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截至2020年底, 中国共有226种蜥蜴类(不包括外来入侵种), 是世界上蜥蜴类多样性最丰富的国家之一。系统整理中国现有蜥蜴类的特征数据在物种起源与进化、形成与灭绝、保护生物学等研究中具有重要意义。但是, 目前还没有关于我国蜥蜴类生活史、生态学和地理分布等物种特征的完整数据库。本文通过系统查阅文献和数据资料, 共收集整理了中国现有226种本土蜥蜴类19个特征数据: 描述年份、中国受威胁等级、全球受威胁等级、是否中国特有种、是否岛屿特有种、平均体长、平均体重、食性、窝卵数、繁殖模式、四肢发育、活动时间、栖息生境、栖息地类型、栖息地宽度、海拔分布范围、地理分布范围、动物地理界和分布省份。在上述特征中, 除了四肢发育、描述年份、是否中国特有种、是否岛屿特有种和分布省份外, 其余特征数据均存在不同程度的缺失, 数据完整度为47.14%-100%。本数据集是目前关于中国蜥蜴类最新和最全的物种特征数据库, 可为我国蜥蜴类生态学、进化生物学、生物地理学和保护生物学等研究领域提供数据支持。  相似文献   

Bernhard Stadler 《Oecologia》1995,102(2):246-254
The need to allocate a limited amount of energy between different life-history traits is a fundamental assumption in life-history theory. However, it has often turned out to be extremely difficult to measure the competing processes that contribute to costs or benefits for individual organisms. The present investigation begins by analysing how an aphid clonal lineage adapts its reproductive investment to moderate changes in host plant quality (e.g. during the life cycle of its host). Using Centaurea jacea and Uroleucon jaceae as a model plantaphid system, I show that reproductive investment can be far more complex than indicated by dry or wet mass of the gonads alone. The number of embryos of a particular size class or developmental state present in the reproductive system of an aphid is highly flexible and is influenced by the quality of the host plant. Next, the effects of a particular reproductive investment on survival during periods of food deprivation are analysed for aphids originating from host-plants of different qualities. When food stress is severe the ability to rapidly resorb and reallocate resources committed to offspring is important for survival. However, this ability is limited. I argue that, in periods of food stress, young, unsclerotized embryos might serve as a kind of energy buffer similar to a fat body and are therefore not relevant to cost-benefit calculations. However, embryos that are beginning to sclerotize within the ovarioles are not available for resorption and resource reallocation. They compete for nutrients with their mother and contribute to costs. Therefore, it is suggested that the reproductive investment of an aphid should not be equated with reproductive costs in a general al way. The dynamics of adaptive resource allocation and resorption are a key feature of an aphid's life history, and the implications for life-history theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Sex-allocation theory suggests that selection may favour maternal skewing of offspring sex ratios if the fitness return from producing a son differs from that for producing a daughter. The operational sex ratio (OSR) may provide information about this potential fitness differential. Previous studies have reached conflicting conclusions about whether or not OSR influences sex allocation in viviparous lizards. Our experimental trials with oviparous lizards (Amphibolurus muricatus) showed that OSR influenced offspring sex ratios, but in a direction opposite to that predicted by theory: females kept in male-biased enclosures overproduced sons rather than daughters (i.e. overproduced the more abundant sex). This response may enhance fitness if local OSRs predict survival probabilities of offspring of each sex, rather than the intensity of sexual competition.  相似文献   

