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Bartonella spp are the causative agent of cat scratch disease in humans. Cats are the natural reservoir of these bacteria and may infect humans through scratches, bites or fleas. Blood samples from 47 cats aged up to 12 months were collected for this study. All animals were lodged in municipal animal shelters in the Vale do Sinos region, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Bartonella spp were detected by genus-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and when the PCR was positive, the species were determined by DNA sequencing. A Giemsa-stained blood smear was also examined for the presence of intraerythrocytic elements suggestive of Bartonella spp infection. Phylogenetic analysis was also performed for all positive samples. Using molecular detection methods, Bartonella spp were detected in 17.02% (8/47) of the samples. In seven out of eight samples confirmed to be positive for Bartonella spp, blood smear examination revealed the presence of intraerythrocytic elements suggestive of Bartonella spp. Phylogenetic analysis characterized positive samples as Bartonella henselae (5) or Bartonella clarridgeiae (3). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first molecular study demonstrating the presence of Bartonella spp in cats from the Southern Region of Brazil.  相似文献   

The Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) is one of the most endangered mammals, with the entire population estimated to consist of only 30-50 adult animals. Between 1978 and 1999, 73 free-ranging Florida panther carcasses were submitted for postmortem evaluation, of which 47 (64%) were radiocollared and 26 (36%) were uncollared cats. Overall, mortality of panthers > 6-mo-old was due to vehicular trauma in 25 (35%), intraspecific aggression in 19 (26%), illegal kill in seven (10%), research activities in two (3%), infectious diseases in two (3%), esophageal tear in one (1%), pleuritis in one (1%), pyothorax in one (1%), aortic aneurysm in one (1%), atrial septal defect in one (1%), and causes of death were undetermined in 13 (18%) due to autolysis. Of the 25 panthers that were killed by vehicular trauma, 20 (80%) died between October and April. This coincides with increased number of winter visitors to south Florida. Among radiocollared panthers, intraspecific aggression was the primary cause of mortality for 19 (41%) dead cats. Of these cats, 16 (84%) were males and 14 (88%) were either less than 3 or more than 8-yr-old. These animals were probably fighting to establish or retain territory. Among the 26 uncollared panthers, vehicular trauma was the primary cause of mortality and was responsible for 16 (62%) deaths. This study documents the causes of mortality and the age, sex, and seasonal mortality trends for both radiocollared and uncollared free-ranging endangered Florida panthers over a 21-yr-period.  相似文献   

Cytauxzoon felis is a long-recognized hemoparasite of free-ranging Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi), but its prevalence and effect on the population has not been assessed. Red blood cell indices and white blood cell counts were compared between infected and noninfected Florida panthers and Texas cougars (Puma concolor stanleyana) from 1983-1997 in Florida (USA). The prevalence of cytauxzoonosis for both populations was 39% (11/28) for Texas cougars, 35% for Florida panthers (22/63) and 36% overall. Thirteen hematologic parameters were compared between C. felis positive and negative panthers and cougars. Florida panthers had significantly lower mean cell hemoglobin count (MCHC) and higher white blood cell (WBC), neutrophil, monocyte and eosinophil counts (P < or = 0.05) than Texas cougars. Infected Florida panthers had significantly lower mean cell hemoglobin (MCH) and monocyte counts and higher neutrophil and eosinophil counts than infected Texas cougars. Although statistically significant differences were measured for hematologic parameters in C. felis positive panthers and cougars, biologically significant differences were not likely because values were generally within expected reference ranges for healthy animals. Cytauxzoonosis does not appear to have a negative effect on the hematologic parameters of chronically infected panthers and cougars. Potential transient changes during initial infection were not evaluated.  相似文献   

