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Fusarium circinatum and Fusarium subglutinans are two distinct species in the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex. A genetic linkage map produced from an interspecific cross between these species was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with variation in mycelial growth and morphology of colony margins (CMs) in the 94 F(1) progeny. Mycelial growth was assessed by measuring culture size at 25°C and 30°C, while CM morphology was characterized in the parents and assessed in their F(1) progeny. In order to test the pathogenicity of the progeny, Pinus patula seedlings were inoculated and lesion lengths were measured after 3weeks. Seven putative QTLs were associated with mycelial growth, three for growth at 25°C and four at 30°C. One highly significant QTL (P<0.001) was present at both growth temperatures. For CM morphology, a QTL was identified at the same position (P<0.001) as the QTL responsible for growth at the two temperatures. The putative QTLs accounted for 45 and 41% of the total mycelial growth variation at 25°C and 30°C, respectively, and for 21% of the variation in CM morphology. Only one of the 94 F(1) progeny was pathogenic on P. patula seedlings. This observation could be explained by the genetic constitution of this F(1) isolate, namely that ~96% of its genome originated from the F. circinatum parent. This F(1) individual also grew significantly faster at 25°C than the F. circinatum parent (P<0.05), as well as more rapidly than the average growth for the remaining 93 F(1) progeny (P<0.05). However, no association was found between mycelial growth and pathogenicity at 25°C. The highly significant QTL associated with growth at two temperatures, suggests that this is a principal genomic region involved in mycelial growth at both temperatures, and that the same region is also responsible for CM morphology.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage maps of the European pear ( Pyrus communis L.) cultivar 'Bartlett' and the Japanese pear ( Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivar 'Housui' were constructed based on AFLPs, SSRs from pear, apple and Prunus, isozymes and phenotypic traits by using their F(1) progenies. The map of the female parent Bartlett consisted of 226 loci including 175 AFLPs, 49 SSRs, one isozyme and one S locus on 18 linkage groups over a total length of 949 cM, while that for 'Housui' contained 154 loci including 106 AFLPs, 42 SSRs, two phenotypic traits and the other four markers on 17 linkage groups encompassing a genetic distance of 926 cM. These maps were partially aligned using 20 codominant markers which showed segregating alleles in both parents. Compared with the reports of apple genetic maps, these pear maps were not saturated but were near saturation. Distorted segregation was observed in two and one regions of the genome of Bartlett and Housui, respectively. The position of 14 SSRs originating from apple could be successfully determined in pear maps, which enabled us to compare the two maps. Some SSRs developed from Prunus (peach, cherry) were also mapped. The relationships between pear and the other species belonging to the Rosaceae were discussed based on the position of SSRs.  相似文献   

Strain CAST/Ei (CAST) mice exhibit unusually low levels of high density lipoproteins (HDL) as compared with most other strains of mice, including C57BL/6J (B6). This appears to be due in part to a functional deficiency of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT). LCAT mRNA expression in CAST mice is normal, but the mice exhibit several characteristics consistent with functional deficiency. First, the activity and mass of LCAT in plasma and in HDL of CAST mice were reduced significantly. Second, the HDL of CAST mice were relatively poor in phospholipids and cholesteryl esters, but rich in free cholesterol and apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I). Third, the adrenals of CAST mice were depleted of cholesteryl esters, a phenotype similar to that observed in LCAT- and acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase-deficient mice. Fourth, in common with LCAT-deficient mice, CAST mice contained triglyceride-rich lipoproteins with "panhandle"-like protrusions. To examine the genetic bases of these differences, we studied HDL lipid levels in an intercross between strain CAST and the common laboratory strain B6 on a low fat, chow diet as well as a high fat, atherogenic diet. HDL levels exhibited complex inheritance, as 12 quantitative trait loci with significant or suggestive likelihood of observed data scores were identified. Several of the loci occurred over plausible candidate genes and these were investigated.The results indicate that the functional LCAT deficiency is unlikely to be due to variations of the LCAT gene. Our results suggest that novel genes are likely to be important in the control of HDL metabolism, and they provide evidence of genetic factors influencing the interaction of LCAT with HDL.  相似文献   

