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A comparison is made between floristic and structural-physiognomic classifications of a tropical dry, semi-evergreen forest and thicket vegetation of south-eastern India. The classifications are strikingly similar in their main groupings which are ecologically meaningful; the differences between the classifications are virtually limited to allocation of some stands to different subcommunities. It is concluded that the use of structural-physiognomic criteria allows a detailed and ecologically significant classification of vegetation. Fairly advanced calculation facilities are necessary, however, to reach such a classification, since the structural-physiognomic differences between the resulting groupings are largely of a quantitative and not of a qualitative nature. This is a consequence of the general occurrence in all stands of the vegetation of the very great majority of the characters used in this study.Nomenclature follows Sprangers & Balasubramanian (1978) who give a complete list of authorities.  相似文献   

Several studies pointed out soil properties as the prime determinant ofcerrado (the Brazilian savanna) physiognomies, and a gradient from campocerrado (a shrub savanna) to cerradão (a tallwoodland) has been correlated with a soil fertility gradient. Based on thishypothesis, we investigated soil-vegetation relationships in thePé-de-Gigante Reserve (São Paulo State,SoutheasternBrazil). We randomly distributed 10 quadrats (10 × 10 m) oneach ofthe following physiognomies: campo cerrado, cerradosensu stricto, cerradão, andseasonal semideciduous forest, previously defined by the analysis of satelliteimages (LANDSAT-5). We sampled the woody individuals with stem diameter> 3 cm at soil level, identifying their species. In each quadrat, wecollectedsoil samples at the depths of 0–5, 5–25, 40–60, and80–100 cm, and determined pH, K, Ca, Mg, P, Al, H + Al, basesaturation, aluminium saturation, cation exchange capacity, and percentage ofsand, clay and loam. Obtained data were submitted to a canonical correspondenceanalysis (CCA) and to a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). Our resultsshowed a clear distinction between semideciduous forest and the cerradophysiognomies, based in soil parameters. The former was related to higherconcentrations of cations and clay in the soil, while the latter was related tohigher concentrations of exchangeable aluminium in the soil surface. The threecerrado physiognomies – campo cerrado, cerradosensu stricto, and cerradão– could not be distinguished considering plant density and the analysedsoil features.  相似文献   

The floristic diversity of Mexican tropical deciduous forests (TDF) is of critical importance given the high species richness (alpha diversity), species turnover (beta diversity), and the intense deforestation rates. Currently, most TDF landscapes are mosaics of agricultural land, secondary vegetation, and patches of relatively undisturbed primary vegetation. Here we illustrate how both primary forest remnants and secondary vegetation patches contribute to the floristic diversity of TDF in a landscape of volcanic origin in central Veracruz, Mexico. Our objectives were to assess sampling efficiency and inventory completeness, to compare mean and cumulative species richness between primary forest and secondary vegetation sites, and to analyze beta diversity between vegetation types. In an area of 12,300 m2 we recorded 105 families, 390 genera, and 682 species. Species inventories for both vegetation types were about 80% complete. Secondary vegetation is more alpha diverse than primary forest, both in terms of cumulative and mean species richness. We found a remarkably high beta diversity between vegetation types (75% of complementarity, 91.60% of mean dissimilarity). We also identified the species that contribute the most to similarity within vegetation types and to dissimilarity between vegetation types. Our results support the idea that assessing biodiversity on the landscape scale is an appropriate way to ascertain the impact of human activities. For this land mosaic, conservation of the flora would not be possible by focusing solely on primary forest remnants. We propose the implementation of a network of small conservation areas with a flexible structure, following the “archipelago reserve” model.  相似文献   

