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To assess the mechanism of P2X2 receptor modulation by transition metals, the cDNA for the wild-type receptor was injected to Xenopus laevis oocytes and examined 48-72 h later by the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. Copper was the most potent of the trace metals examined; at 10 microm it evoked a 25-fold potentiation of the 10 microm ATP-gated currents. Zinc, nickel or mercury required 10-fold larger concentrations to cause comparable potentiations, while palladium, cobalt or cadmium averaged only 12- and 3-fold potentiations, respectively. Platinum was inactive. The non-additive effect of copper and zinc at 10-100 microm suggests a common site of action; these metals also shifted to the left the ATP concentration-response curves. To define residues necessary for trace metal modulation, alanines were singly substituted for each of the nine histidines in the extracellular domain of the rat P2X2 receptor. The H120A and H213A mutants were resistant to the modulator action of copper, zinc and other metals with the exception of mercury. Mutant H192A showed a reduction but not an abrogation of the copper or zinc potentiation. H245A showed less affinity for copper while this mutant flattened the zinc-induced potentiation. Mutant H319A reduced the copper but not the zinc-induced potentiation. In contrast, mutants H125A, H146A, H152A and H174A conserved the wild-type receptor sensitivity to trace metal modulation. We propose that His120, His192, His213 and His245 form part of a common allosteric metal-binding site of the P2X2 receptor, which for the specific coordination of copper, but not zinc, additionally involves His319.  相似文献   

The purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ligand-gated cationic channel receptor. P2X7R is closely associated with various inflammatory, immune, cancer, neurological, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disorders. P2X7R is an interesting therapeutic target as well as molecular imaging target. This brief digest highlights the radioligands targeting P2X7R recently developed in drug discovery and molecular imaging agent development.  相似文献   

Two histidines are known to be essential for zinc potentiation of rat P2X2 receptors, but the chemistry of zinc coordination would suggest that other residues also participate in this zinc-binding site. There is also a second lower affinity zinc-binding site in P2X2 receptors whose constituents are unknown. To assess whether the extracellular acidic residues of the P2X2 receptor contribute to zinc potentiation or inhibition, site-directed mutagenesis was used to produce alanine substitutions at each extracellular glutamate or aspartate. Two electrode voltage clamp recordings from Xenopus oocytes indicated that 7 of the 34 mutants (D82A, E85A, E91A, E115A, D136A, D209A, and D281A) were deficient in zinc potentiation and one mutant (E84A) was deficient in zinc inhibition. Additional tests on cysteine mutants at these eight positions indicated that D136 is the only residue that is a strong candidate to be at the potentiating zinc-binding site, and that E84 is unlikely to be at the inhibitory zinc-binding site.  相似文献   

The P2X7 receptor is widely recognized to mediate the proinflammatory effects of extracellular ATP. However this receptor in the absence of ATP may have a function unrelated to inflammation. Our data show that P2X7 expressed on the surface of monocyte/macrophages or on epithelial HEK-293 cells greatly augments the engulfment of latex beads and live and heat-killed bacteria by effector phagocyte in the absence of ATP and serum. The expression of P2X7 on the effector also confers the ability to phagocytose apoptotic target cells and an accumulation of P2X7 can be seen at the attachment point to the target. Activation of the P2X7 receptor by ATP causes a slow dissociation (over 10–15 min) of nonmuscle myosin from the P2X7 membrane complex and abolishes further P2X7-mediated phagocytosis of these targets. The recent crystal structure of the homologous zebrafish P2X4 receptor shows an exposed “nose” of the ectodomain (residues 115–162) which contains three of the five disulfide bonds conserved in all P2X receptors. Three short biotin-labeled peptides mimicking sequence of this exposed region bound to apoptotic target cells but not to either viable cells or to other target particles. All three peptides contained one or two cysteine residues and their replacement by alanine abolished peptide binding. These data implicate thiol-disulfide exchange reactions in the initial tethering of apoptotic cells to macrophage and establish P2X7 as one of the scavenger receptors involved in the recognition and removal of apoptotic cells in the absence of extracellular ATP and serum.  相似文献   

