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Three experiments were conducted to test whether testicular hormones secreted during puberty masculinize and defeminize the expression of adult reproductive behavior. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty masculinize behavioral responses to testosterone (T) in adulthood. Male hamsters were castrated either before puberty (noTduringP) or after puberty (TduringP). All males were implanted with a 2.5-mg T pellet 6 weeks following castration and tested once for masculine reproductive behavior 7 days after the onset of T replacement. TduringP males displayed significantly more mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations than noTduringP males. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty defeminize behavioral responses to estrogen (EB) and progesterone (P). Eight weeks following castration, noTduringP and TduringP males were primed with EB and P and tested for lordosis behavior with a stud male. Behavioral responses of males were compared to that of ovariectomized (OVX) and hormone primed females. NoTduringP males and OVX females displayed significantly shorter lordosis latencies than TduringP males. Experiment 3 investigated whether prolonged T treatment or sexual experience could reverse the deficits in masculine behavior caused by the absence of T during puberty. Extending the T treatment from 7 to 17 days did not ameliorate the deficits in masculine behavior caused by absence of T during puberty. Similarly, when the level of sexual experience was increased from one to three tests, the deficits in masculine behavior persisted. These studies demonstrate that gonadal hormones during puberty further masculinize and defeminize neural circuits and behavioral responsiveness to steroid hormones in adulthood.  相似文献   

Urine deposited by a rat on a conspecific was quantified with injections of sodium fluorescein, a substance that changes the color of urine. The hypothesis examined in experiment 1 was that marking the environment and a conspecific would be similarly androgen-sensitive behaviors during each of three stages--before castration, after castration, and with restorative therapy with testosterone propionate. Findings were that castration reduced both forms of marking, and testosterone therapy to castrated males restored environmental marking in a dose-response fashion. However, the findings for social marking were more complex; for example, a physiological 200-micrograms testosterone dosage to castrated males was unable to elevate conspecific marking over the rates of marking by castrates without testosterone replacement. In experiment 2 the ontogeny conspecific marking in juvenile males was examined in relation to the pubertal surge of androgens. Results suggested that juvenile male marking of an adult male decreased despite a pubertal increase of androgens. Conclusions were that testicular hormones influenced both forms of marking but were less important in the social setting. Moreover, conspecific marking is not simply an extension of marking the environment.  相似文献   

Gender is known to influence the incidence and severity of cerebrovascular disease. In the present study, luminal diameter was measured in vitro in pressurized middle cerebral artery segments from male rats that were either untreated, orchiectomized (ORX), ORX with testosterone treatment (ORX+TEST), or ORX with estrogen treatment (ORX+EST). The maximal passive diameters (0 Ca(2+) + 3 mM EDTA) of arteries from all four groups were similar. In endothelium-intact arteries, myogenic tone was significantly greater in arteries from untreated and ORX+TEST compared with arteries from either ORX or ORX+EST. During exposure to N(G)-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME), an NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor, myogenic tone significantly increased in all groups. The effect of L-NAME was significantly greater in arteries from untreated and ORX+EST compared with arteries from ORX and ORX+TEST rats. Differences in myogenic tone between ORX and ORX+TEST persisted after inhibition of NOS. After endothelium removal or inhibition of the cyclooxygenase pathway combined with K(+) channel blockers, myogenic tone differences between ORX and ORX+TEST were abolished. Wall thickness and forced dilation were not significantly different between arteries from ORX and ORX+TEST. Our data show that gonadal hormones affect myogenic tone in male rat cerebral arteries through NOS- and/or endothelium-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

