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To examine whether collagen is assembled into fibrils within or outside fibroblasts, the connective tissue of the rat foot pad was investigated by electron microscopy and by radioautography at times varying from 4 min to 3 days after an intravenous injection of 3H-proline. The fibroblasts of the rat food pad are long polarized cells with the nucleus at one end, the Golgi apparatus in the center, and a region with long processes at the other end. This region contains secretory granules and is considered to be the secretory pole of the cell. In the Golgi apparatus the stacks of saccules are separated from rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) by groups of "intermediate vesicles" including similarly structured tubules which may be over 300 nm long and are referred to as "intermediate tubules." The Golgi saccules exhibit distended portions which differ at the various levels of the stack. On the cis side, the distentions tend to be spherical and contain fine looping threads; in the middle of the stack, they are cylindrical and present distinct straight threads; whereas on the trans side, they are again cylindrical, but the straight threads are grouped in parallel aggregates. Between these cylindrical distentions and the secretory granules, there are transitional forms within which thread aggregates are packaged more and more tightly. Finally, the fibroblasts are associated with two types of collagen fibrils: extracellular ones arranged into large groups between the cells and intracellular ones located within long intracytoplasmic channels. Quantitative radioautography after 3H-proline injection reveals that the number of silver grains per unit area reaches a peak over the rER at 4-10 min, Golgi apparatus at 40 min, secretory granules at 60 min, and extracellular collagen fibrils at 3 h. At no time are intracellular collagen fibrils labeled. Qualitative observations further indicate that spherical Golgi distentions are mainly labeled at 40 min, and cylindrical distentions, at 60 min. In addition, from 20 min to 3 hr, some lysosomal elements are labeled. The biogenetic pathway leading to the formation of collagen fibrils is interpreted as follows.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In an attempt to locate procollagen I in rats odontoblasts, antibodies raised in rabbits were purified by affinity methods and linked to peroxidase. They were then incubated with chopped slices from the growing end of rat incisor teeth. The antibodies binding to the antigens in the slices were visualized by reacting the peroxidase moiety with diaminobenzidine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The slices were then embedded in Epon and sectioned for ultrastructural study. Within odontoblasts, the immunostaining indicative of procollagen I antigenicity is moderate in rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae, strong in spherical and cylindrical Golgi distensions, intense in secretory granules, and variable in lysosomal structures. In predentin, immunostaining is intense close to the odontoblast layer, but decreases gradually in a distal direction. Hence, procollagen I (and/or substances endowed with similar antigenicity such as pro alpha (I) chains and procollagen fragments) is present: 1) along the intracellular pathway of collagen precursors where its concentration gradually increases to reach a maximum in secretory granules; 2) in predentin, into which it is released from the granules for transformation into nonimmunoreactive collagen I; and 3) in lysosomal structures where some of it is hydrolyzed.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and glycoproteins (GPs) are essential components for dentinogenesis. We have examined rat odontoblasts, predentin, and dentin decalcified with EDTA and stained with: 1) Spicer's hig-iron diamine-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (HID-TCH-SP) method for sulfated glycoconjugates, and 2) Thiéry's periodate-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (PA-TCH-SP) method for vicinal glycol-containing glycoconjugates. HIS-TCH-SP stained distended portions of Golgi saccules and secretory granules. The predentin contained three times the number of HID-TCH-SP stain precipitates when compared to the mineralization front of the dentin matrix. PA-TCH-SP weakly stained membranes of Golgi saccules and cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), whereas stronger staining was observed in secretory granules, lysosomes, and multivesicular bodies (MVBs). Collagen fibrils in predentin demonstrated moderate PA-TCH-SP staining. In contrast, strong PA-TCH-SP staining was observed on and between collagen fibrils in the mineralization front of the dentin matrix. TCH-SP controls of unosmicated specimens lacked significant staining, however, osmicated control specimens did contain some TCH-SP stain deposits in the mineralization front. These results indicate that sulfated and vicinal glycol-containing glycoconjugates are packaged in the same type of secretory granule and released into the extracellular matrix; subsequently vicinal glycol-containing glycoconjugates concentrate in the calcification front, whereas sulfated glycoconjugates accumulate in the predentin and are either removed or masked to staining in the dentin.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the components of the Golgi apparatus was analyzed in plasma cells of rat duodenum. The spheroidal juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus was formed by a continuous ribbonlike structure composed of the following stacked elements. On the cis-face of the Golgi stack, there was a tubular membranous network referred to as the cis-element and/or a slightly dilated saccule perforated with small pores. The two or three subjacent saccules, which showed few pores, were slightly dilated and contained a fluffy granulofilamentous material. They were also perforated in register by cavities or wells containing 80-nm vesicles. The next one or two underlying elements were fenestrated saccules showing flattened portions as well as distended portions containing a homogeneous material denser than that seen in the overlying saccules. The last two or three elements of the stack showed a partially separated or "peeling off" configuration. These last elements consisted of prosecretory granules attached to flattened, empty-looking saccules showing buds at their surface; detached, more-or-less fenestrated, flattened saccules; and shrivelled residual trans-tubular networks. In the trans-region of the stack, in addition to numerous small vesicles, short membranous tubules, detached prosecretory granules, and denser fully formed secretion granules were also seen. These images were interpreted to indicate that secretory material present in the trans-saccules flows toward the dilated portions which become prosecretory granules. The trans-most elements seemingly peel off the stack to yield prosecretory granules and fragmenting trans-tubular networks.