Weller JI  Soller M  Brody T 《Genetics》1988,118(2):329-339
Linkage relationships between loci affecting quantitative traits (QTL) and marker loci were examined in an interspecific cross between Lycopersicon esculentum and Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium. Parental lines differed for six morphological markers and for four electrophoretic markers. Almost 1700 F-2 plants were scored with respect to the genetic markers and also with respect to 18 quantitative traits. Major genes affecting the quantitative traits were not found, but out of 180 possible marker x trait combinations, 85 showed significant quantitative effects associated with the genetic markers. The average marker-associated main effect was on the order of 6% of the mean value of the trait. Most of the main effects were apparently due to linkage of QTL to the marker loci rather than to pleiotropy. Fourteen of the traits showed at least one highly significant effect of opposite sign to the overall difference between the parental lines, demonstrating the ability of this design to uncover cryptic genetic variation. Significant variance and skewness effects on the quantitative traits were found to be associated with the genetic markers, suggesting the possible presence of loci affecting the variance and shape of quantitative trait distribution in a population. Most marker-associated quantitative effects showed some degree of dominance, generally in the direction of the L. pimpinellifolium parent. When the significant marker-associated effects were examined in pairs, 12% showed significant interaction effects. The results of this study illustrate the potential usefulness of this type of analysis for the detailed genetic investigation of quantitative trait variation in suitably marked populations.  相似文献   



Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) is well suited to a perennial crop like oil palm, in which the economic products are not produced until several years after planting. The use of DNA markers for selection in such crops can greatly reduce the number of breeding cycles needed. With the use of DNA markers, informed decisions can be made at the nursery stage, regarding which individuals should be retained as breeding stock, which are satisfactory for agricultural production, and which should be culled. The trait associated with oil quality, measured in terms of its fatty acid composition, is an important agronomic trait that can eventually be tracked using molecular markers. This will speed up the production of new and improved oil palm planting materials.  相似文献   

In interspecific pollination of Brassica rapa stigmas with Brassica oleracea pollen grains, pollen tubes cannot penetrate stigma tissues. This trait, called interspecific incompatibility, is similar to self-incompatibility in pollen tube behaviors of rejected pollen grains. Since some B. rapa lines have no interspecific incompatibility, genetic analysis of interspecific incompatibility was performed using two F2 populations. Analysis with an F2 population between an interspecific-incompatible line and a self-compatible cultivar ‘Yellow sarson’ having non-functional alleles of S-locus genes and MLPK, the stigmas of which are compatible with B. oleracea pollen grains, revealed no involvement of the S locus and MLPK in the difference of their interspecific incompatibility phenotypes. In QTL analysis of the strength of interspecific incompatibility, three peaks of LOD scores were found, but their LOD scores were as high as the threshold value, and the variance explained by each QTL was small. QTL analysis using another F2 population derived from selected parents having the highest and lowest levels of interspecific incompatibility revealed five QTLs with high LOD scores, which did not correspond to those found in the former population. The QTL having the highest LOD score was found in linkage group A02. The effect of this QTL on interspecific incompatibility was confirmed by analyzing backcrossed progeny. Based on synteny of this QTL region with Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 5, a possible candidate gene, which might be involved in interspecific incompatibility, is discussed.  相似文献   

Segregation of 692 polymorphic AFLPTM (amplified fragment length polymorphism) fragments was determined in an F2 of the interspecific cross A. roylei x A. cepa. Two different enzyme combinations were used, PstI/MseIand EcoRI/MseI; in the latter one extra selective nucleotide was added to the MseI primer. The map based on A. cepa markers consisted of eight linkage groups with 262 markers covering 694 cM of the expected 800 cM. The map based on A. roylei markers comprised 15 linkage groups with 243 markers and had a length of 626 cM. The two maps were not integrated, and 25% of the markers remained unlinked. One of the alliinase genes and a SCAR marker linked to the disease resistance gene to downy mildew are present on this map. Of the AFLP markers, 50—80% were polymorphic between A. cepa and A. roylei; the level of polymorphic markers between different A. cepa accessions was4-8%. Received: 28 August 1998 / Accepted: 31 March 1999  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of the mouse using interspecific crosses   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  

