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邓志勇  张相岐 《遗传》2004,26(3):325-329
通过PCR克隆的方法,获得了分别来自二倍体长穗偃麦草的E基因组和四倍体长穗偃麦草的E_1基因组的4个高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)基因启动子的部分序列。序列分析表明,它们之间的同源性较高,两个x型亚基启动子序列之间只有1个碱基的差异,而两个y型亚基启动子序列完全相同,x和y型亚基启动子序列之间的长度和部分碱基位点都有差异。推测四倍体长穗偃麦草中的E_1基因组可能起源于二倍体的E基因组。与来自小麦族的A、B、D和G基因组部分亚基基因的启动子序列比较表明,小麦族的这一区域在进化上是相当保守的,不同基因组来源的序列同源性都在90%以上。经过对这些序列的聚类分析,表明长穗偃麦草的y型HMW-GS基因与其他亚基基因的进化关系较远,而x型亚基基因与一个来自小麦1B染色体的亚基基因关系最近。  相似文献   

李玉京  李继云 《遗传学报》1999,26(6):703-710
以中国春-长穗偃麦草二体异附加系和二体异代换系为材料,对其耐低磷营养胁迫特性进行鉴定和遗传分析,结果表明(1)长穗偃麦草的4E一^ 色体携有耐低营养胁迫的基因,且其效应远远超过背景亲本中国春。  相似文献   

根据已报道的其他植物肌动蛋白(Actin,ACT)基因的保守序列设计一对简并性引物,以长穗偃麦草根中总RNA为模板,采用RT-PCR方法克隆出ACT基因,命名为EeACT。结果表明,该基因片段长度598 bp,编码198个氨基酸,与其他植物ACT氨基酸序列同源性较高,达90%以上。低温、盐及干旱处理12 h,EeACT在其地上部与根中的表达水平没有显著差异,说明EeACT表达稳定。  相似文献   

由于一些基因的特殊碱基序列限制,使得应用一种技术获得基因的全长cDNA序列比较困难。本研究结合RACE和Genome Walking技术从十倍体长穗偃麦草(Elytrigia elongata,2n=70)中克隆了AP2家族的一个全长cDNA序列,命名为EeAP2.2。序列分析表明,该基因具有一个837bp的开放阅读框,编码279个氨基酸残基,含有一个保守的AP2结构域,是AP2大家族的一个新成员。该基因编码的氨基酸序列与GenBank已有的普通小麦AP2家族两个同源基因编码蛋白TaDREB1和TaDREBW50(登录号分别为:AAL01124.1和AAY44605.1)具有98%的氨基酸序列一致性, 与大麦AP2蛋白HvDREB1-a(登录号AAY25517.1),高羊茅AP2蛋白FaDREB2A (登录号CAG30547.1) 及水稻OsDREB2.2(登录号AY064403)的氨基酸序列一致性分别为 93%、86%、69%。说明该基因与小麦AP2家族基因的同源性最高。本研究除获得了长穗偃麦草一个重要抗逆转录因子基因EeAP2.2的全长cDNA序列外,也提供了一种快速、有效克隆功能基因的方法。  相似文献   

长穗偃麦草优异基因的染色体定位及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长穗偃麦草比较公认的有2个种,即二倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum elongatum,2n=2X)和十倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum ponticum,2n=10X),是重要的小麦近缘种,具有抗病、抗寒、抗旱、耐盐碱等优良性状。因其基因组中蕴含许多对小麦品种改良极为有用的基因,且易与小麦杂交等优势,多年来长穗偃麦草一直作为小麦遗传改良的优良种质资源而备受关注。本文对长穗偃麦草的基因组研究及其在小麦的抗逆、抗病和提高光合能力、产量及高分子量谷蛋白(HMW-GS)含量等方面的应用做了综述,为其基因组中优异基因的进一步开发和利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为了研究外整流钾通道蛋白(stelar K+ outward rectifier channels,SKOR)基因SKOR在长穗偃麦草中的功能,利用热不对称交错PCR(Tail PCR)技术,克隆了长穗偃麦草EeSKOR启动子,并进行启动子顺式作用元件及基因表达分析。结果表明:(1)成功获得长穗偃麦草EeSKOR基因起始密码子上游798 bp启动子序列,命名为pEeSKOR。 (2)EeSKOR启动子除必须具备的核心启动元件外,还含有特异转录因子结合位点、植物激素响应元件、光响应元件、组织特异的启动元件和胁迫响应元件。(3)成功构建植物表达载体pEeSKORGUS,经农杆菌介导的瞬时转化,EeSKOR启动子驱动GUS报告基因可在拟南芥的叶、叶柄和根中表达。(4)实时定量PCR检测显示,在NaCl、PEG、ABA和SA处理下长穗偃麦草EeSKOR基因在根中呈现不同的表达模式,NaCl处理下EeSKOR的表达量呈先下调后上调趋势;PEG处理下EeSKOR的表达量呈上调趋势,且随着时间的延长显著上调;ABA处理下EeSKOR的表达受到抑制且随处理时间延长呈显著下调趋势;SA处理下EeSKOR表现出先上调后下调趋势,且在处理72 h时表达量显著低于正常表达水平。研究认为,EeSKOR基因的表达受NaCl、PEG、ABA和SA的诱导调节。该研究结果为进一步系统研究长穗偃麦草EeSKOR基因功能提供重要理论依据。  相似文献   