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the Golgi apparatus and its components has been analyzed in thin and thick sections of mucous cells of mouse Brunner's glands by using low- and high-voltage electron microscopes and a stereoscopic approach. In thick sections of glands impregnated with osmium or treated to detect nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphatase (NADPase) or thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) activity, the Golgi apparatus appeared, at low magnification, as a continuous network located in the supranuclear region. At higher magnifications and in thin sections of tissue postfixed with reduced osmium and stained with lead citrate or treated to demonstrate phosphatase activity, the following components were observed: on the cis-face of the Golgi stacks, an osmiophilic tubular network referred to as the cis-element; a cis-saccular-compartment composed of a distended porous saccule slightly reactive for NADPase and three or four underlying NADPase-positive, flattened, poorly fenestrated saccules; a trans-saccular-compartment consisting of four to six TPPase-positive saccules or sacculo-tubular elements, prosecretory granules, and "peeling off" trans-tubular networks. The saccules of the cis-compartment were often perforated by large pores in register. The cavities thus formed in the stacks were called wells and were pan-shaped with a mouth directed toward the cis-face of the stacks and a bottom closed by TPPase-positive saccules. The wells always contained 80-nm vesicles. The saccules of the trans-compartment were involved in the formation of secretory granules according to the following proposed sequence of transformation. The secretion product appeared initially as a granular material evenly distributed throughout a slightly distended, poorly fenestrated saccule. These saccules appeared to transform into fenestrated elements with irregular pores and with parts of them taking on the appearance of a tubular network; they were thus referred to as sacculotubular elements. The secretory material initially distributed throughout these elements accumulated in nodular dilatations randomly distributed along the tubular portions of the elements. The dilatations, considered as prosecretory granules, increased in size as they drained the secretory material from the rest of the sacculotubular elements. Such prosecretory granules, large and irregular in shape, "peeled off" from the stacks of saccules with residual saccular or tubular structures still attached to them, some of the latter forming trans-tubular networks. The prosecretory granules detached from such membranous residues, condensed, and finally transformed into spherical secretion granules.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the Golgi apparatus and its components has been analyzed in sections of pancreatic acinar cells by using stereopairs of electron microscope photographs. Pancreatic tissue fixed in glutaraldehyde was postfixed in reduced osmium, and the sections were stained with lead citrate. Tissues were also treated to demonstrate phosphatase activity (i.e., nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphatase, NADPase; thiamine pyrophosphatase, TPPase; cytidine monophosphatase, CMPase). The following stacked components were observed along the branching, anastomotic, continuous, ribbonlike Golgi apparatus. 1) On the cis-face of the Golgi stack there was a tubular membranous network known to be osmiophilic and referred to as the cis-osmiophilic tubular network or cis-element. 2) A first, poorly fenestrated saccule, unreactive for the phosphatases tested, was slightly distended in places and contained a fluffy granulofilamentous material. 3) The subjacent three or four saccules, reactive for NADPase and/or TPPase, showed dilated portions containing a granulofilamentous secretory material similar to that filling the rest of the saccule. They also showed nondilated portions perforated with large fenestrations, some of which were in register and formed wells containing 80-nm vesicles. The dilated portions of these saccules were present at random along the length of the saccules and were not located exclusively at their edges. 4) The remaining one or two elements of the stack, CMPase positive, showed dilated spheroidal portions or prosecretory granules containing a homogeneous secretory material and flattened fenestrated regions free of secretory material and having the appearance of networks of narrow membranous tubules. 5) Lastly on the trans-aspect of the stack there were detached prosecretory granules reactive for CMPase and surrounded by a corona of small vesicles, and smooth-surfaced spherical CMPase-negative granules having a denser content that were identified as fully formed secretion granules; there were also occasional free trans-tubular networks strongly reactive for CMPase that appeared to undergo fragmentation and numerous small vesicles free from acid-phosphatase activity. These various images were interpreted as indicating that prosecretory granules formed in relation to two or three fenestrated saccules on the trans-side of the stack. Such granules, following their detachment from the trans-face of the stack, their separation from trans-tubular networks, and condensation of their content, yielded mature secretion granules.  相似文献   

