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Kvam E  Goldfarb DS 《Autophagy》2007,3(2):85-92
Various modes of autophagy conspire to degrade virtually every compartment of the eukaryotic cell. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a process called "piecemeal microautophagy of the nucleus" (PMN) even pinches off and degrades nonessential portions of the nucleus. PMN is a constitutive process induced to high levels by starvation or rapamycin, an inhibitor of TOR kinase. PMN occurs at nucleus-vacuole (NV) junctions, which are Velcro-like patches formed by interactions between the vacuole membrane protein Vac8p and the outer-nuclear-membrane protein Nvj1p. In response to nutrient depletion, Nvj1p increasingly binds and sequesters two proteins with roles in lipid metabolism, Osh1p and Tsc13p. Tsc13p is required for the normal biogenesis of PMN vesicles. The sequestration of Osh1p by Nvj1p likely serves to negatively regulate the trafficking of tryptophan permease(s) to the plasma membrane. Thus, NV junctions and PMN orchestrate novel and sophisticated responses to nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

Nutrient sensing and coordination of metabolic pathways are crucial functions for all living cells, but details of the coordination under different environmental conditions remain elusive. We therefore undertook a systems biology approach to investigate the interactions between the Snf1 and the target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that Snf1 regulates a much broader range of biological processes compared with TORC1 under both glucose‐ and ammonium‐limited conditions. We also find that Snf1 has a role in upregulating the NADP+‐dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (encoded by GDH3) under derepressing condition, and therefore may also have a role in ammonium assimilation and amino‐acid biosynthesis, which can be considered as a convergence of Snf1 and TORC1 pathways. In addition to the accepted role of Snf1 in regulating fatty acid (FA) metabolism, we show that TORC1 also regulates FA metabolism, likely through modulating the peroxisome and β‐oxidation. Finally, we conclude that direct interactions between Snf1 and TORC1 pathways are unlikely under nutrient‐limited conditions and propose that TORC1 is repressed in a manner that is independent of Snf1.  相似文献   

A Gtr1p GTPase, the GDP mutant of which suppresses both temperature-sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RanGEF/Prp20p and RanGAP/Rna1p, was presently found to interact with Yrb2p, the S. cerevisiae homologue of mammalian Ran-binding protein 3. Gtr1p bound the Ran-binding domain of Yrb2p. In contrast, Gtr2p, a partner of Gtr1p, did not bind Yrb2p, although it bound Gtr1p. A triple mutant: yrb2delta gtr1delta gtr2delta was lethal, while a double mutant: gtr1delta gtr2delta survived well, indicating that Yrb2p protected cells from the killing effect of gtr1delta gtr2delta. Recombinant Gtr1p and Gtr2p were purified as a complex from Escherichia coli. The resulting Gtr1p-Gtr2p complex was comprised of an equal amount of Gtr1p and Gtr2p, which inhibited the Rna1p/Yrb2 dependent RanGAP activity. Thus, the Gtr1p-Gtr2p cycle was suggested to regulate the Ran cycle through Yrb2p.  相似文献   

The RHO1 gene encodes a yeast homolog of the mammalian RhoA protein. Rho1p is localized to the growth sites and is required for bud formation. We have recently shown that Bni1p is one of the potential downstream target molecules of Rho1p. The BNI1 gene is implicated in cytokinesis and the establishment of cell polarity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but is not essential for cell viability. In this study, we screened for mutations that were synthetically lethal in combination with a bni1 mutation and isolated two genes. They were the previously identified PAC1 and NIP100 genes, both of which are implicated in nuclear migration in S. cerevisiae. Pac1p is a homolog of human LIS1, which is required for brain development, whereas Nip100p is a homolog of rat p150(Glued), a component of the dynein-activated dynactin complex. Disruption of BNI1 in either the pac1 or nip100 mutant resulted in an enhanced defect in nuclear migration, leading to the formation of binucleate mother cells. The arp1 bni1 mutant showed a synthetic lethal phenotype while the cin8 bni1 mutant did not, suggesting that Bni1p functions in a kinesin pathway but not in the dynein pathway. Cells of the pac1 bni1 and nip100 bni1 mutants exhibited a random distribution of cortical actin patches. Cells of the pac1 act1-4 mutant showed temperature-sensitive growth and a nuclear migration defect. These results indicate that Bni1p regulates microtubule-dependent nuclear migration through the actin cytoskeleton. Bni1p lacking the Rho-binding region did not suppress the pac1 bni1 growth defect, suggesting a requirement for the Rho1p-Bni1p interaction in microtubule function.  相似文献   