Level locomotion in small, agile lizards is characterized by intermittent bursts of fast running. These require very large accelerations, often reaching several times g. The power input required to increase kinetic energy is calculated to be as high as 214 W kg(-1) muscle (+/-20 W kg(-1) s.e.; averaged over the complete locomotor cycle) and 952 W kg(-1) muscle (+/-89 W kg(-1) s.e.; instantaneous peak power). In vitro muscle experiments prove that these exceptional power requirements can be met directly by the lizard's muscle fibres alone; there is no need for mechanical power amplifying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Our analyses of the incidence of cooperative breeding among South African birds differ from previous studies performed elsewhere in two respects. First, we distinguish between obligate (i.e. regular) and facultative (i.e. opportunistic) cooperative breeding species (OCS and FCS). Second, we have restricted our analyses to 217 South African bird species considered to be sufficiently well-studied in terms of their basic biology and life-history characteristics. This was done in order to control for the well-known bias against the often poorly-studied avifaunas of extreme environments such as rainforests and deserts. The results of our analysis do not accord fully with those of Australian birds by Ford et al. (1988). Cooperative breeding in South Africa is associated with seasonal environments, whereas in Australia the opposite is the case. Analyses of ecological factors that promote cooperative breeding among South African birds suggest that the evolutionary pathway to obligate and facultative breeding may be fundamentally different. First, OCS live mainly in savanna habitats that have predictable seasonal peaks in food availability, yet where the baseline level of food availability during the nonbreeding season is sufficient to support permanent residence by groups. Small to medium-sized birds of the African savannas are particularly vulnerable to avian predators, and foraging and roosting in permanent groups may enhance their survival. We propose that the benefits of obligate cooperative breeding are derived chiefly from survival of individuals away from the nest (i.e. during the nonbreeding season). Secondly, FCS live largely in unpredictable, seasonal steppe habitats. Under these conditions it may be impossible for birds to maintain permanent group territories, and variation in the tendency to breed cooperatively may depend largely on the opportunistic assessment of environmental conditions. We therefore suggest that birds (i.e. FCS) will opt to breed cooperatively only when conditions are unfavourable for independent breeding, and that the benefits thus accrued are chiefly related to reproduction.  相似文献   

Energy contents of immature parr and smolts, and mature resident and anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta sampled from a small stream in southern Norway were estimated from lipid, protein and carbohydrate concentrations. In immatures the lipid concentrations were highest in parr in the autumn. Mean lipid concentrations increased significantly with age in parr sampled in autumn (1·3% in age 0+ to 3·4% in age 3+), whereas they did not in smolts. The lipid concentrations of parr in spring were not significantly different from those of similarly aged smolts. By contrast, the relative water content (%) decreased with age in parr in the autumn and increased with age in smolts, mean values being slightly higher in smolts (78%) than in parr (77%). Protein and carbohydrate concentrations did not vary with age in the immature fish, mean protein concentrations being 18·0, 17·5 and 16·8% in parr in the autumn and spring, and in smolts, respectively. In residents, the concentrations of lipids were lower and of water higher, in age group 1 than in older fish, whereas there was no significant variation with age amongst anadromous trout. The energy concentration of 2+ smolts (349 kJ 100 g-1) was similar to that of 0+ parr in the autumn. Mean somatic energy density in autumn was 1·1 times higher in freshwater residents than in parr at age 1+ (407 and 387 kJ 100 g-1) and marginally different at age 2+ (462 and 426 kJ 100 g-1, respectively). The energy contents per unit mass of residents were 1·3–1·6 times that of similar aged smolts. Mean somatic energy density of anadromous trout (504 kJ 100 g-1) was higher than that of residents (455 kJ 100 g-1). Somatic energy, lipid and protein concentrations were correlated highly with water contents of all life stages, age and sex groups.  相似文献   