Young rats given an intravenous injection of [3H]proline were killed at successive times from 4 to 80 min later. Fibroblasts from the front foot pad were radioautographed ; silver grains were counted over several of the organelles and the results were expressed as percent radiolabel per unit volume. These percentages reached a peak over rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae at 4 min, intermediate vesicles and tubules at 10 min, spherical distensions of cis-side Golgi saccules at 20 min, cylindrical distensions of trans-side saccules between 40 and 60 min, and secretory granules at 60 min. It is proposed that the succession of peaks corresponds to the migration pathway of collagen precursor proteins within fibroblasts; that is, the proteins synthesized in rough endoplasmic reticulum are delivered by intermediate vesicles and/or tubules to the spherical distensions of cis-side saccules, somehow pass from there to the cylindrical distensions of trans-side saccules and, finally, are carried by secretory granules to the extracellular space.  相似文献   

The secretory pathway of dentin phosphoproteins in rat incisors was studied by electron microscopic radioautography after the injection of 3H-serine, and the results were compared with those using 3H-proline as a tracer. Five min after injection of 3H-serine, radioactivity was found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. At 10 min, silver grains were observed over the spherical portions of the cisface of the Golgi apparatus. At 20 min after injection, silver grains were seen over the cylindrical portions of the transface of the Golgi apparatus. The secretory granules showed the strongest reaction from 20 min to 1 hr. At 45 min, a significant labeled band appeared at the mineralization front. At 1 hr, the labeling at the mineralization front began to appear in the mineralized dentin, and after 12 hr this labeled band was located within the mineralized dentin. The pathway of 3H-proline was essentially the same as that of 3H-serine, but 3H-proline moved more slowly than 3H-serine, especially in transit from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. Secretory granules were heavily labeled from 30 min to 1 hr after injection of 3H-proline; no labeling was found at the mineralization front at 45 min. The labeling seen initially over the predentin was over the mineralized dentin no earlier than 6 hr after injection. The labeling pattern with 3H-serine is closely related to the localization of phosphoproteins, whereas the pattern with 3H-proline reflects the production of collagen rather than of phosphoproteins. The present radioautographic results indicate that dentin phosphoproteins are related to secretory granules and are secreted by odontoblasts at the mineralization front and also that phosphoproteins are involved in the process of mineralization of the circumpulpal dentin.  相似文献   

