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The hepatocellular binucleation rate, measured as the percentage of binuclear cells amongst newly formed bromodeoxyuridine-labelled and immunostained collage-nase-isolated rat hepatocytes, decreased from 12% to 4% between days 30 and 40 after birth, rose to 20% between days 50 and 60, and then declined again to the adult rate of about 10% at day 80. During regenerative growth following a two-thirds partial hepatectomy, the rate of binucleation declined to about 3%, causing the fraction of binuclear cells to fall from 27% (before hepactectomy) to 5% (at 45 h after hepactectomy) as pre-existing binuclear cells replicated and formed mononuclear daughter cells. Essentially all (97%) hepatocytes replicated at least once, starting their DNA synthesis at around 13 h and reaching a peak at 30 h, irrespective of ploidy and nuclearity. At later time points, the diploid hepatocytes had a higher labelling index than the polyploid cells, suggesting a greater tendency to go through several cell cycles.  相似文献   

The relation of AFP production to DNA synthesis was investigated in newborn rat liver and in primary cultures of fetal rat hepatocytes, by combining immunoperoxidase AFP localization and autoradiography after 3H-thymidine labelling. The vast majority of AFP-positive hepatocytes did not incorporate 3H-thymidine after ≤4-h isotope pulses, suggesting that in the developing liver, essentially no production of AFP occurs in S, G2 or M phases of the hepatocyte cell life cycle. Serial or continuous thymidine labelling experiments further indicated that post-mitotic hepatocytes constitute a sizable fraction of AFP-producing cells.  相似文献   

In isolated rat liver cells, the inhibition of L-pyruvate kinase (L-PK) by a cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation mechanism is involved in the hormonal control of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. The aim of this study was to ascertain whether or not the in vivo phosphorylation state of the enzyme was maintained during the liver perfusion used to prepare isolated liver cells. When the L-PK phosphorylation state was studied indirectly in liver extracts by kinetic measurement, it was found that, during the perfusion, the S0.5 of phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) for L-PK was decreased in a time-dependent manner from 1 +/- 0.08 to 0.64 +/- 0.1 mM (P less than 0.01) and 0.58 +/- 0.06 mM in liver cells. This shift was prevented only by the addition of glucagon to the perfusion medium. The extent of phosphorylation of L-PK was also estimated by incubation of the liver extract with [gamma-32P]ATP, protein kinase, and cyclic AMP, and measurement of 32Pi incorporated in L-PK by specific immunoprecipitation. In liver extracts removed at the beginning of the perfusion, 0.4 mol Pi/mol L-PK was incorporated and there was no stimulation by cyclic AMP. In contrast, in the liver extracts removed after 30 min of perfusion, cyclic AMP stimulated 32P incorporation two to threefold, and 1.6 mol Pi/mol L-PK was incorporated. These data suggest that L-PK was activated by a dephosphorylation mechanism during rat liver perfusion. This phenomenon could be involved in the classical inactivation of gluconeogenesis observed in the perfused rat liver model.  相似文献   

Antigens of plasma membranes in hepatocytes from regenerating rat liver were studied. Immunochemical investigation with polyvalent rabbits antiserum against plasma membrane proteins in hepatocytes from regenerating and normal rat liver have shown that liver regeneration processes are accompanied by the increase of proteins number with molecular weight of--80 kDa, 62 kDa, 40 kDa and 27 kDa. It is not excluded that protein with molecular weight of 27 kDa is the tissue-specific peripheral protein. The influence of antibodies against proteins of hepatocytes plasmatic membranes on histostructure of pathologically changed liver tissue has been studied. The data obtained testify to a possibility of participation of the above mentioned proteins in the regulation of rat liver regeneration processes.  相似文献   

本工作采用无血清原供培养大鼠肝细胞法,观察了重组人肝细胞生长因子对四氯化碳致大鼠肝细胞损伤的保护作用。结果表明,r-hHGF对CCl4染毒肝细胞有明显的保护作用。r-hHGF保护组较CCl4染毒组细胞存活率显著升高,细胞内丙氨酸转氨酶,钾离子漏出明显降低。  相似文献   

