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温度和热驯化对胡氏大生熊虫运动行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓晨  王立志 《动物学报》2005,51(3):516-520
对外温脊椎动物体温和运动能力关系的研究表明,外温动物的运动行为对身体温度的变化高度敏感(Bennett,1990)。在许多动物种类中,体温的升高或降低显著影响动物的运动能力(Huey,1982;Miller,1982;Watkins,2000),而运动能力的下降则影响外温动物逃避捕食者(Christian andTracy,19  相似文献   

The significant influence of thermal acclimation on physiological and behavioral performance has been documented in many ectothermic animals, but such studies are still limited in turtle species. We acclimated hatchling soft-shelled turtles Pelodiscus sinensis under three thermal conditions (10, 20 and 30~C) for 4 weeks, and then measured selected body temperature (Tsel), critical thermal minimum (CTMin) and maximum (CTM~x), and locomotor performance at different body temperatures. Thermal acclimation significantly affected thermal preference and resistance of P sinensis hatchlings. Hatchling turtles accli- mated to 10~C selected relatively lower body temperatures and were less resistant to high temperatures than those acclimated to 20~C and 30~C. The turtles' resistance to low temperatures increased with a decreasing acclimation temperature. The thermal re- sistance range (i.e. the difference between CTM~x and CTMin, TRR) was widest in turtles acclimated to 20~C, and narrowest in those acclimated to 10~C. The locomotor performance of turtles was affected by both body temperature and acclimation tem- perature. Hatchling turtles acclimated to relatively higher temperatures swam faster than did those acclimated to lower temperatures. Accordingly, hatchling turtles acclimated to a particular temperature may not enhance the performance at that temperature. Instead, hatchlings acclimated to relatively warm temperatures have a better performance, supporting the "hotter is better" hypothesis.  相似文献   

A viviparous lizard, Eremias multiocellata, was used to investigate the possible sexual and ontogenetic effects on selected body temperature, thermal tolerance range and the thermal dependence of locomotor performance. We show that adults are sexually dimorphic and males have larger bodies and heads than females. Adults selected higher body temperatures (34.5 vs. 32.4 °C) and could tolerate a broader range of body temperatures (8.1–46.8 vs. 9.1–43.1 °C) than juveniles. The sprint speed and maximum sprint distance increased with temperature from 21 °C to 33 °C, but decreased at 36 °C and 39 °C in both juveniles and adults. Adults ran faster and longer than juveniles at each tested temperature. Adult locomotor performance was not correlated with snout–vent length (SVL) or sex, and sprint speed was positively correlated with hindlimb length. Juvenile locomotor performance was positively correlated with both SVL and hindlimb length. The ontogenetic variation in selected body temperature, thermal tolerance and locomotor performance in E. multiocellata suggests that the effects of morphology on temperature selection and locomotor performance vary at different ontogenetic stages.  相似文献   

苏丽娜  李晓晨  靳川 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3265-3269
为比较恒温和变温驯化对鼎突多刺蚁(Polyrhachis vicina Roger)热适应和运动行为的影响,将鼎突多翅蚁分别在15℃恒温和13.4~21.6℃变温下进行驯化,定量分析两种驯化温度对鼎突多翅蚁热适应和运动行为的影响.结果表明,恒温和变温驯化对鼎突多刺蚁的最适温度、逃避高温、运动中的停顿频率、疾跑速度、最大持续运动距离均有显著影响(p<0.01),而对逃避低温的影响不显著(p=0.343);变温驯化后鼎突多刺蚁的最适温度仅有一个峰值,这不符合最适性模型的预测;恒温和变温驯化下鼎突多刺蚁的疾跑速度与最大持续运动距离都呈显著的正相关(分别为p=0.017和p<0.001),且经过变温驯化的鼎突多刺蚁的运动能力明显强于恒温驯化下个体的运动能力.  相似文献   

Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze, 1834 was tested for response to light. Size groups of less than 120 m and of 120 m or more were used. It was found that the smaller, younger size group exhibited a statistically significant negative response to light. This is hypothesized to function in conservation of body moisture and be more important to the smaller individuals because of the greater surface area-to-volume ratio. An experiment on response to gravity was done in an effort to determine if the negative photokinesis was the total result of a more complex type of behavior but this experiment did not detect any significant response to gravity in either of the size groups. Observation of the bacterial trails left by the tardigrades indicates that this behavior is not negative phototaxis, but rather negative photokinesis which is a non-directed, random movement in which the animal either increases its speed or changes its direction when exposed to light.  相似文献   