Summary Odontoblasts, osteoblasts and fibroblasts of young rats were examined in the electron microscope after staining thin sections either with lead citrate alone or with uranyl acetate prior to lead citrate.With lead citrate alone, collagen fibrils in the extracellular matrix stand out as lucent structures against a moderately electron dense background. Within the cells, lucency is restricted to certain dilated portions of the Golgi saccules as well as to the secretory granules located nearby and in the secretory pole of the cells. The lucency present in these compartments may be attributed to fibrils that are similar to the lucent collagen fibrils in the extracellular matrix. Other cellular compartments, e.g. the rough ER, do not display lucency.When preparations are stained with uranyl acetate prior to lead citrate, lucency is observed neither in the matrix nor in the cells. In the matrix, collagen fibrils are easily identifiable by their cross banded pattern. In the odontoblasts, dilated portions of Golgi saccules between the outer and inner face contain filaments aligned in parallel that are approximately 3 000 Å in length. In saccules on the inner face filament aggregates are present, some of them exhibiting a cross banding pattern. In secretory granules, however, the contents appear rather homogeneous.It is suggested that filament aggregates of collagen can assemble in the Golgi apparatus from filamentous units. These are transported through the cell by way of secretion granules and are discharged to the extracellular matrix by exocytosis.This investigation was supported by grants of the Medical Research Council of Canada. The author wishes to express appreciation to Dr. C. P. Leblond for his guidance in the course of this work.  相似文献   

Chick embryo skull bones incorporated radioactive proline and cystein into procollagen in short term organ culture. Pulse-chase experiments showed that individual precursor chains (pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2) were formed first and that these were subsequently linked by disulfide bounds into trimers. Radioautography showed that labeled material was secreted 30 min after adding label to the cells, and electrophoretic analyses showed that after this time completed labeled collagen molecules appeared. Conversion from disulfide-linked procollagen to collagen proceeded in more than one step. An intermediate form consisting of shorter chains, which were still trimerically linked, was found.  相似文献   

The parietal layer of the rat yolk sac includes a 5 microliter thick sheet known as Reichert's membrane that exhibits properties of basement membranes. Its inner side is lined by a single layer of loosely distributed cells referred to as endodermal cells. Both Reichert's membrane and endodermal cells were examined at 13-14 days' gestation with emphasis on the ultrastructure of the Golgi apparatus, the identification of its component parts by specific phosphatase activities, and its possible role in the cells' secretory process. Reichert's membrane is composed of a series of stacked layers similar to basal laminae and composed of a network of fibrils with a diameter of 2-8 nm along which dots are located at irregular intervals. The endodermal cells contain the usual organelles, including interconnected rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) cisternae and a prominent Golgi apparatus. With the help of phosphatase reactions, the stacks of Golgi saccules were divided into a) "phosphatase-free" saccules, the first ones on the cis or forming side, b) one or two "intermediate" saccules in the middle of the stacks, containing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphatase activity, c) one or two "last" saccules rich in thiamine pyrophosphatase activity on the trans or mature side, and d) continuing beyond the trans side, the GERL element displaying acid phosphatase activity. The latter is associated with profiles equally rich in acid phosphatase and tentatively considered to be prosecretory granules. Finally, the ectoplasm adjacent to Reichert's membrane displays large, acid phosphatase-containing structures tentatively considered to be secretory granules. Thus, the extensive rER network, the well-compartmentalized Golgi apparatus, and the presence of structures which may be prosecretory and secretory granules indicate that the endodermal cells are well-equipped for the secretion of the components of Reichert's membrane.  相似文献   

