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Mitochondria import the vast majority of their proteins from the cytosol. The mitochondrial import motor of the TIM23 translocase drives the translocation of precursor proteins across the outer and inner membrane in an ATP-dependent reaction. Tim44 at the inner face of the translocation pore recruits the chaperone mtHsp70, which binds the incoming precursor protein. This reaction is assisted by the cochaperones Tim14 and Mge1. We have identified a novel essential cochaperone, Tim16. It is related to J-domain proteins and forms a stable subcomplex with the J protein Tim14. Depletion of Tim16 has a marked effect on protein import into the mitochondrial matrix, impairs the interaction of Tim14 with the TIM23 complex and leads to severe structural changes of the import motor. In conclusion, Tim16 is a constituent of the TIM23 preprotein translocase, where it exerts crucial functions in the import motor.  相似文献   

The preprotein translocase of the inner membrane of mitochondria (TIM23 complex) is the main entry gate for proteins of the matrix and the inner membrane. We isolated the TIM23 complex of Neurospora crassa. Besides Tim23 and Tim17, it contained a novel component, referred to as Tim50. Tim50 spans the inner membrane with a single transmembrane segment and exposes a large hydrophilic domain in the intermembrane space. Tim50 is essential for viability of yeast. Mitochondria from cells depleted of Tim50 displayed strongly reduced import kinetics of preproteins using the TIM23 complex. Tim50 could be cross-linked to preproteins that were halted at the level of the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM complex) or spanning both TOM and TIM23 complexes. We suggest that Tim50 plays a crucial role in the transfer of preproteins from the TOM complex to the TIM23 complex through the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

The preprotein translocase of the inner mitochondrial membrane (TIM23 complex) is the main entry gate for proteins of the matrix and the inner membrane. Tim23 forms a pore for preprotein transportation in TIM23 complex, which spans the inner membrane with transmembrane segments and exposes a hydrophilic domain in the intermembrane space. In this study, we expressed and purified the intermembrane space (IMS) domain of human Tim23 (Tim23(IMS)). The far-UV CD spectra of Tim23(IMS) in native and denatured states revealed that the protein has a limited secondary structure and a not well-defined tertiary packing. Its Stokes radius was larger than both its expected size as a folded globular protein and the size determined by size exclusion chromatography. A large increase in 8-anilino-1-naphthalene-sulfonate (ANS) fluorescence (>50-fold) was observed, indicating that hydrophobic clusters are exposed at its surface. And GlobPlot/DisEMBL program predicted that the protein is in a loose folding state. We therefore conclude that, the non-bound hydrophilic domain of the human Tim23 is in a molten globule configuration with marginal stability. Furthermore, size exclusion chromatography and sedimentation equilibrium analysis showed that Tim23(IMS) exists as a dimer. And the results, showed by ANS binding and fluorescence quenching, indicated that a pH-dependent conformational change of Tim23(IMS) occurs, and at pH 4 and 3, it forms a compact structure.  相似文献   

The import motor of the mitochondrial (mt)TIM23 complex drives translocation of presequence-containing preproteins across the mitochondrial inner membrane in an ATP-dependent manner. Tim44 is the central component of the motor. It recruits mtHsp70, which binds the incoming preproteins. The J protein Tim14 stimulates the ATPase activity of mtHsp70 and thereby enables efficient binding of mtHsp70 to preproteins. Tim16 is a J-like protein that forms a stable subcomplex with Tim14 and recruits it to the translocase. All subunits of the TIM23 translocase but one are essential for yeast cell viability. Yeast cells contain a close homologue of Tim14, Mdj2. In contrast to Tim14, its deletion leads to no obvious growth defect. In the present study we analyzed Mdj2 and compared it with Tim14. Mdj2 forms a complex with Tim16 and is recruited to the TIM23 translocase. It stimulates the ATPase activity of mtHsp70 to the same extent that Tim14 does. Mdj2 is expressed at a lower level compared with Tim14, and its complex with Tim16 is less stable. However, overexpressed Mdj2 fully restores the growth of cells lacking Tim14. We conclude that Mdj2 is a functional J protein and a component of the mitochondrial import motor.  相似文献   

