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The effects of inorganic phosphate (Pi), the main intracellular membrane permeable anion capable of altering mitochondrial pH gradients (ΔpH), were measured on mitochondrial H2O2 release. As expected, Pi decreased ΔpH and increased the electric membrane potential (ΔΨ). Mitochondrial H2O2 release was stimulated by Pi and also by its structural analogue arsenate. However, acetate, another membrane-permeable anion, did not stimulate mitochondrial H2O2 release. The stimulatory effect promoted by Pi was prevented by CCCP, which decreases transport of Pi across the inner mitochondrial membrane, indicating that Pi must be in the mitochondrial matrix to stimulate H2O2 release. In conclusion, we found that Pi and arsenate stimulate mitochondrial reactive oxygen release, an effect that may contribute towards oxidative stress under conditions such as ischemia/reperfusion, in which high-energy phosphate bonds are hydrolyzed.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a heme precursor overproduced in various porphyric disorders, has been implicated in iron-mediated oxidative damage to biomolecules and cell structures. From previous observations of ferritin iron release by ALA, we investigated the ability of ALA to cause oxidative damage to ferritin apoprotein. Incubation of horse spleen ferritin (HoSF) with ALA caused alterations in the ferritin circular dichroism spectrum (loss of a alpha-helix content) and altered electrophoretic behavior. Incubation of human liver, spleen, and heart ferritins with ALA substantially decreased antibody recognition (51, 60, and 28% for liver, spleen, and heart, respectively). Incubation of apoferritin with 1-10mM ALA produced dose-dependent decreases in tryptophan fluorescence (11-35% after 5h), and a partial depletion of protein thiols (18% after 24h) despite substantial removal of catalytic iron. The loss of tryptophan fluorescence was inhibited 35% by 50mM mannitol, suggesting participation of hydroxyl radicals. The damage to apoferritin had no effect on ferroxidase activity, but produced a 61% decrease in iron uptake ability. The results suggest a local autocatalytic interaction among ALA, ferritin, and oxygen, catalyzed by endogenous iron and phosphate, that causes site-specific damage to the ferritin protein and impaired iron sequestration. These data together with previous findings that ALA overload causes iron mobilization in brain and liver of rats may help explain organ-specific toxicities and carcinogenicity of ALA in experimental animals and patients with porphyria.  相似文献   

Aminoacetone (AA) is a threonine metabolite accumulated in threoninemia, cri-du-chat, and diabetes, where it contributes toward the formation of cytotoxic and genotoxic methylglyoxal (MG). Oxyradicals yielded from iron-catalyzed AA aerobic oxidation to MG are shown here to promote Ca2+ -mediated mitochondrial membrane permeabilization in an AA dose-dependent way. The inhibitory effect of added EGTA, cyclosporin A, Mg2+, and DTT observed in this study suggests the formation of transition pores in the inner mitochondrial membrane by AA, associated with thiol protein aggregation. That the mitochondrial iron pool plays a coadjutant role in the transition of mitochondrial permeability is indicated by the dramatic inhibitory effect of added o-phenanthroline. Iron released from ferritin by AA oxidation products--superoxide anion and AA enolyl radicals--is shown to act as an alternative source of ferrous iron, intensifying the mitochondrial damage. These findings may contribute to clarify the role of accumulated AA and iron overload in the mitochondrial oxidative damage reportedly occurring in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Fe2+ is oxidized and taken up by ferritin or ápoferritin in the presence of dioxygen. Iodate causes Fe2+ oxidation and uptake by ferritin, but not by apoferritin. Synthetic iron polymer facilitates Fe2+ oxidation by either dioxygen or iodate. Nitrilotriacetic acid or iminodiacetic acid facilitate oxidation of Fe2+ by oxygen but not by iodate. These results support the crystal growth model of ferritin iron uptake, with iron polymer serving as a model for the ferritin core and aminocarboxylic acids mimicking the metal-binding sites of apoferritin.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B (apoB) is known to be a ferritin-binding protein. Here we show that apoB binds to ferritin through hemin-mediated binding. Human apoB bound to bovine spleen, horse spleen, and canine liver ferritins, but did not bind to bovine apoferritin, even after incorporation of iron into it. Incubation of apoferritin with hemin resulted in apoB binding with apoferritin at the same level as with holoferritin. In contrast, hemin inhibited binding of apoB to ferritin. Bovine spleen apoferritin bound biotinylated hemin, and hemin inhibited the binding between the apoferritin and biotinylated hemin, suggesting that ferritin binds hemin directly. ApoB and LDL containing apoB bound biotinylated hemin, and their bindings were also inhibited by hemin, but not protoporphyrin IX. These data demonstrate that binding of apoB to ferritin is mediated through ferritin’s binding to hemin, and also that apoB binds hemin directly.  相似文献   

