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Light models for vegetation canopies based on the turbid medium analogy are usually limited by the basic assumption of random foliage dispersion in the canopy space. The objective of this paper was to assess the effect of three possible sources of non-randomness in tree canopies on light interception properties. For this purpose, four three-dimensional (3-D) digitized trees and four theoretical canopies – one random and three built from fractal rules – were used to compute canopy structure parameters and light interception, namely the sky-vault averaged STAR (Silhouette to Total Area Ratio). STAR values were computed from (1) images of the 3-D plants, and (2) from a 3-D turbid medium model using space discretization at different scales. For all trees, departure from randomness was mainly due to the spatial variations in leaf area density within the canopy volume. Indeed STAR estimations, based on turbid medium assumption, using the finest space discretization were very close to STAR values computed from the plant images. At this finest scale, foliage dispersion was slightly clumped, except one theoretical fractal canopy, which showed a marked regular dispersion. Taking into account a non-infinitely small leaf size, whose effect is theoretically to shorten self-shading, had a minor effect on STAR computations. STAR values computed from the 3-D turbid medium were very sensitive to plant lacunarity, a parameter introduced in the context of fractal studies to characterize the distribution of gaps in porous media at different scales. This study shows that 3-D turbid medium models based on space discretization are able to give correct estimation of light interception by 3-D isolated trees, provided that the 3-D grid is properly defined, that is, discretization maximizes plant lacunarity.  相似文献   

水稻冠层光截获、光能利用与产量的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以两优培九和武香粳14号水稻品种为材料,在不同栽插密度和施氮水平下进行2年田间试验,研究水稻冠层光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率、光能利用率与水稻产量的关系.结果表明:分蘖期至成熟期,各处理水稻冠层平均PAR反射率为3.45%,其中,分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层反射PAR占冠层总PAR损失的10.90%,显著小于抽穗期至成熟期的22.06%.分蘖期至成熟期的冠层PAR转化率随栽插密度的增加而减少,随施氮量的增加而增大;分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层PAR转化率高于抽穗期至成熟期.在分蘖期至成熟期,冠层PAR利用率随栽插密度和施氮量的增加而增大,各处理中两优培九的平均PAR利用率(1.83 g· MJ-1)显著高于武香粳14(1.42 g·MJ-1);武香粳14因生育期较长,分蘖期至成熟期的入射PAR及中、高栽插密度处理的PAR截获量均高于两优培九.水稻不同生长阶段冠层PAR截获率和利用率与产量呈显著正相关,PAR转化率与产量也呈正相关,但相关性不显著.因此,在保持较高PAR截获率的基础上提高冠层PAR转化率,进而提高冠层PAR利用率,有利于水稻高产.  相似文献   

水稻冠层光截获、光能利用与产量的关系   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以两优培九和武香粳14号水稻品种为材料,在不同栽插密度和施氮水平下进行2年田间试验,研究水稻冠层光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率、光能利用率与水稻产量的关系.结果表明: 分蘖期至成熟期,各处理水稻冠层平均PAR反射率为3.45%,其中,分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层反射PAR占冠层总PAR损失的10.90%,显著小于抽穗期至成熟期的22.06%.分蘖期至成熟期的冠层PAR转化率随栽插密度的增加而减少,随施氮量的增加而增大;分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层PAR转化率高于抽穗期至成熟期.在分蘖期至成熟期,冠层PAR利用率随栽插密度和施氮量的增加而增大,各处理中两优培九的平均PAR利用率(1.83 g·MJ-1)显著高于武香粳14(1.42 g·MJ-1);武香粳14因生育期较长,分蘖期至成熟期的入射PAR及中、高栽插密度处理的PAR截获量均高于两优培九.水稻不同生长阶段冠层PAR截获率和利用率与产量呈显著正相关,PAR转化率与产量也呈正相关,但相关性不显著.因此,在保持较高PAR截获率的基础上提高冠层PAR转化率,进而提高冠层PAR利用率,有利于水稻高产.  相似文献   