A method for investigating weakly-proliferating cell populations of liver parenchyma on the basis of a quantitative analysis of hepatocyte polyploidization during postnatal development is described. The method uses a mathematical model which characterizes the hepatocyte polyploidization process, and incorporates data concerning the time course for relative frequencies of hepatocytes in different ploidy classes. As a result of these measurements and calculations for rat liver, transition rates of hepatocytes (the relative number of cells during a given time unit) from one ploidy class to another, and a coefficient for the reduction of hepatocyte mitotic activity with an increase in its ploidy class were obtained. Calculated curves show a good correspondence with the real process of hepatocyte frequency changes as they relate to changes in the age of the animals. To check this method, experiments investigating time changes of autoradiographic label content in the different ploidy classes of hepatocytes were carried out. By mathematically modeling the label diluting process resulting from cell proliferation and polyploidization, transition rates of hepatocytes were calculated, and they reflect values calculated from the model according to changes in occurrence frequencies.  相似文献   

Hypokinesia (diminished movement) induces muscle mineral depletion. However, the mechanism of muscle mineral depletion during hypokinesia (HK) remains unknown. Measuring electrolyte retention and electrolyte values in muscle, plasma, and urine during and after HK, the aim of this study was to discover if HK could depress mineral retention and lead to muscle mineral depletion. Studies were done on 204 13-wk-old male Wistar rats (370–390 g) during 10 d pre-HK period, 98 d HK period, and 15 d post-HK period. Rats were equally divided into two groups: vivarium control rats (VCR) and hypokinetic rats (HKR). All hypokinetic rats were kept for 98 d in small individual cages, which restricted their movements in all directions without hindering food and water intakes. All control rats were housed for 98 d in individual cages under vivarium control conditions. Both groups of rats were pair-fed. During the HK period skeletal muscle sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), and water content and electrolyte retention decreased significantly (p < 0.05), while urinary and plasma electrolyte levels increased significantly (p < 0.05) in HKR compared with their pre-HK values and their respective VCR. During the initial days of the post-HK period, mineral retention increased significantly (p < 0.05), plasma and urinary electrolyte level decreased significantly (p < 0.05), while muscle electrolyte and water content remained significantly (p < 0.05) depressed in HKR compared with VCR. Muscle mineral and water content, electrolyte retention, plasma, and urinary electrolyte values did not change in VCR compared with their pre-HK values. It was concluded that during HK decreased muscle mineral content may suggest muscle mineral depletion, while increased urinary electrolyte loss and muscle mineral depletion may demonstrate reduced mineral retention. Reduced electrolyte excretion and depressed muscle mineral content during post-HK may indicate skeletal muscle mineral depletion during HK. Dissociation between electrolyte retention and muscle mineral depletion may demonstrate the presence of decreased electrolyte retention as the mechanism of muscle electrolyte depletion during prolonged HK.  相似文献   

Overlapping cDNA clones for rat hepatocyte growth factor (rHGF) were isolated by cross-hybridization with the cloned cDNA for human hepatocyte growth factor (hHGF) and the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA was determined. The entire primary structure of rHGF was deduced from the sequence. Comparison of the amino acid sequences between rat and human HGFs revealed that the two sequences are highly conserved throughout the protein structures, suggesting that rat and human HGFs may be functionally similar. Responses of the rHGF mRNA during liver regeneration in rats were examined by Northern blot hybridization analysis with the aid of the cDNA probe for rHGF. The mRNA levels increased in the liver and spleen but not in the kidney after administration of carbon tetrachloride. At the maximum level of induction, the rHGF mRNA increased in the liver about 4.5-fold over its normal level. The mRNA levels also increased in the liver and spleen after administration of D-galactosamine. On the other hand, no obvious increase of the mRNA was observed in the liver and spleen after partial hepatectomy. These observations suggest that HGF may function as a regulator of liver regeneration following hepatic injury caused by hepatotoxins.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) is a potent complete mitogen for primary cultures of hepatocytes in vitro. There is strong evidence that this novel growth factor may mediate hepatocyte regeneration after liver damage. We have shown previously that the amount of immunoreactive HGF markedly increases in the serum of rats soon after partial hepatectomy or CCl4 administration. In the present paper, we demonstrate that the level of HGF mRNA in rat liver also dramatically increases from 3 to 6 hours post hepatectomy, peaks at 12 hr and gradually returns to undetectable levels by 72 to 96 hours post hepatectomy. In separate experiments, DNA synthesis (in vivo) was determined in rat liver remnants after partial hepatectomy. DNA synthesis peaked 24 hr after hepatectomy, 12 hr after the peak of HGF mRNA expression. These results suggest that HGF may be one of the major early signals that triggers hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration.  相似文献   

