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We addressed the question of how nuclear histones and DNA interact and form a nucleosome structure by applying atomic force microscopy to an in vitro reconstituted chromatin system. The molecular images obtained by atomic force microscopy demonstrated that oligonucleosomes reconstituted with purified core histones and DNA yielded a 'beads on a string' structure with each nucleosome trapping 158 +/- 27 bp DNA. When dinucleosomes were assembled on a DNA fragment containing two tandem repeats of the positioning sequence of the Xenopus 5S RNA gene, two nucleosomes were located around each positioning sequence. The spacing of the nucleosomes fluctuated in the absence of salt and the nucleosomes were stabilized around the range of the positioning signals in the presence of 50 mM NaCl. An addition of histone H1 to the system resulted in a tight compaction of the dinucleosomal structure.  相似文献   

We have attacked H1-containing soluble chromatin by α-chymotrypsin under conditions where chromatin adopts different structures.Soluble rat liver chromatin fragments depleted of non-histone components were digested with α-chymotrypsin in NaCl concentrations between 0 mm and 500 mm. at pH 7, or at pH 10, or at pH 7 in the presence of 4 m-urea. α-Chymotrypsin cleaves purified rat liver histone H1 at a specific initial site (CT) located in the globular domain and produces an N-terminal half (CT-N) which contains most of the globular domain and the N-terminal tail, and a C-terminal half (CT-C) which contains the C-terminal tail and a small part of the globular domain. Since in sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis CT-C migrates between the core histones and H1, cleavage of chromatin-bound H1 by α-chymotrypsin can be easily monitored.The CT-C fragment was detected under conditions where chromatin fibers were unfolded or distorted: (1) under conditions of H1 dissociation at 400 mm and 500 mm-NaCl (pH 7 and 10); (2) at very low ionic strength where chromatin is unfolded into a filament with well-separated nucleosomes; (3) at pH 10 independent of the ionic strength where chromatin never assumes higher order structures; (4) in the presence of 4 m-urea (pH 7), again independent of the ionic strength. However, hardly any CT-C fragment was detected under conditions where fibers are observed in the electron microscope at pH 7 between 20 mm and 300 mm-NaCl. Under these conditions H1 is degraded by α-chymotrypsin into unstable fragments with a molecular weight higher than that of CT-C. Thus, the data show that there are at least two different modes of interaction of H1 in chromatin which correlate with the physical state of the chromatin.Since the condensation of chromatin into structurally organized fibers upon raising the ionic strength starts by internucleosomal contacts in the fiber axis (zig-zag-shaped fiber), where H1 appears to be localized, it is likely that in chromatin fibers the preferential cleavage site for α-chymotrypsin is protected because of H1-H1 contacts. The data suggest that the globular part of H1 is involved in these contacts close to the fiber axis. They appear to be hydrophobic and to be essential for the structural organization of the chromatin fibers. Based on the present and earlier observations we propose a model for H1 in which the globular domains eventually together with the N-terminal tails form a backbone in the fiber axis, and the nucleosomes are mainly attached to this polymer by the C-terminal tails.  相似文献   

Ahmad K  Henikoff S 《Molecular cell》2002,9(6):1191-1200
Two very similar H3 histones-differing at only four amino acid positions-are produced in Drosophila cells. Here we describe a mechanism of chromatin regulation whereby the variant H3.3 is deposited at particular loci, including active rDNA arrays. While the major H3 is incorporated strictly during DNA replication, amino acid changes toward H3.3 allow replication-independent (RI) deposition. In contrast to replication-coupled (RC) deposition, RI deposition does not require the N-terminal tail. H3.3 is the exclusive substrate for RI deposition, and its counterpart is the only substrate retained in yeast. RI substitution of H3.3 provides a mechanism for the immediate activation of genes that are silenced by histone modification. Inheritance of newly deposited nucleosomes may then mark sites as active loci.  相似文献   

Nucleosomal subunits isolated from rabbit thymus nuclei in 0.04 M K2SO4-0.02 M Tris, pH 7.4 were devoid of histone H1, while whole chromatin prepared in the same buffer contained the full complement of histone H1. The question is asked why histone H1 dissociates from the subunits but not from the high molecular weight material. We propose that, at physiological salt concentrations, histone H1 is not bound to linker DNA as depicted in the current models; rather, alternate attachment sites, present only in the polymer, are involved.  相似文献   

