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Pollen and seeds share a developmental sequence characterized by intense metabolic activity during reserve deposition before drying to a cryptobiotic form. Neither pollen nor seed development has been well studied in the absence of gravity, despite the importance of these structures in supporting future long-duration manned habitation away from Earth. Using immature seeds (3-15 d postpollination) of Brassica rapa L. cv. Astroplants produced on the STS-87 flight of the space shuttle Columbia, we compared the progress of storage reserve deposition in cotyledon cells during early stages of seed development. Brassica pollen development was studied in flowers produced on plants grown entirely in microgravity on the Mir space station and fixed while on orbit. Cytochemical localization of storage reserves showed differences in starch accumulation between spaceflight and ground control plants in interior layers of the developing seed coat as early as 9 d after pollination. At this age, the embryo is in the cotyledon elongation stage, and there are numerous starch grains in the cotyledon cells in both flight and ground control seeds. In the spaceflight seeds, starch was retained after this stage, while starch grains decreased in size in the ground control seeds. Large and well-developed protein bodies were observed in cotyledon cells of ground control seeds at 15 d postpollination, but their development was delayed in the seeds produced during spaceflight. Like the developing cotyledonary tissues, cells of the anther wall and filaments from the spaceflight plants contained numerous large starch grains, while these were rarely seen in the ground controls. The tapetum remained swollen and persisted to a later developmental stage in the spaceflight plants than in the ground controls, even though most pollen grains appeared normal. These developmental markers indicate that Brassica seeds and pollen produced in microgravity were physiologically younger than those produced in 1 g. We hypothesize that microgravity limits mixing of the gaseous microenvironments inside the closed tissues and that the resulting gas composition surrounding the seeds and pollen retards their development.  相似文献   

Plant reproduction under spaceflight conditions has been problematic in the past. In order to determine what aspect of reproductive development is affected by microgravity, we studied pollination and embryo development in Brassica rapa L. during 16 d in microgravity on the space shuttle (STS-87). Brassica is self-incompatible and requires mechanical transfer of pollen. Short-duration access to microgravity during parabolic flights on the KC-135A aircraft was used initially to confirm that equal numbers of pollen grains could be collected and transferred in the absence of gravity. Brassica was grown in the Plant Growth Facility flight hardware as follows. Three chambers each contained six plants that were 13 d old at launch. As these plants flowered, thin colored tape was used to indicate the date of hand pollination, resulting in silique populations aged 8-15 d postpollination at the end of the 16-d mission. The remaining three chambers contained dry seeds that germinated on orbit to produce 14-d-old plants just beginning to flower at the time of landing. Pollen produced by these plants had comparable viability (93%) with that produced in the 2-d-delayed ground control. Matched-age siliques yielded embryos of equivalent developmental stage in the spaceflight and ground control treatments. Carbohydrate and protein storage reserves in the embryos, assessed by cytochemical localization, were also comparable. In the spaceflight material, growth and development by embryos rescued from siliques 15 d after pollination lagged behind the ground controls by 12 d; however, in the subsequent generation, no differences between the two treatments were found. The results demonstrate that while no stage of reproductive development in Brassica is absolutely dependent upon gravity, lower embryo quality may result following development in microgravity.  相似文献   

The results of study of Brassica embryo differentiation and reserve nutrient substance accumulation in the seeds were represented. Near resemblance of the spaceflight and around control embryo development was revealed. Different character of the reserve substance accumulation was noted, despite of the morphologic similarity in seeds produced in spaceflight and on the ground. It allows to consider spaceflight embryos morphologically more younger compared to the ground control.  相似文献   