在150mmol/LNaCl胁迫下,长穗偃麦草(Agropyronelongatum,2n=70)4E染色体代换普通小麦4D染色体后能显著降低胁迫下植株上部的Na离子含量而维持较高水平的K离子含量。  相似文献   

长穗偃麦草是小麦重要的近源物种,含有丰富的抗逆基因,广泛地应用于小麦的遗传改良育种。本研究利用高通量测序,获得长穗偃麦草的转录组测序信息,利用比较基因组学方法研究其与小麦、水稻和玉米等作物的遗传关系,评估它们之间的亲缘关系。同时,将长穗偃麦草的高通量序列比对到小麦基因,利用软件Freebayes和SAMtools/Bcftools发掘功能基因的变异位点,并对这些含有变异位点的功能基因进行注释分析,揭示长穗偃麦草优异性状形成的分子机制,这将为长穗偃麦草优异基因资源的开发和应用奠定重要基础。  相似文献   

为探讨长穗偃麦草E染色体在硬粒小麦背景中的传递特点,利用染色体特异分子标记、基因组原位杂交(GISH)、非变性荧光原位杂交(ND FISH)等方法,对小偃麦8801(AABBEE)与硬粒小麦(AABB)杂交后代中选育的株系Du_No.2和Du_No.4进行了分析。结果表明:(1)分子标记检测株系Du_No.2及Du_No.4分别能扩增出长穗偃麦草2E、4E染色体特异条带。(2)GISH和ND FISH分析显示,株系Du_No.2和Du_No.4分别附加了1条2E和4E染色体,表明株系Du_No.2 和Du_No.4分别为硬粒小麦 长穗偃麦草2E和4E单体附加系。(3)2个株系的减数分裂过程观察发现,后期Ⅰ、Ⅱ和末期Ⅱ都有E染色体分离异常现象,且株系Du_No.2和 Du_No.4的异常率分别为22.24%和36.18%。(4)2个株系分别与硬粒小麦进行正反杂交的后代PCR分析表明, 2E和4E染色体经雄配子的传递率分别为4.41%和2.17%,而通过雌配子的传递率都为零,表明2E和4E染色体在硬粒小麦背景中能通过雄配子传递,但不通过雌配子的传递。该研究为创建全套硬粒小麦 长穗偃麦草双体附加系及代换系提供基础。  相似文献   

用石蜡切片法,对小麦(Triticumaestivum)和长穗偃麦草(Elytrigiaelongata)杂交的受精和早期胚胎发育进行了观察。结果表明,长穗偃麦草花粉在小麦柱头上萌发良好,花粉管可顺利长入花柱和胚囊。观察的170个小麦子房中,1765%发生了双受精,产生了胚和胚乳;941%发生了单卵受精,只产生胚而无胚乳;471%发生了单极核受精,只产生胚乳而无胚;总受精率为3177%;成胚率为2706%。由于胚乳的缺乏或发育异常及败育,最终难以获得有生活力的种子。为小麦与长穗偃麦草远缘杂交提供了细胞胚胎学证据。  相似文献   

应用重组自交系群体定位大豆根重QTL   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用构建的NJRIKY(科丰1号×1138-2)大豆重组自交家系群体,对大豆根重QTL进行8次重复的随机区组分析;以该群体所构成的遗传连锁图谱为基础,采用复合区间作图法(Cartographer V.1.21)检测到3个与根重有关的QTL位于连锁群N3-B1和N6-C2上。其中rw1在N3-B1的端距离是66.31cM,位于A520T~ACCCA-GO5区间,rw2和rw3分别在N6-C2的端距离是169.91cM和179.71cM,并与OPW13和ACGCATO6重叠。LOD值分别是10.34、4.01和3.15,可以解释26.3%、9.2%和6.8%的遗传变异。加性效应估计值分别为-0.514、-0.303和-0.260。  相似文献   

