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Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) is a multifunctional cytokine that is involved in many normal as well as pathological conditions. HGF/NK1, a splice variant of HGF/SF, has been reported to have either antagonistic or agonistic effects with regard to c-Met signaling depending on the cell type. In these experiments, we have determined that HGF/NK1 is a potent mitogen for rat hepatocytes in culture. Furthermore, we have found that coagulation factor Xa (fXa) is capable of cleaving HGF/NK1 and single chain HGF/SF (scHGF/SF). The products resulting from cleavage of HGF/NK1 or scHGF/SF by fXa appear as single bands under non-reducing conditions. The reaction products from the digestion of HGF/NK1 by fXa were separated under reducing conditions, and the cleavage site, as determined by N-terminal sequencing, was located C-terminal to arginine 134. Previous work established that the heparin-binding domain for HGF/SF is located in the N domain of HGF/SF. Additionally, the dimerization of the HGF/SF receptor (c-Met) by the ligand HGF/NK1 is facilitated by heparin and related sulfonated sugars on the cell surface, whereas heparin is not required for HGF/SF-mediated dimerization. Cleavage of single chain HGF/SF or HGF/NK1 by factor Xa does not alter the affinity of the respective molecules for heparin, but it did variably affect the associated mitogenic activity of these factors. The associated mitogenic activity of HGF/NK1 was reduced by more than 90%, whereas the mitogenic activity of scHGF/SF was unaffected. This suggests mandatory maintenance of a steric interaction of the N domain and the first kringle domain for HGF/NK1 to act as an agonist for rat hepatocyte growth but is not required by full-length HGF/SF.  相似文献   

Activation of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) is a critical limiting step in the HGF/SF-induced signaling pathway mediated by MET receptor tyrosine kinase. Although HGF/SF-MET signaling could have potentially important roles in the invasive growth of tumors and tumor angiogenesis, little is known about the regulation of HGF/SF activation in the tumor tissues. This activation occurs in the extracellular milieu caused by proteolytic cleavage at the bond between Arg194-Val195 in the single-chain HGF precursor to generate the active two-chain heterodimeric form. Here we show that activation of HGF/SF is significantly enhanced in colorectal carcinoma tissues compared with normal colorectal mucosa, and HGF activator (HGFA), a recently identified factor XII-like serine proteinase, is critically involved in this process. Furthermore, we also show that HGF activator inhibitor type 1 (HAI-1) should have an important regulatory role in the pericellular activation of HGF/SF having diverse roles acting as a cell surface specific inhibitor of active HGFA and a reservoir of this enzyme on the cell surface. The latter property might paradoxically ensure the concentrated pericellular HGFA activity in certain cellular conditions in which shedding of HAI-1/HGFA complex from the plasma membrane is upregulated.  相似文献   

Strategies that antagonize growth factor signaling are attractive candidates for the biological therapy of brain tumors. HGF/NK2 is a secreted truncated splicing variant and potential antagonist of scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor (SF/HGF), a multifunctional cytokine involved in the malignant progression of solid tumors including glioblastoma. U87 human malignant glioma cells that express an autocrine SF/HGF stimulatory loop were transfected with the human HGF/NK2 cDNA and clonal cell lines that secrete high levels of HGF/NK2 protein (U87-NK2) were isolated. The effects of HGF/NK2 gene transfer on the U87 malignant phenotype were examined. HGF/NK2 gene transfer had no effect on 2-dimensional anchorage-dependent cell growth. In contrast, U87-NK2 cell lines were approximately 20-fold less clonogenic in soft agar and approximately 4-fold less migratory than control-transfected cell lines. Intracranial tumor xenografts derived from U87-NK2 cells grew much slower than controls. U87-NK2 tumors were approximately 50-fold smaller than controls at 21 days post-implantation and HGF/NK2 gene transfer resulted in a trend toward diminished tumorigenicity. This report shows that the predominant effect of transgenic HGF/NK2 overexpression by glioma cells that are autocrine for SF/HGF stimulation is to inhibit their malignant phenotype.  相似文献   

