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The combined effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment and water deficits on nodulation and N2 fixation were analysed in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Two short-term experiments were conducted in greenhouses with plants subjected to soil drying, while exposed to CO2 atmospheres of either 360 or 700 μmol CO2 mol–1. Under drought-stressed conditions, elevated [CO2] resulted in a delay in the decrease in N2 fixation rates associated with drying of the soil used in these experiments. The elevated [CO2] also allowed the plants under drought to sustain significant increases in nodule number and mass relative to those under ambient [CO2]. The total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) concentration was lower in the shoots of the plants exposed to drought; however, plants under elevated CO2 had much higher TNC levels than those under ambient CO2. For both [CO2] treatments, drought stress induced a substantial accumulation of TNC in the nodules that paralleled N2 fixation decline, which indicates that nodule activity under drought may not be carbon limited. Under drought stress, ureide concentration increased in all plant tissues. However, exposure to elevated [CO2] resulted in substantially less drought-induced ureide accumulation in leaf and petiole tissues. A strong negative correlation was found between ureide accumulation and TNC levels in the leaves. This relationship, together with the large effect of elevated [CO2] on the decrease of ureide accumulation in the leaves, indicated the importance of ureide breakdown in the response of N2 fixation to drought and of feedback inhibition by ureides on nodule activity. It is concluded that an important effect of CO2 enrichment on soybean under drought conditions is an enhancement of photoassimilation, an increased partitioning of carbon to nodules and a decrease of leaf ureide levels, which is associated with sustained nodule growth and N2 rates under soil water deficits. We suggest that future [CO2] increases are likely to benefit soybean production by increasing the drought tolerance of N2 fixation.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing rhizosphere pO2on nitrogenase activity and nodule resistance to O2diffusion were investigated in soybean plants [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Harosoy 63] in which nitrogenase (EC activities were inhibited by (a) removal of the phloem tissue at the base of the stem (stem girdling), (b) exposure of roots to 10 mM NO3over 5 days (NO3-treated), or (c) partial inactivation of nitrogenase activity by an exposure of nodulated roots to 100 kPa O2(O2-inhibitcd). In control plants and in plants which had been treated with 100 kPa O2, increasing rhizosphere O2concentrations in 10 kPa increments from 20 to 70 kPa did not alter the steady-state nitrogenase activity. In contrast, in plants in which nitrogenase activities were depressed by stem girdling or by exposure to NO3, increasing rhizosphere pO2resulted in a recovery of 57 or 67%, respectively, of the initial, depressed rates of nitrogenase activity. This suggests that the nitrogenase activity of stem-girdled and NO3-treated soybeans was O2-limited. For each treatment, theoretical resistance values for O2diffusion into nodules were estimated from measured rates of CO2exchange, assuming a respiratory quotient of 1.1 and 0 kPa of O2in the infected cells. At an external partial pressure of 20 kPa O2, the stem-girdled and NO3--treated plants displayed resistance values which were 4 to 8.6 times higher than those in the nodules of the control plants. In control and O2-inhibited plants, increases in pO2from 20 to 70 kPa in 10 kPa increments resulted in a 2.5- to 3.9-fold increase in diffusion resistance to O2, and had little effect on either respiration or nitrogenase activity. In contrast, in stem-girdled and NO3--treated plants, increases in external pO2had little effect on diffusion resistance to O2, but resulted in a 2.3- to 3.2-fold increase in nodule respiration and nitrogenase activity. These results are consistent with stem-girdling and NO3--inhibition treatments limiting phloem supply to nodules causing an increase in diffusion resistance to O2at 20 kPa and an apparent insensitivity of diffusion resistance to increases in external pO2.  相似文献   

N2 fixation by Acacia species increases under elevated atmospheric CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present study the effect of elevated CO2 on growth and nitrogen fixation of seven Australian Acacia species was investigated. Two species from semi‐arid environments in central Australia (Acacia aneura and A. tetragonophylla) and five species from temperate south‐eastern Australia (Acacia irrorata, A. mearnsii, A. dealbata, A. implexa and A. melanoxylon) were grown for up to 148 d in controlled greenhouse conditions at either ambient (350 µmol mol?1) or elevated (700 µmol mol?1) CO2 concentrations. After establishment of nodules, the plants were completely dependent on symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Six out of seven species had greater relative growth rates and lower whole plant nitrogen concentrations under elevated versus normal CO2. Enhanced growth resulted in an increase in the amount of nitrogen fixed symbiotically for five of the species. In general, this was the consequence of lower whole‐plant nitrogen concentrations, which equate to a larger plant and greater nodule mass for a given amount of nitrogen. Since the average amount of nitrogen fixed per unit nodule mass was unaltered by atmospheric CO2, more nitrogen could be fixed for a given amount of plant nitrogen. For three of the species, elevated CO2 increased the rate of nitrogen fixation per unit nodule mass and time, but this was completely offset by a reduction in nodule mass per unit plant mass.  相似文献   

Soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Hobbit] plants nodulated by Bradyhizobium japonicum strain USDA 110 were grown in pot cultures in severely P- and N-deficient soil and either colonized by the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe or fertilized with a high (HP) or low (LP) level of KH2PO4 (0.6 or 0.3 m M , respectively), After 7 weeks of growth, nodule and chloroplast activities (C2H2 reduction and CO2 exchange rate) were determined. Photosynthetic P-use efficiency of CO2 fixation was significantly higher in VAM than in HP plants, while that of nitrogenase activity was lower. The LP plants were intermediate in both respects. The ratio of nodule to chloroplast activity [mol C2H2 reduced (mol CO2 fixed)−1] was highest in HP and lowest in VAM plants. Root colonization by the VAM fungus significantly increased nodule number and dry weight and reduced nodule specific mass and activity in comparison to HP plants. In spite of lower nodule activity, VAM plants were significantly larger and had higher N concentrations than the HP plants. The results suggest nonnutritional. VAM-elicited and host-mediated effects on the symbiotic functions of the legume association.  相似文献   

1. Increasing carbon dioxide concentration (E: 680 μl CO2 litre–1 vs ambient, A: 355 μl CO2 litre–1) around late-successional Alpine sedge communities of the Swiss Central Alps (2450 m) for four growing seasons (1992–1995) had no detectable effect on symbiotic N2 fixation in Trifolium alpinum —the sole N2-fixing plant species in these communities (74 ± 30 mg N m–2 year–1, A and E plots pooled).
2. This result is based on data collected in the fourth growing season showing that elevated CO2 had no effect on Trifolium above-ground biomass (4·4 ± 1·7 g m–2, A and E plots pooled, n = 24) or N content per unit land area (124 ± 51 mg N m–2, A and E pooled), or on the percentage of N Trifolium derived from the atmosphere through symbiotic N2 fixation (%Ndfa: 61·0 ± 4·1 across A and E plots) estimated using the 15N dilution method.
3. Thus, it appears that N inputs to this ecosystem via symbiotic N2 fixation will not be dramatically affected in the foreseeable future even as atmospheric CO2 continues to rise.  相似文献   

In this study, the response of N2 fixation to elevated CO2 was measured in Scirpus olneyi, a C3 sedge, and Spartina patens, a C4 grass, using acetylene reduction assay and 15N2 gas feeding. Field plants grown in PVC tubes (25 cm long, 10 cm internal diameter) were used. Exposure to elevated CO2 significantly (P < 0·05) caused a 35% increase in nitrogenase activity and 73% increase in 15N incorporated by Scirpus olneyi. In Spartina patens, elevated CO2 (660 ± 1 μ mol mol 1) increased nitrogenase activity and 15N incorporation by 13 and 23%, respectively. Estimates showed that the rate of N2 fixation in Scirpus olneyi under elevated CO2 was 611 ± 75 ng 15N fixed plant 1 h 1 compared with 367 ± 46 ng 15N fixed plant 1 h 1 in ambient CO2 plants. In Spartina patens, however, the rate of N2 fixation was 12·5 ± 1·1 versus 9·8 ± 1·3 ng 15N fixed plant 1 h 1 for elevated and ambient CO2, respectively. Heterotrophic non-symbiotic N2 fixation in plant-free marsh sediment also increased significantly (P < 0·05) with elevated CO2. The proportional increase in 15N2 fixation correlated with the relative stimulation of photosynthesis, in that N2 fixation was high in the C3 plant in which photosynthesis was also high, and lower in the C4 plant in which photosynthesis was relatively less stimulated by growth in elevated CO2. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that carbon fixation in C3 species, stimulated by rising CO2, is likely to provide additional carbon to endophytic and below-ground microbial processes.  相似文献   

Reconciling the incompatible: N2 fixation And O2   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  