Modular structure of the TIM23 preprotein translocase of mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The TIM23 complex mediates import into mitochondria of nuclear encoded preproteins with a matrix-targeting signal. It is composed of the integral membrane proteins Tim17 and Tim23 and the peripheral membrane protein Tim44, which recruits mitochondrial Hsp70 to the sites of protein import. We have analyzed the functions of these constituents using a combined genetic and biochemical approach. Depletion of either Tim17 or Tim23 led to loss of import competence of mitochondria and to a reduction in the number of preprotein-conducting channels. Upon depletion of Tim44, mitochondria also lost their ability to import proteins but maintained normal numbers of import channels. In the absence of Tim44 precursor protein was specifically recognized. The presequence was translocated in a Delta psi-dependent manner across the inner membrane and cleaved by matrix-processing peptidase. However, the preprotein did not move further into the matrix but rather underwent retrograde sliding out of the TIM23 complex. Thus, the TIM23 complex is composed of functionally independent modules. Tim17 and Tim23 are necessary for initiating translocation, whereas Tim44 and mitochondrial Hsp70 are indispensable for complete transport of preproteins and for unfolding of folded domains of preproteins.  相似文献   

The translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) complex is the main entry gate for proteins imported into mitochondria. We determined the structure of the native, unstained ∼ 550-kDa core-Tom20 complex from Saccharomycescerevisiae by cryo-electron microscopy at 18-Å resolution. The complex is triangular, measuring 145 Å on edge, and has near-3-fold symmetry. Its bulk is made up of three globular ∼ 50-Å domains. Three elliptical pores on the c-face merge into one central ∼ 70-Å cavity with a cage-like assembly on the opposite t-face. Nitrilotriacetic acid-gold labeling indicates that three Tom22 subunits in the TOM complex are located at the perimeter of the complex near the interface of the globular domains. We assign Tom22, which controls complex assembly, to three peripheral protrusions on the c-face, while the Tom20 subunit is tentatively assigned to the central protrusion on this surface. Based on our three-dimensional map, we propose a model of transient interactions and functional dynamics of the TOM assembly.  相似文献   

The small Tims are chaperones that facilitate insertion of hydrophobic precursors into the inner mitochondrial membrane. We purified Tim12 and found it forms dimers that bind to Tim9. In this interaction, Tim12 undergoes structural changes that may be important for transport of its substrates in the mitochondrial carrier import pathway.  相似文献   

Tim14 and Tim16 are essential components of the import motor of the mitochondrial TIM23 preprotein translocase. Tim14 contains a J domain in the matrix space that is anchored in the inner membrane by a transmembrane segment. Tim16 is a J-related protein with a moderately hydrophobic segment at its N terminus. The J and J-like domains function in the regulation of the ATPase activity of the Hsp70 chaperone of the import motor. We report here on the role of the hydrophobic segments of Tim16 and Tim14 in the TIM23 translocase. Yeast cells lacking the hydrophobic N-terminal segment in either Tim16 or Tim14 are viable but show growth defects and decreased import rates of matrix-targeted preproteins into mitochondria. The interaction of the Tim14.Tim16 complex with the core complex of the TIM23 translocase is destabilized in these cells. In particular, the N-terminal domain of Tim16 is crucial for the interaction of the Tim14.Tim16 complex with the TIM23 preprotein translocase. Deletion of hydrophobic segments in both, Tim16 and Tim14, is lethal. We conclude that import into the matrix space of mitochondria requires association of the co-chaperones Tim16 and Tim14 with the TIM23 preprotein translocase.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane contains preprotein translocases that mediate insertion of hydrophobic proteins. Little is known about how the individual components of these inner membrane preprotein translocases combine to form multisubunit complexes. We have analyzed the assembly pathway of the three membrane-integral subunits Tim18, Tim22, and Tim54 of the twin-pore carrier translocase. Tim54 displayed the most complex pathway involving four preprotein translocases. The precursor is translocated across the intermembrane space in a supercomplex of outer and inner membrane translocases. The TIM10 complex, which translocates the precursor of Tim22 through the intermembrane space, functions in a new posttranslocational manner: in case of Tim54, it is required for the integration of Tim54 into the carrier translocase. Tim18, the function of which has been unknown so far, stimulates integration of Tim54 into the carrier translocase. We show that the carrier translocase is built via a modular process and that each subunit follows a different assembly route. Membrane insertion and assembly into the oligomeric complex are uncoupled for each precursor protein. We propose that the mitochondrial assembly machinery has adapted to the needs of each membrane-integral subunit and that the uncoupling of translocation and oligomerization is an important principle to ensure continuous import and assembly of protein complexes in a highly active membrane.  相似文献   

