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We describe a procedure of preparing [32P]phosphotyrosyl histones with minimal contamination by 32P-labeled lipids; the latter was usually found to be mixed with the phosphoproteins when the cell membrane-enriched fraction of A-431 cells was used as a source of tyrosine kinase. The phosphatase activities previously found to be associated with the plasma membranes of a human astrocytoma were resolved using purified [32P]phosphotyrosyl histones and [32P]phosphatidylinositol phosphate. In comparison with the phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase, the phosphatidylinositol phosphate phosphatase activity is more active over a broad range of pH values, and its activity is inhibited by fluoride, zinc chloride, and lower concentrations of vanadate.  相似文献   

Differential filtration was used to apportion [32p]orthophosphate(P1) uptake to predominantly bacterial (<3 µm) or algal(>3 µm) components of Lake Kinneret microplankton.Bacteria generally showed preferential 32Pi uptake in comparisonwith algae. Nevertheless, in most cases, the relative proportionof 32P counts retained on 3 µm filters was greater thanthe proportion of 14C counts from heterotrophic bacterial incorporationof [14Clglucose, indicating that algae were competing for Piwith bacteria with some measure of success. Most time courseexperiments did not show any consistent transfer of 32P frombacteria to algae. The addition of a bacterial inhibitor (garamycin)caused a relative increase in the proportion of algal to bacterial32Pi uptake. Added organic P substrates lowered the amount of32Pi uptake and appeared to be preferentially utilized by bacteria.Apparent residence times for Pi in Lake Kinneret ranged from0.4 h (prior to overturn) to 17.4 h during bomothermy. Despitelow ambient Pi concentrations, P limitation in Lake Kinneretis not as extreme as in many other aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Leaf discs of brinjal, tomato, sugar cane and maize rapidly incorporated [32P]orthophosphate into total phospholipids. Analyses of the labelled lipid extracts by thin-layer chromatography, autoradiography and comparison with inositol phospholipid standards demonstrated the labelling of phosphatidylinositol monophosphate and phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate in addition to other phospholipids. The presence of polyphosphoinositides was further confirmed by deacylation of phosphatidylinositol monophosphate and phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate and separation of the water-soluble products, glycerophosphoinositol phosphate and glycerophosphoinositol bisphosphate by formate exchange chromatography. Incorporation of [32P]orthophosphate into inositol phospholipids was time-dependent, with monoester phosphate groups attaining isotopic equilibrium within 90 min of incubation. After 2 h, incorporation of label into phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol monophosphate and phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate was about 15, 10 and 3%, respectively, of the total phospholipids. The ratio of radioactivity in phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylinositol monophosphate/phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate was about 5:5:1 in brinjal leaves. However, this ratio may be an overestimate of the amounts of inositol phospholipids present, as other lysophospholipids may comigrate with standards.  相似文献   

The direct intratesticular injection of [32P]phosphate resulted in 4–9 times more labelling of rat testis proteins compared to the conventional method of in vitro incubation. Moreover this is a simple technique requiring minimum (7–10 times less) radioactive phosphate and is less hazardous.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the separation and quantification of 32P-labeled carbohydrates and nucleotides in blood platelets which have been pulse-labeled with [32P]orthophosphate. The procedure is based on two-dimensional paper chromatography, identification of the spots by radioautography and enzymatic methods, and quantitation of 32P radioactivity by liquid scintillation counting. The data show that 32P is homogeneously distributed among the compounds studied so that the total radioactivity is proportional to the levels of these compounds in the metabolic compartment of the cells. Thus, this method provides a sensitive and accurate means to evaluate phosphorylated intermediates in glycolysis and nucleotide metabolism and to assess the transfer of energy-rich phosphate groups between these pathways in particular.  相似文献   

