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The human placenta is a complex organ whose proper function is crucial for the development of the fetus. The placenta contains within its structure elements of the maternal and fetal circulatory systems. The interface with maternal blood is the lining of the placenta, that is a unique compartment known as the syncytiotrophoblast. This large syncytial structure is a single cell layer in thickness, and the apical plasma membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast interacts directly with maternal blood. Relatively little is known about the proteins that reside in this unique plasma membrane or how they may change in various placental diseases. Our goal was to develop methods for isolating highly enriched preparations of this apical plasma membrane compatible with high-quality proteomics analysis and herein describe the properties of these isolated membranes.  相似文献   

We used biotinylation and streptavidin affinity chromatography to label and enrich proteins from apical and basolateral membranes of rat kidney inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCDs) prior to LC-MS/MS protein identification. To enrich apical membrane proteins and bound peripheral membrane proteins, IMCDs were perfusion-labeled with primary amine-reactive biotinylation reagents at 2 degrees C using a double barreled pipette. The perfusion-biotinylated proteins and proteins bound to them were isolated with CaptAvidin-agarose beads, separated with SDS-PAGE, and sliced into continuous gel pieces for LC-MS/MS protein identification (LTQ, Thermo Electron Corp.). 17 integral and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked membrane proteins and 44 non-integral membrane proteins were identified. Immunofluorescence confocal microscopy confirmed ACVRL1, H(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha1, NHE2, and TauT expression in the IMCDs. Basement membrane and basolateral membrane proteins were biotinylated via incubation of IMCD suspensions with biotinylation reagents on ice. 23 integral and GPI-linked membrane proteins and 134 non-integral membrane proteins were identified. Analyses of non-integral membrane proteins preferentially identified in the perfusion-biotinylated and not in the incubation-biotinylated IMCDs revealed protein kinases, scaffold proteins, SNARE proteins, motor proteins, small GTP-binding proteins, and related proteins that may be involved in vasopressin-stimulated AQP2, UT-A1, and ENaC regulation. A World Wide Web-accessible database was constructed of 222 membrane proteins (integral and GPI-linked) from this study and prior studies.  相似文献   

We introduce here a simple method which permits an efficient isolation of apical plasma membranes from tissue culture cells and the electron microscopic examination of their protoplasmic surfaces by use of the platinum/carbon replica technique. Different procedures were tested with regard to the efficiency of isolation and preservation of ultrastructure. Best results were obtained by prestabilization of cell surfaces with low concentrations of tannic acid prior to isolation. To demonstrate the possible applications and versatility of the method, studies were done on virus-infected cells in combination with immunocytochemical labeling. With this model system, we show that it is possible to correlate the structures seen on the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane with the distribution of virus antigens at the cell surface labeled with immunogold markers prior to preparation.  相似文献   

Summary The apical and basal-lateral plasma membranes of toad bladder epithelium were radio-iodinated with the glucose-glucose oxidase-lactoperoxidase system. The covalently bound radio-iodine was used as a marker during subcellular fractionation and membrane isolation. Homogenization conditions that ensured rupture of more than 80% of the cells without substantial nuclear damage were defined by Nomarski optics. The nuclei were separated by differential centrifugation and the apical and basal-lateral components were resolved by differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The apical components yielded two radioactive bands that were identified as glycocalyx and plasma membrane labeled with125I. The basal-lateral components yielded a heterodisperse pattern made up of at least 3 radioactive bands, but the bulk of the activity of ouabain-sensitive ATPase comigrated with only one of these bands. The mitochondia, identified by assays for cytochrome oxidase and NADH cytochromec reductase activities, were separated from the radio-iodine labeled components by centrifugation in sucrose density gradients under isokinetic conditions. The labeled glycocalyx and the slowly migrating components of basal-lateral labeling were separated from the radio-iodinated membranes by centrifugation at 100,000 × g × 1 hr after removal of the mitochondria by the isokinetic method. The labeled membranes were then subjected to ultracentrifugation in sucrose density gradients under isopycnic conditions; the basal-lateral membranes containing ouabain-sensitive ATP-ase were well resolved from the apical membranes by this method. These results provide a relatively rapid method of attaining partial purification of the apical and basal-lateral plasma membranes of toad bladder epithelium.  相似文献   

