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In 35 Hawaiian Drosophilaspecies collected from natural populations, all reproductively mature females were inseminated. Onset of receptivity to insemination broadly correlated with the vitellogenic stage of ovarian development, but species and species groups varied in the exact stage of vitellogenesis at which earliest insemination took place. A striking exception was observed in two picture-winged species of the adiastolasubgroup, which were precociously inseminated in previtellogenesis, close to the time of adult eclosion. For a given species, the range of ovarian stages from earliest receptivity to insemination of all females, termed the insemination period, also varied among species. This variability may be due to physiological variation between females in hormonal levels, low population densities, and lek behavior of males, or it may reflect variation in degree of female discrimination toward male courtship attempts. Consideration of the quantities of sperm observed stored in the female sperm storage organs, relative to the numbers of eggs produced, indicates obligatory multiple insemination for some species, notably the fungus breeders. In other species groups, there is no apparent necessity for remating, although it may occur.This paper is No. IV in the series Studies of Oogenesis in Natural Populations of Drosophilidae.  相似文献   

The males of most species of the HawaiianDrosophila planitibia group produce songs when vibrating their wings during courtship. In four of the most recently evolved species,D. differens, D. planitibia, D. heteroneura, andD. silvestris, these songs are simple in structure and possess a higher and more variable carrier frequency than the songs of the more ancestral species of the group. In the present paper, we studied the variation in wing song production and song characters in aD. planitibia population. Some males vibrated their wings at a very low amplitude or slow speed, producing no detectable sound. Other males produced sound bursts varying in carrier frequency and burst length. The carrier frequency of the song depended mainly on the wing posture of the male during wing vibrations and was consistent for individual males. Variation between males of different isofemale progenies was not significant in any measured song trait. Songs of the males recorded in the present study differed, however, from songs of the males of a laboratory strain recorded earlier.  相似文献   

Vitellogenin (Vg) synthesized by the fat body of Leucophaea maderaeis made up of four polypeptides with molecular weights of 160,000, 105,000, 98,000, and 57,000. Other polypeptides previously reported as part of Vg are associated with other proteins. Vitellin (Vt), the yolk protein (YP) isolated from mature oocytes and from newly formed oothecae, is a protein with a sedimentation coefficient of 28s and consists of three polypeptides with molecular weights of 105,000, 85,000, and 57,000. During vitellogenesis, the YP of developing oocytes contains both Vt and a 14s component. The 14s component is made up of four polypeptides with molecular weights of 105,000, 90,000, 85,000, and 57,000. The data suggest that 14s may not be a discrete protein but rather a form in transition between Vg and Vt in which the 98,000 dalton polypeptide is converted to the 85,000 dalton polypeptide of Vt through a 90,000 dalton intermediate. The 160,000 dalton peptide of Vg does not appear to be a part of Vt. Under alkaline conditions, both the 14s component and Vt are reduced to a polypeptide with a lower sedimentation rate in sucrose gradients. When acid conditions are restored, a protein resembling 14s is obtained. This suggests that the YP is a loosely held aggregate of similar or identical proteins with a molecular weight of about 250,000.  相似文献   

Summary The tissue and stage specificity of expression of five enzymes was examined by electrophoretic analysis of relative enzyme levels in extracts of 13 larval and adult tissues in 27 species of Hawaiian picture-wingedDrosophila. The developmentally regulated patterns of enzyme expression thus characterized were compared to a modal standard phenotype. About 30% of the pattern features analyzed differed significantly from the standard in one or more species. Many of these regulatory differences are essentially qualitative, with tissue specific differences in enzyme activity in excess of 100 fold for some species pairs. The adaptive significance of these pattern differences is unknown, but the results provide strong direct evidence for rapid evolution of new patterns of gene regulation in this group of organisms.  相似文献   

Summary A cellular model, where each individual is explicitly defined, is used to describe a population of a mycophagous species ofDrosophila. Patches represent single fungal fruiting bodies which are only available as oviposition sites for a single fly generation. Standard competition equations are used to describe the interaction between larval genotypes at each patch. Dispersal of adults is obligatory and uses a simple model of patch choice to produce aggregated arrivals of adults at fresh patches. The degree to which aggregation of adults and eggs can promote coexistence of genotypes in a one-locus, two-allele system with dominance is explored. When both phenotypes (A- andaa) are aggregated, a polymorphism can be maintained for over 1000 generations even when the selective disadvantage of one phenotype (aa) is great. This model enhances the degree of polymorphism in a population, using aggregation. It does not preclude the operation of other methods which enhance the coexistence of genotypes. Therefore, it is acting to augment the degree of polymorphism maintained in species which exploit patchy and ephemeral habitats, including allDrosophila and a wide range of other organisms.  相似文献   

