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Teucrium creticum L. and T. orientale L. var. orientale are two related taxa in Teucrium sect. Teucrium . In this study, the value of anatomical and micromorphological characters for distinguishing between these two taxa is analysed. Transverse sections of the stem, as well as both transverse and surface sections of the leaves were examined anatomically. According to the data obtained, collenchyma and sclerenchyma do grow more in T. creticum than in T. orientale var. orientale . The leaves of T. creticum are hypostomatic and have a characteristic hypodermis, which is under the upper epidermis, as well as abundant spherocrystals in the upper epidermis. The leaves of T. orientale var. orientale are amphistomatic, yet no spherocristals exists in epidermal cells and the hypodermis is absent. The results obtained from studies carried out under scanning electron microscope (SEM) shows that the nutlet micromorphology varies between the two taxa. In both taxa, the nutlet surfaces are reticulate and glandular. Eglandular hairs do occur. However, in T. orientale var. orientale , 20–60 μm long eglandular hairs with scabrid surface occur only along the margins of the nutlets, whereas the ¾ dorsal sides of the nutlets in T. creticum are all covered with 90–500 μm long, smooth-surfaced hairs. Additionally, while the glandular hairs on the nutlets of T. creticum are subsessile, those on the nutlets of T. orientale var. orientale are capitate and distinctly stalked.  相似文献   

To evaluate nutlets characteristics for systematic relationships, a comprehensive morphological and micro‐morphological study of the nutlets of 16 Iranian taxa of Nepeta (Lamiaceae) was conducted using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Differences in surface ornamentation, size, shape and color were observed between the species. The studied taxa were categorized in two basic types based on surface ornamentation: non‐sculptured (smooth‐type) and sculptured nutlets. The non‐sculptured nutlets type could be further divided into four sub‐types, including smooth, granulate, undulate‐cellular and reticulate. In the sculptured nutlets, three subtypes of tuberculate, tuberculate‐cellular and verrucate were recognized. The shape of nutlets were described as oblong, ovoid‐oblong, oblong‐linear, to elliptic‐oblong and their size range are 1.2–2.0 mm in length and 0.5–2.0 mm in width. Based on micrographs, the areole form and location were defined as bi‐lobed, straight, basal, sub‐basal or lateral. Nutlet micromorphological characteristics such as surface ornamentation can be useful for classification and identification of e.g. medicinal species of Nepeta in Iran.  相似文献   

