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Flowers of 169 species of Rosaceae subfamily Maloideae, which were chosen to represent the taxonomic and geographic diversity of the group, were studied to ascertain their morphological variation and its systematic relevance. We describe and illustrate variation in size, indumentum, color, and macroscopic structural features. Most maloid species have syncarpous flowers with two to five carpels in which the ovary is at least three-quarters inferior, whereas species of other Rosaceae subfamilies have apocarpous or unicarpellate flowers with superior ovaries. However, maloid flowers show significant variation in the degree of carpel connation and of ovary adnation to the hypanthium. Cotoneaster, Heteromeles, and Pyracantha are completely apocarpous, and Dichotomanthes is perigynous with a completely superior ovary. Thus, no one floral character is sufficient to separate the Maloideae from other subfamilies of Rosaceae. Differences among their flowers support our recognition of Malus, Pyrus, and Sorbus as separate genera. Further, we argue for removal of Docyniopsis and Eriolobus from Malus, division of Sorbus into several genera, and union of Aronia, Photinia, and Stranvaesia. No floral characters support the traditional dichotomy of the subfamily into tribes Crataegeae and Sorbeae.  相似文献   

Floral development was investigated in Ruta graveolens and Psilopeganum sinense, representing two genera in the tribe Ruteae. Special attention was paid to the sequence of initiation of organ whorls in the androecium and gynoecium. The antepetalous stamens arise at the same level as the antesepalous stamens in both species. The carpels are antepetalous in both taxa, indicating the androecium in both genera is obdiplostemonous. Compared with floral ontogeny of the ancestral genus Phellodendron (Toddalioideae), the obdiplostemonous androecium is a derived condition. The floral apex in P. sinense is quadrangular before initiation of the two carpels. Additionally, there are four dorsal and four ventral traces in the ovary. Integrated morphological and anatomical evidence indicates that the bicarpellate gynoecium in Psilopeganum most likely evolved from a tetracarpellate ancestor. Considering the similarities in morphological, geographical and chromosomal features, the ancestor may be Ruta‐like. Further molecular phylogenetic and genetic studies are needed to verify this assumption.  相似文献   

掌叶木的花器官发生及其系统学意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用扫描电子显微镜和光学显微镜观察了掌叶木的花器官发生过程。观察结果表明: 花序原基最先发生, 然后形成两个大小不一的花原基; 萼片原基的发生不同步, 螺旋状向心发生; 4-5枚花瓣原基以接近轮状方式近同时发生; 不存在花瓣-雄蕊复合原基; 7-8枚雄蕊原基为近同时发生, 其生长较花瓣原基快; 心皮原基最后发生, 3枚心皮原基为同时发生。花为单性花。在雌花中, 子房膨大而雄蕊退化。在雄花中, 雄蕊正常发育, 子房退化。讨论了掌叶木花器官发生和发育的系统学意义。  相似文献   

The size of Rhododendron sichotense seeds and exotesta cells from 20 populations were studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results of a correlation analysis showed that seed size depends on bioclimatic factors. As a species marker, we used the exotesta cell elongation coefficient. This characteristic was unresponsive to environmental variables, demonstrating its taxonomic significance. In the centre of the species range, the samples had an exotesta cell elongation coefficient that was typical for the species, but in samples from the far northern and southern parts of the range, where the distribution of R. sichotense meets that of of R. dauricum L. and R. mucronulatum Turcz., respectively, the value of the exotesta cell elongation coefficient was intermediate between these species. Therefore, the exotesta cell elongation coefficient can be recommended for use in the detection of hybridisation areas.  相似文献   

The seed coat structure of all 13 species ofCrossostylis was studied to contribute to an understanding of species delimitation and relationships within the genus. The mature seed coat is relatively uniform and consistently constructed mainly by a well-developed exotesta and a well-developed fibrous exotegmen. The species differ in the thickness of the exotesta and exotegmen, the anatomy of exotestal cells, the presence and absence of persistent mesotesta, and so forth. On the basis of comparisons of these characters, close relationships are suggested in the species groups such as:Crossostylis banksiana andC. cominsii; C. biflora, C. raiateensis andC. multiflora; C. gandiflora, C. sebertii andC. imera; and five species in the Fiji Islands. These relationships except for those of Fijian five species are also supported by cladistics as their common characters are evaluated as synapomorphy. Species-level separation ofC. banksiana, C. pedunculata andC. raiateensis each from the closest species is doubted based on the results of seed coat structure.  相似文献   