H1 linker histones stabilize the nucleosome, limit nucleosome mobility and facilitate the condensation of metazoan chromatin. Here, we have combined systematic mutagenesis, measurement of in vivo binding by photobleaching microscopy, and structural modeling to determine the binding geometry of the globular domain of the H1(0) linker histone variant within the nucleosome in unperturbed, native chromatin in vivo. We demonstrate the existence of two distinct DNA-binding sites within the globular domain that are formed by spatial clustering of multiple residues. The globular domain is positioned via interaction of one binding site with the major groove near the nucleosome dyad. The second site interacts with linker DNA adjacent to the nucleosome core. Multiple residues bind cooperatively to form a highly specific chromatosome structure that provides a mechanism by which individual domains of linker histones interact to facilitate chromatin condensation.  相似文献   

The condensation of chromatin and histone H1-depleted chromatin by spermine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
At low ionic strength, spermine induces aggregation of native and H1-depleted chromatin at spermine/phosphate (Sp/P) ratios of 0.15 and 0.3, respectively. Physico-chemical methods (electric dichroism, circular dichroism and thermal denaturation) show that spermine, at Sp/P less than 0.15, does not appreciably alter the conformation of native chromatin and interacts unspecifically with all parts of chromatin DNA (linker as well as regions slightly or tightly bound to histones). In chromatin, the role of spermine could be more important in the stabilization of higher-order structure than in the condensation of the 30 nm solenoid. The addition of spermine to H1-depleted chromatin revealed two important features: (i) spermine can partially mimic the role of histone H1 in the condensation of chromatin; (ii) the core histone octamer does not appear to play any role in the aggregation process by spermine as DNA and H1-depleted chromatin aggregate at the same Sp/P ratio.  相似文献   

Using the method of salt dialysis, we have reconstituted histone octamers onto DNA templates consisting of 12 tandem repeats, each containing a fragment of the sea urchin 5S rRNA gene [Simpson, R.T., Thoma, F., & Brubaker, J.M. (1985) Cell 42, 799-808]. In these templates, each sea urchin repeat contains a sequence for preferred nucleosome positioning. Sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium studies in the analytical ultracentrifuge indicate that at molar histone/DNA ratios of 1.0-1.1 extremely homogeneous preparations of fully loaded oligonucleosomes (12 nucleosomes/template) can be regularly obtained. Digestion of the oligonucleosomes with micrococcal nuclease, followed by restriction mapping of purified nucleosome-bound DNA sequences, yields a complicated but consistent pattern of nucleosome positioning. Roughly 50% of the nucleosomes appear to be phased at positions 1-146 of each repeat, while the remainder of the nucleosomes occupy a number of other minor discrete positions along the template that differ by multiples of 10 bp. From sedimentation velocity studies of the oligonucleosomes in 0-0.2 M NaCl, we observe a reversible increase in mean sedimentation coefficient by almost 30%, accompanied by development of heterogeneity in sedimentation. These results, in combination with theoretical predictions, indicate that linear stretches of chromatin in the absence of lysine-rich histones exist in solution in a salt-dependent equilibrium between an extended (low salt) conformation and one or more folded (high salt) structures. In addition, by 100 mM NaCl, salt-dependent dissociation of histone octamers from these linear oligonucleosomes is observed.  相似文献   

Assembly and properties of chromatin containing histone H1   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The Xenopus oocyte supernatant (oocyte S-150) forms chromatin in a reaction that is affected by temperature and by the concentration of ATP and Mg. Under optimal conditions at 27 degrees C, relaxed DNA plasmids are efficiently assembled into supercoiled minichromosomes with the endogenous histones H3, H4, H2A and H2B. This assembly reaction is a gradual process that takes four to six hours for completion. Micrococcal nuclease digestions of the chromatin assembled under these conditions generate an extended series of DNA fragments that are, on average, multiples of 180 base-pairs. We have examined the effect of histone H1 in this system. Exogenous histone H1, when added at a molar ratio of H1 to nucleosome of 1:1 to 5:1, causes an increase in the micrococcal nuclease resistance of the chromatin without causing chromatin aggregation under these experimental conditions. Furthermore, the periodically arranged nucleosomes display longer internucleosome distances, and the average length of the nucleosome repeat is a function of the amount of histone H1 added, when this histone is present at the onset of the assembly process. In contrast, no major change in the length of the nucleosome repeat is observed when histone H1 is added at the end of the chromatin assembly process. Protein analyses of the purified minichromosomes show that histone H1 is incorporated in the chromatin that is assembled in the S-150 supplemented with histone H1. The amount of histone H1 bound to chromatin is a function of the total amount of histone H1 added. We define here the parameters that generate histone H1-containing chromatin with native nucleosome repeats from 160 to 220 base-pairs, and we discuss the implications of these studies.  相似文献   

