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Understanding the relationship between the gender of insects and their ability to act as vectors of insect-borne diseases (IBDs) could provide clues as to the origin of the intimate interplay among insect, pathogen and vertebrate hosts. The vector activity of several species of blood-feeding insects is linked to adult females. Interestingly, the only known exception is the transmission of canine and human thelaziosis by a male dipteran fly. This biological difference raises the question as to whether the parasitic behaviour of male and female insects transmitting IBDs is an expression of a co-evolution of vectors and pathogens.  相似文献   

We and others have shown that in individual human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, the adaptive evolution of HIV-1 is influenced by host immune competence. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that in addition to selective forces operating within the host, transmission bottlenecks have an impact on HIV-1 intrahost evolution. Therefore, we studied the intrahost evolution of the V3 region of the external glycoprotein gp120 of HIV-1 during the 3- and 5-year periods following seroconversion after parenteral versus sexual (male-to-male) transmission in 41 participants of the Amsterdam prospective cohorts of homosexual men (n = 31) and intravenous drug users (IVDUs; n = 10) who were AIDS free and had comparable numbers of CD4+ cells. We observed that HIV-1 strains in homosexual men accumulated over 5 years more nonsynonymous substitutions within the V3 loop than HIV-1 strains in IVDUs as a result of lower rates of nonsynonymous evolution in both the initial 3-year period from seroconversion and the following 2-year period as well as a larger proportion of nonsynonymous back substitutions in IVDUs. The mean numbers of synonymous substitutions did not differ between the two risk groups. Since HIV-1 strains in IVDUs could be distinguished from the viruses of homosexual men based on several nucleotide substitutions of which the most conserved is a synonymous substitution at the tip of the V3 loop (GGC pattern), we studied whether the founder virus population itself has an impact on the intrahost evolution of HIV-1. The mean number of nonsynonymous substitutions accumulated over 5 years within the V3 loop was lower in 10 IVDUs infected by the HIV-1 strains with the GGC signature than in 4 IVDUs infected by HIV-1 strains lacking this pattern, while the mean numbers of synonymous substitutions were similar in the two groups.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal mucosa is an early target of HIV and a site of viral replication and severe CD4(+) T cell depletion. However, effects of HIV infection on gut mucosal innate immune defense have not been fully investigated. Intestinal Paneth cell-derived α-defensins constitute an integral part of the gut mucosal innate defense against microbial pathogens. Using the SIV-infected rhesus macaque model of AIDS, we examined the level of expression of rhesus enteric α-defensins (REDs) in the jejunal mucosa of rhesus macaques during all stages of SIV infection using real-time PCR, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemistry. An increased expression of RED mRNAs was found in PC at the base of the crypts in jejunum at all stages of SIV infection as compared with uninfected controls. This increase correlated with active viral replication in gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Loss of RED protein accumulation in PC was seen in animals with simian AIDS. This was associated with the loss of secretory granules in PC, suggesting an increase in degranulation during advanced SIV disease. The α-defensin-mediated innate mucosal immunity was maintained in PC throughout the course of SIV infection despite the mucosal CD4(+) T cell depletion. The loss of RED protein accumulation and secretion was associated with an increased incidence of opportunistic enteric infections and disease progression. Our findings suggest that local innate immune defense exerted by PC-derived defensins contributes to the protection of gut mucosa from opportunistic infections during the course of SIV infection.  相似文献   

Measles is a potential lethal disease, justifying large immunization campaigns. Attenuated strains are used in immunization with very good safety records. Interestingly, following clinical observations of tumor regressions after measles infection, preclinical and clinical studies have highlighted the therapeutic potential of attenuated strains of measles. The aim of this review is to explain how these viruses can selectively infect and kill cancer cells, and how this selectivity can be improved. We will detail the therapeutic strategies under development, in particular the combination of viruses with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Furthermore, the engineering of measles viruses encoding the sodium/iodide symporter could enable virus-directed radio-isotope therapy. Antiviral immunity could be a limit of measles therapy. We will highlight the promising combinations with immunosuppressive drugs and innovative strategies using infected cell carriers, aiming at circumventing the immune response and paving the way to future clinical trials.  相似文献   

