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Loss of seed viability and decrease in germination rate appearto be due to two independent sets of events occurring duringartificial ageing in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) seeds.Only the second category of physiological damage is reversible:a low temperature pre-sowing treatment being capable of greatlyreducing the time to fifty percent germination of both unagedand aged seeds, but having no effect on germination capacity.Leakage of ionic solutes from the seeds did not increase followingageing, but there were considerable increases in losses of smallorganic molecules. Low temperature pretreatments did not reducethe rate of loss of either amino acids or reducing sugars fromaged seeds. The implications of the use of artificial ageingin combination with low temperature pre-sowing treatments inthe study of small seed physiology is discussed, as is the valueof solute leakage studies in this kind of seed. Key words: Tomato seeds, Accelerated ageing, Seed treatment, Membranes  相似文献   

Scutellum extracts of dry unaged and differentially aged wheatseeds showed appreciable and ß amylase activities,these being higher in unaged and lower in aged seeds. This indicatesthat scutellar amylase may remain long-lived in seeds. Duringgermination of both unaged and aged seeds an increase in scutellaramylase (particularly ß) occurs. Initiation of thisgermination associated increase in amylase activity, however,was found to occur relatively late during imbibition. Further,while scutellar amylase increased considerably during imbibitionin unaged seeds, in differentially aged seeds the increase wassmall. This also contributes to the reduced scutellar amylaseactivities in aged seeds. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, naturally aged, accelerated aged, unaged, germination, scutellar and ß amylase  相似文献   

The variations of the amounts of phospholipid transfer proteins (PLTP), determined by ELISA and immunoblotting methods, were followed during the maturation and germination of maize (Zea mays L.) seeds. Changes of the amounts of PLTP occur during seed maturation. The levels of PLTP, low in the first 3 weeks after fecondation, strongly raised 3 to 5 weeks after, then reached and maintained a high value (10% of total soluble proteins) during the last steps of maturation. These variations, determined by ELISA, are in accordance with the observations made by immunoblotting. Changes in phospholipid transfer activity were also found when protein extracts prepared from seeds at different stages of maturation were assayed for transfer activity. The levels of PLTP were also determined during the germination of maize seeds and the early growth of the plantlets, both in the endosperm and the aerial parts. While no major change was observed in the endosperm, a high increase in PLTP level was found in the aerial part of the plantlet, both by ELISA and immunoblotting. An enhancement of the phospholipid transfer activity was parallely observed in the protein extracts of plantlets at various stages of germination. These results are consistent with an in vivo correlation between the synthesis of phospholipid transfer protein, observed during the maturation and germination of maize seeds, and the biogenesis of membranes which involves intracellular movements of phospholipids.  相似文献   

Sublethal doses of γ-radiation and far red light have some-what analogous, red light reversible, effects on the germination of lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L. var. Grand Rapids). However, the mechanism by which γ-radiation retards germination appears to differ from that of far red light. Compared to controls, γ-radiation retarded germination for the first 24 hours; but after 36 or 48 hours of imbibition gemination of treated seeds was higher than that of the controls, whether or not the γ-irradiated seeds received red or far red light. The effects of γ-radiation are more pronounced in seeds containing 15% water at the time of treatment than in those containing only 7% water. The promotive action of red light is operative in the presumed absence of cell division in γ-treated seeds.  相似文献   

Seeds from two cotton varieties attained similar maximum germinationpercentages at 30°C. Failure of germination occurred at15 and 45°C. At lower and higher temperatures than 30°Cmaximum germination percentages were lower and the periods beforegermination was intiated longer. Fumigation of seeds with methylbromide decreased their maximum emergence percentages in thefield, but dressing seeds with mercuric compounds had no effecton emergence. During the first 20 days of seed development theaccumulation of total dry-matter and oil was rapid and thenit continued at a steady and slower rate till day 52. A linearrelationship existed between the oil and residual dry-mattercontent of developing seeds. The disappearance of oil from thecotyledons of germinating seeds was gradual over the periodof 5 days of germination while that of starch was very rapidduring the first day, thereafter very little starch was mobilizedfrom the cotyledons to the embryo.  相似文献   