本文以藓类植物的幼嫩孢蒴为材料,对秦岭地区14种藓类植物的染色体作了观察,并对其中的长尖提灯藓进行了核型分析。结果如下:细叶真藓Bryum capillare L.ex Hedw.n=10;长尖提灯藓Mnium lycopodioides Schwaegr.n=6,核型公式为n=6=3m+3sm(1SAT)侧枝匍灯藓Plagiomnium maximoviczii(Lindb.)T.Kop.n=6;梨蒴珠藓皱叶变种Bartramia pomiformis var.elongata Turn. n=10+2m;细枝羽藓Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) Mitt. n=11;尖叶羽藓Thuidium philibortii Limpr. n=10+1m;褐黄水灰藓Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Wils.) Loesk. n=10;钩枝镰刀藓Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst. n=7+3m; 黄叶细湿藓Campylium chrysophyllum (Brid.) J. Lange. n=10;林地青藓Brachythecium starkei (Brid.) B. S. G. n=16;多褶青藓 Brachythecium buchananii (Hook.) Jaeg. n=6;扁枝小锦藓Brotherella yokohamae (Broth.) Broth. n=9+2m; 粗枝藓Gollania neckerella (C. Mull.) Broth. n=7; 暖地金发藓, Pogonatum fastigiatum Mitt. n=7;其中粗枝藓和扁枝小锦藓的染色体数尚未见报道;林地青藓和多褶青藓的染色体数与所见报道的结果不同:其余10种与前人报道的结果一致。  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers in fourteen moss species from the Qinling Range, and karyotype of Mnium lycopodioides are reported in this paper. Immature capsules were used as material. Bryum capillare L. ex Hedw was found. to have n = 10; Mnium lycopodioides Schwaegr. n = 6 with the karyotype formula n = 6 = 3m+3sm (1SAT); Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindl.)T. Kop. n=6; Bartramia halleriana var. elongate Turn. n=10+2m; Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) Mitt. n= 11; Thuidium philibertii Limpr. n= 10+m; Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Wils.) Loesk. n=10; Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst. n = 7+3m; Campylium chrysophyllus (Brid.) J. Lange. n = 10; Brachythecium starkei (Brid.) B. S. G. n=6; Brachythecium buchananii (Hook.) Jaeg. n=6; Brotherella yokohamae (Broth.)Broth. n= 9+2m; Gollamia neckerella (C. MÜll. )Broth. N=7; Pogonatum fastigiatum Mitt. n = 7. No report on the chromosome number of Brotherella yokohamae and Gollania neckerella has been found. The chromosome numbers in Brachythecium starkei andBrachythecium buchananii (Hook.) Jaeg. are different from previous reports, while the others are in accordance with the previous reports.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and analyses of meiotic metaphase I are reported for the following taxa: Agropyron cristatum subsp. incanum (2 n = 42), A. cristatum subsp. pecttnatum (2 n =28 – 33), Elymus elongatus subsp. ponticus (2 n = 69, 70), E. hispidus var. hispidus (2 n = 41 43), var. podperae (2 n = 42) and var. villosus (2 n = 41, 42), E. libanoticus (2 n = 14), E. pertenuis (2 n = 28, 28+1B), E. repens (2 n = 42), E. transhyrcanus (2 n = 40–42), E. hispidus var. villosus x E. cf. repens (2 n = 42). Chromosome numbers only are reported for the following taxa: E. gentri (2 n = 41, 42), E. nodosus subsp. dorudicus (2 n = 28), and E. elongatiformis (2 n = 56, 57). The haploid genomic constitution SP is reported for Elymus pertenuis. Variable chromosome numbers (2 n = 28–32) were observed in the meiotic metaphase I within single anthers of Agropyron cristatum subsp. pectinatum , and the supernumerary chromosomes in this taxon are assumed to have originated from crosses with hexaploids. Partial elimination of these supernumerary chromosomes probably occurs during archesporial mitotic divisions or at an early stage in the meiotic cycle. A hybrid, morphologically intermediate between E. hispidus and E. repens , was obtained from a seed of E. hispidus collected in the field. The meiotic metaphase I configuration in this E. hispidus hybrid suggests that the pollen parent may itself be a hybrid or hybrid derivative of E. repens x E. hispidus.  相似文献   

Coreopsis mutica is a highly variable species occurring in the highlands from Central Mexico southeastward barely into El Salvador and Honduras. It is not continuous over this range, however, but is found in three geographic population centers: one in Guatemala and Chiapas, a second in Oaxaca, and the third in Central Mexico. Populations in Guatemala and Chiapas are uniform in chromosome number (2n = 56), leaf flavonoid chemistry, and morphology. Var.microcephala is proposed to accommodate these assemblages. Plants comprising populations centered around Cd. Oaxaca have a chromosome number of 2n = ca. 112. This large complex consists of two distinct varieties and their putative hybrids. Those plants to the northwest of Cd. Oaxaca (var.subvillosa) are constant in leaf flavonoid chemistry (producing only flavones) and possess a combination of distinctive morphological traits. To the southeast of Cd. Oaxaca plants invariably contain flavonols and anthochlors in their leaves in addition to flavones. Moreover, these plants (the newly proposed var.carnosijolia) are readily separable from var.subvillosa by a number of morphological features. Evidence is presented that the two taxa hybridize in the vicinity of Cd. Oaxaca. On the southeastern edge of the var.subvittosavar. carnosifolia complex a population was encountered which has a chromosome number of 2n = 56 and a very distinctive morphology and flavonoid chemistry. These plants have been accorded taxonomic status as var.multiligulata. Two morphologically similar, yet distinguishable, varieties occur in Central Mexico. It has been determined that the two differ also in chromosome number and leaf flavonoid chemistry. One taxon (var.leptomera) has a chromosome complement of 2n = 56 and produces only flavones in its leaves, whereas var.mutica has a chromosome number of 2n = ca. 112 and produces flavones, flavonols, and anthochlors.  相似文献   

