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Comprehensive quantitative analysis of lipid mediators using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry is an effective strategy in the elucidation of disease mechanisms; but technically, it has been and is still a great challenge to achieve reliable datasets that cover variety of lipid metabolites contained at trace levels in complex biological matrices. In this opinion article, we introduce our experiences in developing lipid mediator profiling systems, and deliver some comments on limitations of current methodology.  相似文献   

van Meer G 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(18):3159-3165
The cellular lipidome comprises over 1000 different lipids. Most lipids look similar having a polar head and hydrophobic tails. Still, cells recognize lipids with exquisite specificity. The functionality of lipids is determined by their local concentration, which varies between organelles, between the two leaflets of the lipid bilayer and even within the lateral plane of the membrane. To incorporate function, cellular lipidomics must not only determine which lipids are present but also the concentration of each lipid at each specific intracellular location in time and the lipid's interaction partners. Moreover, cellular lipidomics must include the enzymes of lipid metabolism and transport, their specificity, localization and regulation. Finally, it requires a thorough understanding of the physical properties of lipids and membranes, especially lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions. In the context of a cell, the complex relationships between metabolites can only be understood by viewing them as an integrated system. Cellular lipidomics provides a framework for understanding and manipulating the vital role of lipids, especially in membrane transport and sorting and in cell signaling.  相似文献   

Targeted chiral lipidomics analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Dynamic lipidomics of the nucleus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Once nuclear envelope membranes have been removed from isolated nuclei, around 6% of mammalian cell phospholipid is retained within the nuclear matrix, which calculations suggest may occupy 10% of the volume of this subcellular compartment. It is now acknowledged that endonuclear phospholipid, largely ignored for the past 40 years, provides substrate for lipid-mediated signaling events. However, given its abundance, it likely also has other as yet incompletely defined roles. Endonuclear phosphatidylcholine is the predominant phospholipid comprising distinct and highly saturated molecular species compared with that of the whole cell. Moreover, this unusual composition is subject to tight homeostatic maintenance even under conditions of extreme dietary manipulation, presumably reflecting a functional requirement for highly saturated endonuclear phosphatidylcholine. Recent application of new lipidomic technologies exploiting tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in conjunction with deuterium stable isotope labeling have permitted us to probe not just molecular species compositions but endonuclear phospholipid acquisition and turnover with unparalleled sensitivity and specificity. What emerges is a picture of a dynamic pool of endonuclear phospholipid subject to autonomous regulation with respect to bulk cellular phospholipid metabolism. Compartmental biosynthesis de novo of endonuclear phosphatidylcholine contrasts with import of phosphatidylinositol synthesized elsewhere. However, irrespective of the precise temporal-spatial-dynamic relationships underpinning phospholipid acquisition, derangement of endonuclear lipid-mediated signaling from these parental phospholipids halts cell growth and division indicating a pivotal control point. This in turn defines the manipulation of compartmentalized endonuclear phospholipid acquisition and metabolism as intriguing potential targets for the development of future antiproliferative strategies.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) are used ubiquitously and widely for signal transduction across the plasma membrane. The ligands for GPCRs are structurally diverse and include peptides, odorants, photon, ions and lipids. It is thought that GPCRs evolved by gene duplication and mutational events that diversified the ligand binding and signaling properties, thereby resulting in paralogues in various organisms. Genomic sequencing efforts of various organisms indicate that GPCRs evolved very early in evolution; for example, unicellular eukaryotes use GPCRs for mating, differentiation and sporulation responses and prokarotes utilize these receptors for phototransduction, as exemplified by the bacteriorhodopsin, a photon sensor. Many GPCRs fall into subfamilies, usually determined by structural similarity to their ligands. Bioactive lipids such as lysophospholipids, eicosanoids, ether lipids and endocannabinoids, which are produced widely in evolution, also signal through GPCRs. Thus, distinct subfamilies of bioactive lipid GPCRs, such as prostanoid receptors, lysophosphatidic, sphingosine 1-phosphate, leukotrienes, hydroxy fatty acids, endocannabinoids and ether lipids exist in the mammalian genome. With the increasing availability of genomic information throughout the phylogenetic tree, orthologues of bioactive lipid receptors are found in the genomes of vertebrates and chordates but not in worms, flies or other lower organisms. This is in contrast to GPCRs for biogenic amines and polypeptide growth factors, which are conserved in invertebrates as well. Thus, it appears that with the evolution of chordates, lipids may have acquired novel roles in cell-cell communication events via GPCRs. This hypothesis will be discussed using the prostanoid and lysophospholipid signaling systems. Since such bioactive lipids play critical roles in immune, vascular and nervous systems, this suggests that lipid metabolite signaling via the GPCRs co-evolved with the development of sophisticated vascular, immune and nervous systems in chordates and vertebrates.  相似文献   