In South America, the largest savanna region is the Brazilian cerrado, in which there are few areas that become waterlogged in the rainy season. However, we found a small cerrado area in which the soil is poorly drained and becomes waterlogged at the end of the rainy season, allowing the appearance of a hyperseasonal cerrado. We investigated the soil–vegetation relationships in three vegetation forms: hyperseasonal cerrado, seasonal cerrado, and wet grassland. We collected vegetation and soil samples in these three vegetation forms and submitted obtained data to a canonical correspondence analysis. Our results showed a distinction among hyperseasonal cerrado, seasonal cerrado and wet grassland, which presented different floristic compositions and species abundances. The edaphic variables best related to the hyperseasonal and seasonal cerrados were sand, base saturation, pH, and magnesium. The wet grassland was related to higher concentrations of clay, organic matter, aluminium saturation, aluminium, phosphorus, and potassium. Although it is not possible to infer causal relationships based on our results, we hypothesize that the duration of waterlogging in the hyperseasonal cerrado may not be long enough to alter most of its soil characteristics, such as organic matter, phosphorus, and potassium, but may be long enough to alter some, such as pH and base saturation, as the soils under both cerrados were more similar to one another than to the soil under the wet grassland. Since waterlogging may alter soil characteristics and since these characteristics were enough to explain the plant community variation, we may conclude that water excess—permanent or seasonal—is one of the main factors to distinguish the three vegetation forms, which presented different floristic compositions and species abundances.  相似文献   

Aim Ecosystem functions such as productivity may be influenced not only by the biological diversity at each location (α‐diversity) but also by the biological turnover between locations (β‐diversity). We perform a continental‐scale test of the strength and direction of relationships between gross primary productivity (GPP) and both α‐ and β‐diversity. Location Continental Australia. Methods Species occurrence records were used to quantify the taxonomic α‐diversity of vascular plants in approximately 11,000 1 km × 1 km grid cells across Australia, and to calculate the average β‐diversity within a 10‐km radius around each cell. The magnitude and variability of monthly, MODIS‐derived remotely sensed GPP (2001–12) were summarized for continental Australia, as were rainfall and temperature over the same period. Generalized additive models were then used to test whether the magnitude or variability of GPP were distinctly influenced by either biodiversity measure, over and above the influence of environmental conditions. Results Precipitation and temperature explained large proportions of deviance in the magnitude (75.6%) and variability (38.3%) of GPP across the Australian continent. GPP was marginally more strongly related to species richness than it was to species turnover. However, neither diversity measure provided substantial increases in the explanatory power of GPP models over and above that of environment‐only models (always < 1%). Main conclusions The relationship between primary productivity and taxonomic α‐ and β‐diversity was weak for the Australian flora. Our findings question the generality of key assumptions, predictions and results in the literature regarding the strength of empirical relationships between productivity and biodiversity across multiple biological levels (α‐, β‐ and γ‐diversity) at macroecological scales.  相似文献   

Soil, drought, and fire are abiotic factors that may act as environmental filters in the cerrado, the Brazilian savanna. We used a framework to analyze environmental filtering in geographic and phylogenetic context, sampling woody species in one of the largest cerrado reserves. In 100 quadrats, we measured 10 functional traits on each woody individual. We also measured several soil variables, altitude and slope as a rough surrogate of water availability, interval between fires, and time since last fire. Almost all environmental variables were spatially auto-correlated. We found an overall trait clustering, but not an overall phylogenetic clustering. Nevertheless, we found a phylogenetic signal for some traits. Linking phylogeny, traits, environment, and space, we were able to detect a major dichotomy between two geomorphological units. The flat tableland was positively related with altitude, fire frequency, and nutrient-richer soil. Environmental filtering caused by water availability and fire lead to trait clustering, with smaller shrubs and trees that presented thicker barks, denser woods, sclerophyllous leaves, highlighted by the prevalance of Myrtaceae. The other geomorphological unit, hilly terrain, was positively related with slope, low fire frequency, and nutrient-poorer soil. Environmental filtering was caused especially by nutrient-poor soil that lead to trait clustering, assembling taller trees, with thinner barks, lighter woods, and compound, large, tender, nutrient-richer leaves, distributed across many lineages, including Fabaceae. Hence, the high environmental variability in space with different environmental filters assembled different combination of plant traits and lineages, increasing the overall diversity in cerrado.  相似文献   

