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The Palaearctic flea fauna includes 921 species and 479 subspecies from 96 genera of 10 families. Of them, 858 species (94%) from 43 genera are endemic to the Palaearctic; they comprise 40% of the Palaearctic Hystrichopsyllidae, 24% of Ceratophyllidae, and 20% of Leptopsyllidae. Ranges of 581 species (63% of the Palaearctic fauna) are situated within one province or subregion of the Palaearctic. Species with ranges including a part of Asia (592) comprise 87% of the total fauna; 72% of the species (517) are endemic to the Palaearctic. The largest centers of taxonomic diversity of Palaearctic fleas are situated in the East Asian, Central Asian, and Turano-Iranian Subregions: 320 species of fleas (214 of them endemic) from 59 genera (8 endemic) are known from the East Asian Subregion; 270 species (over 120 endemic) from 54 genera (5 endemic) are distributed in the Central Asian Subregion. The Turano-Iranian fauna comprises 213 species (103 endemic) from 47 genera (3 endemic); about 160 species occur in the Turanian Subprovince closest to the Russian borders, one-third of them (52 species, or 33%) are endemic; 69 species more are endemic to the entire Asian part of the Palaearctic. Extra-Asian and extra-Siberian ranges are known in 190 flea species. In the western Palaearctic, 76 species are endemic to the European Province, and 57 species, to the Mediterranean Province; 36 species have Euro-Mediterranean distribution. The fauna of the Saharo-Arabian Subregion comprises 30 species (12 endemic), 6 species have ranges of the Mediterranean-Saharo-Arabian type. Scenarios of the origin of the Siphonaptera at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary are hypothesized. Formation of the Palaearctic flea fauna was mostly supported by the Asian-Indo-Malayan and East Asian-Western American palaeofaunal centers of taxonomic diversity. The long history of faunal exchange between the east Palaearctic and the west Nearctic is manifested by the distribution of the parasites of rodents and insectivores, fleas of the genera Stenoponia, Rhadinopsylla, Nearctopsylla, and Catallagia, belonging to several subfamilies of the Hystrichopsyllidae, as well as members of a number of other flea families. A great number of endemic species in the genera Palaeopsylla and Ctenophthalmus (Hystrichopsyllidae), both in the European and Asian parts of the Palaearctic, can be explained by the junction of the European and Asian continental platforms in the late Cretaceous and their subsequent isolation during the Paleocene. A considerable contribution to the flea fauna in the Russian territory was made by the East Asian-Nearctic center of taxonomic diversity, with a smaller role of the European palaeofauna. Immigration of species of the family Pulicidae from the Afrotropical Region is restricted to the southern territories of Russia.  相似文献   

An annotated species list of carpenter moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of the Altai Mountain Range is presented. It includes 26 species from 3 subfamilies. Two species are new to science: Semagystia tarbagataica Yakovlev, sp. n. and Dyspessa saissanica Yakovlev, sp. n. The former differs from the other species of the genus (except Semagystia enigma Yakovlev, 2007 from southeastern Turkey whose wing pattern is totally reduced) in the absence of wing pattern; a specific clavate shape of the process on the costal margin of valve is also its important diagnostic character. Dyspessa saissanica Yakovlev, sp. n. belongs to the well-revised Dyspessa salicicola (Eversmann, 1848) species group (Yakovlev, 2005); the closest species is D. salicicola, which also has elongate processes of the pectinate antennae and a weakly developed ridge on the costal marginof valve. The newly described species is different in having a poorly developed dark pattern on the forewings, very broad bases of the processes of the transtilla, a thinner base of the aedeagus, and thinner lateral processes of the juxta. In conclusion, the carpenter moth fauna of the Altai Mountains is briefly analyzed.  相似文献   

On the basis of analysis of our own and published data on the distribution of the riffle minnow Alburnoides bipunctatus rossicus in rivers of the Volga Basin, the eastern boundary of the range of this subspecies included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation is specified. It is shown that A. bipunctatus is widely distributed in the entire basin of the Middle Volga and Kama, except the extreme northeast (mountain tributaries of the Upper Kama upstream the Chusovaya River), and rarely occurs in the Upper Volga Basin. The Tereshka River (Ulyanov oblast) and Chapaevka (Saratov oblast) should be considered the southern boundary of the distribution of the subspecies in the Volga Basin. Since the mid-1990s, a drastic and uniform increase in the number of findings and the abundance of A. bipunctatus is recorded. This species has become a common fish in many rivers and, in some cases, a dominant species in river ichthyocenoses. Possible causes of these changes are discussed, and a conclusion is made concerning the need of the revision of the status of the subspecies A. bipunctatus rossicus.  相似文献   