After many years backstage, lipids have made a come back in the limelight of neuroscience. This renewed excitement was sparked by a series of convergent discoveries in the fields of neural development, synaptic physiology and receptor pharmacology, which have begun to reveal the roles played by lipid messengers and their receptors in brain function. Such roles extend from the development of the neocortex to the processing of complex behaviors, encompassing a territory as vast as those traditionally assigned to growth factors, neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Along with these basic discoveries, technical advances have simplified the identification and quantification of neural lipids, achieving a degree of sensitivity and selectivity that was unthinkable only 10 years ago. Thanks to this progress, we can now resolve complex mixtures of lipid molecules and quantify each of their components, which are often present in tissues at vanishingly low concentrations. In this review, I outline several key features of brain lipid signaling and discuss the opportunities and challenges that such features impose on future lipidomic approaches.  相似文献   

A neuroscientist's guide to lipidomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nerve cells mould the lipid fabric of their membranes to ease vesicle fusion, regulate ion fluxes and create specialized microenvironments that contribute to cellular communication. The chemical diversity of membrane lipids controls protein traffic, facilitates recognition between cells and leads to the production of hundreds of molecules that carry information both within and across cells. With so many roles, it is no wonder that lipids make up half of the human brain in dry weight. The objective of neural lipidomics is to understand how these molecules work together; this difficult task will greatly benefit from technical advances that might enable the testing of emerging hypotheses.  相似文献   

The emerging field of lipidomics, driven by technological advances in lipid analysis, provides greatly enhanced opportunities to characterize, on a quantitative or semi-quantitative level, the entire spectrum of lipids, or lipidome, in specific cell types. When combined with advances in other high throughput technologies in genomics and proteomics, lipidomics offers the opportunity to analyze the unique roles of specific lipids in complex cellular processes such as signaling and membrane trafficking. The yeast system offers many advantages for such studies, including the relative simplicity of its lipidome as compared to mammalian cells, the relatively high proportion of structural and regulatory genes of lipid metabolism which have been assigned and the excellent tools for molecular genetic analysis that yeast affords. The current state of application of lipidomic approaches in yeast and the advantages and disadvantages of yeast for such studies are discussed in this report.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) is a powerful tool that enables the simultaneous detection and identification of biomolecules in analytes. MALDI-imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) is a two-dimensional MALDI-MS technique used to visualize the spatial distribution of biomolecules without extraction, purification, separation, or labeling of biological samples. This technique can reveal the distribution of hundreds of ion signals in a single measurement and also helps in understanding the cellular profile of the biological system. MALDI-IMS has already revealed the characteristic distribution of several kinds of lipids in various tissues. The versatility of MALDI-IMS has opened a new frontier in several fields, especially in lipidomics. In this review, we describe the methodology and applications of MALDI-IMS to biological samples.  相似文献   

Contemporaneously with genomics and proteomics technologies, lipidomics may be recognized as the next important emerging technology. The emergence of this important area of "omics" could very well mark the beginning of "the decade of the lipids." A workshop on lipidomics was held in Washington, DC, by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in April 2004. The goal of the workshop was to bring together scientists working at the frontier of lipid research, to discuss their findings in this area and to promote "lipidomics," in general, but also with a special focus on its application to drug abuse research and development of therapies to treat addiction.  相似文献   

For over a century, the importance of lipid metabolism in biology was recognized but difficult to mechanistically understand due to the lack of sensitive and robust technologies for identification and quantification of lipid molecular species. The enabling technological breakthroughs emerged in the 1980s with the development of soft ionization methods (Electrospray Ionization and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization) that could identify and quantify intact individual lipid molecular species. These soft ionization technologies laid the foundations for what was to be later named the field of lipidomics. Further innovative advances in multistage fragmentation, dramatic improvements in resolution and mass accuracy, and multiplexed sample analysis fueled the early growth of lipidomics through the early 1990s. The field exponentially grew through the use of a variety of strategic approaches, which included direct infusion, chromatographic separation, and charge-switch derivatization, which facilitated access to the low abundance species of the lipidome. In this Thematic Review, we provide a broad perspective of the foundations, enabling advances, and predicted future directions of growth of the lipidomics field.  相似文献   

