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1. The hydrological regime is important to the distribution of benthic organisms in streams. The objective of this study was to identify relationships between hydrological variables, describing the flow regime, and macrophyte cover, species richness, diversity and community composition in Danish lowland streams.
2. We quantified macrophyte vegetation in 44 Danish streams during summer by cover, species richness and diversity. Flow regime was characterized by 18 non-intercorrelated variables describing magnitude, frequency and duration of low and high flow events, timing or predictability of flow and general flow variability.
3. We found support in the stepwise multiple regressions analysis for our expectation that macrophyte cover is lowest in streams with high flow variability and highest in streams with long duration of low flow and low flow variability. We found support for the intermediate disturbance hypothesis as there were significant quadratic relationships between species richness and diversity as functions of disturbance frequency. There was poor discrimination in a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) analysis of macrophyte community composition between four twinspan groups separating streams with different hydrological properties. Moreover, we did not find any relationship between the presence of disturbance-tolerant species and hydrological disturbance, suggesting that plant community composition developed independently of stream hydrology.  相似文献   

Fryer  Geoffrey 《Hydrobiologia》1997,354(1-3):177-182
If, as recently suggested, Lake Victoria dried up completely in theLate Pleistocene and refilled c 12,400 BP, not only must therate of speciation of its flock of cichlid fishes have been extremelyrapid but, more significantly, so too must the rate of morphologicaldifferentiation. Such desiccation also implies that fishes belongingto seven other families achieved endemic status since the lakerefilled, and in one case became generically distinct, acquiredstriking morphological/physiological adaptations to life in deepwater, and split into two species. Such rapid evolution within thesefamilies appears to have no parallel in Africa. This suggests thatprudence be applied in the interpretation of what appears to beunambiguous evidence, especially as this seems to be at variance withwhat also appears to be convincing geophysical evidence of adifferent kind.  相似文献   

Mutualistic symbionts are widespread in plants and may have strong, bottom-up influences on community structure. Here we show that a grass–endophyte mutualism shifts the composition of a generalist predator assemblage. In replicated, successional fields we manipulated endophyte infection by Neotyphodium coenophialum in a dominant, non-native plant ( Lolium arundinaceum ). We compared the magnitude of the endophyte effect with manipulations of thatch biomass, a habitat feature of known importance to spiders. The richness of both spider families and morphospecies was greater in the absence of the endophyte, although total spider abundance was not affected. Thatch removal reduced both spider abundance and richness, and endophyte and thatch effects were largely additive. Spider families differed in responses, with declines in Linyphiidae and Thomisidae due to the endophyte and declines in Lycosidae due to thatch removal. Results demonstrate that the community impacts of non-native plants can depend on plants' mutualistic associates, such as fungal endophytes.  相似文献   

The ecology of two intermittent streams in Victoria, Australia   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
1. We compared aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblage composition within and between habitats (pools and riffles) at four sites on two intermittent streams in Victoria, Australia during a drought year followed by a wetter year to see how different spatial and temporal scales influenced patterns of community structure detected by multivariate techniques of ordination and classification. We also examined the fit between faunal groups and ‘flow phases’ characterized by multivariate analyses of physicochemical variables in an earlier paper. 2. Pools contained more taxa and individuals than riffles. At the more temporary site, there was considerable overlap between the faunal composition of pools and riffles, whereas habitat-specific assemblages consistently occurred at the more permanent sites. Most taxa were either tolerant, permanent stream forms able to persist in streams that dry briefly, or facultative species that occur in lotic or lentic habitats. Few species appeared specifically adapted to temporary waters. 3. Within habitats, there were some matches between faunal groups and flow phases, especially with the onset of the ‘diminishing flow’ phase, characterized by rising water temperature and conductivity, and declining pH and dissolved oxygen. However, disjunctions among faunal groups were less marked than those between flow phases, and were absent at an intermediate scale when habitats were pooled within sites. At the broadest scale of analysis (within habitats between sites and years), historical events (e.g. whether pools upstream dried completely during the previous summer) apparently influenced community composition as much as site-specific abiotic differences.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied vegetation structure and soil seed bank composition in different successional stages of secondary lowland tropical deciduous forest in Yucatán, Mexico. The series of study sites includes: slashed (S), slashed-and-burned (SB), and regenerating for 1, 6, 10, 15, 30, 40 and 100 yr. Species richness (S = 42 - 65), evenness (E = 0.32 - 0.38), and diversity (H' = 1.2 - 1.6) do not vary much as the forest grows older. 20 species of shrubs and trees were present in at least six of the seven regrowth years studied; 10 of these account for more than 50% of the total density values per regrowth year. These species dominate the vegetation due to their capacity to withstand repeated fire and felling. One third of the individuals sampled had regenerated from coppiced shoots. Species composition little resembles that in earlier accounts. The area is now largely covered by young regrowth stages (1 - 20 yr). Species constituting the original woody structure of the mature forest are rare or absent due to the lack of seed sources and failure of dispersal (which is due to limited dispersal capacities), lack of dispersal agents, or long distances. Herbs were the most important life form in the soil seed banks; only one tree species was found. The number of viable seeds varied between sampled areas: 70/m2 in the 40 yr-old, to 1 815/m2 in the slashed-and-burned (SB). The vegetation of S- and SB-areas was the same, but the number of viable seeds germinating in SB was twice the number in S; the number of species in the seed bank is the same for both areas. We speculate that fire modifies species dominance early in succession, allowing seeds of some species to germinate in great numbers.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy and pollen analysis of the basal 5.73 m of an 11.73 m core from the centre of Victoria's deepest lake is described. The hypothesis is advanced that at 16 100 B.P. a cool semi-arid environment supporting a sparse or scattered Eucalyptus–Callitris woodland with an understorey of grasses, Asteraceae and Chenopodiaceae dominated the region. From this time the lake level fell and was at its lowest between 15 000 B.P. and 10 000 B.P. At about the same time Casuarina migrated into the region as Callitris, Asteraceae and Chenopodiaceae declined. There was a period from 9600 B.P. to 9200 B.P. when Acacia and Dodonaea were common around Lake Bullenmerri, but these declined and were replaced by the Eucalyptus-Casuarina woodland with a herbaceous understorey which persisted through the Holocene period in western Victoria until it was cleared by European settlers.  相似文献   

