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Forty-three strains ofFusarium moniliforme isolated from infected maize and sorghum plants in Italy were assayed for their ability to produce fertile crosses with A and F mating population tester strains, in relation to their ability to produce fumonisins on maize substrate. Most of the strains isolated from maize (ear and stalk rot and maize-based feed), producing fumonisin B1 (FB1) and B2 (FB2) (up to 4,100 and 855 mg/kg, respectively), belonged to the A mating population. All of the strains isolated from sorghum belonged to the F mating population and produced little or no FB1 and FB2. This is the first report of the occurrence of mating population F in Europe. Our data on strains from Italy are consistent with previous studies from the United States that found significant differences in sexual fertility and fumonisin production between strains from maize and sorghum.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen grains of the gymnosperm species Ephedra distachya and Pinus wallichiana germinated abundantly on the in vitro cultured placentae of the angiosperm species Nicotiana tabacum, Melandrium album and Allium moly. Some P. wallichiana pollen tubes entered the micropyles of M. album. Embryological observations of cross-pollinated M. album ovules 2 or 3 d after cross-pollination revealed the presence of pollen tube remnants within the embryo sacs. Karyological disturbances in the two- and three-celled proembryos and endosperm nuclei indicated their probable hybrid origin. In some crosses, gynogenetic haploid proembryos were also noticed.  相似文献   

Immature maize spikelets have been successfully grown in vitro. Culture conditions were refined to maximize development of normal pollen grains. Kinetin was not required for normal development, in contrast to the absolute requirement for this plant growth regulator for in vitro tassel development. Development occured in all stages sampled, from premeiosis to postvacuolation, and there was no lag in progression through the various stages of development as compared to greenhouse-grown material. Cultured spikelets produced pollen that appeared morphologically normal, accumulated starch and had the normal two sperm nuclei and single vegetative nucleus.  相似文献   

Identification of genomic regions affecting plant height in sorghum and maize   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The objective of this study was to use restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) to determine the genetic location and effects of genomic regions controlling plant height in sorghum. F2 plants (152) from the cross CK60 x PI229828 were used. Genomic and cDNA clones (106) identified 111 loci distributed among ten linkage groups covering 1299 cM. Interval mapping identified four regions, each in a separate linkage group. These regions may correspond to loci (dw) previously identified by alleles with qualitative effects. Also, these regions identified in sorghum may be orthologous to those previously reported for plant height in maize. Gene effects and gene action varied among genomic regions. In each region, PI229828 alleles resulted in increased plant height. Each region accounted for 9.2–28.7% of the phenotypic variation. Positive, additive effects ranged from 15 to 32cm. Tallness was dominant or overdominant and conferred by alleles from PI229828 for three quantitative trait loci (QTL). At the fourth QTL, PI229828 contributed to increased plant height, but short stature was partially dominant. One digenic interaction was significant. The presence of a PI229828 allele at one region diminished the effects of the other region. A multiple model indicated that these four regions collectively accounted for 63.4% of the total phenotypic variation. The utility of this information for germplasm conversion through backcross breeding is discussed.Journal Paper No. J. 15649 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economic Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 3134  相似文献   

Samples from soils planted to millet and sorghum from Lesotho, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe were processed and a total of 3,291Fusarium cultures were recovered. Of these 1,296 cultures were isolated from plant debris and 1,995 cultures were recovered from soil dilutions. The most prevalent species recovered wereF. oxysporum (37%),F. equiset (30%),F. solani (14%),F. moniliforme (6%),F. compactum (5%),F. nygamai (4%), andF. chlamydosporum (2%). OtherFusarium species isolated wereF. merismoides, F. polyphialidicum, F. graminearum, F. subglutinans, F. sambucinum, F. longipes, F. semitectum, F. dimerum, F. lateritium, and a group of cultures designated as population A which resembleF. camptoceras. Fusarium equiseti was the predominant species in soil samples from Nigeria and Zimbabwe, whileF. oxysporum was the predominant species recovered from soil from Lesotho.Contribution No. 1881, Fusarium Research Center, Department of Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

