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Sophora fernandeziana is the only legume endemic to Isla Robinson Crusoe (Archipelago Juan Fernández, Chile); it is uncommon and becoming rare. Although its preservation status is listed as "vulnerable," as with many species, little is known of its reproductive biology. Flowering phenology, floral morphology, nectar features, breeding system, and visitors were analyzed in two populations. Flowering is from late winter to early spring. Flowers last 6 d and have a number of ornithophilous features. A floral nectary begins to secrete highly concentrated nectar 48 h after flowers open. Nectar secretion increases as the flower ages but culminates in active nectar reabsorption as the flower senesces. Nectar production is negatively affected by nectar removal. Self-pollen germinates and tubes grow down the style. However, pollen tubes were only observed to enter the ovaries in open pollinated styles, suggesting the possibility of an ovarian self-incompatibility mechanism. Both sexes of the two hummingbird species that inhabit the island are regular visitors. Low fruit and seed set, low genetic diversity, and a shrinking number of populations all contribute to increased concern about the future of this species-and perhaps the hummingbirds that depend on it.  相似文献   

Bignoniaceous woody species are very important ecological components of neotropical forests, but the reproductive biology of many species, such as Cybistax antisyphilitica, remains virtually unknown. Most species of Bignoniaceae are characteristically self-sterile, despite typically exhibiting normal pollen tube growth throughout the style, combined with slow rates of ovule penetration, fertilisation and endosperm initiation in selfed pistils. Uniform abortion occurs within a few days of anthesis, indicating the occurrence of late-acting self-incompatibility (LSI). However, breeding system studies have been performed in fewer than 7% of species, and other types of breeding systems (e.g., self-compatibility and apomixis) have been reported in this family. In the present study, the reproductive biology of C. antisyphilitica was investigated by field observation of flower visitors and floral events. Moreover, reproductive biology of this species was examined through experimental pollinations, analyses of pollen tube growth and ovule penetration using fluorescence microscopy, verification of pistil longevity, and a histological analysis of unpollinated vs. self-pollinated pistils. Finally, morphological aspects, quantities and germination were investigated in seeds that resulted from different pollination treatments. Natural pollination was effected by large- and medium-sized bees, and their visiting behaviour favours a high proportion of geitonogamy and no pollen limitation. Self-pollinated flowers produced no fruits, and all of the characteristic post-pollination events cited above were verified, witnessing the occurrence of LSI with post-zygotic rejection of selfed pistils in C. antisyphilitica. Although some indications of extended pistil longevity were found in selfed pistils, this feature seemed to be affected by unidentified environmental factors. The seeds were always monoembryonic and with high viability. A larger variation in the number of viable seeds was found in fruits derived from natural pollination. A low fruit set was observed after both natural and cross-pollination, and most crossed fruits underwent abortion at several points during the juvenile phase, even when protected against herbivory. The formation of surplus flowers/juvenile fruits and the apparently wasteful selfing mechanism control implied in LSI are discussed in the context of the perennial life style of tropical woody plant species.  相似文献   

In a study of natural populations of Senecio integrifolius in southern Sweden (1979–1983) seeds were found to disperse from mid-June to late July and most of them germinated in autumn. No soil seed bank was observed. On a heavily grazed site few seeds were produced but the percentage of estimated germination was high (c. 75%). In two moderately grazed habitats 8–10% of the estimated number of seeds produced in permanent plots germinated. In a lightly grazed habitat many seeds were produced but only a small percentage germinated (1.4%). In field experiments the average germination was 50–53% when newly harvested seeds were sown where the vegetation had been removed, and 20–33% when sown in undisturbed vegetation at a moderately grazed site. Germination was much lower in a lightly grazed habitat (3–12%). Survival of seedlings was much higher in heavily and moderately grazed habitats than in lightly grazed habitats. Mortality tended to be higher during the growing season (mid-April to early November) than during the winter, and increased markedly during a drought period in the summer of 1982. The half-life of plants established in 1980 varied from 39.3 years at the most intensively grazed site to 7.2 at the lightly grazed site. The number of flowering stems varied between years mainly according to weather. Few plants in the permanent plots flowered every year, the flowering being most frequent at heavily grazed sites. It is concluded that heavy grazing by cattle after seed dispersal is the appropriate management for maintaining S. integrifolius in Sweden.  相似文献   