The non-essential RGD1 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a protein that has been characterized in vitro as a Rho GTPase activating protein (RhoGAP) for the Rho3 and Rho4 proteins. Rgd1p, which displays a conserved FCH-coiled coil-Rho-GAP domain organization, showed a patch-like distribution in the cell, including a localization in growing buds. Using a genetic screen, we found that rgd1delta and vrp1alpha mutations exhibited a synthetic lethality, thus revealing an interaction between these genes. The VRP1 product is an actin and myosin interacting protein involved in polarized growth. Using mutant forms of both Rho3 and Rho4 proteins, we provide evidence for the involvement of these two GTPases in RGD1-VRP1 co-lethality. In addition, these results strongly argue in favour of Rho3p and Rho4p being the targets of Rgd1p RhoGAP activity in vivo. Genetic relationships between either VRP1 or RGD1 and actin cytoskeleton-linked genes were also studied. These and other well-established data support the idea that Vrp1, Las17, Rvs167 proteins belong to the same complex. This protein structure might act with myosins in various actin cytoskeleton-based activities, in co-operation with a Rho3p/Rho4p signalling pathway that is negatively regulated by Rgd1p GAP activity.  相似文献   

The uncharacterized Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins Fcf1 and Fcf2, encoded by the ORFs YDR339c and YLR051c, respectively, were identified in a tandem affinity purification experiment of the known 40S factor Faf1p. Most of the proteins associated with TAP-Faf1p are trans-acting factors involved in pre-rRNA processing and 40S subunit biogenesis, in agreement with the previously observed role of Faf1p in 18S rRNA synthesis. Fcf1p and Fcf2p are both essential and localize to the nucleolus. Depletion of Fcf1p and Fcf2p leads to a decrease in synthesis of the 18S rRNA, resulting in a deficit in 40S ribosomal subunits. Northern analysis indicates inefficient processing of pre-rRNA at the A(0), A(1), and A(2) cleavage sites.  相似文献   

Swe1p, the sole Wee1-family kinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is synthesized during late G1 and is then degraded as cells proceed through the cell cycle. However, Swe1p degradation is halted by the morphogenesis checkpoint, which responds to insults that perturb bud formation. The Swe1p stabilization promotes cell cycle arrest through Swe1p-mediated inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc28p until the cells can recover from the perturbation and resume bud formation. Swe1p degradation involves the relocalization of Swe1p from the nucleus to the mother-bud neck, and neck targeting requires the Swe1p-interacting protein Hsl7p. In addition, Swe1p degradation is stimulated by its substrate, cyclin/Cdc28p, and Swe1p is thought to be a target of the ubiquitin ligase SCF(Met30) acting with the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34p. The basis for regulation of Swe1p degradation by the morphogenesis checkpoint remains unclear, and in order to elucidate that regulation we have dissected the Swe1p degradation pathway in more detail, yielding several novel findings. First, we show here that Met30p (and by implication SCF(Met30)) is not, in fact, required for Swe1p degradation. Second, cyclin/Cdc28p does not influence Swe1p neck targeting, but can directly phosphorylate Swe1p, suggesting that it acts downstream of neck targeting in the Swe1p degradation pathway. Third, a screen for functional but nondegradable mutants of SWE1 identified two small regions of Swe1p that are key to its degradation. One of these regions mediates interaction of Swe1p with Hsl7p, showing that the Swe1p-Hsl7p interaction is critical for Swe1p neck targeting and degradation. The other region did not appear to affect interactions with known Swe1p regulators, suggesting that other as-yet-unknown regulators exist.  相似文献   

The exocyst serves to tether secretory vesicles to cortical sites specified by polarity determinants, in preparation for fusion with the plasma membrane. Although most exocyst components are brought to these sites by riding on secretory vesicles as they are actively transported along actin cables, Exo70p displays actin-independent localization to these sites, implying an interaction with a polarity determinant. Here we show that Exo70p directly and specifically binds to the polarity determinant scaffold protein Bem1p. The interaction involves multiple domains of both Exo70p and Bem1p. Mutations in Exo70p that disrupt its interaction with Bem1, without impairing its interactions with other known binding partners, lead to the loss of actin-independent localization. Synthetic genetic interactions confirm the importance of the Exo70p–Bem1p interaction, although there is some possible redundancy with Sec3p and Sec15p, other exocyst components that also interact with polarity determinants. Similar to Sec3p, the actin-independent localization of Exo70p requires a synergistic interaction with the phosphoinositide PI(4,5)P2.  相似文献   

