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The proximal tubule of the nephron is subdivided into three structurally and functionally distinct segments, which can be differentiated with the help of special methods. With the aim of producing selective markers for these three portions of the proximal tubule, we raised monoclonal antibodies against the brush border membranes of the rat kidney. Immunohistochemistry was carried out with eleven different monoclonal antibodies to sections of rat kidney and other tissues at the light- and electron-microscopical level. These monoclonal antibodies mainly detect antigens located on the brush border of the proximal tubule, and they allow a distinction between its three segments. However, some antibodies also recognize other portions of the nephron, or even the glomerulus or stromal elements. Sites recognized by the antibodies are not limited to the kidney, but staining is observed on the intestinal brush border, the intralobular ducts of the pancreas, the bile canaliculi of the liver and on the macrophage clusters of the spleen. These antibodies are interesting reagents which can be applied to study biochemical differences between brush border membranes. In addition, they recognize antigenically related sites in other organs with reabsorptive or secretory tasks.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against the native form of rat kidney gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) were isolated by screening hybridomas with rat kidney brush-border membrane vesicles. They were directed against protein rather than sugar epitopes in that each recognized all GGT isoforms. All of them inhibited partially the enzyme activity of GGT. They were specific in that they inhibited the rat enzyme, but not the mouse or human enzyme. Kinetic analyses were carried out with free GGT and GGT-mAb complexes with d-gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide in the presence or absence of maleate, or in the presence or absence of alanine, cysteine, cystine or glycylglycine as gamma-glutamyl acceptors. mAbs 2A10 and 2E9 inhibited the hydrolytic and glutaminase activities of GGT and had little effect on the transpeptidation activity of the enzyme, whereas mAbs 4D7 and 5F10 inhibited transpeptidation, but not hydrolytic or glutaminase activities. mAb 5F10 mimicked the effect of maleate on GGT, in that it inhibited transpeptidation, enhanced the glutaminase activity and increased the affinity of the donor site of GGT for acivicin. Such mAbs may be useful for long-term studies in tissue cultures and in vivo, and for the identification of GGT epitopes that are important for the hydrolytic and transpeptidase activities.  相似文献   

Gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase was purified from rat kidney by a procedure involving Lubrol extraction, acetone precipitation, ammonium sulfate fractionation, treatment with bromelain, and column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-100. The final preparation (enzyme III), which exhibits a specific activity about 8-fold higher than that of the purified rat kidney transpeptidase previously obtained in this laboratory (enzyme I), was apparently homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Enzyme III is a glycoprotein containing 10% hexose, 7% aminohexose, and 1.5% sialic acid; a tentative molecular weight value of about 70,000 was obtained by gel filtration. Enzyme III has a much lower molecular weight and a different amino acid and carbohydrate content than the less active rat kidney transpeptidase preparation previously obtained, but obtained, but the catalytic properties of these preparations are virtually identical. It is suggested that bromelain treatment may liberate the transpeptidase from a brush border complex that contains other proteins. An improved method is described for the isolation of the higher molecular weight form of the enzyme (enzyme I) in which affinity chromatography on concanavalin A-Sephrose is employed. The purified transpeptidase (enzyme III) is similar to the phosphate-independent maleate-stimulated glutaminase preparation obtained from rat kidney by Katunuma and colleagues with respect to amino acid and carbohydrate content, apparent molecular weight, and relative transpeptidase and maleate-stimulated "glutaminase" activities. Both of these enzyme preparations are much more active in transpeptidation reactions with glutathione and related gamma-glutamyl compounds than with glutamine. In the absence of maleate, the enzyme catalyzes the utilization of glutamine (by conversion to gamma-glutamylglutamine, glutamate, and ammonia) at about 2% of the rate observed for catalysis of transpeptidation between glutathione and glycylglycine; the utilization of glutamine occurs about 8 times more rapidly in the presence of 0.1 M maleate. The transpeptidation and maleate-stimulated glutaminase reactions catalyzed by both enzyme preprations are inhibited by 5 mM L-serine in the presence of 5 mM sodium borate. Studies on gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and maleate-stimulated glutaminase in the kidneys of fetal rats, newborn rats, and rats after weaning showed parallel development of these activities. The evidence reported here and earlier work in this laboratory strongly support the conclusion that maleate-stimulated glutaminase activity is a catalytic function of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. The studies on the ontogeny of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and other data are considered in relation to the proposal that this enzyme is involved in amino acid and peptide transport. Its possible role in renal formation of ammonia is also discussed.  相似文献   