An account is given of the occurrence, in six genera of Ascalaphidae, of two distinct forms of ovariole, and the production of repagula by the modified form is described.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of 10 species and one variety of South American Lathyrus were determined and compared with those obtained of five entities from the Northern Hemisphere. Although all the species have a chromosome number of 2n = 14, they could be differentiated by their karyotype formula and quantitative parameters of the karyotypes. Phenetic distance and principal component analysis showed that in spite of the differences observed among entities, they can be grouped in clusters that coincide with the taxonomic sections established by F. K. Kupicha and with the life cycle of the species. South American species form a homogeneous group and can be distinguished by the presence of a subtelocentric pair, which has a macrosatellite in the long arm, and the lack of a short metacentric pair characteristic of most species of the Northern Hemisphere. From an evolutionary point of view, variation in total chromosome length without major changes in the karyotype formula suggests that changes in the amounts of genomic DNA are proportional to the relative length of each chromosome arm and that species of Notolathyrus evolved in a concerted fashion. Variation in genome size, however, is congruent with morphological variation of some reproductive organs as well as with the life cycle and minimum generation time, as predicted by the nucleotype hypothesis.  相似文献   


Cytisus aeolicus Guss, is an endemic plant restricted to the isles of Vulcano, Stromboli and Alicudi in the Aeolian archipelago. All known populations were assayed for genetic variability using enzyme polymorphism. Allozyme variation at 16 loci coding for 10 enzyme systems was examined. The great majority of loci turned out to be monomorphic or fixed heterozygous. The observed genetic depauperation is indicative of historical factors, such as the bottleneck effect associated with migration, and the founder effect in population re-establishment. The low genetic diversity is largely partitioned within rather than among populations, indicating that extant populations have not been established long enough for divergence to have occurred. The genetic uniformity, combined with the scattered distribution of small populations, and the negative shift of population size point to a critically endangered species. Strategies for conservation are considered.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of 18 populations belonging to eight of the southernmost species of South American Crotalaria were examined. All had x  = 8, except C. incana which had x  = 7. Diploid, tetraploid and octoploid species were found. The octoploid is a new record and is the highest ploidy level detected so far in the genus. Species within the same ploidy level could be distinguished by quantitative karyotype parameters and by the size and position of the satellites. From an evolutionary point of view, our results support a decrease of the basic chromosome number by dysploidy. Polyploidy is one of the more important mechanisms of chromosome change, even though some structural rearrangements may explain variations of the karyotype formula. Gigas effects, due to polyploidy, were evident in the length of the stomatal guard cells and in pollen size, but were less clear in seed weight. Nucleotype effects, caused by the DNA quantity in a nucleus, were also evident for pollen and stomatal guard cell size and seed weight, although only in diploids with x  = 8 for the latter character. Chromosome data are further discussed in the light of the infrageneric systematic arrangement.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 329–341.  相似文献   

The taxonomy, reproductive biology and economic potential of Parkia (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in Africa and Madagascar. Three species of the pantropical woody genus Parkia are recognized from continental Africa (including São Tomé), P. biglobosa, P. bicolor and P.filicoidea. A fourth species, P. madagascariensis , is confined to Madagascar. All have capitula of similar structure although details of shape vary. Relatives sharing this capitulum structure occur in the Far East and the Neotropics. Patterns of infraspecific variation are described for the mainland species. Parkia biglobosa shows clinal variation in several leaf characters and P. clappertoniana must be regarded as synonymous. Parkia bicolor shows geographical variation especially in capitulum shape and pod width, and P. filicoidea varies geographically in its pod morphology. The red, balllike capitula are pollinated by bats; other visitors include birds, insects and non-flying mammals. In P. biglobosa a proportion of the capitula is functionally male. The pods of the African species contain mealy pulp. Dispersal involves mammals, especially primates, and birds. Information on uses, chemical composition of the seeds and insect pests is summarized.  相似文献   