Several floral microcharacters (configuration of stigmatic areas on the inner surface of the style branch, shape of the anther apical appendage, anther size, and configuration of the endothecial thickenings and of the filament collar) in 63 populations representing 35 species and one variety of Sinosenecio (Senecioneae-Asteraceae) were investigated. The floral micromorphological data obtained are highly consistent with evidence from molecular systematics and cytology, strongly suggesting a polyphyletic nature of the currently circumscribed Sinosenecio and the necessity of a taxonomic change at generic level.  相似文献   

The morphology and development of the flowers of Ceratiosicyos laevis (Achariaceae) were investigated. Plants are monoecious and the inflorescence is a thyrse composed of a single female flower and two male cymose partial inflorescences. The sympetalous flowers of both sexes have an unusual urceolate shape. In young buds the free parts of the petals are postgenitally united. Before anthesis the fusion is ruptured but the petals remain coherent due to marginal cilia. Nectary-like bodies situated at the floral base seem to stabilize the shape of the flower additionally. The anthers are coherent by interlocking epidermal cells and form a narrow tube. They lack an endothecium. In anthesis only the style and the anther tube respectively protrude out of the flower. The synorganization of the anthers, the powdery pollen and the lack of an endothecium are suggestive of a buzz pollination syndrome. Some characters point to an affinity of Achariaceae with Cucurbitaceae. However, the family seems to be more closely related to Passifloraceae.  相似文献   

The inflorescence primordium of Phyllonoma integerrima (Turcz.) Loes. is initiated on the adaxial side of the leaf primordium. At about the same time, a vegetative bud is formed at the base of the same leaf primordium. The vascular anatomy is the same in the fertile and sterile leaves, except that in the fertile leaf an inflorescence trace departs from the midvein of the leaf at the point where the inflorescence is inserted. Neither the inception nor the procambial supply of the inflorescence provide evidence of “congenital fusion”of inflorescence and leaf. It is also argued that the idea of an “adventitious”origin of the inflorescence is not useful in this case. Consequences for our conception of shoot construction are pointed out. It is argued that positional changes in the initiation of organs is an evolutionary process that may have remarkable effects on plant construction.  相似文献   

Macro- and micromorphological analysis of the caryopses of 58 taxa belonging to 45 genera of Chloridoideae allows the recognition of three caryopsis types according to differences in ventral face and hilum morphology. First is the convex ventral face, corresponding with a leaf-shaped hilum, observed in the tribe Pappophoreae. Second is the flat ventral face, corresponding with a rudimentary, needle-shaped or oblong hilum, observed in the tribes Eragrostideae and Leptureae. The third type, observed in the tribe Cynodonteae, is the concave ventral face, corresponding with a grooved or triangular hilum. The ventral face and hilum, together with other useful caryopsis characters, including six different shapes, seven types of spermoderm sculpture and three types of stylopodium, may be used as diagnostic characteristics of genera, and even species, in Chloridoideae. A key to identify the different species of 45 genera is provided.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 57–72.  相似文献   

The reproductive morphology of Sargentodoxa cuneata (Oliv) Rehd. et Wils. is investigated through field, herbarium, and laboratory observations. Sargentodoxa may be either dioecious or monoecious. The functionally unisexual flowers are morphologically bisexual, at least developmentally. The anther is tetrasporangiate, and its wall, of which the development follows the basic type, is composed of an epidermis, endothecium, two middle layers, and a tapetum. The tapetum is of the glandular type. Microspore cytokinesis is simultaneous, and the microspore tetrads are tetrahedral. Pollen grains are two-celled when shed. The mature ovule is crassinucellate and bitegmic, and the micropyle is formed only by the inner integument. Megasporocytes undergo meiosis resulting in the formation of four megaspores in a linear tetrad. The functional megaspore develops into an eight-nucleate embryo sac after three rounds of mitosis. The mature embryo sac consists of an egg apparatus (an egg and two synergids), a central cell, and three antipodal cells. The pattern of the embryo sac development follows a monosporic Polygonum type. Comparisons with allied groups show that Sargentodoxa shares more synapomorphies with the Lardizabalaceae than other Ranunculales. Characteristics of its reproductive morphology are consistent with the placement of Sargentodoxa as the sister group of the remaining Lardizabalaceae. It does not possess a sufficient number of apomorphic characters to justify its separation into a separate family or subfamily. It is best retained as a member of the Lardizabalaceae.  相似文献   