The apical surface of mammalian bladder urothelium is covered by large (500-1000 nm) two-dimensional (2D) crystals of hexagonally packed 16-nm uroplakin particles (urothelial plaques), which play a role in permeability barrier function and uropathogenic bacterial binding. How the uroplakin proteins are delivered to the luminal surface is unknown. We show here that myelin-and-lymphocyte protein (MAL), a 17-kDa tetraspan protein suggested to be important for the apical sorting of membrane proteins, is coexpressed with uroplakins in differentiated urothelial cell layers. MAL depletion in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells did not affect, however, the apical sorting of uroplakins, but it decreased the rate by which uroplakins were inserted into the apical surface. Moreover, MAL knockout in vivo led to the accumulation of fusiform vesicles in mouse urothelial superficial umbrella cells, whereas MAL transgenic overexpression in vivo led to enhanced exocytosis and compensatory endocytosis, resulting in the accumulation of the uroplakin-degrading multivesicular bodies. Finally, although MAL and uroplakins cofloat in detergent-resistant raft fractions, they are associated with distinct plaque and hinge membrane subdomains, respectively. These data suggest a model in which 1) MAL does not play a role in the apical sorting of uroplakins; 2) the propensity of uroplakins to polymerize forming 16-nm particles and later large 2D crystals that behave as detergent-resistant (giant) rafts may drive their apical targeting; 3) the exclusion of MAL from the expanding 2D crystals of uroplakins explains the selective association of MAL with the hinge areas in the uroplakin-delivering fusiform vesicles, as well as at the apical surface; and 4) the hinge-associated MAL may play a role in facilitating the incorporation of the exocytic uroplakin vesicles into the corresponding hinge areas of the urothelial apical surface.  相似文献   

The intracellular route followed by viral envelope glycoproteins in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells was studied by using temperature-sensitive mutants of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and influenza, in which, at the nonpermissive temperature (39.5 degrees C), the newly synthesized glycoproteins (G proteins) and hemagglutinin (HA), respectively, are not transported out of the endoplasmic reticulum. After infection with VSV and incubation at 39.5 degrees C for 4-5 h, synchronous transfer of G protein to the plasma membrane was initiated by shifting to the permissive temperature (32.5 degrees C). Immunoelectron microscopy showed that under these conditions the protein moved to the Golgi apparatus and from there directly to a region of the lateral plasma membrane near this organelle. G protein then seemed to diffuse progressively to basal regions of the cell surface and, only after it had accumulated in the basolateral domain, it began to appear on the apical surface near the intercellular junctions. The results of these experiments indicate that the VSV G protein must be sorted before its arrival at the cell surface, and suggest that passage to the apical domain occurs only late in infection when tight junctions are no longer an effective barrier. In complementary experiments, using the temperature-sensitive mutant of influenza, cultures were first shifted from the nonpermissive temperature (39.5 degrees C) to 18.5 degrees C, to allow entrance of the glycoprotein into the Golgi apparatus (see Matlin, K.S., and K. Simons, 1983, Cell, 34:233-243). Under these conditions HA accumulated in Golgi stacks and vesicles but did not reach the plasma membrane. When the temperature was subsequently shifted to 32.5 degrees C, HA rapidly appeared in discrete regions of the apical surface near, and often directly above, the Golgi elements, and later diffused throughout this surface. To ensure that the anti-HA antibodies had access to lateral domains, monolayers were treated with a hypertonic medium to dilate the intercellular spaces. Some labeling was then observed in the lateral plasma membranes soon after the shift, but this never increased beyond 1.0 gold particle/micron, whereas characteristic densities of labeling in apical surfaces soon became much higher (approximately 10 particles/micron). Our results suggest that the bulk of HA follows a direct pathway leading from the Golgi to regions of the apical surface close to trans-Golgi cisternae.  相似文献   