Eigen M 《Biophysical chemistry》2000,85(2-3):101-123
Information has two aspects: a quantity to be called 'extent' and a quality which may be termed 'content' since it deals with meaning. The latter originates via selective self-organization, which can be described also in quantitative physical terms. A prerequisite is the reproducibility of the informational substrate forming the basis of selection. This paper focuses on selection being the analogue of a physical phase transition. In Section 1 the criteria for phase transitions are formulated. Section 2 introduces the concept of information space and describes information as selected points or regions in this space. In Section 3 selection is analyzed in terms of the criteria for phase transitions, and in Section 4 the concept is confronted with experimental data. The conclusion is reached that information content is generated via selection, which can be described as a phase transition in information space.  相似文献   

Hypermutable minisatellites,a human affair?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bois PR 《Genomics》2003,81(4):349-355
Minisatellites are a class of highly polymorphic GC-rich tandem repeats. They include some of the most variable loci in the human genome, with mutation rates ranging from 0.5% to >20% per generation. Structurally, they consist of 10- to 100-bp intermingled variant repeats, making them ideal tools for dissecting mechanisms of instability at tandem repeats. Distinct mutation processes generate rare intra-allelic somatic events and frequent complex conversion-like germline mutations in these repeats. Furthermore, turnover of repeats at human minisatellites is controlled by intense recombinational activity in DNA flanking the repeat array. Surprisingly, whereas other mammalian genomes possess minisatellite-like sequences, hypermutable loci have not been identified that suggest human-specific turnover processes at minisatellite arrays. Attempts to transfer minisatellite germline instability to the mouse have failed. However, yeast models are now revealing valuable information regarding the mechanisms regulating instability at these tandem repeats. Finally, minisatellites and tandem repeats provide exquisitely sensitive molecular tools to detect genomic insults such as ionizing radiation exposure. Surprisingly, by a mechanism that remains elusive, there are transgenerational increases in minisatellite instability.  相似文献   

Half chromatid mutations: transmission in humans?   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Attention is drawn to the possibility of half chromatid and early somatic mutations and to several implications of these mosaic-yielding events. There is suggestive evidence that spontaneous mutations can result in mosaics. A world-wide cooperative study of Lesch-Nyhan families could determine the extent of half chromatid mutation transmission and early somatic mutation in humans.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, a relative decline of the morbidity and mortality of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in industrialised countries has been observed due to the use of a potent combined therapy known as high active antiretroviral therapies (HAARTs). It has led to a decrease of viral load and a quantitative and qualitative improvement of immune function in patients, especially CD4+ T-lymphocyte count, having as a consequence a decrease of infectious complications and a global clinical improvement. Besides the positive effects of HAARTs on immune and metabolic alterations during HIV infection, it has been reported that the commonly used drugs AZT, ddI, and ddC are toxic to hepatocytes. Recent reports continue to point to the mitochondria as targets for toxicity. The prevalence of these symptoms is continued during acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The effects of oxidative stress occurring as a consequence of mitochondrial toxicity may amplify some of the pathophysiological and phenotypic events during infection. Mitochondrial stabilisation and antioxidative strategies are possible new therapeutic aims since the antiretroviral treatment is prolonged with increased longevity from AIDS, which has become a more manageable chronic illness. The aim of the present review article is to summarize the current knowledge about mitochondrial dysfunction during HAART and its consequence for patients with chronic treatment. Oxidative stress may serve as one pathway for cellular damage in AIDS and its treatment. One important future goal is to prevent or attenuate the side effects of HAART so that improved disease management can be achieved.  相似文献   