Genetic control of foliar oil composition was investigated amongst half-sib progeny of an interspecific eucalypt hybrid. The oil was found to be largely composed of the monoterpenes, limonene, α−pinene, γ−terpinene, 1,8 cineole and p-cymene. Due to difficulties in the interpretation of the compositional data based on raw proportions, further analysis was conducted using log-ratio variables. A high degree of intercorrelation amongst log-ratios was thought to be a consequence of commonality in the biosynthetic origins of the monoterpenes. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of log-ratio variables indicated that a significant (68–81%) proportion of the variation in four out of the ten possible log-ratios were controlled by a single genomic region of the maternal Eucalyptus grandis parent. The impact of this genomic region upon oil composition was thought to be a consequence of a gene, or genes, controlling the production of limonene, as limonene was the predominant oil constituent in many hybrid individuals and was common to all log-ratios associated with the identified genomic region. Received: 20 November 1998 / Accepted: 16 June 1999  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility has been found independently in soybean three times since 1995, but no microscopic investigation has been published. The purpose of this microscopic study was to establish the developmental sequence leading to sterility in a cytoplasmic male-sterile soybean line that has been found to be stable under all environmental conditions tested and to demarcate the temporal and spatial parameters that result in degeneration of the microspores and pollen grains. Light microscopy showed an abnormal development and/or premature degeneration of the tapetum after meiosis II, but some pollen grains persisted until after microspore mitosis. The pollen grains never completely filled with reserves. Premature formation of the endothecium also was evident. Histochemical staining for water-insoluble carbohydrates revealed an abnormal pattern of starch deposition in anther walls that coincided with lack of pollen filling. Electron microscopy showed degeneration of the inner mitochondrial membrane in the tapetal cells as the first detectable change leading to cell degeneration. Subsequently, the tapetal endoplasmic reticulum exhibited atypical concentric rings. Pollen grains displayed mitochondria with unusually enlarged inner mitochondrial spaces, degraded plastids, a rudimentary intine, and no starch or lipid reserves. Results link mitochondrial degeneration, premature formation of the endothecium, and energy deprivation to male sterility.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual dimorphism in species with separate sexes is influenced by the resolution of sexual conflicts creating sex differences through genetic linkage or sex‐biased expression. Plants with different degrees of sexual dimorphism are thus ideal to study the genetic basis of sexual dimorphism. In this study we explore the genetic architecture of sexual dimorphism between Silene latifolia and Silene dioica. These species have chromosomal sex determination and differ in the extent of sexual dimorphism. To test whether QTL for sexually dimorphic traits have accumulated on the sex chromosomes and to quantify their contribution to species differences, we create a linkage map and performed QTL analysis of life history, flower and vegetative traits using an unidirectional interspecific F2 hybrid cross. We found support for an accumulation of QTL on the sex chromosomes and that sex differences explained a large proportion of the variance between species, suggesting that both natural and sexual selection contributed to species divergence. Sexually dimorphic traits that also differed between species displayed transgressive segregation. We observed a reversal in sexual dimorphism in the F2 population, where males tended to be larger than females, indicating that sexual dimorphism is constrained within populations but not in recombinant hybrids. This study contributes to the understanding of the genetic basis of sexual dimorphism and its evolution in Silene.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map was developed with 86 F2 plants derived from an interspecific cross between azuki bean (Vigna angularis, 2n=2x=22) and rice bean (V. umbellata, 2n=2x=22). In total, 14 linkage groups, each containing more than 4 markers, were constructed with one phenotypic, 114 RFLP and 74 RAPD markers. The total map size was 1702 cM, and the average distance between markers was 9.7 cM. The loci showing significant deviation from the expected ratio clustered in several linkage groups. Most of the skewed loci were due to the predominance of rice bean alleles. The azuki-rice bean linkage map was compared with other available maps of Vigna species in subgenus Ceratotropis. Based on the lineage of the common mapped markers, 7 and 16 conserved linkage blocks were found in the interspecific map of azuki bean ×V. nakashimae and mungbean map, respectively. Although the present map is not fully saturated, it may facilitate gene tagging, QTL mapping and further useful gene transfer for azuki bean breeding. Received: 20 March 1999 / Accepted: 29 April 1999  相似文献   