To further analyze the action of copper on brain synaptic mechanisms, the brain dipeptide carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) was tested in Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing the rat P2X4 or P2X7 receptors. Ten micromolar copper halved the currents evoked by ATP in both receptors; co-application of carnosine plus copper prevented the metal induced-inhibition with a median effective concentration of 12.1 +/- 3.9 and 12.0 +/- 5.5 microm for P2X4 and P2X7, respectively. Zinc potentiated only the P2X4 ATP-evoked currents; carnosine had no effect over this metal. The relative potency and selectivity of classical metal chelators to prevent the copper inhibition was compared between carnosine and penicillamine (PA), bathophenanthroline (BPh) or L-histidine (His). Their rank order of potency in P2X4 and P2X7 receptors was carnosine = PA = His > BPh > Glycine (Gly) and carnosine = BPh = His > PA > Gly, respectively. The potency to prevent the zinc-induced potentiation in the P2X4 receptor was BPh > PA > His; carnosine, Gly and beta-alanine were inactive. Whereas 1-100 microm carnosine or His alone did not modify the ATP-evoked currents, 10-100 microm PA augmented and 100 microm BPh decreased the ATP-evoked currents. Carnosine was able to revert the copper-induced inhibition restoring the maximal ATP gated current in a concentration-dependent manner. Electronic spectroscopy confirm the formation of carnosine-Cu(II) complexes, mechanism that can account for the prevention and reversal of the copper inhibition, revealing its potential in copper intoxication treatment.  相似文献   

Genetics of the P2X7 receptor and human disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The P2RX7 gene is highly polymorphic, and many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) underlie the wide variation observed in P2X7 receptor responses. We review the discovery of those non-synonymous SNPs that affect receptor function and compare their frequencies in different ethnic populations. Analysis of pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) predicts a limited range of haplotypes. The strong LD between certain functional SNPs provides insight into published studies of the association between SNPs and human disease.  相似文献   

P2X7受体是嘌呤受体中功能独特的一个亚型,为ATP控制的离子通道,在单核细胞、巨噬细胞、中性粒细胞中高表达,被ATP激活后导致K+外流和Ca^2+内流、非选择性膜孔形成,启动一系列信号途径如炎症小体NALP3的活化,丝裂原蛋白激酶途径激活NF-κB增强炎性细胞因子转录,ROS和氮介质的产生,介导IL-1β、IL-6、IL-18、TNF-α、MIP-2、CCL2、HMGB1等多种炎性细胞因子的释放,参与炎症的发生发展,与真菌感染及阿尔茨海默病、类风湿性关节炎、哮喘等炎症性疾病密切相关.  相似文献   

Neural progenitor cells (NPCs) are capable of self-renewal and differentiation into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, and have been used to treat several animal models of CNS disorders. In the present study, we show that the P2X7 purinergic receptor (P2X7R) is present on NPCs. In NPCs, P2X7R activation by the agonists extracellular ATP or benzoyl ATP triggers opening of a non-selective cationic channel. Prolonged activation of P2X7R with these nucleotides leads to caspase independent death of NPCs. P2X7R ligation induces NPC lysis/necrosis demonstrated by cell membrane disruption accompanied with loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. In most cells that express P2X7R, sustained stimulation with ATP leads to the formation of a non-selective pore allowing the entry of solutes up to 900 Da, which are reportedly involved in P2X7R-mediated cell lysis. Surprisingly, activation of P2X7R in NPCs causes cell death in the absence of pore formation. Our data support the notion that high levels of extracellular ATP in inflammatory CNS lesions may delay the successful graft of NPCs used to replace cells and repair CNS damage.  相似文献   

