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海洋细菌生产力调控机制研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
综述了海洋细菌生产力的生态学意义,细菌生产力在海洋生态系统能量流动中具有重要作用;介绍了国内外的研究进展,我国细菌生产力的研究主要集中在东海、黄海海域,而面积最大的南海研究尚少。分析了海洋细菌生产力的调控机制,温度、DOM、无机营养盐﹑微型浮游动物摄食等都对其产生影响,海水中的DOM主要由可溶性糖类和可溶性氨基酸组成,不同种类的细菌对DOM的吸收并不一致,海水温度直接影响细菌的新陈代谢能力,对细菌生产力大小产生很大影响,浮游动物的摄食对细菌生物量产生抑制作用,但浮游动物在摄食中通过DOM的释放和对无机盐的再生,在海洋生态系统的物质循环也起到了重要作用,一定程度上提高细菌的生产活性。在不同海域不同的因子起到不同的调控作用。 相似文献
海洋细菌活性物质的研究进展 总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27
由于海洋细菌有产生多种新颖独特的生物活性物质的巨大潜力,使其成为新药筛选的重要资源,在药品开发研究中具有良好的发展前景。综述了海洋细菌中具有药物开发前景的活性物质的研究和应用现状及其存在的问题。 相似文献
鱼油的主要成分为二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸,这些多不饱和脂肪酸具有多方面的生理活性。近年来在海洋细菌中发现这些多不饱和脂肪酸的存在,海洋细菌很可能是这些多不饱和脂肪酸的原始生产之一。对其生物合成的深入研究表明,海洋细菌多不饱和脂肪酸的合成不同于其他生物的不饱和脂肪酸的合成机制,合成过程中不涉及重要的脂肪酸脱氢和延长机制,其合成由一种多聚乙酰合成酶(PKS)催化。 相似文献
双酚类化合物(bisphenols,BPs)作为工业原料及药物和个人护理品的重要成分之一,在自然界中广泛分布。BPs作为类雌性激素造成的生态风险已成为全球备受关注的环境问题之一。研究人员使用不同方式分离得到菌株或菌群,尝试对BPs进行无害化降解,目前已取得了一些重要的研究进展。本文对近年来细菌降解BPs的相关研究进行了系统梳理,重点关注以双酚A(bisphenol A,BPA)为典型BPs的细菌降解,总结不同路径中的关键作用基因,讨论相同路径中酶的差异及作用方式,并分析其对BPA的降解效果。本文也简要总结了双酚S(bisphenolS,BPS)和其他BPs的细菌降解研究情况。通过总结讨论现有成果,分析细菌降解BPs中尚需深入研究的内容,探寻未来BPs细菌降解机理及应用的研究方向。 相似文献
海洋厌氧氨氧化细菌分子生态学研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
厌氧氨氧化细菌是能在厌氧的条件下将氨氧化为氮气的一类细菌,这类细菌执行着以前未被人们所认知的一个独特的过程--氧氨氧化过程,据估计厌氧氨氧化过程对于海洋氮气的形成有30%~50%的贡献率;海洋厌氧氨氧化细菌能与氨氧化细菌及氨氧化古菌存在潜在的耦合作用,对于海洋氮循环复杂机制的阐述有着非常重要的意义;同时海洋厌氧氨氧化细菌独特的细胞和基因组结构,也成为了解海洋细菌进化重要的模式微生物之一.本文综述了近年来国内外厌氧氨氧化细菌分子生态学方面的进展,并结合作者的工作对未来的研究进行展望. 相似文献
具细菌群体感应抑制活性海洋细菌的筛选鉴定 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:从海洋环境中筛选对细菌群体感应有抑制作用的活性菌株,为以致病菌群体感应系统为靶点的新型疗法提供新的药用资源。方法:从海水中分离纯化细菌菌株,采用根癌农杆菌平板筛选模型筛选细菌群体感应抑制活性细菌,对筛选出的海洋细菌进行生理生化和16S rDNA序列测定,根据《伯杰氏手册》进行菌种分类鉴定。结果:从217株海洋细菌中筛选出1株能显著抑制细菌群体感应效应的海洋细菌Y2,该海洋细菌具有蜡样芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)的典型特征,其16S rDNA序列与GenBank中蜡样芽孢杆菌16S rDNA的部分序列有100%的同源性。结论:海洋环境中也存在具有抑制细菌群体感应活性的微生物。 相似文献
海洋微生物生物活性物质的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
海洋微生物是海洋生物的重要组成部分.研究结果表明,海洋微生物产生的生物活性物质种类丰富, 主要包括抗肿瘤抗病毒物质、抗生素、生物毒素、酶类、酶抑制剂、多糖、不饱和脂肪酸等等.对海洋细菌、海洋真菌和海洋放线菌所产生的抗菌活性物质和抗肿瘤活性物质进行了综述. 相似文献
细菌降解木质素的研究进展 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
木质素是自然界最丰富的芳香化合物,其分解与陆地上碳循环密切相关。提取木质纤维素中的葡萄糖使其转化成乙醇,是生产第二代生物能源的关键步骤。但是由于木质素是一种非常稳定的化合物,难以降解是实现生物乙醇转化的主要屏障,因此关于木质素的生物降解研究具有非常重要的意义。真菌降解木质素的研究已经深入的进行了多年,并取得丰富的成果,但是关于细菌降解木质素的研究还处在初级阶段。由于广泛的生长条件和良好的环境适应能力,细菌在木质素降解方面深受研究人员的关注。本文通过总结前人的研究成果,讨论了木质素的降解机制、代谢途径及细菌降解木质素的工业应用前景,同时还展望了分子生物学及生物信息学在木质素降解方面的应用前景。 相似文献
海洋赤潮生物与厦门海域几种细菌的生态关系研究 总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29
选择我国沿海易发有毒赤潮藻——塔马亚历山大藻 [Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech,1 985 ]和从厦门海域筛选的海洋细菌作为实验材料 ,研究在实验生态条件下 A.tamarense的生理生态特征 ,及其与 3株从厦门海域筛选的海洋细菌 S5,S7,S10 与 A.tamarense共同培养表现的生态关系的差异性。结果表明 :在实验室条件下 ,A.tamarense可以较好地生长并保持自然状态下的若干特性 ,其生长曲线与微型生物的生长曲线相似 ;分别在藻细胞生长的延滞期和指数期加入细菌过滤液 ,发现 3种海洋细菌的过滤液对 A.tamarense生长有不同的抑制作用效果。三者的抑藻能力大小依次为 S10 >S5>S7。本文对海洋细菌抑藻作用机理、赤潮的生物防治可能性进行了讨论。 相似文献