The influence of donor plant genotype, ear maturity, explant size, and the ratio of ovule-to-cob tissue on kernel development from in vitro pollinated ovules was examined. All genotypes evaluated in this study were capable of in vitro pollination/fertilization, however, significant differences were observed for the responses measured. Genotype means for complete kernel formation ranged from 1.5% to 25.4% with B73 exhibiting the highest response. Averaged over all genotypes, ear maturity effects were not significant, however, the genotype x ear maturity mean square was significant for swelling percentage. Explant size had a profound effect on in vitro kernel development. Averaged over all genotypes and ear maturities, 30-ovule explants resulted in more than twice as many ovules classified as complete kernels when compared to 10-ovule explants. Ovule-to-cob tissue ratio was also found to have highly significant effects on all three variables measured. An ovule-to-cob tissue ratio of 4:24 resulted in the highest percentages of swelling, embryos with incomplete embryos, and complete kernels.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of synthesis of ribosomes during three stages of development of the female gametophyte of maize has been studied by in situ hybridization using a ribosomal RNA probe. Changes in volume of individual cells of the embryo sac during its maturation have been determined by confocal microscopy. These data have permitted us to calculate the relative numbers of ribosomes in the cells of the embryo sac at different stages of their maturation. The egg apparatus and the central cell at all stages of development contain several fold greater numbers of ribosomes than are present in the antipodal cells or cells of the surrounding nucellus. The accumulation of ribosomes during embryo sac maturation appears to proceed at a constant and high rate, with the rate being highest in the developing central cell.  相似文献   

Development of maize caryopses resulting from in-vitro pollination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B. G. Gengenbach 《Planta》1977,134(1):91-93
Intact maize (Zea mays L.) ovaries were excised from unpollinated ears (pistillate inflorescences of field-grown plants and placed on defined, agar-based media in Petri dishes. Application of pollen to the end of silks (styles) positioned outside the Petri dish resulted in fertilization of 46% of the ovaries. The extent of subsequent kernel (caryopsis) development varied. After 40 days some kernels had only embryo development while others had embryo and variable endosperm development. About 5% of the initial ovaries developed into normal kernels; 60% of the kernels with some endosperm germinated under laboratory conditions, and 70% of the embryos excised from the embryo-only kernels germinated on culture media.Contribution from the Department of Agromy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA. Paper no. 9641 scientific journal series, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

The cytological possibility of gene transfer from Sinapis pubescens to Brassica napus was investigated. Intergeneric hybrids between Brassica napus (2n = 38) and Sinapis pubescens (2n = 18) were produced through ovary culture. The F1 hybrids were dihaploid and the chromosome configurations were (0–1) III + (2–11) II + (5–24) I . One F2 plant with 38 chromosomes was obtained from open pollination of the F1 hybrid. Thirty-one seeds were obtained from the backcross of the F2 plant with B. napus. Five out of seven plants had 38 chromosomes, and the pollen stainability ranged from 0% to 81.4%. In the B2 plants obtained from the backcross of B1 plants with B. napus, 66.7% of the plants examined had 38 chromosomes. S. pubescens may become a gene source for the improvement of B. napus.  相似文献   

Summary An in vitro method to simulate pollen development was developed in maize (Zea mays L.). Microspores at the late uninucleate to early binucleate stage were isolated and cultured under various conditions. Cell viability, starch content and the formation of the three nuclei as found in normal mature pollen were monitored during the course of the culture. Media composition was modified in order to promote starch accumulation and frequency of mitosis, while maintaining the viability of the microspores. Under the best conditions, up to 12% of the microspores matured in vitro into trinucleate, starch-filled viable pollen grains which were unable to germinate or produce seeds. At different stages during in vitro maturation, proteins patterns were analyzed and compared with their in vivo equivalent and the patterns were only partially similar.  相似文献   

Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in sorghum is related to the lack of a normal dormancy level during seed development and maturation. Based on previous evidence that seed dormancy in maize is controlled by the vp1 gene, we used a PCR-based approach to isolate two Sorghum bicolor genomic and cDNA clones from two genotypes exhibiting different PHS behaviour and sensitivity to abscisic acid (ABA). The two 699 amino acid predicted protein sequences differ in two residues at positions 341 (Gly or Cys within the repression domain) and 448 (Pro or Ser) and show over 80, 70 and 60% homology to maize, rice and oat VP1 proteins respectively.Expression analysis of the sorghum vp1 gene in the two lines shows a slightly higher level of vp1 mRNA in the embryos susceptible to PHS than in those resistant to PHS during embryogenesis. However, timing of expression was different between these genotypes during this developmental process. Whereas for the former the main peak of expression was observed at 20 days after pollination (DAP), the peak in the latter was found at later developmental stages when seed maturation was almost complete.Under favourable germination conditions and in the presence of fluridone (an inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis), sorghum vp1 mRNA showed to be consistently correlated with sensitivity to ABA but not with ABA content and dormancy.  相似文献   