A plants capability to develop ectomycorrhizal symbiosis is under the control of both genetic and environmental factors. In order to determine the roles played by these different factors, we have performed a quantitative genetic analysis of the ability of poplar trees to form ectomycorrhizas. Quantitative genetics were applied to an interspecific family of poplar for which the two parental genetic maps had already been described, and for which data analyses concerning fungal aggressors were obtained. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to ectomycorrhiza formation were identified and located in the genetic maps of the two parents. One QTL was located at a linkage group of the genetic map of Populus trichocarpa showing a high concentration of several QTL involved in the pathogenic interaction with the fungus Melampsora larici-populina, the causal agent of leaf rust.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper was to identify the number of major loci explaining caffeine content in coffee seeds. Investigations were based on previously published results: (1) Caffeine binds to chlorogenic acids in a 1:1 molecular ratio; (2) Between species, the caffeine content is correlated to the chlorogenic acid content; (3) Only a part of chlorogenic acids is bound to caffeine. Especially, the content ratio between caffeine and chlorogenic acids varied between species. For identifying the number of major loci, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) approach was carried out using an interspecific cross between two highly differentiated species—Coffea liberica dewevrei and Coffea pseudozanguebariae, the latter being a caffeine-free species. As main finding, two QTLs, i.e., RCQ1 and CQA1, were identified allowing us to explain up to 97 % of the caffeine content variance. RCQ1 explained variation of the caffeine/chlorogenic acid ratio and was genetically independent of the second QTL. The latter explained the part of the caffeine content which was dependent on the chlorogenic acid content. The findings also confirmed that only a part of chlorogenic acids were trapped by caffeine, as in wild species.  相似文献   

Previously, an interspecific cross between Fusarium circinatum and Fusarium subglutinans was used to generate a genetic linkage map. A ca. 55 % of genotyped markers displayed transmission ratio distortion (TRD) that demonstrated a genome-wide distribution. The working hypothesis for this study was that TRD would be non-randomly distributed throughout the genetic linkage map. This would indicate the presence of distorting loci. Using a genome-wide threshold of α = 0.01, 79 markers displaying TRD were distributed on all 12 linkage groups (LGs). Eleven putative transmission ratio distortion loci (TRDLs), spanning eight LGs, were identified in regions containing three or more adjacent markers displaying distortion. No epistatic interactions were observed between these TRDLs. Thus, it is uncertain whether the genome-wide TRD was due to linkage between markers and genomic regions causing distortion. The parental origins of markers followed a non-random distribution throughout the linkage map, with LGs containing stretches of markers originating from only one parent. Thus, due to the nature of the interspecific cross, the current hypothesis to explain these observations is that the observed genome-wide segregation was caused by the high level of genomic divergence between the parental isolates. Therefore, homologous chromosomes do not align properly during meiosis, resulting in aberrant transmission of markers. This also explains previous observations of the preferential transmission of F. subglutinans alleles to the F1 progeny.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific F1 hybrids of Nicotiana debneyi Domin (2n=48) and N. umbratica Burbidge (2n=46), both belonging to the section Suaveolentes, showed a high degree of meiotic chromosome pairing. Two of the five F2 plants obtained exhibited chromosome mosaicism. The first colchiploid generation (C1) had the expected chromosome number of 2n=94 while C2 showed 2n=88, a loss of three pairs of chromosomes. This same chromosome number continued in further colchiploid generations, followed up to C5, except for a few plants in C3 which showed chromosome mosaicism. The F1 phenotype was stable through C1 to C5 and fertility was normal in colchiploids through all generations in spite of the loss of three pairs of chromosomes and chromosome mosaicism. This stability and fertility apparently reflect the tolerance of the genomes to the genetic adjustment of chromosome complements which is believed to be associated with the originally polyploid nature of the parental species and the chromosome doubling brought about in the amphidiploids.  相似文献   

The New World honey ant species Myrmecocystus mimicus is well known for its highly stereotyped territorial tournaments, and for the raids on conspecific nests that can lead to intraspecific slavery. Our results from mitochondrial and nuclear markers show that the raided brood emerges in the raiding colony and is subsequently incorporated into the colony's worker force. We also found enslaved conspecifics in a second honey ant species, M. depilis, the sister taxon of M. mimicus, which occurs in sympatry with M. mimicus at the study site. Colonies of this species furthermore contained raided M. mimicus workers. Both species have an effective mating frequency that is not significantly different from 1. This study provides genetic evidence for facultative intra- and interspecific slavery in the genus Myrmecocystus. Slavery in ants has evolved repeatedly and supposedly by different means. We propose that, in honey ants, secondary contact between two closely related species that both exhibit intraspecific slavery gave rise to an early form of facultative interspecific slavery.  相似文献   