对国产11种2变种共16个居群的香茶菜属植物的染色体数目进行了研究。除线纹香茶菜细花变种以外,其它种类的染色体数目均为首次报道。研究结果表明,有12个物种为二倍体,其染色体数目均为2n=24,推测该属植物的染色体基数为x=12。而细锥香茶菜既有染色体数目为2n=24的居群,也存在2n=48的居群,表明该种为二倍体或四倍体,同时2n=48的染色体数目也是香茶菜属内的首次报道。  相似文献   

Reported in the present paper are chromosome numbers and karyotypes of three genera of the Gesneriaceae, i.e. Ancylostemon Craib. , Briggsiopsis (Franch.) K. Y. Pan and Lysionotus D. Don. The former two genera are endemic to China. The karyotype of Ancylostemon aureus (Franch.) Burtt is formulated as 2n = 34 = 20m(1sat) + 14sm, with the same chromosome number as its allied species A. convexus Craib. This species is characterized by the interphase nucleus of complex chromocenter type and the proximal type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of the monospecific genus Briggsiopsis is 2n = 34, the same as the lowest chromosome number reported in Briggsia. The karyotype of Briggsiopsis, which is formulated as 2n = 25m + 6sm + 3st, also seems to be primitive among the species of the two genera. Briggsiopsis is characterized by the interphase nucleus of simple-complex chromocenter type and the interstitial-gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of Lysionotus carnosus Hemsl. is the lowest reported in this genus. Its karyotype is formulated as 2n= 30 = 21m + 5sm + 3st + lt. Lysionotus serratus var. pterocaulis, with the karyotype being formulated as 2n= 32 = 2lm + 10sm + lt, has the same chromosome number as var. serratus. These two species show a remarkable differentiation of karyotypes and are characterized by the interphase nuclei of simple-complex chromocenter type and the gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. _ .  相似文献   

Cunnighamia unicanaliculata D. Y. Wang et H. L. Liu and var. pyramidalis D. Y. Wang et H. L. Lin, two new taxa recently found in south-western Sichuan Province of China, have both a very restricted yet sympatric geographical distribution, including Dechang and Miyi districts.[7] There is a debate as regards the specific status of C. unicanaliculata. A comparative karyological investigation, including chromosome numbers, karyotype analyses and measurements of nuclear volume and DNA contents, was under- taken in order to shed some light on the phylogenetic relationships between these taxa and C. lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. The kaxyotype formulas of the above two taxa and C. lanceolata are as follows: C.unicanaliculata; K(2n) = 22 =L8m+ S12m+S2sm; C. unicanaliculata var. pyramidalis: K(2n)= 22= L8m +S10m+S4sm; C. lanceolata (Type A): K(2n) =22 = Lsm+ S14m S2sm; C. lanceolata(TypeB): K(2n) = 22 = L8m + S14m . Frown the above karyotypes, we have found that C. unicanaliculata and var. pyrami- dalis, which are very similar to each other, are closely related to C. lanceolata (Type B), but seem more strongly differentiated in the following respects: (1) the former posses- sing 1--2 pairs of chromosomes with submedian primary constrictions each, while the latter with all chromosomes possessing median primary constrictions; (2) the satellites of the former being always located on the 4th pair of chromosomes, whereas the position of satellites of the latter varying with geographical distribution, being usually on the 1st and 4th pairs of chromosomes; (3) B-chromosomes being present in the latter (predominantly in the geographical races of southwestern China) but not seen in the former; (4) the average chromosome volume of C. unicanaliculata var. pyramidalis being 623.44, while those of the four geographical races of C. lanceolata being 667.2–796.0; (5) the comparative DNA amount of C. unicanaliculata var. pyramidalis being 5.54, while those of the various geographical races of C. lanceolata being 6.20–7.67. Upon an overall comparison of the data with regard to karyology, geographical distribution, ecology, morphology and isoenzymic patterns of the taxa in question, we come to the following conclusions. Cunninghamia unicanaliculata and var. pyramidalis are most likely taxa originated from natural populations of C. lanceolata. The extreme environmental conditions of the habitats axe thought to have played an important role in the production of these two new taxa. An elevation of over 2000 meters and the periodical aridity of climate of the habitat, which differed remarkably from those of C. lanceolata, made possible the isolation of alternative populations, accompanied by selection for adaptation to extreme environments. But the differences between these two newly found taxa and C. lanceolata are karyologically minor and morphologically quantitative and tend to display a more or less continuous variation pattern. It is, therefore, suggested that they are probably geographical races or ecotypes of C. lanceolata, and are not distinct enough from the latter to warrant specific status. It seems best to treat both C. unicanaliculata and var. pyramidalis as infraspecific catorories of C. lanceolata.  相似文献   

