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Although it is increasingly being recognized that drug-target interaction networks can be powerful tools for the interrogation of systems biology and the rational design of multitargeted drugs, there is no generalized, statistically validated approach to harmonizing sequence-dependent and pharmacology-dependent networks. Here we demonstrate the creation of a comprehensive kinome interaction network based not only on sequence comparisons but also on multiple pharmacology parameters derived from activity profiling data. The framework described for statistical interpretation of these network connections also enables rigorous investigation of chemotype-specific interaction networks, which is critical for multitargeted drug design.  相似文献   

Persistent activity states (attractors), observed in several neocortical areas after the removal of a sensory stimulus, are believed to be the neuronal basis of working memory. One of the possible mechanisms that can underlie persistent activity is recurrent excitation mediated by intracortical synaptic connections. A recent experimental study revealed that connections between pyramidal cells in prefrontal cortex exhibit various degrees of synaptic depression and facilitation. Here we analyze the effect of synaptic dynamics on the emergence and persistence of attractor states in interconnected neural networks. We show that different combinations of synaptic depression and facilitation result in qualitatively different network dynamics with respect to the emergence of the attractor states. This analysis raises the possibility that the framework of attractor neural networks can be extended to represent time-dependent stimuli.  相似文献   

Building a meaningful model of biological regulatory network is usually done by specifying the components (e.g. the genes) and their interactions, by guessing the values of parameters, by comparing the predicted behaviors to the observed ones, and by modifying in a trial-error process both architecture and parameters in order to reach an optimal fitness. We propose here a different approach to construct and analyze biological models avoiding the trial-error part, where structure and dynamics are represented as formal constraints. We apply the method to Hopfield-like networks, a formalism often used in both neural and regulatory networks modeling. The aim is to characterize automatically the set of all models consistent with all the available knowledge (about structure and behavior). The available knowledge is formalized into formal constraints. The latter are compiled into Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form and then submitted to a Boolean satisfiability solver. This approach allows to formulate a wide range of queries, expressed in a high level language, and possibly integrating formalized intuitions. In order to explore its potential, we use it to find cycles for 3-nodes networks and to determine the flower morphogenesis regulatory network of Arabidopsis thaliana. Applications of this technique are numerous and concern the building of models from data as well as the design of biological networks possessing specified behaviors.  相似文献   

Recurrent connections play an important role in cortical function, yet their exact contribution to the network computation remains unknown. The principles guiding the long-term evolution of these connections are poorly understood as well. Therefore, gaining insight into their computational role and into the mechanism shaping their pattern would be of great importance. To that end, we studied the learning dynamics and emergent recurrent connectivity in a sensory network model based on a first-principle information theoretic approach. As a test case, we applied this framework to a model of a hypercolumn in the visual cortex and found that the evolved connections between orientation columns have a "Mexican hat" profile, consistent with empirical data and previous modeling work. Furthermore, we found that optimal information representation is achieved when the network operates near a critical point in its dynamics. Neuronal networks working near such a phase transition are most sensitive to their inputs and are thus optimal in terms of information representation. Nevertheless, a mild change in the pattern of interactions may cause such networks to undergo a transition into a different regime of behavior in which the network activity is dominated by its internal recurrent dynamics and does not reflect the objective input. We discuss several mechanisms by which the pattern of interactions can be driven into this supercritical regime and relate them to various neurological and neuropsychiatric phenomena.  相似文献   

To improve recognition results, decisions of multiple neural networks can be aggregated into a committee decision. In contrast to the ordinary approach of utilizing all neural networks available to make a committee decision, we propose creating adaptive committees, which are specific for each input data point. A prediction network is used to identify classification neural networks to be fused for making a committee decision about a given input data point. The jth output value of the prediction network expresses the expectation level that the jth classification neural network will make a correct decision about the class label of a given input data point. The proposed technique is tested in three aggregation schemes, namely majority vote, averaging, and aggregation by the median rule and compared with the ordinary neural networks fusion approach. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on two artificial and three real data sets.  相似文献   

