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皱叶留兰香迁地栽培后的营养成分及抗性指标测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
皱叶留兰香 (MenthacrispateSchrad .exWilld .)为唇形科薄荷属 (MenthaL .)多年生宿根草本植物 ,原分布于地中海沿岸 ,我国云南及贵州等地也有分布。皱叶留兰香及薄荷属某些种类 ,在民间被广泛药用和食用。具有疏风散热、辟秽解毒之功效 ,常用于外感风热、头痛、目赤、食滞气胀、口疮、牙痛等症[1 ] ,现代研究表明薄荷属植物还具有抗病毒、杀菌、抗刺激、利胆[2 ] 及放疗区域皮肤保护[3] 等作用。食用则具有清凉芳香的口味特点 ,在我国西南地区已经成为普通蔬菜 ,广泛用于调料、生食和火锅等。作者对皱…  相似文献   

濒危植物矮牡丹的生态位研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
矮牡丹 (PaenoniasuffruticosaAndr .var .spontaneaRehd .)属毛茛科 (Ranunculaceae)芍药属植物[1] ,为我国特有种 ,仅分布于山西稷山马家沟、永济水峪口 ,陕西延安万花山、华阴二仙桥等地 ,其花具有一定的观赏价值 ,根作“丹皮”入药 ,既是宝贵的花卉种质资源 ,又是优良的药材资源 ;且为栽培牡丹的原始种之一[2 ] 。由于自然植被的破坏和 2 0世纪 60年代的大量采掘 ,致使矮牡丹分布范围日益缩小。目前已被列为国家三级保护植物。生态位的概念自Grinell的“生物在栖息地所占…  相似文献   

土壤状况直接影响着植物的生长发育 ,植物在整个生长发育过程中也能通过根系分泌物和枯落物等改善土壤的水、热、气、肥等理化性质[6 ] 。研究表明 ,土壤理化性质与种子萌发、幼苗定居密切相关 ,且幼苗在定居过程中能分泌氨基酸和有机酸作用于土壤 ,为其生长创造适宜的土壤条件[9] 。Mckee研究指出 ,红树林的土壤理化性质影响着群落内植物种类的分布格局[10 ] 。Franco vizcaino等对墨西哥加里佛尼亚沙漠的土壤性质和植物多样性的研究则表明 ,土壤的Ca/Mg比例与植物多样性密切相关 ,且二者是协同发展的[11] 。可见 ,…  相似文献   

缙云山森林土壤速效K的分布特征及其与物种多样性的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
土壤作为植物生长繁殖的基地 ,也作为一种重要的生态因子 ,总是与植物 (被 )协同发展的。Mck ee研究指出 ,红树林的土壤理化性质影响着群落内植物种类的分布格局[7] 。Franco vizcaino等对墨西哥BajaCalifornia沙漠中的土壤性质和植物多样性的研究表明 ,土壤的Ca/Mg比例与植物是协同发展的 ,土壤Ca ,Mg含量及其比例与植物多样性存在一定的相关关系[8] 。可见 ,深入研究土壤理化性质与植物种类的分布、植物多样性的关系具有重要的理论和实践意义。最近 ,已有学者研究了速效N的空间格局及其与群落…  相似文献   

薜荔叶及花序托中总黄酮的提取工艺   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
薜荔 (FicuspumilaL .)为桑科 (Moraceae)榕属 (FicusL .)植物 ,广布我国长江以南各省区。《本草纲目》记载木莲即薜荔 ,有壮阳固精 ,消肿散毒 ,止血 ,下乳 ,治久痢肠痔等功效[1] 。中国科学院药物研究所在抗肿瘤药物的筛选中曾发现薜荔有一定效果[1] 。作者在对薜荔进行成分预试验中发现 ,其叶和花序托的黄酮类物质的含量颇高 ,而黄酮类化合物是一类生理活性较强的化合物 ,近年来在医疗、保健及食品上的应用越来越广泛。为了充分开发利用薜荔 ,扩大黄酮的提取资源 ,对薜荔叶和花序托的总黄酮提取工艺进行了研究 …  相似文献   

矮杨梅   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨梅是我国江南的著名水果,而同为杨梅科杨梅属植物的矮杨梅,知道的人恐伯就不多了。矮杨梅与杨梅在果实的大小、色泽上都很相似,但株高相差甚远,杨梅是高十几米的乔木,矮杨梅却是矮小的灌木。 矮杨梅(Myrica nana),又称云南杨梅。由于它的生长习性和形态特征,在产地又有爬地杨梅、矮脚杨梅、大果杨梅等俗称。  相似文献   

