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我国12种无尾类的鸣叫特征参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了1 2种无尾类的求偶鸣叫特征参数,包括角蟾科(Megophryidae) 2种:峨眉角蟾(Megophrysomeimontis)、高山掌突蟾(Leptolalaxalpinus) ;雨蛙科(Hylidae) 2种:华西雨蛙(Hylaannectans)、秦岭雨蛙(H .tsinlingensis) ;树蛙科(Rhacophoridae) 5种:斑腿树蛙(Rhacophorusmegacephalus)、无声囊树蛙(R .mutus) ,宝兴树蛙(R .dugritei)、经甫树蛙(R .chenfui)、锯腿小树蛙(Philautusodontotarsus) ;蛙科(Ranidae)2种:弹琴水蛙(Hylaranaadenopleura)、沼水蛙(H .guentheri) ;姬蛙科(Microhylidae) 1种:花姬蛙(Microhylapulchra)。特征参数包括:(时域)时长和(频域)基频、主能峰、共振峰等9个。与已有的描述作了对比,发现差别较小,并简单讨论了差别出现的原因。此外,对同域分布且繁殖时间重叠的两个近缘种———宝兴树蛙和经甫树蛙的鸣叫比较发现,二者声音的9个参数除了音节间隔之外,差异都极其显著(P <0 0 0 1 ,α=0 0 5 ,two tailedtest) ,它们的鸣叫有显著差异。  相似文献   

广州市花地湾市场宠物两栖动物调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对广州市花地湾花鸟鱼虫市场两栖类宠物贸易进行为期3年27次调查,共记录贸易两栖类类44种,隶属2目16科35属。有尾目(Caudata)2科7属8种,钝口螈科(Ambystomatidae)1属2种,蝾螈科(Salamandridae)6属6种;无尾目(Anura)14科28属36种,铃蟾科(Bombinatoridae)1属1种,蟾蜍科(Bufonidae)3属3种,角花蟾科(Ceratophryidae)2属5种,其中1种为杂交种,丛蛙科(Dendrobatidae)2属4种,雨蛙科(Hylidae)3属5种,非洲树蛙科(Hyperoliidae)1属1种,角蟾科(Megophryidae)2属2种,姬蛙科(Microhylidae)5属6种,澳雨蛙科(Pelodryadidae)1属1种,叶泡蛙科(Phyllomedusidae)1属1种,负子蟾科(Pipidae)1属1种,箱头蛙科(Pyxicephalidae)1属1种,蛙科(Ranidae)2属2种,树蛙科(Rhacophoridae)3属3种。分布于国内的两栖类16种,外来物种共28种。受保护种类26种,所占比例达59.09%。讨论了两栖类宠物贸易对国内外珍稀濒危种类保护的压力、对生态系统的压力和对两爬类研究的影响。  相似文献   

广东韶关发现白线树蛙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正2018年9月9日,在广东南岭国家级自然保护区采集到1只树蛙(图1),经鉴定为白线树蛙(Rhacophorus leucofasciatus),雌性亚成体,隶属于无尾目(Anura)树蛙科(Rhacophoridae)树蛙属,为广东省两栖动物分布新记录种(黎振昌等2011)。该标本经无水乙醇浸泡固定后,现保存于中南林业科技大学动物标本室(GDNL2018090901)。  相似文献   

2017年末,我国的两栖动物已记录3目14科466种,其中,无尾目Anura 10科386种。蝌蚪是无尾两栖类物种的幼体,具有一系列适应水生生活的形态特征和一个特别的变态过程,是无尾目的主要标志之一。我国蝌蚪的形态特征散见于各个物种的形态描述,而对蝌蚪科级分类的系统研究却阙如。本文基于蝌蚪的8个形态学分类性状,概述了我国除亚洲角蛙科Ceratobatrachidae外9个科(铃蟾科Bombinatoridae、角蟾科Megophryidae、蟾蜍科Bufonidae、雨蛙科Hylidae、蛙科Ranidae、叉舌蛙科Dicroglossidae、浮蛙科Occidozygidae、树蛙科Rhacophoridae、姬蛙科Microhylidae)的蝌蚪分类特征,系统阐述了蝌蚪科级分类特征的分类和适应意义。  相似文献   

浙江省两栖纲动物调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言 关于浙江省两栖纲动物的调查工作,先后有Boring和张作干(1933)、张孟闻(1938)、Pope(1931、1949)、毛节荣(1959)等的报导。在1961年刘承钊、胡淑琴的《中国无尾两栖类》中,综述了浙江省过去的工作。综合上述资料,浙江省共计有两栖纲动物28种,分隶于9科14属,其中有尾目3科6属6种;无尾目6科8属22种。 作者等自1953年开始,对浙江省两栖纲动物标本进行收集和采集,并于1962年和1964年4-7月,在  相似文献   