Reichert's membrane and the endodermal cells of the parietal yolk sac were examined for the presence of laminin antigenicity using anti-laminin antibodies and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase sequence. Immunostaining was observed through the full width of Reichert's membrane and within endodermal cells. In these cells immunostaining was observed in rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) cisternae and Golgi apparatus. The Golgi staining could occur in any saccule, but predominated in components interpreted as the last saccule of the stack, the GERL element, and associated prosecretory granules. The secretory granules found in the ectoplasm were also immunostained. Finally, multivesicular bodies showed some staining. The immunostaining of Reichert's membrane indicates the presence of laminin itself, while that of rER cisternae and the Golgi apparatus is attributed to laminin precursors. Presumably the biosynthesis of laminin occurs along the usual protein pathway, that is, from rER through Golgi saccules and the GERL element to secretory granules, which release their content into Reichert's membrane. The laminin immunostaining of Reichert's membrane and endodermal cells is similar to that of type IV collagen. It is, therefore, likely that the two substances are processed and secreted simultaneously.  相似文献   

To identify intracellular calcium pools that may be involved in the secretory process in prolactin (PRL) cells, hemi pituitaries were incubated in medium containing 10(-6) M dopamine, 5 mM cyclic cAMP (experimentals), or in medium alone (controls) and then processed for electron microscopy using potassium pyroantimonate to localize intracellular calcium. PRL in the medium was measured by radioimmunoassay. The concentration of antimonate associated with mitochondria, Golgi saccules, and secretory granules was estimated. Dopamine inhibition of PRL secretion (> 80% at 1, 2, 3 h) resulted in accumulation of secretory granules in all stages of maturation and dilation of Golgi saccules at 2 and 3 h, accompanied by increased mitochondria antimonate and increased Golgi-associated antimonate. Cyclic AMP stimulation of secretion (635% at 5 min., declining to 34% at 1 h) resulted in marked exocytosis at 5 and 15 min., declining after 30 min. Mitochondrial antimonate decreased after 30 min. Stimulated cells exhibited numerous coated membrane structures at or near exocytotic pits and an amassing of microvesicles at the margin of the Golgi apparatus. Although some secretory granules consistently exhibited reactivity to antimonate (unchanged by inhibition or stimulation), plasma membrane, and granule membrane translocated to the plasma membrane during exocytosis, were not reactive.  相似文献   

The elaboration of enamel matrix glycoprotein was investigated in secretory ameloblasts of incisor teeth in 30–40-g rats. To this end, the distribution of glycoprotein was examined histochemically by the use of phosphotungstic acid at low pH, while the formation of glycoprotein was traced radioautographically in animals sacrificed 2.5–30 min after galactose-3H injection. Histochemically, the presence of glycoprotein is observed in ameloblasts as well as in the enamel matrix; in ameloblasts glycoprotein occurs within the Golgi apparatus in amounts increasing from the outer to the inner face of the stacks of saccules, and is concentrated in condensing vacuoles and secretory granules; in the enamel matrix, glycoprotein is observed within linear subunits. Radioautographs at 2.5 min after injection demonstrate the uptake of galactose-3H label by Golgi saccules, indicating that galactose-3H is incorporated into glycoprotein within this organelle. After 5–10 min, the label collects in the condensing vacuoles and secretory granules of the Golgi region. By 20–30 min, the label appears in the secretory granules of the apical (Tomes') processes, as well as in the enamel matrix (next to the distal end of the apical processes, and at the tips of matrix prongs). In conclusion, galactose contributes to the formation of glycoprotein within the Golgi apparatus. The innermost saccules then distribute the completed glycoprotein to condensing vacuoles, which later evolve into secretory granules. These granules rapidly migrate to the apical processes, where they discharge their glycoprotein content to the developing enamel.  相似文献   