The specific activity of the gamma-32P position of ATP was measured in various tissue preparations by two methods. One employed HPLC and the enzymatic conversion of ATP to glucose 6-phosphate and ADP. The other was based on the phosphorylation of histone by catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Hawkins, P.T., Michell, R.H. and Kirk, C.J. (1983) Biochem. J. 210, 717-720). The HPLC method also allowed the incorporation of 32P into the (alpha + beta)-positions of ATP to be determined. In rat epididymal fat-pad pieces and fat-cell preparations the specific activity of [gamma-32P]ATP attained a steady-state value after 1-2 h incubation in medium containing 0.2 mM [32P]phosphate. Addition of insulin or the beta-agonist isoprenaline increased this value by 5-10% within 15 min. Under these conditions the steady-state specific activity of [gamma-32P]ATP was 30-40% of the initial specific activity of the medium [32P]phosphate. However, if allowance was made for the change in medium phosphate specific activity during incubations the equilibration of the gamma-phosphate position of ATP with medium phosphate was greater than 80% in both preparations. The change in medium phosphate specific activity was a combination of the expected equilibration of [32P]phosphate with exchangeable intracellular phosphate pools plus the net release of substantial amounts of tissue phosphate. At external phosphate concentrations of less than 0.6 mM the loss of tissue phosphate to the medium was the major factor in the change in medium phosphate specific activity. It is concluded that little advantage is gained in employing external phosphate concentrations of less than 0.6 mM in experiments concerned with the incorporation of phosphate into proteins and other intracellular constituents. Indeed, a low external phosphate concentration may cause depletion of important intracellular phosphorus-containing components.  相似文献   

1. The incorporation of [(32)P]phosphate into phospholipids was measured in slices cut from the pial surface of guinea-pig cerebral cortex; incorporation into the phosphorus of some water-soluble precursors of phospholipid was measured under similar conditions. 2. Slices subjected to overall electrical stimulation at a frequency of 5pulses/sec. differed from control slices in their pattern of phospholipid labelling. After 1hr. of stimulation, incorporation of [(32)P]phosphate into phosphatidylcholine, ethanolamine phospholipid and cardiolipin was respectively 54, 55 and 58% of the control value, and that into phosphatidylinositol was 186% of control. Phosphatidic acid labelling tended to increase with electrical stimulation, but the statistical significance of this change was marginal. Labelling of phosphatidylglycerol and di- and tri-phosphoinositides was not affected significantly by electrical stimulation. 3. Electrical stimulation of the tissue altered the specific radioactivities of water-soluble precursors of phospholipid. 4. The turnover rates of the phosphate groups of phospholipids were estimated approximately from the specific radioactivities of phospholipids and their precursors. Phosphatidylinositol (and its lipid-soluble precursors) showed the largest change in turnover rate in response to electrical stimulation of the tissue; the turnover rates of other lipids were also affected. Changes in the specific radioactivity of phospholipids did not correspond to changes in turnover in these experiments.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the enzymatic preparation of alpha-(32)P-labeled ribo- and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, cyclic [(32)P]AMP, and cyclic [(32)P]GMP of high specific radioactivity and in high yield from (32)Pi. The method also enables the preparation of [gamma-(32)P]ATP, [gamma-(32)P]GTP, [gamma-(32)P]ITP, and [gamma-(32)P]-dATP of very high specific activity and in high yield. The preparation of the various [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates relies on the phosphorylation of the respective 3'-nucleoside monophosphates with [gamma-(32)P]ATP by polynucleotide kinase and a subsequent nuclease reaction to form [5'-(32)P]nucleoside monophosphates. The [5'-(32)P]nucleoside monophosphates are then converted enzymatically to the respective triphosphates. All of the reactions leading to the formation of [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates are carried out in the same reaction vessel, without intermediate purification steps, by the use of sequential reactions with the respective enzymes. Cyclic [(32)P]AMP and cyclic [(32)P]GMP are also prepared enzymatically from [alpha-(32)P]ATP or [alpha-(32)P]GTP by partially purified preparations of adenylate or guanylate cyclases. With the exception of the cyclases, all enzymes used are commerically available. The specific activity of (32)P-labeled ATP made by this method ranged from 200 to 1000 Ci/mmol for [alpha-(32)P]ATP and from 5800 to 6500 Ci/mmol for [gamma-(32)P]ATP. Minor modifications of the method should permit higher specific activities, especially for the [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates. Methods for the use of the [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside phosphates are described for the study of adenylate and guanylate cyclases, cyclic AMP- and cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase, cyclic nucleotide binding proteins, and as precursors for the synthesis of other (32)P-labeled compounds of biological interest. Moreover, the [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates prepared by this method should be very useful in studies on nucleic acid structure and metabolism and the [gamma-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates should be useful in the study of phosphate transfer systems.  相似文献   

This method describes a procedure that can be carried out easily to obtain large amounts of [32P]phosphatidylcholine and [32P]lysophosphatidylcholine. The method involves germinating soya beans in the presence of [32P]Pi. The yield was 0.58% for [P]phosphatidylcholine and 0.52% for [32P]lysophosphatidylcholine, and the specific radioactivity of both was 10(7) d.p.m./mumol.  相似文献   

