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Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) stimulates seed mass production in many species, but the extent of stimulation shows large variation among species. We examined (1) whether seed production is enhanced more in species with lower seed nitrogen concentrations, and (2) whether seed production is enhanced by elevated [CO2] when the plant uses more N for seed production. We grew 11 annuals in open top chambers that have different [CO2] conditions (ambient: 370 μmol mol−1, elevated: 700 μmol mol−1). Elevated [CO2] significantly increased seed production in six out of 11 species with a large interspecific variation (0.84–2.12, elevated/ambient [CO2]). Seed nitrogen concentration was not correlated with the enhancement of seed production by elevated [CO2]. The enhancement of seed production was strongly correlated with the enhancement of seed nitrogen per plant caused by increased N acquisition during the reproductive period. In particular, legume species tended to acquire more N and produced more seeds at elevated [CO2] than non-nitrogen fixing species. Elevated [CO2] little affected seed [N] in all species. We conclude that seed production is limited primarily by nitrogen availability and will be enhanced by elevated [CO2] only when the plant is able to increase nitrogen acquisition.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 and temperature alter nitrogen allocation in Douglas-fir   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on principal carbon constituents (PCC) and C and N allocation between needle, woody (stem and branches) and root tissue of Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco seedlings were determined. The seedlings were grown in sun‐lit controlled‐environment chambers that contained a native soil. Chambers were controlled to reproduce ambient or ambient +180 ppm CO2 and either ambient temperature or ambient +3.5 °C for 4 years. There were no significant CO2 × temperature interactions; consequently the data are presented for the CO2 and temperature effects. At the final harvest, elevated CO2 decreased the nonpolar fraction of the PCC and increased the polar fraction and amount of sugars in the needles. In contrast, elevated temperature increased the nonpolar fraction of the PCC and decreased sugars in needles. There were no CO2 or temperature effects on the PCC fractions in the woody tissue or root tissue. Elevated CO2 and temperature had no significant effects on the C content of any of the plant tissues or fractions. In contrast, the foliar N content declined under elevated CO2 and increased under elevated temperature; there were no significant effects in other tissues. The changes in the foliar N concentrations were in the cellulose and lignin fractions, the fractions, which contain protein, and are the consequences of changes in N allocation under the treatments. These results indicate reallocation of N among plant organs to optimize C assimilation, which is mediated via changes in the selectivity of Rubisco and carbohydrate modulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

We report changes in nitrogen cycling in Florida scrub oak in response to elevated atmospheric CO2 during the first 14 months of experimental treatment. Elevated CO2 stimulated above-ground growth, nitrogen mass, and root nodule production of the nitrogen-fixing vine, Galactia elliottii Nuttall. During this period, elevated CO2 reduced rates of gross nitrogen mineralization in soil, and resulted in lower recovery of nitrate on resin lysimeters. Elevated CO2 did not alter nitrogen in the soil microbial biomass, but increased the specific rate of ammonium immobilization (NH4+ immobilized per unit microbial N) measured over a 24-h period. Increased carbon input to soil through greater root growth combined with a decrease in the quality of that carbon in elevated CO2 best explains these changes. These results demonstrate that atmospheric CO2 concentration influences both the internal cycling of nitrogen (mineralization, immobilization, and nitrification) as well as the processes that regulate total ecosystem nitrogen mass (nitrogen fixation and nitrate leaching) in Florida coastal scrub oak. If these changes in nitrogen cycling are sustained, they could cause long-term feedbacks to the growth responses of plants to elevated CO2. Greater nitrogen fixation and reduced leaching could stimulate nitrogen-limited plant growth by increasing the mass of labile nitrogen in the ecosystem. By contrast, reduced nitrogen mineralization and increased immobilization will restrict the supply rate of plant-available nitrogen, potentially reducing plant growth. Thus, the net feedback to plant growth will depend on the balance of these effects through time.  相似文献   

A significant challenge in predicting terrestrial ecosystem response to global changes comes from the relatively poor understanding of the processes that control pools and fluxes of plant nutrients in soil. In addition, individual global changes are often studied in isolation, despite the potential for interactive effects among them on ecosystem processes. We studied the response of gross N mineralization and microbial respiration after 6 years of application of three global change factors in a grassland field experiment in central Minnesota (the BioCON experiment). BioCON is a factorial manipulation of plant species diversity (1, 4, 9 and 16 prairie species), atmospheric [CO2] (ambient and elevated: 560 μmol mol?1), and N inputs (ambient and ambient +4 g N m?2 yr?1). We hypothesized that gross N mineralization would increase with increasing levels of all factors because of stimulated plant productivity and thus greater organic inputs to soils. However, we also hypothesized that N addition would enhance, while elevated [CO2] and greater diversity would temper, gross N mineralization responses because of increased and reduced plant tissue N concentrations, respectively. In partial support of our hypothesis, gross N mineralization increased with greater diversity and N addition, but not with elevated [CO2]. The ratio of gross N mineralization to microbial respiration (i.e. the ‘yield’ of inorganic N mineralized per unit C respired) declined with greater diversity and [CO2] suggesting increasing limitation of microbial processes by N relative to C in these treatments. Based on these results, we conclude that the plant supply of organic matter primarily controls gross N mineralization and microbial respiration, but that the concentration of N in organic matter input secondarily influences these processes. Thus, in systems where N limits plant productivity these global change factors could cause different long‐term ecosystem trajectories because of divergent effects on soil N and C cycling.  相似文献   