Evaluation of various solvent systems for lipid extraction of wheat Triticum aestivum L. cv. Rideau seeds showed that boiling 2-propanol followed by the Bligh-Dyer procedure was the most efficient method, with respect to lipid yield and ability to inactivate lipolytic enzymes. Ten phospholipids were identified in dry seeds; the major components being phosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylcholine, N-acyl lysophosphatidyl-ethanolamine, N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylethanolamine. After growth for 1 week (2 C) or 31 hours (24 C), the proportions of phosphatidylethanolamine + lysophosphatidic acid and phosphatidic acid increased, lysophosphatidylcholine decreased, and the remaining phospholipids showed little change. At 5 weeks (2 C) or 72 hours (24 C), the seedlings showed 5-fold increases in the proportion of phosphatidic acid largely at the expense of phosphatidylcholine, small decreases in N-acyl lysophosphatidylethanolamine and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine, and significant increases in lysophosphatidylcholine. The changes in phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylcholine are interpreted as being partially due to increasing phospholipase D activity during germination. In general, the phospholipid composition was similar in morphologically equivalent seedlings grown at 2 C or 24 C. The increased membrane content in seedlings grown at 2 C does not reflect any preferential synthesis of individual phospholipids.  相似文献   

预浸和发芽过程中番茄种子细胞核的倍性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用细胞流检仪(flowcytometer)检测番茄种子细胞核倍性水平时发现:当年成熟的番茄种子胚细胞核DNA绝大多数为2C水平,胚乳细胞核则为3C水平,说明成熟番茄种子细胞一般休止停留在G1期。同时我们也发现极少量的胚和胚乳细胞核分别为4C和6C水平,说明这些细胞已经进行了DNA内复制。供试番茄种子浸种后12h左右完成吸水过程,2d后胚根可突破种皮发芽。随着种子吸水过程的完成,胚根尖部分细胞开始进入DNA复制期(S期),而且此类细胞的数量增加迅速,一直到种子发芽。番茄胚根尖细胞进入4C的数量的多少与种子萌发时期有明显相关,4C/2C比率越大说明越接近发芽。渗控处理可以增加番茄种子胚根细胞4C/2C比率,因而明显提高种子的发芽速率。结果还表明;渗控处理的番茄种子再度干燥后4C/2C比率不变,这说明干燥可以固定细胞周期。  相似文献   

Nicotine, nornicotine, anabasine, and anatabine, normally found in growing and mature tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants, were extracted and quantified from mature tobacco seeds and young tobacco seedlings. The rate of net alkaloid disappearance and accumulation in tobacco seedlings was related to phases of germination.  相似文献   

Abstract Germination responses of Taraxacum platycarpum seeds to temperature were examined under laboratory conditions to investigate the emergence-season choice mechanism of the seeds. Almost all the newly collected seeds were non-dormant. Under constant temperature conditions, maximum percentage germination (approximately 90%) was attained at temperatures 6–16°C, where simple linear relationships were observed between the temperature and the rates of germination, i.e. the reciprocals of the time taken to germinate by seed subpopulations with 10–80% germination. Thermal time required for germination of the subpopulations ranged from 600 Kh (degree Kelvin × hours) to 1500 Kh with a relatively constant base temperature of about 2.5°C. Lower limit temperature for germination was slightly below 6°C. Higher limit temperature for germination has the normal distribution with the mean ±SD of 19±2.5°C. Pre-exposure of imbibed seeds to temperatures higher than the higher limit temperature for germination, 25 and 30°C, had no effect on the germinability and the rate of germination at a circa-optimum temperature. Moist chilling treatment at 4°C caused an increase in the variation of germination rate within the seed population, but no evidence for dormancy-inducing or breaking effects was obtained.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determination of ploidy levels in embryos of GA-deficient, ABA-deficient mutant and isogenic wild type tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker) seeds revealed that, large amount of 2C DNA signals existed both in wild type and GA-deficient mutant seeds, showing that most cells had arrested in the cell cycle at presynthesis Gl, whereas a relative amount of 4C proportion which is a sign of seed germination was found in ABA-deficient mutant seeds, indicating that endogenous ABA play a role in regulating the switch from development to germination in seeds. DNA replication was stimulated 1 d after the seed was imbibed in water and a visible germination occurred subsequently either in wild type GA-deficient mutant seeds. But it was not the case for ABA-deficient mutant seeds unless an exogenous GA was supplemented. This demonstrated that DNA replication in embryo root tips cells was subjected to be a compulsory factor for seed germination, whereas endogenous GA triggered DNA synthesis. It was evident that exogenous ABA could inhibit seed germination not by suppressing DNA synthesis but by bloking the route leading to mitosis since a great amount of 4C proportion was found in the germinating wild type and GA-deficient mutant seeds in the ABA solution when visible ger mination did not occur. Finally a simple mode of hormonal regulation on cell cycle in high plants was hypothesized.  相似文献   