The structural characteristics of the photosynthetic apparatus of Brassica rapa plants grown on board the space shuttle Columbia (STS-87) for 15 days were examined using the methods of transmission electron microscopy and statistic programme STAT. Maintaining of the same growth conditions for control plants was realized with great accuracy using the Orbiter Environmental simulator in Kennedy Space Center. A grana number per a medial section 1.8 times decreased in microgravity. Considerable changes were also revealed in the grana structure in microgravity in comparison with th ground control, namely: 1/a greater diversity in the thylakoid length with granae and 2/ lateral shifting of the thylakoids lateral shifting of the thylakoids relative one to another. The previous mentioned pheomenon was found for 64% of the invested granae. Shifting of the thylakoids in the granae in microgravity led to increasing of the grana thylakoid surface exposed to a stroma. In addition, the volume of stromal thylakoids increased. The peculiarities in the photosynthetic apparatus structure in microgravity are supposed to be an evidence of decreasing in the light harvesting complex amount of photosystem II (PSII).  相似文献   

以甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)含油量较高的品种‘ZS11’、含油量中等的品种‘Westar’和‘Topas’以及含油量较低的品种‘ZS10’为实验材料,通过超微结构观察和统计,比较分析不同品种种子中油体形态、大小和数量的差异。研究结果显示,品种‘ZS11’种子子叶细胞油体排列致密,形态较小,大部分油体的直径低于1 μm;而在含油量中等或较低的品种中,种子子叶细胞油体排列均显疏松,其中‘Westar’和‘Topas’的油体较大,而‘ZS10’的油体大小不一。本研究还通过双向电泳分析进一步检测了‘Westar’和‘ZS11’种子中总蛋白和油体蛋白的差异表达情况。结果显示,‘Westar’和‘ZS11’种子总蛋白双向电泳图谱中,表达量具有2倍以上差异的蛋白质点共有57个;其中在‘Westar’中特异表达的种子总蛋白质点有24个,在‘ZS11’中有23个。在上述2个品种油体蛋白双向电泳图谱中,表达量具有2倍以上差异的蛋白质点共有52个,在品种‘Westar’中特异表达的有2个,‘ZS11’中有13个。表明不同含油量的油菜品种种子在油体的结构和蛋白组份上均存在差异。  相似文献   

The impact of four mating designs on selection response for leaf area was assessed at four different population sizes, using fast-cycling Brassica rapa L. Mating designs were either balanced (partial diallel or pair mating) or unbalanced (factorial mating designs with either one or two testers). When balanced, the mating designs required different numbers of crossings for the same number of parents: the partial diallel design, in the configuration retained here, required three times as many crossings as pair mating. Population sizes were 4, 8, 16, and 32. The percentage of selected individuals was kept constant at 25%. Despite an average estimated heritability around 0.4, the overall response to selection after five generations was fairly weak in all three replicates. For a given population size, selection response was larger under balanced mating designs than under unbalanced ones. There was no difference among balanced mating designs. Both results indicate that effective population size is more important than population size or the number of crossings in maintaining genetic gain.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - Brassica rapa L. is a valuable and widespread species, but its cultivation in risk farming areas requires high-quality cold-hardy varieties to be developed. Mechanisms of the...  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Brassica rapa L   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report here the isolation and characterization of microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats (SSRs), in Brassica rapa. The size-fractionated genomic library was screened with (GA)(15) and (GT)(15) oligonucleotide probes. A total of 58 clones were identified as having the microsatellite repeats, and specific primer pairs were designed for 38 microsatellite loci. All primer pairs, except two, amplified fragments having the sizes expected from the sequences. Of the 36 primer pairs, 35 amplified polymorphic loci in 19 cultivars of B. rapa, while monomorphism was observed in only one primer pair. A total of 232 alleles was identified by the 36 primer pairs in 19 cultivars of B. rapa, and these primer pairs were examined also in nine Brassicaceae species. Most of the 36 primer pairs amplified the loci in the Brassicaceae species. Segregation of the microsatellites was studied in an F(2) population from a cross of doubled-haploid lines DH27 x G309. The microsatellites segregated in a co-dominant manner. These results indicate that the microsatellites isolated in this study were highly informative and could be useful tools for genetic analysis in B. rapa and other related species.  相似文献   