付三雄  王慧  吴娟娟  刘华  盖钧镒  喻德跃 《遗传》2007,29(9):1139-1143
以大豆组合科丰1号×南农1138-2衍生的重组自交系(RIL)群体为材料构建遗传连锁图谱, 利用软件 Cartographer V.2.5 采用复合区间作图法检测定位大豆抗虫QTL。以斜纹夜蛾幼虫重为抗性指标, 检测到 1 个与抗虫性有关的 QTL, 位于G20-O连锁群上, 其端距离为31.91 cM, 加性效应估计值为0.0408, 对性状变异的解释率为 11.74%; 以蛹重为抗性指标, 检测到 2 个与抗虫性有关的 QTL, 分别位于G8-D1b+W和G17-L连锁群上, 其端距离分别为 14.71 cM和0.01 cM, 加性效应估计值分别为-0.0139和0.0103, 对性状变异的解释率分别为 11.30%和6.36%。  相似文献   

大豆重要农艺性状的QTL分析   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
应用栽培大豆科丰1号(♀)和南农1138-2(♂)杂交得到的F9代重组自交系(RILs)群体(201个家系),构建了含302遗传标记、覆盖2363.8cM、由22个连锁群组成的遗传连锁图谱。采用区间作图法,对该群体的主要农艺性状的调查数据进行QTL分析,表明与开花期、成熟期、株高、主茎节数、每节荚数、倒状性、种子重、产量、蛋白质和含油量等10个重要农艺性状连锁的QTL位点34个,每个数量性状的遗传变异是由多个QTL位点决定的。与产量有关的农艺性状的一些QTL集中在几个连锁群上。  相似文献   


Key message

Seven kernel dimension QTLs were identified in wheat, and kernel thickness was found to be the most important dimension for grain weight improvement.


Kernel morphology and weight of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) affect both yield and quality; however, the genetic basis of these traits and their interactions has not been fully understood. In this study, to investigate the genetic factors affecting kernel morphology and the association of kernel morphology traits with kernel weight, kernel length (KL), width (KW) and thickness (KT) were evaluated, together with hundred-grain weight (HGW), in a recombinant inbred line population derived from Nanda2419?×?Wangshuibai, with data from five trials (two different locations over 3 years). The results showed that HGW was more closely correlated with KT and KW than with KL. A whole genome scan revealed four QTLs for KL, one for KW and two for KT, distributed on five different chromosomes. Of them, QKl.nau-2D for KL, and QKt.nau-4B and QKt.nau-5A for KT were newly identified major QTLs for the respective traits, explaining up to 32.6 and 41.5% of the phenotypic variations, respectively. Increase of KW and KT and reduction of KL/KT and KW/KT ratios always resulted in significant higher grain weight. Lines combining the Nanda 2419 alleles of the 4B and 5A intervals had wider, thicker, rounder kernels and a 14% higher grain weight in the genotype-based analysis. A strong, negative linear relationship of the KW/KT ratio with grain weight was observed. It thus appears that kernel thickness is the most important kernel dimension factor in wheat improvement for higher yield. Mapping and marker identification of the kernel dimension-related QTLs definitely help realize the breeding goals.

水稻叶片性状和根系活力的QTL定位   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
应用由247个株系组成的珍汕97B/密阳46重组自交系(RIL)群体及其分子标记连锁图谱,检测控制剑叶、倒二叶、倒三叶的5个形态性状和控制根系伤流量性状的数量性状座位(QTL)。在9个标记区间检测到控制叶片形态性状的24个QTL,LOD值为2.9~11.8,单个QTL的表型变异贡献率为4.0%~32.5%;分别检测到56对和4对控制叶片形态和根系活力的上位性互作,绝大多数互作发生在2个不表现加性效应的座位之间。与该群体产量性状QTL的研究结果相比较,发现控制叶片性状和根系活力的QTL与产量性状QTL往往处于相似的染色体区间。  相似文献   


Key message

QTLs controlling yield-related traits were mapped using a population derived from common wheat and Tibetan semi-wild wheat and they provided valuable information for using Tibetan semi-wild wheat in future wheat molecular breeding.


Tibetan semi-wild wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp tibetanum Shao) is a kind of primitive hexaploid wheat and harbors several beneficial traits, such as tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. And as a wild relative of common wheat, heterosis of yield of the progeny between them was significant. This study focused on mapping QTLs controlling yield-related traits using a recombined inbred lines (RILs) population derived from a hybrid between a common wheat line NongDa3331 (ND3331) and the Tibetan semi-wild wheat accession Zang 1817. In nine location–year environments, a total of 148 putative QTLs controlling nine traits were detected, distributed on 19 chromosomes except for 1A and 2D. Single QTL explained the phenotypic variation ranging from 3.12 to 49.95 %. Of these QTLs, 56 were contributed by Zang 1817. Some stable QTLs contributed by Zang 1817 were also detected in more than four environments, such as QPh-3A1, QPh-4B1 and QPh-4D for plant height, QSl-7A1 for spike length, QEp-4B2 for ears per plant, QGws-4D for grain weight per spike, and QTgw-4D for thousand grain weight. Several QTL-rich Regions were also identified, especially on the homoeologous group 4. The TaANT gene involved in floral organ development was mapped on chromosome 4A between Xksm71 and Xcfd6 with 0.8 cM interval, and co-segregated with the QTLs controlling floret number per spikelet, explaining 4.96–11.84 % of the phenotypic variation. The current study broadens our understanding of the genetic characterization of Tibetan semi-wild wheat, which will enlarge the genetic diversity of yield-related traits in modern wheat breeding program.  相似文献   