Marcus Bumgen Theresa Dutschei Daniel Bartosik Christoph Suster Lukas Reisky Nadine Gerlach Christian Stanetty Marko D. Mihovilovic Thomas Schweder Jan-Hendrik Hehemann Uwe T. Bornscheuer 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2021,297(4)
Marine algae catalyze half of all global photosynthetic production of carbohydrates. Owing to their fast growth rates, Ulva spp. rapidly produce substantial amounts of carbohydrate-rich biomass and represent an emerging renewable energy and carbon resource. Their major cell wall polysaccharide is the anionic carbohydrate ulvan. Here, we describe a new enzymatic degradation pathway of the marine bacterium Formosa agariphila for ulvan oligosaccharides involving unsaturated uronic acid at the nonreducing end linked to rhamnose-3-sulfate and glucuronic or iduronic acid (Δ-Rha3S-GlcA/IdoA-Rha3S). Notably, we discovered a new dehydratase (P29_PDnc) acting on the nonreducing end of ulvan oligosaccharides, i.e., GlcA/IdoA-Rha3S, forming the aforementioned unsaturated uronic acid residue. This residue represents the substrate for GH105 glycoside hydrolases, which complements the enzymatic degradation pathway including one ulvan lyase, one multimodular sulfatase, three glycoside hydrolases, and the dehydratase P29_PDnc, the latter being described for the first time. Our research thus shows that the oligosaccharide dehydratase is involved in the degradation of carboxylated polysaccharides into monosaccharides. 相似文献
极区低温海洋细菌及其产酶情况的初步研究 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
通过对大量极区低温海洋菌株的分离、筛选及进一步的生理生化特性研究,获得1株最适生长温度为15℃、生长温度上限为35℃、产蛋白酶及多种多糖水解酶的耐冷细菌。该菌过氧化氢酶为阳性,具有弱嗜盐性;蔗糖、可溶性淀粉是有利于菌株生长的碳源物质,而酵母膏则是效果最佳的氮源物质。该菌株所产蛋白酶的最适作用温度为55℃,而淀粉酶、琼脂酶及纤维素酶的最适作用温度皆为35℃。 相似文献
生物标志物(Biomarkers)在海洋环境监测中的研究与进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
污染物的存在给海洋环境和生态健康带来了巨大的压力,如何监测这些污染物并对其毒性进行科学的评价,成为当今环境科学关心的热点问题。生物标志物(Biomarkers)是毒理学研究的重要工具,它能对污染事件进行早期预警,并能在一定程度上评估生态风险。对近十多年来生物标志物的研究与应用进行了回顾,总结了不同水平(分子、细胞、个体、系统)生物标志物的种类、特征、检测方法和应用特点,并对现存挑战和未来发展趋向进行了展望,旨在系统的认识生物标志物,并为其在海洋环境监测中的合理应用提供理论借鉴。 相似文献
好氧氨氧化菌的种群生态学研究进展 总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20
好氧氨氧化菌是一类能够在好氧条件下将NH4^+转化为NO2^-的化能无机自养型细菌,其活动将直接或间接影响土壤养分循环、水体富营养化、温室气体(N2O)和生态系统的功能。现代分子生物学技术的发展促进了人们对好氧氨氧化菌种群生态学的研究。介绍了近年来基于16SrRNA和氨单加氧酶amoA基因序列分析的好氧氨氧化菌的系统发育研究,比较了两种基因序列分析在好氧氨氧化菌遗传多样性研究中存在的差异;概述了环境条件诸如铵浓度、酸度、氧的可利用性、温度、盐度等对好氧氨氧化菌种类、数量及其种群生态分布的影响;阐述了好氧氨氧化菌对铵、氧饥饿的响应特征及其在酸性环境中的生存机制;并对今后好氧氨氧化菌的应用生态学研究及其主要方向进行了展望。 相似文献
海洋生态系统服务的研究进展 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
综合了国际和国内对海洋生态系统服务的研究成果,总结归纳了海洋生态系统服务在基础理论、价值评估和应用研究等3个方面的进展.在众多的定义中,Daily(1997)的定义得到了生态学家们的普遍认可,而MA(2003)的概念更倾向于管理中应用.目前对生态系统服务的分类并不一致,MA的分类体系更为实用和便于评估.对海洋生态系统服务还缺乏系统的基础理论研究和适用的分类体系.在价值评估方面,多位学者对生态系统服务的社会价值与生态价值进行了探讨.尽管有多种技术方法可以了解人们的支付意愿,但对于不具有市场的服务价值的评估方法还有待进一步完善.应用研究主要集中在人类活动与生态系统服务之间的关系,以指导生态系统服务的管理与可持续利用.对如何更好地将生态系统服务的理论应用于实际管理和政策制定作了探讨与展望. 相似文献