Aims (i) To explore variations in nutrient resorption of woody plants and their relationship with nutrient limitation and (ii) to identify the factors that control these variations in forests of eastern China.Methods We measured nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in both green and senesced leaves of 172 woody species at 10 forest sites across eastern China. We compared the nutrient resorption proficiency (NuRP) and efficiency (NuRE) of N and P in plant leaves for different functional groups; we further investigated the latitudinal and altitudinal variations in NuRP and NuRE and the impacts of climate, soil and plant types on leaf nutrient resorptions.Important findings On average, the leaf N resorption proficiency (NRP) and P resorption proficiency (PRP) of woody plants in eastern China were 11.1mg g ? 1 and 0.65 mg g ? 1, respectively; and the corresponding N resorption efficiency (NRE) and P resorption efficiency (PRE) were 49.1% and 51.0%, respectively. Angiosperms have higher NRP (are less proficient) values and lower NRE and PRE values than gymnosperms, but there are no significant differences in NRP, PRP and PRE values between species with different leaf habits (evergreen vs. deciduous angiosperms). Trees have higher NRE and PRE than shrubs. Significant geographical patterns of plant nutrient resorption exist in forests of eastern China. In general, NRP and PRE decrease and PRP and NRE increase with increasing latitude/altitude for all woody species and for the different plant groups. Plant functional groups show more controls than environmental factors (climate and soil) on the N resorption traits (NRP and NRE), while site-related variables present more controls than plant types on PRP and PRE. NRP increases and PRP and NRE decrease significantly with increasing temperature and precipitation for the overall plants and for most groups, except that significant PRE–climate relationship holds for only evergreen angiosperms. Leaf nutrient resorption did not show consistent responses in relation to soil total N and P stoichiometry, probably because the resorption process is regulated by the relative costs of drawing nutrients from soil versus from senescing leaves. These results support our hypothesis that plants growing in P-limited habitats (low latitudes/altitudes or areas with high precipitation/temperature) should have lower PRP and higher PRE, compared with their counterparts in relatively N-limited places (high latitudes/altitudes or areas with low precipitation/temperature). Our findings can improve the understanding of variations in N and P resorption and their responses to global change, and thus facilitate to incorporate these nutrient resorption processes into future biogeochemical models.  相似文献   

DNA barcode databases are increasingly available for a range of organisms, facilitating the wide application of DNA barcode-based studies. Here we announce the development of a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library of Japanese native woody seed plants representing 43 orders, 99 families, 303 genera and 834 species, and comprising 77.3% of the genera and 72.2% of the species of native woody seed plants in Japan. A total of 6216 plant specimens were collected from 223 sites across the subtropical, temperate, boreal and alpine biomes in Japan with most species represented by multiple accessions. This reference library utilized three chloroplast DNA regions (rbcL, trnH-psbA and matK) and consists of 14,403 barcode sequences. Individual regions varied in their identification rates, with species-level and genus-level rates for rbcL, trnH-psbA and matK based on blast being 57.4%/96.2%, 78.5%/99.1% and 67.8%/98.1%, respectively. Identification rates were higher using region combinations, with total species-level rates for two region combinations (rbcL & trnH-psbA, rbcL & matK and trnH-psbA & matK) ranging between 90.6% and 95.8%, and for all three regions being equal to 98.6%. Genus-level identification rates were even higher, ranging between 99.7% and 100% for two region combinations and being 100% for the three regions. These results indicate that this DNA barcode reference library is an effective resource for investigations of native woody seed plants in Japan using DNA barcodes and provides a useful template for the development of libraries for other components of the Japanese flora.  相似文献   