为研究中华花龟(Ocadia sinensis)幼体的热耐受性和运动表现热依赖性,设计了具有和缺乏温度梯度两种热环境,研究幼龟体温的昼夜变化。高、低温耐受性分别用临界高温和临界低温表示,体温为泄殖腔温度,水温和气温分别是幼龟所处位置的水温和1cm高气温。临界高温和临界低温分别为41.9℃和1.8℃。在有温度梯度的热环境中,体温、水温和气温平均值有显著的昼夜差异,水温和体温的日平均值无显著差异,两者均大于气温的日平均值。在缺乏温度梯度的热环境中,体温、气温和水温平均值亦有显著的昼夜差异,但气温、水温和体温的日平均温度无显著差异。温度梯度是幼龟进行体温调节不可或缺的条件,选择体温有显著的昼夜变化,最大值和最小值分别为29.2℃和25.4℃。在02:00—06:00时间段内,幼龟选择体温明显较低,其它测定时刻的选择体温无显著差异。幼龟各测定时刻的平均体温与平均气温和水温均呈正相关。处于温度梯度中幼龟特定气温的体温比处于缺乏温度梯度中的幼龟高3.7℃,这种差异是前者利用温度梯度进行体温调节的结果;处于不同热环境中幼龟特定水温的体温无显著差异。体温显著影响幼龟的运动表现。18—39℃体温范围内,疾跑速随体温增加而增加,36℃和39℃体温的幼龟疾跑速最大;体温达到41℃时,疾跑速显著下降。体温较高的幼龟的最大持续运动距离大于体温较低的幼龟。偏相关分析显示,疾跑速与最大持续运动距离和停顿次数呈显著的正相关,停顿次数与最大持续运动距离呈负相关。  相似文献   

The effect of thermal acclimation for 15 days on the gametogenesis of Poecilobdella viridis was studied. Leeches conditioned at laboratory temperature (25.5°–27.5°C), when warm acclimated (32.0° ± 0.5° C), displayed a significant (p < 0.05) increase in the percentage of oocytes having a diameter of 12.5 µ and 15.0 µ and in the percentage of fully mature sperm clusters over the controls, whereas cold acclimation (10.0° ± 0.5°C) did not induce significant (p > 0.05) changes in the oocytes and sperm clusters. Thus it is concluded that in P. viridis temperature is of paramount importance in initiating gametogenesis.  相似文献   

Juvenile axolotls were acclimated to 15○C or 25○C and either fed or fasted at both temperatures, to study the interaction of thermal acclimation and nutritional state on metabolism. Fasting but not thermal acclimation significantly increased oxygen consumption at 15○C. Fasting also increased the specific activities of two oxidative metabolic enzymes – citrate synthase and cytochrome oxidase – but not that of the glycolytic enzyme lactic dehydrogenase. The specific activity of cytochrome oxidase was further stimulated by cold acclimation. Triglycerides and fatty acids were severely depleted in fasted animals, but thermal acclimation had no significant effect on lipid stores. This study illustrates: (1) the differential nature of various metabolic responses to fasting; and (2) the confounding interaction of the nutritional state on thermal acclimation experiments in an ectotherm.  相似文献   

There is a significant reduction in overall maximum power output of muscle at low temperatures due to reduced steady-state (i.e. maximum activation) power-generating capabilities of muscle. However, during cyclical locomotion, a further reduction in power is due to the interplay between non-steady-state contractile properties of muscle (i.e. rates of activation and relaxation) and the stimulation and the length-change pattern muscle undergoes in vivo. In particular, even though the relaxation rate of scup red muscle is slowed greatly at cold temperatures (10°C), warm-acclimated scup swim with the same stimulus duty cycles at cold as they do at warm temperature, not affording slow-relaxing muscle any additional time to relax. Hence, at 10°C, red muscle generates extremely low or negative work in most parts of the body, at all but the slowest swimming speeds.Do scup shorten their stimulation duration and increase muscle relaxation rate during cold acclimation? At 10°C, electromyography (EMG) duty cycles were 18% shorter in cold-acclimated scup than in warm-acclimated scup. But contrary to the expectations, the red muscle did not have a faster relaxation rate, rather, cold-acclimated muscle had an approximately 50% faster activation rate. By driving cold- and warm-acclimated muscle through cold- and warm-acclimated conditions, we found a very large increase in red muscle power during swimming at 10°C. As expected, reducing stimulation duration markedly increased power output. However, the increased rate of activation alone produced an even greater effect. Hence, to fully understand thermal acclimation, it is necessary to examine the whole system under realistic physiological conditions.  相似文献   