The processes of polyploidization in normal human liver parenchyma from 155 individuals aged between 1 day and 92 years were investigated by Feulgen-DNA cytophotometry. It was shown that polyploid hepatocytes appear in individuals from 1 to 5 years old. Up to the age of 50 years the accumulation rate of binucleate and polyploid cells is very slow, but subsequently hepatocyte polyploidization is intensified, and in patients aged 86–92 years the relative number of cells with polyploid nuclei is about 27%. Only a few hepatocytes in the normal human liver reach 16C and 8C×2 ploidy levels for mononucleate and binucleate cells respectively. Using a mathematical modeling method, it was shown that during postnatal liver growth the polyploidization process in human liver is similar to that in the rat, and that polyploid cells are formed mainly from binucleate cells. As in rats, prior to an increase in ploidy level, diploid human hepatocytes can pass several times through the usual mitotic cycles maintaining their initial ploidy level. After birth, only one in ten hepatocytes starting DNA synthesis enters the polyploidization process. At maturity about 60% of 2C-hepatocytes starting DNA synthesis divide by conventional mitosis, the rest dividing by acytokinetic mitosis leading to the formation of binucleate cells. During ageing the probability of hepatocyte polyploidization increases and in this period there are two polyploid or binucleate cells for every diploid dividing by conventional mitosis.  相似文献   

When affecting the rat liver cells by the alkylating agent dipin or X-ray irradiation in combination with genome induction by phenobarbital, a considerable decrease was observed in the mitotic activity of hepatocytes after hepatoectomy. The decrease in the mitotic activity is preserved for 90 days between introduction of mutagene and phenobarbital. When increasing the time interval to 150 days the inhibition in the mitotic activity is not observed.  相似文献   

Perfusion of normal adult rat livers with Hanks' solution containing 1 M NaCl in situ led to the releasing of a large amount of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). During the first 5 min of perfusion, the HGF content of the perfusate reached a maximum level, while the LDH activity due to release from the cells was negligible. The liver HGF content did not decrease with age. The liver HGF content in rats injured by CCl4 injection decreased temporarily and then recovered rapidly to a normal level. These results indicate that HGF is sequestered in the extracellular matrix in the subendothelial space in normal adult rat liver and its effect will be either neutralized or potentiated by other local factors.  相似文献   

Methodological approaches to kinetics of cell polyploidization in the rat liver parenchyma are discussed. Different ways of hepatocyte polyploidization in the course of postnatal liver growth have been assessed. The intensities of hepatocyte transitions from one ploidy class to another were determined. On the basis of literary experimental data the following is summarized: With the increase in the animal age, there is a decrease in hepatocyte transition from one ploidy class to and ther; in young animals the intensity of formation of tetraploid hepatocytes through the stage of binuclear cells (2c----2c X 2----4c) is 0.39-0.55 within two weeks, the intensity of direct transitions (2c----4c) being 0.00-0.19 within the same time. The intensity of entering to DNA synthesis is reduced with the increase in hepatocyte ploidy levels; in this case the coefficient of the reducing of mitotic activity is calculated as 0.10-0.22, and 0.01-0.05 for 4c- and 8c-hepatocytes, resp. The factors stimulating proliferation in the liver increase the intensity of the direct cell transition (2c----4c) by several times which can exceed the intensity of transition through the binuclear cell stage.  相似文献   