Bartonella spp. can cause persistent bloodstream infections in humans and animals. To determine whether Bartonella henselae is present in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks, we analyzed the prevalence of B. henselae DNA among tick stages compared to the prevalence of DNA from Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the pathogen most frequently transmitted by ticks. B. henselae DNA was present with a prevalence of up to ∼40% in tick populations sampled in four European sites (Eberdingen, Germany; Klasdorf, Germany; Lembach, France; and Madeira, Portugal). The odds of detecting B. henselae DNA in nymphal ticks was ∼14-fold higher than in adult ticks. No tick was found to be coinfected with B. henselae and B. burgdorferi sensu lato. Taken together, our data indicate that ticks might serve as a vector for the transmission of B. henselae to humans.In immunocompetent patients, Bartonella henselae infections often result in cat scratch disease (CSD), a self-limiting but often prolonged lymphadenitis; immunocompromised patients (e.g., AIDS patients) can suffer from vasculoproliferative disorders (bacillary angiomatosis, peliosis hepatis [1]). Cats are a confirmed reservoir host of B. henselae transmitting the pathogen by cat scratches or bites.Several Bartonella species (e.g., B. henselae, B. quintana, and B. vinsonii) cause a persistent intraerythrocytic bacteremia in their respective mammalian reservoir hosts (7). B. henselae was detected in the peripheral blood of a wide range of mammals including domestic (e.g., cats, dogs, and horses) and wild animals (e.g., porpoise, lions, cheetahs, and wild felids). Obviously, such an asymptomatic, persistent bacteremia with B. henselae represents an important factor for the spread of the pathogens via blood-sucking arthropods. Mechanistic details determining the intraerythrocytic presence of Bartonella spp. have been investigated in detail in a B. tribocorum rat infection model mimicking Trench fever (a human disease caused by B. quintana); here, the pathogen persists several weeks in the circulating blood in an immunoprivileged intraerythrocytic niche (28).Cat fleas are well established vectors for B. henselae (1). However, transmission by other arthropods, in particular ticks, has been suggested: B. henselae DNA was detected in questing Ixodes pacificus and I. persulcatus ticks in North America, Eastern Europe, and Russia, respectively (4, 13, 14, 22, 25) and in I. ricinus ticks feeding on people or domestic animals in Central Europe (24, 26). DNA of various Bartonella spp. has also been detected in keds, biting flies, and mites (reviewed in reference 2). Recently, ticks (I. ricinus) were experimentally infected with B. henselae. Inoculation of cats with salivary glands of infected ticks resulted in a B. henselae bacteremia (5). Nevertheless, controversial data about the prevalence of Bartonella spp. in ticks and their role as vectors for B. henselae exist (29).Here, we present data on the prevalence of B. henselae and Lyme disease spirochetes in 654 questing ticks (I. ricinus) collected at four locations in Europe, suggesting that ticks might serve as potential vectors for the transmission of B. henselae to humans.  相似文献   

Proliferative, papillary vulvitis was identified in 16 of 34 (47%) free-ranging and captive female Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi) monitored over a period from 1983-98. Gross lesions were characterized by extensive papilliferous proliferation in the mucosa of the vestibulum vaginae. Within lesions, the mean length and width of vestibular papillae were 1.07 +/- 0.39 mm (CV = 36%) and 0.55 +/- 0.11 mm (CV = 20%) respectively. Histologically, three to 12 layers of non-cornified stratified squamous epithelium with various degrees of basal cell spongiosis and rete ridge formation covered fibrous papillae. Mixed leukocytic mucosal inflammation also was observed. Infectious organisms were not observed, and immunohistochemical testing for the presence of papillomavirus antigens in specimens from seven panthers was negative. Lesions in nearly all of the panthers were first observed during a six-year period (1986-92), with one each in 1983, 1996 and 1998. There were no significant differences between the number of females having litters, the number of litters between age-matched and interval-matched females, and the interval between litters among lesions positive and lesion negative females over the 15 yr period. The severity of lesions did not appear to differ between parous and nulliparous free-ranging lesion-positive females. The cause of proliferative vulvitis remains unknown. However, the lesion did not appear to have a significant effect on reproduction.  相似文献   

Bartonella henselae (Rhizobiales: Bartonellaceae) is a Gram-negative fastidious bacterium of veterinary and zoonotic importance. The cat flea Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) is the main recognized vector of B. henselae, and transmission among cats and humans occurs mainly through infected flea feces. The present study documents the use of a quantitative molecular approach to follow the daily kinetics of B. henselae within the cat flea and its excreted feces after exposure to infected blood for 48 h in an artificial membrane system. B. henselae DNA was detected in both fleas and feces for the entire life span of the fleas (i.e., 12 days) starting from 24 h after initiation of the blood meal.  相似文献   

Many of the anomalies and clinical signs afflicting the Florida panther (Felis concolor coryi) are suggestive of vitamin A deficiency. Our objectives in this study were to determine if a vitamin A deficiency exists in the free-ranging panther population and to determine if there are differences in vitamin A levels among various subgroups of free-ranging panthers. Retinol concentrations were used as an index to Vitamin A concentrations and were determined in serum and liver from free-ranging (serum, n = 45; liver, n = 22) and captive (serum, n = 9; liver, n = 2) juvenile and adult Florida panthers from southern peninsular Florida (USA), and in liver from free-ranging cougars (F. concolor subspp.) from Washington (USA) and Texas (USA) between November 1984 and March 1994. Combined juvenile (6- to 24-mo-old) and adult (> 24-mo-old) free-ranging Florida panthers had mean +/- SD serum retinol concentrations of 772.5 +/- 229 pmol/ml. Adult free-ranging Florida panthers had mean liver retinol concentrations of 4794.5 +/- 3747 nmol/g. Free-ranging nursing Florida panther kittens (age < 1 mo) had mean serum retinol concentrations of 397.9 +/- 69 pmol/ml. Among subgroups of free-ranging Florida panthers, females had higher corrected mean serum retinol concentrations than males and adult free-ranging Florida panthers had higher mean liver retinol concentrations than juveniles. Retinol concentrations in free-ranging Florida panthers did not differ significantly from those in captive panthers (liver and serum) or other free-ranging cougars (liver). Based on limited published values and our controls, a vitamin A deficiency could not be demonstrated in the Florida panther population nor were any subgroups or individuals considered deficient.  相似文献   