The redox state of the cell is involved in the regulation of many physiological functions as well as in the pathogenesis of several diseases, and is strictly dependent on the amount of iron in its catalytically active state. Alterations of iron homeostasis determine increased steady-state concentrations of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) that cause lipid peroxidation, DNA damage and altered protein folding. Ferritin keeps the intracellular iron in a non-toxic and readily available form and consequently plays a central role in iron and redox homeostasis. The protein is composed by 24 subunits of the H- and L-type, coded by two different genes, with structural and functional differences. The aim of this study was to shed light on the role of the single H ferritin subunit (FHC) in keeping the native correct protein three-dimensional structure. To this, we performed Raman spectroscopy on protein extracts from K562 cells subjected to FHC silencing. The results show a significant increase in the percentage of disordered structures content at a level comparable to that induced by H2O2 treatment in control cells. ROS inhibitor and iron chelator were able to revert protein misfolding. This integrated approach, involving Raman spectroscopy and targeted-gene silencing, indicates that an imbalance of the heavy-to-light chain ratio in the ferritin composition is able to induce severe but still reversible modifications in protein folding and uncovers new potential pathogenetic mechanisms associated to intracellular iron perturbation.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a heme precursor that accumulates in acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) and lead poisoning, undergoes enolization and subsequent iron-catalyzed oxidation at neutral pH. Iron is released from horse spleen ferritin (HoSF) by both ALA-generated O2•− and enoyl radical (ALA√), which amplifies the chain of ALA oxidation (autocatalysis). Iron chelators such as EDTA, ATP, but not citrate, and phosphate accelerate this process and ALA-promoted iron release from HoSF is faster in horse spleen isoferritins containing larger amounts of phosphate in the core. ALA (+0.377 V versus standard hydrogen electrode) is less effective in releasing iron from ferritin than are thioglycollic acid, 6-hydroxydopamine, and N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine. During electrochemical one electron oxidation of ALA in a nitrogen atmosphere, spin trapping experiments with 3,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzenesulfonic acid demonstrated the formation of a spin adduct characterized by a six line signal, indicating a secondary carbon-centered radical and attributed to a resonant ALA√ radical. Iron is also released in such anaerobic electrochemical oxidations of ALA in the presence of ferritin, suggesting that, in addition to O2•−, ALA√ can promote iron mobilization from ferritin. Hence, ALA√ may amplify the metal-catalyzed oxidation of ALA, damaging ALA-accumulating cells and possibly contributing to the symptoms of porphyria.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of many xenobiotics is related to their ability to undergo redox reactions and iron dependent free radical reactions. We have measured the ability of a number of redox active compounds to release iron from the cellular iron storage protein, ferritin. Compounds were reduced to their corresponding radicals with xanthine oxidase/hypoxanthine under N2 and the release of Fe2+ was monitored by complexation with ferrozine. Ferritin iron was released by a number of bipyridyl radicals including those derived from diquat and paraquat, the anthracycline radicals of adriamycin, daunorubicin and epirubicin, the semiquinones of anthraquinone-2-sulphonate, 1,5 and 2,6-dihydroxyanthraquinone, 1-hydroxyanthraquinone, purpurin, and plumbagin, and the nitroaromatic radicals of nitrofurantoin and metronidazole. In each case, iron release was more efficient than with an equivalent flux of superoxide. Introduction of air decreased the rate of iron release, presumably because the organic radicals reacted with O2 to form superoxide. In air, iron release was inhibited by superoxide dismutase. Semiquinones of menadione, benzoquinone, duroquinone, anthraquinone 1,5 and 2,6-disulphonate, 1,4 naphthoquinone-2-sulphonate and naphthoquinone, when formed under N2, were unable to release ferrin iron. In air, these systems gave low rates of superoxide dismutase-inhibitible iron release. Of the compounds investigated, those with a single electron reduction potential less than that of ferritin were able to release ferritin iron.  相似文献   

