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Summary Mice infected i.v. with high doses of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV; 105–106 plaqueforming units) 8–10 days prior to challenge with the methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma tumor cell line MC57G or the melanoma cell line B16 tumor cells showed an enhanced tumor susceptibility with respect to both growth kinetics of the tumor and the minimal dose necessary for tumor take. After transient initial growth, MC57G tumor cells were all rejected by uninfected C57BL/6 mice by day 14. Mice preinfected i.v. with LCMV 3 weeks before or at the time of tumor challenge, but not those infected 2 months before or 7 days after, showed increasing tumor growth, the tumor take being 100% for 106, 50% for 105 and 37% for 104 MC57G tumor cells injected into the footpad compared with resistance to 106 cells in normal mice. B16 melanoma cells also grew more rapidly in LCMV-preinfected mice and by day 40 tumors were established with about 100 times fewer cells, i.e. about 103 compared with 3×104–3×105 for uninfected mice. Analysis of the growth of tumor cells in normal and in LCMV-carrier mice revealed that the latter mice were not more susceptible to LCMV-infected than to uninfected MC57G. Since LCMV-carrier mice fail to mount LCMV-specific T cell responses, these results suggest that anti-LCMV-specific T cells may be responsible for acquired immunodeficiency hampering immune surveillance against the tumors studied.Supported by grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation 3.259–0.87 and the Kanton of Zürich  相似文献   

Several arenaviruses, including Lassa fever virus, cause severe, often lethal hemorrhagic fever in humans. No licensed vaccines are available in the United States, and currently there is no efficacious therapy to treat this viral infection. Therefore the importance of developing effective antiviral approaches to combat pathogenic arenaviruses is clear. Moreover, the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is an important model for the study of viral persistence and associated diseases, as well as for exploring therapies to treat viral chronic infections. The use of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to downregulate gene expression via RNA interference (RNAi) has emerged as a powerful genetic tool for the study of gene function. In addition, the successful use of siRNAs to target a variety of animal viruses has led us to consider RNAi as a potential novel antiviral strategy. We have investigated the use of RNAi therapy against LCMV. Here, we show that siRNAs targeting sequences within the viral L polymerase and Z mRNAs inhibit LCMV multiplication in cultured cells. Unexpectedly, the antiviral efficacy of RNAi-based therapy against LCMV was highly dependent on the method used to deliver effector siRNA molecules. Thus, transfection of chemically synthesized siRNA pools to L and Z was ineffective in preventing virus multiplication. In contrast, targeting of the same viral L and Z gene products with siRNAs produced inside cells using a replication-deficient recombinant adenovirus expression system inhibited LCMV multiplication very efficiently. Notably, transduction with the replication-deficient recombinant adenovirus expression system to Z and L effectively cured persistently LCMV-infected cells, suggesting the feasibility of using RNAi therapy to combat viral chronic infections by riboviruses.  相似文献   

To define the role of IFN-gamma in the control of acute infection with a noncytopathogenic virus, mice with targeted defects of the genes encoding IFN-gamma, perforin, or both were infected i.v. with two strains of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus differing markedly in their capacity to spread in wild-type mice. Our results reveal that IFN-gamma is pivotal to T cell-mediated control of a rapidly invasive stain, whereas it is less important in the acute elimination of a slowly invasive strain. Moreover, the majority of mice infected with the rapidly invasive strain succumb to a wasting syndrome mediated by CD8+ effector cells. The primary effector mechanism underlying this disease is perforin-dependent lysis, but other mechanisms are also involved. Wasting disease can be prevented if naive CD8+ cells from mice transgenic for an MHC class I-restricted lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-specific TCR are adoptively transferred before virus challenge, indicating that the disease is the result of an unfortunate balance between virus replication in internal organs, e.g., liver and spleen, and the host response; resetting this balance by increasing host responsiveness will again lead to a rapidly controlled infection and limited tissue damage. Thus, the presence or absence of IFN-gamma determines whether CTLs will clear infection with this noncytopathogenic virus or induce severe immunopathology.  相似文献   