Large conductance (approximately 210 pS), K+-selective channels were identified in excised, insideout patches obtained from the apical membranes of both ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells grown as monolayers from the primary culture of rabbit oviduct. The open probability of channels showing stable gating was increased at positive membrane potentials and was sensitive to the concentration of free calcium ions at the cytosolic surface of the patch ([Ca2+] i ). In these respects, the channel resembled maxi K+ channels found in a number of other cell types. The distributions of dwell-times in the open state were most consistently described by two exponential components. Four exponential components were fitted to the distributions of dwelltimes in the closed state. Depolarizations and [Ca2+] i increases had similar effects on the distribution of open dwell-times, causing increases in the two open time constants ( o1 and o2) and the fraction of events accounted for by the longer component of the distribution. In contrast, calcium ions and voltage had distinct effects on the distribution of closed dwelltimes. While the three shorter closed time constants ( c1, c2 and c3) were reduced by depolarizing membrane potentials, increases in [Ca2+] i caused decreases in the longer time constants ( c3 and c4). It is concluded that oviduct large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels can enter at least two major open states and four closed states.A.F.J. was supported by a research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and received a grant for laboratory expenses from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. The authors wish to thank Dr. Shigetoshi Oiki for valuable discussion of the analysis of gating kinetics and Dr. Jeman Kim (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University) for making the transmission electron micrographs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analyzed the behavior of antibody cross-linked raft-associated proteins on the surface of MDCK cells. We observed that cross-linking of membrane proteins gave different results depending on whether cross-linking occurred on the apical or basolateral plasma membrane. Whereas antibody cross-linking induced the formation of large clusters on the basolateral membrane, resembling those observed on the surface of fibroblasts (Harder, T., P. Scheiffele, P. Verkade, and K. Simons. 1998. J. Cell Biol. 929-942), only small ( approximately 100 nm) clusters formed on the apical plasma membrane. Cross-linked apical raft proteins e.g., GPI-anchored placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), influenza hemagglutinin, and gp114 coclustered and were internalized slowly ( approximately 10% after 60 min). Endocytosis occurred through surface invaginations that corresponded in size to caveolae and were labeled with caveolin-1 antibodies. Upon cholesterol depletion the internalization of PLAP was completely inhibited. In contrast, when a non-raft protein, the mutant LDL receptor LDLR-CT22, was cross-linked, it was excluded from the clusters of raft proteins and was rapidly internalized via clathrin-coated pits.Since caveolae are normally present on the basolateral membrane but lacking from the apical side, our data demonstrate that antibody cross-linking induced the formation of caveolae, which slowly internalized cross-linked clusters of raft-associated proteins.  相似文献   

In hepatocytes, cAMP/PKA activity stimulates the exocytic insertion of apical proteins and lipids and the biogenesis of bile canalicular plasma membranes. Here, we show that the displacement of PKA-RIIalpha from the Golgi apparatus severely delays the trafficking of the bile canalicular protein MDR1 (P-glycoprotein), but not that of MRP2 (cMOAT), DPP IV and 5'NT, to newly formed apical surfaces. In addition, the direct trafficking of de novo synthesized glycosphingolipid analogues from the Golgi apparatus to the apical surface is inhibited. Instead, newly synthesized glucosylceramide analogues are rerouted to the basolateral surface via a vesicular pathway, from where they are subsequently endocytosed and delivered to the apical surface via transcytosis. Treatment of HepG2 cells with the glucosylceramide synthase inhibitor PDMP delays the appearance of MDR1, but not MRP2, DPP IV, and 5'NT at newly formed apical surfaces, implicating glucosylceramide synthesis as an important parameter for the efficient Golgi-to-apical surface transport of MDR1. Neither PKA-RIIalpha displacement nor PDMP inhibited (cAMP-stimulated) apical plasma membrane biogenesis per se, suggesting that other cAMP effectors may play a role in canalicular development. Taken together, our data implicate the involvement of PKA-RIIalpha anchoring in the efficient direct apical targeting of distinct proteins and glycosphingolipids to newly formed apical plasma membrane domains and suggest that rerouting of Golgi-derived glycosphingolipids may underlie the delayed Golgi-to-apical surface transport of MDR1.  相似文献   