Identifying soil microbial responses to anthropogenically driven environmental changes is critically important as concerns intensify over the potential degradation of ecosystem function. We assessed the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on microbial carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling in Mojave Desert soils using extracellular enzyme activities (EEAs), community‐level physiological profiles (CLPPs), and gross N transformation rates. Soils were collected from unvegetated interspaces between plants and under the dominant shrub (Larrea tridentata) during the 2004–2005 growing season, an above‐average rainfall year. Because most measured variables responded strongly to soil water availability, all significant effects of soil water content were used as covariates to remove potential confounding effects of water availability on microbial responses to experimental treatment effects of cover type, CO2, and sampling date. Microbial C and N activities were lower in interspace soils compared with soils under Larrea, and responses to date and CO2 treatments were cover specific. Over the growing season, EEAs involved in cellulose (cellobiohydrolase) and orthophosphate (alkaline phosphatase) degradation decreased under ambient CO2, but increased under elevated CO2. Microbial C use and substrate use diversity in CLPPs decreased over time, and elevated CO2 positively affected both. Elevated CO2 also altered microbial C use patterns, suggesting changes in the quantity and/or quality of soil C inputs. In contrast, microbial biomass N was higher in interspace soils than soils under Larrea, and was lower in soils exposed to elevated CO2. Gross rates of NH4+ transformations increased over the growing season, and late‐season NH4+ fluxes were negatively affected by elevated CO2. Gross NO3 fluxes decreased over time, with early season interspace soils positively affected by elevated CO2. General increases in microbial activities under elevated CO2 are likely attributable to greater microbial biomass in interspace soils, and to increased microbial turnover rates and/or metabolic levels rather than pool size in soils under Larrea. Because soil water content and plant cover type dominates microbial C and N responses to CO2, the ability of desert landscapes to mitigate or intensify the impacts of global change will ultimately depend on how changes in precipitation and increasing atmospheric CO2 shift the spatial distribution of Mojave Desert plant communities.  相似文献   

We studied the three‐way interaction of elevated CO2, nitrogen (N), and temperature (T), and the two‐way interaction of elevated CO2 and early‐season defoliation on the secondary chemistry and resistance of Eurasian silver birch (Betula pendula) and North American paper birch (B. papyrifera) against the Eurasian hare (Lepus timidus) and the North American eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus), respectively. Elevated CO2 decreased the palatability of winter‐dormant silver and paper birch stems to both hares and rabbits, respectively. But the effect on hares was only apparent at intermediate levels of N fertilization. Elevated T had no effect on palatability. The effects of elevated CO2, N, and T on levels of silver birch bark phenolics and terpenoids were dominated by two‐way interactions between N and CO2, and N and T. Generally, however, N amendments elicited a parabolic response in carbon partitioning to most biosynthetic classes of silver birch phenolics (i.e. highest concentrations occurring at intermediate N). CO2 elevation was most enhancing at highest levels of N. On the other hand, T increases, more often than not, elicited reductions in phenolics, but especially so at the highest N level. In the case of B. papyrifera, elevated CO2 increased carbon partitioning to Folin‐Denis stem and branch phenolics and condensed tannins. Early‐season defoliation, on the other hand, had no effect on phenolics and tannins but lowered both N and energy levels of branches. Elevated CO2 substantially ameliorated the negative effects of severe defoliation on tree growth. These results support the hypothesis that continuing anthropogenic alterations of the atmosphere may trigger significant changes in plant phenotypic resistance to mammalian herbivores owing to an increasing net carbon balance between the highly vagile supply and demand capacities of plant carbon sources and sinks.  相似文献   