The term "neural network" has been applied to arrays of simple activation units linked by weighted connections. If the connections are modified according to a defined learning algorithm, such networks can be trained to store and retrieve patterned information. Memories are distributed throughout the network, allowing the network to recall complete patterns from incomplete input (pattern completion). The major biological application of neural network theory to date has been in the neurosciences, but the immune system may represent an alternative organ system in which to search for neural network architecture. Previous applications of parallel distributed processing to idiotype network theory have focused upon the recognition of individual epitopes. We argue here that this approach may be too restrictive, underestimating the power of neural network architecture. We propose that the network stores and retrieves large, complex patterns consisting of multiple epitopes separated in time and space. Such a network would be capable of perceiving an entire bacterium, and of storing the time course of a viral infection. While recognition of solitary epitopes occurs at the cellular level in this model, recognition of structures larger than the width of an antibody binding site takes place at the organ level, via network architecture integration of, i.e. individual epitope responses. The Oudin-Cazenave enigma, the sharing of idiotypic determinants by antibodies directed against distinct regions of the same antigen, suggests that some network level of integration of the individual clonal responses to large antigens does occur. The role of cytokines in prior neural network models of the immune system is unclear. We speculate that cytokines may influence the temperature of the network, such that changes in the cytokine milieu serve to "anneal" the network, allowing it to achieve the optimum steady-state in the shortest period of time.  相似文献   

While feedforward neural networks have been widely accepted as effective tools for solving classification problems, the issue of finding the best network architecture remains unresolved, particularly so in real-world problem settings. We address this issue in the context of credit card screening, where it is important to not only find a neural network with good predictive performance but also one that facilitates a clear explanation of how it produces its predictions. We show that minimal neural networks with as few as one hidden unit provide good predictive accuracy, while having the added advantage of making it easier to generate concise and comprehensible classification rules for the user. To further reduce model size, a novel approach is suggested in which network connections from the input units to this hidden unit are removed by a very straightaway pruning procedure. In terms of predictive accuracy, both the minimized neural networks and the rule sets generated from them are shown to compare favorably with other neural network based classifiers. The rules generated from the minimized neural networks are concise and thus easier to validate in a real-life setting.  相似文献   

One of the main challenges to the adaptionist program in general and the use of optimization models in behavioral and evolutionary ecology, in particular, is that organisms are so constrained' by ontogeny and phylogeny that they may not be able to attain optimal solutions, however those are defined. This paper responds to the challenge through the comparison of optimality and neural network models for the behavior of an individual polychaete worm. The evolutionary optimization model is used to compute behaviors (movement in and out of a tube) that maximize a measure of Darwinian fitness based on individual survival and reproduction. The neural network involves motor, sensory, energetic reserve and clock neuronal groups. Ontogeny of the neural network is the change of connections of a single individual in response to its experiences in the environment. Evolution of the neural network is the natural selection of initial values of connections between groups and learning rules for changing connections. Taken together, these can be viewed as design parameters. The best neural networks have fitnesses between 85% and 99% of the fitness of the evolutionary optimization model. More complicated models for polychaete worms are discussed. Formulation of a neural network model for host acceptance decisions by tephritid fruit flies leads to predictions about the neurobiology of the flies. The general conclusion is that neural networks appear to be sufficiently rich and plastic that even weak evolution of design parameters may be sufficient for organisms to achieve behaviors that give fitnesses close to the evolutionary optimal fitness, particularly if the behaviors are relatively simple.  相似文献   

Background: More and more high-throughput datasets are available from multiple levels of measuring gene regulations. The reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks from these data offers a valuable research paradigm to decipher regulatory mechanisms. So far, numerous methods have been developed for reconstructing gene regulatory networks. Results: In this paper, we provide a review of bioinformatics methods for inferring gene regulatory network from omics data. To achieve the precision reconstruction of gene regulatory networks, an intuitive alternative is to integrate these available resources in a rational framework. We also provide computational perspectives in the endeavors of inferring gene regulatory networks from heterogeneous data. We highlight the importance of multi-omics data integration with prior knowledge in gene regulatory network inferences. Conclusions: We provide computational perspectives of inferring gene regulatory networks from multiple omics data and present theoretical analyses of existing challenges and possible solutions. We emphasize on prior knowledge and data integration in network inferences owing to their abilities of identifying regulatory causality.  相似文献   

Control over spatial distribution of individual neurons and the pattern of neural network provides an important tool for studying information processing pathways during neural network formation. Moreover, the knowledge of the direction of synaptic connections between cells in each neural network can provide detailed information on the relationship between the forward and feedback signaling. We have developed a method for topographical control of the direction of synaptic connections within a living neuronal network using a new type of individual-cell-based on-chip cell-cultivation system with an agarose microchamber array (AMCA). The advantages of this system include the possibility to control positions and number of cultured cells as well as flexible control of the direction of elongation of axons through stepwise melting of narrow grooves. Such micrometer-order microchannels are obtained by photo-thermal etching of agarose where a portion of the gel is melted with a 1064-nm infrared laser beam. Using this system, we created neural network from individual Rat hippocampal cells. We were able to control elongation of individual axons during cultivation (from cells contained within the AMCA) by non-destructive stepwise photo-thermal etching. We have demonstrated the potential of our on-chip AMCA cell cultivation system for the controlled development of individual cell-based neural networks.  相似文献   

