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This study tests whether crown and stem development in Norway spruce could be described using a modified profile theory. 29 trees from three age-groups (25, 67, 86) with different treatments (unthinned, normally and intensively thinned) were destructively sampled. Crown ratio and crown length varied between age groups and treatments. Crown width was positively correlated with crown length, but branch length along the crown depended on tree age and growing space. Foliage mass density peaked at a relative crown height of 50–70% in middle-aged and mature stands, while young crowns were densest and widest at the base. Foliage mass was predictable from branch and stem cross-sectional area, provided the distance from the top was included. The ratio of foliage mass to branch cross-sectional area increased for 2–4 m down from the tip of the crown, then started to decrease. The relationship between cumulative foliage mass and stem cross-sectional area was non-linear along the stem in the upper crown, but the ratio of cumulative branch to stem cross-sectional area was linear. Trees in the mature and unthinned stands had more cross-sectional area in branches relative to stems than in the young and thinned stands. We conclude that the profile theory needs modification regarding (1) crown shape which varies with age and growing space, and (2) the ratio of foliage mass to branch area which varies along the stem. Both aspects emphasise the need to include impacts of disuse of sapwood pipes in models of crown and stem development.  相似文献   

Mehne-Jakobs  Beate 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):255-261
In order to investigate the influence of different magnesium nutrition on photosynthesis, one hundred 6-year-old spruce trees derived from one clone were planted in October 1990 into a special out-door experimental construction, where they were cultivated in sand culture with an optimal supply of nutrients, except magnesium, via circulating nutrient solutions. Magnesium was added to the nutrient solutions in three different concentrations, varying from optimal to severe deficient supplies. During the first vegetative period in 1991, photosynthetic performance and carboxylation efficiency were measured under saturating light, controlled CO2 conditions, optimal temperature and humidity, using a minicuvette system.During summer, the trees under moderate magnesium deficiency developed tip yellowing symptoms on older needles, while the youngest needles remained green with unchanged chlorophyll contents. Trees under severe magnesium deficiency showed yellowing symptoms on all needle age classes combined with decreased chlorophyll contents in the youngest needles as well. In comparison with the controls, the photosynthetic performance of the 1-year-old needles was significantly lower in both deficiency treatments. The same was observed in the youngest needles of the trees under severe deficiency. Trees under moderate deficiency treatment decreased in photosynthetic performance during the summer without reduction of chlorophyll contents. The reduction of photosynthetic rates corresponded to a decrease in carboxylation efficiency, which is taken as a measure of the activity of the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. This reduction, together with the observed increase of carbohydrate contents in needles of trees growing under magnesium deficiency, led to the assumption that the photosynthetic carbonfixation is reduced as a consequence of the accumulation of carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] seedlings were grown in greenhouses with two supplemental levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation. Photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and vitality index were determined monthly. At the end of the experiment, growth, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rates were measured. The data indicate that low temperature in winter affected light dependent processes in experimental plants including control, while the rise of ambient temperatures, moderate this effect. The synergistic effects of UV-B radiation and low temperatures could only be observed in the second winter period. Measurements of net photosynthetic activity in the second winter period showed significant differences between treated and untreated plants.  相似文献   

Nilsen  Petter  Børja  Isabella  Knutsen  Heidi  Brean  Roald 《Plant and Soil》1998,198(2):179-184
Effects of N addition and drought on ectomycorrhizae of Norway spruce trees were investigated in an outdoor pot lysimeter study. Three levels of N were applied as ammonium nitrate in irrigation water for five years; ambient rainwater (N0) and 5 (N5) and 15 (N15) times this N concentration. Mean annual N addition during the five years corresponded to 5, 27 and 82 kg·ha-1·y-1 for the N0, N5 and N15 treatments, respectively. During the third and fifth growth seasons two levels (lengths) of drought were artificially induced in addition to a watered control. Soil cores taken from each pot lysimeter were analyzed for mycorrhizal colonization and ectomycorrhizae were categorized according to macroscopic morphology. Drought decreased mycorrhizal colonization significantly. There was a significant interaction of drought and N effects on reduction of the mycorrhizal colonization. Although all of the mycorrhiza types were influenced by drought, only Cenococcum geophilum showed a significant change. N treatment alone did not show any significant effect either on mycorrhizal colonization or mycorrhizal types.  相似文献   