Bartonella henselae is the major etiological agent of Cat Scratch Disease in humans. Cats act as the natural reservoir of B. henselae and can transmit the infection to humans by bite or scratch. The diffusion of B. henselae was evaluated by seroprevalence and bacteremic status in different stray cat populations located in nine areas of Northern Italy. A total of 1585 cats were tested by blood culture and 361 (23%) resulted bacteremic; 1416 out off 1585 cats were also tested for Bartonella henselae antibodies and 553 (39%) resulted seropositive. The molecular typing of the isolates showed that 26% of bacteremic cats were infected with B. henselae type I, 52% with B. henselae type II, 16% were co-infected with both and 5% infected with B. Clarridgeiae. Moreover 165 domestic cats were tested by blood culture and serological test (IFA test cut-off: 1:64). 35 cats (21%) resulted bacteremic and 49 (43.5%) were seropositive. The molecular typing of the Bartonella isolates of the domestic cats showed that 45% of bacteremic cats were infected with B. henselae type I, 36.5% with B. henselae type II, 12% were coinfected with both and 6% infected with B. Clarridgeiae. For a completely evaluation of health status of the cat for B. henselae infection, the authors suggest both blood culture and serological tests. Nevertheless a nonbacteremic cat with positive serology result should be reevaluated for possible recurrent bacteremia.  相似文献   

The emerging human pathogen Bartonella henselae has the remarkable capacity to colonise vascular tissues and to stimulate vasoproliferative tumour growth. Although the molecular principle of bacterium-induced neovascularisation (angiogenesis) is still unclear, recent studies have indicated a novel mechanism of endothelial colonisation that involves the formation, engulfment and uptake of a large bacterial aggregate.  相似文献   

Whole blood samples from 211 stray cats from Algiers, Algeria, were cultured to detect the presence of Bartonella species and to evaluate the genetic diversity of B. henselae strains by multiple locus VNTR analysis (MLVA). Bartonella henselae was the only species isolated from 36 (17%) of 211 cats. B. henselae genotype I was the predominant genotype (64%). MLVA typing of 259 strains from 30 bacteremic cats revealed 52 different profiles as compared to only 3 profiles using MLST. Of these 52 profiles, 48 (92.3%) were identified for the first time. One-third of the cats harbored one MLVA profile only. As there was a correlation between the age of cats and the number of MLVA profiles, we hypothesized that the single profile in these cats was the profile of the initial infecting strain. Two-third of the cats harbored 2 to 6 MLVA profiles simultaneously. The similarity of MLVA profiles obtained from the same cat, neighbor-joining clustering and structure-neighbor clustering indicate that such a diversity likely results from two different mechanisms occurring either independently or simultaneously: independent infections and genetic drift from a primary strain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Rates of recombination vary by three orders of magnitude in bacteria but the reasons for this variation is unclear. We performed a genome-wide study of recombination rate variation among genes in the intracellular bacterium Bartonella henselae, which has among the lowest estimated ratio of recombination relative to mutation in prokaryotes. RESULTS: The 1.9 Mb genomes of B. henselae strains IC11, UGA10 and Houston-1 genomes showed only minor gene content variation. Nucleotide sequence divergence levels were less than 1% and the relative rate of recombination to mutation was estimated to 1.1 for the genome overall. Four to eight segments per genome presented significantly enhanced divergences, the most pronounced of which were the virB and trw gene clusters for type IV secretion systems that play essential roles in the infection process. Consistently, multiple recombination events were identified inside these gene clusters. High recombination frequencies were also observed for a gene putatively involved in iron metabolism. A phylogenetic study of this gene in 80 strains of Bartonella quintana, B. henselae and B. grahamii indicated different population structures for each species and revealed horizontal gene transfers across Bartonella species with different host preferences. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis has shown little novel gene acquisition in B. henselae, indicative of a closed pan-genome, but higher recombination frequencies within the population than previously estimated. We propose that the dramatically increased fixation rate for recombination events at gene clusters for type IV secretion systems is driven by selection for sequence variability.  相似文献   