从形态和细胞学角度,对舟果荠和光果舟果荠的果实与种子形态、花粉形态以及染色体数目进行了比较研究,并对光果舟果荠的分类地位进行了重新探讨.结果表明,舟果荠和光果舟果荠的种子大小及形态和微形态基本相似,但前者的果实密被柔毛,花粉粒体积比后者的大,染色体数目为2n=14,而后者的果实光滑无毛,染色体数目为2n=12.二者在果实与花粉粒形态以及染色体基数上存在明显的差异.建议将光果舟果荠独立成种,恢复原有的分类位置.  相似文献   

A karyological study of 15 taxa ofScorzonera L. from the Iberian Peninsula has been made. The chromosome numbers found inS. hispanica var.pinnatifida, S. baetica, S. reverchonii, S. angustifolia, S. laciniata var.calcitrapifolia and var.subulata (2n = 14) are new. Diploid cytotypes with 2n = 14 and 2n = 12 prevail, andS. hispanica var.crispatula is the only taxon which exhibits autopolyploidy (2n = 14, 28). x = 7 is considered to be the base chromosome number within the genus, with x = 6 being derived from it by translocation. This and detailed karyotype analyses allow to group the Iberian Peninsula species ofScorzonera into three groups.  相似文献   

New chromosome counts are reported for Boronia clavata 2 n  = 14, B. heterophylla 'Near White' 2 n  = 15, B.  'Carousel' 2 n  = 16, B. deanei 2 n  = 22, B. chartacea 2 n  = 32, B. keysii 2 n  = 32, B. pilosa 2 n  = 44, B. anethifolia 2 n  = 36 and B. citriodora 2 n  = 108. Studies in 20 genotypes of 18 species and one interspecific hybrid revealed that they are highly complex in terms of chromosome number, ploidy level, chromosomal length, karyotype constitution and asymmetry. Karyotype analysis indicated that Boronia taxa with high chromosome numbers are primitive and those with lower numbers are derived. The basic chromosome number for this genus is suggested to be x = 18. Analysis of chromosome number, variations of total chromosome length (TCL) and average chromosome length (ACL), Nombre Fondamental (NF) and karyotype asymmetry suggest that dysploid reduction is the major mechanism in Boronia karyotype evolution. Chromosomal rearrangements might also have been involved. Origin, chromosome number changes and spread of Boronia are discussed in relation to the species divergence and the geological and climatic changes of the Australian continent.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 309–320.  相似文献   

几种重楼的染色体核型研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
作者对重楼属(Paris)的几个种:球药隔重楼(P.fargesii),毛重楼(P.mairei),花叶重搂(P.marmorata),黑籽重楼(P.thibetica),海南重楼(P.dunniana),巴山重搂(P.bashanensis),以及多叶重楼(P.polyphylla)的两个变种狭叶重楼(var.stenophylla)和华重楼(var.chinensis)的染色体核型进行了研究,发现种间及种内不同居群(population)间的核型都存在不同程度的差别。核型简式为:球药隔重楼K(2n)=2x=10=6m+2t(SAT)+2t+3bs,毛重楼K(2n)=2x=10=6m+4t+1bs,花叶重楼K(2n)=2x=10=6m+4t,黑籽重楼K(2n)=2x=10=2m+4m(SAT)+4t,海南重楼K(2n)=2X=10=6m+2t(SAT)+2t,巴山重楼K(2n)=2x=10=6m+4st,狭叶重楼K(2n)=2x=10=6m+1st+3t,华重楼K(2n)=2x=10=6m+4t。  相似文献   