Conifer needles are highly effective in screening ultraviolet-B radiation (280–320 nm). This ability is mainly attributed to the presence of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids in the epidermal tissue. In two field cabinet experiments with two different clones of Norway spruce we assessed the seasonal accumulation of UV-B screening pigments under near-ambient, and close-to-zero UV-B irradiation. At the beginning of needle development, i.e. in June, kaempferol 3- O -glucoside was the dominant UV-B screening pigment. It was replaced during needle differentiation by the more effective diacylated flavonol glucosides, particulary kaempferol 3- O -(3",6"- O -di- p -coumaroyl)-glucoside, which reached highest concentrations in July. In addition to the soluble pool of diacylated flavonol glucoside derivatives, a cell wall-bound UV-B screen in the epidermal cell walls was formed during needle differentiation, consisting mainly of p -coumaric acid and kaempferol 3- O -glucoside. An effect of UV-B radiation on the accumulation of diacylated flavonol glucosides was only observed in 1996 with clone 2, when the concentrations of kaempferol 3- O -(3",6"- O -di- p -coumaroyl)-glucoside were significantly higher in July and August under field, and near-ambient than under close-to-zero UV-B irradiance. For wall-bound p -coumaric acid and kaempferol 3- O -glucoside UV-B radiation enhanced the concentrations of these compounds by approximately 20% in relation to the concentrations in close-to-zero UV-B-treated plants in both field cabinet experiments.  相似文献   

Dieffenbach  A.  Göttlein  A.  Matzner  E. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(1):57-61
A new approach for non-destructive monitoring of soil solution chemistry in high spatial and temporal resolution for rhizosphere studies is presented. In a 5×10 mm grid, 30 micro suction cups (1mm) were installed in a rhizotron with Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) growing in low pH B-horizon soil. Roots grew through the grid, closely passing the suction cups. Soil solution composition before, during and after root passage was determined. For K+ and Mg2+ a significant decrease of soil solution concentration near root tips and elongation zones was observed, indicating a marked uptake of these elements. Mg2+ concentration was also significantly lowered when the root system aged, suggesting that this ion might also be taken up in older parts of the root system. No influence of growing roots was found on Na+-concentrations.  相似文献   

Külla  Tiit  Lõhmus  Krista 《Plant and Soil》1999,217(1-2):91-100
Root grafting is the process by which a functional union of two or more roots subsequent to their formation is formed. The above- and below-ground parts of three Norway spruce stands (natural stand, Umbric Luvisol; row-culture and group-culture, Planosol; stand ages 40, 43 and 43, respectively) of high site quality (I) were investigated. Stand densities were 1550, 1783 and 1722 stems ha-1, respectively. In all investigated stands, root grafting was most sensitive to tree spacing. Grafts were observed in case the distance between the trees was 0.7–1.2 m. Grafts occurred always in areas of higher rooting density, in a row of the row-culture and within a tree group in the group-culture. Root grafting was enhanced in case of a narrower humus horizon in the group culture compared with the row-culture, 16.5 and 30 cm, respectively; the humus horizon contained 99% and 95% of conducting roots with d ≥ 5 mm, respectively. Root graftings occurred in 75% of excavated trees in the group-culture, in 37.5% of excavated trees in the row-culture and in 33.3% of excavated trees in the natural stand. Stand age was 24 years in the row-culture and 22 years in the group-culture at the beginning of root grafting. No grafts occurred between two suppressed trees, whereas in 86–100% of all cases, at least one tree was dominant or codominant. In row- and group-cultivated Norway spruce stands, the initial minimum diameter of the grafted root without bark was from 1 to 3 cm in 63% of cases. Grafting of roots with d < 1 cm or d > 10 cm was rare or absent. Root grafting had usually begun at the root age of 10–20 years (46% of cases). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall and the shape and the dimensions of the cells of earlywood of four Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) stems grown in Finland were studied by X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy. The average microfibril angle (MFA) decreased and the diameter of the cell increased rapidly up to rings 5-10 from the pith and remained at the same level after that. The average MFA close to the pith was over 20 degrees and decreased to about 8 degrees after ring 10 from the pith. The average diameter of the cells was 35 microm in the outer rings. The shape of the cross section of the lumen changed from circular to rectangular from the pith to the bark. The tracheid length increased also as a function of the distance from the pith. The thickness of the cell wall varied between 2.8 and 3.5 microm. Automatic cell lumen and cell wall recognition procedures were developed for the analysis of the images of the cross sections of the cells.  相似文献   