Okra-leaf cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) types have been reputed to produce equal or higher amounts of lint yield than normal-leaf types, while intercepting less or similar amounts of radiation. In this field study, okra- and normal-leaf cotton isolines were compared for their efficiency to produce dry matter utilizing intercepted radiation. At three weeks after first flower, the two leaf-shape isolines produced similar amounts of dry matter, with the okra-leaf type partitioning a larger fraction to fruiting organs. However, at the end of the season no differences in lint yield, yield components and fiber-quality properties were recorded between the two isolines. Fractional light interception throughout the period of the study was greater for the normal-leaf type compared to the okra-leaf type. The okra-leaf isoline utilized intercepted radiation more efficiently to produce dry matter. Values of radiation use efficiency were estimated at 1.897 and 2.636 g MJ−1 of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation for the normal- and okra-leaf types, respectively. Growth chamber studies revealed similar single leaf carbon exchange rates, therefore radiation use efficiency differences between the leaf shape isolines could be attributed to light interception characteristics.  相似文献   

Introduction –  RNA quality and integrity are critical for many studies in plant molecular biology. High‐quality RNA extraction from grapevine and other woody plants is problematic due to the presence of polysaccharides, polyphenolics and other compounds that bind or co‐precipitate with the RNA. Objective  – To develop an optimised cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)‐based protocol, to reduce the time and cost of extraction without reducing quality and yield of RNA extracted from polysaccharide‐rich tissues of several plants. Methodology  – Several changes were introduced to the original CTAB protocol. All centrifugation steps were carried out at 4°C, the sample weight was decreased and the concentrations of PVP‐40 and LiCl were increased reducing incubation time prior to RNA precipitation. This rapid CTAB protocol was compared with six different RNA extraction methods from three grapevine tissues, namely, in vitro plantlets, and leaves and mature canes from actively growing field vines. Results –  The rapid CTAB method gave high‐quality RNA in only 3 h at low cost with efficiency equal to or higher than that obtained with other time‐consuming and expensive protocols. The procedure was applied to RNA extraction from other grapevine tissues and other woody species including olive, lemon, poplar, chestnut, apple, pear, peach, cherry, apricot, plum and kiwi fruit. RNA of high quality could be isolated from all tissues and from all species. Conclusion –  The study has shown that the improvement of a CTAB‐based protocol allows the rapid isolation of high‐quality RNA from grapevine and many woody species. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Yu  Gui-Rui  Miwa  Takuji  Nakayama  Keiichi  Matsuoka  Nobuhiro  Kon  Hisashi 《Plant and Soil》2000,227(1-2):47-58
The present study deals with the relationships between water status parameters of plant leaves and reflectances (Rλ) at characteristic wavelengths, between 522 and 2450 nm, as well as reflectance ratios, Rλ/R1430, Rλ/R1650, Rλ/R1850, Rλ/R1920, and Rλ/R1950, based on the air-drying experimental results of soybean (Glycine max Merr.), maize (Zea mays L.), tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) and viburnum (Viburnum awabuki K. Koch.) plants. The water status parameters include leaf water content per unit leaf area (LWC), specific leaf water content (SWC), leaf moisture percentage of fresh weight (LMP), relative leaf water content (RWC) and relative leaf moisture percentage on fresh weight basis (RMP). Effective spectral reflectances and reflectance ratios for estimating the LWC, SWC, LMP, RWC and RMP were identified. With these spectral indices, approaches to estimating LWC, RWC and RMP were discussed. Eventually, an attempt on universal formulas was made for estimating the leaf moisture conditions of both herbaceous and woody plants as mentioned above. Moreover, applicability of these formulas was checked with the field experimental results of soybean and maize grown under water and nutrient stresses. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Post-fire regeneration is a key process in Mediterranean shrubland dynamics, strongly determining the functional properties of the community. In this study, a test is carried out to determine whether there is co-variation between species regenerative types and functional attributes related to water use. METHODS: An analysis was made of the seasonal variations in leaf relative water content (RWC), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf moisture (LM) and live fine fuel moisture (LFFM) in 30 woody species of a coastal shrubland, with different post-fire regenerative strategies (seeding, resprouting or both). KEY RESULTS: RWC results suggest that the studied resprouters have more efficient mechanisms to reduce water losses and maintain water supply between seasons. In contrast, seeders are more drought tolerant. LDMC is higher in resprouters over the course of the year, suggesting a more efficient conservation of nutrients. The weight of the phylogenetic constraint to understand differences between regenerative strategies tends to be important for LDMC, while it is not the case for variables such as RWC. CONCLUSIONS: Groups of species with different post-fire regenerative strategies (seeders and resprouters) have different functional traits related to water use. In addition to the role of phylogenetical constraints, these differences are also likely to be related to the respective life history characteristics. Therefore, the presence and abundance of species with different post-fire regenerative responses influence the functional properties of the communities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Light interception is a critical factor in the production of biomass. The study presented here describes a method used to take account of architectural changes over time in sunflower and to estimate absorbed light at the organ level. METHODS: The amount of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by a plant is estimated on a daily or hourly basis through precise characterization of the light environment and three-dimensional virtual plants built using AMAP software. Several treatments are performed over four experiments and on two genotypes to test the model, quantify the contribution of different organs to light interception and evaluate the impact of heliotropism. KEY RESULTS: This approach is used to simulate the amount of light absorbed at organ and plant scales from crop emergence to maturity. Blades and capitula were the major contributors to light interception, whereas that by petioles and stem was negligible. Light regimen simulations showed that heliotropism decreased the cumulated light intercepted at the plant scale by close to 2.2% over one day. CONCLUSIONS: The approach is useful in characterizing the light environment of organs and the whole plant, especially for studies on heterogeneous canopies or for quantifying genotypic or environmental impacts on plant architecture, where conventional approaches are ineffective. This model paves the way to analyses of genotype-environment interactions and could help establish new selection criteria based on architectural improvement, enhancing plant light interception.  相似文献   