F Duong  W Wickner 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(16):4871-4879
Escherichia coli preprotein translocase comprises a membrane-embedded hexameric complex of SecY, SecE, SecG, SecD, SecF and YajC (SecYEGDFyajC) and the peripheral ATPase SecA. The energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis promotes cycles of membrane insertion and deinsertion of SecA and catalyzes the movement of the preprotein across the membrane. The proton motive force (PMF), though not essential, greatly accelerates late stages of translocation. We now report that the SecDFyajC domain of translocase slows the movement of preprotein in transit against both reverse and forward translocation and exerts this control through stabilization of the inserted form of SecA. This mechanism allows the accumulation of specific translocation intermediates which can then complete translocation under the driving force of the PMF. These findings establish a functional relationship between SecA membrane insertion and preprotein translocation and show that SecDFyajC controls SecA membrane cycling to regulate the movement of the translocating preprotein.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial proteins with N-terminal targeting signals are transported across the inner membrane via the presequence translocase, which consists of membrane-integrated channel proteins and the matrix Hsp70 import motor. It has not been known how preproteins are directed to the import channel. We have identified the essential protein Tim50, which exposes its major domain to the intermembrane space. Tim50 interacts with preproteins in transit and directs them to the channel protein Tim23. Inactivation of Tim50 strongly inhibits the import of preproteins with a classical matrix-targeting signal, while preproteins carrying an additional inner membrane-sorting signal do not strictly depend on Tim50. Thus, Tim50 is crucial for guiding the precursors of matrix proteins to their insertion site in the inner membrane.  相似文献   

The Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome (MTS), a neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by progressive sensorineural hearing loss, dystonia, mental retardation and blindness, is a mitochondrial disease caused by mutations in the deafness/dystonia peptide 1 (DDP1) gene. DDP1 shows similarity to the yeast proteins Tim9, Tim10 and Tim12, components of the mitochondrial import machinery for carrier proteins. Here, we show that DDP1 belongs to a large family of evolutionarily conserved proteins. We report the identification, chromosomal localization and expressional analysis of six human family members which represent further candidate genes for neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Proteins destined for the mitochondrial matrix are imported by the translocase of the outer membrane--the TOM complex--and the presequence translocase of the inner membrane--the TIM23 complex. At present, there is no structural information on components of the presequence translocase. Tim21, a subunit of the presequence translocase consisting of a membrane anchor and a carboxy-terminal domain exposed to the intermembrane space, directly connects the TOM and TIM23 complexes by binding to the intermembrane space domain of the Tom22 receptor. We crystallized the binding domain of Tim21 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and determined its structure at 1.6 A resolution. The Tim21 structure represents a new alpha/beta-mixed protein fold with two alpha-helices flanked by an extended eight-stranded beta-sheet. We also identified a core sequence of Tom22 that binds to Tim21. Furthermore, negatively charged amino-acid residues of Tom22 are important for binding to Tim21. Here we suggest a mechanism for the TOM-TIM interaction.  相似文献   