The Vpu protein is a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific accessory protein that is required for the efficient release of viral particles from infected cells. Even though HIV-2 does not encode Vpu, we found that this virus is nevertheless capable of efficiently releasing virus particles. In fact, the rate of virus release from HeLa cells transfected with a full-length molecular clone of HIV-2, ROD10, was comparable to that observed for the vpu+ HIV-1 NL4-3 isolate and was not further enhanced by expression of Vpu in trans. However, consistent with previous observations showing that HIV-2 particle release is Vpu responsive in the context of HIV-1/HIV-2 chimeric constructs; exchanging the gag-pol region of NL4-3 with the corresponding region from pROD10 rendered the resulting chimeric virus Vpu responsive. Our finding that the responsiveness of HIV-2 particle release to Vpu is context dependent suggested the presence of a Vpu-like factor(s) encoded by HIV-2. Using chimeric proviruses encoding HIV-2 gag and pol in the context of the HIV-1 provirus that were coexpressed with subgenomic HIV-2 constructs, we found that the HIV-2 envelope glycoprotein had the ability to enhance HIV-2 particle release with an efficiency comparable to that of the HIV-1 Vpu protein. Conversely, inactivation of the HIV-2 env gene in the original ROD10 clone resulted in a decrease in the rate of viral particle release to a level that was comparable to that of Vpu-deficient HIV-1 isolates. Providing the wild-type envelope in trans rescued the particle release defect of the ROD10 envelope mutant. Thus, unlike HIV-1, which encodes two separate proteins to regulate virus release or to mediate viral entry, the HIV-2 Env protein has evolved to perform both functions.  相似文献   

Shimizu N  Gojobori T 《Gene》2000,259(1-2):199-205
Several chemokine receptors (CKRs) act as coreceptors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), type 2 (HIV-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). These CKRs interact with the V3 domain of the envelope (env) protein of HIV/SIV. In this study, we found that the amino acid sequences of two chemokines (SDF-1beta and RANTES), whose receptors (CXCR4 and CCR5) act as major coreceptors for HIV-1, HIV-2 or SIV, showed statistically significant similarity to those of the region containing the third variable (V3) and the third conserved (C3) domains (the V3--C3 domain) of the env protein of HIV-1 and HIV-2. We made a multiple alignment of amino acid sequences for 24 chemokines and the region encompassing the second conserved (C2), V3 and C3 domains (the C2--V3--C3 region) of 10 strains of HIV/SIV. Surprisingly, the hydropathic profile and several important amino acids for protein conformation, such as cysteine and tryptophan, are remarkably conserved between chemokines and the V3--C3 region of HIV/SIV. Moreover, hydrophobic amino acids, such as leucine, isoleucine and valine, are found to be clustered both in the amino-terminal region of chemokines and the C2 domain of HIV/SIV. Thus, chemokines have significantly similar profiles of amino acid properties to those of the C2--V3--C3 region of the env protein of HIV/SIV. These findings raise a hypothesis that chemokines and the C2--V3--C3 region have a common origin. Namely, the HIV/SIV ancestor incorporated a chemokine gene into its env gene. The captured chemokine gene has rapidly diverged by frequent mutations specific to the retroviral genome, and thereby obtained the ability to interact with various CKRs in a short period of time. This paper proposes that the capture of a ligand gene of the host cells into the viral genome may be one of the important mechanisms of viral evolution to expand its host range and generate new viral species.  相似文献   



Fungi are asexually and sexually reproducing organisms that can combine the evolutionary advantages of the two reproductive modes. However, for many fungi the sexual cycle has never been observed in the field or in vitro and it remains unclear whether sexual reproduction is absent or cryptic. Nevertheless, there are indirect approaches to assess the occurrence of sex in a species, such as population studies, expression analysis of genes involved in mating processes and analysis of their selective constraints. The members of the Phialocephala fortinii s. l. - Acephala applanata species complex (PAC) are ascomycetes and the predominant dark septate endophytes that colonize woody plant roots. Despite their abundance in many ecosystems of the northern hemisphere, no sexual state has been identified to date and little is known about their reproductive biology, and how it shaped their evolutionary history and contributes to their ecological role in forest ecosystems. We therefore aimed at assessing the importance of sexual reproduction by indirect approaches that included molecular analyses of the mating type (MAT) genes involved in reproductive processes.