The 1.4 kbp Xba I and the 1.3 kbp EcoRI repeat families in great millet were partially characterized with respect to their genomic distribution and their homology with the EcoRI and Xba I families of five other millet DNAs. The digestions of great millet DNA using increasing amounts of the two enzymes show that these two families are disperse in nature. The hybridization of these two families to the genomic digests of great millet indicates that they are arranged in a clustered and scrambled manner. Similarly, the hybridization with the EcoRI and Xba I digests of five other millet DNAs reveals the speciesspecific nature of these two repeat families. The latter also hybridize to the total repetitive fraction of great millet isolated at a highly stringent temperature of 75°C suggesting that the members of these two families are probably largely homogeneous.  相似文献   

Molecular markers were used to characterise sugarcane intergeneric hybrids between S. officinarum and E. arundinaceus. Very simple diagnostic tools for hybrid identification among the progeny were derived from isozyme electrophoresis and a sequence-tagged PCR. Two enzyme systems (GOT and MDH B) and PCR amplification revealing spacer-size variation in the 5s-rDNA cluster were found most convenient. Specific characterisation of the two genomic components was possible using RFLP and in situ hybridisation. The strong molecular differentiation between S. officinarum and E. arundinaceus allows the identification of numerous Erianthus-specific RFLP bands in the hybrids. Genomic DNA in situ hybridisation allows for the differentiation of the chromosomes contributed by S. officinarum and E. arundinaceus in chromosome preparations of the hybrids. In situ hybridisation with the 18s-5.8s-25s rDNA probe highlights the basic chromosome numbers in the two parental species. The potential of these techniques to monitor the Erianthus genome during the introgression process is discussed.  相似文献   

To study the role or organic substrate availability as a factor limiting associative N2-fixation we measured acetylene reduction (AR) associated with roots of intact maize and sorghum plants before and after adding organic substrates to the nutrient solution in a hydroponic system. Chloramphenicol (Cam) or nalidixic acid (NA) was added along with the substrate to determine whether bacterial protein synthesis or cell replication was necessary to support increased AR following amendment. The grasses were grown in pots in a greenhouse or on a light bench for 4–6 weeks, and then brought into the laboratory to measure AR. Intact plants were separated from soil and transferred into plastic cylinders containing an N-free nutrient solution. The roots were isolated from the shoots by a silicone rubber seal and exposed to oxygen concentrations of 0–10 kPa. Rates of AR were measured before and after adding 0.01–0.10% (w/v) carbon as glucose, malate, succinate, ethanol, acetate, glutarate, propionate, or resorcinol. Only resorcinol and ethanol failed to substantially increase AR activity. Rates of AR increased by 1.5-to 2-fold within 2h and by 5-to 15-fold after 24h. Cam and NA prevented the stimulation of AR by glucose, but neither inhibitor caused AR associated with unamended plants to decrease. We conclude that the highly variable rates of AR that have been reported for associative symbioses, even under well-controlled conditions were governed to a large extent by the amount and type of organic substrates exuded by the roots. Proliferation of diazotrophs appeared to be necessary to increase root-associated AR activity but not to maintain a constant level of activity.  相似文献   

Sorghum ergot (caused by Claviceps africana) is a disease that affects sorghum seed development and yield. The interaction between pollen tube growth and hyphal development determines whether ovaries will be fertilized or colonized. Thus their respective deposition times on the stigma are critical. The effect of the time interval between pollination and inoculation on stigma receptivity and seed production was measured under field conditions in the male-sterile line A9 at Montecillo, State of México (2240m altitude). Pollination and inoculation treatments, from simultaneous application to 2 and 4h difference, were imposed when all stigmas on the panicle had emerged. Control panicles were either only pollinated or only inoculated. Eighteen hours later, pollen grains that adhered to, and germinated within the stigma, pollen tubes in the style and ovary, and fertilized pistils were counted. Pistils showing some disease expression (germinated spores, mycelium growth, or tissue necrosis) at 18, 48, and 72h were recorded. The number of diseased florets was registered at the dough growth stage, while number of seeds, grain yield and 100-seeds weight was measured at the physiological maturity. The pathogen applied in a water suspension of macro and secondary conidia caused a decrease in stigma receptivity; the greatest decrease (40-60%) occurred when the pollen and the inoculum were deposited almost simultaneously, regardless of which was deposited first. The route of the pollen tube was also the route for fungal infection. On average, treatments first inoculated had 60% more diseased florets and 36% less grain yield, 30% fewer seeds and seed size decreased 8%, than those first pollinated.  相似文献   