Decomposition of soybean grown under elevated concentrations of CO2 and O3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A critical global climate change issue is how increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and ground‐level O3 will affect agricultural productivity. This includes effects on decomposition of residues left in the field and availability of mineral nutrients to subsequent crops. To address questions about decomposition processes, a 2‐year experiment was conducted to determine the chemistry and decomposition rate of aboveground residues of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) grown under reciprocal combinations of low and high concentrations of CO2 and O3 in open‐top field chambers. The CO2 treatments were ambient (370 μmol mol?1) and elevated (714 μmol mol?1) levels (daytime 12 h averages). Ozone treatments were charcoal‐filtered air (21 nmol mol?1) and nonfiltered air plus 1.5 times ambient O3 (74 nmol mol?1) 12 h day?1. Elevated CO2 increased aboveground postharvest residue production by 28–56% while elevated O3 suppressed it by 15–46%. In combination, inhibitory effects of added O3 on biomass production were largely negated by elevated CO2. Plant residue chemistry was generally unaffected by elevated CO2, except for an increase in leaf residue lignin concentration. Leaf residues from the elevated O3 treatments had lower concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates, but higher N, fiber, and lignin levels. Chemical composition of petiole, stem, and pod husk residues was only marginally affected by the elevated gas treatments. Treatment effects on plant biomass production, however, influenced the content of chemical constituents on an areal basis. Elevated CO2 increased the mass per square meter of nonstructural carbohydrates, phenolics, N, cellulose, and lignin by 24–46%. Elevated O3 decreased the mass per square meter of these constituents by 30–48%, while elevated CO2 largely ameliorated the added O3 effect. Carbon mineralization rates of component residues from the elevated gas treatments were not significantly different from the control. However, N immobilization increased in soils containing petiole and stem residues from the elevated CO2, O3, and combined gas treatments. Mass loss of decomposing leaf residue from the added O3 and combined gas treatments was 48% less than the control treatment after 20 weeks, while differences in decomposition of petiole, stem, and husk residues among treatments were minor. Decreased decomposition of leaf residues was correlated with lower starch and higher lignin levels. However, leaf residues only comprised about 20% of the total residue biomass assayed so treatment effects on mass loss of total aboveground residues were relatively small. The primary influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 and O3 concentrations on decomposition processes is apt to arise from effects on residue mass input, which is increased by elevated CO2 and suppressed by O3.  相似文献   

Thus far all attempts to isolate CO, fixing chloroplasts from pine have failed. In this paper it is proposed that resin acids present in pine needles partition into membranes during chloroplast isolation and interfere with specific reactions of the Calvin cycle. CO, fixation by isolated spinach chloroplasts was strongly inhibited by the introduction of a suspension of chloroplasts isolated from Pinus sylvestris L. A partially purified organic extract obtained from chloroplasts of this pine species also strongly inhibited CO, fixation by the spinach chloroplasts. The major inhibitory compounds from the organic extract were identified as a mixture of resin acids by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Two resin acids, abietic acid and dehydroabietic acid, were tested for inhibitory activity. Both resin acids were potent inhibitors of photosynthetic CO2fixation, with dehydroabietic acid being about three times more potent than abietic acid.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that high CO2 availability would increase monoterpene emission to the atmosphere. This hypothesis was based on resource allocation theory which predicts increased production of plant secondary compounds when carbon is in excess of that required for growth. Monoterpene emission rates were measured from needles of (a) Ponderosa pine grown at different CO2 concentrations and soil nitrogen levels, and (b) Douglas fir grown at different CO2 concentrations. Ponderosa pine grown at 700 μmol mol–1 CO2 exhibited increased photosynthetic rates and needle starch to nitrogen (N) ratios when compared to trees grown at 350 μmol mol–1 CO2. Nitrogen availability had no consistent effect on photosynthesis. Douglas fir grown at 550 μmol mol–1 CO2 exhibited increased photosynthetic rates as compared to growth at 350 μmol mol–1 CO2 in old, but not young needles, and there was no influence on the starch/N ratio. In neither species was there a significant effect of elevated growth CO2 on needle monoterpene concentration or emission rate. The influence of climate warming and leaf area index (LAI) on monoterpene emission were also investigated. Douglas fir grown at elevated CO2 plus a 4 °C increase in growth temperature exhibited no change in needle monoterpene concentration, despite a predicted 50% increase in emission rate. At elevated CO2 concentration the LAI increased in Ponderosa pine, but not Douglas fir. The combination of increased LAI and climate warming are predicted to cause an 80% increase in monoterpene emissions from Ponderosa pine forests and a 50% increase in emissions from Douglas fir forests. This study demonstrates that although growth at elevated CO2 may not affect the rate of monoterpene emission per unit biomass, the effect of elevated CO2 on LAI, and the effect of climate warming on monoterpene biosynthesis and volatilization, could increase canopy monoterpene emission rate.  相似文献   

The potential impact of an increase in methane emissions from natural wetlands on climate change models could be very large. We report a profound increase in methane emissions from cores of mire peat and vegetation as a direct result of increasing the CO2 concentration from 355 to 550 μol mol?1 (a 60% increase). Increased CH4 fluxes were observed throughout the four month period of study. Seasonal variation in CH4 flux, consistent with that seen in the field, was observed under both ambient and elevated CO2. Under ambient CO2, methane fluxes rose from 0.02 μol m-2 s?1 in May to 0.11 μol m?2 s?3 in July before declining again in August. Under elevated CO2 methane fluxes were at least 100% greater throughout the experiment, rising from 0.05 μol m-2 s?1 in May to a peak of 0.27 μol m?2 s?1 in July. The stimulation of CO4 emissions was accompanied by a 100% increase in rates of photosynthesis from 4.6 (± 0.3) under ambient CO2 to 9.3 (± 0.7) μol m?2 s?1. Root and shoot biomass were unaffected.  相似文献   

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