Fungi are important decomposers of leaf litter in streams and may have knock‐on effects on other microbes and carbon cycling. To elucidate such potential effects, we designed an experiment in outdoor experimental channels simulating sand‐bottom streams in an early‐successional state. We hypothesized that the presence of fungi would enhance overall microbial activity, accompanied by shifts in the microbial communities associated not only with leaf litter but also with sediments. Fifteen experimental channels received sterile sandy sediment, minimal amounts of leaf litter, and one of four inocula containing either (i) fungi and bacteria, or (ii) bacteria only, or (iii) no microorganisms, or (iv) killed microorganisms. Subsequently, we let water from an early‐successional catchment circulate through the channels for 5 weeks. Whole‐stream metabolism and microbial respiration associated with leaf litter were higher in the channels inoculated with fungi, reflecting higher fungal activity on leaves. Bacterial communities on leaves were also significantly affected. Similarly, increases in net primary production, sediment microbial respiration and chlorophyll a content on the sediment surface were greatest in the channels receiving a fungal inoculum. These results point to a major role of fungal communities in stream ecosystems beyond the well‐established direct involvement in leaf litter decomposition.  相似文献   

Early colonizing annual plants are rapidly suppressed in secondary succession on fertile midwestern old fields, while later colonizing perennials persist. Differences in competitive ability for above- and belowground resources may be partly responsible for differences in species persistence during succession, as both light and nutrient availability may change rapidly. We found that, although both above- and belowground competition suppress growth of colonizing plants, belowground competition was the dominant factor in the suppression of the annual Ambrosia artemisiifolia in 2nd-year-old fields near the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station in southwestern Michigan. Despite an ability to persist in later successional fields, seedling transplants of the perennial Achillea millefolium were also suppressed by above- and belowground competition, with belowground competition having the strongest effect. As in many old fields, nitrogen availability is the primary factor limiting plant productivity. There was no clear difference between the species in ability to compete for 15N from an enriched patch, although there was an indication of greater precision of foraging by Achillea. Life history differences between these species and consequent differences in the phenology of root growth relative to other old-field plants are likely to play a large role in the persistence of Achillea in successional fields where Ambrosia is suppressed. Received: 8 January 1998 / Accepted: 16 September 1998  相似文献   

The following bioclimatological characteristics were measured on differently aged successional stages of abandoned fields: temperature on soil surface under snow layer, and depth of frozen soil in period of culminating frosts, daily course of temperature in top soil layer; maximum temperature in top soil layer during first half of June. Results are compared with general assumptions about the development of abiotic factors during succession and discussed from the point of view of the ecological theory of stability.  相似文献   