孙伟  王德利  王立  杨允菲 《生态学报》2003,23(4):814-819
利用人工模拟光源研究了两种 C4 光合途径禾本科植物 (虎尾草、狗尾草 )和两种 C3光合途径藜科植物 (藜、绿藜 )的光合速率 ( Pn)、蒸腾速率 ( Tr)、水分利用率 ( WUE)、气孔导度 ( Gs)、胞间 CO2 浓度 ( Ci)及叶面饱和蒸气压亏缺 ( Vpdl)随模拟光辐射 ( SPR)增强的变化规律及 Gs、Ci、Vpdl对 Tr和 WUE的影响。结果表明 :( 1 ) 4种植物的 Pn和 Tr均随 SPR增强而增大 ,两种藜科植物最大净 Pn和 Tr均高于两种禾本科植物的最大净 Pn和 Tr。 ( 2 ) WUE随 SPR增强先增大后减小 ,两种禾本科植物和两种藜科植物分别在SPR为 40 0、1 2 0 0 μmol/( m2·s)时达到最大值 ,禾本科植物的最大 WUE明显高于藜科植物。 ( 3) 4种植物的 Gs、Ci均随 SPR的增强而减小 ,两种藜科植物的 Gs和 Ci均显著高于两种禾本科植物。4种植物的 Vpdl均随 SPR增强而增大 ,禾本科植物高于藜科植物。实验表明 ,在以水分为限制因素的半干旱草原区 ,禾本科植物具有更好的保水机制和更高的水分利用效率 ,与藜科植物相比 ,在水分生态上具有一定的竞争优势。  相似文献   