我国有尾目三科代表种生物学和胚胎发育的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国有尾目三科代表种生物学和胚胎发育的比较刘鉴毅(中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所湖北沙市434000)东方蝾螈(Cynopsorientails)、中国小鲵(Hynobiuschinensis)和中国大鲵(Andriasda。idianus)在分类...  相似文献   

朝鲜叉蚤湖北亚种的雌蚤描述(蚤目:多毛蚤科)刘井元(湖北省医学科学院寄生虫病研究所武汉430070)马立名(吉林省地方病第一防治研究所白城137000朝鲜叉蚤湖北亚种DoratopsylacoreanahubeiensisLiu,WangetYang...  相似文献   

重庆市两栖动物物种多样性研究及保护   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
1996~2005年对重庆直辖市36个县(区、市)进行野外调查采集,结合有关资料记载,重庆市共有两栖动物2目9科18属45种,其中有尾目6种,无尾目弧胸类(蟾类)12种、固胸类(蚌类)27种。建议加强对该市两栖动物物种多样性及其生境的保护,合理利用两栖动物资源。  相似文献   

湖北省两栖动物新纪录——尾突角蟾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2003年7月,在湖北后河国家级自然保护区采集到一批两栖动物标本,经鉴定其中一只为尾突角蟾(Megophrys caudoprocta),系湖北省新纪录种,分类上隶属于两栖纲无尾目角蟾科角蟾属。  相似文献   

我国两栖类皮肤形态方面(非性征性状)的多态现象(polymorphism)可分为两类,一类是色斑的,另一类是皮肤表型结构的。本文主要探讨后一类型“皮肤多瘰疣或满布瘰疣”的多态现象。目前在我国两栖类中已发现6种存在这种类型的多态性变体,其中有尾2种Batrachuperus pinchonii和B.tibetamus;无尾目4种Scutiger(Scutiger)boulengeri,S.(Aelu  相似文献   

北京山区野生维管束植物区系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
在北京山区共有高等植物1166种(含变种、变型),隶属于122科、503属;其中蕨类植物17科、26属、62种(变种),裸子植物3科、7属、7种;双子叶植物88科、371属、863种(变种);单子叶植物14科、99属、234种(变种)。优势科属的统计表明,本区维管束植物一方面集中于菊科、蔷薇科等一些世界性大科之中,同时又向少种科、单种科分散。在北京山区共调查到1个单种科,6个单属科。本区分布的单种属和寡种属共72个,其中单种属有31个。种子植物属的分布区类型占有全国植物科的15个分布区类型,以温带成分的属为主,其占种子植物总属数的55.34%;其次是泛热带分布类型,共计60属,占总属12.6%,中国特有分布的属有11属,占总属数的2.31%,所占比例较小。  相似文献   

Fourteen families with X-linked mental retardation (XMR) have been studied clinically and cytogenetically. All affected males failed to show a fragile site (FS) on Xq of their peripheral lymphocytes. Five families may be considered examples of Renpenning syndrome while the remaining may be divided in two groups: one of seven (type I) and one of two (type II). The seven families of type I had some physical features of the Martin-Bell syndrome but with normal to large sized testes whence the name of X-linked MR with slight macroorchidism (XMR +/- MO). The two families of type II showed unremarkable facial appearance, mild to moderate degree of MR and a certain microorchidism whence the possible name of X-linked MR with different degree of microorchidism (XMR +/- MiO).  相似文献   

四川省喇叭河自然保护区的两栖爬行动物初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
喇叭河自然保护区共有两栖动物2月7科22种,区系组成以东洋界西南区为主;爬行动物1目7科17种,区系组成以东洋界广布种为主。两栖爬行动物是保护区内的重要资源。喇叭河自然保护区是保护横断山东缘物种多样性的关键地区之一。  相似文献   

长白山大型真菌物种多样性调查名录Ⅳ针阔混交林带   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据2000-2009年间在长白山自然保护区针阔混交林及露水河、松江河、长白县等地相同林带所采的1700余份标本,报道了长白山针阔混交林带分布的大型真菌68科209属498种.其中,中国新记录种8种,待定种3种,吉林省新记录种12种,所有标本保存于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU).  相似文献   

长白山北坡河岸带群落植物区系分析   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
对吉林省二道白河河岸带植物区系的研究结果表明,河岸带植被中共有维管束植物68科169属288种,其中包括蕨类植物11科16属26种,种子植物57科153属262种.种子植物中,裸子植物3科6属9种,被子植物54科147属253种;被子植物中,双子叶植物45科118属212种,单子叶植物9科29属41种.由此可见二道白河河岸带的植物种类较为丰富.对其中被子植物分布区类型的分析表明,二道白河流域河岸带种子植物区系科、属的分布类型较为丰富,在科级水平上有6个分布类型2个变型,在属级水平上有9个分布类型7个变型.河岸带植物区系呈温带特性,各类温带分布类型117属,占河岸带种子植物153属的76.5%.二道白河流域河岸带植物区系地理联系广泛,与热带植物区系和东亚区系具有一定的联系,但与地中海植物区系的联系甚少.表明河岸带在生物多样性保护中的重要作用.  相似文献   