Effects of non-histone components and histone H1 on the morphology of nucleosomes and chromatin were studied by electron microscopy. Soluble rat liver ehromatin was depleted of non-histone components [NH]or non-histone components and H1 [NH and H1] by dissociation and subsequent fractionation in sucrose gradients in the presence of 300 to 350 mm or 500 mm-NaCl, respectively. In reconstitution experiments the depleted samples were mixed either with [NH] or with [NH and H1] or with purified H1. The morphology of the ionic strength-dependent condensation of the samples was monitored by electron microscopy using 0 mm to 100 mm-NaCl. Based on the appearance of the different types of fibres in very low salt (0 mm up to 10 mm-NaCl), namely the zigzag-shaped, the beads-on-a-string or the DNA-like filaments, it is possible to distinguish between nucleosomes, partially unravelled nucleosomes and unravelled nucleosomes, respectively. Only those fibres which were zigzag-shaped at low ionic strength condense at increasing ionic strength into higher order structures of compact fibres. We demonstrate the dependence of the appearance of nucleosomes and chromatin upon its composition and upon the ionic strength of the solvent.[NH] have no detectable influence upon the formation of higher order chromatin structures, but they can prevent the unravelling of nucleosomes at very low ionic strength, presumably by charge shielding.For the appearance of zigzag-shaped fibres and for the condensation into compact fibres with increasing ionic strength, H1 must be present in about native amounts. Partial removal of H1 (about 10%) promotes a change from fibres into tangles. This supports the model that an H1 polymer is stabilizing the higher order chromatin structures.Reconstitution experiments with purified H1 regenerated fibres containing all the features of [NH]-depleted chromatin. Reconstitution experiments with [NH and H1] promoted fibres compatible with control chromatin. Overloading of chromatin with H1 led to additional condensation. The detailed morphology of the reconstituted fibres showed local distortions. One possibility explaining these local distortions would be competition between “main” and “additional” binding sites for histone H1.  相似文献   

Influence of histone H1 on chromatin structure   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
F Thoma  T Koller 《Cell》1977,12(1):101-107
Removal of histone H1 produces a transition in the structure of chromatin fibers as observed by electron microscopy. Chromatin containing all histone proteins appears as fibers with a diameter of about 250 A. The nucleosomes within these fibers are closely packed. If histone H1 is selectively removed with 50-100 mM NaCl in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) in the presence of the ion-exchange resin AG 50 W - X2, chromatin appears as "beads-on-a-string" with the nucleosomes separated from each other by distances of about 150-200 A. If chromatin is treated in the presence of the resin with NaCl at concentrations of 650 mM or more, the structural organization of the chromatin is decreased, yielding fibers of irregular appearance.  相似文献   

