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不同年龄大鼠小脑浦肯野细胞超微结构的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
惠玲 《动物学报》1997,43(3):315-320
对不同年龄雄性Wistar大鼠小脑蚓剖皮质浦肯野细胞的超微结构进行了观察。结果表明,随年龄增神经内的细胞器和内涵物发生了明显变化。浦肯野细胞内粗面内质网、高尔基复合体等细胞器数量有不同程度减少;微管增加;粗面内质网排列失序,网腔扩张;高尔基器排列紊乱,囊腔扩张;线粒体扩张或固缩,  相似文献   

李顺珍  利翠英 《昆虫学报》1992,35(3):285-289
斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura Fabricius幼虫的造血器官位于翅芽部位,由发育层次不同的许多细胞岛和一些单个或成串的梭形细胞组成.各细胞岛或细胞均裹有一层非细胞性膜鞘.环绕同一翅芽的众多细胞岛和细胞相互间由其膜鞘连结成簇.膜鞘紧裹着的单个或成串梭形细胞具未分化细胞特征.发育初期的单个细胞岛体积较小,直径约20—45μm以下,岛内均为排列紧密的分化中未成形原血细胞.较发育的细胞岛体积较大,细胞间排列较松,岛内除原血细胞外,还出现少量浆血细胞、颗粒细胞和小球细胞的分化.此外,还发现一个具颗粒细胞和小球细胞特征的混合细胞类型.发育初期的细胞岛膜鞘表面结构完好.随着岛内细胞的增殖分化,膜鞘出现破裂,且破裂逐渐增大,以致完全破裂而裸露岛内细胞团,以此释放血细胞.大量血细胞释放出现于幼虫预备脱皮至下一龄幼虫初期的造血器官.各龄幼虫的各发育阶段血淋巴血细胞总数(THC)的变动与造血器官释放血细胞密切相关.  相似文献   

运用电子显微镜技术和细胞化学方法对秀丽虾精子进行了形态和超微结构研究,结是要发现,秀丽白虾精荚中有形似外翻状的成熟精子,精子主体部凸面伸长约6-7um的单个棘突,主体部基部为非电子致密的均匀核,核膜呈半解体状态,帽状体中有约20根放射状纤丝和大量内含电子致密基质的膜泡,棘突和帽状构成顶体复合体,成熟精子中未发现中心体。  相似文献   

三角帆蚌精子的形态及超微结构   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
运用电子显微镜技术对三角帆蚌精子的形态和超微结构进行研究。结果发现,三角帆蚌精子为原生型,分为头部、中段和尾部,头部呈子弹头形,电子致密且均匀,主要是核所在的区域。核前端由3-4个小的电子致密颗粒组成一个浅弧形的囊泡,为顶体结构,中段具有5个球形线粒体,环绕着两个相互垂直的中心粒。中段末端具有的鞭毛质领结构(flagellar collar)为一电子致密环,与远端中心粒之间由9个分叉的电子致密小片连接。尾部为典型的9+2结构。  相似文献   

新疆Lie晰肺脏的解剖组织学及超微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴松林  杨淑芳 《动物学研究》1995,16(3):262-262,280,288

新疆鬣蜥肺脏的解剖组织学及超微结构观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆鬣蜥是新疆特有的爬行动物之一,生活在荒漠干旱的环境中,耐干旱能力极强。研究其器官结构,能揭示它与干旱环境相适应的一些结构特点,对于进一步研究其生理功能具有十分重要的意义;同时,鉴于爬行动物肺脏结构方面的资料很少,而且仅限于解剖结构方面,所以,本工作也为这方面积累一些有价值的资料。  相似文献   

不同海拔火绒草叶绿体超微结构的比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用透射电镜对生长于青藏高原东北部3个不同海拔地区(2300m、2700m和3800m)的火绒草叶绿体超微结构进行了比较观察。结果发现,随着海拔的升高,叶绿体结构差异明显。海拔2300m处,叶绿体呈扁船形,沿细胞壁分布,基粒片层排列整齐,片层可达32层;海拔2700m处,叶绿体呈扁船形,沿细胞壁分布,基粒片层排列不规则,片层下降到十几层,类囊体出现轻微膨大;海拔3800m处,叶绿体呈圆形,位于细胞中央,基粒片层则严重扭曲,片层只有几层,类囊体膨大严重,出现脂质小球。研究表明,火绒草叶绿体结构的变化是对逆境的一种适应,是青藏高原特殊生态条件长期胁迫的结果。  相似文献   