The Bcr/Abl oncoprotein is directly responsible for the development of chronic myelogenous leukemia and Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia in humans. The adapter protein Crkl is one of the most prominently tyrosine-phosphorylated substrates of Bcr/Abl in cells and tissues isolated from such patients. The guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the small GTPase Rap1, C3G, binds constitutively to Crkl. Here, we report that Crkl mediates the formation of protein complexes that include C3G and Bcr/Abl. These complexes contain highly elevated levels of tyrosine-phosphorylated C3G and P130Cas, a scaffolding protein. Moreover, the presence of Rap1 further promoted tyrosine phosphorylation of C3G and Cas. Co-expression of Crkl and C3G with Bcr/Abl generated increased levels of activated Rap1. In addition, lysates from leukemic cells of P190 BCR/ABL transgenic mice and of the myelogenous leukemia cell line K562 contained tyrosine-phosphorylated C3G and activated Rap1. These data suggest a role for C3G-mediated Rap1 activation in Bcr/Abl-induced leukemia development.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases are key regulators of cellular function including cell growth, differentiation, migration, and morphogenesis. Disruptions of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathways are often associated with changes in cellular proliferative capacity and tumorigenesis. Both receptor-specific and cell type-specific factors may contribute to the ultimate cellular responses observed after receptor activation. In this regard, we find that both normal keratinocytes and their tumorigenic counterparts display differential responses to activation of receptor tyrosine kinases. Multiple ligands were mitogenic for keratinocytes, but only epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor α (TGFα), and scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor (SF/HGF) promoted cell motility as assessed by colony dispersion (scattering) and in vitro reepithelialization. Interestingly, growth factor specificity for motility coincided with ligand-mediated cell invasion through a reconstituted basement membrane and induction of the 92-kDa metalloproteinase (MMP-9) activity as determined by gelatin zymogram analysis. Inhibitors of MMP activity or addition of an MMP-9 neutralizing antibody resulted in the loss of growth factor-induced colony dispersion, suggesting a functional role for MMP-9 induction during this response. Coordinate regulation of MMP-9 induction and the migratory response are likely to contribute to the enhanced invasive potential observed in response to EGF and SF/HGF. Our findings suggest that alternate receptor-mediated signaling pathways leading to differences in gene expression may be involved in complex cellular responses such as colony dispersion or invasion. J. Cell. Physiol. 176:255–265, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) induces cell scattering through the tyrosine kinase-type HGF/SF receptor c-Met. We have previously shown that Rho small G protein (Rho) is involved in the HGF/SF-induced scattering of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells by regulating at least the assembly and disassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions, but it remains unknown how c-Met regulates Rho activity. We have found here a novel signaling pathway of c-Met consisting of SHP-2-Rho that regulates the assembly and disassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions in MDCK cells. SHP-2 is a protein-tyrosine phosphatase that contains src homology-2 domains. Expression of a dominant negative mutant of SHP-2 (SHP-2-C/S) markedly increased the formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions in MDCK cells and inhibited their scattering. C3, a Clostridium botulinum ADP-ribosyltransferase, and Y-27632, a specific inhibitor for ROCK, reversed the stimulatory effect of SHP-2-C/S on stress fiber formation and the inhibitory effect on cell scattering. Vav2 is a GDP/GTP exchange protein for Rho. Expression of a dominant negative mutant of Vav2 blocked the stimulatory effect of SHP-2-C/S on stress fiber formation. Conversely, expression of mutants of Vav2 that increased stress fiber formation inhibited HGF/SF-induced cell scattering. These results indicate that SHP-2 physiologically modulates the activity of Rho to form stress fibers and focal adhesions and thereby regulates HGF/SF-induced cell scattering. In addition, Vav2 may be involved in the SHP-2-Rho pathway.  相似文献   