The arrangement of 8 histones in the nucleosome core has been investigated by identifying the sites of 4 histone sequences cross-linked with a bifunctional amino-group reagent, dimethyl suberimidate, selected from among 4 diimidoesters of various linker lengths examined. H1-depleted calf thymus chromatin was allowed to react with 14C-labeled suberimidate at pH 8.5 and 0 degrees C. The cross-linked chromatin was then digested exhaustively with trypsin. Almost all the histone fragments were released from the chromatin with 0.25 M HCl and chromatographed on several columns and on paper. Cross-linked peptides were detected by analyzing the content of radioactive suberimidoylbislysine after acid hydrolysis. The chromatographic procedure developed here showed that the whole histone fragments contained 29 mol% of the total linked reagent as suberimidoylbisylsine. The 5 finally purified cross-linked peptides were identified from the total and N-terminal amino acids of each pair of peptides separated by two-dimensional cellulose thin layer chromatography after cutting the linker by ammonolysis. Thus, intramolecular cross-linking was found between Lys-5 and Lys-9 of H2A, and Lys-34 and Lys-85 of H2B, while intermolecular cross-linking was found between Lys-24 (or 27) of H2B and Lys-74 of H2A, Lys-85 of H2B and Lys-91 of H4, and Lys-120 of H2B and Lys-115 of H3 and/or Lys-77 of H4. Most of these lysine residues are located in the DNA-binding segments of the 4 histone sequences identified previously [Kato, Y. & Iwai, K, (1977) J. Biochem. 81, 621--630]. All the 5 or 6 cross-links can be located in a heterotypic tetramer consisting of one molecule each of H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, and a model of the histone arrangement in the tetramer is proposed. Two such tetramers may compose to the histone octamer in the nucleosome core.  相似文献   

Bustin M  Catez F  Lim JH 《Molecular cell》2005,17(5):617-620
Over 80% of the nucleosomes in chromatin contain histone H1, a protein family known to affect the structure and activity of chromatin. Genetic studies and in vivo imaging experiments are changing the traditional view of H1 function and mechanism of action. H1 variants are partially redundant, mobile molecules that interact with nucleosomes as members of a dynamic protein network and serve as fine tuners of chromatin function.  相似文献   

Protamine-like proteins constitute a group of sperm nuclear basic proteins that have been shown to be related to somatic linker histones (histone H1 family). Like protamines, they usually replace the chromatin somatic histone complement during spermiogenesis; hence their name. Several of these proteins have been characterized to date in invertebrate organisms, but information about their occurrence and characterization in vertebrates is still lacking. In this sense, the genus Mullus is unique, as it is the only known vertebrate that has its sperm chromatin organized by virtually only protamine-like proteins. We show that the sperm chromatin of this organism is organized by two type I protamine-like proteins (PL-I), and we characterize the major protamine-like component of the fish Mullus surmuletus (striped red mullet). The native chromatin structure resulting from the association of these proteins with DNA was studied by micrococcal nuclease digestion as well as electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It is shown that the PL-I proteins organize chromatin in parallel DNA bundles of different thickness in a quite distinct arrangement that is reminiscent of the chromatin organization of those organisms that contain protamines (but not histones) in their sperm.  相似文献   

J M Sun  Z Ali  R Lurz    A Ruiz-Carrillo 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(5):1651-1658
In vivo competition between histones H1 and H5 for chromatin has been studied in rat sarcoma XC10 cells transfected with a glucocorticoid responsive MMTV-H5 gene. Activation of H5 expression results in accumulation of H5 in the nuclei where it partially replaces H1. H5 displaces H1 from its primary binding sites presumably during chromatin replication and also binds with high affinity to secondary chromatin sites normally not occupied by H1. Replacement of H1 by H5 to levels similar to those of mature chicken erythrocytes does not alter the nucleosome repeat length of chromatin. This indicates that H5 is not solely responsible for the increase in nucleosome spacing of maturing erythroid cells. Exchange of H1 by H5 in vivo or in vitro results in a higher compaction/stability of chromatin.  相似文献   

Genome-wide mapping of three dimensional chromatin organization is an important yet technically challenging task. To aid experimental effort and to understand the determinants of long-range chromatin interactions, we have developed a computational model integrating Hi-C and histone mark ChIP-seq data to predict two important features of chromatin organization: chromatin interaction hubs and topologically associated domain (TAD) boundaries. Our model accurately and robustly predicts these features across datasets and cell types. Cell-type specific histone mark information is required for prediction of chromatin interaction hubs but not for TAD boundaries. Our predictions provide a useful guide for the exploration of chromatin organization.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0740-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast chromatin, isolated by a rapid procedure contains in addition to histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 a fifth major basic protein. This fifth polypeptide is not an intrinsic component of the nucleosome structure. It has properties of both histone and nonhistone proteins and might represent an early form of histone H1 and of high mobility group nonhistone proteins of higher eukaryotes.Electron microscopic visualization of isolated yeast nucleosomes substantiates further the similarity of the chromatin structure of this unicellular eukaryote to that of higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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