Biological impacts of climate warming are predicted to increase with latitude, paralleling increases in warming. However, the magnitude of impacts depends not only on the degree of warming but also on the number of species at risk, their physiological sensitivity to warming and their options for behavioural and physiological compensation. Lizards are useful for evaluating risks of warming because their thermal biology is well studied. We conducted macrophysiological analyses of diurnal lizards from diverse latitudes plus focal species analyses of Puerto Rican Anolis and Sphaerodactyus. Although tropical lowland lizards live in environments that are warm all year, macrophysiological analyses indicate that some tropical lineages (thermoconformers that live in forests) are active at low body temperature and are intolerant of warm temperatures. Focal species analyses show that some tropical forest lizards were already experiencing stressful body temperatures in summer when studied several decades ago. Simulations suggest that warming will not only further depress their physiological performance in summer, but will also enable warm-adapted, open-habitat competitors and predators to invade forests. Forest lizards are key components of tropical ecosystems, but appear vulnerable to the cascading physiological and ecological effects of climate warming, even though rates of tropical warming may be relatively low.  相似文献   

Aphid species using a defensive soldier caste offer us the opportunityto study allocation decisions by eusocial groups, without thehindrance of genetic dissimilarity between colony members, whichoften impair studies involving Hymenopteran or Isopteran systems.When the entire aphid clone is considered the adaptive unitof organization, understanding soldier allocation strategiesis tantamount to understanding the outcome of the tradeoff betweenclonal growth (i.e., asexual reproduction) and clonal defense.Under this framework, we present the results of a dynamic programmingeffort aimed at determining the optimal ontogeny of defensiveallocation strategies by eusocial clonal organisms. We considerthe allocation decision for clones with both obligately andfacultatively sterile soldiers, under various levels of predation,and favorable and unfavorable ecological conditions. We testpredictions of the model with the eusocial aphid, Pemphigusspyrothecae. Our model predicts that defensive investment shouldbe dependent on the time of the season, with clones discountingdefense nearer the end of season. Defensive investment shouldalso vary inversely with clonal productivity and be sensitiveto the current state (e.g., level of defense) of the clone.Census data collected in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada,conform to patterns of clonal composition derived from allocationdecisions generated in the model. Finally, qualitative predictionsabout patterns of clonal organization under "good" and "poor"ecological conditions were upheld by comparing clones in preferredand less-preferred galling sites.  相似文献   

Abstract. To determine patterns of resource allocation among ascidians, we studied 16 colonial and solitary species. We measured investment in reproductive vs. structural material (tunic) both in terms of weight and caloric content, as well as fecundity and degree of larval complexity in the colonial species. Measurements in weight and caloric content were highly correlated in the species studied. A wide range of investment in reproduction was found. Tunic production was related to the growth form of the species, stolonic and solitary species investing less in tunic than massive species, but no significant relationship was found between investment in tunic production vs. reproduction. In colonial species we found that in species with small zooid size, the reproductive investment per zooid was significantly higher. There was a significant negative relationship between investment in reproduction and fecundity. We also found a significant relationship between reproductive investment and larval complexity. The overall trend was that species with low fecundity had large complex larvae and invested the most energy in reproduction.  相似文献   

Mathematical models suggest that reproducing females may benefit by facultatively adjusting their relative investment into sons vs. daughters, in response to population‐wide shifts in operational sex ratio (OSR). Our field studies on viviparous alpine skinks (Niveoscincus microlepidotus) document such a case, whereby among‐ and within‐year shifts in OSR were followed by shifts in sex allocation. When adult males were relatively scarce, females produced male‐biased litters and larger sons than daughters. The reverse was true when adult males were relatively more common. That is, females that were courted and mated by few males produced mainly sons (and these were larger than daughters), whereas females that were courted and mated by many males produced mainly daughters (and these were larger than sons). Maternal body size and condition also covaried with sex allocation, and the shifting pattern of sexual size dimorphism at birth may reflect these correlated effects rather than a discrete component of an evolved sex‐allocation strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Allocation to sexual reproduction is an important life-history trait in clonal plants. Different selection pressures between competitive and competition-free environments are likely to result in the evolution of specialized genotypes and to maintain genetic variation in reproductive allocation. Moreover, selection may also result in the evolution of plastic allocation strategies. The necessary prerequisite for evolution, heritable genetic variation, can best be studied with selection experiments. Starting from a base population of 102 replicated genotypes of the clonal herb Ranunculus reptans , we imposed selection on the proportion of flowering rosettes in the absence of competition (base population: mean = 0.391, broad-sense heritability = 0.307). We also selected on the plasticity in this trait in response to competition with a naturally coexisting grass in a parallel experiment (base population: 14% lower mean in the presence of competition, broad-sense heritability = 0.072). After two generations of bidirectional selection, the proportion of flowering rosettes was 26% higher in the high line than in the low line (realized heritability ± SE = 0.205 ± 0.017). Moreover, genotypes of the high line had 11% fewer carpels per flower, a 22% lower proportion of rooted rosettes, and a 39% smaller average distance between rosettes within a clone. In the second experiment, we found no significant responses to selection for high and low plasticity in the proportion of flowering rosettes (realized heritability ± SE =–0.002 ± 0.013). Our study indicates a high heritability and potential for further evolution of the proportion of flowering rosettes in R. reptans , but not for its plasticity, which may have been fixed by past evolution at its current level. Moreover, our results demonstrate strong genetic correlations between allocation to sexual reproduction and other clonal life-history characteristics.  相似文献   