Persistent infection of murine neuroblastoma cells with a relatively non-cytopathic virus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), significantly lowered the cells' concentrations of choline acetyl transferase (CAT) and acetylcholine esterase (ACHE), enzymes which make or degrade acetylcholine. Quantities of acetylcholine enzymes remained depressed during the observation period of more than two years. This cellular luxury function was turned off without observable alterations in the cells' vital functions – growth rates, protein and RNA synthesis. Cloning experiments showed that CAT and ACHE levels were altered in the majority of LCMV infected neuroblastoma cells in culture and not limited to a specific subpopulation. Cells persistently infected with virus also contained receptors for neurotoxin A and α bungarotoxin. Six months after becoming infected, neuroblastoma cells having significant alterations in luxury functions stopped making infectious virus. Instead these cells now produced a defective interfering virus component. Similar events to those seen in vitro with neuroblastoma cells also occurred in vivo. Mice inoculated with LCMV at birth carried high titers of LCMV in brain tissues and viral antigens in neuronal cells as adults. Some of these mice also showed significant alterations in their ability to make and degrade acetylcholine when compared to age and sex matched controls.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic T cell response in outbred mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is strain specific. The same is true for adoptive transfer of fatal LCM disease. The response of individuals within an outbred strain is completely cross-reactive, as shown by using immune lymphocytes and virus-infected macrophage targets from individual mice. Reciprocal exclusion of cytotoxic T cell activity between inbred and outbred mouse strains is the rule, the exception being one strain (H) known to have some C57BL ancestry. Immune T cells from one of 7 H mice specifically lysed LCMV-infected C57BL macrophages. Experiments with inbred mice have shown that only one allele need be shared at either the H-2K or H-2D locus for cytotoxic T cell activity to be manifest. Adoptive transfer protocols may thus be considered in outbred situations, providing that T cells are effective before allograft rejection occurs. Also, the LCMV cytotoxic T cell assay may be useful for determining the degree of H-2 variability in wild mouse populations, as novel H-2 types can be detected and mice need not be congenic.  相似文献   

The role of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in the permanent control of infection with a noncytopathic virus was studied by comparing immune responses in wild-type and IFN-gamma-deficient (IFN-gamma -/-) mice infected with a slowly invasive strain of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV Armstrong). While wild-type mice rapidly cleared the infection, IFN-gamma -/- mice became chronically infected. Virus persistence in the latter mice did not reflect failure to generate cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) effectors, as an unimpaired primary CTL response was observed. Furthermore, while ex vivo CTL activity gradually declined in wild-type mice, long-standing cytolytic activity was demonstrated in IFN-gamma -/- mice. The prolonged effector phase in infected IFN-gamma -/- mice was associated with elevated numbers of CD8(+) T cells. Moreover, a higher proportion of these cells retained an activated phenotype and was actively cycling. However, despite the increased CD8(+) T-cell turnover, which might have resulted in depletion of the memory CTL precursor pool, no evidence for exhaustion was observed. In fact, at 3 months postinfection we detected higher numbers of LCMV-specific CTL precursors in IFN-gamma -/- mice than in wild-type mice. These findings indicate that in the absence of IFN-gamma, CTLs cannot clear the infection and are kept permanently activated by the continuous presence of live virus, resulting in a delicate new balance between viral load and immunity. This interpretation of our findings is supported by mathematical modeling describing the effect of eliminating IFN-gamma-mediated antiviral activity on the dynamics between virus replication and CTL activity.  相似文献   