Mitomycin C, a DNA cross-linking agent, was administered for a week intraperitoneally to a normal 9-week-old rat in which hepatocyte proliferative activity had almost ceased. In the rat treated with mitomycin C, the number of polyploid cells with the DNA amounts more than 4C was not increased in comparison with that in the control rat without any treatment. However, the partial hepatectomy in the rat pretreated with mitomycin C provoked prominent hepatocyte polyploidization much greater in degree than that found in the hepatectomized rat without mitomycin C treatment. These results seem to indicate that the existence of cross-linking DNA damages is a latent factor necessary for the induction of abortive mitosis of a cell after completion of DNA synthesis, which results in the production of a mononuclear polyploid cell in one-step higher DNA class. Cross-linking DNA damages and DNA synthesis are the essential factors for the manifestation of polyploidization.  相似文献   

Experiments (20- and 100-day) on rats showed that decrease of the animal motor activity with preserved static function of the extremities led to a marked thinning of the cortical layer of the femoral bone. However, the ability of the whole bone to bear mechanical load decreased but slightly. An increase in the firmness of the bone tissue as a result of its mineralization compensated for the cortical layer thinning.  相似文献   

We have utilized antibodies against five domain-specific integral proteins of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane to examine the fates of the plasma membrane domains during hepatocyte division in the regenerating rat liver. The proteins were quantified on immunoblots of liver homogenates prepared during the peak of hepatocyte mitotic activity, 28-30 hr after two-thirds hepatectomy. Two sinusoidal/lateral proteins, CE 9 and the asialoglycoprotein receptor, and one bile canalicular protein, dipeptidylpeptidase IV, were not changed significantly in amount; whereas one sinusoidal/lateral protein, the epidermal growth factor receptor, and one bile canalicular protein, HA 4, were reduced to less than or equal to 50% of control levels. Light microscopic examination of plastic sections of regenerating liver tissue revealed that the mitotic hepatocytes generally appeared to retain normal contacts with neighboring interphase hepatocytes. Immunofluorescence was used to localize the domain-specific proteins on mitotic hepatocytes identified in 0.5-micron frozen sections of 28- to 30-hr regenerating liver tissue. Independent of mitotic stage, the hepatocytes retained mutually exclusive bile canalicular and sinusoidal/lateral domains, as defined at the molecular level by the distributions of specific proteins, such as HA 4 and CE 9, respectively.  相似文献   

Carnitine acetyltransferase (CAT) catalyzes the reversible transfer of short chain (less than six carbons in length) acyl groups from acyl-CoA thioesters to form the corresponding acylcarnitines. This reaction has been suggested to be of importance in decreasing cellular content of acyl-CoA under conditions characterized by accumulation of poorly metabolized, potentially toxic acyl-CoAs. To study the importance of the CAT reaction, the effect of CAT inhibitors on rat hepatocyte metabolism in the presence of propionate was examined. Acetyl-DL-aminocarnitine inhibited [14C]propionylcarnitine accumulation by isolated hepatocytes incubated with [14C]propionate (1.0-10.0 mM). Inhibition of propionylcarnitine formation by acetyl-DL-aminocarnitine was concentration dependent and was not due to non-specific cellular toxicity as [14C]glucose formation from [14C]propionate, and [1-14C]pyruvate oxidation were unaffected by the CAT inhibitor. Inhibition of propionylcarnitine formation was increased by preincubating hepatocytes with acetyl-DL-aminocarnitine, suggesting competition for cellular uptake between carnitine and the inhibitor. Hemiacetylcartinium (HAC) and meso-2,6-bis(carboxymethyl)4,4-dimethylmorpholinium bromide (CMDM), potent inhibitors of CAT in broken cell systems, did not inhibit hepatocyte propionylcarnitine formation under the conditions evaluated. Propionate (5 mM) inhibited hepatocyte pyruvate (10 mM) oxidation, and this inhibition was partially reversed by 5 mM carnitine. Addition of 5.0 mM acetyl-DL-aminocarnitine abolished the stimulatory effect of carnitine on pyruvate oxidation in the presence of propionate. These studies establish that acetyl-DL-aminocarnitine inhibits intact hepatocyte CAT activity, and thus provide a useful probe of the role of CAT in cellular metabolism. CAT activity appears to be critical for carnitine-mediated reversal of propionate-induced inhibition of pyruvate oxidation.  相似文献   

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