Across diverse animal taxa, sperm is transferred from malesto females during mating within a spermatophore produced bymale accessory glands. In some insects, male spermatophoresprovide females with nutrients that may be used to increasereproductive output or for somatic maintenance, while in othersno such benefits have been detected. Boggs suggested that variationin the current function of spermatophores may be explained byconsidering ecological and life-history factors. This studyexamined spermatophore function in Ellychnia corrusca and Photinusignitus (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), two beetles that exhibit markeddifferences in adult diet, adult life span, and overwinteringstage. During mating, males of both species transfer to femalesa complex, proteinaceous spermatophore, which is subsequentlydigested in a specialized sac within the female reproductive tract.Males of each species were injected with 3H-radiolabeled aminoacid mixtures and mated with conspecific females. The fate of spermatophore-derivedproteins was determined by dissecting females at various timesafter mating with these radiolabeled males. Females of thesetwo species showed markedly different patterns of incorporationof spermatophorederived nutrients. P. ignitus females incorporatedthe majority (62%) of spermatophore-derived protein into maturingoocytes within 2 days after mating. In contrast, in E. corruscaa large percentage of radiolabel (46%) appeared in female fatbody at 6 days after mating, with a threefold lower allocationto maturing oocytes compared to P. ignitus. These findings supportthe prediction that short-lived, nonfeeding females are selectedto allocate a greater proportion of male-derived nutrients toreproduction, while longer-lived, feeding females are selectedto allocate a greater proportion to somatic reserves and maintenance.These results suggest that life-history characteristics maybe useful in explaining observed differences in spermatophorefunction across taxa.  相似文献   