陆洪良  耿军  徐卫  平骏  张永普 《生态学报》2017,37(5):1603-1610
特定物种的热驯化能力决定着其是否能成功耐受环境温度的改变,在应对未来气候变暖的趋势中扮演重要角色。为评估有尾类两栖动物的热驯化反应,在3个恒定水温(15、20℃和25℃)中驯化东方蝾螈(Cynops orientalis)幼体4周,测定驯化后幼体在不同测试温度下的运动(游泳)表现、临界低温(CT_(Min))与临界高温(CT_(Max))。结果显示:驯化与测试温度均显著影响蝾螈的游泳速度;驯化温度亦影响蝾螈的CT_(Min)和CT_(Max),但不影响可耐受温度范围(TRR)。驯化与测试温度的交互作用对蝾螈泳速的影响显著,表明驯化温度可改变其游泳表现的热敏感性。经某一温度驯化后蝾螈泳速似乎在相同测试温度下表现最好,该结果可能支持驯化有益假说。CT_(Min)和CT_(Max)随驯化温度的升高而增加,表明:低温驯化可提高动物抗低温能力,而高温驯化提高其抗高温能力。两栖类动物热耐受性与运动表现热驯化反应的种间变异可能与栖息地热环境的差异有关。  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on aquatic and terrestrial locomotor performance, including measures of burst speed, endurance, and righting response, the inter-individual correlation between measures of locomotor performance, and the temporal repeatability of performance were assessed in juvenile western painted turtles, Chrysemys picta bellii. Locomotor performance increased as temperature increased, with Q 10 values ranging from 1.33 to 1.98 for burst speed and 2.28 to 2.76 for endurance measures. Righting response performance also increased with temperature. Aquatic and terrestrial measures of locomotor performance were highly correlated; however, righting response was not correlated with any other measure of performance. Measures of terrestrial locomotor performance were highly repeatable over the entire 30-week study period, whereas aquatic locomotor performance was only repeatable through week 12. The righting response was repeatable over a 6-week study period. Both the interindividual variation and temperature effects on locomotor performance likely influences the survival of turtles, especially juveniles, by affecting the length of time turtles are exposed to potential predators and their ability to escape.  相似文献   

Temperature is of fundamental importance in the functioning of the cardiovascular system of ectothermic fish, with cold-induced ventricular hypertrophy and increased red muscle mass being reported in a number of fish species upon cold acclimation. This study demonstrates a non-linear cold-induced ventricular hypertrophy in common carp (relative ventricular mass (RVM)=0.086±0.003%, 0.074±0.005% and 0.074±0.004% at 5, 15 and 25 °C, respectively), but a cold-induced atrophy of the lateral red muscle mass (RMM) with respect to total muscle mass (2.504±0.554%, 3.982±0.818% and 4.490±0.256% at 5, 15 and 25 °C, respectively). The ventricular hypertrophy in carp acclimated to 5 °C reflects a compensation against the increased workload of pumping viscous blood at low temperatures and the negative inotropic effects of the cold, whereas atrophy of the red muscle is likely due to disuse resulting from reduced locomotory activity in the cold.  相似文献   

Effect of rearing temperature on growth and thermal tolerance of Schizothorax (Racoma) kozlovi Nikolsky larvae and juveniles was investigated. The fish (start at 12 d post hatch) were reared for nearly 6 months at five constant temperatures of 10, 14, 18, 22 and 26 °C. Then juvenile fish being acclimated at three temperatures of 14, 18 and 22 °C were chosen to determine their critical thermal maximum (CTMax) and lethal thermal maximum (LTMax) by using the dynamic method. Growth rate of S. kozlovi larvae and juveniles was significantly influenced by temperature and fish size, exhibiting an increase with increased rearing temperature, but a decline with increased fish size. A significant ontogenetic variation in the optimal temperatures for maximum growth were estimated to be 24.7 °C and 20.6 °C for larvae and juveniles of S. kozlovi, respectively. The results also demonstrated that acclimation temperature had marked effects on their CTMax and LTMax, which ranged from 32.86 °C to 34.54 °C and from 33.79 °C to 34.80 °C, respectively. It is suggested that rearing temperature must never rise above 32 °C for its successful aquaculture. Significant temperature effects on the growth rate and thermal tolerance both exhibit a plasticity pattern. Determination of critical heat tolerance and optima temperature for maximum growth of S. kozlovi is of ecological significance in the conservation and aquaculture of this species.  相似文献   

