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The effects of initiation of solid and liquid supplementation on resumption of post-partum menstruation are examined, using data from a 2-year prospective study of birth interval dynamics from central Java, Indonesia. The sample analysed consisted of 444 women who experienced resumption of menses while breast-feeding, women who were breast-feeding and amenorrhoeic at the end of the study, or women who resumed menstruation or were censored after infant mortality and weaning which preceded the resumption of menses. Multivariate hazard model analysis was used to assess the significance of supplementation, various breast-feeding covariates, and age and parity of the dependent variable. Because the timing of supplementation varies, the supplementation variables were introduced into the analysis as time-varying covariates. For the mothers in the sample, solid and liquid supplementation was initiated at medians of 2.1 and 8.0 months respectively. The former had a significant effect on resumption of menses, while the latter was only marginally significant. Earlier supplementation meant shorter durations of amenorrhoea for the majority of women. However, the effect was not consistent across all categories of women. For the small group of mothers who were low intensity breast-feeders (less than or equal to 6 minutes per nursing episode) or as low frequency day-time breast-feeders (less than or equal to 6 nursing episodes per day-time), earlier supplementation had no additional effect on their rate of resumption of menses post-partum.  相似文献   

Nu?oa is a high altitude rural Peruvian community characterized by socioeconomic stratification and differential access to the market economy. Nursing practices and the effects of nursing are also stratified; this translates into a risk of menses at 12 months post-partum nearly seven times greater in wealthier than in poorer women. Most nursing occurs in the morning, among those who practice on-demand breast-feeding. Nursing episodes are clustered into sessions; the amount of breast-feeding is regulated by varying the number of episodes per session rather than by changing the duration of suckling episodes or the frequency of sessions per hour. Thus, resumption of ovulation is not dependent on the variable spacing of nursing episodes or sessions. The components of nursing activity most likely to be responsible for variation in the duration of post-partum amenorrhoea in these nursing women are mean session duration and mean number of episodes per session. The mean duration of morning nursing sessions is negatively associated with infant's age, reflecting the greater reliance of younger children on breast-milk. The mean duration of afternoon nursing sessions is positively associated with mother's age, independent of infant's age, possibly reflecting maternal age-related variation in milk production capabilities. Baby minding by older daughters may also help to explain variation in afternoon nursing.  相似文献   

The relationship between subsequent lengths of lactational amenorrhoea for individual women in a prospective study of breast-feeding women in Bangladesh was studied. The data indicate that previous length of amenorrhoea has significant predictive value for the subsequent length of amenorrhoea. Information on previous experience with lactational amenorrhoea should be therefore incorporated into guidelines for the introduction of family planning during lactation.  相似文献   

Contraceptive prevalence surveys from sub-Saharan Africa typically show low rates of method use. The current study of one zone in Kinshasa, Za?re, provides a more detailed view of fertility control in an urban population by examining the relative duration of breast-feeding, amenorrhoea and sexual abstinence during the post-partum period. While motivations to prevent pregnancy remain high until the youngest child is over 24 months, the average duration of abstinence is only 4 months. This paper describes the methods women use to avoid pregnancy and the changes over the post-partum period.  相似文献   

A large multicentre epidemiological study was carried out by WHO between 1991 and 1995 to analyse the duration of lactational amenorrhoea in relation to breast-feeding. The main results of this analysis, which used classical statistical modelling, have been already published. However, some specific aspects of the postpartum fertility amenorrhoea and breast-feeding covariates, and more specifically the observed progressive exhaustion of the breast-feeding inhibitory effect on the reproductive axis, may justify a closer look at the validity of the statistical tools. Indeed, as has already been emphasized, analysis of large longitudinal data sets in reproduction often faces three difficulties: (i) the precise determination of the event of interest, (ii) the way to handle the time evolution of both the studied variables and their effect on the event of interest and (iii) the often discrete nature of the data and the associated problem of tied events. The first objective of the present work was to give additional insights into the estimation and quantification of the dynamics of the effect of breast-feeding over time, considering this covariate either as fixed or time-dependent. The second objective was to show how to perform the analyses using corresponding adapted procedures in widely available statistical packages, without the need for acquiring particular programming skills.  相似文献   