The Brassica rapa L. silique is a self-contained environment that maintains hypoxia around the developing seeds, and in which carbon dioxide accumulates to very high concentrations (>30,000 ppm). How the silique microenvironment modulates the composition and amount of storage reserves in the seeds is of interest because of the important agricultural role played by canola (B. rapa and Brassica napus) as an oilseed. Because of the small volume and dynamic nature of this microenvironment in Brassica, a standardized system was needed to study the environmental role played in storage reserve deposition. For this purpose we have developed a silique culture system that permits maturation of seed in vitro. Siliques excised from plants just 11 days after pollination complete the ripening of their seeds after 20 days of culture in light (200 μmol/m2/s) on MS medium containing 30 g/l sucrose, 0.25 mg/l BAP, and 0.025 mg/l NAA. Cytochemical localization and biochemical analyses revealed that storage reserves were affected by the in vitro maturation system. Although following a comparable ripening timeline to that occurring on the plant, and producing fully germinable seeds, in vitro maturation resulted in a 40% reduction in seed weight and the mature seeds contained decreased lipid, but increased protein, starch and soluble carbohydrates. To study the internal atmosphere surrounding the seeds, we developed a method to capture silique gases in helium with subsequent quantification of O2 and CO2 in the sample by gas chromatography. Analysis of the internal silique atmosphere showed that in vitro siliques provided seeds with a less oxygenated environment than they experience attached to the plant. Carbon dioxide concentrations remained high later into the maturation sequence in vitro than on the plant. When sampling gases from siliques attached to plants, we found multiple samples from the same plant resulted in higher variance than when only a single silique was sampled, suggesting that connection to the plant directly influences internal silique gases. Lower O2 in the in vitro siliques was correlated with depressed lipid content in their mature seeds, supporting the conclusion that oxygen availability limits lipid accumulation. Previous studies showed how environmental factors influence Brassica embryos grown in tissue culture. These systems fail to preserve the component of metabolic regulation that is enforced by the silique wall tissues. Our in vitro maturation system provides a useful tool for specialized investigations since both the gaseous and hormonal environments can be readily manipulated.  相似文献   

Pollen size varies little within angiosperm species, but differs extensively between species, suggesting the action of strong selection. Nevertheless, the potential for genetic responses of pollen size to selection, as determined by additive genetic variance and genetic correlations with other floral traits, has received little attention. To assess this potential, we subjected Brassica rapa to artificial selection for large and small pollen during three generations. This selection caused significant divergence in pollen diameter, with additive genetic effects accounting for over 30% of the observed phenotypic variation in pollen size. Such heritable genetic variation suggests that natural selection could effect evolutionary change in this trait. Selection on pollen size also elicited correlated responses in pollen number (–), flower size (+), style length (+), and ovule number (+), suggesting that pollen size cannot evolve independently. The correlated responses of pollen number, flower size and ovule number probably reflect the genetically determined and physically constrained pattern of resource allocation in B. rapa. In contrast, the positive correlation between pollen size and style length may represent a widespread gametic‐phase disequilibrium in angiosperms that arises from nonrandom fertilization success of large pollen in pistils with long styles.  相似文献   