It has been widely reported that gonadal hormones influence the display of aggression in Syrian hamsters; conversely, much less is known about whether gonadal hormones modulate submissive/defensive behaviors in these animals. Following social defeat, male hamsters no longer display normal territorial aggression but instead display submissive/defensive behavior in the presence of a smaller opponent, a phenomenon we have termed conditioned defeat (CD). The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of gonadal hormones on the display of CD in male hamsters. In Experiment 1, males were castrated or sham-operated. The castrated males were significantly more submissive following social defeat relative to their intact counterparts. The increased submissive behavior in the castrated males during CD testing was particularly surprising, given the fact that they were attacked significantly less during CD training. In Experiment 2a, males were castrated and given hormone replacement. Castrated males treated with testosterone or dihydrotestosterone displayed significantly less submissive behavior following social defeat than did those treated with cholesterol or estradiol. Finally, in Experiment 2b, there was no effect of hormone replacement on aggressive behavior in non-defeated hamsters suggesting that the decrease in submissive behavior in males treated with dihydrotestosterone or testosterone is specific to being previously defeated. Taken together the data indicate that the presence of androgens reduces the display of submission in defeated male hamsters. More importantly, these findings suggest that androgens may have a protective effect against the development of depression-like or anxiety-like behaviors following exposure to an ethologically relevant stressor.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive (ir)-dynorphin levels were measured, and the species characterized by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), in the pituitary and hypothalamus of intact and castrate male rats. On HPLC, ir-dynorphin co-eluted with authentic dynorphin A 1-8, dynorphin A 1-17 and dynorphin 1-32 in the hypothalamus and intermediate lobe; in two different reversed phase (RP)-HPLC systems, anterior lobe ir-dynorphin co-eluted uniquely with dynorphin 32 (4K dynorphin). Anterior lobe levels of total ir-dynorphin were significantly lowered 7 days after castration, while HPLC profiles in all tissues remained unchanged. The change in anterior pituitary ir-dynorphin levels was reversed in a dose-related manner by dihydrotestosterone (15-500 micrograms/100 g b. wt/day); estradiol benzoate (3 micrograms/100 g/day) was without effect. The changes on castration and androgen administration suggest that gonadal steroids play a role in the regulation of dynorphin, as well as gonadotrophins and prolactin, within the anterior pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Ismail Bhai and Pandey A. K. 1982. Gonadal hormones in experimental Ancylostoma caninum infections in male Swiss albino mice. International Journal for Parasitology12: 589–591. Orchiectomy in mice increased their resistance to Ancylostoma caninum infection. Testosterone propionate increased the susceptibility of castrated animals to infection and also increased the survival of larvae in muscles, compared with sham-operated placebo-treated controls with intact testes. Estradiol benzoate increased the resistance of castrated mice as demonstrated by differential larval recoveries. The possible involvement of the small intestine as a barrier to infection and the influence of testosterone on host susceptibility to infection is discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that numerous germ cells degenerate during the first meiotic division and spermatid elongation is due mostly to an adverse physiological microenvironment in relation to hormonal deficiency. The present study is aimed at investigating the endocytic activity of germ cells, during the first wave of mouse spermatogenesis, using transferrin coupled to gold particles, in order to study the efficiency of this possible pathway of communication between Sertoli cells and germ cells. Labelling experiments in control animals confirmed a receptor-mediated pathway in all germ cells during puberty. Furthermore, our morphological and quantitative data revealed that during spermatid elongation, degenerating germ cells possessed a highly developed endocytic apparatus which contained twice as many transferrin gold particles than normal adult cells. The fact that endocytosis of transferrin was increased in degenerating germ cells indicates that, most probably, germ cell degeneration during the first wave of spermatogenesis did not result from a deficiency in iron transport. The higher endocytic activity of degenerating germ cells, compared to adult control cells, could not only be the result of a simple process of plasma membrane internalization but also a complex mechanism which could be involved in the degradation of the cells.  相似文献   

Using histomorphological and functional criteria we describe the feedback mechanisms which could play a role in the regulation of the gonadotrophic axis during the postnatal transition to puberty in male lambs. The working hypothesis was that the testicular factors change the peripheral levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by influencing the synthesis rate and storage of LH and FSH in adenohypophyseal gonadotroph cells of weanling and weaned pubertal lambs. The examination was made in (i) 9-week-old infantiles, suckling lambs undergoing weaning, testis-intact (TEI) and orchidectomised (ORCHX) at the 6th week of age, and (ii) 16-week-old pubertal lambs TEI and ORCHX at the 12th week of age (n=5 per group). Changes in gonadotrophs were assayed with hybridohistochemistry, immunohistochemistry and radioimmunoassay. The percentage of the adenohypophyseal area (PA) occupied by cells containing LHβ-mRNA and FSHβ-mRNA and peripheral levels of both gonadotrophins were lower (P<0.01) in the 16-week-old TEI lambs in comparison with the 9-week-old ones. The PA occupied by cells immunoreactive for LHβ was lower (P<0.01), whereas in the case of FSH was greater (P<0.001) in the 16-week-old lambs. After orchidectomy the PA occupied by gonadotrophs stained for LHβ-mRNA was greater (P<0.01) in 16-week-old lambs. The PA occupied by LHβ-labelled cells was lower (P<0.05) in the 9-week-old ORCHX lambs, whereas in 16-week-old ones was higher (P<0.05) in comparison with the TEI lambs. The circulating LH was greater (P<0.01) in the ORCHX 9- and 16-week-old lambs compared to the TEI ones. The PA occupied by cells containing FSHβ-mRNA and the plasma FSH concentration were greater (P<0.001) after orchidectomy in lambs from both age stages. The PA occupied by FSHβ-labelled cells was greater (P<0.01) in the 9-week-old ORCHX lambs, whereas in 16-week-old ones was lower (P<0.05) compared to the lambs from TEI groups. In conclusion, in infantile lambs testicular factors may play inhibitory role in regulating FSH synthesis rate, storage and release in contrast to the stimulatory role in regulating LH storage reflected by the inhibitory role in regulating LH release. In lambs at the beginning of puberty, testicular factors may play inhibitory role in regulating LH synthesis rate, storage and release in contrast to the stimulatory role in regulating FSH storage reflected by the inhibitory role in regulating FSH synthesis rate and release. The effects of testicular hormones on the gonadotrophin storage, i.e. releasable pools in adenohypophyseal cells, are specific for both LH and FSH in lambs during the postnatal transition to puberty. Thus, the initiation of puberty in male sheep is a function of change of the inhibitory role of gonadal factors in regulating FSH storage to the stimulatory one and the stimulatory role of gonadal factors in regulating LH storage to the inhibitory one.  相似文献   