Grb2-assosiated binder (Gab) family proteins are docking molecules that can interact with receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and cytokine receptors and bind several downstream signalling proteins. Studies in several cell types have shown that Gab1 may have a role in signalling mediated by the two RTKs epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) and Met, the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), but the involvement of Gab1 in EGFR and Met signalling has not been directly compared in the same cell. We have studied mechanisms of activation and role in mitogenic signalling of Gab1 in response to EGF and HGF in cultured rat hepatocytes. Gab1, but not Gab2, was expressed in the hepatocytes and was phosphorylated upon stimulation with EGF or HGF. Depletion of Gab1, using siRNA, decreased the ERK and Akt activation, cyclin D1 expression, and DNA synthesis in response to both EGF and HGF. Studies of mechanisms of recruitment to the receptors showed that HGF induced co-precipitation of Gab1 and Met while EGF induced binding of Gab1 to Grb2 but not to EGFR. Gab1 activation in response to both EGF and HGF was dependent on PI3K. While EGF activated Gab1 and Shc equally, within the same concentration range, HGF very potently and almost exclusively activated Gab1, having only a minimal effect on Shc. Collectively, our results strongly suggest that although Gab1 interacts differently with EGFR and Met, it is involved in mitogenic signalling mediated by both these growth factor receptors in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The growth and motility factor hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) and its receptor MET, the tyrosine kinase encoded by the c-MET proto-oncogene, exert major roles in cancer invasion and metastasis and are key targets for therapy. NK1 is an alternative spliced variant of HGF/SF that consists of the N-terminal (N) and first kringle (K1) domains and has partial agonistic activity. NK1 crystallises as a head-to-tail dimer with an extensive inter-protomeric interface resulting from contacts between the two short interdomain linkers and reciprocal contacts between the N and K1 domains. Here we show that a subset of mutants at the NK1 dimer interface, such as the linker mutants Y124A or N127A or the kringle mutant V140A:I142A, bind the MET receptor with affinities comparable to wild-type NK1 but fail to assemble a dimeric, signalling competent NK1-MET complex. These NK1 variants have no detectable agonistic activity on, behave as bona fide receptor antagonists by blocking cell migration and DNA synthesis in target cells and have strong prospects as therapeutics for human cancer.  相似文献   

North American women have a one in eight lifetime risk of developing breast cancer, and approximately one in three women with breast cancer will die of metastases. We, and others, have recently shown that high levels of expression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor Met are associated with invasive human breast cancer and may be causally linked to metastasis. This high level of HGF and Met expression has been considered as a possible indicator of earlier recurrence and shortened survival in breast cancer patients. In contrast, HGF expression (but not Met) is strongly suppressed in normal breast epithelial cells. HGF and Met are therefore candidate targets for therapeutic intervention in the treatment of breast cancer. We have recently demonstrated that sustained activation or hyper-activation of c-Src and Stat3, which occurs in invasive breast cancer, can stimulate strong expression of HGF in carcinoma cells. In contrast, transient induction of Stat3 occurs in normal epithelium and promotes mammary tubulogenesis. We hypothesize that increased autocrine HGF-Met signaling is a critical downstream function of c-Src-Stat3 activation in mammary tumorigenesis. Future studies will identify novel Stat3 consensus sites that regulate HGF promoter activity and HGF expression preferentially in carcinoma cells and could lead to novel therapeutic drugs that specifically block HGF expression in mammary carcinoma cells, and which could be used in combined treatments to abrogate metastasis.  相似文献   