Summary Vitellin from the pharaoh's ant,Monomorium pharaonis (L.), was found to contain a single apoprotein with aM r of 198.3 kDa. The protein is a glycoprotein exposing mannose containing carbohydrate groups.Antibodies to pharaoh's ant vitellin (v t), raised in rabbits, were used to determine the head-, thorax-, and abdominal contents of vitellogenin and vitellin (v g+vt) in queens in relation to the presence or absence of larvae and workers using an ELISA test. Thev g+vt contents were also compared to the egg-laying rate and the weight of the queens.The results confirm the existence of a positive correlation betweenv g+vt contents in the queens and their access to larvae, probably related to the queens' preferential feeding on larval secretions. In queens without larvae the abdominalv g+vt contents declined in concordance with a low oviposition rate of 6–8 eggs/day. In spite of cessation of egg-laying within 24 hours after removal of both larvae and workers, the queens maintained basal contents ofv g+vt. This may indicate that the presence of larvae is not only essential for the nutrition of the queens, but also for the uptake of vitellogenin in the growing oocytes. This additional stimultive factor may be based on the queens' response to primer pheromones liberated by the larvae. v g+vt could not be demonstrated in workers or larvae with the ELISA test. If anyv g+vt is present in larvae and workers the amount is lower than the detection limit (1–2 ng/individual). This seems to rule out the possibility of transfer of proteins of this kind to the queens.  相似文献   

Estimating total genic diversity in the house mouse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a survey of variation in both electrophoretic charge and thermostability at 14 structural loci in 40 strains of Mus musculus, 27 electromorphs (polypeptides differing in electrophoretic charge) and 20 thermomorphs (polypeptides differing in thermostability) were found. Electrophoresis detected 11 new variants within thermomorphs, and the heat denaturation technique detected four new variants within electromorphs. From these data, and making the assumption that both techniques are independent of each other, it is estimated that the actual total number of alleles at the 14 loci is 53, or an average of 3.79 per locus (1.96 per electromorph), and that electrophoresis apparently detects one-third of the variants, thus describing about 50% of the alleles at structural gene loci in the house mouse.  相似文献   

Yolk proteins (YP1, YP2, and YP3) of the fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea, are of relatively low molecular weight. Yolk protein-2 (YP2) was purified from gel slices and by KBr density gradient ultracentrifugation followed by ion exchange chromatography. YP2 is composed of one subunit with a molecular weight of 35.5 kDa. YP2 contains neutral lipids (diacylglycerol and triacylglycerol) and phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine). The neutral lipids are largely composed of lauric acid and palmitoleic acid. YP2 contains relatively large amounts of glutamic acid and aspartic acid but small amounts of tyrosine, phenylalanine, and methionine. YP2 is a vitellin (Vn) synthesized by the fat body. Vitellogenin-2 (Vg2), the precursor of YP2, is present in very small amounts in the hemolymph. Lipophorin and storage protein also are found in the ovary of H. cunea, and these proteins do not immunologically cross-react with YP2. YP2 is detected in first instar larvae but completely disappears during the second instar, indicating that YP2 is intensively utilized during postembryonic development. Anti-YP2 antibodies cross-react with ovarial extracts of Bombyx mori but not with those of insects from other orders such as Cletus schmidti (Hemiptera), Lucilia illustris (Diptera), Anechura japonica (Dermaptera), Periplaneta americana (Dictyoptera), and Ducetia japonica (Orthoptera). © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence analysis has demonstrated that interspecific size variation in the YP2 yolk protein among HawaiianDrosophila is due to in-frame insertions and deletions in two repetitive segments of the coding region of the Yp2 gene. Sequence comparisons of the complex repetitive region close to the 5′ end of this gene across 34 endemic Hawaiian taxa revealed five length morphs, spanning a length difference of 21 nucleotides (nt). A phylogenetic character reconstruction of the length mutations on an independently derived molecular phylogeny showed clade-specific length variants arising from six ancient events: two identical insertions of 6 nt, and four deletions, one of 6 nt, one of 12 nt, and two identical but independent deletions of 15 nt. These mutations can be attributed to replication slippage with nontandem trinucleotide repeats playing a major role in the slipped-strand mispairing. Geographic analysis suggests that the 15 nt deletion which distinguishes theplanitibia subgroup from thecyrtoloma subgroup occurred on Oahu about 3 million years ago. The homoplasies observed caution against relying too heavily on nucleotide insertions/deletions for phylogenetic inference. In contrast to the extensive repeat polymorphisms within otherDrosophila and the human species, the more complex 5′Yp2 repetitive region analyzed here appears to lack polymorphism among HawaiianDrosophila, perhaps due to founder effects, low population sizes, and hitchhiking effects of selection on the immediately adjacent 5′ region. Correspondence to: M.P. Kambysellis  相似文献   