The study included 19 PAC species and > 3, 000 strains that represented populations from different hosts, continents and ecosystems. Whereas A. applanata had a homothallic (self-fertile) MAT locus structure, all other species were structurally heterothallic (self-sterile). Compatible mating types were observed to co-occur more frequently than expected by chance. Moreover, in > 80% of the populations a 1:1 mating type ratio and gametic equilibrium were found. MAT genes were shown to evolve under strong purifying selection.


The signature of sex was found in worldwide populations of PAC species and functionality of MAT genes is likely preserved by purifying selection. We hypothesize that cryptic sex regularely occurs in the PAC and that further field studies and in vitro crosses will lead to the discovery of the sexual state. Although structurally heterothallic species prevail, it cannot be excluded that homothallism represents the ancestral breeding system in the PAC.  相似文献   

Here a virus, there a virus, everywhere the same virus?   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
There are an estimated 10(31) viruses on Earth, most of which are phages that infect bacteria. Metagenomic analyses have shown that environmental viral communities are incredibly diverse. There are an estimated 5000 viral genotypes in 200 liters of seawater and possibly a million different viral genotypes in one kilogram of marine sediment. By contrast, some culturing and molecular studies have found that viruses move between different biomes. Together, these findings suggest that viral diversity could be high on a local scale but relatively limited globally. Also, by moving between environments, viruses can facilitate horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

Despite an extensive knowledge of the molecular characteristics of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) identified more than ten years ago as the cause of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) (Barre-Sinoussi et al. 1983) some critical questions have not been answered yet: Is the progressive disappearance of CD4+ helper T lymphocytes, the hallmark of AIDS, directly related to the killing of infected cells by the virus? If not, how do CD4+T cells die? Is HIV using its viral factory to kill uninfected bystander cells? What causes the immune system collapse in HIV infection? In the past three years some important studies have provided stimulating clues suggesting that AIDS is not only related to the killing of host cells by HIV but is also a consequence of mechanisms of misactivation of the immune system, leading to anergy or apoptosis of non-infected effector cells. We discuss some of the in vivo and in vitro models providing evidence that HIV is able to kill and cripple the immune system either by acting directly on its targets or indirectly in bystander T cells keeping in mind that HIV disease must be considered as a multifactorial process.  相似文献   

Late after infection of permissive monkey cells by simian virus 40 (SV40), large amounts of SV40 DNA (30,000 to 220,000 viral genome equivalents per cell) can be isolated with the high-molecular-weight fraction of cellular DNA. Hirai and Defendi (J. Virol.9:705-707, 1972) and H?lzel and Sokol (J. Mol. Biol. 84:423-444, 1974) suggested that this SV40 DNA is covalently integrated into the cellular DNA. However, our data indicate that the high-molecular-weight viral DNA is composed of tandem, "head-to-tail" repeats of SV40 DNA and that very little, if any, of this viral DNA is covalently joined to the cellular DNA. This was deduced from the following experimental findings. The size of the SV40 DNA associated with the high-molecular-weight cellular DNA fraction is greater than 45 kilobases, based on its electrophoretic mobility in agarose gels. In this form the SV40 DNA did not produce heteroduplex structures with a marker viral DNA (an SV40 genome with a characteristic deletion and duplication). After the high-molecular-weight DNA was digested with EcoRI or HpaII endonucleases, enzymes which cleave SV40 DNA once, more than 95% of the SV40 DNA migrated as unit-length linear molecules and, after hybridization with the marker viral DNA, the expected heteroduplex structures were easily detected. Digestion of the high-molecular-weight DNA fraction with restriction endonucleases that cleave cellular, but not SV40. DNA did not alter the electrophoretic mobility of the polymeric SV40 DNA, nor did it give rise to molecules that form heteroduplex structures with the marker viral DNA. Polymeric SV40 DNA molecules produced after coinfection by two physically distinguishable SV40 genomes contain only a single type of genome, suggesting that they arise by replication rather than by recombination. The polymeric form of SV40 DNA is highly infectious for CV-1P monolayers (6.5 X 10(4) PFU per microgram of SV40 DNA), yielding virtually exclusively normal, covalently closed circular, monomer-length DNA. Quite clearly these cells have an efficient mechanism for generating monomeric viral DNA from the SV40 DNA polymers.  相似文献   

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