The names of the Cossidae taxa Garuda Yakovlev, 2004 (type species Garuda galina Yakovlev, 2004) and Nirvana Yakovlev, 2004 (type species Nirvana buddhi Yakovlev, 2004) described by the author from various Eurasian regions are substituted by new names due to the former having been previously preoccupied. The name Garuda Yakovlev, 2004: 375 (type species Garuda galina Yakovlev, 2004) is proposed to be substituted for Garrudiella Yakovlev nom. n., since Garuda was used by Scherer (Scherer 1969: 28) while describing a new species in the family Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) (type species Garuda hindustanica Scherer 1969).  相似文献   

The ant fauna of the Chuya depression numbers 17 species, of which four species inhabit desert steppes, eight species occur in the near-water saline steppes, and eleven, in valley meadows and forests on mountain slopes. Of the 17 registered species, 14 are common in adjacent Mongolia and Tuva, which testifies to a high faunal commonness of these territories. The population pattern of ants is determined by two species with very low abundance (up to 0.01 nest/100 m2), Proformica mongolica Ruzsky and Cataglyphis aenescens Nylander, and in shallow hollows Formica subpilosa Ruzsky is added to them. Two zones with a higher density of population have been revealed in the vertical transzonal direction, in alpine desert steppes on the southern slopes (Yustyd River basin) and in the saline biotopes of the Chuya River floodplain.  相似文献   

Variability of the shell size characteristics was studied in the terrestrial mollusk Chondrula tridens (Müller, 1774) from highland and plain habitats in the forest–steppe of the Volga River basin. The shell height (SH) and width (SW), the height and width of the mouth, and the SH/SW ratio mostly contribute to the species variability. The SH/SW ratio reflects the species–specific constitution of the shell. Analysis of the elementary features and proportions, as well as of the mouth armament of shell structures, indicates significant heterogeneity of the species. The presence of scarps and rock outcrops in some regions studied explain large sizes of snail shells. The decrease in SH, increase in the roundness of shells, and better development of the mouth teeth in mollusks inhabiting the chalk steppe of the southern forest–steppe reflect their adaptation to more xerothermic conditions.  相似文献   

In 1992, we discovered populations of the nonindigenous quagga mussel Dreissena rostriformis bugensis in the middle reaches of the Volga River. The same species was found in samples collected between 1994 and 1997 in the Volga delta and in shallow areas of the Northern Caspian Sea. D. r. bugensis always co-occurred with its more widespread congener, the zebra mussel D. polymorpha (Pallas 1771). The quagga mussel's contribution to total Dreissena abundance increased over time in the middle Volga reservoirs and Volga River delta. D. r. bugensis was common in the Volga portion of Rybinsk Reservoir during 1997 and, by 2000, it was in Uglich, Rybinsk and Gorky Reservoirs on the Upper Volga River. D. r. bugensis was neither found in Ivankov Reservoir, nor in terminal sections of the Volga-Baltic corridor including the eastern Gulf of Finland. Presently, all but the northern-most regions of the Volga River have been colonized by D. r. bugensis. We hypothesize that its introduction into the Volga River and Caspian basin occurred no later than the late 1980s via commercial shipping that utilized the Volga-Don waterway to navigate between the source Black-Azov Sea region and recipient areas on the Volga River. Larval drift likely contributed to establishment of populations at downstream sites, while human-mediated vectors may be responsible for introductions to upstream locations on the Volga River. We anticipate continued northward dispersal in conjunction with shipping activities.  相似文献   