Grand Rapids lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) with 6 to 8% water content show no light-induced germination responses, whereas in seeds with 15% or more water content, germination is promoted or retarded by red and far red light respectively. By adjusting seed water content, persistent potentiated responses to light are induced in the seeds at seed water levels much below that required for germination itself. Alternate moistening and drying of seeds in conjunction with red and far red irradiations show that potentiated responses may be phototransformed only with sufficient seed water. However, the process of drying and remoistening has no effect on potentiated responses.  相似文献   

Phospholipid composition of 10 Bifidobacterium strains of human intestinal origin and of 9 Lactobacillus strains was determined by quantitative two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography. Phospholipids of three Bifidobacterium strains from honey bees and of two strains from bovine rumen liquor were qualitatively investigated. Diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol were present in strains of both genera. All Bifidobacterium strains contained as specific phospholipids a new polyglycerolphospholipid, compound 15, and its lyso derivatives, earlier detected in B. bifidum var. pennsylvanicus. Also, lyso compounds of diphosphatidylglycerol and alanyl phosphatidylglycerol were only present in this genus in variable amounts. Lysyl phosphatidylglycerol was the only ninhydrin-positive phospholipid in seven Lactobacillus strains. In L. delbrückii and L. helveticus it was absent and partially replaced by an unidentified ninhydrin-negative phospholipid. The differences in phospholipid composition between bifidobacteria and lactobacilli may be another argument to differentiate these two genera.  相似文献   

外源GA_3和红光都能有效地诱导台湾红番茄种子萌发;外源ABA对光诱导萌发有明显的抑制作用。白光和红光诱导萌发过程中内源ABA水平急剧降低,而在黑暗或远红光下则一直保持在与风干种子中原有的高水平。1 mol/L HCl酸化1h后加100 ppm GA_3诱导萌发时内源ABA含量也随培养时间的延续而明显下降。  相似文献   

Large populations of viable buried arable weed seeds have beenfound in soil which has been continuously used as pasture forthe last six years. Small numbers of dicotyledonous seedlingswere found to germinate within the grass sward, but did notappear to become established. A disturbance of this soil, ascaused by cultivation, resulted in a large flush of germinationduring the subsequent 4 weeks. Under laboratory conditions only10 per cent of these seedlings emerged in the absence of illumination.Under field conditions there was no germination at all in thedark. A short ‘light-break’ of only 90 sec was sufficientto cause the germination of a large proportion of seeds. Onthe basis of these results it is concluded that the appearanceof all weed seedlings from buried seeds, following cultivation,is dependent upon the exposure of these seeds to light.  相似文献   

Low temperature presowing treatment (LTPST) of tomato seeds,var. Moneymaker, increases their rate of germination. Duringthis treatment there is a large increase in nucleic acid content,especially rRNA, within the seeds. Denaturing gel electrophoresisindicates that the quality of this RNA improves during LTPST.Although replacement of fragmented rRNA may be an importantprerequisite for successful germination, the data show thatthis is unlikely to be the immediate cause of more rapid seedgermination. When compared with untreated controls during subsequentgermination, treated seeds show reduced rates of nucleic acidaccumulation and reduced RNA polymerase activity per unit DNA,implying that rRNA synthesis within these seeds is under somemeasure of stringent control. The association between nucleicacid metabolism and germination is discussed. tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., seed germination, presowing treatment, RNA, RNA polymerase  相似文献   