Mitochondria mobilize iron from ferritin by a mechanism that depends on external FMN. With rat liver mitochondria, the rate of mobilization of iron is higher from rat liver ferritin than from horse spleen ferritin. With horse liver mitochondria, the rate of iron mobilization is higher from horse spleen ferritin than from rat liver ferritin. The results are explained by a higher affinity between mitochondria and ferritins of the same species. The mobilization of iron increases with the iron content of the ferritin and then levels off. A maximum is reached with ferritins containing about 1 200 iron atoms per molecule. The results represent further evidence that ferritin may function as a direct iron donor to the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Iron uptake by the ubiquitous iron-storage protein ferritin involves the oxidation of two Fe(II) ions located at the highly conserved dinuclear “ferroxidase centre” in individual subunits. We have measured X-ray absorption spectra of four mutants (K86Q, K86Q/E27D, K86Q/E107D, and K86Q/E27D/E107D, involving variations of Glu to Asp on either or both sides of the dinuclear ferroxidase site) of recombinant human H-chain ferritin (rHuHF) in their complexes with reactive Fe(II) and redox-inactive Zn(II). The results for Fe–rHuHf are compared with those for recombinant Desulfovibrio desulfuricans bacterioferritin (DdBfr) in three states: oxidised, reduced, and oxidised/Chelex®-treated. The X-ray absorption near-edge region of the spectrum allows the oxidation state of the iron ions to be assessed. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure simulations have yielded accurate geometric information that represents an important refinement of the crystal structure of DdBfr; most metal–ligand bonds are shortened and there is a decrease in ionic radius going from the Fe(II) to the Fe(III) state. The Chelex®-treated sample is found to be partly mineralised, giving an indication of the state of iron in the cycled-oxidised (reduced, then oxidised) form of DdBfr, where the crystal structure shows the dinuclear site to be only half occupied. In the case of rHuHF the complexes with Zn(II) reveal a surprising similarity between the variants, indicating that the rHuHf dinuclear site is rigid. In spite of this, the rHuHf complexes with Fe(II) show a variation in reactivity that is reflected in the iron oxidation states and coordination geometries.  相似文献   

Iron accumulation and oxidative stress are associated with neurodegenerative disease. Labile iron is known to catalyze free radical generation and subsequent neuronal damage, whereas the role of oxidative stress in neuronal iron accumulation is less well understood. Here, we examined the effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatment on cellular iron-uptake, -storage, and -release proteins in the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y. We found no detectable change in the iron-uptake proteins transferrin receptor-1 and divalent metal ion transporter. In contrast, H2O2 treatment resulted in significant degradation of the iron-exporter ferroportin (Fpn). A decrease in Fpn is expected to increase the labile iron pool (LIP), reducing the iron-regulatory protein (IRP)–iron-responsive element interaction and increasing the expression of ferritin-H (Ft-H) for iron storage. Instead, we detected IRP1 activation, presumably due to oxidative stress, and a decrease in Ft-H translation. A reduction in Ft-H mRNA was also observed, probably dependent on an antioxidant-response element present in the Ft-H enhancer. The decrease in Fpn and Ft-H upon H2O2 treatment led to a time-dependent increase in the cellular LIP. Our study reveals a complex regulation of neuronal iron-release and iron-storage components in response to H2O2 that may explain iron accumulation detected in neurodegenerative diseases associated with oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The widely expressed DNA-protective protein from starved-cells (Dps) family proteins are considered major contributors to prokaryotic resistance to stress. We show here that Porphyromonas gingivalis Dps (PgDps), previously described as an iron-storage and DNA-binding protein, also mediates heme sequestration. We determined that heme binds strongly to PgDps with an apparent Kd of 3.7 × 10−8 m and is coordinated by a single surface-located cysteine at the fifth axial ligand position. Heme and iron sequestered in separate sites by PgDps provide protection of DNA from H2O2-mediated free radical damage and were found to be important for growth of P. gingivalis under excess heme as the only iron source. Conservation of the heme-coordinating cysteine among Dps isoforms from the Bacteroidales order suggests that this function may be a common feature within these anaerobic bacteria.  相似文献   