The Palaearctic fauna of broad-winged moths (Oecophoridae with the subfamilies Oecophorinae, Pleurotinae, and Deuterogoniinae) comprises 47 genera and 329 species. The number of species rapidly increases from north to south, from 19 species in the Euro-Siberian taiga Region to 149 in the Mediterranean Region, but the Scythian steppe Region (30 species) and Sethian desert Region (49 species) have relatively poor faunas because the majority of oecophorid species are trophically associated with arboreal plants. The proper desert species are very rare among Oecophoridae moths, and the majority of species in the Sethian desert Region occur in the mountains. The number of endemic species is also greater in southern regions; it amounts for more than half of the total number of species in the Hesperian and Orthrian evergreen forest regions and in the Sethian desert Region. The faunas of European (62 species) and Far Eastern (67 species) deciduous forests comprise close numbers of species but are very different, having only 5 species in common. This fact indicates their long isolation. The Oecophoridae are represented in the Palaearctic mainly by the genera with a small number of species, except for 2 genera, Pleurota (100 species) and Promalactis (85 species). The distribution patterns of these genera are opposite: the species of Pleurota are numerous in the south of West Europe and in North Africa, their number quickly decreasing from west to east and only 2 species being present in China (Wang, 2006). The species of Promalactis are numerous in Southeast Asia, their number quickly decreasing from east to west: 3 species occur in Tibet and only 1, P. splendidella (Amsel, 1935), in Israel and Turkey.  相似文献   

Radomir Jasku?a 《ZooKeys》2015,(482):35-53
The tiger beetle fauna of the Maghreb region is one of the richest in the Palaearctic, including 22 species and 5 subspecies and 19% of all Palaearctic species of Cicindelinae. Assembled to their chorotypes, the Maghreb tiger beetles fall into eight different groups that include Maghreb endemics (26% of fauna), Mediterranean (7%), West Mediterranean (40%), North African (4%), Mediterranean-Westturanian (4%), West Palaearctic (4%), Afrotropico-Indo-Mediterranean (4%), and Saharian (11%) species. The Mediterranean Sclerophyl and Atlas Steppe are the Maghreb biogeographical provinces with the highest species richness, while the Sahara Desert has the lowest Cicindelinae diversity. Twenty-five cicindelid species and subspecies (93% of Maghreb fauna) are restricted to only one or two habitat types in lowland areas. Only Calomera littoralis littoralis and Lophyra flexuosa flexuosa are recognized as eurytopic species and occur in three types of habitat. The highest tiger beetle diversity characterizes salt marshes and river banks (in both cases 11 species and subspecies or 41% of Maghreb fauna). Approximately 85% of all Maghreb tiger beetle species and subspecies are found in habitats potentially endangered by human activity.  相似文献   

The Tetrastichinae fauna of the Middle Volga Region comprises 115 species of 16 genera. Quadrastichus rosarum sp. n. is described as an endoparasitoid of Torymus bedequaris L. (Hymenoptera, Torymidae); the latter develops in galls of Dasineura rosarum (Hardy) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) on Rosa canina L. Aprostocetus populi (Kurdjumov) is redescribed and transferred from Tetrastichus to Aprostocetus. Thirty-three species are recorded for the Middle Volga Region for the first time. The genus Puklina Graham is new to the Russian fauna. New hosts are reported for five species of Tetrastichinae.  相似文献   

A brief general characteristic and review of distribution of the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae over zoogeographical realms are given, with an emphasis on the distribution within the Holarctic and Palaearctic. The potential of exploiting landscapes of all natural zones of the Holarctic by a low-rank taxon is exemplified by the Holarctic Ceutorhynchus cochleariae (Gyll.) species-group comprising ca. 20 species evenly distributed between the Palaearctic and Nearctic. Although neighboring with the powerful centers of tropical biota, the Holarctic fauna of the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae is formed mostly of endemic and subendemic genera which are especially abundant in the Palaearctic. This region possesses the most diversified generic and species composition of the fauna consisting of predominantly endemic and subendemic genera (in the Mediterranean and Saharo-Gobian regions, also of the highly diversified tribe Oxyonychini) up to its southern border. The existence of characteristic transitional faunas in the zones of contact of the Holarctic fauna with the faunas of the tropical regions in East Asia and Mexico is shown. These transitional faunas include a considerable number of endemic taxa of the genus and species groups. A conspicuous feature of the Palaearctic ceutorhynchine fauna is the rather numerous complex of the upland and high-latitude species.  相似文献   