L. Kappen 《Polar Biology》1985,4(4):227-236
Summary At Birthday Ridge, a small ice free area in northern Victoria Land (70°48S, 167°00E), cryptogamic vegetation is mostly confined to gaps between granitc rocks. The sheltering effect on lichens and mosses was analyzed by continuous measurements of the microclimate at various levels between the rocks. Although warming by solar radiation was favourable for the existence of cryptogams, rocks strongly insolated were mostly devoid of lichens and mosses. Lichens in the soaked active state were heated to above air temperature but did not reach more than 10°C. The presence of lichens was dependent on the moisture conditions of the habitat. It was observed that snow, the only source of moisture, accumulated in summer only in deeper levels between rocks, and that the snow rapidly melted on contact with the lichens. After a snow shower,Usnea sulphurea gained 67% andUmbilicaria decussata 94% of their maximum water capacity. During one quarter of the time period of 7 days the lichens were soaked and therefore capable of carrying out photosynthesis. The lichens in soaked state had always less than optimum temperatures for net photosynthesis. The rock gaps at Birthday Ridge form oases, the only localities where moisture is provided, and temperature is high enough to enable growth of lichens and mosses.Bryum is also able to exist in the upper 3 cm of soil.  相似文献   

A brief review is provided in some advances in understanding the ecology of pike Esox lucius Linnaeus over the last 10 years. Based on long-term studies and manipulative, often short-term experiments (laboratory, field and mesocosms) several established theories have been supported, as well as new concepts developed. Despite their wide distribution pike show low levels of polymorphism and divergence indicative of a recent common ancestral population. Recent genetic studies, however, indicate a single refugium in North America compared to several refugia in Europe. Pike are found in rivers, lakes and weakly saline waters. Variables such as growth and mortality are mainly affected by factors such as temperature, water transparency, productivity, availability of prey and density of pike and other predators. In choice of habitat pike have been shown to support the ideal free-distribution theory. The importance of macrophyte habitat in the life history of pike has been reconfirmed and pike have been shown to be flexible in response to water clarity. Pike are extremely ‘plastic’ in choice of prey types, prey size and in response to prey behaviour (e.g. they are unaffected by shoal size). Predation by pike not only affects abundance and biomass of prey (including younger and smaller pike through cannibalism which plays a major role in population dynamics, other fishes and invertebrates) but also evolution and adaptation of their morphology (in particular body shape) and behaviours. There appears to be no relationship between stock and recruitment. Recruitment is influenced by several abiotic factors in lakes and rivers. Pike play a major role in structuring freshwater communities and have been used in stocking programmes to improve water quality (biomanipulation). Many new concepts have been developed in pike behaviour in maximizing these stocking programmes both in biomanipulation and fisheries management. Despite many recent advances in understanding the ecology of pike, particularly at the individual level, developments in quantifying and modelling the role of pike as a top predator in large ecosystems have been limited, probably due to the difficulties of sampling natural populations. Guest editors: J. M. Farrell, C. Skov, M. Mingelbier, T. Margenau & J. E. Cooper International Pike Symposium: Merging Knowledge of Ecology, Biology, and Management for a Circumpolar Species  相似文献   

We assessed the performance of biological indices developed for invertebrate assemblages occurring in arid zone streams: a multimetric index (MMI) and an O/E index of taxonomic completeness. Our overall goal was to advance our understanding of the factors that affect performance and interpretation of biological indices. Our specific objectives were to (1) develop biological indices that are insensitive to natural environmental gradients, (2) develop a general method to determine if the biological potential of an assessed site is adequately represented by the population of reference sites, (3) develop a robust method to select metrics for inclusion in MMIs that ensures maximum independence of metrics, and (4) determine if a fundamental sample property (the evenness of taxa counts within a sample) affects index performance. Random Forest modeling revealed that both individual metrics and taxa composition were strongly associated with natural environmental heterogeneity, which meant both the MMI and O/E index needed to be based on site-specific expectations. We produced a precise, responsive, and ecologically robust MMI by using principal components analysis to identify 7 statistically independent metrics from a list of 31 candidate assemblage-level metrics. However, the O/E index we developed was relatively imprecise compared with O/E indices developed for other regions. This imprecision may be the consequence of low predictability in local taxa composition associated with the relatively high spatial isolation of aquatic habitats within arid regions. We were also able to assess the likelihood that the biological potential of assessed sites were adequately characterized by the population of reference sites by developing and applying a multivariate, nearest-neighbor test that determined if an assessed site occurred within the environmental space of the reference site network. This approach is robust and applicable to all biological indices. We also demonstrate that the evenness of taxa counts within a sample is positively related to estimates of sample taxa richness and thus the scores of both indices. The relationship between richness and sample evenness can potentially compromise inferences regarding biological condition, and post hoc adjustments for the effects of evenness on index scores might be desirable. Further improvements in the performance and interpretation of biological indices will require simultaneous consideration of the effects of incomplete sampling on characterization of biological assemblages and the physical and biological factors that influence community assembly.  相似文献   