Summary There are many Chihuahuan desert species that have potential as landscape plants for the arid communities of the southwestern United States [agarita, Berberis trifoliata Moric.; Mexican buckeye, Ungnadia speciosa Endl.; Texas madrone, Arbutus xalapensis var. texana (Buckl.). A. Gray]. Within these plant populations, there are superior genotypes that offer even greater interest for the landscape. However, it is difficult to clonally propagate many of these species with conventional techniques, and the seed-derived populations often do not breed true. Therefore, selection of superior genotypes in wild populations coupled with clonal propagation through tissue culture may offer an attractive option. It is relatively easy to achieve disinfestation of explants from desert plants due to a general lack of natural surface contamination by fungi and bacteria, even though interference from numerous trichomes can impede good contact with disinfesting agents. However, there is only a narrow window of time that is ideal for explant collection, because of the brief, periodic flushes of growth that characterize this unusual plant group. There may be years when, due to the harsh environment, the amount of suitable explant material is severely limited. Phenolics and exudates are also problematic in this group of plants, and acclimatization of ex vitro plantlets to the harsh desert environment is a particular challenge. For these reasons, specific adaptations and modifications were necessary to achieve success with micropropagation of desert plant species such as Mexican redbud (Cercis canadensis var. mexicana L.).  相似文献   

陶泽兴  葛全胜  戴君虎  王焕炯 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7777-7789
木本植物春季展叶始期的年际变化通常受其发生前一段时间的气温影响,这个时段被称作温度相关时段(temperature-relevant period, TRP)。TRP开始时间和长度的变化反映了气候增暖对植物发育过程的影响。利用中国物候网观测数据,分析了1980—2018年中国东部8个代表性站点162种木本植物展叶始期的TRP开始时间、结束时间和长度变化。结果显示:(1)亚热带站点比温带站点木本植物的平均TRP开始时间早约43 d,长度长约13 d。(2)TRP开始时间在温带地区北部(哈尔滨和牡丹江)变化不显著,在南部(北京、西安和民勤)以0.41—0.53 d/a的速度显著提前。在亚热带,除桂林外,其他站点展叶始期TRP长度延长和缩短的物种比例相近。这表明气候增暖对不同站点植物TRP的影响不仅取决于增暖的幅度,还和站点的背景气候条件相关。(3)乔木TRP平均开始时间和结束时间分别比灌木晚6.49 d和3.92 d,TRP长度略短于灌木。这与灌木采取机会主义的生存策略有关,而乔木在春季的展叶期较为保守以降低霜冻风险。(4)无论在亚热带还是温带地区,展叶越早的物种,TRP开始时间越早,长度...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cotton shows a marked plasticity vs. density in terms of branch development and geometry, internode elongation and leaf expansion. This paper proposes interpretations for observed plasticity in terms of light quantity and quality. METHODS: 3-D virtual plants were reconstructed from field observations and 3-D digitization and were used to simulate the light regime in cotton stands of different densities. KEY RESULTS: All densities showed the same linear relationship between LAI and the sum of light intercepted by the canopy, from seedling emergence up to flowering. Simulated R : FR ratio profiles can very likely explain (1) the longer first internodes on main stem and branches and (2) the azimuthal re-orientation of branches toward the inter-row. CONCLUSIONS: Simulation tools were used to analyse plant plasticity in terms of light quantity and quality. The methodology applied here at the stand scale will now be continued at the plant scale to further strengthen the above hypotheses.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

At present most process-based models and the majority of three-dimensional models include simplifications of plant architecture that can compromise the accuracy of light interception simulations and, accordingly, canopy photosynthesis. The aim of this paper is to analyse canopy heterogeneity of an explicitly described tomato canopy in relation to temporal dynamics of horizontal and vertical light distribution and photosynthesis under direct- and diffuse-light conditions.


Detailed measurements of canopy architecture, light interception and leaf photosynthesis were carried out on a tomato crop. These data were used for the development and calibration of a functional–structural tomato model. The model consisted of an architectural static virtual plant coupled with a nested radiosity model for light calculations and a leaf photosynthesis module. Different scenarios of horizontal and vertical distribution of light interception, incident light and photosynthesis were investigated under diffuse and direct light conditions.