罗朝忠  安庭士 《四川动物》1996,15(2):91-92,69
油菜籽粕喂养实验性家兔的病理组织学及超微结构观察罗朝忠,安庭士,余英,邓启才,杨军四川省劳动卫生职业病防治研究所成都6l0041油菜是四川省的主要农业经济作物,加工后的菜籽粕粗蛋白含量较高,是优质的蛋白质饲料。这一资源的开发,无疑对发展畜牧业具气十分...  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜对龟足(Capitulum mitella)白垩腺的组织学和超微结构进行观察。龟足的白垩腺由腺细胞和管道系统组成,外周覆有一层结缔组织膜。腺细胞为单细胞,其发育与个体发育不同步。年幼腺细胞较小,形态为圆形或椭圆形,细胞核也为圆形或椭圆形。随着腺细胞的发育,细胞及细胞核逐渐变大,形状不规则具多态性。成熟腺细胞的细胞质电子密度高,充满大量粗面内质网和游离核糖体;线粒体很丰富,但未见高尔基体。细胞质中含有丰富的颗粒状物质以及大小不一的囊泡,小囊泡的聚集和融合形成了大囊泡即胞内管。管道系统根据位置和功能分为4个层次:胞内管、收集管、次级管和初级管。收集管、次级管和初级管的管壁均由单层上皮细胞组成,初级管较收集管和次级管大且内腔衬有几丁质层。收集管的管壁上皮细胞与腺细胞之间形成隔状连接,各级管壁上皮细胞之间也形成隔状连接,这种结构保证了管道的紧密性。总之,龟足白垩腺的形态结构类似于茗荷(Lepas anatifera)和Dosima fascicularis。  相似文献   

大血藤科花粉形态及外壁超微结构的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对大血藤科及木通科的八月瓜属HolboelliaWall.和木通属AkebiaDecne花粉进行了光镜及电子显微镜的观察研究。研究结果表明,其花粉形态具有较为明显的相似性,如花粉均为3沟,外壁表面具穴状纹饰,甚至大小也很近似。但从其外壁结构看,大血藤花粉的外壁内层为结均一的致密层组成  相似文献   

Lung volumes, oxygen uptake (VO2), end-tidal PO2, and PCO2, diffusing capacity of the lungs for CO (DLCO), pulmonary blood flow (QL) and respiratory frequency were measured in the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) (49-127 kg body wt). Mean lung volume (VL) determined from helium dilution was 57 ml/kg and physiological dead space volume (VD) was about 3.6 ml/kg. QL, determined from acetylene uptake during rebreathing, increased in proportion to VO2 with temperature. Therefore, constant O2 content difference was maintained between pulmonary arterial and venous blood. DLCO, measured using a rebreathing technique, was 0.04 ml X kg-1 X min-1 X Torr-1 at 25 degrees C. Several cardiopulmonary characteristics in C. mydas are advantageous to diving: large tidal volume relative to functional residual capacity promotes fast exchange of the alveolar gas when the turtle surfaces for breathing: and the concomitant rise of pulmonary blood flow and O2 uptake with temperature assures efficient O2 transport regardless of wide temperature variations encountered during migrations.  相似文献   

The irrigation of the heart of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) was studied through the clearing and disection techniques. Five coronary new irrigation patterns were found. The presence of anastomoses is discussed along with the number and position of the colateral vessels.  相似文献   

To better understand how tissue specific metabolic rates might contribute to the maintenance of elevated body temperatures in green turtles (Chelonia mydas), we determined the effect of temperature on oxygen consumption of green fat, small intestine, nonswimming skeletal muscle, pectoralis muscle, liver, heart, and kidney tissues from 5–35°C. We found a direct relationship between tissue metabolic rate (microliters of O2/g wet mass per hour) and temperature in all tissues measured except for green fat. The Q10 values ranged from 0.65 to 3.38. There were significant differences in metabolic rate among tissues as well as in how temperature influenced tissue metabolic rates. Tissue metabolic rates were highest in kidney and heart tissues. Green fat and small intestine had the lowest and most temperature-insensitive values. Muscle tissue had a high oxygen consumption relative to other reptiles, and this elevated metabolism may provide a functional advantage for long distance swimming and heat production.  相似文献   

Patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were used to analyse the population genetic structure of southwestern Indian Ocean green turtle (Chelonia mydas) populations. Analysis of sequence variation over 396 bp of the mtDNA control region revealed seven haplotypes among 288 individuals from 10 nesting sites in the Southwest Indian Ocean. This is the first time that Atlantic Ocean haplotypes have been recorded among any Indo-Pacific nesting populations. Previous studies indicated that the Cape of Good Hope was a major biogeographical barrier between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans because evidence for gene flow in the last 1.5 million years has yet to emerge. This study, by sampling localities adjacent to this barrier, demonstrates that recent gene flow has occurred from the Atlantic Ocean into the Indian Ocean via the Cape of Good Hope. We also found compelling genetic evidence that green turtles nesting at the rookeries of the South Mozambique Channel (SMC) and those nesting in the North Mozambique Channel (NMC) belong to separate genetic stocks. Furthermore, the SMC could be subdivided in two different genetic stocks, one in Europa and the other one in Juan de Nova. We suggest that this particular genetic pattern along the Mozambique Channel is attributable to a recent colonization from the Atlantic Ocean and is maintained by oceanic conditions in the northern and southern Mozambique Channel that influence early stages in the green turtle life cycle.  相似文献   

Microsphere and morphometric techniques were used to investigate any circulatory changes that accompany secretion by the salt glands of hatchling Chelonia mydas. Salt glands were activated by a salt load of 27.0 mmol NaCl kg body mass (BM)−1, resulting in a mean sodium secretion rate of 4.14 ± 0.11 mmol Na kg BM−1 h−1 for a single gland. Microsphere entrapment was approximately 160–180 times greater in the active salt gland than the inactive gland, inferring a similar change in blood flow through salt gland capillaries. The concentration of microspheres trapped in the salt gland was significantly correlated with the rate of tear production (ml kg BM−1 h−1) and the total rate of sodium secretion (mmol Na kg BM−1 h−1) but not with tear sodium concentration (mmol Na l−1). Adrenaline (500 μg kg BM−1) inhibited tear production within 2 min and reduced microsphere entrapment by approximately 95% compared with active glands. The volume of filled blood vessels increased from 0.03 ± 0.01% of secretory lobe volume in inactive salt gland sections to 0.70 ± 0.11% in active gland sections. The results demonstrate that capillary blood flow in the salt gland of C. mydas can regulate the activity of the gland as a whole. Accepted: 12 July 2000  相似文献   

A debilitated 7 kg juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas mydas) with multiple ulcerated and infected cutaneous fibropapillomas was clinically evaluated and found to have a nonregenerative anemia, hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia and several electrolyte abnormalities. Surgery was performed to remove the larger tumors. The turtle did not eat postsurgically, and an attempt was made to place a pharyngostomy tube utilizing endoscopy. Edematous esophageal papillae, the angulation of the gastroesophageal junction, and a S-shaped configuration of the esophagous prevented successful placement of the tube. The animal was found dead the next day and necropsied. Multiple large white firm nodules were seen bulging from both kidneys. Microscopic examination of the nodules resulted in a diagnosis of renal myxofibroma.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of epibiotic barnacles on green sea turtles were investigated in waters neighboring Okinawa, Japan. A number of barnacle species were found to coexist on the turtles and were classified into three genera: Chelonibia, Platylepas and Stomatolepas. Attachment sites on the turtles varied among the barnacle species, suggesting that there is niche partitioning with respect to their microhabitat selection. Turtle bodies offer a “patchy” environment for barnacles, so we also analyzed coexistence patterns in the context of an aggregation model. Within each genus, individual barnacles showed a clumped distribution. The different genera do not have mutually exclusive distribution patterns, but instead occur on the same turtle to various degrees. However, when turtles were divided into two size classes, both the level of aggregation and the degree of interspecific overlap among the barnacles was significantly lower on large turtles. We suggest that obtaining basic information on turtle epibionts will shed light on the biology of wild turtles, which is still largely unknown.  相似文献   

古河祥  周婷 《四川动物》2005,24(1):54-55
2001年, 广东惠东港口海龟国家级自然保护区管理局在 1000 多枚绿海龟的卵孵化过程中, 发现一例白化稚绿海龟 (见封3图版, 1)。现报道如下。白化稚绿海龟通体白色; 背甲、腹甲和四肢发育正常, 其量度见表 1。背甲卵圆形, 中央隆起,椎盾5枚, 肋盾8枚, 颈盾2枚, 左侧缘盾12枚,表1 白化稚绿海龟 (编重量体长背甲长背甲宽腹甲长腹甲宽15 2 53 38 40 9 35 3 25 01 23 36   人类白化病患者眼睛呈肉红色[1]。白化龟、白化鳖眼睛曾出现红色和黑色两种现象。该稚绿海龟白化个体因无眼睛, 故不知其…  相似文献   

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