Some studies reported testicular disorders associated with biking in mountain cyclists, which include injuries, erectile dysfunction, and higher scrotal temperatures. But none of these studies evaluated gonadal function. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate gonadal function in male mountain bikers. Twenty-two male professional mountain bikers and 30 healthy noncyclist controls were included in the study. The mean age and body mass index were similar in both groups. Fasting blood samples for the measurement of the levels of total testosterone (TT), sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were obtained from all study participants before any physical activity. In addition, because insulin sensitivity and leptin modulate gonadal function, the concentrations of insulin, glucose, and leptin were also measured in the same samples. Calculated free testosterone (cFT) and bioavailable testosterone (bioT) were calculated from SHBG and TT. Basal hormonal levels including insulin, leptin, LH, FSH, SHBG, TT, glucose, and homeostasis model assessment scores were similar between the groups. However, bioT and cFT levels were significantly lower (p ≤ 0.05) in the mountain bikers than those in the controls. Despite the lower mean testosterone levels in the study group, the levels of LH and FSH were similar to controls. Insulin and leptin do not contribute to lower testosterone levels. In conclusion, male mountain bikers have lower testosterone concentrations compared to controls. This alteration cannot solely be explained by testicular dysfunction. The etiology of lower testosterone levels in cyclists appears to be complex and requires further research. The influence of such a decline on the athlete's performance, quality of life, and muscle strength is not known as yet.  相似文献   

Orchidectomy was performed on 26-day-old rats via a single midscrotal incision following which 1 of 6 steroids was administered subcutaneously twice daily for 7 days. Each hormone treatment set had its own controls both castrate and intact. Levels of serum LH and FSH were measured by radioimmunoassay. It was found that LH was suppressed to intact levels by testosterone or its active metabolites at doses within the "physiologic dosage range" (equivalent in biological activity to endogenously secreted androgens). FSH suppression with androgens occurred at considerably higher doses; only testosterone could maintain FSH at intact levels with a physiologic dosage. Both 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, and 3alpha-androstanediol suppressed LH well and FSH partially; 3beta-androstanediol and fluoxymesterone were ineffective over the same dosage range. Estradiol suppressed both LH and FSH. It was concluded that LH is more easily suppressed than FSH by androgens, that there is poor correlation between biologic potency and their gonadotropin-suppression ability, and that testosterone is almost certainly not the final active intracellular androgenic hormone. It was suggested that while a small amount of testicular androgen can maintain the low levels of LH, complete control of FSH secretion may require conversion of testosterone to estrogens.  相似文献   

Repeated social subjugation in early puberty lowers testosterone levels. We used hamsters to investigate the effects of social subjugation on male sexual behavior and metabolic activity within neural systems controlling social and motivational behaviors. Subjugated animals were exposed daily to aggressive adult males in early puberty for postnatal days 28 to 42, while control animals were placed in empty clean cages. On postnatal day 45, they were tested for male sexual behavior in the presence of receptive female. Alternatively, they were tested for mate choice after placement at the base of a Y-maze containing a sexually receptive female in one tip of the maze and an ovariectomized one on the other. Social subjugation did not affect the capacity to mate with receptive females. Although control animals were fast to approach females and preferred ovariectomized individuals, subjugated animals stayed away from them and showed no preference. Cytochrome oxidase activity was reduced within the preoptic area and ventral tegmental area in subjugated hamsters. In addition, the correlation of metabolic activity of these areas with the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and anterior parietal cortex changed significantly from positive in controls to negative in subjugated animals. These data show that at mid-puberty, while male hamsters are capable of mating, their appetitive sexual behavior is not fully mature and this aspect of male sexual behavior is responsive to social subjugation. Furthermore, metabolic activity and coordination of activity in brain areas related to sexual behavior and motivation were altered by social subjugation.  相似文献   

