posterior region of most spores stained with Best's carmine. In the electron microscope large aggregates of β glycogen particles were seen in the cytoplasm of sporoplasm cells in mature spores.  相似文献   

Two undescribed species of microsporidia were found in mass-reared Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot from two commercial sources during a routine examination of these predators for pathogens. Both microsporidian species were described from specimens that had been prepared for transmission electron microscopy; live specimens were unavailable for examination. One microsporidium, identified as Species A, was described from two specimens obtained from a commercial insectary in North America. All observed stages of this microsporidium were uninucleate. Rounded-to-ovoid schizonts appeared to develop in direct contact with the cytoplasm of lyrate organ cells (ovarian tissue). Mature spores of Species A were elongate-ovoid and measured 2.88 x 1.21 microm. A polar filament coiled 7 to 10 times in the posterior half of the spore. Sporoblasts and spores were observed in the cytoplasm of cells of numerous tissues and in developing eggs within gravid females. A second species, identified as Species B, was described from five specimens obtained from a commercial source in Israel. All observed stages of this microsporidium were uninucleate. Schizonts of Species B were observed within the cytoplasm of cecal wall cells and within the nuclei of lyrate organ cells. Mature spores were ovoid and measured 2.65 x 1.21 microm. A polar filament coiled 3 to 4 times in the posterior half of the spore. Densely packed ribosomes often concealed the polar filament and other internal spore characteristics. Spores were observed in the cytoplasm of cells of numerous tissues and occasionally within the nuclei of lyrate organ cells. Numerous spores and presporal stages were observed within the ovary and developing eggs. The development and pathology of Species A and B were compared to those of Microsporidium phytoseiuli Bj?ornson, Steiner and Keddie, a microsporidium previously described from P. persimilis obtained from a commercial source in Europe. The occurrence of three species of microsporidia within P. persimilis from three sources raises questions regarding the origin of these pathogens. Because microsporidia may have profound impact on the performance of P. persimilis, consideration must be given to the identification and exclusion of microsporidia from field-collected specimens or from predators that may be shared among commercial sources.  相似文献   

圆形碘泡虫孢子发生的超微结构研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
寄生于鲫的圆形碘泡虫的孢子发生过程中,最早可认识阶段的营养体是一个单核原初细胞,原初细胞通过分裂直接在细胞内产生生殖细胞,形成一个细胞包围另一个细胞的状态,在以后的过程中,包围细胞不再分裂,生殖细胞进行一系列的分裂,形成双孢子型泛孢子母细胞.生殖细胞分化成10个细胞,形成二个产孢子单元,每个产孢子单元由5个细胞组成,两个壳瓣原细胞位于两边包围着两个极囊原细胞和一个双核孢子质细胞,最后形成两个孢子.    相似文献   

ABSTRACT This is the first ultrastructural study of the development of a marine actinosporean and of a species belonging to the genus Sphaeractinomyxon Caullery & Mesnil, 1904. S. ersei n. sp. is described from a limnodriloidine oligochaete, Doliodrilus diverticulatus Erséus, 1985, from Moreton Bay. Queensland, Australia. Development is asynchronous, there being all stages from two-celled pansporoblasts through to mature spores present simultaneously within a host. Spores develop in groups of eight within pansporoblasts in the coelom and when mature are located also in the intestinal lumen. The primordial spore envelope and sporoplasm develop separately in the pansporoblast until the polar filament is formed within the polar capsule and the capsulogenic cell cytoplasm has begun to degrade. The sporoplasm then enters the spore through a separated valve junction. Mature spores are triradially symmetrical with three centrally located polar capsules and a single binucleate sporoplasm with about 46 germ cells. Swellings or projections of the epispore do not occur when spores exit the host and contact sea water.  相似文献   

The infection process of intracellular opportunistic microsporidia involves the forcible eversion of a coiled hollow polar filament that pierces the host cell membrane, allowing the passage of infectious sporoplasm into the host cell cytoplasm. Although the exact mechanism of spore activation leading to polar filament discharge is unknown, we have shown that spore adherence to host cells, which is mediated by sulfated glycosaminoglycans, may play a vital role. When adherence is inhibited, host cell infection decreases, indicating a direct link between adherence and infection. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of exogenous divalent cations on microsporidia spore adherence and infection. Data generated using an in vitro spore adherence assay show that spore adherence is augmented by manganese (Mn2+) and magnesium (Mg2+), but not by calcium (Ca2+). However, each of the three divalent cations contributed to increased host cell infection when included in the assay. Finally, we show that Mn2+ and Mg2+ may activate a constituent on the microsporidia spore, not on the host cell, leading to higher infection efficiency. This report further supports recent evidence that spore adherence to the host cell surface is an important aspect of the microsporidial infection process.  相似文献   

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