Alriksson  A.  Olsson  M. T. 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):103-110
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that afforestation changes the content and distribution of soil organic carbon, nutrients and pH in the A-horizon of land previously used in agriculture, and that such soil changes depend on stand development. The investigation was evaluated as a completely randomised design with three treatments representing different age classes of trees: 20 years (Y20), 40 years (Y40) and 55 years (Y55). Eighteen trial plots, six per treatment, were established in plantations of Picea abies (L.) Karst. on soils of similar texture and mineralogy. Tree volume was 220 m3 ha-1 in Y20, 400 in Y40 and 440 m3 ha-1 in Y55.Concentrations of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) were significantly higher in the uppermost part of the soil in the older stands Y40 and Y55 than in Y20. The total amount of organic C in the litter layer plus the top 15 cm of the soil differed between age classes, with Y40 and Y55 having the largest amounts. A reference layer (15–20 cm) was used in calculating the amount of soil C that had accumulated in the horizon since afforestation, being about 10 tonnes ha-1 of C in Y20 and 19 tonnes ha-1 in Y40 and Y55.Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and base saturation (BS) was higher in the older stands. Carbon contents and CEC were strongly correlated. In Y40 and Y55, pH was significantly lower than in Y20 in the lower part of the soil horizon. There was a general decrease with depth of C, N, CEC, K+ and Mg2+ in the soil horizon. BS, Ca2+, Na+ and pH showed a somewhat different pattern of distribution, with deceasing values in the upper part of the soil horizon and increasing values in the lower part of the soil horizon.Abbreviations BD Bulk density - CEC cation exchange capacity - BS base saturation - Ca2+ calcium ion - Mg2+ magnesium ion - K+ potassium ion - Na+ sodium ion - C carbon - Caa accumulated carbon content - Ct total carbon content - N nitrogen - Y20 age class 20 years - Y40 age class 40 years - Y55 age class 55 years  相似文献   

Extensive investigations on the fine root status of declining and healthy spruce were conducted in several stands at higher elevations of the Bavarian Forest heavily affected by needle yellowing. In most of the root parameters recorded, yellowing trees had significantly lower values than neighbouring green trees. Tight correlations were found between decreasing fine root density and crown transparency, degree of yellowing (increasing) and needle Mg (Ca) contents (decreasing), respectively. Although growing on the same substrate, green trees showed much better Mg (Ca) nutrition than yellow trees, indicating that poor fine root status contributes to Mg (Ca) deficiency in yellowing spruce. Experiments with spruce seedlings growing in soil samples from yellowing stands proved that needle symptoms can easily be reproduced on the seedlings under controlled conditions (i.e. in the absence of adverse atmospheric factors). Furthermore, reduced fine root systems and severe root damage were observed on seedlings grown in soils from yellowing stands, but not on those in soils from green stands. Adding a layer of soil from a yellow stand to a soil from a green stand caused a decrease of root parameters. Needle as well as root symptoms in these experiments were largely ameliorated after soils had been heat (autoclaving, sterilisation) or fungicide treated. Plants from treated soils had significantly longer roots and more root tips. The results of our study indicate that Mg deficiency leading to severe needle yellowing in stands at higher elevations of the Bavarian Forest is at least partially mediated by fine root disorders. Also, strong evidence is presented that fine root damage on trees in the affected stands is caused by soilborne micro-organisms, most likely fungi. Their exact identity, however, still remains to be unravelled.  相似文献   

Lõhmus  Krista  Ivask  Mari 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):89-94
Long-term decomposition and nitrogen dynamics of Norway spruce finest (<1 mm in diameter) and fine (<2 mm in diameter) roots were estimated using the root litter-bag techniques. The seasonal decomposition of the finest roots was investigated in a 40-year-old high site quality stand grown on brown lessive soil at different depths as part of productivity studies. The fine root decomposition studies were conducted on 8 permanent plots in the Estonia with the aim to describe the site variation. The initial material was collected from one of stands (high quality site) and incubated at the depth of 10 cm in 1989 (at one site 1990). The bags were collected once or twice a year except for one site, where the seasonal dynamics was investigated. In all initial and decomposing root samples oven-dry weight, ash and energy content and nitrogen concentration was determined. After five years the finest roots had lost 40% of their initial dry weight, half of it during the first year. The initial concentration of nitrogen was 1.29%, the mean concentrations varied during the incubation from 1.47 to 1.78%. After the first year fine roots had lost 21.0 to 32.7% of their initial dry weight, after two years the weight loss was 22.5 to 43.2%. The initial N concentration in fine roots was 0.73% and in the first years it varied from 0.97 to 1.40% at different sites.  相似文献   