Plant communities on riversides in northern Guangdong Province were investigated with all-survey method, where a kind of native grasshopper Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will. broke out severely. 108 plant species belonging to 43 families were identified, and some plant indexes in those plant communities including their name, average height, congregation index, total coverage rate, phenological phase and biod were noted. In addition, plant comparability, plant abundance, quantity character and attribute symbol of dominant species in plant communities on riversides were studied. The results showed that the arrangement and distribution of vegetations on riversides offered a favorable habitat for F. tonkinensis. Moreover, the density of first instar nymphs of F. tonkinensis in plant communities was calculated. The results of partial correlation analysis (PCA) about the relationship between plant communities and occurrence of F. tonkinensis showed that Pterocarya stenoptera C. DC. was the most palatable plant to F. tonkinensis, presenting a very significantly positive correlation between coverage rate of P. stenoptera and occurrence of F. tonkinensis. The partial correlation coefficient (PCC) was 0.856072 (F=32.92012, P=0.0001). Bambusa flexuosa was a non-preferable plant of F. tonkinensis, presenting a significantly negative correlation between them, and the partial correlation coefficient was ?0.607920 (F=0.16173, P=0.0211). Those results would help us to propose some approaches for the ecology control of F. tonkinensis on riversides in northern Guangdong Province.  相似文献   

综述了海南岛苔藓植物的研究历史和现状。目前海南岛已记录的苔藓植物共有87科227属806种,其中苔类33科71属366种,藓类51科152属436种,角苔类3科4属4种;苔藓植物的区系组成以热带亚洲成分为主,与香港、台湾地区的种属相似性高;对海南岛苔藓植物的研究集中在尖峰岭、霸王岭、吊罗山3个国家级自然保护区;叶附生苔是海南热带雨林主要的苔藓生态分布类型之一,共有7科23属123种;初步统计濒危苔藓植物有15种。今后应继续开展广泛和持续的物种多样性调查,从生态学、植物化学、分子生物学等领域进行研究,促进合理的开发利用和推动保护工作。  相似文献   

R oberts , S.J. 1985. Variation within Pseudomonas syringae pv. philadelphi , the cause of a leaf spot of Philadelphius spp. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 59 , 283–290
In pathogenicity tests on Philadelphus and other plant species, belonging to ten genera in seven families, isolates of Pseudomonas syringae from leaf spots on Philadelphus spp. in England did not produce symptoms on any plants other than Philadelphus . It is therefore proposed that these isolates should be designated a distinct pathovar of Ps. syringae with the name Pseudomonas syringae pv. philadelphi . Isolates of this new pathovar varied in their reactions to 6 of 57 biochemical tests. In phage typing tests isolates also varied in their sensitivity to five of seven bacteriophage strains. Four of the six biochemical tests (aesculin hydrolysis, utilization of DL-homoserine L-leucine and sorbitol) and all five of the phages (P11, Pls, P2, A15, and A26) were used to separate the isolates into seven groups. These groups had some relation to their geographical origin, species of Philadelphus from which they were originally isolated, and relative virulence on P. coronarius and P. x purpureo-maculatus . They may represent ecotypes of this new pathovar.  相似文献   

Abstract. The phylogenetic relationships within the Order Aplousobranchiata (Ascidiacea) are largely unexplored. In this work, we study the phylogenetic status of the genera Clavelina and Pycnoclavella. Traditionally, both genera had been included in the family Clavelinidae, until the new family Pycnoclavellidae was defined, removing the genus Pycnoclavella from Clavelinidae. Not all authors accept the validity of Clavelina and Pycnoclavella as distinct genera, let alone their belonging to different families. In addition, the assignment of species to these genera, as well as to the genus Archidistoma , has been controversial. We analyzed sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I belonging to ten species of Pycnoclavella (including several formerly assigned to Archidistoma and Clavelina ), 11 species of Clavelinidae, and ten species of other aplousobranch genera belonging to seven families, plus two outgroups. Two different tree construction methods (maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference) showed similar results. Pycnoclavella and Clavelina appeared in distinct clades but formed a monophyletic group relative to representatives of the main families of the order Aplousobranchiata. Our phylogenetic results indicate that both genera are valid but should be included within a single family, with the name Clavelinidae having precedence. The monotypic clavelinid genus Nephtheis branches in our trees within the clade of the genus Clavelina. Our results also confirm that some forms assigned to Archidistoma and Clavelina have been misplaced and belong to the genus Pycnoclavella. Pycnoclavella martae n.sp. is described.  相似文献   

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