The rat ATP P2X4 receptor was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes to assess the effect of zinc and copper as possible regulators of purinergic mechanisms. ATP applied for 20 s evoked an inward cationic current with a median effective concentration (EC50) of 21.4+/-2.8 microM and a Hill coefficient (nH) of 1.5+/-0.1. Coapplication of ATP plus 10 microM zinc displaced leftward, in a parallel fashion, the ATP concentration-response curve, reducing the EC50 to 8.4+/-1.8 microM (p < 0.01) without altering the receptor nH. The zinc potentiation was fast in onset, easily reversible, and voltage-independent and did not require metal preexposure. The zinc EC50 was 2-5 microM, with a bell-shaped curve. At concentrations of 100-300 microM, zinc produced less potentiation, and at 1 mM, it inhibited 50% the ATP current. The effect of zinc was mimicked by cadmium. In contrast, copper inhibited the ATP-evoked currents in a time- and concentration-dependent fashion, reducing the maximal current (Imax) without altering the EC50. The copper-induced inhibition was slow in onset, slowly reversible, and voltage-independent. Whereas coapplication of 300 microM copper plus ATP reduced Imax to 36.2+/-5%, the coapplication of, or 60-s preexposure by, 10 microM copper reduced Imax to 79+/-9.2% (p < 0.05) and 39.6+/-8.7% (p < 0.01), respectively. The inhibition was noncompetitive in nature and mimicked by mercury. Cobalt, barium, and manganese did not modify significantly the ATP-evoked current, demonstrating metal specificity. The simultaneous 1-min preapplication of both metals revealed that the 10 microM zinc-induced potentiation was obliterated by 10 microM copper, whereas 30 microM copper not only reduced the potentiation, but inhibited the ATP response. Following coapplication of both metals for 20 s with ATP, at least 100 microM copper was required to counteract the 10 microM zinc-induced potentiation. The simultaneous preincubation with both metals provided evidence for a noncompetitive interaction. We hypothesize the existence of metal binding site(s), which are most likely localized in the extracellular domain of the P2X4 receptor structure. These sites are selective and accessible to extracellular metal applications and bind micromolar concentrations of metals. The present results are compatible with the working hypothesis that trace metals, such as copper and zinc, are physiological modulators of the P2X4 receptor. The modulation of brain purinergic transmission by physiologically and toxicologically relevant trace metal cations is highlighted.  相似文献   

The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) plays an important role in diverse conditions associated with tissue damage and inflammation, suggesting that the human P2X7R (hP2X7R) is an attractive therapeutic target. In the present study, the synthesis and structure-activity relationship (SAR) of a novel series of quinoline derivatives as P2X7R antagonists are described herein. These compounds exhibited mechanistic activity (YO PRO) in an engineered HEK293 expressing hP2X7R as well as a functional response (IL-1β) in human THP-1 (hTHP-1) cellular assays. Compound 19 was identified as the most promising compound in this series with excellent cellular potency, low liver microsomal clearance, good permeability and low efflux ratio. In addition, this compound also displayed good pharmacokinetic properties and acceptable brain permeability (Kp,uu of 0.37).  相似文献   