Aspects of reproductive history and performance in captive female chimpanzees were examined from the records of Taronga Zoo, Sydney. All the females had raised their own infants. The average duration of post-partum amenorrhoea in Taronga females was 28 months which was shorter than that in free-living females at Gombe National Park. Despite this shorter post-partum amenorrhoea, the average age difference between surviving offspring of the captive females is similar to that observed in the free-living population. As a result, the “completed family sizes” of females at Taronga have been similar to those observed in free-living populations.  相似文献   

The duration of lactational amenorrhoea, and infant feeding patterns and behaviour, were investigated in a sample of 97 mother-infant pairs living in a poor urban area of Dhaka, Bangladesh. A seven-hour time allocation method was used to determine the number of breast-feeding bouts and their duration. The seven-hour observation period was conducted on five occasions: at birth, 1 month, 4 months, 8 months and either 10 or 11 months. The median duration of lactational amenorrhoea was determined to be 24.07 weeks using survival analysis. Mothers who breast-fed their babies for longer and more frequently had, on average, a longer period of lactational amenorrhoea. There was no relationship between sociodemographic characteristics of the mother and duration of lactational amenorrhoea, nor was there any significant relationship between maternal anthropometry and birth weight of the baby and duration of lactational amenorrhoea, but there was a tendency for women with lower body mass index to have longer durations. Using the Cox proportional hazards model, the best predictor of duration of lactational amenorrhoea was the mean of months 0 and 1 durations of breast-feeding, adjusted for the mean frequencies for those months. The introduction of weaning food was also an important predictor.  相似文献   

Reported information on the duration of post-partum amenorrhoea usually shows considerable number preference, particularly at 6-monthly intervals. This paper presents a technique for smoothing such amenorrhoea data using a modified exponential curve. An attempt has also been made to estimate the average number of months a mother is expected to remain amenorrhoeic.  相似文献   

An experimental breast-feeding education programme conducted at the Philippine General Hospital in Manila demonstrated that women could be motivated to improve their breast-feeding practices and lengthen their period of lactational amenorrhoea in comparison to a control group. Mothers who participated in the programme breast-fed their babies more frequently, delayed the introduction of regular supplements, used fewer bottles and pacifiers and maintained night feeding longer than mothers who were not exposed to the positive breast-feeding messages. The programme was successful in lengthening the period of amenorrhoea among women with elementary, high school, or technical school education, but not among college-educated women. Different educational approaches may be necessary for women of different education levels.  相似文献   

The proximate causes of the contraceptive effect of lactation are still a matter of productive debate. This study sought to disentangle the relative impact that intense breast-feeding practices and maternal nutrition have on the regulation of ovarian function in nursing women. A mixed-longitudinal, direct-observational, prospective study was conducted of the return to postpartum fecundity in 113 breast-feeding, well-nourished Toba women. A sub-sample of 70 women provided data on nursing behaviour, daily activities, diet quality and urinary levels of oestrone and progesterone metabolites. Well-nourished, intensively breast-feeding Toba women experienced a relatively short period of lactational amenorrhoea (10.2 +/- 4.3 months) and a high lifetime fertility (TFR=6.7 live births/woman). Duration of lactational amenorrhoea was not correlated with any of the nursing parameters under study or with static measures of maternal nutritional status. The results indicated that the pattern of resumption of postpartum fertility could be explained, at least partly, by differences in individual metabolic budgets. Toba women resumed postpartum ovulation after a period of sustained positive energy balance. As the relative metabolic load hypothesis suggests, the variable effect of lactation on postpartum fertility may not depend on the intensity of nursing per se but rather on the energetic stress that lactation represents for the individual mother.  相似文献   

The association between breast-feeding patterns and resumption of menses post-partum was examined in a prospective study in Indonesia. In order to examine these relationships directly in a longitudinal study, it was first necessary to distinguish among women who experienced infant mortality before menses resumed, women who weaned before menses resumed, and women who had return to menses while breast-feeding. Information on suckling patterns and menstrual status was collected by recall for 444 women at monthly visits for 2 years. Three main breast-feeding variables, minutes per episode, number of episodes per day, number of episodes per night, and other breast-feeding variables were derived for each woman, to give the average nursing pattern up to menses or the end of the study, which-ever came first. While high levels of nursing for each of these three main variables were found to be significantly related to delay in return of menses post-partum, the interactions between more minutes per episode, and more frequent day- and night-time feeds, were found to be the most important factors in the delay in onset of post-partum menstruation in those women whose menses resumed while still nursing or who remained amenorrhoeic and nursing at the end of the study.  相似文献   