The major yolk protein (MYP) in sea urchins has historically been classified as a vitellogenin based on its abundance in the yolk platelets. Curiously, it is found in both sexes of sea urchins where it is presumed to play a physiological role in gametogenesis, embryogenesis, or both. Here we present the primary structure of MYP as predicted from cDNAs of two sea urchins species, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and Lytechinus variegatus. The sequence from these two species share identity to one another, but bear no resemblance to other known vitellogenins. Instead the sequence shares identity to members of the transferrin superfamily of proteins. In vitro iron binding assays, including both (59)Fe overlay assays of MYP enriched coelomic fluid and immunoprecipitation of native iron-bound MYP from coelomic fluid, support this classification. We suggest that one of MYP's transferrin-like properties is to shuttle iron to developing germ cells.  相似文献   

Isolation of vitellogenin of the Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) in its gregarious phase was achieved by a combination of gel permeation and anion exchange chromatography. Staining for carbohydrate and lipid moieties showed that the vitellogenin is a glycolipoprotein. The vitellogenin of S. gregaria has a native molecular weight of about 700 kDa. On SDS-PAGE, the protein showed nine apoproteins of about 124, 120, 105, 60, 59, 58, 57, 53 and 34 kD. Determination of the levels of vitellogenin by ELISA in the haemolymph of maturing females showed that those exposed to mature males from 1 to 2 days after ecdysis had increased levels of vitellogenin from day 10 (81.1 ± 4.5). In contrast, females exposed to immature males or kept alone showed an increase (107.3 ± 0.9 and 70.2 ± 2.7) not until day 16 or later, respectively. These results are consistent with the accelerating effect of pheromonal emissions from mature males on the maturation of female S. gregaria.  相似文献   

Summary Yolk proteins are transported from the hemolymph into the oocytes of insects during vitellogenesis by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Since other hemolymph proteins, both native and foreign, are not accumulated in the oocyte, the process of uptake is selective for yolk proteins. Peptide domains within the yolk proteins must therefore be involved in receptor recognition. With the longterm aim of identifying these domains and to open the possibility of understanding the molecular basis of receptor-mediated endocytosis of yolk proteins, we began investigating how well this mechanism has been conserved in evolution. We studied the uptake of yolk proteins from 13 different Drosophila species and five other dipteran species, namely, Calliphora erythrocephala, Sarcophaga argyrostoma, Musca domestica, Lucilia servicata, and Protophormia terrae-novae, into the ovaries of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila funebris. The results from these experiments showed that in all cases the foreign yolk proteins were taken up by the host ovaries, indicating that the mechanism and peptide domains of the yolk proteins involved in recognition of the receptor have been well conserved in dipteran evolution. Offprint requests to: M. Bownes  相似文献   