不同适应条件对细鳞鲑幼鱼游泳能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐革锋  尹家胜  韩英  马波  牟振波 《生态学报》2015,35(6):1938-1946
为了研究适应条件对鲑科鱼类幼鱼续航游泳能力的影响,在(16.0±0.2)℃和8 mg/L溶解氧条件下,以续航时间作为评定游泳能力的关键指标,通过适应时间、适应流速、加速时间以及测试流速对细鳞鲑幼鱼的续航游泳时间的影响进行了研究,试验采用4因素8水平的均匀设计方案。结果表明,最大适应流速应控制在1—1.5 BL/s为宜,相应的最佳适应时间应为1 h,在合理条件下适应流速和适应时间对续航游泳能力的影响可忽略不计;加速时间只在大流速条件下(0.5 m/s)对续航时间有极显著影响,其他情况的影响可以忽略不计;尽管长时间适应环境更有利于鱼类身体机能的充分调整,但适应时间仍建议控制在1—2 h以内,且受试鱼类要经过试验前的适应能力筛选;测试流速建议控制在3—4 BL/s以内,以避免超过鱼类的最大游泳耐受范围。测试流速对细鳞鲑幼鱼的续航时间有极为显著的影响,其续航时间随测试流速的增加呈幂函数规律衰减。  相似文献   

The effect of temperature level (24°C, 28°C, 32°C or 36°C) on performance and thermoregulatory response in growing pigs during acclimation to high ambient temperature was studied on a total of 96 Large White barrows. Pigs were exposed to 24°C for 10 days (days -10 to -1, P0) and thereafter to a constant temperature of 24°C, 28°C, 32°C or 36°C for 20 days. Pigs were housed in individual metal slatted pens, allowing a separate collection of faeces and urine and given ad libitum access to feed. Rectal (RT) and cutaneous (CT) temperatures and respiration rate (RR) were measured three times daily (0700, 1200 and 1800 h) every 2 to 3 days during the experiment. From day 1 to 20, the effect of temperature on average daily feed intake (ADFI) and BW gain (average daily gain, ADG) was curvilinear. The decrease of ADFI averaged 90 g/day per °C between 24°C and 32°C and 128 g/day per °C between 32°C and 36°C. The corresponding values for ADG were 50 and 72 g/day per °C, respectively. The 20 days exposure to the experimental temperature was divided in two sub-periods (P1 and P2, from day 1 to 10 and from day 11 to 20, respectively). ADFI was not affected by duration of high-temperature exposure (i.e. P2 v. P1). The ADG was not influenced by the duration of exposure at 24°C and 28°C groups. However, ADG was higher at P2 than at P1 and this effect was temperature dependent (+130 and +458 g/day at 32°C and 36°C, respectively). In P2 at 36°C, dry matter digestibility significantly increased (+2.1%, P < 0.01); however, there was no effect of either duration or temperature on the digestibility of dry matter at group 24°C and 32°C. RT, CT and RR were measured three times daily (0700, 1200 and 1800 h) every 2 to 3 days during the experiment. Between 28°C and 36°C, RT and CT were lower during P2 than during P1 (-0.20°C and -0.23°C; P < 0.05), whereas RR response was not affected by the duration of exposure whatever the temperature level. In conclusion, this study suggests that the effect of elevated temperatures on performance and thermoregulatory responses is dependent on the magnitude and the duration of heat stress.  相似文献   

The correlation between the fluidity of phospholipids and their fatty acid composition was studied by spin label technique and gas-liquid chromatography for three major phospholipid species in Tetrahymena pyriformis during temperature acclimation. The fluidity of 2-aminoethylphosphonolipid increased within the first 10 h of the cold-acclimation when the content of γ-linolenic acid in 2-aminoethylphosphonolipid was highest, and it then decreased up to 24 h. On the other hand, the fluidities of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine showed a gradual decrease up to 24 h after the temperature shift, although γ-linolenic acid contents were highest at 10 h after the temperature shift. Thus the fluidity changes of these two phospholipids were interpreted as resulting from the altered content of other fatty acids in addition to γ-linolenic acid, since the γ-linolenic acid content was smaller than that of 2-aminoethylphosphonolipid. The results suggest that the content of γ-linolenic acid in 2-aminoethylphosphonolipid plays a role in regulating the thermal adaptation process.  相似文献   

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