Carter's mustard (Warea carteri) is an endangered, fire-stimulated annual endemic of the Lake Wales Ridge, Florida, USA. This species is characterized by seed banks and large fluctuations in plant numbers, with increases occurring in postdisturbance habitat. We investigated the mating system, patterns of isozyme variation, and effective population sizes of W. carteri to better understand its population biology and to comment on reserve designs and management proposals relevant to this species. Warea carteri is self-compatible and autogamous, and probably largely selfing. Measures of genetic variation in W. carteri were lower than values reported for species with similar ecological and life history traits (6.6% of loci polymorphic within populations, 1.87 alleles per polymorphic locus, and 0.026 and 0.018 expected and observed heterozygosity, respectively). The high average value for Nei's genetic identity (0.989) reflects the paucity of genetic diversity. Genetic variation within populations was not correlated with aboveground population size, effective population size estimates (N(e)), or recent disturbance history. Much of the diversity detected was found among populations (F(ST) = 0.304). A significant cline in allele frequencies at one locus and a significant negative correlation between geographic distance and Nei's genetic identity also point to spatial organization of genetic diversity. As a result we propose that reserve design should include the entire geographic range of W. carteri. We also recommend that the natural fire regime be mimicked.  相似文献   

Fitzroya cupressoides (alerce, Cupressaceae) is a large and exceptionally long-lived conifer, endemic to a restricted area of southern Chile and neighbouring areas of Argentina. As a result of its high economic value, the species has been severely exploited for timber, and remnant populations are fragmented and often highly disturbed. The species is thought to have undergone a major range contraction during the last glaciation. In order to assess the extent of genetic variation using DNA markers within and between populations of this species, samples were obtained from throughout the natural range and analysed for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation. Eight 10-mer and three 15-mer primers were used to produce a total of 54 polymorphic bands. Shannon's diversity estimates were calculated to provide an estimate of the degree of variation within each population. Values varied from 0.343 to 0.636 with only the lowest value differing significantly from the others (Spop = 0.547). This indicated that there is a significant degree of variation within each population, and did not provide evidence for genetic 'bottle-neck' effects within the species. A pairwise distance measure calculated from the RAPD data was used as an input for principal coordinate (PCO) and AMOVA analyses. The first three principal coordinates of RAPD distances described 8.3, 5.9 and 5.4% of the total variance, respectively, and a degree of clustering of samples according to their geographical origin was detectable. AMOVA analysis indicated that although most of the variation (85.6%) was found within populations, a significant proportion (P < 0.002) was attributable to differences between populations. An UPGMA dendrogram constructed using phi ST values derived from AMOVA produced a pattern broadly similar to that produced by the PCO, highlighting differences between three main groups of populations within Chile: those from the northern Coastal Range, the southern Coastal Range and Central Depression, and the Andes. Populations from Argentina also emerged as significantly different from those in Chile. These results are interpreted in the context of the postglacial history of the species, and their implications for the development of conservation strategies for Fitzroya are discussed.  相似文献   

Temperate forests of southern South America are globally important because of their high level of endemism. I argue here that within southern South America, rainforests of the Chilean Coastal Range should be the primary target for new conservation efforts. Historically, most protected areas in southern South America have been designated to preserve forests above 600 m, mainly in the Andes. However, Coastal Range forests have higher species richness and are under greater threat than Andean forests at similar latitudes. Coastal forests are characterized by the presence of numerous narrow-range endemics, among them two monotypic plant families. The higher frequency of endemic species in Coastal Range forests is attributed to its more stable biogeographic history compared to the Andes, particularly during the glacial events of the Quaternary. Due to the extent of human impact, the remaining fragments of coastal forests are quite distant from one another, and are disconnected from the larger protected areas of Andean forests. Only 439000 ha of Valdivian coastal forest still remain, including some remnants of primary forest. New private or public reserves should be created to protect the last remnants of continuous forest remaining on the Coastal Range of the Valdivian region (40–42° S). A different conservation strategy should be applied north of 40° S, where protected areas are too small and fragments are too scattered to maintain viable populations of most vertebrates. In this latter area, I recommend expanding existing reserves, restoring native forests, and interconnecting remnant forests through a corridor network.  相似文献   