Summary Phloem conductance of14C-labelled assimilates was investigated in natural stands of Norway spruce showing substantial damage from needle yellowing and needle loss disease. Terminal current-year shoots of a branch were allowed to fix14CO2 (300–600 ppm in air) and carbon dioxide net uptake was monitored with a gas analyser. The difference between14C-uptake and the amount of radiocarbon determined in the photosynthesizing needles was interpreted to reflect assimilate export from the needles to the axis of the tree. Compared with an undamaged control tree,14C-export from the assimilating needles was not impaired in the yellowing tree and only slightly reduced in the tree showing needle loss. Incorporation of14C into starch increased significantly during autumn particularly in the tree showing needle loss. Import of radiocarbon from the14C-labelled phloem sap in twig axes and needles older than 1 year was used as a measure of phloem conductivity of older sections of a branch which showed considerable damage. Carbon uptake by these older plant parts was more pronounced than in undamaged twigs. In the case of older needles enhancement of14C-incorporation suggested an increased sink strength, while the same phenomenon in the twig axes was interpreted as a consequence of partially impaired conductivity of individual sieve elements resulting in an inhomogeneous velocity of phloem transport. The hypothesis is put forward that curtailed viability of the sieve cells is responsible for a delay of transport, which is compensated for by an augmented production of phloem elements from the cambium.  相似文献   

During a seven-month period the effect of different nitrogen (N) availability in soil on growth and nutrient uptake was studied in three-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) trees. The plants were grown in pots on N-poor forest soil supplied with various amounts and forms (inorganic and organic) of N. Increasing supply of inorganic N (as NH4NO3) increased the formation of new shoots and shoot dry weight. The root/shoot dry weight ratio of new growth was drastically decreased from 1.6 in plants without N supply to 0.5 in plants supplied with high levels of NH4NO3. This decrease in root/shoot dry weight ratio was associated with distinct changes in root morphology in favour of shorter and thicker roots. The addition of keratin as organic N source did neither affect growth nor root morphology of the trees. The amount of N taken up by plants was closely related to the supply of inorganic N, and trees supplied with highest levels of NH4NO3 also had the highest N contents in the dry matter of needles and roots. In contrast, N contents in needles of trees grown without additional N, or with keratin supply, were in the deficiency range. Supply of NH4NO3 decreased the contents of phosphate (P) and potassium (K) and therefore markedly increased N/P and N/K ratios in the needles. On the other hand, the contents of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and manganese (Mn) in the needles were increased in the plants supplied with inorganic N, suggesting high soil availability and promotion of uptake of these divalent cations by high nitrate uptake. The observed effects on root/shoot dry weight ratio, root morphology, and mineral nutrient composition of the needles indicated that high inorganic N supply may increase above-ground productivity but at the same time decrease the tolerance of trees against soil-borne (e.g. deficiency of other mineral nutrients) stress factors. Deceased 21 September 1996 Deceased 21 September 1996  相似文献   

 To investigate the effects of ozone exposure and soil drought, singly and in combination, on gas exchange, antioxidant contents and pigments in current-year needles of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] 4-year-old seedlings were fumigated in growth chambers with either charcoal-filtered air or with 100 nl l–1 ozone for 106 days. After 3 weeks a 20% reduction in gas exchange was observed in ozone-treated seedlings. However, no further decrease occurred in spite of continued ozone exposure. Whole needle ascorbate and apoplastic ascorbate increased until the end of the experiment and contents were 62% and 82%, respectively, higher than in ozone-free controls. This increase in ascorbate might have protected net photosynthesis from further decline. Ozone pre-treated plants and ozone-free controls were subjected to soil drought for 38 days which caused stomatal narrowing. Thereby ozone uptake was reduced when compared to well watered seedlings. At the end of the experiment drought alone, and even more in combination with ozone, had also caused an increase in ascorbate. Glutathione increased only in drought-stressed seedlings. The redox states of the ascorbate and the glutathione pools were not affected by any treatment. Superoxide dismutase activity declined under both stresses but was most reduced by ozone alone. While chlorophyll and neoxanthin contents remained unchanged, carotenes were significantly decreased upon drought. The combination of O3 and drought induced increased lutein contents, an increased pool size of the xanthophyll cycle as well as an increased epoxidation status of the xanthophyll cycle. These results suggest that spruce needles seem to be able to acclimate to ozone stress but also to drought stress by increasing their ascorbate pools and protecting pigments. Received: 15 September 1997 / Accepted: 24 March 1998  相似文献   

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