全国第四次中药资源普查于西藏自治区嘉黎县、芒康县调查中,在海拔4000~5000 m灌木丛的石灰岩上发现了一种红景天属植物,该种在形态上与矮生红景天[Rhodiola humilis(HK.f.et Thoms.)S.H.Fu]较近,但花序顶端伞房状、花茎约7~13枝,基生叶先端锐尖,萼片长三角形,叶片和萼片先端具深粉红色浅囊等独有的特征,与后者不同。分子生物学证据表明,与矮生红景天(R.humilis)和异鳞红景天[Rhodiola smithii(Hamet)S.H.Fu]近缘。基于形态学与分子生物学证据,特将它描述为矮生红景天(R.humilis)新变种,命名为嘉黎红景天[Rhodiola humilis(HK.f.et Thoms.)S.H.Fu var.jialiensis H.Wang,X.Z.Lan&H.P.Deng]。  相似文献   

毛杨梅(Myrica esculenta Buch.Ham.)和矮杨梅(Myrica nana Chcral.)是杨梅科杨梅属(Myrica Linn.)木本植物,均为野生,在贵州省盘江流域较为常见。近几年来,随着栲胶工业产品结构的调整,混合及凝缩类栲胶需求增加,杨梅属植物树皮被采剥用作原料,且发展势头很猛,使资源急剧减少;多系砍树剥皮,植被难以恢复;果实、花叶利用较少,造成很大浪费。为改变这种状况,促进综合开发利用,笔者提出一些不成熟的建议供参考。  相似文献   

从柳叶芹根的乙醇提取物中分得三种化合物,经理化性质、IR、MS等光谱分析定为十四碳酸(MyristicAcid)、十八碳酸(Octadecanoicacid)、β谷甾醇(βSitosterol),以上三种成分均首次从该植物中分得。  相似文献   

益智仁的化学成分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
益智仁为姜科(Zingiberaceae)山姜属(Alpinia Roxb.)植物益智(A.oxyphylla Miq.)的干燥成熟果实,为中国四大南药之一,主产于海南和广东等地,为常用中药材。益智仁具有温脾止泻摄唾和暖肾固精缩尿等功效,临床多用于脾肾虚寒不固所致诸症[1]。从益智仁中已分离出二芳基庚烷类、倍半萜类、黄酮、甾体和有机酸等多种成分[2-3]。药理研究表明:益智仁  相似文献   

研究了中国模尖蛾属MeleonomaMeyrick ,其中记述 2新种 :面模尖蛾M .facialisLietWang ,sp .nov .和软颚模尖蛾M .malacognathaLietWang ,sp .nov .。绘制了雌雄外生殖器特征图 ,给出了中国模尖蛾属分种检索表。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系标本室。  相似文献   

MOORE  K.; PECKET  R. C. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(1):109-113
Changes in the content of quercetin and kaempferol during leafdevelopment in Pisum sativum cv. Meteor are described. As theleaves matured the quercetin content decreased and that of kaempferolincreased during a period from 37 to 48 days from planting.Maximum flavonol content per leaf was found in leaves higheron the shoot as development proceeded, but total leaf flavonolcontent per plant remained relatively constant. There was noevidence to suggest that the quantitative changes in the individualflavonols were the result of conversion of quercetin into kaempferol. Treatment with gibberellic acid led to an accelerated fall inquercetin content in the mature leaves. This change was detectable24 h after treatment and before any apparent growth response.  相似文献   

The proanthocyanidin composition and content in the leaves of nine birch species (Betula albosinensis, B. ermanii B. maximowicziana, B. nana, B. papyrifera, B. pendula, B. platyphylla, B. pubescens, and B. pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) were studied with different methods including colorimetric assay, HPLC coupled with PAD or ESI/MS and NMR. Total proanthocyanidin content was determined using the acid butanol assay. A normal phase-HPLC method was applied for the analysis of polymeric proanthocyanidins. The content of polymeric proanthocyanidins was estimated from a late eluting peak in the chromatogram. With this HPLC method, quantitative analysis of polymeric proanthocyanidins could be performed directly from leaf extracts: no additional purification or preparation steps were required. It was shown that birch leaves contained mainly polymeric proanthocyanidins with a degree of polymerisation greater than 10. Total proanthocyanidin content (expressed as dry weight) was found to vary from 44mg/g (B. papyrifera) to 145mg/g (B. nana), and polymeric proanthocyanidin content from 39mg/g (B. pendula) to 119 mg/g (B. nana).  相似文献   