设置22个20m×20m的样地,对大别山五针松群落的物种多样性和区系成分进行了研究。结果显示,8800m2的样地内共有维管植物71科152属209种。其中,蕨类植物4科5属6种,裸子植物3科3属4种,被子植物64科144属199种。蔷薇科、樟科、菊科、杜鹃花科、豆科和禾本科等为优势科,所含物种较多。分析结果表明,大别山五针松群落种子植物区系起源古老,地理成分复杂,67个科中,世界分布、热带和温带分布的科分别有21、31和15个,显示出由热带向温带过渡的特性。147个属中,热带成分共43属,占总属数(不包括15个世界广布属)的32.58%;温带成分共有89属,占总属数的67.42%,并以北温带为主。群落垂直结构分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层,其中,Margalef指数、Simpson和Shannon-Wiener指数均以灌木层最大,其次为乔木层,草本层最低。灌木层与草本层的Pielou指数相近,且均大于乔木层。  相似文献   

The current understanding of the status of the vegetation in Lebanon is largely derived from herbarium data and associated floristic studies produced by early 20th century field botanists. In common with other areas in the Mediterranean, the Lebanese coastline is highly threatened by unregulated development, yet current patterns of species richness along the Lebanese coastal zone are little studied. The objective of this study was to assess the floristic richness of the Lebanese coastal zone and to provide baseline information for conservation planning. For this purpose, permanent sample plots (6m×100m) were established in 26 selected vegetation communities in coastal habitats. Monthly field collections of plant specimens were undertaken between October 1999 and July 2000. A total of 441 species were collected and identified. None of the recorded species are currently considered globally threatened, but two are Lebanese endemics (Matthiola crassifolia Boiss. & Gaill., Origanum ehrenbergii Boiss.). Species richness varied between communities, ranging from six species in a littoral limestone pavement community to 113 in an abandoned terrace community. The similarity between communities, based on Sorensen indices, was low and a large number of species were recorded only once. Cluster analysis showed a grouping of different communities within locations in some instances and the clustering of similar community types regardless of location in others. Species richness in riparian and littoral communities consisted mostly of habitat non-specific species. The low community similarity, patchy species distribution, and predominance of habitat non-specific species all point to the need to complement in situ conservation measures with ex situ conservation.  相似文献   

附生植物作为山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性成分,在维持森林生态系统生物多样性格局、水分和养分循环等方面发挥着重要作用。本文通过野外调查、标本查阅并结合相关文献,对云南哀牢山地区附生维管植物物种组成及分布进行了系统研究。结果显示,哀牢山地区附生维管植物共有23科83属218种,其中附生蕨类和兰科植物最丰富。附生蕨类有34属93种,以附生-石生蕨类生活型占优势,其中水龙骨科17属62种,占附生蕨类的66.67%,瓦韦属(Lepisorus)和石韦属(Pyrrosia)分别有13种和10种。附生兰科植物有26属65种,其中石斛属(Dendrobium)和石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)分别有12种和8种。该地区附生维管植物属的分布具有明显的热带性质并以热带亚洲分布居多。附生植物生长于生境因子变化剧烈、资源有限的林冠,对环境变化敏感,极易遭受破坏且破坏后难以恢复,不少附生植物具有很高的药用、观赏等价值。因此,应加强对附生维管植物这一特殊类群的保护。  相似文献   

The Cerrado is considered one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world by conservation organizations. There are few studies on bat taxonomic groups for this biome. Herein we present a bat survey employing mist nets in the protected area of a private natural heritage reserve Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Pousada das Araras, located in the west-central Brazil. We investigate the hypothesis that the Cerrado habitat complexity plays a role on the different structuring forces in bat ecological communities. Bats represent a diversity of trophic levels, and they occupy a wide range of available Cerrado habitats and microhabitats. The patterns and processes we discuss represent the factors influencing coexisting species of bats in different habitats and their implications for conservation. We captured 758 individuals of 25 species belonging to four families. Phyllostomidae was the dominant family, represented by 20 species (80%). The average recapture rate was 6.2%, and the species with most proportional recapture was A. caudifer. Greater species richness was observed among bats with predominantly insectivore habits, followed by frugivores. Glossophaga soricina was a dominant species, with about 30% of the captures. There was seasonal variation relating to the number of bats captured, with greater bat frequency occurring during the wet season, although some species occurred at higher rates during the dry season, such as C. perspicillata and S. lilium. Sanguivore bats were abundant, reflecting the availability of shelters and food supply (livestock) in the surrounding area. Compared to other surveyed areas, Pousada das Araras may be considered of high species diversity, supplanting the majority of known Cerrado studied areas. Apparently Cerrado favours the occurrence of insectivore species, with emphasis on the foliage-gleaning insectivores belong to the subfamily Phyllostominae. This study indicates that apparently the conservation of the Cerrado savanna fragments can support a considerable diversity of bat species.  相似文献   