Visual cortical neurons exhibit a high degree of response selectivity and are grouped into small columns according to their response preferences. The columns are located at regularly spaced intervals covering the whole cortical representation of the visual field with a modular system of feature-selective neurons. The selectivity of these cells and their modular arrangement is thought to emerge from interactions in the network of specific intracortical and thalamocortical connections. Understanding the ontogenesis of this complex structure and contributions of intrinsic and extrinsic, experience-dependent mechanisms during cortical development can provide new insights into the way the visual cortex processes information about the environment. Available data about the development of connections and response properties in the visual cortex suggest that maturation proceeds in two distinct steps. In the first phase, mechanisms inherent to the cortex establish a crude framework of interconnected neural modules which exhibit the basic but still immature traits of the adult state. Relevant mechanisms in this phase are assumed to consist of molecular cues and patterns of spontaneous neural activity in cortical and corticothalamic interconnections. In a second phase, the primordial layout becomes refined under the control of visual experience establishing a fine-tuned network of connections and mature response properties.  相似文献   

While self-assembly is a fairly active area of research in swarm intelligence, relatively little attention has been paid to the issues surrounding the construction of network structures. In this paper we extend methods developed previously for controlling collective movements of agent teams to serve as the basis for self-assembly or “growth” of networks, using neural networks as a concrete application to evaluate our approach. Our central innovation is having network connections arise as persistent “trails” left behind moving agents, trails that are reminiscent of pheromone deposits made by agents in ant colony optimization models. The resulting network connections are thus essentially a record of agent movements. We demonstrate our model’s effectiveness by using it to produce two large networks that support subsequent learning of topographic and feature maps. Improvements produced by the incorporation of collective movements are also examined through computational experiments. These results indicate that methods for directing collective movements can be adopted to facilitate network self-assembly.  相似文献   

Deciphering the biological networks underlying complex phenotypic traits, e.g., human disease is undoubtedly crucial to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms and to develop effective therapeutics. Due to the network complexity and the relatively small number of available experiments, data-driven modeling is a great challenge for deducing the functions of genes/proteins in the network and in phenotype formation. We propose a novel knowledge-driven systems biology method that utilizes qualitative knowledge to construct a Dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) to represent the biological network underlying a specific phenotype. Edges in this network depict physical interactions between genes and/or proteins. A qualitative knowledge model first translates typical molecular interactions into constraints when resolving the DBN structure and parameters. Therefore, the uncertainty of the network is restricted to a subset of models which are consistent with the qualitative knowledge. All models satisfying the constraints are considered as candidates for the underlying network. These consistent models are used to perform quantitative inference. By in silico inference, we can predict phenotypic traits upon genetic interventions and perturbing in the network. We applied our method to analyze the puzzling mechanism of breast cancer cell proliferation network and we accurately predicted cancer cell growth rate upon manipulating (anti)cancerous marker genes/proteins.  相似文献   

Neural population dynamics are often highly coordinated, allowing task-related computations to be understood as neural trajectories through low-dimensional subspaces. How the network connectivity and input structure give rise to such activity can be investigated with the aid of low-rank recurrent neural networks, a recently-developed class of computational models which offer a rich theoretical framework linking the underlying connectivity structure to emergent low-dimensional dynamics. This framework has so far relied on the assumption of all-to-all connectivity, yet cortical networks are known to be highly sparse. Here we investigate the dynamics of low-rank recurrent networks in which the connections are randomly sparsified, which makes the network connectivity formally full-rank. We first analyse the impact of sparsity on the eigenvalue spectrum of low-rank connectivity matrices, and use this to examine the implications for the dynamics. We find that in the presence of sparsity, the eigenspectra in the complex plane consist of a continuous bulk and isolated outliers, a form analogous to the eigenspectra of connectivity matrices composed of a low-rank and a full-rank random component. This analogy allows us to characterise distinct dynamical regimes of the sparsified low-rank network as a function of key network parameters. Altogether, we find that the low-dimensional dynamics induced by low-rank connectivity structure are preserved even at high levels of sparsity, and can therefore support rich and robust computations even in networks sparsified to a biologically-realistic extent.  相似文献   