The glacier-fed ephemeral streams of southern Victoria Land (ca. 78° S, 64° E) are colonised by an epilithon dominated by cyanobacterial mats and films. Biomass levels are often high (> 15 µg Chl a · cm–2). The mat structure, pigment and photosynthetic characteristics of these communities have been investigated on site. The mats in high light environments have a layered structure with high levels of light shielding accessory pigments in the upper layers and elevated chlorophyll a and phycocyanin concentrations in the lower layers. Photosynthetic rates per unit area (0.4–3.5 µg C · cm– 2 · hr–1) fall within the range reported for temperate communities. P vs I curves were used to separate high, intermediate and low light communities. Ik values for high light communities were at or lower than PAR recorded at midnight in the polar midsummer (ca 100 µ E m–2 · s–1). We did not detect photoinhibitory responses at the midday light intensities. In situ continuous nutrient enrichment experiments failed to demonstrate N or P limitation to pigment content or photosynthetic rates. We suggest that the growth of these communities is controlled by factors other than light and nutrients.  相似文献   

Developmental stages of larvae of eight species of Anisoptera from the Kiewa River and Middle Creek, Victoria, were determined and their phenology investigated. The last six to nine instars of each species were distinguished by size frequency and scatter plots, using labium width, metafemur and wing-pad measurements, and the early instars were estimated from Dyar's Law. This suggested between 11 to 14 instars. Four species appeared to be univoltine and four species semivoltine.  相似文献   

In this protocol, we present a procedure to analyze and visualize models of neuronal input-output functions that have a quadratic, a linear and a constant term, to determine their overall behavior. The suggested interpretations are close to those given by physiological studies of neurons, making the proposed methods particularly suitable for the analysis of receptive fields resulting from physiological measurements or model simulations.  相似文献   

Advances in remote sensing technology can help estimate biodiversity at large spatial extents. To assess whether we could use hyperspectral visible near‐infrared (VNIR) spectra to estimate species diversity, we examined the correlations between species diversity and spectral diversity in early‐successional abandoned agricultural fields in the Ridge and Valley ecoregion of north‐central Virginia at the Blandy Experimental Farm. We established plant community plots and collected vegetation surveys and ground‐level hyperspectral data from 350 to 1,025 nm wavelengths. We related spectral diversity (standard deviations across spectra) with species diversity (Shannon–Weiner index) and evaluated whether these correlations differed among spectral regions throughout the visible and near‐infrared wavelength regions, and across different spectral transformation techniques. We found positive correlations in the visible regions using band depth data, positive correlations in the near‐infrared region using first derivatives of spectra, and weak to no correlations in the red‐edge region using either of the two spectral transformation techniques. To investigate the role of pigment variability in these correlations, we estimated chlorophyll, carotenoid, and anthocyanin concentrations of five dominant species in the plots using spectral vegetation indices. Although interspecific variability in pigment levels exceeded intraspecific variability, chlorophyll was more varied within species than carotenoids and anthocyanins, contributing to the lack of correlation between species diversity and spectral diversity in the red‐edge region. Interspecific differences in pigment levels, however, made it possible to differentiate these species remotely, contributing to the species‐spectral diversity correlations. VNIR spectra can be used to estimate species diversity, but the relationships depend on the spectral region examined and the spectral transformation technique used.  相似文献   

The co-occurrence of vertebrate trace and body fossils within a single geological formation is rare and the probability of these parallel records being contemporaneous (i.e. on or near the same bedding plane) is extremely low. We report here a late Pleistocene locality from the Victorian Volcanic Plains in south-eastern Australia in which demonstrably contemporaneous, but independently accumulated vertebrate trace and body fossils occur. Bite marks from a variety of taxa are also present on the bones. This site provides a unique opportunity to examine the biases of these divergent fossil records (skeletal, footprints and bite marks) that sampled a single fauna. The skeletal record produced the most complete fauna, with the footprint record indicating a markedly different faunal composition with less diversity and the feeding traces suggesting the presence, amongst others, of a predator not represented by either the skeletal or footprint records. We found that the large extinct marsupial predator Thylacoleo was the only taxon apparently represented by all three records, suggesting that the behavioral characteristics of large carnivores may increase the likelihood of their presence being detected within a fossil fauna. In contrast, Diprotodon (the largest-ever marsupial) was represented only by trace fossils at this site and was absent from the site''s skeletal record, despite its being a common and easily detected presence in late Pleistocene skeletal fossil faunas elsewhere in Australia. Small mammals absent from the footprint record for the site were represented by skeletal fossils and bite marks on bones.  相似文献   

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