Low temperature is the primary factor to affect maize sowing in early spring. It is, therefore, vital for maize breeding programs to improve tolerance to low temperatures at seed germination stage. However, little is known about maize QTL involved in low-temperature germination ability. 243 lines of the intermated B73×Mo17 (IBM) Syn4 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was used for QTL analysis of low-temperature germination ability. There were significant differences in germination-related traits under both conditions of low temperature (12°C/16h, 18°C/8h) and optimum temperature (28°C/24h) between the parental lines. Only three QTL were identified for controlling optimum-temperature germination rate. Six QTL controlling low-temperature germination rate were detected on chromosome 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9, and contribution rate of single QTL explained between 3.39%~11.29%. In addition, six QTL controlling low-temperature primary root length were detected in chromosome 4, 5, 6, and 9, and the contribution rate of single QTL explained between 3.96%~8.41%. Four pairs of QTL were located at the same chromosome position and together controlled germination rate and primary root length under low temperature condition. The nearest markers apart from the corresponding QTL (only 0.01 cM) were umc1303 (265.1 cM) on chromosome 4, umc1 (246.4 cM) on chromosome 5, umc62 (459.1 cM) on chromosome 6, bnl14.28a (477.4 cM) on chromosome 9, respectively. A total of 3155 candidate genes were extracted from nine separate intervals based on the Maize Genetics and Genomics Database (http://www.maizegdb.org). Five candidate genes were selected for analysis as candidates putatively affecting seed germination and seedling growth at low temperature. The results provided a basis for further fine mapping, molecular marker assisted breeding and functional study of cold-tolerance at the stage of seed germination in maize.  相似文献   

分析了RIL群体中以分子区间标记进行QTL定位的相关方法.通过对分子标记赋值可获得与数量性状表型值的简单相关系数.然后,在此基础上进行连锁检验.此外.在特定情况下利用R值,可以估计数量性状座位(QTL)和分子标记位点(ML)间的重组值.  相似文献   

在DH或RIL群体中两对重叠基因控制性状的定位   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
章元明  黄方  喻德跃  盖钧镒 《遗传》2003,25(1):57-59
在DH或RIL群体中,若只找到与两对重叠基因控制性状连锁的1个分子标记,可采用极大似然法估计控制性状的一对基因与分子标记间的重组率,并推导出重组率估计值的标准误公式。Monte Carlo模拟显示,重组率估计值的无偏性较好,其变异随时样本容量或重组率的增加而减少。  相似文献   

Developing and deploying cotton cultivars with high nutrient uptake, use efficiency and tolerance to nutrient related soil stresses is desirable to assist sustainable soil management. Genetic variation, heritability, selection response and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were investigated for five macronutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg, S) and five micronutrients (Fe, Mn, B, Zn, and Cu) in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population from an inter-specific cross between Gossypium hirsutum cv. Guazuncho 2, and G. barbadense accession VH8-4602. Na and K/Na ratio were also studied as the imbalance between Na and other nutrients is detrimental to cotton growth and development. The concentrations of nutrients were measured for different plant parts of the two parents and for leaf samples of the whole population collected at early to peak flowering in field experiments over two years in a sodic Vertosol soil. Parental contrast was large for most nutrient concentrations in leaves when compared with other plant parts. Segregation for leaf nutrient concentration was observed within the population with transgression for P, K, K/Na ratio and all micronutrients. Genotypic difference was the major factor behind within-population variation for most nutrients, while narrow sense heritability was moderate (0.27 for Mn and Cu, and 0.43 for B). At least one significant QTL was identified for each nutrient except K and more than half of those QTLs were clustered on chromosomes 14, 18 and 22. Selection response was predicted to be low for P and all micronutrients except B, high for K, Na and B, and very high for K/Na ratio. Correlations were more common between macronutrients, Na and K/Na ratio where the nature and strength of the relations varied (r=-0.69 to 0.76). We conclude that there is sufficient genetic diversity between these two tetraploid cotton species that could be exploited to improve cotton nutrient status by introgressing species-unique favourable alleles.  相似文献   

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