Fifty-one mother-infant pairs were followed prospectively by home visits and telephone contacts during the first 6 months post-partum. Comparisons between mothers who experienced lactation crises because of perceived breast-milk insufficiency (crisis group) and those who did not (non-crisis group) revealed differences in attitudes to breast-feeding, breast-feeding behaviour and sexual life. The crisis group tended to initiate breast-feeding for infant-related reasons more frequently than the non-crisis group, which more frequently gave mother-related reasons. During the course of breast-feeding attitude changes in a negative direction were significantly more common in the crisis group. No difference was found between the groups in the resumption of sexual life, but 59% of all the women claimed that they experienced less or no desire compared to before pregnancy and, of these, a significantly higher proportion belonged to the crisis group.  相似文献   

Whatever proximate variables are examined, their differential effects on rural and urban fertility are small. This indicates that no major disturbance has taken place in urban or rural reproductive norms. However, two possible reasons for the converging pattern of rural and urban fertility in Nigeria are identified. One is that urban mothers in the first half of the childbearing age range have higher fertility than their rural counterparts. The other is that breast-feeding and post-partum abstinence, which are the major determinants of marital fertility, exert a more depressing influence on rural than urban fertility.  相似文献   

Reports on callitrichid monkeys have not revealed a significant effect of nursing on interbirth intervals or on post-partum to ovulation intervals. We examined 25 post-partum intervals in cotton-top tamarin females to determine whether nursing infants would affect the length of the post-partum to ovulation interval. Urinary LH/CG and oestrone conjugates were measured in urine samples collected in the 6 weeks after birth. The post-partum to ovulation interval is the number of days between parturition and the rise of urinary LH and oestrone conjugates associated with ovulation. There was an 84% conception rate post partum. Neither mother's parity nor sex of the infants influenced the length of the post-partum to ovulation interval. The post-partum to ovulation interval for females nursing 2 infants was twice as long as for those not nursing or nursing 1 infant (P less than 0.05). The range of post-partum to ovulation interval lengths was more variable in nursing than in non-nursing females (P less than 0.01). Females spent less than 50% of observed time in contact and less than 20% of observed time nursing their infants. Neither the number of tamarins within the family nor the amount of time the mother was in contact with infants correlated with the length of the post-partum to ovulation interval. However, there was a positive correlation between the percentage time that mothers nursed 1 infant at a time and the length of the post-partum to ovulation interval (r = 0.75, P less than 0.02). The underlying mechanisms of suckling-induced delay of ovulation are present in the cotton-top tamarin as in other primate species. However, these nursing effects do not cause the substantial delay in fertility post partum that is associated with non-callitrichid primates.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this report is to use data from a study of infant growth and weaning practices in Kathmandu, Nepal, to investigate universal recommendations about exclusive breast-feeding up to 6 months postpartum. A secondary objective is to demonstrate the complexity of the biocultural nature of infant feeding practices. A sample of 283 children under 5 years of age and their 228 mothers living in a peri-urban district of Kathmandu participated in this study. The children's height/length and weight were measured three times over 9 months. At each session, a demographic, child health and infant feeding survey was administered; between sessions, in-depth interviews were conducted with mothers regarding infant feeding practices. While a few of the infants under 2 months were receiving non-breast milk foods, at 3 months of age half of the sample had been introduced to non-breast milk foods and by 7 months all infants were eating non-breast milk foods. A comparison of growth indices and velocities between exclusively and partially breast-fed infants from birth to 7 months of age shows no evidence for a difference in nutritional status between the two groups. Although there are cultural rules about breast-feeding that vary by ethnic group, all mothers followed a feeding method that depended on their assessment of whether the child was getting enough breast milk. The conclusion is that exclusive breast-feeding up to 6 months may not be appropriate for all infants. In this sample, breast-feeding duration is not shortened by the early introduction of non-breast milk foods, as the median age of breast-feeding cessation is 36 months. One of the main reasons for severance was the onset of another pregnancy. Investigation of infant feeding practices must be contextualized in the local ecology of the population. While cultural beliefs about breast-feeding are relevant, mothers' individual assessments of their children's nutritional needs and demographic events in parents' lives must also be considered.  相似文献   