ATP-mediated signaling has widespread actions in the nervous system from neurotransmission to regulation of proliferation. In addition, ATP is released during injury and associated to immune and inflammatory responses. Still, the potential of therapeutic intervention of purinergic signaling during pathological states is only now beginning to be explored because of the large number of purinergic receptors subtypes involved, the complex and often overlapping pharmacology and because ATP has effects on every major cell type present in the CNS. In this review, we will focus on a subclass of purinergic-ligand-gated ion channels, the P2X7 receptor, its pattern of expression and its function in the spinal cord where it is abundantly expressed. We will discuss the mechanisms for P2X7R actions and the potential that manipulating the P2X7R signaling pathway may have for therapeutic intervention in pathological events, specifically in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Many studies have documented P2X7 receptor functions in cells of mesenchymal origin. P2X7 is also expressed in epithelial cells and its role in these cells remains largely unknown. Our data indicate that P2X7 regulate nuclear pAkt in epithelial cells. We show that low concentration of atorvastatin, a drug inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase and cholesterol metabolism, or the natural agonist extracellular ATP rapidly decreased the level of insulin-induced phosphorylated Akt in the nucleus. This effect was seen within minutes and was inhibited by P2X7 inhibitors. Experiments employing P2X7 siRNA and HEK293 cells heterologously expressing P2X7 and in vivo experiments further supported an involvement of P2X7. These data indicate that extracellular ATP and statins via the P2X7 receptor modulate insulin-induced Akt signaling in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Ability to adapt to conditions of limited nutrient supply requires a reorganization of the metabolic pathways to balance energy generation and production of biosynthetic intermediates. Several fast-growing cells overexpress the P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) for extracellular ATP. A feature of this receptor is to allow growth in the absence of serum. We show here that transfection of P2X7R allows proliferation of P2X7R-transfected HEK293 (HEK293-P2X7) cells not only in the absence of serum but also in low (4 mM) glucose, and increases lactate output compared with mock-transfected HEK293 (HEK293-mock) cells. In HEK293-P2X7, lactate output is further stimulated upon addition of exogenous ATP or the mitochondrial uncoupler carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP). In the human neuroblastoma cell line ACN, lactate output is also dependent on P2X7R function. P2X7R-expressing cells upregulate (a) the glucose transporter Glut1, (b) the glycolytic enzymes glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH), (c) phosphofructokinase (PFK), (d) pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) and (e) pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDHK1); furthermore, P2X7R expression (a) inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity, (b) increases phosphorylated Akt/PKB and hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) expression and (c) enhances intracellular glycogen stores. In HEK293-P2X7 cells, glucose deprivation increases lactate production, expression of glycolytic enzymes and ph-Akt/PKB level. These data show that the P2X7R has an intrinsic ability to reprogram cell metabolism to meet the needs imposed by adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Diabetic neuropathic pain (DNP) is highly common in diabetes patients. P2X receptors play critical roles in pain sensitization. We previously showed that elevated P2X3 expression in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) contributes to DNP. However, the role of other P2X receptors in DNP is unclear. Here, we established the DNP model using a single high-dose streptozotocin (STZ) injection and investigated the expression of P2X genes in the DRG. Our data revealed elevated P2X2, P2X4, and P2X7 mRNA levels in DRG of DNP rats. The protein levels of P2X4 and P2X7 in DNP rats increased, but the P2X2 did not change significantly. To study the role of P2X4 and P2X7 in diabetes-induced hyperalgesia, we treated the DNP rats with TNP-ATP (2’,3’-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-adenosine 5’-triphosphate), a nonspecific P2X1–7 antagonist, and found that TNP-ATP alleviated thermal hyperalgesia in DNP rats. 2 Hz electroacupuncture is analgesic against DNP and could downregulate P2X4 and P2X7 expression in DRG. Our findings indicate that P2X4 and P2X7 in L4–L6 DRGs contribute to diabetes-induced hyperalgesia, and that EA reduces thermal hyperalgesia and the expression of P2X4 and P2X7.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is considered the most lethal intracranial tumor and the median survival time is approximately 14 months. Although some glioma cells present radioresistance, radiotherapy has been the mainstay of therapy for patients with malignant glioma. The activation of P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is responsible for ATP-induced death in various cell types. In this study, we analyzed the importance of ATP-P2X7R pathway in the radiotherapy response P2X7R silenced cell lines, in vivo and human tumor samples. Both glioma cell lines used in this study present a functional P2X7R and the P2X7R silencing reduced P2X7R pore activity by ethidium bromide uptake. Gamma radiation (2 Gy) treatment reduced cell number in a P2X7R-dependent way, since both P2X7R antagonist and P2X7R silencing blocked the cell cytotoxicity caused by irradiation after 24 h. The activation of P2X7R is time-dependent, as EtBr uptake significantly increased after 24 h of irradiation. The radiotherapy plus ATP incubation significantly increased annexin V incorporation, compared with radiotherapy alone, suggesting that ATP acts synergistically with radiotherapy. Of note, GL261 P2X7R silenced-bearing mice failed in respond to radiotherapy (8 Gy) and GL261 WT-bearing mice, that constitutively express P2X7R, presented a significant reduction in tumor volume after radiotherapy, showing in vivo that functional P2X7R expression is essential for an efficient radiotherapy response in gliomas. We also showed that a high P2X7R expression is a good prognostic factor for glioma radiosensitivity and survival probability in humans. Our data revealed the relevance of P2X7R expression in glioma cells to a successful radiotherapy response, and shed new light on this receptor as a useful predictor of the sensitivity of cancer patients to radiotherapy and median survival.  相似文献   