An annotated list of 183 species of the dung-beetle tribe Aphodiini of the Russian fauna is given. The highest species diversity is characteristic of the southern mountainous regions of the country, the richest local faunas being known from the Lower Volga area. The greatest numbers of species are known from the steppe and broadleaved forest zones and from the nemoral types of altitudinal zonation of vegetation. The bulk of the fauna is formed by the species with wide ranges; 111 species occur in two or more landscape zones or altitudinal zonation types. Six groups of faunistically similar zoogeographic provinces are distinguished within the territory of Russia.  相似文献   

A new species of male gymnosperm reproductive organs, Permotheca colovratica sp. nov. from the upper part of the Kungurian Stage (Lower Permian, Irenian Horizon, Koshelevskian Formation) of the Middle Cis-Urals and from the Kazanian Stage of the southern Cis-Urals and Volga River Basin, is described. These organs are rosette-like synangiate aggregations of microsporangia consisting of four sporangia fused at their bases. The adaxial surface of the synangia has a disc of attachment. The in situ pollen grains are of Falcisporites type. The morphologically similar genera Falcisporites Leshik emend. Klaus, Alisporites Daugherty emend. Nilsson, and Vesicaspora Shemel emend. Wilson et Venkatachala are analyzed. The morphogenetic trend in the evolution of the androphores Permotheca is discussed.  相似文献   

The history of studying the genus Diaphorus is described. Seventeen species have been studied. A key to species of the genus Diaphorus of the Palaearctic fauna, including 37 species, and a catalogue of the Palaearctic species with synonyms are given. Diaphorus oldenbergi Parent, 1925 is regarded as a synonym of the species D. nigrotibia Strobl, 1893 (syn. n.). The new species Diaphorus sublautus sp. n. from Azerbaijan is described. Lectotypes of D. dolichocercus Stackelberg, D. parenti Stackelberg, D. ussuriensis Stackelberg, and D. varifrons Becker are designated.  相似文献   

The World fauna of the tribe Eupitheciini is the most species-rich in the family Geometridae. This tribe includes about 1900 species (almost 3000 species-group names) from 47 genera; about one third of the genera (15) are monotypic. The generic diversity of Eupitheciini is the highest in the Australian (38 genera, 11 of them endemic) and Oriental regions (32 genera, 4 endemic) and the lowest in the Neotropical Region (possibly one genus only). The faunas of different biogeographic regions can be arranged in following order by their species richness: the Palaearctic (487 species), Oriental (397), Neotropical (346), Australian (251), Afrotropical (198), and Nearctic Regions (166 species). Eupithecia is the most species-rich genus in the family Geometridae and the entire order Lepidoptera, and one of the largest genera in the whole World fauna of insects. The greatest number of species of this genus is recorded in the Palaearctic Region (466 species), where Eupithecia accounts for about 95% of the tribe Eupitheciini. The mainland of the Oriental Region (especially the Himalayas) is also very species-rich; however the proportion of the Eupithecia representatives decreases towards Malaysia, Sundaland, and the Australian Region (about 2% of the tribe). The Eupitheciini faunas have the greatest similarity at the generic level between the Oriental and Australian Regions (the Jaccard and Sørensen coefficient values being 0.62 and 0.77, respectively). The Palaearctic fauna is more similar to the Afrotropical and Oriental faunas at the genus-group level. On the whole, the fauna of the Nearctic Region is similar to that the West Palaearctic, with the exception of the fact that representatives of the genera Gymnoscelis and Chloroclystis are absent in North America, although two endemic genera Nasusina and Prorella are present. At the genus-group level, the Nearctic fauna of Eupitheciini is more similar to the Neotropical (the Jaccard and Sørensen coefficients 0.20 and 0.33, respectively) than to the Palaearctic fauna (0.17 and 0.29). The number of synonymies is very high in the tribe Eupitheciini because of the homogeneity of this group, whose species are difficult to identify without the use of elaborate anatomical techniques. Modern revisions, catalogues, surveys, and atlases on Eupitheciini are absent for many countries and large geographic regions. Revisions of pugs of the tribe Eupitheciini for some biogeographic regions are extremely difficult because of fragmentation of entomological collections including the type specimens of many species-group taxa. A large fraction of synonyms is characteristic of parts of the World with the best known faunas: Europe (64% of synonyms) and North America (39%). On the contrary, the lowest levels of synonymy are typical of the less known faunas of the regions situated at the equatorial latitudes, namely the Neotropical (9%) and Afrotropical (8%) ones.  相似文献   