The proportion of labeled 14C-glycerol incorporated into phospholipids and the fatty acid composition of three phospholipids in germinating seeds and seedlings of chilling-sensitive lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus L.) and chilling-resistant broad beans (Vicia faba L.) and peas (Pisum sativum L.) at 10 and 25 C were determined. During the imbibition of seeds (first 24 hours), lima beans were sensitive to chilling injury at 10 C and a higher proportion of label was incorporated into phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol than in broad beans and peas. Broad beans and peas incorporated a higher proportion of label into phosphatidylcholine. The oleic acid content of phosphatidylcholine was higher and linolenic acid content was lower in peas and broad beans than in lima beans at 10 and 25 C. The unsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio was much higher for the chilling-resistant seeds than for the chilling-sensitive ones. In the seedling stage, the proportion of label incorporated into the four major phospholipids was similar in the three species regardless of temperature treatment. The fatty acid content of the phospholipids examined was not different in the three species in the seedling stage.  相似文献   

Sterol Changes during Germination of Nicotiana tabacum Seeds   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The identity, composition, and concentration of the total, free, esterified, and glycosidic sterol fractions were determined during germination of tobacco seeds. The total, free, and esterified sterols increased, with stigmasterol and campesterol accounting for most of the increase. Steryl glycosides decreased during germination, and stigmasteryl and sitosteryl glycosides showed the largest decrease. During germination, sitosterol was the major sterol in all fractions but stigmasterol and campesterol showed the greatest changes. The fatty acid composition of the steryl esters and acylated steryl glycosides most closely resembled the di- and triglycerides.  相似文献   

In order to explore the possibility that phospholipids are differently expressed during the cascade of events leading to tooth formation, we decided to carry out simultaneous biochemical, histological and electron histochemical studies. High performance thin-layer chromatography and gas–liquid chromatography were used to compare the composition of embryonic mouse first molar tooth germs at day 18 of gestation (E18) and at birth (D1), erupting teeth at day 7 (D7) and erupted molars at day 21 (D21). For the latter, non-demineralized and EDTA-demineralized lipid extracts were analysed separately. Moreover, an ultrahistochemical study was carried out using the iodoplatinate reaction which retains and visualizes phospholipids. Developmentally regulated changes occurred and were closely correlated with an increase in cell membrane phospholipids. Gradual accumulation of phospholipids was identified in the extracellular matrix, at an early stage of tooth germ development within the basement membrane and later, as predentine/dentine and enamel components participating in mineralization processes. Matrix vesicles transiently present in dentine were partly responsible for the lipids that were detected. A first group of phospholipids including phosphatidylcholine as the major membrane-associated phospholipid and phosphatidylinositol as the intracellular second messenger increased by a factor of 2.3 between E18 and D21. This increase is probably associated with cell lengthening and was relatively modest compared with the higher increase detected for a second group of phospholipids, namely phosphatidylethanolamine (×4.8), phosphatidylserine (×5.9) and sphingomyelin (×5.4). This second group of extracellular matrix-associated phospholipids constituted 68% of the demineralized lipid extract and, therefore, contributes to the mineralization of dental tissues.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determination of DNA levels in embryos of fullymatured dry tomato (Lycopersicon esculenium) seeds revealedlarge amounts of 2C DNA signals, indicating that most cellshad arrested in the cell cycle at the presynthetic G1 phaseof nuclear division. After imbibition in water, an augmentationof the 4C signal in the embryonic root tip region was found.This increase could be ascribed to cells entering the syntheticphase of nuclear division leading towards the doubling of chromosomalmaterial. In the root tip cells, 4C:2C ratios increased I dafter imbibition in water though radicle emergence started 2d later. Apparently, DNA synthesis preceded germination. Onlya small increase in the number of cells with 4C DNA levels wasfound in the rest of the embryonic tissues. In whole dry seeds,DNA histograms revealed both a 2C signal and a considerable6C peak, the latter originating from the endoreduplicated endosperm. A priming period of 14 d in PEG-6000 considerably enhanced therate and uniformity of germination. In the ungerminated seeds,the 4C DNA signal of root tip cells started to increase after3 d incubation in PEG. The ratio of 4C:2C steadily increasedduring the 14 d priming period, though did not reach the levelobtained after hydration in water. Upon priming, the 4C:2C ratiowas constant after redrying the seeds towards the original moisturecontent, indicating that the chromosomal material in the rootcells had stably ceased cell cycle activity at the G2 phase.The present results indicate that the beneficial effects ofpriming on seedling performance are associated with the actionof replicative DNA synthetic processes prior to germination. Lycopersicon esculeniumMill, tomato, DNA content, flow cytometry, priming, seed, nuclear replication stage, C levels  相似文献   

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