Taxonomic revision of South American species of Grindelia Willd. has revealed a new species from Argentina, with homogamous capitula and cushion-shaped habit. The taxon is here described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Genista valsecchiae from SW Sardinia is described and illustrated as a species new to science. It is very similar toG. ephedroides and can be distinguished by morphological differences of habit and inflorescence. It typically occurs in the garigue or maquis and is widespread in SW Sardinia.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are presented for the first time for 30 accessions of nine south-eastern South American Lupinus species. Chromosome numbers of 2 n = 32 and 34 were found for L. bracteolaris (three out of five accessions with 2 n = 32) and L. linearis (two out of three accessions with 2 n = 32), and of 2 n = 36 for L. gibertianus , L. lanatus, L. magnistipulatus , L. multiflorus , L. rubriflorus , L. reitzii and L. uleanus . All the South American species examined have relatively low chromosome numbers when compared with most of the Old World and North American species. Our results, where 2 n = 36 is the rule, are in sharp contrast to the data for North American Lupinus species and reveal the following: (1) low chromosome numbers are the rule, at least in the southern part of eastern South America; (2) cytologically, the eastern South American species form a group distinct from the North American taxa; (3) high levels of polyploidy have not played as important a role in evolution and speciation in eastern South America as in North America; (4) the predominance of low chromosome numbers in eastern South American species and the existence of similar numbers in two of the six rough-seeded Old World species support the hypothesis that in the evolution of the genus the eastern South American species branched off first, followed by the rough-seeded group.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Socety , 2002, 139 , 395–400.  相似文献   

As most plants of the Mediterranean region bloom in spring, there have been few studies of the reproductive biology of species with autumn–winter flowering. In this study, we investigate the breeding system of Anagyris foetida , one of the few shrubs that blooms at this time. The floral, phenological, and reproductive aspects of two populations of this Mediterranean legume from south-west Spain were studied via field and laboratory experiments. The variability of fruit and seeds was studied in another 12 Iberian populations with respect to certain meteorological parameters (temperature and rainfall). Anagyris foetida shows cauliflory, marked floral longevity, and adichogamy. The peak of flowering is in January–February. It is self-compatible, with no clear advantage of cross- over self-pollination, and with virtually no autonomous self-pollination. This is because the stigma, like some other legumes, prevents the germination of pollen if its surface is not ruptured by pollinators. The number of seeds per fruit under natural pollination was positively correlated with the total rainfall during the fruiting period (from January to May), and significantly influenced the percentage of fruit weight represented by the pericarp, in the sense that the smaller the number of viable seeds in the fruit, the greater the percentage of pericarp weight.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 519–532.  相似文献   

Despite the unprecedented global decline in extant populations of Aldrovanda vesiculosa in the last century, little is known about the reproductive biology of this iconic aquatic carnivorous plant. This study aimed to investigate the role of seed‐based reproduction in the ecology of A. vesiculosa, with particular focus on the interplay between the regulation of seed dormancy by temperature cues and the efficacy of exogenous ethylene gas to act as a germination stimulant, the desiccation capacity and long‐term storage potential of seeds for conservation purposes. Sexual reproduction appears to be extremely limited in both natural and naturalized populations across three continents, with high variability in the success of flowering and seed set between sites and between seasons. Overall, flowering yielded few fertile fruit (6–19% of flowers producing fertile fruit) and seed viability was variable but generally low (29–88%). Fecundity appears to be influenced by seasonal climatic conditions and microhabitat characteristics. Aldrovanda vesiculosa possesses physiologically dormant seeds, with germination stimulated by exposure to ethylene gas (>90% germination) at 25 °C. Seeds appear sensitive to desiccation and sub‐zero temperature storage, with no germination and markedly reduced embryo growth after storage of seeds for >1 month at 15 °C and 15% relative humidity or after short‐term (24 h) storage at ?18 °C. In the absence of significant conservation and restoration initiatives, the continuing decline of dystrophic freshwater wetland habitats globally leaves A. vesiculosa facing extinction. As the successful long‐term storage of seeds appears unfeasible based on the approaches described in this study, other alternatives for germplasm conservation such as cryostorage of vegetative tissues or zygotic embryos must be considered for establishing long‐term ex situ collections of critical germplasm.  相似文献   

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