In 1992, we discovered populations of the nonindigenous quagga mussel Dreissena rostriformis bugensis in the middle reaches of the Volga River. The same species was found in samples collected between 1994 and 1997 in the Volga delta and in shallow areas of the Northern Caspian Sea. D. r. bugensis always co-occurred with its more widespread congener, the zebra mussel D. polymorpha (Pallas 1771). The quagga mussel's contribution to total Dreissena abundance increased over time in the middle Volga reservoirs and Volga River delta. D. r. bugensis was common in the Volga portion of Rybinsk Reservoir during 1997 and, by 2000, it was in Uglich, Rybinsk and Gorky Reservoirs on the Upper Volga River. D. r. bugensis was neither found in Ivankov Reservoir, nor in terminal sections of the Volga-Baltic corridor including the eastern Gulf of Finland. Presently, all but the northern-most regions of the Volga River have been colonized by D. r. bugensis. We hypothesize that its introduction into the Volga River and Caspian basin occurred no later than the late 1980s via commercial shipping that utilized the Volga-Don waterway to navigate between the source Black-Azov Sea region and recipient areas on the Volga River. Larval drift likely contributed to establishment of populations at downstream sites, while human-mediated vectors may be responsible for introductions to upstream locations on the Volga River. We anticipate continued northward dispersal in conjunction with shipping activities.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mountain midges (Diptera: Deuterophlebiidae) of the Palaearctic Region are revised to include eight species. Four new species are described: D. brachyrhina sp. nov., D.oporina sp. nov. and D. blepharis sp.nov. from the Himalayas (Assam and Sikkim), and D.bicarinata sp. nov. from southern Korea. A lectotype is designated for D.mirabilis Edwards, and a key to adult males of all Palaearctic species is provided.
Larval, pupal and adult characters were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of world species of Deuterophlebiidae. Based on features of the adult male, the Himalayan species D. brachyrhina and D. oporina are considered the most primitive deuterophlebiids. The Nearctic species D. inyoensis is proposed as the sister group of the remaining species. Relationships among the latter are based primarily on larval and pupal characters; however, lack of information about the immature stages of several Palaearctic species contributes to a poorly resolved phylogeny. Several alternative hypotheses are presented and discussed. All phylogenetic alternatives suggest that the Nearctic fauna originated from at least two invasions of North America.  相似文献   

Three new Dactylogyrus species, D. rectotrabus n. sp. and D. acinacus n. sp. from Garra rufa plus D. carassobarbi n. sp. from Carassobarbus luteus are described from River Dez (Persian Gulf Basin) of Iran. Three known species, D. haplogonus from Rutilus frisii kutum, D. chalcalburni from Alburnus alburnus and Alburnoides bipunctatus, and D. pavlovskyi from Barbus sharpeyi are recorded from the Rivers Sefid (Caspian Basin), Zayandeh (Central Iran) and Dez (Tigris-Euphrates Basin), respectively. Comments on the monogenean fauna of Iranian freshwater fishes are presented.  相似文献   

The genetic polymorphism of the pike perch Sander lucioperca, sampled on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Lake Balkhash, Urals River, Syrdarya River and Shardara water reservoir, North Aral Sea) and in the Volga River, and the bersh Sandler volgensis (Lake Balkhash, Volga River) populations was examined at six microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene. All examined loci were successfully amplified in both species and produced quite different allele profiles, which allows them to be used for accurate species identification of pike perch and bersh. At the same time, neither nuclear nor mitochondrial markers revealed statistically significant differentiation between the examined pike perch samples, excluding some isolation of the population from Volga River.  相似文献   

Naumenko  Yu. V.  Zaika  V. V. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):261-263
The algal flora and invertebrate fauna of Lake Cheder, located in the Central Tuva Basin, Russia, have been studied from collections made in August 1999. Eighteen taxa belonging to diatoms, blue–green and green algae, and seven species of fauna (two crustaceans and five insects) were present.  相似文献   

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