Summary A technique for cultivating isolated flowers of Brassica napus has been developed. Flowers were harvested at anthesis, the surface of their peduncles was then sterilized and they were cultivated in a hormonefree medium. We used an MS medium supplemented with 3% sucrose as a source of organic carbon. From our experiments, it was concluded that no exogenous growth regulator is required to ensure normal growth and development in vitro. The flowers, and thereafter the pods, can be kept in culture until seed maturity. After 30 days, seed development resulted in three types of seeds: (1) normal, (2) milky and (3) aborted. The results show that the number of seeds per pod was not dependent on the order of flowers on the raceme (except the first 10 flowers and flowers above row 50). Our study supports the validity of this model as an easy tool for studying pollination and early seed development.  相似文献   

The corn planthopper, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) causes serious economic losses in corn and sorghum. The insect occurs mostly at humid low elevations in the tropics and coastal areas of subtropical and temperate regions of all continents, the Caribbean Islands, and islands in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. This review provides a detailed compilation on the chronological progress made in basic and strategic aspects of research on the interactions between P. maidis and various host plants. The nature of damage by P. maidis and its economic impact, ecobiology in relation to host diversity, abiotic, and seasonal interactions; and life tables and alary polymorphism are discussed. Host plant resistance studies indicate that very few sources of resistance to P. maidis have been identified in maize, sorghum, or pearl millet, warranting a need to standardize rapid and reliable screening methods. The behavioral responses vis-à-vis mechanisms of resistance show the predominance of antixenosis for colonization and/or oviposition with variable degrees of antibiosis affecting life cycle parameters of P. maidis on maize and sorghum. The role of morphological traits, physiological mechanisms, and biochemical factors governing resistance are described. Population dynamics based on density-dependent and density-independent interactions are also discussed. In addition, aspects of P. maidis on chemical control, biological control, and trophobiosis interactions are listed. Future thrusts on research approaches are also discussed. Genetic engineering techniques involving lectin genes in the development of transgenic plants, and the molecular mapping of genes conferring resistance to both P. maidis and its transmitted virus diseases may stimulate further research and lead to better understanding of P. maidis—host plant interactions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Trichomonas gallinae is a flagellated protozoon which parasitizes in the upper digestive tract of different birds, especially columbiformes (doves and pigeons) and falconiformes. The parasite is also a common inhabitant of the crop of psittacine birds and is frequently detected in budgerigars. The lesions associated with T. gallinae infection of the upper digestive tract range from mild inflammation of the mucosa to large caseous lesions that block the lumen of the oesophagus. Nitroimidazoles are considered to be the drugs of choice for the treatment of trichomonosis. However, only a few studies report the existence of resistant strains of T. gallinae to these drugs. Thus, in the present investigation cloned cultures of T. gallinae obtained from budgerigars and pigeons were analysed for the first time for their in vitro susceptibilities against four 5′-nitroimidazole derivates, including metronidazole, dimetridazole, ronidazole and ornidazole. Significantly different minimal lethal concentrations (MLCs) were observed for them against all four drugs. The lowest MLCs revealed the Trichomonas isolates obtained from two budgerigars, ranging from 2.0 ± 0.3 to 3.0 ± 0.7 μg/ml for metronidazole and dimetridazole, and from 2.0 ± 0.6 to 6.7 ± 1.7 μg/ml for ornidazole and ronidazole. Contrary to this, the highest MLCs were recorded for one Trichomonas isolate obtained from a pigeon, ranging from 83.3 ± 6.7 (for dimetridazole and ronidazole) to 103.3 ± 3.3 μg/ml (for metronidazole and ornidazole). The data obtained for the resistance testing were further compared with already available genetic data of the small subunit rRNA gene sequences and ITS-1, 5.8S rRNA and ITS-2 sequences, indicating a certain correlation between in vitro results and strain relationships.  相似文献   

Charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina is an economically important disease in sorghum grown during the post rainy season in India. Variations in random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) polymorphisms, chlorate sensitivity and pathogenicity were studied among sorghum isolates of M. phaseolina collected from different parts of India. RAPD data based on 14 random primers of Kit A and C (OPA and OPC) on 20 isolates showed a high degree of polymorphism (98.1%) in different isolates. UPGMA dendrogram on RAPD data produced 7 clusters at the level of 37% similarity. Isolates from the same locations showed a tendency to group closer, substantiating closer genetic relatedness. Sorghum infecting Macrophomina isolates showed a mixed response for sensitivity to potassium chlorate (120 mM). Chlorate-resistant isolates were predominant (>65% of the isolates) over sensitive isolates. Chlorate-sensitive isolates were found to be genetically closer among them than the resistant ones. For the first time it was shown that chlorate sensitivity in Macrophomina had some relations with charcoal rot severity in sorghum.  相似文献   

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