Rat kidney gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is composed of two nonidentical glycosylated subunits. The enzyme is localized on the lumenal surface of the brush-border membranes of proximal tubule epithelial cells; it is attached to the membranes via an NH2-terminal segment of the larger of the two subunits. Tissue-labeling experiments followed by immunoprecipitation with antibodies directed against the enzyme and its two subunits demonstrate that a glycosylated single chain precursor (Mr = 78,000), containing the elements of both the subunits, is initially synthesized. Pulse-chase studies in the presence of pactamycin, and inhibitor of protein synthesis initiation, indicate that the larger of the two subunits is located at the NH2 terminus of the Mr = 78,000 precursor. The initial events in the biosynthesis and processing of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase were investigated by in vitro translation of rat kidney mRNA. Such translation results in the synthesis of a Mr = 63,000 unglycosylated polypeptide which has been shown immunologically to contain the domains for both subunits. The Mr = 63,000 species is processed to a Mr = 78,000 core-glycosylated polypeptide when translation of mRNA is carried out in the presence of dog pancreas microsomes. This processing does not appear to be associated with cleavage of an NH2-terminal leader sequence. The Mr = 78,000 polypeptide is integrated into the microsomal membranes with an orientation that is analogous to that found on the brush-border membranes. Glycosylation and membrane integration of transpeptidase are cotranslational events. Upon longer incubation, the Mr = 78,000 species sequestered within the microsomal vesicles is cleaved to species corresponding in size to the two subunits of the kidney enzyme.  相似文献   

The kinetics of sheep kidney gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase was studied using a novel substrate L-alpha-methyl-gamma-glutamyl-L-alpha-aminobutyrate. When the substrate was incubated with the enzyme in the presence of an amino acid or peptide acceptor, the corresponding L-alpha-methyl-gamma-glutamyl derivatives of the acceptors were formed. In the absence of acceptor only hydrolysis occurred, and no transpeptidation products were detected. The presence of the methyl group on the alpha-carbon apparently prevents enzymatic transfer of the L-alpha-methyl-gamma-glutamyl residue to the amino group of the substrate itself (autotranspeptidation). When the enzyme was incubated with conventional substrates, such as glutathione or gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide and an amino acid acceptor, hydrolysis, autotranspeptidation, and transpeptidation to the acceptor occurred concurrently. Initial velocity measurements in which the concentration of L-alpha-methyl-gamma-glutamyl-L-alpha-aminobutyrate was varied at several fixed acceptor concentrations, and either the release of alpha-aminobutyrate or the formation of the transpeptidation products was determined, yielded results which are consistent with a ping-pong mechanism modified by a hydrolytic shunt. A scheme of such a mechanism is presented. This mechanism predicts the formation of an alpha-methyl-gamma-glutamyl-enzyme intermediate, which can react with an amino acid to form the transpeptidation product; or in the absence of, or in the presence of low concentrations of amino acids, can react with water to form the hydrolytic products. Kinetic derivations for the reaction of the enzyme with the conventional substrate gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide predict either linear or nonlinear double-reciprocal plots, depending on the prevalence of the hydrolytic, autotranspeptidation, or transpeptidation reactions. The results of kinetic experiments confirmed these predictions.  相似文献   

Gamma-glutamyl compounds include antioxidants, inflammatory molecules, drug metabolites, and neuroactive compounds. Two cell surface enzymes that metabolize gamma-glutamyl compounds have been identified: gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT1) and gamma-glutamyl leukotrienase (GGT5). There is controversy in the literature regarding the substrate specificity of these enzymes. To address this issue, we have developed a method for comprehensive kinetic analysis of compounds as substrates for GGT enzymes. Our assay is sensitive, quantitative, and conducted at physiological pH. We evaluated a series of gamma-glutamyl compounds as substrates for human GGT1 and human GGT5. The Km value for reduced glutathione was 11 μM for both GGT1 and GGT5. However, the Km values for oxidized glutathione were 9 μM for GGT1 and 43 μM for GGT5. Our data show that the Km values for leukotriene C4 are equivalent for GGT1 and GGT5 at 10.8 and 10.2 μM, respectively. This assay was also used to evaluate serine–borate, a well-known inhibitor of GGT1, which was 8-fold more potent in inhibiting GGT1 than in inhibiting GGT5. These data provide essential information regarding the target enzymes for developing treatments for inflammatory diseases such as asthma and cardiovascular disease in humans. This assay is invaluable for studies of oxidative stress, drug metabolism, and other pathways that involve gamma-glutamyl compounds.  相似文献   