Solanum incanum, the wild ancestor of eggplant, Solanum melongena, has been considered as a source of variation for high content of phenolic acid conjugates in breeding programmes aimed at improving the functional quality of eggplant. We have evaluated the morphological and phenolic acids content in an interspecific family including S. incanum (P1), S. melongena (P2), their interspecific hybrid (F1), progeny from the selfing of the F1 (F2) and the backcross of the F1 to P2 (BC1P2). Many morphological differences were found between parents, while the F1 was intermediate for most traits. However, F1 plants were taller and pricklier and presented higher fruit flesh browning than any of the parents. F2 and BC1P2 were morphologically highly variable and the results obtained suggest that a rapid recovery of the characteristic combination of S. melongena traits can be achieved in a few backcross generations. Segregation for prickliness was found to be compatible with simple genetic control, prickliness being dominant over non‐prickliness. A total of 16 phenolic acid conjugates were studied, of which chlorogenic acid (5‐O‐(E)‐caffeoylquinic acid) was the most common compound in all samples, averaging 77.8% of all hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. Contents of total phenolic acid conjugates were much higher in S. incanum than in S. melongena fruit flesh, and no major differences were found in the profile of phenolic acids among parents. The interspecific hybrid (F1) was intermediate between the two parents in phenolic acids content. Non‐segregating generations presented considerable variation in phenolic acids content, but the range of variation was wider in segregating F2 and BC1P2 generations. Additive genetic effects were the most important in explaining the results obtained for the phenolic acids content. A number of BC1P2 plants presented a good combination of phenolic acids content and fruit weight or flesh browning. Overall, the results demonstrate that improvement of functional quality in S. melongena can be obtained using S. incanum as a donor of alleles for high phenolic acids content.  相似文献   

光合作用的冰冻伤害研究大多利用离体叶片、原生质体,甚至叶绿体类囊体进行人工冰冻预处理,关于室外自然温度下出现的植物光合作用冰冻伤害,特别是冰冻影响光合量子效率的研究报告还很少。虽然光合碳同化受抑是最早可以测到的冰冻伤害征状,但其机理迄今不清楚(Krause等1982,Krause和Klosson1983)。  相似文献   

 Most cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) are sensitive to salinity during seed germination and at later stages. Genetic resources for salt tolerance have been identified within the related wild species of tomato. The purpose of the present study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for salt tolerance during germination in an inbred backcross (BC1S1) population of an interspecific cross between a salt-sensitive tomato breeding line (NC84173, maternal and recurrent parent) and a salt-tolerant Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium accession (LA722). Onehundred and nineteen BC1 individuals were genotyped for 151 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers and a genetic linkage map was constructed. The parental lines and 119 BC1S1 families (self-pollinated progeny of 119 BC1 individuals) were evaluated for germination at an intermediate salt-stress level (150 mM NaCl+15 mM CaCl2, water potential approximately −850 kPa). Germination was scored visually as radicle protrusion at 8-h intervals for 28 consecutive days. Germination response was analyzed by survival analysis and the time to 25, 50, and 75% germination was determined. In addition, a germination index (GI) was calculated as the weighted mean of the time from imbibition to germination for each family/line. Interval mapping, single-marker analysis and distributional extreme analysis, were used to identify QTLs and the results of all three mapping methods were generally similar. Seven chromosomal locations with significant effects on salt tolerance were identified. The L. pimpinellifolium accession had favorable QTL alleles at six locations. The percentage of phenotypic variation explained (PVE) by individual QTLs ranged from 6.5 to 15.6%. Multilocus analysis indicated that the cumulative action of all significant QTLs accounted for 44.5% of the total phenotypic variance. A total of 12 pairwise epistatic interactions were identified, including four between QTL-linked and QTL-unlinked regions and eight between QTL-unlinked regions. Transgressive phenotypes were observed in the direction of salt sensitivity. The graphical genotyping indicated a high correspondence between the phenotypes of the extreme families and their QTL genotypes. The results indicate that tomato salt tolerance during germination can be improved by marker-assisted selection using interspecific variation. Received: 29 January 1998 / Accepted: 4 June 1998  相似文献   

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