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Summary Studies of eusocial halictines suggest that workers have many reproductive options, including sterile altruism in the maternal nest, combined helping and personal reproduction, and diapause and spring nest founding. How and when workers exercise these various options influences the strength of colony social organization. Halictus sexcinctus exhibits highly polymorphic social behaviour, with solitary colonies in central Europe and both eusocial and communal colonies in southern Greece. Indirect evidence suggests that some worker-brood females are actually gynes. A distinctly bimodal size distribution among foundresses in 1998, the lower size peak being close to the modal body size of workers from 1997, suggests that large worker-brood females overwinter and return to the aggregation as eusocial foundresses. Other first-brood females remain in the maternal nest as workers, although few can be classified as classical, sterile altruists. Only 17% of older, healthy workers are sterile (i.e. had ovarian development scores 0.1), whereas about 83% are reproductive, exhibiting at least one 1/4-developed oocyte. About 57% of older workers have at least one fully or 3/4 developed oocyte, signifying that they are ready or almost ready to lay. Sterile workers exhibit greater total wear (combined mandibular and wing wear) scores than reproductive workers, suggesting that they are older, have higher activity rates, or both.  相似文献   

Population and colony-level sex allocation and nest productivity in the eusocial sweat bee Halictus ligatus Say were studied by excavating nests during one season. The emphasis was on measuring the provision masses, which differ in size and shape depending on the sex of the egg to be laid on them (male-producing provision masses are smaller and more or less round, whereas gyne-producing provision masses are larger and 'loaf-shaped). The primary aim of this study was to test theoretical predictions about female-bias of the sex ratio in the summer brood, both on the population level and on the colony level.
The overall sex ratio of the summer brood was moderately biased towards gynes. A significant positive correlation between the overall size of provision masses (as an estimate for the degree of female bias of the nest sex ratio) and the number of eusocial workers was found. This relationship further improved in partial analyses in which the provision mass weights were adjusted for sampling date, removing the effect of protandry. Foundress size, however, had no effect on the second brood provision masses and neither was there an effect of worker number on the size of gynes and males separately. In the first brood only the size of the foundress had a consistently positive effect on the size of the provision masses and on the size of the emerging daughter workers.
The observed increase of female bias in the nest sex ratio with increasing numbers of eusocial worker bees conforms to optimization predictions following from kin-selection theory.  相似文献   

Kent CF  Issa A  Bunting AC  Zayed A 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(24):5226-5235
The vitellogenin egg yolk precursor protein represents a well-studied case of social pleiotropy in the model organism Apis mellifera. Vitellogenin is associated with fecundity in queens and plays a major role in controlling division of labour in workers, thereby affecting both individual and colony-level fitness. We studied the molecular evolution of vitellogenin and seven other genes sequenced in a large population panel of Apis mellifera and several closely related species to investigate the role of social pleiotropy on adaptive protein evolution. We found a significant excess of nonsynonymous fixed differences between A. mellifera, A. cerana and A. florea relative to synonymous sites indicating high rates of adaptive evolution at vitellogenin. Indeed, 88% of amino acid changes were fixed by selection in some portions of the gene. Further, vitellogenin exhibited hallmark signatures of selective sweeps in A. mellifera, including a significant skew in the allele frequency spectrum, extreme levels of genetic differentiation and linkage disequilibrium. Finally, replacement polymorphisms in vitellogenin were significantly enriched in parts of the protein involved in binding lipid, establishing a link between the gene's structure, function and effects on fitness. Our case study provides unequivocal evidence of historical and ongoing bouts of adaptive evolution acting on a key socially pleiotropic gene in the honey bee.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts that, in social Hymenoptera, the parentage of males should be determined by within-colony relatedness. We present a model showing that, when sex ratios are split (bimodal) as a function of colony kin structure, the predictions of kin selection theory regarding the occurrence of worker reproduction and policing (prevention of worker reproduction) require modification. To test the predictions of kin selection theory and our model, we estimated using microsatellites the frequency of worker-produced male eggs and adults in the facultatively polygynous (multiple-queen) ant Leptothorax acervorum. Analysis of 210 male eggs and 328 adult males from 13 monogynous (single-queen) and nine polygynous colonies demonstrated that the frequency of worker-produced males was low (2.3-4.6% of all males) and did not differ significantly between colony classes or between eggs and adults. This suggested workers' self-restraint as the cause of infrequent worker reproduction in both colony classes. Such an outcome is not predicted either by comparing relatedness values or by our model. Therefore, it appears that factors other than colony kin structure and sex ratio effects determine the pattern of male parentage in the study population. A likely factor is a colony-level cost of worker reproduction.  相似文献   

Insect societies are vulnerable to exploitation by workers who reproduce selfishly rather than help to rear the queen's offspring. In most species, however, only a small proportion of the workers reproduce. Here, we develop an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) model to investigate factors that could explain these observed low levels of reproductive exploitation. Two key factors are identified: relatedness and policing. Relatedness affects the ESS proportion of reproductive workers because laying workers generally work less, leading to greater inclusive fitness costs when within-colony relatedness is higher. The second key factor is policing. In many species, worker-laid eggs are selectively removed or 'policed' by other workers or the queen. We show that policing not only prevents the rearing of worker-laid eggs but can also make it unprofitable for workers to lay eggs in the first place. This can explain why almost no workers reproduce in species with efficient policing, such as honeybees, Apis, and the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris, despite relatively low relatedness caused by multiple mating of the mother queen. Although our analyses focus on social insects, the conclusion that both relatedness and policing can reduce the incentive for cheating applies to other biological systems as well.  相似文献   

When social interactions occur, the phenotype of an individual is influenced directly by its own genes (direct genetic effects) but also indirectly by genes expressed in social partners (indirect genetic effects). Social insect colonies are characterized by extensive behavioral interactions among workers, brood, and queens so that indirect genetic effects are particularly relevant. I used a series of experimental manipulations to disentangle the contribution of direct effects, maternal (queen) effects, and sibsocial (worker) effects to variation for worker, gyne, and male mass; caste ratio; and sex ratio in the ant Temnothorax curvispinosus. The results indicate genetic variance for direct, maternal, and sibsocial effects for all traits, except for male mass there was no significant maternal variance, and for sex ratio the variance for direct effects was not separable from maternal variance for the primary sex ratio. Estimates of genetic correlations between direct, maternal, and sibsocial effects were generally negative, indicating that these effects may not evolve independently. These results have broad implications for social insect evolution. For example, the genetic architecture underlying social insect traits may constrain the realization of evolutionary conflicts between social partners.  相似文献   

Social cooperative spiders from diverse taxonomic families share life-history and demographic traits, including highly inbred colony structure. The combination of traits suggests constrained pathways for social evolution in spiders. The genus Stegodyphus has three independently evolved social species, which can be used as replicate samples to analyse population constraints in evolutionary time. We tested colony structure and population history of the social S. mimosarum from South and East Africa using mitochondrial DNA variation, and we compared the results to published data for the independently evolved social congener S. dumicola . S. mimosarum had many and diverse haplotypes (5–7% sequence divergence for ND1) but colonies were monomorphic and genealogically similar haplotypes occurred in abutting regions. These findings are nearly identical to results for S. dumicola and imply similar colony-level processes over evolutionary time in independently evolved social species. These population dynamics are discussed with respect to the apparent lack of cladogenesis in social spiders.  相似文献   

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