Molecular Breeding - Flowering time is an important agronomic trait, which is of great significance to the plant growth process. Salicylic acid (SA) is a key hormone that regulates plant growth and...  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and relationships based on isozymes were studied in 31 accessions of turnip (Brassica rapa L. var. rapa). The material included varieties, elite stocks, landraces and older turnip of slash-and-burn type from the Nordic area. A total of 9 isozyme loci and 26 alleles were studied. The isozyme systems were ACO, DIA, GPI, GOT, PGM, PGD and SKD. The level of heterozygosity was reduced in the landraces, but it was high for the variety group 'Ostersundom'. Turnip has a higher genetic variation than other crops within B. rapa and than in other species with the same breeding system. The genetic diversity showed that 18.7% of the genetic variation was within the accessions, and the total H tau value was 0.358. Gpi-I and Pgd-I showed the lowest variation compared with the other loci. The cluster analysis revealed five clusters, with one main cluster including 25 of the 31 accessions. The dendrogram indicated that the variety group 'Ostersundom' clustered together whereas the variety group 'Bortfelder' was associated with country of origin. The landraces were spread in different clusters. The 'slash-and-burn' type of turnip belonged to two groups.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic investigation of protein patterns of Brassica rapa L. ovules and seeds from plants grown under clinorotation and in the laboratory control was carried out. Ovules at different stages (7 and 18 days after pollination) and mature seeds were analyzed. Polymorphism of seed storage proteins of B. rapa was taken into consideration in analysis of changes in ovule protein patterns under clinorotation. The appearance of a protein component in the region of about 43 kDa was detected in protein patterns of 7-day-old and 18-day-old ovules in the clinostat variants. Under altered gravity, in 18-day-old ovules, the appearance of a protein in the region of about 70 kDa was also revealed. The appearance of the protein component with the similar mobility (about 43 kDa) in ovules of different age from plants grown at clinorotation suggests that synthesis of this protein may be associated with the plant response to altered gravity. However, the investigation of the nature of this protein and its role requires further research to rule out its appearance because of genotypic differences between ovules of the control and experimental variants.  相似文献   

Gene transferability from transgenic rapeseed to various subspecies and varieties of Brassica rapa was assessed in this study. Artificial crossability was studied in 118 cultivars of 7 B. rapa subspecies and varieties with the transgenic rapeseed GT73 (Brassica napus) as the pollen donor. On average 5.7 seeds were obtained per pollination, with a range from 0.05 to 19.4. The heading type of B. rapa L. showed significantly higher crossability than non-heading types of B. rapa. The spontaneous outcrossing rate between B. rapa (female) and the transgenic rapeseed Ms8 × Rf3 (B. napus) (male) ranged from 0.039 to 0.406%, with an average of 0.19%. The fertilization process and the development of the hybrid seeds as shown by fluorescent staining techniques indicated that the number of adhered pollens on the stigma was reduced by 80%, the number of pollen tubes in the style was reduced by 2/3 and the fertilization time was delayed by over 20 h when pollinated with the transgenic rapeseed Ms8 × Rf3 in comparison with the bud self-pollination of B. rapa as control. About 10–70% of the interspecific hybrid embryos were aborted in the course of development. Some seeds looked cracked in mature pods, which showed germination abilities lower than 10%. The spontaneous outcrossing rates were much lower than the artificial crossability, and their survival fitness of the interspecific hybrid was very low, indicating that it should be possible to keep the adventitious presence of the off-plants under the allowed threshold, if proper measures are taken.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic apparatus contains several protein complexes, many of which are regulated by environmental conditions. In this study, the influences of microgravity on PSI and PSII in Brassica rapa plants grown aboard the space shuttle were examined. We found that Brassica plants grown in space had a normal level of growth relative to controls under similar conditions on Earth. Upon return to Earth, cotyledons were harvested and thylakoid membranes were isolated. Analysis of chlorophyll contents showed that the Chl a/b ratio (3.5) in flight cotyledons was much higher than a ratio of 2.42 in the ground controls. The flight samples also had a reduction of PSI complexes and a corresponding 30% decrease of PSI photochemical activity. Immunoblotting showed that the reaction centre polypeptides of PSI were more apparently decreased (e.g. by 24-33% for PsaA and PsaB, and 57% for PsaC) than the light-harvesting complexes. In comparison, the accumulation of PSII complex was less affected in microgravity, thus only a slight reduction in D1, D2 and LHCII was observed in protein blots. However, there was a 32% decrease of OEC1 in the flight samples, indicating a defective OEC subcomplex. In addition, an average 54% increase of the 54 kDa CF1-beta isoform was found in the flight samples, suggesting that space-grown plants suffered from certain stresses, consistent with implications of the increased Chl a/b ratio. Taken together, the results demonstrated that Brassica plants can adapt to spaceflight microgravity, but with significant alterations in chloroplast structures and photosynthetic complexes, and especially reduction of PSI and its activity.  相似文献   