The method of secretory granuleformation in the acinar cells of the rat exorbital lacrimal gland was studied by electron microscope morphological and cytochemical techniques. Immature secretory granules at the inner face of the Golgi apparatus were frequently attached to a narrow cisternal structure similar to GERL as described in neurons by Novikoff et al. (Novikoff, P. M., A. B. Novikoff, N. Quintana, and J.-J. Hauw. 1971. J. Cell Bio. 50:859-886). In the lacrimal gland. GERL was located adjacent to the inner Golgi saccule, or separated from it by a variable distance. Portions of GERL were often closely paralleled by modified cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), which lacked ribosomes on the surface adjacent to GERL. Diaminobenzidine reaction product of the secretory enzyme peroxidase was localized in the cisternae of the nuclear envelope, RER, peripheral Golgi vesicles, Golgi saccules, and immature and mature secretory granules. GERL was usually free of peroxidase reaction product or contained only a small amount. Thiamine pyrophosphatase reaction product was present in two to four inner Golgi saccules; occasionally, the innermost saccule was dilated and fenestrated, and contained less reaction product than the next adjacent saccule. Acid phosphatase (AcPase) reaction product was present in GERL, immature granules, and, rarely, in the innermost saccule, but not in the rest of the Golgi saccules. Thick sections of AcPase preparations viewed at 100 kV revealed that GERL consisted of cisternal, and fenestrated or tublular portions. The immature granules were attached to GERL by multiple connections to the tublular portions. These results suggest that, in the rat exorbital lacrimal gland, the Golgi saccules participate in the transport of secretory proteins, and that GERL is involved in the formation of secretory granules.  相似文献   

It is known that colonic goblet cells utilize glucose to synthesize the carbohydrate portion of mucus glycoprotein. To determine the intracellular site of this synthesis, glucose-H3 was injected into 10-g rats. At 5, 20, 40 min, 1, 1½, and 4 hr after injection, segments of colon were fixed and prepared for electron microscope radioautography. By 5 min after injection, label had been incorporated into substances present in the flattened saccules of the Golgi complex. At 20 min, both Golgi saccules and nearby mucigen granules were labeled. By 40 min, mucigen granules carried almost all detectable radioactivity. Between 1 and 4 hr, these labeled granules migrated from the supranuclear region to the apical membrane; here, they were extruded singly, retaining their limiting membrane. The evidence indicates that the Golgi saccule is the site where complex carbohydrate is synthesized and is added to immigrant protein to form the complete glycoprotein of mucus. The Golgi saccule, distended by this material, becomes mucigen granules. It is roughly estimated that one saccule is released by each Golgi stack every 2 to 4 min: a conclusion implying continuous renewal of Golgi stacks. It appears that the Golgi synthesis, intracellular migration, and release of mucus glycoprotein occur continually throughout the life of the goblet cell.  相似文献   

The vasopressin-producing neurons of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system are a particularly good model with which to consider the relationship between the Golgi apparatus nd GERL and their roles in secretory granule production because these neurons increase their synthesis and secretion of vasopressin in response to hyperosmotic stress. Enzyme cytochemical techniques for acid phosphatase (AcPase) and thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) activities were used to distinguish GERL from the Golgi apparatus in cell bodies of the supraoptic nucleus from normal mice, mice hyperosmotically stressed by drinking 2% salt water, and mice allowed to recover for 5-10 d from hyperosmotic stress. In nonincubated preparations of control supraoptic perikarya, immature secretory granules at the trans face of the Golgi apparatus were frequently attached to a narrow, smooth membrane cisterna identified as GERL. Secretory granules were occasionally seen attached to Golgi saccules. TPPase activity was present in one or two of the trans Golgi saccules; AcPase activity appeared in GERL and attached immature secretory granules, rarely in the trans Golgi saccules, and in secondary lysosomes. As a result of hyperosmotic stress, the Golgi apparatus hypertrophied, and secretory granules formed from all Golgi saccules and GERL. Little or no AcPase activity could be demonstrated in GERL, whereas all Golgi saccules and GERL-like cisternae were TPPase positive. During recovery, AcPase activity in GERL returned to normal; however, the elevated TPPase activity and secretory granule formation seen in GERL-like cisternae and all Golgi saccules during hyperosmotic stress persisted. These results suggest that under normal conditions GERL is the predominant site for the secretory granule formation, but during hyperosmotic stress, the Golgi saccules assume increased importance in this function. The observed cytochemical modulations in Golgi saccules and GERL suggest that GERL is structurally and functionally related to the Golgi saccules.  相似文献   