Meiotic chromosome counts, chromosomal behaviour and meiotic configurations of ten taxa of Senecio from Argentina were examined. Most counts are original: S. crepidifolius DC., S. francisci Phil. and S. octolepis Griseb. var. saltensis (Hicken) Cabrera & Zardini have 2 n  = 40, and S. chrysolepis Phil., 2 n  = 80 + 8B. We confirmed previous reports for S. deferens Griseb. (2 n  = 40 + 4B), S. filaginoides DC. var. filaginoides (2 n  = 40), S. hieronymi Griseb. (2 n  = 40 + 7B), S. pampeanus Cabrera (2 n  = 40) and S. rudbeckiifolius Meyen & Walp. (2 n  = 40 + 7B). In S. bracteolatus Hook. & Arn. var. bracteolatus , we found a new number (2 n  = 40) that differs from the one cited previously. In four species, numerical polymorphisms for B-chromosomes were observed. Several of the analysed species presented secondary bivalent association. This phenomenon, together with other evidence, supports x  = 5 as the basic chromosome number. The number of chiasmata and their positions were also surveyed, with the finding that open bivalents were the most frequent meiotic figures and terminal chiasmata the preferential position. These features are related to recombination rate, and the success and persistence of these polyploids. We discuss some systematic and evolutionary aspects in the light of cytogenetic data and conclude that polyploidy is the major force modelling the chromosome evolution within this genus.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 465–474.  相似文献   

Aegilops caudata L. is an annual wild relative of wheat distributed over the northeastern Mediterranean basin. It consists of two taxonomic varieties, var. typica with awnless lateral spikelets and var.polyathera with awned lateral spikelets. To clarify the variation and the geographical distribution of the genotypes controlling the diagnostic spike morphology of the two taxonomic varieties, three crossing experiments were carried out. First, two varieties collected from nine sympatric populations in the Aegean islands were crossed reciprocally. All of the F1 hybrids were var. typica and the segregation ratio in the F2 generation was 3 typica: 1 polyathera. Secondly, 13 typica accessions collected from the entire distribution area of the variety were crossed with a common polyathera accession. The F1 hybrids involving eight typica accessions from Greece and West Anatolia were var. typica, while those involving five typica accessions from East Anatolia, Syria and Iraq were var. polyathera. Thirdly, the typica F1 hybrids between the Aegean and the Syrian typica accessions were backcrossed to the latter. Four of the seven BC1F1 plants obtained were var. typica, but the other three were var. polyathera. Based on these results, the following two conclusions were made. First, the awnless lateral spikelets characteristic of var. typica are due to two different genotypes: one is a dominant allele suppressing awn development on lateral spikelets and the other is a recessive allele(s) for awnless lateral spikelets with no dominant suppressor allele. Secondly, the former genotype occurs only in the western region of the distribution area of the species, while the latter occurs in the eastern region. The present results and the recent palaeopalynological evidence also suggested that var. polyathera, with more awns than var. typica, rapidly colonized Central Anatolia from the Levant or East Taurus/Zagros mountains arc after the last glacial period.  相似文献   

Pollen size statistics are presented for 10 closely related species of Bouteloua and relationships between pollen size and chromosome numbers are presented for 13 populations of 5 species and 3 varieties. With 1 exception, all populations of all taxa conformed to a general pattern of pollen size dependent upon chromosome number. Chromosome numbers varied from 2n = 20 to 2n = ca. 103, with several independent aneuploid series. Statistical analyses were made of pollen size as related to chromosome number in the 3 varieties of B. curtipendula. These data showed that tetraploids (2n = 40) of var. tenuis had significantly greater pollen size and coefficient of variation than diploids (2n = 20) of the same variety. Similarly, aneuploids of var. curtipendula with 2n = 45 to 2n = 64 chromosomes had significantly larger and more variable pollen than tetraploids (2n = 40) of the same variety. Highly significant positive regression coefficients were obtained from analyses of chromosome numbers and mean pollen size, and chromosome numbers and coefficient of variation, for var. curtipendula. Regression coefficients for var. caespitosa populations with chromosome numbers over the hexaploid (2n = 60) level were not significant.  相似文献   