Using patch clamp and Ca(2+) imaging techniques, we have studied Ca(2+) entry pathways in human hepatoblastoma (HepG2) cells. These cells express the mRNA of TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV3 and TRPV4 channels, but not those of TRPV5 and TRPV6. Functional assessment showed that capsaicin (10 microM), 4alpha-phorbol-12,13-didecanoate (4alphaPDD, 1 microM), arachidonic acid (10 microM), hypotonic stress, and heat all stimulated increases in [Ca(2+)](i) within minutes. The increase in [Ca(2+)](i) depended on extracellular Ca(2+) and on the transmembrane potential, which indicated that both driving forces affected Ca(2+) entry. Capsaicin also stimulated an increase in [Ca(2+)](i) in nominally Ca(2+)-free solutions, which was compatible with the receptor functioning as a Ca(2+) release channel. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) modulated Ca(2+) entry. Ca(2+) influx was greater in HepG2 cells incubated with HGF/SF (20 ng/ml for 20 h) compared with non-stimulated cells, but this occurred only in those cells with a migrating phenotype as determined by presence of a lamellipodium and trailing footplate. The effect of capsaicin on [Ca(2+)](i) was greater in migrating HGF/SF-treated cells, and this was inhibited by capsazepine. The difference between control and HGF/SF-treated cells was not found in Ca(2+)-free solutions. 4alphaPDD also had no greater effect on HGF/SF-treated cells. We conclude that TRPV1 and TRPV4 channels provide Ca(2+) entry pathways in HepG2 cells. HGF/SF increases Ca(2+) entry via TRPV1, but not via TRPV4. This rise in [Ca(2+)](i) may constitute an early response of a signalling cascade that gives rise to cell locomotion and the migratory phenotype.  相似文献   

Inappropriate expression of the c-met-protooncogene product (Met) and/or of its ligand, hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF), has been correlated with poor prognosis in a variety of human solid tumors. We are developing animal models for nuclear imaging of Met and HGF/SF expression in tumors in vivo. We radioiodinated a mixture of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that bind to human HGF/SF and to the external ligand-binding domain of human Met, and then injected the I-125-MAb mixture intravenously into mice bearing tumors either autocrine for human HGF/SF and human Met or autocrine-paracrine for murine HGF/SF and murine Met. Serial total body gamma camera images were obtained, and regional activity was determined by quantitative region-of-interest (ROI) analysis. Tumors autocrine for human HGF/SF and Met demonstrated significantly more rapid uptake and more rapid clearance of the I-125-MAb mixture than tumors expressing one or both murine homologues, reaching a mean tumor to total body activity ratio of > 0.3 by 1 day postinjection. We conclude that radioimmunodetection of tumors autocrine for human HGF/SF and Met is feasible with an I-125-MAb mixture reactive against the ligand-receptor pair.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that a tumor cytotoxic factor(F-TCF) purified from the culture broth of human embryonic lung diploid fibroblast, IMR-90 cells was one of the human hepatocyte growth factors (hHGFs). In the present report, we demonstrate its biological functions. F-TCF showed moderate cytotoxicity on human tumor cell lines KB, BG-1, MCF-7 and Hs913 T, and strong cytotoxicity on mouse tumor cell lines Sarcoma 180, Meth A sarcoma and P388. On the contrary, F-TCF was a potent mitogen not only for adult rat hepatocytes, but also for human endothelial cells, HUVEC and human melanocytes. Moreover, F-TCF induced the differentiation of premyelocyte leukemia, HL-60 cells into morphologically granulocyte-like cells. These biological functions suggest that F-TCF is an effector molecule responsible for inflammation and repair in injured tissues including tumor and liver.  相似文献   

Localization of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) gene on human chromosome 7.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a potent mitogen for hepatocytes and a variety of epithelial cells in culture. The cDNAs for human and rat HGF have been cloned by different researchers, including ourselves; however, no information on the genomic structure and chromosome localization of the HGF gene is yet available. To investigate HGF's chromosomal localization, DNA from a battery of human-hamster somatic cell hybrids was digested with BglII and analyzed by Southern blot using a 2.3-kb human HGF cDNA as a hybridization probe. The gene encoding the human HGF was assigned to human chromosome 7. Restriction enzyme and Southern blot analyses using the HGF cDNA and HGF-specific oligonucleotides as probes suggest that the human HGF gene exists as a single-copy gene and is composed of several exons.  相似文献   