Inflorescence and floral development of three species of Indigofera (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), I. lespedezioides, I. spicata, and I. suffruticosa, were investigated and compared with that of other papilionoid groups, especially with members of the recently circumscribed Millettioid clade, which was merged as sister to Indigofereae in a recent cladistic analysis. Although Indigofera is a genus of special interest, because of its great richness in species and its economic importance, few studies have been made of floral development in the genus or in Indigofereae as a whole. Flower buds and inflorescences were analysed at several stages of development in the three species. Our results confirmed that Indigofera species bear a usual inflorescence type among legumes, the raceme, which comprises flowers initiated in acropetal succession, each with a subtending bract and no bracteoles initiated. The inception of the floral organs is as follows: sepals (5), petals (5), carpel (1), outer stamens (5), and, finally, inner stamens (5). Organ initiation in the sepal, petal, and both stamen whorls is unidirectional, from the abaxial side; the carpel cleft is adaxial. The vexillum is larger than other petals at maturity, covering the keels, which are fused edge-to-edge. Nine filaments are fused to form an adaxially open sheath, and the adaxial stamen of the inner whorl remains free (diadelphous androecium) in the mid-stage of development. Most of the infra-generic differences occurred in the later stages of development. Data on floral development in Indigofera obtained here were also compared with those from other members of Papilionoideae. This comparison showed that the early expression of zygomorphy is shared with other members of the Millettioid clade but is rarely found in other papilionoids, corresponding to a hypothetically morphological synapomorphy in the pair Indigoferae plus millettioids.  相似文献   

To confirm the taxonomic treatment ofMegaleranthis saniculifolia Ohwi, an endemic genus and species in Korea, we compared its reproductive morphological characteristics with those ofTrollius and other genera within the Ranunculaceae. Although its external morphology might suggest thatMegaleranthis differs fromTrollius, Calathodes, and etc., we found no distinctly different features in this genus. Likewise, previous studies of their pollen structures, chromosome data, and petal morphology have indicated no differences betweenMegaleranthis andTrollius. In fact, related genera share similar characteristics, such as a tetrasporangia anther, glandular tapetum, simultaneous cytokinesis, an anatropous and bitegmic ovule, embryo sac formation of thePolygonum type, exarillate and copious albuminous seed, and several apocarps. Although the unique feature of having both tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules simultaneously may initially seem particular toMegaleranthis, it is present in other genera of the same family. Therefore, based on this evidence of reproductive morphology and other information, we suggest thatM. saniculifolia is closely related toTrollius, and should be included within that genus, i.e., asT. chosenensis Ohwi. Nevertheless, we have tentatively placedMegaleranthis within its own monotypic and endemic genus until definitive data become available.  相似文献   

Floral morphology in all ten species ofCrossostylis, one of the inland genera of Rhizophoraceae and is distributed in the South Pacific Islands, was studied to increase our knowledge on floral features of individual species as well as on relationships among the species. Flowers ofCrossostylis, unlike those of the other Rhizophoraceae, always have semi-inferior ovaries and entire petals, but are diversified concerning the number and arrangement of stamens and carpels, the presence or absence of staminodia, sexuality and the structure of nectaries. Despite some doubt of the presence of apomorphies restricted to the whole genus, we tentatively definedCrossostylis by a combination of the presence of the semi-inferior ovary, entire petals, and arillate seeds, and then performed cladistic analysis on the basis of 24 floral and other morphological characters and withCarallia andGynotroches as outgroups. Our phylogenetic analysis suggested that the species ofCrossostylis are divided into two monophyletic groups: one comprising six species distributed in the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Fiji Islands, and the other comprising four species distributed in New Caledonia and Polynesia.  相似文献   

Ovule and seed structure in Euphorbioideae, one of the five euphorbiaceous subfamilies, is surveyed to evaluate its systematic implications on the basis of 79 species representing four of five tribes. All Euphorbioideae, like two other "uniovulate" subfamilies Acalyphoideae and Crotonoideae, but unlike most of two "biovulate" subfamilies Oldfieldioideae and Phyllanthoideae, consistently have a persistent and palisadal exotegmen composed of radially elongate, sclerotic, and pitted cells. Within Euphorbioideae, the tribe Stomatocalyceae (also with the palisadal exotegmen) is unusual in having vascular bundles in outer integument and clearly distinct from the remaining Euphorbioideae and the other "uniovulate" subfamilies. With the exclusion of Stomatocalyceae, Euphorbioideae are not anatomically divided into major groups such as a pseudanthial and a non-pseudanthial clade, but instead have some remarkable diversity within a tribe, a subtribe, and even a genus in the three ovule and seed characters: (1) the thickness of the inner integument, (2) the thickness of the outer integument, and (3) the presence or absence of an aril. Groups of genera and species wrapped by different combinations of their characteristics, however, are not necessarily harmonized with tribal or subtribal classifications available. Anatomical similarities and dissimilarities presented in this paper, as well as relationships among taxa presented in the classifications available, will be critically evaluated in the light of results of ongoing molecular phylogenetic analyses. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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