Petreaca RC  Chiu HC  Nugent CI 《Genetics》2007,177(3):1459-1474
The function of telomeres is twofold: to facilitate complete chromosome replication and to protect chromosome ends against fusions and illegitimate recombination. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, interactions among Cdc13p, Stn1p, and Ten1p are thought to be critical for promoting these processes. We have identified distinct Stn1p domains that mediate interaction with either Ten1p or Cdc13p, allowing analysis of whether the interaction between Cdc13p and Stn1p is indeed essential for telomere capping or length regulation. Consistent with the model that the Stn1p essential function is to promote telomere end protection through Cdc13p, stn1 alleles that truncate the C-terminal 123 residues fail to interact with Cdc13p and do not support viability when expressed at endogenous levels. Remarkably, more extensive deletions that remove an additional 185 C-terminal residues from Stn1p now allow cell growth at endogenous expression levels. The viability of these stn1-t alleles improves with increasing expression level, indicating that increased stn1-t dosage can compensate for the loss of Cdc13p-Stn1p interaction. However, telomere length is misregulated at all expression levels. Thus, an amino-terminal region of Stn1p is sufficient for its essential function, while a central region of Stn1p either negatively regulates the STN1 essential function or destabilizes the mutant Stn1 protein.  相似文献   

【目的】研究转录调控因子Bas1p和Bas2p协同作用对重组酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)胞外c AMP产生的影响,初步优化发酵培养基。【方法】通过共整合表达策略,在c AMP产生菌酿酒酵母G5中超表达Bas1p和Bas2p,摇瓶发酵实验考察了Bas1p和Bas2p协同作用对菌株生长及胞外c AMP产生的影响,进一步考察了酵母粉和蛋白胨含量及前体物腺嘌呤对菌株生长和c AMP产生的影响。【结果】超表达Bas1p和Bas2p使菌株在1×YP培养基中发酵120 h时的c AMP产量较出发菌株提高51.4%,达到2 253.8μmol/L;将1×YP中的酵母粉和蛋白胨含量翻倍(即2×YP培养基)发酵120 h时的c AMP产量提高至4 450.4μmol/L;在2×YP培养基中添加0.5 g/L浓度的腺嘌呤时,c AMP产量进一步提高至5 314.3μmol/L。【结论】强化Bas1p和Bas2p的协同作用及相应地优化培养基组分有助于酿酒酵母胞外c AMP生产。  相似文献   

All organisms are equipped with systems for detoxification of the metalloids arsenic and antimony. Here, we show that two parallel pathways involving the AP-1-like proteins Yap1p and Yap8p are required for acquisition of metalloid tolerance in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. Yap8p is demonstrated to reside in the nucleus where it mediates enhanced expression of the arsenic detoxification genes ACR2 and ACR3. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, we show that Yap8p is associated with the ACR3 promoter in untreated as well as arsenic-exposed cells. Like for Yap1p, specific cysteine residues are critical for Yap8p function. We further show that metalloid exposure triggers nuclear accumulation of Yap1p and stimulates expression of antioxidant genes. Yap1p mutants that are unable to accumulate in the nucleus during H(2)O(2) treatment showed nearly normal nuclear retention in response to metalloid exposure. Thus, our data are the first to demonstrate that Yap1p is being regulated by metalloid stress and to indicate that this activation of Yap1p operates in a manner distinct from stress caused by chemical oxidants. We conclude that Yap1p and Yap8p mediate tolerance by controlling separate subsets of detoxification genes and propose that the two AP-1-like proteins respond to metalloids through distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells possess an alkali metal cation antiporter encoded by the NHA1 gene. Nha1p is unique in the family of yeast Na+/H+ antiporters on account of its broad substrate specificity (Na+, Li+, K+) and its long C-terminus (56% of the whole protein). In order to study the role of the C-terminus in Nha1p function, we constructed a series of 13 truncated NHA1 versions ranging from the complete one (2958 nucleotides, 985 amino acids) down to the shortest version (1416 nucleotides, 472 amino acids), with only 41 amino acid residues after the last putative transmembrane domain. Truncated NHA1 versions were expressed in an S. cerevisiae alkali metal cation-sensitive strain (B31; ena1-4Delta nha1Delta). We found that the entire Nha1p C-terminus domain is not necessary for either the proper localization of the antiporter in the plasma membrane or the transport of all four substrates (we identified rubidium as the fourth Nha1p substrate). Partial truncation of the C-terminus of about 70 terminal amino acids improves the tolerance of cells to Na+, Li+ and Rb+ compared with cells expressing the complete Nha1p. The presence of the neighbouring part of the C-terminus (amino acids 883-928), rich in aspartate and glutamate residues, is necessary for the maintenance of maximum Nha1p activity towards sodium and lithium. In the case of potassium, the participation of the long C-terminus in the regulation of intracellular potassium content is demonstrated. We also present evidence that the Nha1p C-terminus is involved in the cell response to sudden changes in environmental osmolarity.  相似文献   

The apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Apn1 is one of the key enzymes involved in base excision repair of DNA lesions. A major function of the enzyme is to cleave the upstream phosphodiester bond of an apurinic/apyrimidinic site (AP-site), leading to the formation of a single-strand break with 3′-hydroxyl (OH) and 5′-deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) termini. In this study, the pre-steady-state kinetics and conformational dynamics of DNA substrates during their interaction with Apn1 were investigated. A stopped-flow method with detection of the fluorescence intensity of 2-aminopurine and pyrrolocytosine located adjacent or opposite to the damage was used. It was found that upon interaction with Apn1, both DNA strands undergo a number of rapid changes. The location of fluorescent analogs of heterocyclic bases in DNA does not influence the catalytic step of the reaction. Comparison of data obtained for yeast Apn1 and reported data (Kanazhevskaya, L. Yu., Koval, V. V., Vorobjev, Yu. N., and Fedorova, O. S. (2012) Biochemistry, 51, 1306–1321) for human Ape1 revealed some differences in their interaction with DNA substrates.  相似文献   

The rap1A gene encodes a 21-kDa, ras-related GTP-binding protein (p21rap1A) of unknown function. A close structural homolog of p21rap1A (65% identity in the amino-terminal two-thirds) is the RSR1 gene product (Rsr1p) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although Rsr1p is not essential for growth, its presence is required for nonrandom selection of bud sites. To assess the similarity of these proteins at the functional level, wild-type and mutant forms of p21rap1A were tested for complementation of activities known to be fulfilled by Rsr1p. Expression of p21rap1A, like multicopy expression of RSR1, suppressed the conditional lethality of a temperature-sensitive cdc24 mutation. Point mutations predicted to affect the localization of p21rap1A or its ability to cycle between GDP and GTP-bound states disrupted suppression of cdc24ts, while other mutations in the 61-65 loop region improved suppression. Expression of p21rap1A could not, however, suppress the random budding phenotype of rsr1 cells. p21rap1A also apparently interfered with the normal activity of Rsrlp, causing random budding in diploid wild-type cells, suggesting an inability of p21rap1A to interact appropriately with Rsr1p regulatory proteins. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found an Rsr1p-specific GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity in yeast membranes which was not active toward p21rap1A, indicating that p21rap1A may be predominantly GTP bound in yeast cells. Coexpression of human Rap1-specific GAP suppressed the random budding due to expression of p21rap1A or its derivatives, including Rap1AVal-12. Although Rap1-specific GAP stimulated the GTPase of Rsr1p in vitro, it did not dominantly interfere with Rsr1p function in vivo. A chimera consisting of Rap1A1-165::Rsr1p166-272 did not exhibit normal Rsr1p function in the budding pathway. These results indicated that p21rap1A and Rsr1p share at least partial functional homology, which may have implications for p21rap1A function in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Rho1p is an essential small GTPase that plays a key role in the morphogenesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show here that the activation of Rho1p is regulated by a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK). Rho1p is activated at the G1/S transition at the incipient-bud sites by the Cln2p (G1 cyclin) and Cdc28p (CDK) complex, in a process mediated by Tus1p, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rho1p. Tus1p interacts physically with Cln2p/Cdc28p and is phosphorylated in a Cln2p/Cdc28p-dependent manner. CDK phosphorylation consensus sites in Tus1p are required for both Cln2p-dependent activation of Rho1p and polarized organization of the actin cytoskeleton. We propose that Cln2p/Cdc28p-dependent phosphorylation of Tus1p is required for appropriate temporal and spatial activation of Rho1p at the G1/S transition.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic proteins with carboxyl-terminal CaaX motifs undergo three post-translational processing reactions-protein prenylation, endoproteolysis, and carboxymethylation. Two genes in yeast encoding CaaX endoproteases, AFC1 and RCE1, have been identified. Rce1p is solely responsible for proteolysis of yeast Ras proteins. When proteolysis is blocked, plasma membrane localization of Ras2p is impaired. The mislocalization of undermodified Ras in the cell suggests that Rce1p is an attractive target for cancer therapeutics. Homologous expression of plasmid-encoded Saccharomyces cerevisiae RCE1 under the control of the GAL1 promoter gave a 370-fold increase in endoprotease activity over an uninduced control. Yeast Rce1p was detected by Western blotting with a yRce1p antibody or with an anti-myc antibody to Rce1p bearing a C-terminal myc-epitope. Membrane preparations were examined for their sensitivity to a variety of protease inhibitors, metal ion chelators, and heavy metals. The enzyme was sensitive to cysteine protease inhibitors, Zn(2+), and Ni(2+). The substrate selectivity of yRce1p was determined for a variety of prenylated CaaX peptides including farnesylated and geranylgeranylated forms of human Ha-Ras, Ki-Ras, N-Ras, and yeast Ras2p, a-mating factor, and Rho2p. Six site-directed mutants of conserved polar and ionic amino acids in yRce1p were prepared. Four of the mutants, H194A, E156A, C251A, and H248A, were inactive. Results from the protease inhibition studies and the site-directed mutagenesis suggest that Rce1p is a cysteine protease.  相似文献   

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