Diversity patterns in terrestrial dipteran communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Dipteran communities were studied in five terrestrial habitats [beech forest (BE), oak and hornbeam forest (OH), hedgerow (HE), meadow (ME), alder and willow forest (AW)] using emergence traps and diversity patterns of three trophic groups with soil-dwelling larvae (zoophages, phytosaprophages and surface scrapers) were analysed in detail.
2. Across habitats, sampling effort was a poor predictor of species richness, and species richness increased more steeply with sample size in the zoophages than in the phytosaprophages and surface scrapers.
3. Point diversity (S/trap) of phytosaprophages and surface scrapers increased (as predicted) with resource heterogeneity in the litter layer, but that of zoophages did not. It is suggested that this may be due to differential resource requirements of the three trophic groups during adult life.
4. Zoophages attained the highest and surface scrapers the lowest values of Shannon diversity, while phytosaprophages were intermediate.
5. Predator:prey ratios differed between habitats; they were particularly high in the meadow and low in the oak and hornbeam forest communities.
6. Species identity (Sorensen index) of soil-dwelling Diptera arranged habitats in an order of decreasing similarity (BE–OH–HE–ME–AW), but percentage similarity indicated a closer relationship between the meadow and the hedgerow communities [BE–OH–AW–(HE–ME)]. Functional similarity, which was based on the proportional biomass of differently sized trophic groups, was highest between the BE and OH communities, i.e. in the habitats most similar in litter layer and vegetation structure.  相似文献   

Riyadh region is one of the hardest habitats in Saudi Arabia with a hyper-arid climate. This study was conducted to investigate floristic composition and plant life forms of Riyadh region and their ecological significance. Work aimed to determine the prevailing plant families and biological spectrum of their components that reflects the phytoclimate and adaptation to hyper-arid conditions of the region. Work involved field surveys of different locations in Riyadh region where plant specimens were collected and identified. Collected plant species were then listed according to their families and data were used to assess the contribution of different plant families to the flora of the region. Study of life forms was conducted to classify recorded floristic elements into categories that reflect environmental conditions prevailing in the region. Prevailing plant families were Asteraceae (17.4%), Poaceae (11%), Brassicaceae (9.9%), and Fabaceae (7%). These percentages reflect wide ecological ranges especially for Asteraceae and Poaceae. High presence of species belonging to Astreaceae and Poaceae can be attributed to their adaptation to harsh conditions as well as to effective wind dispersal strategies of their diaspores. While the most frequent life form classes were therophytes with 52%, and chamaephytes with 30%, phanerophytes and hemicryptophytes represented 9% and 8%, respectively. Predominance of therophytes and chamaephytes over other life forms is a response to hyper arid climate with insufficient rainfall and the nature of region of few available microhabitats that can support high percentage of perennials.  相似文献   