Repeated injections of α-estradiol benzoate in immature females, and of testosterone propionate in immature males at the times and doses used, seemed to enable chickens to eliminate Ascaridia galli worms at a greater rate than the untreated controls. No sex difference in number of worms harbored was observed between normal males and females within the limits of age studied. The increase in resistance in hosts that received homologous sex hormones was similar in males and in females.Measurements of worms recovered indicated that gonadal hormones or their products may possibly have an effect upon the growth of the parasites. Injections of α-estradiol benzoate seemed to cause a temporary retardation in the mean rate of growth of the worms, whereas injections of testosterone propionate seemed to cause a temporary acceleration.  相似文献   

During puberty, human adolescents develop a later chronotype, exhibiting a delay in the timing of rest and activity as well as other daily physiological rhythms. The purpose of this study was to determine whether similar changes in chronotype occur during puberty in a laboratory rodent species, and, if so, to determine whether they are due to pubertal hormones acting on the circadian timekeeping system. To test this hypothesis, we carefully tracked daily activity rhythms across puberty in the slow-developing rodent Octodon degus. We confirmed that male degus showed a large reorganization of activity rhythms that correlated with secondary sex development during puberty, including a loss of bimodality and a 3-5 h phase-advance. Similar to humans, this circadian reorganization showed distinct sex differences, with females showing little change during puberty in two separate experiments. Prepubertal gonadectomy (GDX) eliminated the changes, whereas SHAM gonadectomy had little impact. Therefore, gonadal hormones are likely to play a role in pubertal changes in chronotype in this rodent species. Using evidence from a variety of species, including our recent studies in the rat, we conclude that chronotype changes during puberty are a well-demonstrated phenomenon in mammals.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the growth promoted transition to puberty in lambs involved changes in the effects of testicular hormones on somatostatin in hypothalamic neurons and GH secretion. The study was performed in infants (9-week-old) testis-intact (TEI) and orchidectomized (ORCHX) at the sixth week of age, and pubertal lambs (16-week-old) TEI and ORCHX at the 12th week of age (n = 20). In TEI lambs, the changes included a pubertal increase in immunoreactive somatostatin in the periventricular nucleus and median eminence with simultaneous neuropeptide depletion in the median eminence, and a decrease in the percentage of the hypophyseal area (PA) occupied by GH-immunoreactive cells (P < 0.05). The mean concentration of GH in the peripheral blood plasma was greater (P < 0.001) in early infancy (5 wk), because of the greater (P < 0.0001) pulse amplitude, and then uniformly low until puberty. The postnatal increase in the body weight (BW) was prominent (P < 0.01) in middle-late infancy (9-12 wk) because of the large daily live-weight gain. After orchidectomy somatostatin was abundant. This effect on nerve terminals in the median eminence was greater (P < 0.01) in infancy and lesser (P < 0.05) in puberty. Conversely, the PA occupied by GH cells was lower in the ORCHX pubertal lambs compared to TEI lambs (P < 0.05). The GH concentration and pulse characteristics were less (P < 0.05) in the infantile and pubertal ORCHX lambs compared to the TEI lambs. However, this effect was weak (P < 0.05) until middle infancy because of no influence on the GH basal concentration, and strong (P < 0.001) after late infancy. The BW did not differ (P > 0.05) between TEI and ORCHX lambs. Findings suggest activation of GH negative autofeedback loop in middle infancy. Testicular factors may play an inhibitory role in regulating somatostatin accumulation and a stimulatory role in GH secretion until puberty. The start of puberty is related to an attenuation in the stimulatory role of gonadal factors in regulating somatostatin depletion in nerve terminals associated with an intensification of the stimulatory role of gonadal factors in regulating GH secretion. From a somatic perspective of growth rate, these mechanisms do not seem to be important. Thus, testicular factors modulate mechanisms within the somatostatin-GH system to integrate somatotropic and gonadotropic functions at the time of growth-promoted sexual maturation in sheep.  相似文献   

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