C.L. Davis 《FEMS microbiology letters》1992,86(4):349-356
Abstract Laminarinase and alginase activities in marine Vibrio strains were examined during nutrient and energy starvation. Spectrophotometric assays indicated that the bacteria were able to induce the enzymes on addition of laminarin and alginate, even after periods of prolonged starvation (up to 8 months). De novo protein synthesis was responsible for enzyme induction, as shown by experiments with chloramphenicol. Mannitol partially repressed the synthesis of the enzymes. Alginate had no effect on laminarinase induction, whereas laminarin did affect the induction of alginase. Addition of peptone and yeast extract allowed more rapid induction of the enzymes. Cells grown in the presence of inducer substrates and then starved maintained measurable enzyme levels for a week or longer. The results show that the bacteria may play a role in utilisation of polymeric carbohydrates in the marine environment, even after periods of nutrient deprivation. 相似文献
I. Yu. Bakunina L. S. Shevchenko O. I. Nedashkovskaya N. M. Shevchenko S. A. Alekseeva V. V. Mikhailov T. N. Zvyagintseva 《Microbiology》2000,69(3):303-308
Twenty-five strains of epiphytic marine bacteria isolated from the brown algaeFucus evanescens andChorda filum and fifty-three bacteria isolated from the sea cucumberApostichopus japonicus were screened for fucoidanases using fucoidans prepared from the brown algaeF. evanescens, Laminaria cichorioides, andL japonica. Eighteen bacterial epiphytes and thirty-eight bacterial isolates from the sea cucumber were found to contain fucoidanases,
which were able to hydrolyze either all of the fucoidans studied or some of them. Bacteria of the generaCytophaga andAlteromonas/Pseudoalteromonas exhibited the highest fucoidanase activities, which, however, did not exceed the activity of fucoidanases from the already
known sources. 相似文献
AIMS: To study the potential apoptosis effects of cytotoxic marine bacterial metabolites on human HeLa cell line. METHODS AND RESULTS: After HeLa cells were routinely cultured, tetrazolium-based colorimetric assay for cytotoxicity was performed to screen the marine bacteria extracts showing 12 strains active. To find the potential active strain with apoptosis mechanism, a battery of apoptosis assays, including AO/EB staining, TUNEL assay (terminal-deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated nick end labelling), gel electrophoresis and flow cytometry, were used to determine whether apoptosis was involved in HeLa cell cytotoxicity of marine bacterial extracts. The results indicated that four strains could induce cell shrinkage, cell membrane blebbing, formation of apoptotic body and DNA fragmentation. CONCLUSIONS: Crude extracts of 12 of 153 strains of marine bacteria showed cytotoxic effects with ID50 ranged from 77.20 to 199.84 microg ml(-1), in which eight strains of bacteria were associated bacteria. The metabolites in the strains of QD1-2, NJ6-3-1, NJ1-1-1 and SS6-4 were able to induce HeLa cells apoptosis. Furthermore, the assessment by flow cytometry indicated that the hypodiploid apoptotic cells increased in a time-dependent manner, suggesting that induced apoptosis occurred from 24 h to 48 h after the extracts treatment. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Our results suggested that the compounds from fermentation in these four marine bacterial strains could be candidates for developing apoptosis specific anti-tumour agents with lower toxicity. This study indicated that associated marine bacteria could be good source to find cytotoxic metabolites, and some cytotoxic marine bacterial metabolites could have apoptosis mechanisms. 相似文献
Arakkaveettil Kabeer Farha Thasneem TR Aswathy Purushothaman Jaseetha Abdul Salam Abdulla Mohamed Hatha 《Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology》2018,16(2):253-258
Marine environments are substantially untapped source for the isolation of bacteria with the capacity to produce various extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, which have important ecological roles and promising biotechnological applications. Hydrolases constitute a class of enzymes widely distributed in nature from bacteria to higher eukaryotes. Marine microbial communities are highly diverse and have evolved during extended evolutionary processes of physiological adaptations under the influence of a variety of ecological conditions and selection pressures. A number of marine hydrolases have been described, including amylases, lipases and proteases, which are being used extensively for biotechnological applications. The present study was carried out to isolate marine bacteria from continental slope sediments of the eastern Arabian Sea and explore their biotechnological potential. Among the 119 isolates screened, producers of amylases (15%), caseinases (40%), cellulases (40%), gelatinases (60%), lipases (26%), ligninases (33%), phytase (11%) and Malachite Green dye degraders (16%) were detected. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that predominant marine sediment bacteria possessing more than four enzymatic activities belonged to the phyla Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, was assigned to the genera Bacillus, Planococcus, Staphylococcus, Chryseomicrobium, Exiguobacterium and Halomonas. Biodegradation of the dye Malachite Green using the liquid decolorization assay showed that both the individual cultures (Bacillus vietnamensis, Planococcus maritimus and Bacillus pumilus) and their consortium were able to decolorize more than 70% of dye within 24?h of incubation. This is the first report on diversity and extracellular hydrolytic enzymatic activities and bioremediation properties of bacteria from continental slope sediment of eastern Arabian Sea. 相似文献