The pea (Pisum sativum L.) mutants dgl and brz are defective in the regulation of iron uptake. Enhanced proton extrusion and constitutively high Fe(III) reductase activities in the roots lead to an accumulation of iron and other divalent cations in different organs of the mutants. Ultrastructural investigations of the basal leaflets of the mutants revealed in the cytoplasm, in mitochondria and especially in, or close to the endoplasmic reticulum numerous electron-dense particles which were absent in the corresponding wild type plants DGV and Sparkle. By means of electron-spectroscopic imaging and electron-energy-loss spectroscopy it could be shown that these electron-dense particles consist mainly of iron. Some of the iron deposits were immunocytochemically identified as the iron-storage protein ferritin. It is suggested that the precipitation of excessive iron in the dgl and brz mutant leaves in the form of electron-dense iron particles combined with the accumulation of ferritin is part of the plant defense mechanism against Fe-mediated oxidative stress. Received: 17 February 1998 / Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are involved in oxidative metabolic reactions and have the capacity to generate large amounts of reactive oxygen species that could damage biomolecules including their own resident proteins. The purpose of this study was to determine whether peroxisomal proteins are susceptible to oxidation and whether oxidative damage affects their enzymatic activity. Peroxisomal proteins were subjected to metal-catalyzed oxidation (MCO) with CuCl(2)/ascorbate and derivatized with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine which allowed for spectrophotometric quantification of carbonylation. Immunochemical detection of carbonylated peroxisomal proteins, resolved by gel electrophoresis and detected with anti-DNP antibodies, revealed five oxidatively modified proteins with the following molecular weights: 80, 66, 62, 55, and 50 kDa. The proteins at 66, 62, and 55 kDa were identified as malate synthase (MS), isocitrate lyase, and catalase (CAT), respectively. MS and CAT were estimated to contain 2-3 mol of carbonyl/mol of protein as a result of MCO. Enzymatic assays revealed varying degrees of activity loss. Isocitrate lyase and malate synthase showed significant loss of activity while catalase and malate dehydrogenase were less inhibited by carbonylation. Our findings show that peroxisomal proteins are vulnerable to MCO damage and thus may also be affected by in vivo exposure to reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

As a result of a direct exchange with the external environment, the lungs are exposed to both iron and agents with a capacity to disrupt the homeostasis of this metal (e.g. particles). An increased availability of catalytically reactive iron can result from these exposures and, by generating an oxidative stress, this metal can contribute to tissue injury. By importing this Fe3+ into cells for storage in a chemically less reactive form, the lower respiratory tract demonstrates an ability to mitigate both the oxidative stress presented by iron and its potential for tissue injury. This means that detoxification is accomplished by chemical reduction to Fe2+ (e.g. by duodenal cytochrome b and other ferrireductases), iron import (e.g. by divalent metal transporter 1 and other transporters), and storage in ferritin. The metal can subsequently be exported from the cell (e.g. by ferroportin 1) in a less reactive state relative to that initially imported. Iron is then transported out of the lung via the mucociliary pathway or blood and lymphatic pathways to the reticuloendothelial system for long term storage. This coordinated handling of iron in the lung appears to be disrupted in several acute diseases on the lung including infections, acute respiratory distress syndrome, transfusion-related acute lung injury, and ischemia–reperfusion. Exposures to bleomycin, dusts and fibers, and paraquat similarly alter iron homeostasis in the lung to affect an oxidative stress. Finally, iron homeostasis is disrupted in numerous chronic lung diseases including pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, transplantation, cigarette smoking, and cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