We present a neural field model of binocular rivalry waves in visual cortex. For each eye we consider a one-dimensional network of neurons that respond maximally to a particular feature of the corresponding image such as the orientation of a grating stimulus. Recurrent connections within each one-dimensional network are assumed to be excitatory, whereas connections between the two networks are inhibitory (cross-inhibition). Slow adaptation is incorporated into the model by taking the network connections to exhibit synaptic depression. We derive an analytical expression for the speed of a binocular rivalry wave as a function of various neurophysiological parameters, and show how properties of the wave are consistent with the wave-like propagation of perceptual dominance observed in recent psychophysical experiments. In addition to providing an analytical framework for studying binocular rivalry waves, we show how neural field methods provide insights into the mechanisms underlying the generation of the waves. In particular, we highlight the important role of slow adaptation in providing a “symmetry breaking mechanism” that allows waves to propagate.  相似文献   



Network inference deals with the reconstruction of molecular networks from experimental data. Given N molecular species, the challenge is to find the underlying network. Due to data limitations, this typically is an ill-posed problem, and requires the integration of prior biological knowledge or strong regularization. We here focus on the situation when time-resolved measurements of a system’s response after systematic perturbations are available.


We present a novel method to infer signaling networks from time-course perturbation data. We utilize dynamic Bayesian networks with probabilistic Boolean threshold functions to describe protein activation. The model posterior distribution is analyzed using evolutionary MCMC sampling and subsequent clustering, resulting in probability distributions over alternative networks. We evaluate our method on simulated data, and study its performance with respect to data set size and levels of noise. We then use our method to study EGF-mediated signaling in the ERBB pathway.


Dynamic Probabilistic Threshold Networks is a new method to infer signaling networks from time-series perturbation data. It exploits the dynamic response of a system after external perturbation for network reconstruction. On simulated data, we show that the approach outperforms current state of the art methods. On the ERBB data, our approach recovers a significant fraction of the known interactions, and predicts novel mechanisms in the ERBB pathway.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-250) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Cellular behaviors are governed by interaction networks among biomolecules, for example gene regulatory and signal transduction networks. An often used dynamic modeling framework for these networks, Boolean modeling, can obtain their attractors (which correspond to cell types and behaviors) and their trajectories from an initial state (e.g. a resting state) to the attractors, for example in response to an external signal. The existing methods however do not elucidate the causal relationships between distant nodes in the network.


In this work, we propose a simple logic framework, based on categorizing causal relationships as sufficient or necessary, as a complement to Boolean networks. We identify and explore the properties of complex subnetworks that are distillable into a single logic relationship. We also identify cyclic subnetworks that ensure the stabilization of the state of participating nodes regardless of the rest of the network. We identify the logic backbone of biomolecular networks, consisting of external signals, self-sustaining cyclic subnetworks (stable motifs), and output nodes. Furthermore, we use the logic framework to identify crucial nodes whose override can drive the system from one steady state to another. We apply these techniques to two biological networks: the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition network corresponding to a developmental process exploited in tumor invasion, and the network of abscisic acid induced stomatal closure in plants. We find interesting subnetworks with logical implications in these networks. Using these subgraphs and motifs, we efficiently reduce both networks to succinct backbone structures.


The logic representation identifies the causal relationships between distant nodes and subnetworks. This knowledge can form the basis of network control or used in the reverse engineering of networks.

Robust, efficient, and low-cost networks are advantageous in both biological and engineered systems. During neural network development in the brain, synapses are massively over-produced and then pruned-back over time. This strategy is not commonly used when designing engineered networks, since adding connections that will soon be removed is considered wasteful. Here, we show that for large distributed routing networks, network function is markedly enhanced by hyper-connectivity followed by aggressive pruning and that the global rate of pruning, a developmental parameter not previously studied by experimentalists, plays a critical role in optimizing network structure. We first used high-throughput image analysis techniques to quantify the rate of pruning in the mammalian neocortex across a broad developmental time window and found that the rate is decreasing over time. Based on these results, we analyzed a model of computational routing networks and show using both theoretical analysis and simulations that decreasing rates lead to more robust and efficient networks compared to other rates. We also present an application of this strategy to improve the distributed design of airline networks. Thus, inspiration from neural network formation suggests effective ways to design distributed networks across several domains.  相似文献   

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