Labeling of the Golgi complex with the lectin conjugate wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP), which binds to cell surface membrane and enters cells by adsorptive endocytosis, was analyzed in secretory cells of the anterior, intermediate, and posterior lobes of mouse pituitary gland in vivo. WGA-HRP was administered intravenously or by ventriculo-cisternal perfusion to control and salt-stressed mice; post-injection survival times were 30 min-24 hr. Peroxidase reaction product was identified within the extracellular clefts of anterior and posterior pituitary lobes through 24 hr but was absent in intermediate lobe. Endocytic vesicles, spherical endosomes, tubules, dense and multivesicular bodies, the trans-most saccule of the Golgi complex, and dense-core secretory granules attached or unattached to the trans Golgi saccule were peroxidase-positive in the different types of anterior pituitary cells and in perikarya of supraoptico-neurohypophyseal neurons; endoplasmic reticulum and the cis and intermediate Golgi saccules in the same cell types were consistently devoid of peroxidase reaction product. Dense-core secretory granules derived from cis and intermediate Golgi saccules in salt-stressed supraoptic perikarya likewise failed to exhibit peroxidase reaction product. The results suggest that in secretory cells of anterior and posterior pituitary lobes, WGA-HRP, initially internalized with cell surface membrane, is eventually conveyed to the trans-most Golgi saccule, in which the lectin conjugate and associated membrane are packaged in dense-core secretory granules for export and potential exocytosis of the tracer. Endoplasmic reticulum and the cis and intermediate Golgi saccules appear not to be involved in the endocytic/exocytic pathways of pituitary cells exposed to WGA-HRP.  相似文献   

The distribution of the matrix protein fibronectin was studied by indirect immunofluorescence in differentiating mouse molars from bud stage to the stage of dentin and enamel secretion, and compared to that of collagenous proteins procollagen type III and collagen type I. Fibronectin was seen in mesenchymal tissue, basement membranes, and predentin. The dental mesenchyme lost fibronectin staining when differentiating into odontoblasts. Fibronectin was not detected in mineralized dentin. Epithelial tissues were negative except for the stellate reticulum within the enamel organ. Particularly intense staining was seen at the epithelio-mesenchymal interface between the dental epithelium and mesenchyme. Fibronectin may here be involved in anchorage of the mesenchymal cells during their differentiation into odontoblasts. Procollagen type III was lost from the dental mesenchyme during odontoblast differentiation but reappeared with advancing vascularization of the dental papilla. Similarly, procollagen type III present in the dental basement membrane during the bud and cap stages disappeared from the cuspal area along with odontoblast differentiation. Weak staining was seen in predentin but not in mineralized dentin. The staining with anti-collagen type I antibodies was weak in dental mesenchyme but intense in predentin as well as in mineralized dentin.  相似文献   

Embryonic-chick tendon poly(A)-containing RNA was translated in the wheat-germ and mRNA-dependent rabbit reticulocyte-lysate systems. The ability of each system to synthesize polypeptides similar to pro-alpha chains of collagen was tested on the bases of electrophoretic mobility and susceptibility to highly purified bacterial collagenase. Very small amounts of polypeptides in the size range of pro-alpha chains were synthesized in the wheat-germ system, whereas efficient synthesis of two polypeptides similar to pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 chains was achieved in the reticulocyte lysate. The collagenous nature of the major high-molecular-weight products synthesized was demonstrated by their susceptibility to collagenase and ability to act as a substrate for purified collagen proline hydroxylase. Determinations of the relative amounts of these translation products suggest that the 2:1 ratio of pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 chains found in type I procollagen is reflected in proportional amounts of translatable mRNA for pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 chains. Comparisons of the electrophoretic mobilities of hydroxylated and unhydroxylated reticulocyte-lysate translation products were made with appropriate standards of hydroxylated and unhydroxylated procollagen polypeptides. The results suggest that, in common with a number of secreted proteins, procollagen is synthesized as pre-pro molecules consistent with the ;Signal Hypothesis'.  相似文献   

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