One new form of Fuirena Rottb., one new subspecies of Schoenoplectus Palla and one new variety of Carex L. are described from East Africa, viz. Fuirena leptostachya Oliv. f. nudiflora Lye, Schoenoplectus lateriflorus (Gmel.) Lye ssp. laevinux Lye and Carex bequaertii De Wild. var. maxima Lye. In addition, the following new combinations are made: Fuirena ciliaris (L.) Roxb. f. apetala (Wingfield) Lye, F. stricta Steudel ssp. chlorocarpa (Ridley) Lye, Schoenoplectus rhodesicus (Podlech) Lye, 5. corymbosus (Roem. & Schult.) J. Rayn. var. brachyceras (A. Rich.) Lye, S. confusus (N.E. Br.) Lye var. rogersii (N.E. Br.) Lye, S. erectus (Poiret) J. Rayn, ssp. raynalii (Schuyler) Lye, S. erectus (Poiret) J. Rayn. ssp. sinuatus (Schuyler) Lye, Eleocharis retroflexa (Poiret) Urban ssp. subtilissima (Nelmes) Lye, Machaerina Vahl subgen. Baumea (Gaud.) Lye, Machaerina flexuosa (Bock.) Kern ssp. laevinux (J. Rayn.) Lye, M. montana (J. Rayn.) Lye, M. flexuosa (Böck.) Kern ssp. polyanthemum (Kük.) Lye, Scleria lagoënsis Böck. ssp. canaliculato–triquetra (Böck.) Lye, 5. distans Poiret var. glomerulata (Oliv.) Lye, S. distans Poiret var. chondrocarpa (Nelmes) Lye, S. melanotricha A. Rich. var. grata (Nelmes) Lye, Carex echinochloë Kunze ssp. nyasensis (C. B. Clarke) Lye, C. conferta A. Rich. var. lycurus (K. Schum.) Lye, C. cognata Kunth var. abyssinica (Chiov.) Lye and C. cognata Kunth var. congolensis (Turrill) Lye.  相似文献   

王凌诗 《植物研究》2000,20(4):402-410
报道了东北蒿属龙蒿组10个分类群植物的核型。核型公式分别为:龙蒿(Artemisia dracunculus L.)(2n)=4x=36=28m+8sm;猪毛蒿(A. scoparia Waldst.et Kit.(2n)=2x=16=12m+4sm;盐蒿(A. halodendron Turcz.ex Bess.)(2n)=4x=36=30m+4sm+2st;光沙蒿(A. oxycephala Kitag. var. oxycephala)(2n)=4x=36=28m+6sm+2st;兴凯光沙蒿(A. oxycephala Kitag. var. xingkaiensis G.Y.Zhang)(2n)=4x=36=28m+6sm+2st;山海光沙蒿(A. oxycephala Kitag. var. shanhaiensis G.Y.Zhang)(2n)=4x=36=2M+28m+4sm+2st;太阳光沙蒿(A. oxycephala Kitag. var. taiyangensis G.Y.Zhang)(2n)=4x=36=28m+6sm+2st;柔毛蒿(A. pubescens Ledeb. var. pubescens)(2n)=4x=36=28m+6sm+2st;大头柔毛蒿(A. pubescens Ledeb. var. gebleriana(Bess.)Y.R.Lin)(2n)=4x=36=28m+6sm+2st;塔河柔毛蒿(A. pubescens Ledeb. var. taheensis G.Y.Zhang)(2n)=4x=36=28m+6sm+2st;核型类型均为2A型。  相似文献   

Detailed quantitative comparisons confirm and extend the discrimination of four major morphotypes amongst brackens of Laurasian affinity in Central and North America. These are recognized here at subspecies level as: Pteridium aquilinum sspp. feei , pubescens , latiusculum , and pseudocaudatum . Measurements of spore size indicate that sporophytes of P. aquilinum ssp. feei are diploid (2 n  = 104), as are sspp. pubescens , latiusculum , and pseudocaudatum . Phenetic cluster analysis based on DNA fingerprinting by arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction groups these four subspecies as genomically more similar to each other than to any taxa from other geographical regions. The chloroplast haplotype of ssp. feei is the same as that of sspp. latiusculum , pseudocaudatum , and pubescens with respect to the absence of both of the short direct repeats in the rps 4– trn S region (haplotype A), whereas the European ssp. aquilinum (haplotype B) has one of these repeats, and the Southern Hemisphere brackens P. arachnoideum and P. esculentum (haplotype C) have the other.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 1–17.  相似文献   

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