Metabolic pathway flux is a fundamental element of biological activity, which can be quantified using a variety of mass spectrometric techniques to monitor incorporation of stable isotope-labelled substrates into metabolic products. This article contrasts developments in electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) for the measurement of lipid metabolism with more established gas chromatography mass spectrometry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry methodologies. ESI-MS combined with diagnostic tandem MS/MS scans permits the sensitive and specific analysis of stable isotope-labelled substrates into intact lipid molecular species without the requirement for lipid hydrolysis and derivatisation. Such dynamic lipidomic methodologies using non-toxic stable isotopes can be readily applied to quantify lipid metabolic fluxes in clinical and metabolic studies in vivo. However, a significant current limitation is the absence of appropriate software to generate kinetic models of substrate incorporation into multiple products in the time domain. Finally, we discuss the future potential of stable isotope-mass spectrometry imaging to quantify the location as well as the extent of lipid synthesis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: BBALIP_Lipidomics Opinion Articles edited by Sepp Kohlwein.  相似文献   

Oxidative lipidomics of gamma-irradiation-induced intestinal injury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although gamma-irradiation-induced tissue injury has been associated with lipid peroxidation, the individual phospholipid molecular targets have not been identified. We employed oxidative lipidomics to qualitatively and quantitatively characterize phospholipid peroxidation in a radiosensitive tissue, the small intestine, of mice exposed to total body irradiation (TBI) (10 and 15 Gy). Using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry we found that the major classes of intestine phospholipids-phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylinositol-included clusters with highly oxidizable molecular species containing docosahexaenoic fatty acid. Molecular species of cardiolipin were represented by only two major less oxidizable individual molecular species-tetralinoleoylcardiolipin and trilinoleoyl-mono-oleoylcardiolipin. Selective and robust oxidation of two anionic phospholipids-cardiolipin in mitochondria and phosphatidylserine outside of mitochondria-was observed 24 h after gamma-irradiation. MS analysis detected several TBI-induced molecular species of oxidized cardiolipin: (C(18:2))(3)(C(18:2)-OOH), (C(18:2))(2)(C(18:2)-OOH)(2), (C(18:2))(1)(C(18:2)-OOH)(3), and (C(18:2)-OOH)(4). The major molecular species involved in TBI-triggered peroxidation of phosphatidylserine included C(18:0)/C(22:6)-OOH, C(18:0)/C(22:5)-OOH, and C(18:0)/C(22:4)-OOH. More abundant phospholipids-phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine-did not reveal any oxidative stress responses despite the presence of highly oxidizable docosahexaenoic fatty acid residues in their molecular species. A marked activation of caspases 3/7 that was detected in the intestine of gamma-irradiated mice indicates the involvement of apoptotic cell death in the TBI injury. Given that oxidized molecular species of cardiolipin and phosphatidylserine accumulate during apoptosis of different cells in vitro we speculate that cardiolipin and phosphatidylserine oxidation products may be useful as potential biomarkers of gamma-irradiation-induced intestinal apoptosis in vivo and may represent a promising target for the discovery of new radioprotectors and radiosensitizers.  相似文献   

In this paper we performed focused analyses of phospholipids by using the data of precursor ion scanning and neutral loss scanning of their polar head groups and fatty acyl moieties for the specific search of categorical phospholipids. By using precursor ion scanning or neutral loss scanning of polar head groups in the positive ion mode, more sensitive identification were obtained than that in the negative ion mode. Precursor ion scanning of carbonic anions in the negative ion mode was also effective to identify molecular species of phospholipids having specified fatty acyl moieties. By using these analytical methods, the detection limits of individual metabolites are going up to 5-20-fold of former conventional methods. The important factor is that by focusing in some limited categories of molecules, detection limit is greatly enhanced, thus minor but important molecules can be detected. Moreover, combination of LC-MS/MS and focused scanning for head group was revealed to be useful to identify very minor molecular species in the focused class of phospholipids.  相似文献   

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