The early 90s have brought us a discovery of a new class of membrane proteins--aquaporins with a function of transmembrane water channels. Being genetically closed proteins aquaporins are members of a large family of channel-forming proteins called MIPs (major intrinsic proteins). All aquaporins, except AQP4, are mercury-sensitive. Many aquaporins have been cloned and identified. Polyclonal antibodies grown against some of them promoted numerous studies of aquaporin localization and distribution in animal and plant tissues. Up to the present, 10 and 2 aquaporins have been described in mammalian and amphibian epithelial tissues, respectively. One of described aquaporins, AQP2, whose localization is confined to kidney collecting duct principal cells, has been found to be a hormone-depending water channel. The insertion of apical vesicles bearing AQP2 was shown to be regulated by vasopressin, meanwhile all other aquaporins are inserted into the plasma membrane constitutively. There is a vast evidence showing that the integrity of microtubules is necessary for both pathways of aquaporin insertion. AQP2 is important for normal kidney functioning and AQP2 mutations cause water-balance disorders. On the contrary, the AQP1 mutations are not accompanied by any evident clinical pathology. This review is focused on a discussion of the data so far available on aquaporin distribution in different animal tissues.  相似文献   

Isolated plasma membranes of thymic and splenic lymphocytes from unimmunized and immunized rats of the inbred ACI and F344 strains were analyzed for chemical and enzymatic composition, for membrane protein patterns by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and for membrane-associated immunoglobulins. After immunization, the thymic and splenic lymphocyte membranes from F344 rat contained less carbohydrate and higher phospholipid contents than control animals. In both ACI and F344 inbred rat strains the membrane phospholipid to cholesterol weight ratio increased significantly after immunization. The electrophoretic patterns of solubilized membrane proteins and of iodinated external membrane proteins were similar in unimmunized and immunized animals.When thymic and splenic lymphocytes of normal or immunized animals were surface radioiodinated, solubilized in Triton X-100, NP-40 or 10 M urea in 1.5 M acetic acid and analyzed by immunoprecipitation, labeled IgM immunoglobulin was recovered from thymic lymphocytes but both labeled IgG and IgM were recovered from splenic lymphocytes. However, when unlabeled isolated plasma membranes were solubilized in 1% Triton X-100 and analyzed by immunodiffusion in agarose gels, both IgG and IgM were identified in thymic and splenic cells.  相似文献   

Summary Using the patch clamp technique we have identified a small conductance ion channel that typically occurs in clusters on the apical plasma membrane of pancreatic duct cells. The cell-attached current/voltage (I/V) relationship was linear and gave a single channel conductance of about 4 pS. Since the reversal potential was close to the resting membrane potential of the cell, and unaffected by changing from Na+-rich to K+-rich pipette solutions, the channel selects for anions over cations in cell-attached patches. The open state probability was not voltagedependent. Adding 25mm-bicarbonate to the bath solution caused a slight outward rectification of theI/V relationship, but otherwise, the characteristics of the channel were unaffected. In excised, inside-out, patches theI/V relationship was linear and gave a single channel conductance of about 4 pS. A threefold chloride concentration gradient across the patch (sulphate replacement) shifted the single channel current reversal potential by –26 mV, indicating that the channel is chloride selective. Stimulation of duct cells with secretin (10nm), dibutyryl cyclic AMP (1mm) and forskolin (1 m) increased channel open state probability and also increased the number of channels, and/or caused disaggregation of channel clusters, in the apical plasma membrane. Coupling of this channel to a chloride/bicarbonate exchanger would provide a mechanism for electrogenic bicarbonate secretion by pancreatic duct cells.  相似文献   

Summary Clusters of luminal dense bodies, limited by a triple-layered membrane, were found in all follicle lumina in thyroid glands of mice. After thyroxine treatment the number of luminal dense bodies increased, especially in the periphery of the lumen, where the intraluminal bodies often displayed a striking resemblance to microvilli. In hyperplastic goiters, obtained by feeding mice with propylthiouracil, luminal dense bodies were replaced by intraluminal vesicles. During goiter involution the vesicles were gradually replaced by luminal dense bodies; the presence of intermediate forms suggests that vesicles and dense bodies are basically the same formations. Luminal dense bodies were observed in colloid droplets indicating their removal by endocytosis. As demonstrated by electron-microscopic cytochemistry, luminal dense bodies contain a membranebound peroxidase, and electron-microscopic autoradiography after administration of 125I indicate that they possess an iodinating capacity.Our observations on mouse thyroid glands suggest that the luminal dense bodies, which appear as vesicles in hyperplastic glands, are formed by shedding of the apical plasma membrane of the follicle cell. The shedding process might be of importance for the turnover of plasma-membrane material.This study was supported by Grant No. 12X-537 from the Swedish Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

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