Hormonal changes that occur before or during parturition are known to trigger early postpartum maternal behaviors in many mammals. In humans, little evidence has been found for hormonal mediation of early postpartum maternal behavior. In this paper, we investigate associations between fetoplacental hormone concentrations in late pregnancy on the time from parturition to initiation of breast-feeding. A sample of 91 pregnant rural Bangladeshi women, enrolled in a 9-month prospective study, provided twice-weekly urine specimens and structured interviews. The subjects provided self-reports of time from parturition to initiation of breast-feeding. Specimens were assayed for urinary concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), pregnanediol-3alpha-glucuronide (PdG, a metabolite of progesterone), and urinary estrone conjugates (E1C). Parametric hazards analysis was used to investigate the effects of hCG, PdG, and E1C concentrations and other covariates (mother's age, parity, and child's sex) on the duration from parturition to breast-feeding. Mother's age, parity, the child's sex, hCG, and PdG showed no association with the onset of breast-feeding. Urinary E1C was significantly associated with time to initiation of breast-feeding, explaining about 4% of the variation in the behavior. The relationship was positive so that higher prepartum concentrations of EIC were associated with later times to initiation of breast-feeding. The direction of this relationship is opposite that found for many other species of mammals but is consistent with some recent findings in primates.  相似文献   

An evaluation of a national breast-feeding promotion programme in Honduras   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A significant increase occurred in the initiation and duration of breast-feeding among Honduran women between 1981 and 1987. Changes in population characteristics (e.g. level of education of women) would be expected to lead to a decrease in breast-feeding at each infant age, but these were offset by behavioural changes that led to an increase in the likelihood of initiation and continuation of breast-feeding. An exploration of relevant factors suggests that the PROALMA breast-feeding promotion programme has had a profound effect on the breast-feeding behaviour of Honduran mothers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the impact of amenorrhoea on bone mineral density in women of reproductive age. DESIGN--Cross sectional study of 200 amenorrhoeic women compared with normally menstruating controls. SETTING--Teaching hospital outpatient clinic specialising in reproductive medicine. SUBJECTS--200 Women aged 16-40 with a past or current history of amenorrhoea from various causes and of a median duration of three years, and a control group of 57 age matched normal volunteers with no history of menstrual disorder. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Bone mineral density in the lumbar spine (L1-L4) as measured by dual energy x ray absorptiometry. RESULTS--The amenorrhoeic group showed a mean reduction in bone mineral density of 15% (95% confidence interval 12% to 18%) as compared with controls (mean bone mineral density 0.89 (SD 0.12) g/cm2 v 1.05 (0.09) g/cm2 in controls). Bone loss was related to the duration of amenorrhoea and the severity of oestrogen deficiency rather than to the underlying diagnosis. Patients with a history of fracture had significantly lower bone density than those without a history of fracture. Ten patients had suffered an apparently atraumatic fracture. CONCLUSIONS--Amenorrhoea in young women should be investigated and treated to prevent bone mineral loss. Menopausal women with a past history of amenorrhoea should be considered to be at high risk of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

The intervals between pregnancies have important effects on fertility and maternal and infant health outcomes. This study uses linear regression with censored observation to assess the determinants of the waiting time to third pregnancy. The analysis is applied to data from the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey consisting of 1172 women who had their second delivery ending in a live birth. Contraceptive use, age of the woman, duration of breast-feeding, length of previous pregnancy interval and education of the woman all affect the waiting time to third pregnancy significantly.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed in which the breast-feeding success of women of childbearing age (15 to 40 years) with macromastia but no prior breast surgery was compared with that of women of similar age who had undergone medial pedicle/vertical pattern reduction mammaplasty. All women completed a self-administered questionnaire that provided information on their breast-feeding success. The control group consisted of 149 women with macromastia (mean age, 27 years) who had been evaluated for possible breast reduction surgery and who had children before their consultation. The study group consisted of 58 women (mean age, 29 years) who had children after their vertical mammaplasty. The mean weight of breast tissue removed was 610 g per breast. None of the patients had absent nipple sensation. A period of 2 weeks or more was chosen as the defining duration of a successful breast-feeding attempt. Those individuals judged able to breast-feed were further classified on the basis of having breast-fed exclusively or with supplementation. The results demonstrated that, of the women who attempted to breast-feed, 61 percent in the control group and 65 percent in the study group were successful, with no significant difference between the groups (p > 0.05). The breakdown of the successful groups indicated that 36 percent in the control group and 38 percent in the study group supplemented their breast-feeding with formula. The groups were not significantly different (p > 0.05). In conclusion, this study found no significant difference in the rate of breast-feeding success between women who had medial pedicle/vertical pattern reduction mammaplasty and women who had no prior breast surgery.  相似文献   

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