To examine the role of intracellular labile iron pool (LIP), ferritin (Ft), and antioxidant defence in cellular resistance to oxidative stress on chronic adaptation, a new H2O2-resistant Jurkat T cell line “HJ16” was developed by gradual adaptation of parental “J16” cells to high concentrations of H2O2. Compared to J16 cells, HJ16 cells exhibited much higher resistance to H2O2-induced oxidative damage and necrotic cell death (up to 3 mM) and had enhanced antioxidant defence in the form of significantly higher intracellular glutathione and mitochondrial ferritin (FtMt) levels as well as higher glutathione-peroxidase (GPx) activity. In contrast, the level of the Ft H-subunit (FtH) in the H2O2-adapted cell line was found to be 7-fold lower than in the parental J16 cell line. While H2O2 concentrations higher than 0.1 mM fully depleted the glutathione content of J16 cells, in HJ16 cells the same treatments decreased the cellular glutathione content to only half of the original value. In HJ16 cells, H2O2 concentrations higher than 0.1 mM increased the level of FtMt up to 4-fold of their control values but had no effect on the FtMt levels in J16 cells. Furthermore, while the basal cytosolic level of LIP was similar in both cell lines, H2O2 treatment substantially increased the cytosolic LIP levels in J16 but not in HJ16 cells. H2O2 treatment also substantially decreased the FtH levels in J16 cells (up to 70% of the control value). In contrast in HJ16 cells, FtH levels were not affected by H2O2 treatment. These results indicate that chronic adaptation of J16 cells to high concentrations of H2O2 has provoked a series of novel and specific cellular adaptive responses that contribute to higher resistance of HJ16 cells to oxidative damage and cell death. These include increased cellular antioxidant defence in the form of higher glutathione and FtMt levels, higher GPx activity, and lower FtH levels. Further adaptive responses include the significantly reduced cellular response to oxidant-mediated glutathione depletion, FtH modulation, and labile iron release and a significant increase in FtMt levels following H2O2 treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Phlebotomy of untreated and iron-loaded rats results in a significant decrease in total liver iron. In ironloaded rats a marked decrease in iron-containing particles is observed ultrastructurally in lysosomes and cytoplasm of hepatic sinusoidal cells but not in parenchymal cells. This remarkable phenomenon was further investigated in a morphometric study, based on element-specific (iron) distribution images made in situ in the parenchymal cell by means of electron energy loss spectroscopy. With the use of this technique it could be shown that in spite of phlebotomy the ferritin iron content of the iron-loaded liver parenchymal cell is not decreased.  相似文献   

The primary function of frataxin, a mitochondrial protein involved in iron homeostasis, remains controversial. Using a yeast model of conditional expression of the frataxin homologue YFH1, we analyzed the primary effects of YFH1 depletion. The main conclusion unambiguously points to the up-regulation of iron transport systems as a primary effect of YFH1 down-regulation. We observed that inactivation of aconitase, an iron-sulfur enzyme, occurs long after the iron uptake system has been activated. Decreased aconitase activity should be considered part of a group of secondary events promoted by iron overloading, which includes decreased superoxide dismutase activity and increased protein carbonyl formation. Impaired manganese uptake, which contributes to superoxide dismutase deficiency, has also been observed in YFH1-deficient cells. This low manganese content can be attributed to the down-regulation of the metal ion transporter Smf2. Low Smf2 levels were not observed in AFT1/YFH1 double mutants, indicating that high iron levels could be responsible for the Smf2 decline. In summary, the results presented here indicate that decreased iron-sulfur enzyme activities in YFH1-deficient cells are the consequence of the oxidative stress conditions suffered by these cells.  相似文献   

Over 95% of the dry mass of the eye lens consists of specialized proteins called crystallins. Aged lenses are subject to cataract formation, in which damage, cross-linking, and precipitation of crystallins contribute to a loss of lens clarity. Cataract is one of the major causes of blindness, and it is estimated that over 50,000,000 people suffer from this disability. Damage to lens crystallins appears to be largely attributable to the effects of UV radiation and/or various active oxygen species (oxygen radicals, 1O2, H2O2, etc.). Photooxidative damage to lens crystallins is normally retarded by a series of antioxidant enzymes and compounds. Crystallins which experience mild oxidative damage are rapidly degraded by a system of lenticular proteases. However, extensive oxidation and cross-linking severely decrease proteolytic susceptibility of lens crystallins. Thus, in the young lens the combination of antioxidants and proteases serves to prevent crystallin damage and precipitation in cataract formation. The aged lens, however, exhibits diminished antioxidant capacity and decreased proteolytic capabilities. The loss of proteolytic activity may actually be partially attributable to oxidative damage which proteases (like any other protein)_can sustain. We propose that the rate of crystallin damage increases as antioxidant capacity declines with age. The lower protease activity of aged lens cells may be insufficient to cope with such rates of crystallin damage, and denatured crystallins may begin to accumulate. As the concentration of oxidatively denatured crystallins rises, cross-linking reactions may produce insoluble aggregates which are refractive to protease digestion. Such a scheme could explain many events which are known to contribute to cataract formation, as well as several which have appeared to be unrelated. This hypothesis is also open to experimental verification and intervention.  相似文献   

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