Abstract The utilization of NO3, NO2 and NH+4 was studied in whole filaments and isolated heterocysts of Anabaena 7120 (ATCC27893). NO3- and NO2-uptake were detectable in whole filaments but not in heterocysts, whereas NH+4-uptake was detectable in both. Activity of NO3-reductase was present in cell-free extracts of whole filaments but not of heterocysts, whereas activities of NO2-reductase and glutamine synthetase were present in both. NO3-uptake and reductase activities could not be induced in heterocysts even after prolonged incubation in NO3 medium. It is suggested that NO3-metabolism in heterocysts is impaired due to a selective and irreversible loss of NO3-uptake and reductase systems resulting in the abolition of competition for molybdenum cofactor (Mo-Co) and reductant between nitrogenase and NO3-reductase, and an increase in glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase levels.  相似文献   

Abstract A new N2-fixing unicellular cyanobacterium identified as a Synechococcus sp. was isolated and purified as an axenic culture. It fixed N2 aerobically either under continuous illumination or in alternating light-dark cycle. The N2-fixing properties of the new isolate and Gloeocapsa are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract A mutant strain of Rhizobium japonicum (CJ9) unable to assimilate ammonium (Asm) was isolated following mutagenesis with N -methyl N -nitro-nitrosoguanidine (NTG). Glutamate synthase activity was not detectable in cell-free extracts of the mutant strain in contrast to the wild type and revertant strains. Although mutant CJ9 induced nitrogenase activity in an 'in vitro' assay system under microaerobic conditions, it failed to fix nitrogen (acetylene reduction) in soybean root nodules. These properties of mutant CJ9 constitute a new Asm mutant class in Rhizobium spp.  相似文献   

The quantitative relationship between C2H2 reduction, H2 evolution and 15N2 fixation was investigated in excised root nodules from pea plants ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Bodil) grown under controlled conditions. The C2H2/N2 conversion factor varied from 3.31 to 5.12 between the 32nd and the 67th day after planting. After correction for H2 evolution in air, the factor (C2H2-H2)/N2 decreased to values near the theoretical value 3, or in one case to a value significantly ( P < 0.05) below 3. The proportion of the total electron flow through nitrogenase, which is not wasted in H2 production but used for N2 reduction, is often stated as the relative efficiency (1-H2/C2H2). This factor varied significantly ( P < 0.05) during the growth period. The actual allocation of electrons to H2 and N2, expressed as the H2/N2 ratio, was independent of plant age, however. This discrepancy and the observation that the (C2H2-H2)/N2 conversion factor tended to be lower than 3, suggests that the C2H2reduction assay underestimates the total electron flow through nitrogenase.  相似文献   

Plant regulated aspects of nodulation and N2 fixation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Root nodule organogenesis is described. Plant regulated aspects of nodulation and N2 fixation are reviewed and discussed. Since the effective N2 fixing symbiosis requires the interaction of the host plant and bacterium in an appropriate environment (the rhizosphere and the root nodule) it is essential that research aimed at improving N2 fixation involve a knowledge and understanding of the plant genes that affect nodule development, growth, and function. Current knowledge of host plant genes involved in N2 fixation is summarized. Various experimental approaches to the study of the host plant's contribution to nodulation are noted. The functions of nodule specific proteins (nodulins) in symbiosis are delineated. Future areas of research are suggested.  相似文献   

A decline in nitrogen fixation at the time of pod-filling is persistently seen in soybeans. This phenomenon was studied by grafting experiments. Young scions with 3 nodes were grafted near the base of fruiting stocks which had passed their peak of nitrogen fixation. These grafts produced a second peak of nitrogen fixation on the same root system, indicating that the decline is reversible. If the scions were grafted near the apex of the fruiting stocks then the second peak of nitrogen fixation was very small. Thus, the translocation system could have an important role in regulating the decline in nitrogen fixation. Grafting of a second shoot of the same age as the rootstock, after the decline in nitrogen fixation, did not reduce the rate of decline even when the fruits from the scion were removed. It appears that physiological changes in different components of the shoot jointly regulate the decline in the rate of nitrogen fixation in soybeans.  相似文献   

The (C2H4+ H2(C2H2))/15N2 ratios of 15 clover- Rhizobium symbionts. soybean, and black medick symbionts were measured. Relative efficiency based on the C2H4 production and on 15N2 incorporation were compared, and in most symbionts there was little difference between the two measures of relative efficiency. Total measurable electron flux through nitrogenase during acetylene reduction and 15N2 incorporation were nearly equal for most symbionts studied. The relative efficiency and the (C2H4+ H2(C2H2))/15N2 ratio showed an inverse correlation. Use of this ratio appears preferable to use of the ratio of C2H2 reduction/N2 reduction. Some evolution of H2 was observed in the presence of C2H2.  相似文献   

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