白菜抽薹性状相关基因的cDNA-AFLP分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Non-redundant expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from six different organs at various developmental stages of Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis. Of the 1,295 ESTs, 915 (71%) showed significantly high homology in nucleotide or deduced amino acid sequences with other sequences deposited in databases, while 380 did not show similarity to any sequences. Briefly, 598 ESTs matched with proteins of identified biological function, 177 with hypothetical proteins or non-annotated Arabidopsis genome sequences, and 140 with other ESTs. About 82% of the top-scored matching sequences were from Arabidopsis or Brassica, but overall 558 (43%) ESTs matched with Arabidopsis ESTs at the nucleotide sequence level. This observation strongly supports the idea that gene-expression profiles of Chinese cabbage differ from that of Arabidopsis, despite their genome structures being similar to each other. Moreover, sequence analyses of 21 Brassica ESTs revealed that their primary structure is different from those of corresponding annotated sequences of Arabidopsis genes. Our data suggest that direct prediction of Brassica gene expression pattern based on the information from Arabidopsis genome research has some limitations. Thus, information obtained from the Brassica EST study is useful not only for understanding of unique developmental processes of the plant, but also for the study of Arabidopsis genome structure.  相似文献   

Polysaccharides are a type of natural macromolecule widely existing in nature, and its pharmacological activity has attracted wide research attention. In this study, Brassica rapa L. polysaccharides were taken as the research object, and a preliminary study of the immune activity and mechanism of the antitumor activity of these polysaccharides in vitro was carried out. Five polysaccharides, namely, BRP, BRNP-1, BRNP-2, BRAP-1, and BRAP-2, were compared in terms of their ability to inhibit the growth of three types of cancer cells, namely, A549, AGS, and HepG2. The most effective polysaccharides were screened out, and their mechanism was studied. Immunoassay results showed that the five polysaccharides not only promoted the growth of RAW264.7 cells but also stimulated their endocytic/pinocytosis activity and released NO, TNF, IL-6 cytokines, especially BRP. In vitro antitumor experiments showed that BRP has a significant inhibitory effect (*P < 0.05) on the growth of A549 cells, especially at high concentrations (500–2000 μg/mL). BRP can also induce A549 cells to release reactive oxygen species, cause mitochondrial membrane potential, and effect the expression of Bax, caspase-9, caspase-3, p53, and B-cell lymphoma 2. Immunological experiments showed that the five groups of polysaccharides are not cytotoxic to normal cells and have immunostimulatory effects. Mitochondria represent one of the more important endogenous pathways in the apoptotic process. The results suggested that BRP participates in mitochondria mediated apoptosis and induces A549 cell apoptosis. This study lays a theoretical foundation for further research on the mechanisms of BRP immunoregulation and antitumor activity in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

SHI (short internodes) is a negative regulator of gibberellin-induced cell elongation. Extensive searches in the Brassica rapa genome allowed for the prediction of at least six different SHI-related genes on six chromosomes in the genome. Genome structural examination revealed that these genes had one intron each in their corresponding open reading frames. Protein structure comparisons using the CLUSTALW program and based on alignments of all BrSRS (B. r apa SHI-related sequence) proteins revealed broad conservation of the RING finger-like zinc finger and IGGH motifs. According to the phylogenetic relationship based on deduced amino acid sequences, the six BrSRS proteins were most closely related to Arabidopsis SRS (AtSRS) proteins; however, BrSRS proteins were dispersed in the phylogenetic tree. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that the six BrSRS genes exhibited different expression patterns in various tissues and responded differently to growth phytohormones. The differences among the six BrSRS genes with respect to gene structure and expression pattern suggest that these genes may play diverse physiological roles in the developmental process of B. rapa.  相似文献   

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