When isolated human fibroblast lysosomes are incubated with 4 microM [32P]phosphate at pH 7.0, orthophosphate is transported into lysosomes and is rapidly incorporated into low and high molecular weight products. We have characterized the high molecular weight (HMW) lysosomal material into which [32P]phosphate is incorporated and have found it to consist of long chains of inorganic polyphosphate based on the following observations. 1) greater than 97% of HMW 32P-lysosomal material is converted to [32P]orthophosphate when incubated with 1 N HCl for 20 min at 100 degrees C. 2) Incubation of HMW 32P-lysosomal material at pH 7.0 and 65 degrees C for 96 h results in the formation of [32P]trimetaphosphate, which is known to be produced only from linear chains of polyphosphate under these conditions. 3) HMW 32P-lysosomal material is resistant to degradation by proteinase K, ribonuclease, and deoxyribonuclease and extracts into the aqueous phase during phenol/chloroform extractions. 4) HMW 32P-lysosomal material displays heterogeneous mobility on polyacrylamide gels with most chains ranging in length from 100 to at least 600 phosphate residues. 5) HMW 32P-lysosomal material is partially hydrolyzed under alkaline conditions to yield a continuous ladder of polyphosphate species differing by one or several residues in length on polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

An enzymatic method for the synthesis of [beta-32P]ADP from [gamma-32P]ATP is described. This substrate is required for the assay of ADPase and is not commercially available. The method described results in a preparation of [beta-32P]ADP of high purity with a yield of approximately 40% the theoretical obtainable.  相似文献   

[32P]Azidonitrophenyl phosphate [( 32P]ANPP) is a photoactivatable analogue of Pi. It competes efficiently with Pi for binding to the F1 sector of beef heart mitochondrial ATPase and photolabels the Pi binding site located in the beta subunit of F1 [Lauquin, G. J. M., Pougeois, R., & Vignais, P. V. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 4620-4626]. By cleavage of the photolabeled beta subunit of F1 with cyanogen bromide, trypsin, and chymotrypsin, bound [32P]ANPP was localized in a fragment spanning Thr 299-Phe 326. By Edman degradation of the radiolabeled tryptic peptide spanning Ile 296-Arg 337, [32P]ANPP was found to be attached covalently by its photoreactive group to Ile 304, Gln 308, and Tyr 311. These results are discussed in terms of a model in which the phosphate group of [32P]ANPP interacts with a glycine-rich sequence of the beta subunit, spanning Gly 156-Lys 162, which is spatially close to the photolabeled Ile 304-Tyr 311 segment of the same subunit.  相似文献   

1. Evidence is given for three sites of phosphorylation in the alpha-chains of the decarboxylase component of purified rat heart pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, analogous to those established for procine and bovine complexes. Inactivation of rat heart complex was correlated with phosphorylation of site 1. Relative initial rates of phosphorylation were site 1 greater than site 2 greater than site 3. 2. Methods are described for measurement of incorporation of 32Pi into the complex in rat heart mitochondria oxidizing 2-oxoglutarate + L-malate (total, sites 1, 2 and 3). Inactivation of the complex was related linearly to phosphorylation of site 1 in mitochondria of normal or diabetic rats. The relative initial rates of phosphorylation were site 1 greater than site 2 greater than site 3. Rates of site-2 and site-3 phosphorylation may have been closer to that of site 1 in mitochondria of diabetic rats than in mitochondria of normal rats. 3. The concentration of inactive (phosphorylated) complex was varied in mitochondria from normal rats by inhibiting the kinase reaction with pyruvate at concentrations ranging from 0.15 to 0.4 mM. The results showed that the concentration of inactive complex is related linearly to incorporation of 32Pi into site 1. Inhibition of 32Pi incorporations with pyruvate at all concentrations over this range was site 3 greater than site 2 greater than site 1. 4. With mitochondria from diabetic rats, pyruvate (0.15-0.4 mM) inhibited incorporation of 32Pi into site 3, but it had no effect on the concentration of inactive complex or on incorporations of 32Pi into site 1 or site 2. It is concluded that site-3 phosphorylation is not required for inactivation of the complex in rat heart mitochondria. 5. Evidence is given that phosphorylation of sites 2 and 3 may inhibit reactivation of the complex by dephosphorylation in rat heart mitochondria.  相似文献   

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