Boubli  Jean Philippe 《Plant Ecology》2002,160(2):149-167
Pico da Neblina National Park, located in north-western Amazonia,Brazil, is characterized by considerable habitat diversity resulting from anorographic zonation of vegetation (from 100 to 3,014 m above sealevel) and a mosaic pattern of soil types with lowland primary tropicalrainforest being the predominant ecosystem. A tree inventory of the lowlandareas of the Park was conducted as part of an ecological study of primates. Twohectares of forest were inventoried within the limits of a 500 hectare studysite. There were 1569 trees with diameter at breast height 10 cm in the sample (minimum of 229 species in 45 families). Thetree species Eperua leucantha and Hevea cf.brasiliensis dominated the forest accounting for 29% of thesampled trees. Three forest types were represented: chavascal, terra firme andcaatinga. Caatinga was the least diverse forest (H = 0.9), andterrafirme the most diverse (H = 1.5). Low diversity in caatinga wasassociated with high species dominance by Eperua leucantha, Micrandrasprucei and Hevea cf. brasiliensis whichtogether accounted for 66% of all sampled trees in one caatinga plot.Compared to Amazonian forests elsewhere, the ranking order of plant families inPico da Neblina was peculiar in that Leguminosae sensulatuand Euphorbiaceae dominated the sample accounting for 52% of all markedtrees. Such families were represented by few tree species, all of which werecharacterized by dry, large-seeded sclerocarpic fruits. The consequentlow availability of fleshy fruits in the forest is suggested as a possiblecontributing factor to the observed low abundance and diversity of primates inthe lowlands of Pico da Neblina.  相似文献   

Bacteria of the genus Pantoea have become important plant pathogens worldwide in recent years. Pantoea ananatis was reported as the cause of maize white spot, a serious maize disease in Brazil, causing significant yield losses. However, very little information is available about how to detect this pathogen, its genetic variability and the putative alternative hosts in maize‐growing areas. To address these issues, we implemented a rapid and efficient PCR‐based method to identify P. ananatis isolated from leaves showing white spot symptoms and evaluated its genetic diversity in maize, sorghum and crabgrass. Of the 29 bacteria isolated from typical water‐soaked lesions of white spot disease that produced yellow colonies, 15 isolates were identified as P. ananatis by 16S rDNA sequencing and correctly detected by the PCR reaction, amplifying a specific fragment of the ice nucleation gene (ina). These P. ananatis isolates included 13 from maize, one from sorghum and one from crabgrass, while the other 14 yellow colony isolates were from other bacterial species, including two Pantoea species (Pantoea dispersa and Pantoea agglomerans) that were not amplified by the ina primers. These results indicate that the optimized PCR assay can be used to detect P. ananatis isolated from white spot lesions and could be used as a large‐scale and cost‐effective method of detecting this pathogen in leaf lesions on maize and other grasses. All isolates were evaluated for hypersensitive response (HR) on tobacco, revealing that some P. ananatis were able to induce HR. The high genetic variability revealed by rep‐PCR did not differentiated the P. ananatis isolates based on their hosts or HR reaction. The detection, characterization and diversity of P. ananatis from maize, sorghum and crabgrass in our study can be applied in understanding epidemiology and designing control strategies for maize white spot disease in Brazil.  相似文献   

Questions: Trait differentiation among species occurs at different spatial scales within a region. How does the partitioning of functional diversity help to identify different community assembly mechanisms? Location: Northeastern Spain. Methods: Functional diversity can be partitioned into within‐community (α) and among‐communities (β) components, in analogy to Whittaker's classical α and β species diversity concept. In light of ecological null models, we test and discuss two algorithms as a framework to measure α and β functional diversity (the Rao quadratic entropy index and the variance of trait values). Species and trait (specific leaf area) data from pastures under different climatic conditions in NE Spain are used as a case study. Results: The proposed indices show different mathematical properties but similarly account for the spatial components of functional diversity. For all vegetation types along the climatic gradient, the observed α functional diversity was lower than expected at random, an observation consistent with the hypothesis of trait convergence resulting from habitat filtering. On the other hand, our data exhibited a remarkably higher functional diversity within communities compared to among communities (α?β). In contrast to the high species turnover, there was a limited functional diversity turnover among communities, and a large part of the trait divergence occurred among coexisting species. Conclusions: Partitioning functional diversity within and among communities revealed that both trait convergence and divergence occur in the formation of assemblages from the local species pool. A considerable trait convergence exists at the regional scale in spite of changes in species composition, suggesting the existence of ecological redundancy among communities.  相似文献   

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