焦懿  赵苹 《生态学报》2001,21(7):1148-1152
白蜡虫雌虫产卵期是白蜡种虫生产的关键时期,在我国白蜡主产地区,选择有代表性的4个种虫产地,2个白蜡产地和4个虫蜡混产地,调查群落中白蜡虫天敌的物种组成和数量变化,并进行聚类分析和排序,在10个白蜡主产地内,共收集到各种天敌15种,分属于6科11属,各群落的物种组成变化较小,优势种为白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂Microterys ericeri Ishii、中华花翅跳小蜂M.sinicus Jiang、白蜡虫啮小蜂Tetrastichus kodaikanalensis Saraswat、白蜡蚧长角象Anthribus la-jievorus Chao和黑缘红瓢虫Chilocorus rubidus Hope。群落的优势集中指数较小,多样性指数和均匀性指数较高,群落相似性系数最高达97.46%,最低为75.92%。影响群落相似性的主要因子为白蜡产区不同、生态环境差异和优势种天敌的数量变化,根据聚类分析和排序,将10个不同产地白蜡虫天敌群落分为3类;第1类为种虫产地,优势种天敌发生和危害较轻;第2类为白蜡产地,白蜡虫天敌发生和危害极为严重,其种群数量为第1类的3.36倍,第3类虫蜡皆产,其天敌数量介于第1、2类之间,中华花翅跳小蜂种群数量在第1、3类群落中大致相等,第2类发生较较重,白蜡虫天敌的严重危害是造成蜡区不产种虫的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

Suh  Hae-Lip  Choi  Sang-Duk 《Hydrobiologia》1998,385(1-3):107-112
The feeding basket morphology and stomach content analyses of five Euphausia species (E. recurva, E. nana, E. pacifica, E. mutica and E. similis) were compared to elucidate their feeding ecology. The filter areas of feeding basket of E. pacifica and E. nana were proportionally larger than those of others in the size classes 13-20 mm and <13 mm, respectively, suggesting a high filtering efficiency in these species at each size class. Based on the secondary setal distance, it is suggested that there are three types of feeding basket in five Euphausia species. One is the fine mesh (<5 μm) of E. pacifica and E. nana; a second is the medium (10-20 μm) of E. recurva and E. mutica; and the third is the coarse (20-30 μm) of E. similis. The ability to feed on particles <5 μm would give both species, E. pacifica and E. nana, a great advantage over other species when number of flagellates is high. Stomach content analyses indicated a more omnivorous feeding mode in E. mutica, E. recurva and E. similis and a more herbivorous in E. pacifica and E. nana. This is in agreement with morphological studies of feeding baskets. Increments in the primary and secondary setal distances with increasing size of four Euphausia species, except E. pacifica, were evident, reflecting interspecific differences in food particle sizes utilized. In E. pacifica, however, the morphological similarity should produce intraspecific competition in diet. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Antioxidant potential of Rosa L. leaves methanolic extracts was evaluated in vitro using a spectrophotometric method based on measuring the radical scavenging effect on 2,2-di-phenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals. The contents of ellagic acid, quercetin and kaempferol in the extracts from leaves of seventeen rose species were determined using SPE-RP-HPLC methods. Additionally, total phenolic content was determined spectrophotometrically according to the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure and calculated as gallic acid equivalents (GAE). Remarkable high antioxidant activity and high total phenolic content (5.7% < GAE < 15.2%), large ellagic acid (EA) content from 9.37 to 19.42 mg/g of dry weight, a quercetin content ranging from 3.68 to 15.81 mg/g of dry weight and kaempferol content from 1.25 to 9.41mg/g of dry weight were found in rose leaves. Significant correlation between EA (r(2) = 0.6131), quercetin (r(2) = 0.5158), total phenolic content (r(2)= 0.8485) and antioxidant activity was observed. Basing on the studies conducted one may assume that the extracts of rose leaves are a rich source of natural antioxidants and could be used to prevent free-radical-induced deleterious effects.  相似文献   