It has become clear that Bartonella henselae is a common cause of cat scratch disease (CSD). The indirect fluorescence antibody (IFA) test for detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to B. henselae concerning CSD showed that 5 (50%) of 10 patients with CSD had a serum IgG antibody titer of 1:128 or more and that 2 (20%) patients had a serum IgM antibody titer of 1:20 or more. One of 7 asymptomatic members of patients' families (14%) had IgG antibody to B. henselae at a titer of 1:256. IgM antibody to B. henselae was not detected in sera from the patients' families. Both IgG and IgM antibodies to B. henselae were not detected in sera from the healthy control group. These data suggest that B. henselae may be a cause of CSD in Japan.  相似文献   

In populations or species with low fitness (high genetic load), a new management strategy called genetic rescue has been advocated to help avoid extinction. In this strategy, unrelated individuals from another population are introduced into the population with low fitness in an effort to reduce genetic load. Here we present ten guidelines that can be used to evaluate when genetic rescue is a good management option, the appropriate procedures for genetic rescue planning and management, and the potential negative genetic consequences of genetic rescue. These guidelines are then used to evaluate the genetic rescue aspects of the recovery programs for the Mexican wolf and the Florida panther.  相似文献   

Human pathogenic Bartonella henselae cause cat scratch disease and vasculoproliferative disorders (e.g. bacillary angiomatosis). Expression of Bartonella adhesin A (BadA) is crucial for bacterial autoagglutination, adhesion to host cells, binding to extracellular matrix proteins and proangiogenic reprogramming via activation of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1. Like the prototypic Yersinia adhesin A, BadA belongs to the class of trimeric autotransporter adhesins and is constructed modularly consisting of a head, a long and repetitive neck-stalk module and a membrane anchor. Until now, the exact biological role of these domains is not known. Here, we analysed the function of the BadA head by truncating the repetitive neck-stalk module of BadA (B. henselae badA(-)/pHN23). Like B. henselae Marseille wild type, B. henselae badA(-)/pHN23 showed autoagglutination, adhesion to collagen and endothelial cells and activation of HIF-1 in host cells. Remarkably, B. henselae badA(-)/pHN23 did not bind to fibronectin (Fn) suggesting a crucial role of the deleted stalk domain in Fn binding. Additionally, the recombinantly expressed BadA head adhered to human umbilical vein endothelial cells and to a lesser degree to epithelial (HeLa 229) cells. Our data suggest that the head represents the major functional domain of BadA responsible for host adhesion and angiogenic reprogramming.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported the isolation of Bartonella henselae from the blood of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the North Carolina coast. Hematologic, pathologic, and microbiologic findings surrounding the death of a juvenile captive beluga in Vancouver initiated an outbreak investigation designed to define the molecular prevalence of Bartonella infection in belugas. Using polymerase chain reaction analyses targeting the intergenic spacer region (ITS), two B. henselae ITS strains were identified in 78% of captive and free-ranging hunter-harvested belugas. These findings may have public health implications and may influence aquarium management procedures for captive marine mammals.  相似文献   

The overall prevalence of cryptorchidism in Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi) from 1972-2001 was 49% (24/49), with a significant increase over time. The earliest age at which descent of both testicles was known to occur was 2 mo and the latest was 10-13 mo. Delayed testicular descent was documented in 23% (8/35) of juveniles examined. Most retained testicles were in the inguinal canal. There was no apparent difference in reproductive success between cryptorchid and normal panthers, although no bilaterally cryptorchid panthers were known to have sired litters. Cryptorchidism was thought to be a manifestation of inbreeding and was one of several factors that led to the development of a genetic restoration plan whereby eight female puma from Texas were released into the panther population in 1995. None of the progeny resulting from genetic restoration efforts has been cryptorchid. This report provides evidence that cryptorchidism in panthers is genetically rather than environmentally based, and demonstrates the utility of genetic restoration for eliminating certain deleterious traits that result from inbreeding.  相似文献   

Bartonella henselae can infect humans resulting in a wide range of disease syndromes including cat-scratch disease, fever with bacteremia, endocarditis, bacillary angiomatosis, and bacillary peliosis hepatis, among others. The nature and severity of the clinical presentation correlates well with the status of the hosts' immune system. Individuals with impaired immune function, including HIV infection, progress to systemic infections more often. Patients with intact immune function who become infected with B. henselae usually get cat-scratch disease, a disease that usually involves lymphadenopathy resulting from a strong cellular immune response to the bacterium. However, immunocompromised patients often progress to bacillary angiomatosis or bacillary peliosis hepatis. The reduced ability of the hosts immune response to control bacterial infection apparently results in a bacteremia of longer duration, and in some patients the presence of angiogenic lesions that are unique among bacterial infections to Bartonella. Recently, the role of immune effector cells that produce angiogenic cytokines upon stimulation with B. henselae has been proposed. Here, the current status of the role of the immune response in both controlling infection and in B. henselae-triggered immunopathogenesis is presented.  相似文献   

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