Tim23, a key component of the mitochondrial preprotein translocase, is anchored in the inner membrane by its C-terminal domain and exposes an intermediate domain in the intermembrane space that functions as a presequence receptor. We show that the N-terminal domain of Tim23 is exposed on the surface of the outer membrane. The two-membrane-spanning topology of Tim23 is a novel characteristic in membrane biology. By the simultaneous integration into two membranes, Tim23 forms contacts between the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes. Tethering the inner membrane translocase to the outer membrane facilitates the transfer of precursor proteins from the TOM complex to the TIM23 complex and increases the efficiency of protein import.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Most mitochondrial proteins are synthesized in the cytosol and transported into various mitochondrial subcompartments in a process that is mediated...  相似文献   

Many mitochondrial proteins are synthesized as preproteins carrying amino-terminal presequences in the cytosol. The preproteins are imported by the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane and the presequence translocase of the inner membrane. Tim50 and Tim23 transfer preproteins through the intermembrane space to the inner membrane. We report the crystal structure of the intermembrane space domain of yeast Tim50 to 1.83 Å resolution. A protruding β-hairpin of Tim50 is crucial for interaction with Tim23, providing a molecular basis for the cooperation of Tim50 and Tim23 in preprotein translocation to the protein-conducting channel of the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

Tom7 is a component of the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) and assembles into a general import pore complex that translocates preproteins into mitochondria. We have identified the human Tom7 homolog and characterized its import and assembly into the mammalian TOM complex. Tom7 is imported into mitochondria in a nucleotide-independent manner and is anchored to the outer membrane with its C terminus facing the intermembrane space. Unlike studies in fungi, we found that human Tom7 assembles into an approximately 120-kDa import intermediate in HeLa cell mitochondria. To detect subunits within this complex, we employed a novel supershift analysis whereby mitochondria containing newly imported Tom7 were incubated with antibodies specific for individual TOM components prior to separation by blue native electrophoresis. We found that the 120-kDa complex contains Tom40 and lacks receptor components. This intermediate can be chased to the stable approximately 380-kDa mammalian TOM complex that additionally contains Tom22. Overexpression of Tom22 in HeLa cells results in the rapid assembly of Tom7 into the 380-kDa complex indicating that Tom22 is rate-limiting for TOM complex formation. These results indicate that the levels of Tom22 within mitochondria dictate the assembly of TOM complexes and hence may regulate its biogenesis.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial intermembrane space contains a family of small Tim proteins that function as essential chaperones for protein import. The soluble Tim9-Tim10 complex transfers hydrophobic precursor proteins through the aqueous intermembrane space to the carrier translocase of the inner membrane (TIM22 complex). Tim12, a peripheral membrane subunit of the TIM22 complex, is thought to recruit a portion of Tim9-Tim10 to the inner membrane. It is not known, however, how Tim12 is assembled. We have identified a new intermediate in the biogenesis pathway of Tim12. A soluble form of Tim12 first assembles with Tim9 and Tim10 to form a Tim12-core complex. Tim12-core then docks onto the membrane-integrated subunits of the TIM22 complex to form the holo-translocase. Thus, the function of Tim12 in linking soluble and membrane-integrated subunits of the import machinery involves a sequential assembly mechanism of the translocase through a soluble intermediate complex of the three essential small Tim proteins.  相似文献   

The fungal preprotein translocase of the mitochondrial outer membrane (TOM complex) comprises import receptors Tom70, Tom20, and Tom22, import channel Tom40, and small Tom proteins Tom5, Tom6, and Tom7, which regulate TOM complex assembly. These components are conserved in mammals; unlike the other components, however, Tom5 and Tom6 remain unidentified in mammals. We immuno-isolated the TOM complex from HeLa cells expressing hTom22-FLAG and identified the human counterparts of Tom5 and Tom6, together with the other components including Tom7. These small Tom proteins are associated with Tom40 in the TOM complex. Knockdown of Tom7, but not Tom5 and Tom6, strongly compromised stability of the TOM complex. Conversely, knockdown of hTom40 decreased the level of all small Tom proteins. Matrix import of preprotein was affected by double knockdown of any combination of small Tom proteins. These results indicate that human small Tom proteins maintain the structural integrity of the TOM complex.  相似文献   

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