The morphology, ultrastructure, density and distribution of trichomes on leaves of Betula pendula, B. pubescens ssp. pubescens, B. pubescens ssp. czerepanovii and B. nana were examined by means of light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The composition of flavonoids in ethanolic leaf surface extracts was analysed by high pressure liquid chromatography. All taxa examined contained both glandular and non-glandular trichomes (short and/or long hairs) but differed from each other in trichome ultrastructure, density and location on the leaf. Leaves of B. pubescens were more hairy than those of B. pendula, but the latter species had a higher density of glandular trichomes. Of the two subspecies of B. pubescens, leaves of ssp. pubescens had more short hairs on the leaf surface and four times the density of glandular trichomes of leaves of ssp. czerepanovii, whereas, in the latter subspecies, short hairs occurred largely on leaf veins, as in B. nana. The glandular trichomes were peltate glands, consisting of medullar and cortical cells, which differed structurally. Cortical cells possessed numerous small, poorly developed plastids and small vacuoles, whereas medullar cells had several large plastids with well-developed thylakoid systems and fewer vacuoles. In B. pubescens subspecies, vacuoles of the glandular cells contained osmiophilic deposits, which were probably phenolic, whereas in B. pendula, vacuoles of glandular trichomes were characterized by the presence of numerous myelin-like membranes. The composition of epicuticular flavonoids also differed among species. The two subspecies of B. pubescens and B. nana shared the same 12 compounds, but five of these occurred only in trace amounts in B. nana. Leaf surface extracts of B. pendula contained just six flavonoids, three of which occurred only in this species. In summary, the structure, density and distribution of leaf trichomes and the composition of epicuticular flavonoids represent good taxonomic markers for Finnish birch species.  相似文献   

The possible ameliorative effects of quercetin on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] leaves exposed to UV-B radiation were conducted in greenhouse. The symmetrical leaves supplied with quercetin solution (0.2%, 1%) were exposed to UV-B radiation (0, 3.5, 6.5 kJ m−2 d−1). 0.2% quercetin ameliorated leaf photosynthesis, improved leaf water content (LWC), and decreased lipid oxidation. The unfavorable effect on photosynthetic parameter was displayed in 1% quercetin treatment. The effect of quercetin on phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity varied with the quercetin concentration, UV-B radiation intensity and leaf development. In the later development polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity was increased significantly by quercetin treatments. We suggested that quercetin with suitable concentration could serve as UV-B protective agent partly due to its antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

We used a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) amplification method to identify molecular markers associated with high quercetin accumulation in the leaves of Psidium guajava L. trees, selected from four different Mexican agronomic regions. We identified six polymorphic RAPD fragments of 620, 590, 370, 690, 480 and 460 bp among individuals of P. guajava. Genetic linkage disequilibrium analysis revealed that three RAPD profiles considered as DNA markers (620/590 bp, 370 bp and 480/460 bp) had a positive, direct association with quercetin content. These informative molecular markers can be used for selective identification of plants with the highest accumulation of flavonoids.  相似文献   

The current study used RP-HPLC to compare phytochemicals and estimate the bioactive constituents found in Stevia rebaudiana Bert. (SRB) leaves collected from two different geographical sources. SRB leaves were collected from Bangalore, Karnataka, India, and Reduit, Mauritius. Extracts were prepared using ethanol and aqueous solvents. Proximate analysis was used to evaluate moisture content, ash values, crude fibers, and extractive values. Following that, preliminary phytochemical screening was done on both ethanol leaves extracts, and subsequently total flavonoid content was determined. In addition, TLC chromatograms and RP-HPLC studies were performed on both plant extracts to determine the presence of flavonoid components in both leaves extracts, followed by in vitro anti-diabetic activity was performed with alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase enzymes against Acarbose as standard. Results revealed that both the extracts from two different geographical sources varied significantly with the yield, content of chemicals, and presence of quercetin (flavonoid) content when estimated through the RP-HPLC standardized method. Glycosides, flavonoids, proteins, steroids, saponins, terpenoids, and phenols were found in various concentrations during phytochemical screening. Among both zones, the ethanol leaves extract of SRB taken from Mauritius had a greater content of phytochemicals and a higher yield than other extracts due to the soil nature. The Mauritius sample had greater total flavonoid levels as well as more quercetin (0.92 ± 0.011) than the other extracts. Following that, ethanol extract inhibited enzymes (alpha amylase, alpha glucosidases) more than aqueous extract, and this inhibition was dose dependent. Among them, the Mauritius ethanol sample showed higher anti-diabetic efficacy than the Indian sample, but this difference was not significant. Overall, SRB ethanol leaves extracts outperformed other leaves extracts in terms of yield, phytoconstituents, and total flavonoids. Overall, both SRB samples had high quercetin levels and possessed anti-diabetic potential, but they were greater in the Mauritius sample, demonstrating that plant traits are influenced by geographic location.  相似文献   

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