Calexcitin (CE) is a calcium-binding protein, closely related to sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins, that is involved in invertebrate learning and memory. Early reports indicated that both Hermissenda and squid CE also could bind GTP; however, the biochemical significance of GTP-binding and its relationship to calcium binding have remained unclear. Here, we report that the GTPase activity of CE is strongly regulated by calcium. CE possessed a P-loop-like structure near the C-terminal similar to the phosphate-binding regions in other GTP-binding proteins. Site-directed mutagenesis of this region showed that Gly182, Phe186 and Gly187 are required for maximum affinity, suggesting that the GTP-binding motif is G-N-x-x-[FM]-G. CE cloned from Drosophila CNS possessed a similar C-terminal sequence and also bound and hydrolyzed GTP. GTPase activity in Drosophila CE was also strongly regulated by Ca2+, exhibiting over 23-fold higher activity in the presence of 0.3 μM calcium. Analysis of the conserved protein motifs defines a new family of Ca2+-binding proteins representing the first example of proteins endowed with both EF-hand calcium binding domains and a C-terminal, P-loop-like GTP-binding motif. These results establish that, in the absence of calcium, both squid and Drosophila CE bind GTP at near-physiological concentrations and hydrolyze GTP at rates comparable to unactivated ras. Calcium functions to increase GTP-binding and GTPase activity in CE, similar to the effect of GTPase activating proteins in other low-MW GTP-binding proteins. CE may, therefore, act as a molecular interface between Ca2+ cytosolic oscillations and the G protein-coupled signal transduction.  相似文献   

Three of the major protein species present in the hemolymph of Drosophila melanogaster larvae just prior to pupation are absent from second instar larvae but accumulate rapidly during the third instar. This article describes the purification and characterization of one of these, larval serum protein (LSP) 2, using an immunological assay. It is a homohexamer of molecular weight about 450,000, with a polypeptide molecular weight of 78,000–83,000. Fast and slow electrophoretic variants of this protein map between the markers vin and gs, at 36–37 on chromosome 3.This work was partially supported by M.R.C. Research Studentships to J.W. and M.E.A.  相似文献   

P. Capy  J. R. David  D. L. Hartl 《Genetica》1992,86(1-3):37-46
The population biology and molecular evolution of the transposable element mariner has been studied in the eight species of the melanogaster subgroup of the Drosophila subgenus Sophophora. The element occurs in D. simulans, D. mauritiana, D. sechellia, D. teissieri, and D. yakuba, but is not found in D. melanogaster, D. erecta, or D. orena. Sequence comparisons suggest that the mariner element was present in the ancestor of the species subgroup and was lost in some of the lineages. Most species contain both active and inactive mariner elements. A deletion of most of the 3 end characterizes many elements in D. teissieri, but in other species the inactive elements differ from active ones only by simple nucleotide substitutions or small additions/deletions. Active mariner elements from all species are quite similar in nucleotide sequence, although there are some-species-specific differences. Many, but not all, of the inactive elements are also quite closely related. The genome of D. mauritiana contains 20–30 copies of mariner, that of D. simulans 0–10, and that of D. sechellia only two copies (at fixed positions in the genome). The mariner situation in D. sechellia may reflect a reduced effective population size owing to the restricted geographical range of this species and its ecological specialization to the fruit of Morinda citrifolia.  相似文献   

昆虫卵黄蛋白分子进化的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
董胜张  叶恭银  刘朝良 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1196-1209
卵黄原蛋白(Vg)、卵黄多肽(YP)和小卵黄蛋白(minor YP)是昆虫三类主要的卵黄蛋白,它们之间的同源性一直是研究的重点。本文根据已经解析的Vg,YP和minor YP的氨基酸序列,采用序列比对和系统树分析的方法,并结合国内外对三者同源性研究的基础,对其进化关系进行了分析。结果表明,Vg,YP和minor YP是三类具有不同进化祖先的卵黄蛋白,它们的氨基酸序列相似性较低。Vg在系统进化过程中最为保守,与人类的血清载脂蛋白B(ApoB)具有较高的同源性;YP与脊椎动物的肝脂酶和胰脂酶具有较高的同源性;而minor YP与脊椎动物胃脂肪酶和舌脂肪酶具有较高的同源性。同时,对三者的分子特性做了简单的介绍。  相似文献   

Summary The alcohol dehydrogenase gene (Adh gene) ofDrosophila affinidisjuncta is expressed at a higher level in the larval midgut and Malpighian tubules than the homologous gene fromDrosophila hawaiiensis. This study analyzed thecis-acting sequences responsible for these regulatory differences in larval tissues ofDrosophila melanogaster transformants. A series of 10 chimeric and deletedAdh genes was introduced into the germ line ofD. melanogaster, and tissue-specific expression levels were quantified by gel electrophoresis of tissue extracts. Sequences in the upstream region of the two genes had the strongest influence on enzyme production in the midgut and Malpighian tubules. Other sequence elements also showed effects, some of which were tissue specific. Most gene fragments displayed context-dependent effects, thus supporting the proposed model of polygenic regulation ofAdh gene expression.  相似文献   

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