Key Results

Simulated light interception showed a good correspondence to the measured values. Explicitly described leaf angles resulted in higher light interception in the middle of the plant canopy compared with fixed and ellipsoidal leaf-angle distribution models, although the total light interception remained the same. The fraction of light intercepted at a north–south orientation of rows differed from east–west orientation by 10 % on winter and 23 % on summer days. The horizontal distribution of photosynthesis differed significantly between the top, middle and lower canopy layer. Taking into account the vertical variation of leaf photosynthetic parameters in the canopy, led to approx. 8 % increase on simulated canopy photosynthesis.


Leaf angles of heterogeneous canopies should be explicitly described as they have a big impact both on light distribution and photosynthesis. Especially, the vertical variation of photosynthesis in canopy is such that the experimental approach of photosynthesis measurements for model parameterization should be revised.  相似文献   

Light use efficiency (LUE) is an important variable in carbon cycle and climate change research. We present an investigation of remotely estimating midday LUE using the green chlorophyll index (CIgreen) derived from the cloud-free Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images in maize, coniferous forest and grassland. Similar temporal patterns are observed in both canopy chlorophyll content and midday LUE which indicates that the chlorophyll content in the maize canopy servers as a proxy of midday LUE (R2 = 0.736, p < 0.001). Therefore, the CIgreen, tested as a good indicator of canopy chlorophyll content (R2 = 0.840, p < 0.001), has been demonstrated to be a reliable candidate in providing reasonable estimates of midday LUE with determination coefficient R2 equals to 0.820 and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.002 mol CO2 per mol incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Further validation of the prediction model derived from the maize site demonstrates that the CIgreen has potential to be applied in the coniferous forest and grassland ecosystems with RMSE of 0.005 and 0.004 mol CO2 mol−1 PPFD, respectively. A comparison analysis between different vegetation types is included and these results could be helpful in the development of future LUE and terrestrial models.  相似文献   

Zu-Hua Yin  John A. Raven 《Planta》1998,205(4):574-580
The impacts of various nitrogen sources, i.e. NO 3, NH4 + or NH4NO3 in combination with gaseous NH3, on nitrogen-, carbon- and water-use efficiency and 13C discrimination (δ13C) by plants of the C3 species Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) and the C4 species Zea mays L. (maize) were studied. Triticum aestivum and Z. mays were hydroponically grown with 2 mol · m−3 of N supplied as NO 3, NH4 + or NH4NO3 for 21 and 18 d, respectively, and thereafter exposed to gaseous NH3 at 320 μg · m−3 or to ambient air for 7 d. In T. aestivum and Z. mays over a 7-d growth period, nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) values were influenced by N-sources in the decreasing order NH4NO3-N > NO 3-N > NH4 +-N and NO 3-N > NH4NO3-N > NH4 +-N, respectively. Fumigation with NH3 decreased the NUE values of plants grown with any of the N-forms. During 28- and 7-d growth periods, N-sources affected water-use efficiency (WUE) values in the decreasing order of NH4 +-N > NO 3-N≈NH4NO3-N in non-fumigated T. aestivum, while fumigation with NH3 increased the WUE of NO 3-grown plants. There were insignificant effects of N-sources on WUE values of Z. mays over 25- and 7-d growth periods. Furthermore, δ13C values in plant tissues (leaves, stubble and roots) were higher (less negative) in NH4 +-grown plants of T. aestivum and Z. mays than in those supplied with NH4NO3 or NO 3. Regardless of the N-form supplied to the roots of the plant species, exposure to NH3 caused more-positive δ13C values in the plant tissues. These results indicate that the variations in N-source were associated with small but significant variations in δ13C values in plants of T. aestivum and Z. mays. These differences in δ13C values are in the direction expected from differences in WUE values over long or short growth periods and with differences in the extent of non-Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase, EC carboxylate contribution to net C acquisition, as a function of N-source. Received: 12 September 1997 / Accepted: 13 January 1998  相似文献   

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