Overexpression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor Met often occurs in carcinoma cells, leading to establishment of an HGF/Met autocrine loop. Therefore, disruption of the HGF/Met autocrine loop may lead to down-regulation of tumorigenesis. To study the HGF/Met interaction, we have developed a cell-free system to detect HGF binding to a Met fusion protein, Met-IgG, using a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methodology. Since we previously showed that HGF can be purified by copper(II) affinity chromatography, we further explored the effect of copper(II) on the HGF/Met interaction. The divalent metal cations copper(II) and zinc(II) significantly inhibited HGF binding to immobilized Met-IgG with IC(50) values of 230-270 microM, respectively, whereas manganese(II) and magnesium(II) were less inhibitory with 20-60-fold higher IC(50) values. Incubation of 1 mM copper(II) with HGF resulted in nondenaturing and denaturing gel-mobility shifts, indicating that copper(II) binds directly to HGF. This interaction occurs at the N terminus of HGF, as incubation of 1 mM copper(II) with both HGF and the HGF derivative NK1 yielded similar results on SDS-PAGE. HGF-induced activation of Met and cell scattering were inhibited upon addition of HGF in the presence of 1 mM and 500 microM copper(II), respectively. Chemical protonation with diethyl pyrocarbonate of HGF histidine residues impeded the ability of 500 microM copper(II) to inhibit the binding of HGF to immobilized Met-IgG. Based on the NK1 domain structure, we propose that copper(II) may interact with HGF via the histidine residues in either N-terminal or kringle domains. The inhibition of HGF/Met interaction and subsequent downstream cellular functions may be through direct interference by copper(II), such as a change in charge or an induced local conformational change. This putative copper(II) binding domain may be the basis for developing potential inhibitors of HGF/Met binding and downstream functions and could lead to novel strategies for anti-cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Several lines of evidence suggest that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), a soluble protein secreted by mesenchymal cells, may elicit a morphogenic response in the developing metanephros. We investigated the role of HGF at three different stages of murine metanephric development utilizing serum-free organ culture. Cultures were initiated at E-13, E-15, and E-17; treated with exogenous HGF or antibodies to HGF (to block endogenous HGF) for 120 h in vitro; and evaluated for growth and differentiation in comparison to control explants cultured for 120 h in basal medium. HGF treatment of E-13 explants resulted in a reduction of growth and differentiation compared to control explants. Treatment of E-13 explants with antibodies to HGF produced explant growth and differentiation indistinguishable from control explants. In contrast to the results of E-13 cultures, explants initiated at E-15 and E-17 demonstrated an increased growth and differentiation profile when treated with HGF compared to controls. Treatment of E-15 and E-17 explants with antibodies to HGF resulted in a decrease growth and differentiation profile compared to control or HGF-treated explants. These data demonstrate that HGF has differential effects on renal morphogenesis at progressive developmental stages of metanephric development.  相似文献   

Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is an intracellular effector of cell–matrix interactions and regulates many cellular processes, including growth, proliferation, survival, differentiation, migration, invasion and angiogenesis. The present work analyzes the role of ILK in wound healing in adult animals using a conditional knock-out of the ILK gene generated with the tamoxifen-inducible Cre-lox system (CRE-LOX mice). Results show that ILK deficiency leads to retarded wound closure in skin. Intracellular mechanisms involved in this process were analyzed in cultured mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) isolated from CRE-LOX mice and revealed that wounding promotes rapid activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and ILK. Knockdown of ILK resulted in a retarded wound closure due to a decrease in cellular proliferation and loss of HGF protein expression during the healing process, in vitro and in vivo. Alterations in cell proliferation and wound closure in ILK-deficient MEF or mice could be rescued by exogenous administration of human HGF. These data demonstrate, for the first time, that the activation of PI3K and ILK after skin wounding are critical for HGF-dependent tissue repair and wound healing.  相似文献   

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