Following Northern analysis, GGT mRNA was found predominantly within the caput epididymides and kidney. The size of mRNAs for kidney, caput, corpus, and ductus deferens were 2.2, 2.3, 2.2, and 2.3 kb, respectively, whereas cauda showed a doublet of 2.2 and 2.3 kb. GGT transpeptidation and hydrolytic activity within epididymal luminal fluids collected by micropuncture showed caput = corpus greater than cauda and corpus greater than caput greater than cauda, respectively. Caput luminal GGT transpeptidation activity was significantly inhibited by serine-borate and was optimal at pH 8.0. The calculated Km and Vmax values for hydrolysis of GSH by caput luminal GGT were 0.06 microM and 2.19 nmoles/min/microliters luminal fluid at pH 8.5 compared to 0.49 microM and 0.49 nmoles/min/microliters luminal fluid, respectively, at the physiological pH 6.5 of caput fluid. These studies would suggest that the epididymis can control the activity of luminal GGT by pH. Lower Km (0.12 microM) and higher Vmax (1.13 nmoles/min/microliters luminal fluid) values were also calculated when GSSG was used compared to GSH. Results from Triton X-114 partitioning experiments suggest that luminal GGT probably exists in both membrane bound and nonmembrane bound forms. Western blot analysis of proteins within epididymal luminal fluids revealed both subunits of GGT in all epididymal regions studied. However, two lower molecular bands, approximately 22 kDa and 21 kDa, were also observed in cauda fluid. It is suggested that as GGT is transported along the epididymal duct it undergoes degradation, which accounts for its loss of activity in the distal epididymal regions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To perform immunohistochemical study of the distribution of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase in human organs, a highly specific antibody against the human enzyme is required. We prepared monoclonal antibody against gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase from human kidney, using the hybridoma technique. The antibody was of the IgG1 type and the light chain belonged to the kappa class. The antibody reacted specifically with the 63 KD heavy subunit of the enzyme. Examination of the specificity of the antibody performed by immunohistochemical staining of human kidney sections revealed that the antigen was localized on the brush border and along the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells of both the convoluted and the straight portions of the proximal tubule. This antibody was also reactive in several human organs other than kidney, including epididymis, prostate, seminal vesicle, pancreas, and normal liver, and in human hepatoma. These findings indicate the existence of an antigenic determinant common to human kidney and other organs. The monoclonal antibody did not crossreact with mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, or pig kidney.  相似文献   

Inhibitors for glutathione S-transferase (GST) iso-enzymes from rat liver with high affinity for the glutathione-binding site (G-site) have been developed. In previous studies, a model was described for the G-site of GST (Adang, A. E. P., Brussee, J., van der Gen, A., and Mulder, G. J. (1990) Biochem. J. 269, 47-54) in terms of essential and nonessential interactions between groups in glutathione (GSH) and the G-site. Based on this model, compounds were designed that have high affinity for the G-site but cannot be conjugated. In the dipeptide gamma-L-glutamyl-D-aminoadipic acid (gamma-L-Glu-D-Aad), the L-cysteinylglycine moiety is replaced by D-aminoadipic acid. This dipeptide is an efficient competitive inhibitor (toward GSH) of mu class GST isoenzymes with Ki values of 34 microM for GST isoenzyme 3-3 and 8 microM for GST isoenzyme 4-4. Other GSH-dependent enzymes, such as gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GT), glutathione reductase, and glutathione peroxidase, were not inhibited by 1 mM of gamma-L-Glu-D-Aad. Inhibition is also highly stereospecific since gamma-L-Glu-L-Aad is only a poor inhibitor (Ki = 430 microM for GST 3-3). Gamma-L-Glutamyl-D-norleucine also had a much higher Ki value for GST 3-3. Thus, the presence of a delta-carboxylate group in D-Aad appears to be essential for a high affinity inhibitor. An additional hydrophobic group did not result in increased inhibitory potency. In a different approach, the gamma-L-glutamyl moiety in GSH was replaced by delta-L-aminoadipic acid; delta-L-Aad-L-Cys-Gly is an efficient cosubstrate analogue for GSTs with Km values comparable to GSH and Vmax values ranging from 0.24 to 57 mumol/min/mg for the different GSTs. The structures of the efficient inhibitor and the cosubstrate analogue were combined in delta-L-Aad-D-Aad, which had a Ki value of 68 microM with GST 3-3. In order to investigate their possible use in vivo studies, the degradation of gamma-L-Glu-D-Aad and delta-L-Aad-L-Cys-Gly by gamma-GT was investigated. The peptides showed no measurable hydrolysis rates under conditions where GSH was rapidly hydrolyzed. Thus, an efficient, mu class-specific GST inhibitor and a gamma-glutamyl-modified cosubstrate analogue of GSH were developed. Their gamma-GT stability offers the possibility to use these peptides in in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is a glutathione-metabolizing enzyme that has been extensively studied in relation to hepatocarcinogenesis. Using a cDNA for rat kidney GGT as a probe, we have isolated a full-length cDNA for human GGT from a hepatoma cell-line library. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the clone revealed a 2326-bp insert that includes a 5'-untranslated region of 487 nucleotides (nt), an open reading frame (ORF) of 1707 nt, and a 3'-untranslated region of 132 nt. The ORF encodes a protein with an amino acid sequence that is highly similar to that of the rat GGT precursor peptide, with an overall identity of 79%. The cDNA clone was used to probe Northern blots of hepatoma and kidney RNA from both human and rat. In both species, the GGT mRNA is longer in hepatoma than in kidney. In addition, the human mRNAs were longer than their counterparts in the rat. None of three human hepatocellular carcinomas examined showed a marked elevation in GGT mRNA levels relative to surrounding liver tissue.  相似文献   