Some Syrian hamster cell lines persistently infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) do not produce extracellular virus particles but do contain intracytoplasmic infectious material. The proteins of these cells were labeled with [35S]methionine or with [3H]glucosamine and [3H]mannose, and immunoprecipitates were prepared with anti-LCMV sera. A substantial amount of the LCMV nucleocapsid protein (molecular weight about 58,000) was detected, along with GP-C, the precursor of the virion glycoproteins GP-1 and GP-2. GP-1 and GP-2 themselves were not detected. A new method of transferring proteins electrophoretically from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels to diazotized paper in high yield revealed several additional LCMV proteins present specifically in the persistently infected cells, at apparent molecular weights (X10(3] of 112, 107, 103, 89, 71 (probably GP-C), 58 (nucleocapsid protein), 42 to 47 (probably GP-1), and 40 (possibly GP-2). By iodinating intact cells with I3, GP-1 but not GP-2 or GP-C was revealed on the surfaces of the persistently infected cells, whereas both GP-1 and GP-C were found on the surfaces of acutely infected cells. The absence of GP-C from the plasma membrane of the persistently infected cells might be related to defective maturation of the virus in these cells. Cytoplasmic viral nucleoprotein complexes were labeled with [3H]uridine in the presence or absence of actinomycin D, purified partially by sedimentation in D2O-sucrose gradients, and adsorbed to fixed Staphylococus aureus cells in the presence of anti-LCMV immunoglobulin G. Several discrete species of viral RNA were released from the immune complexes with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Some were appreciably smaller than the 31S and 23S species of standard LCMV virions, indicating that defective interfering viral RNAs are probably present in the persistently infected cells. Ribosomal 28S and 18S RNAs, labeled only in the absence of actinomycin D, were coprecipitated with anti-LCMV serum but not with control serum, indicating their association with LCMV nucleoproteins in the cells.  相似文献   

Radioprotective capacity of bone marrow CFUs of adult thymectomized mice was studied. Lethally irradiated mice were inoculated with bone marrow of mice thymectomized 8-11 months before. The colony forming capacity and proliferative rate of CFUs were studied 1-7.5 months after obtaining the radiation chimeras. It has been shown that proliferative capacity of bone marrow of adult thymectomized mice was reduced in comparison with that of normal animals. It is related to the decrease (4-fold) of the proliferative rate of bone marrow of thymectomized mice which was inoculated into lethally irradiated recipients 1 month before. We also found that the content of CFUs in bone of those chimeras was reduced later--after 7.5 months. In this period (1-7.5 months) the cellularity of bone marrow did not change.  相似文献   

The interferon-inducible adenosine deaminase that acts on double-stranded RNA (ADAR1-L) has been proposed to be one of the antiviral effector proteins within the complex innate immune response. Here, the potential role of ADAR1-L in the innate immune response to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), a widely used virus model, was studied. Infection with LCMV clearly upregulated ADAR1-L expression and activity. The editing activity of ADAR1-L on an RNA substrate was not inhibited by LCMV replication. Accordingly, an adenosine-to-guanosine (A-to-G) and uracil-to-cytidine (U-to-C) hypermutation pattern was found in the LCMV genomic RNA in infected cell lines and in mice. In addition, two hypermutated clones with a high level of A-to-G or U-to-C mutations within a short stretch of the viral genome were isolated. Analysis of the functionality of viral glycoprotein revealed that A-to-G- and U-to-C-mutated LCMV genomes coded for nonfunctional glycoprotein at a surprisingly high frequency. Approximately half the GP clones with an amino acid mutation lacked functionality. These results suggest that ADAR1-L-induced mutations in the viral RNA lead to a loss of viral protein function and reduced viral infectivity. This study therefore provides strong support for the contribution of ADAR1-L to the innate antiviral immune response.  相似文献   

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) was isolated from a transplantable tumor after mice bearing the tumor began to die prematurely. Tumor lines, mice and laboratory personnel that had an association with the index laboratory were tested for LCMV infection. Testing of tumor lines from the index laboratory and four other laboratories revealed that 16 of 55 tumor samples used in vivo and one of eight tumor samples maintained in vitro were contaminated with LCMV. Laboratory personnel and uninoculated mice that were exposed to infected tumors had no LCMV antibody. The use of carefully monitored seed stocks is recommended to protect transplantable tumors that may be inadvertently contaminated by viruses.  相似文献   

Disruption of purified lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus with Nonidet P-40 in 0.5 M KCl followed by sucrose gradient centrifugation in 0.3 M KCl led to the isolation of two viral nucleoproteins (RNPs) as well as 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits. The largest viral RNP sedimented heterogenously at 123S to 148S and was associated with 23S and 31S viral RNA. The other viral RNP sedimented at 83S and was associated with 23S viral RNA. The buoyant density in CsCl was determined to be 1.32 g/cm3 for the viral RNP. Densities of 1.52 and 1.60 g/cm3 were determined for the 40S and 60S subunits, similar to those of the BHK-21 cells subunits dissociated by 0.5 M KCl. The viral RNPs were partly sensitive to RNase.  相似文献   

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