The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) has been implicated in the process of multinucleation and cell fusion. We have previously demonstrated that blockade of P2X7Rs on osteoclast precursors using a blocking antibody inhibited multinucleated osteoclast formation in vitro, but that P2X7R KO mice maintain the ability to form multinucleated osteoclasts. This apparent contradiction of the role the P2X7R plays in multinucleation has prompted us to examine the effect of the most commonly used and recently available P2X7R antagonists on osteoclast formation and function. When added to recombinant RANKL and M-CSF human blood monocytes cultures, all but one compound, decreased the formation and function of multinucleated TRAP-positive osteoclasts in a concentration-dependent manner. These data provide further evidence for the role of the P2X7R in the formation of functional human multinucleated osteoclasts and highlight the importance of selection of antagonists for use in long-term experiments.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling - The P2X receptor 7 (P2X7R) is a plasma membrane receptor sensing extracellular ATP associated with a wide variety of cellular functions. It is most commonly expressed on...  相似文献   

不同诱导因子对人外周血单个核细胞P2X7受体表达的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Zhang XJ  Zheng GG  Ma XT  Lin YM  Song YH  Wu KF 《生理学报》2005,57(2):193-198
ATP激活P2X7受体可产生一系列的白细胞功能反应,因此P2X7受体的表达调控引起我们的兴趣。然而P2X7受体在正常人外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells,PBMC)、单核细胞中的表达调控机制尚未阐明。本文用半定量RT-PCR方法检测多种细胞因子、细菌抗原、丝裂原对P2X7受体表达的诱导作用,探索P2X7受体的诱导表达模式。结果表明,单个核细胞和单核细胞可检出P2X7受体的表达;白细胞介素2、4、6(interleukin-2、-4、-6,IL-2、IL-4、IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子仪(tumour necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)等细胞因子和金黄色葡萄球菌CowanⅠ株(Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strainⅠ,SAC)、脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)能上调PBMC的P2X7受体表达,而γ干扰素(interferon-γ,IFN-γ)、粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor,GM-CSF)、巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(macmphage colony-stimulating factor,M-CSF)和植物血凝素(phytohemagglutinin-M,PHA-M)等则没有作用;LPS和M-CSF可以提高单核细胞的P2X7受体表达,IFN-γ、TNF-α、GM-CSF作用较弱,但是这些因子的预处理并不能增强LPS对P2X7受体表达的诱导。炎症因子促进P2X7受体的表达,提示P2X7受体可能在对抗细菌感染的免疫反应中起一定作用,这有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

Gliomas are the most lethal tumors of central nervous system. ATP is an important signaling molecule in CNS and it is a selective P2X7 purinergic receptor ligand at high concentrations. Herein, we investigated whether the activation of P2X7R might be implicated in death of a radiosensitive human glioma lineage. The effects of P2X7R agonists (ATP and BzATP) and irradiation (2 Gy) on glioma cells were analyzed by MTT assay and annexin-V/PI determination, whereas mRNA and protein P2X7R expression was assessed by qRT-PCR and flow cytometry, respectively. P2X7R pore formation was functionality examined by analyzing ethidium bromide uptake. The human glioma cells U-138 MG and U-251 MG were resistant to death when treated with either ATP (5 mM) or BzATP (100 μM), but the radiosensitive M059J glioma cells displayed a significant decrease of cell viability (32.4 ± 4.1 % and 25.6 ± 3.3 %, respectively). The M059J lineage expresses significantly higher mRNA P2X7R levels when compared to the U-138 MG and U-251 cell lines (0.40 ± 0.00; 0.28 ± 0.01, and 0.31 ± 0.01, respectively), and irradiation upregulated P2X7R expression (0.55 ± 0.08) in this lineage. Noteworthy, P2X7R protein doubled after irradiation on M059J lineage, and increased in 50 % and 42.6 % when comparing M059J-irradiated to irradiated U-138 MG and U-251 MG cells, respectively. Ethidium bromide uptake was significantly increased in 104 % and 77.8 % when comparing M059J to U-138 MG and U-251MG, respectively. Finally, the selective P2X7R antagonist A740003 significantly decreased the cell death caused by irradiation. We provide novel evidence indicating that M059J human glioma cell line is ATP-P2X7R sensitive, pointing out the relevance of the purinergic P2X7R on glioma radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

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