Although the amount of energy that males and females invest in reproduction is an integral component of theories explaining the evolution of particular mating strategies, few studies have actually determined the amount of energy that each sex allocates to reproduction. We compared how energy is expended by male and female Anolis carolinensis lizards during both the breeding and postbreeding seasons. We used laboratory respirometry to determine resting metabolic rates (RMRs) of inactive, freshly captured lizards and the doubly labeled water technique to determine field metabolic rates (FMRs) of free-ranging lizards. Both RMRs and FMRs were influenced by body mass but not by sex. Season did not influence FMRs; however, RMRs of both sexes increased approximately 40% from the breeding to the postbreeding season. The seasonal increase in RMRs was attributed to a postreproductive increase in feeding rate and specific dynamic action. We used RMRs, FMRs, and thermal profiles of lizards to calculate energy budgets for breeding and postbreeding seasons. Energy budgets partitioned daily field energy (DFE; calculated from FMRs) into daily activity energy (DAE) and daily resting energy (DRE; calculated from RMRs). Energy expended for reproduction was estimated as DAE during the breeding season plus egg production (for females). Despite males having 40% greater body mass, females expended 46% more energy for reproduction than did males (906 and 619 J/d, respectively). Total metabolizable energy (TME=DFE+egg production for females) expended during the breeding season was similar for males and females (1,280 and 1,365 J/d, respectively). Although TME of females decreased 44% from the breeding to the postbreeding season (1,365 vs. 766 J/d), TME of males was similar during both seasons (1,280 vs. 1,245 J/d). There were both seasonal and sexual differences in DRE and DAE. Compared with most lizards from semiarid/desert habitats, A. carolinensis in a temperate habitat expends more total energy during the breeding season, allocates more energy to eggs, and appears to have more total energy available for reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary Comparative analyses were carried out for some life-history traits of cooperatively and non-cooperatively breeding Australian Corvida (i.e. old-endemic passerines). Multivariate statistical analyses at the family and genus levels revealed no significant differences between cooperative and non-cooperative breeders. A matched-pairs analysis between congeneric species showed that cooperatively breeding species lay smaller clutches than non-cooperatively breeding congenerics. Preliminary results also suggest that cooperative breeders have higher probabilities of rearing a second brood in the season and lower probabilities of survival than do non-cooperative breeders. However, the result for survival was significant in only one out of three tests. We conclude that cooperatively and non-cooperatively breeding Australian Corvida cannot be separated into distinct groups showingK- andr-selected life-history traits, respectively. Some life-history traits follow the prediction of ther-K selection model, others show evidence of co-adaptation instead, whereas still others show evidence of trade-offs.  相似文献   

Recruitment age plays a key role in life-history evolution. Because individuals allocate limited resources among competing life-history functions, theory predicts trade-offs between current reproduction and future growth, survival and/or reproduction. Reproductive costs tend to vary with recruitment age, but may also be overridden by fixed individual differences leading to persistent demographic heterogeneity and positive covariation among demographic traits at the population level. We tested for evidence of intra- and inter-generational trade-offs and individual heterogeneity relating to age at first reproduction using three decades of detailed individual life-history data of 6,439 capital breeding female southern elephant seals. Contrary to the predictions from trade-off hypotheses, we found that recruitment at an early age was associated with higher population level survival and subsequent breeding probabilities. Nonetheless, a survival cost of first reproduction was evident at the population level, as first-time breeders always had lower survival probabilities than prebreeders and experienced breeders of the same age. However, models accounting for hidden persistent demographic heterogeneity revealed that the trade-off between first reproduction and survival was only expressed in “low quality” individuals, comprising 35% of the population. The short-term somatic costs associated with breeding at an early age had no effect on the ability of females to allocate resources to offspring in the next breeding season. Our results provide strong evidence for individual heterogeneity in the life-history trajectories of female elephant seals. By explicitly modeling hidden persistent demographic heterogeneity we show that individual heterogeneity governs the expression of trade-offs with first reproduction in elephant seals.  相似文献   

Growth to death in lizards   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract.— Negative relationships between growth rate and survival have been demonstrated in many organisms, often reflecting risks associated with increased foraging rates. More puzzling, however, are recent reports that rapid growth early in life may lower survival rates much later in life, presumably because fast-growing animals allocate resources among different body components in ways that later compromise their survival. If widespread, such delayed effects may modify our interpretation of the evolution of life histories and phenotypic plasticity. Previous reports of this phenomenon are derived mostly from laboratory studies, generally on rodents or humans. We provide the first evidence from an experimental study in the field: neonatal lizards were exposed to different thermal conditions in seminatural enclosures at two different elevations (within their natural thermal regime). This arrangement allowed relatively higher and lower levels of food intake, which modified the neonates' growth rates (because lizards at more benign thermal conditions could forage more frequently). When later released into the wild, the individuals that grew more rapidly as neonates experienced much higher mortality than did slower-growing conspecifics, regardless of the elevation at which they had been kept.  相似文献   

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