In human, the two subunits of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) arise from a common precursor encoded by a multigene family. Until now, a single specific coding sequence for this precursor (type I) has been identified in human placenta and liver. In the present study, we have isolated from a human kidney cDNA library, a GGT specific clone (0.8 Kb). The sequence of which (type II) i) covers the carboxy terminal part of the GGT precursor, ii) exhibits 22 point mutations and a 30 bp deletion as compared to the type I GGT sequence. The sequencing of a human genomic clone reveals that this type II GGT mRNA is encoded by a different gene than the type I GGT mRNA. Both type I and type II GGT mRNAs are expressed in human liver, while almost exclusively type II GGT mRNA is detected in human kidney.  相似文献   

gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase, present in various mammalian tissues, transfers the gamma-glutamyl moiety of glutathione to a variety of acceptor amino acids and peptides. This enzyme has been purified from human kidney cortex about 740-fold to a specific activity of 200 units/mg of protein. The purification steps involved incubation of the homogenate at 37 degrees followed by centrifugation and extraction of the sediment with 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0, containing 1% sodium deoxycholate; batchwise absorption on DEAE-cellulose; DEAE-cellulose (DE52) column chromatography; Sephadex G-200 gel filtration; and affinity chromatography using concanavalin A insolubilized on beaded Agarose. Detergents were used throughout the purification of the enzyme. The purified enzyme separated into three protein bands, all of which had enzyme activity, on polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis in the presence of Triton X-100. The enzyme has an apparent molecular weight of about 90,000 as shown by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration, and appears to be a tetramer with subunits of molecular weights of about 21,000. The Km for gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase using the artificial substrate, gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide, with glycylglycine as the acceptor amino acid was found to be about 0.8 mM. The optimum pH for the enzyme activity is 8.2 and the isoelectric point is 4.5. Both GSH and GSSG competitively inhibited the activity of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase when gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide was used as the substrate. Treatment of the purified enzyme with papain has no effect on the enzyme activity or mobility on polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis. The purified gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase had no phosphate-independent glutaminase activity. The ratio of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase to phosphate-independent glutaminase changed significantly through the initial steps of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase purification. These studies indicate that the transpeptidase and phosphate-independent glutaminase activities are not exhibited by the same protein in human kidney.  相似文献   

Hybridomas were produced by the fusion of NS1 myeloma cells with spleen cells of a BALB/c mouse immunized with rat submandibular saliva. Growth of hybridomas was evident in 60/96 wells, and colonies secreting antibodies against saliva components were identified in 20 wells by using a solid phase enzyme-linked immunoassay. Cloning of cells from 12 wells yielded originally 43 hybridoma cell lines secreting anti-saliva antibodies. After recloning, one hybridoma (4Cl3) was selected for further studies. The hybridoma (4Cl3) cells were grown as ascites tumors, and the antibodies were purified from the ascitic fluid by diethylaminoethyl Affi-gel Blue chromatography. The purified antibody (MA4), immunoglobulin G1, immunoprecipitated a 39K dalton protein from submandibular saliva, and also reacted with a protein of the same electrophoretic mobility on immunoblots. From extracts of submandibular gland slices, incubated with [3H]leucine, the antibody again immunoprecipitated a 39K protein, indicating that this protein is synthesized in the gland. MA4 was used for immunocytochemical stainings of submandibular glands of rats of different ages. In general, immunostaining was seen only in acinar cells. Thus, there was no staining in the glands of 1-day-old rats that lack differentiated acinar cells. In the glands of 1- to 4-week-old rats the number of immunoreactive cells and the extent of immunostaining paralleled the differentiation of the acinar cells. In the glands of adult rats a uniform staining of the secretory granules of the acinar cells was observed. The immunoreactive 39K protein seemed to be restricted to the acinar cells in the submandibular gland; there was no immunostaining in the parotid, sublingual, or lingual salivary glands, or in the pancreas, colon, and duodenum. Stimulation of saliva secretion by isoproterenol resulted in a virtual depletion of the antigen from the acinar cells. These results indicate the feasibility of producing mouse hybridomas that secrete antibodies against rat saliva components. The monoclonal antibody at hand will be useful in analyzing the differentiation of the acinar cells, and the factors that influence this differentiation process.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against rat Leydig cell surface antigens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the Leydig cell surface may be used to identify this cell in testicular preparations. Collagenase-dispersed adult rat interstitial cells were fractionated on Percoll density gradients, and Leydig cell-enriched fractions were used to prepare MAbs. Hybridomas were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIF) on isolated testicular cells and immunocytochemical localization on paraffin sections of adult testes. In density gradient fractions, immunoglobulin (Ig) M MAbs (LC-1C6 and LC-6H6) labeled the surface of cells possessing the morphological characteristics of Leydig cells. The density gradient profiles of MAb-binding activity observed by IIF and ELISA were parallel with the Leydig cell distribution as determined by [125I]-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) binding, testosterone response to hCG in vitro, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase histochemistry and electron microscopy. The MAbs prominently labeled most interstitial cells in sections, but there was little or no labeling of connective tissue, endothelial or seminiferous tubule cells. Both MAbs recognized components of Mr 58,000 in Western blots of Leydig cell-enriched extracts. The results indicate that LC-1C6 and LC-6H6 recognize antigens on the Leydig cell surface that are not present on other isolated testicular cells from the adult rat. These MAbs are specific markers of the Leydig cell in situ and in vitro.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against rat platelet phospholipase A2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monoclonal antibodies which bind specifically to rat platelet phospholipase A2 have been raised. None of them bound to exocrine phospholipase A2 derived from pancreas or snake venom. All antibodies recognized the conformational structure of rat platelet phospholipase A2 supported by intramolecular disulfide bonds, since the reactivity between the antibodies and the enzyme was lost in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. One of them, designed MB5.2, inhibited the activity of the platelet phospholipase A2 in a dose-dependent manner. A kinetic study revealed that antibody MB5.2 apparently competed with the substrate for the active site of the enzyme. The other antibodies, designed MD7.1 and ME6.1, inhibited the binding of the enzyme to heparin. The distribution of phospholipases A2 bearing a similar determinant to rat platelet phospholipase A2 was investigated by immunoprecipitation of the enzyme activity or by an immunoblot technique. Among rat tissues, cross-reactivity was observed with phospholipases A2 from spleen, lung, and bone marrow. Extracellular phospholipase A2 detected in the peritoneal cavity of casein-treated rat was also recognized by these antibodies. Furthermore, antibody MD7.1 cross-reacted with rabbit and guinea pig platelet phospholipases A2.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antisera against prostaglandins (PGs) are widely used for the assessment of the biological role of these mediators, but even the most specific contain antibodies against the major metabolites and degradation products of the haptens employed. To overcome this inherent problem we produced monoclonal antibodies (mAs) against PGE2, PGF2 alpha and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha using the somatic cell hybridization technique. The mAs against 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and PGF2 alpha proved to be highly specific, but allowed only for moderate detection limits (1-2 ng) in conventional fluid phase radioimmunoassays (RIAs). One of the mAs against PGE2 permitted a 100-fold improvement in the detection limit while being almost devoid of cross-reactivity with metabolites and other structurally related PGs. These results show that highly specific mAs against PGs can be produced to improve the available RIA technique for PG quantification.  相似文献   

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